Samsung Fridge with wireless TV - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

This may seem like a strange request but I have this wireless TV, it just so happens that it is attached to a refridgerator. Its made by Samsung and the TV is called an "I.C.E. Pad" and it runs its own software called Popcon. Being the curious engineer that I am, I found a USB connector on it and decided to plug it in. After connecting I noticed that it's just Windows CE that runs this popcon software at startup. Is there a way that I can interrupt the boot process in one of the .hv files to have this thing come up into explorer instead of the popcon software? In the windows folder there is a user.hv, default.hv and boot.hv files, I was told that these are the registry files and the boot.hv is where they startup is. The reason why I want to do this is because the TV runs on 802.11b wireless and would be nice if I can use this as a tablet when not using the TV and I could just run the popcon software when needed. I am in no way experienced with windows mobile or CE and would like to see if someone could help me. I've been able to dump just about everything of the two partitions onto my computer to play with them, just a few DLL's that won't copy due to sharing violations. Thanks for any help.

you should check out some GPS forums, they have more experience with Windows CE devices since a lot of GPS PNA devices are build on Win CE. There you will be able to find some tools to interrupt the boot process I suppose. A lot of PNA devices can boot custom software by using special files and folders on the storage card, do you have a storage card?
good luck...

There is a connector next to the USB connector but have no idea what is for but a storage card woudn't fit, no matter what kind.
I'll try the GPS forums, thanks.

I ran into similar issues with a post I made about my own WinCE device. The thing about this forum is, there are loads of people who can answer questions about Windows Mobile, which is based on WinCE, but actually a seperate OS, since they share a kernel but much else is different.
Good luck finding some help with your WinCE device, but it seems most people here are only in their comfort area when talking about the Windows Mobile OS, which is only *based on* WinCE and is otherwise a completely different OS.


Running PPC specific code on Smartphone device

Most of us are already aware that PPC and smartphone edition are similar enough to be mostly compatible in their apps across the platforms.
That is, with enough coaxing and the help of input simulators like SPHelper, I've managed to run almost any Pocket PC app on a smartphone device.
Well, until now.
I've officialy run into my first brick wall of sorts, and I'm hoping someone here can shed some light onto the situation.
Since the MS implementation of A2DP has quality issues, I'm trying to run MSI Blueplayer app ( found at on a smartphone.
Analyzing the cab, I extracted 4 .dll's that go in the \windows dir (msibtstk.dll, msibtapi.dll, CHS.dll and TW.dll), and two .exe program files that go in program files\msi\blueplayer (STLoader.exe, and MPOBCE.exe).
Now, normally its as simple as running the .exe, at least it always has been in the past.
However, every time I hit MPOBCE.exe, all I get is:
Can't find MPOBCE or one of its components. Make sure the path and filename are correct and that all the required libraries are available."
Just to control this experiment, I copied the exact same files over to a PPC device and ran it to find that it DOES work.
Now, I've never encountered PPC specific code before- in fact, I didn't even know such a thing was possible. Has anyone see/heard of this sort of thing before?
Can someone help me take this apart and find out what makes it work on a PPC only? Perhaps a PPC-specific path (if there is such a thing)?
At this point, as much as I'd like to get this working, I'm just as much intellectually curious as to what would cause a program to only operate on a PPC installation.
Hello Dishe.
Your problem is simple: Certain DLLs that come built in Pocket PC version of windows mobile do not exist in the Smartphone version. An example is MFC DLLs.
What you need to do is get hold of 'dependency walker' which is a neat little app that MS incorporated in to VS 6 (though I understand it was written by an independent developer and should be available separately).
It will show you exactly which DLL files each exe is linked to. You then have to get a good copy (from a ROM dump) of the needed DLL and put it in windows directory.
Hope this helps.
That's a great idea. Thanks! I never heard of the dependency walker before, but it sounds like a perfect tool for this. I'll have to check it out on my office computer (I don't have VS 6 at home).
I wont be back in my office until wed., so if anyone had a bit of spare time, I'll attach the files here for someone to examine.
If anyone wants to look into it and tell me what dll's are required, I can get ahold of them from a healthy Pocket PC image.
This zip file has the two .exe's contained in the installation. I think only mpobce.exe is complaining about missing components, though.
Oops, apparently I should have checked first...
Dependency Walker is a free app. I downloaded it and tried it out.
It lists a bunch of .dll's, most of which I had on smartphone.
However, the two missing ones are:
Now, I'm not exactly sure what these do, so I need to look into it some more. Does anyone have any clue what these are for? If I copy them from a Pocket PC, will they operate on a smartphone?
Hi Dishe.
I guess I should have been more clear: Dependency Walker was written as freeware by an independent developer, but M$ liked it so much they decided to grab it for VS.
Any way, mfcce300.dll is MFC version for PPC (if you are not familiar with MFC, it's a collection of "ready code" that simplifies writing apps in c++)
It comes built in for PPCs but not for smartphones for some reason. If you have a good dump check that DLL with dep. walker as well, I am pretty sure it is linked to a few others.
olece300.dll - is a COM support dll. I won't even go there because I really hate COM (that's Component Object Model, not com port) and I am really not sure my self what the DLL does.
If you do get a good version of those two you should be able to get the app running.
levenum said:
Hi Dishe.
I guess I should have been more clear: Dependency Walker was written as freeware by an independent developer, but M$ liked it so much they decided to grab it for VS.
Any way, mfcce300.dll is MFC version for PPC (if you are not familiar with MFC, it's a collection of "ready code" that simplifies writing apps in c++)
It comes built in for PPCs but not for smartphones for some reason. If you have a good dump check that DLL with dep. walker as well, I am pretty sure it is linked to a few others.
olece300.dll - is a COM support dll. I won't even go there because I really hate COM (that's Component Object Model, not com port) and I am really not sure my self what the DLL does.
If you do get a good version of those two you should be able to get the app running.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks for the help, I'm realizing there's a lot more to this I should have known before embarking on such a task. I've never had such a problem doing this before, I guess MFC isn't so popular!
Anyway, I need a good ROM dump, I haven't been able to aquire one. In the mean time I tried some files I found searching google... didn't expect it to work, but tried it anyway. Still complained of missing files- you're right, I'll bet MFC is calling more dll's as well that I need.
Perhaps there's hope...
You were right... I just needed more .dlls!
I found a whole series of .dlls required by mfcce300.dll that my smartphone was missing, so I put them all in the program directory and it opened!
Problem is, its not so stable... the files were pulled from a set of files since I don't have access to a wm5 rom image.
One more thong I should have thought about earlier:
Some COM dlls, maybe even olece300.dll have a function called DllRegisterServer that writes them to registry as COM provider (under HKCR\CLSID).
Check to see if I am right using Dep. Walker and if so try to get regsvr32.exe or something similar for the PPC. (On a PC you use regsvr32 somedll.dll to register a COM server)
This may help with stability issue.

Popcon Rom

I have a Samsung fridge that has a TV in it. This TV runs windows CE and a program called "POPCON" (I think it means popular convergence). I want to modify the rom so that I can get it to boot up with a desktop instead of the POPCON. If I need POPCON then I'll place an icon on the desktop. I can get access to the .hv files (default, boot, and such) but never worked with CE before. It also runs the TV signal wireless via 802.11b and that would let me connect it to my wireless network if I want to pull down info while in the kitchen. I can get into the "Windows" folder and see explorer.exe and a whole bunch of other files, the POPCON is in its own partition or drive but there are a bunch of .exe files in the parent folder that run the POPCON application.
There are two drives
\ - I suspect this is root, size is 55megs with 51megs available, type is TFAT
popcon is the name of the other partition and it doesn't show a size but is FAT32
Almost every .ini files states "[email protected]\Windows\ceshell.dll,-20488" so i'm a bit lost as to how CE boots up.
Now, before you think that I paid a bundle for this, your wrong. The fridge is worth about $3,500 but since the guys a Lowes didn't have a clue how to set it up upon delivery, they brought it back and marked it down as damaged electronics for $850. I scooped it up in a heartbeat, read the book and now have a great TV with a fridge stuck to it.
If anyone could help, it would be greatly appriceated.

where can I find cabs for my Wing?

I have Wizards, a Blue Angel and a Hermes.
With the Wing I have discovered that some cab files from the other units don't execute properly or seem to have been written for very old versions of Windows Mobile. I am never sure if they are going to be resource hogs or are not going to release memory when they close and such like. (or is this more to do with the ROM than the applications I am trying to use?)
Or they ask me whether I am installing onto some elderly processor (mips or arm or etc) and I am never sure either which one to choose for the Wing. And often the ones I choose dont work
Where can I find repositories for cab files (or indeed exe files to be executed from the computer) which are new enough to work with the Wing please? Any applicatoin will do, games, utilities, etc etc
most apps will, and the only truly system specific ones are like customization and tweak stuff.
there a bunch of freeware sites with lots of fun stuff thats totally device inspecific.
You can startout by browesing .
Once/if you get through that site, just google "ppc freeware"
Hope that helps.
If you are still looking try this:
Thanks for this specific answer guys: I was just unsure what to do when given a choice between installing an elderly program designed for a 2001 computer on the Wing when the hcoice seems to refer to installing for those elderly processors
Thanks for this specific answer guys: I was just unsure what to do when given a choice between installing an elderly program designed for a 2001 computer on the Wing when the hcoice seems to refer to installing for those elderly processors

Mounting the Touch Dual/Nike on Linux?

Hey guys! Good looking forum here..
I have an old Ubuntu box that I would like to be able to "talk" to my HTC Touch Dual. Even if its getting access via a "Mass Storage Device" setting of some kind. The ability to transfer files would be a start.
Problem being that there seems to be know way of doing this! At least not without installing software on the phone... which requires a way of transfering the files themselves.
The reason I'm relying on this ubuntu box is as my windows laptop has damaged USB ports that won't allow me to connect any external devices at all. [Its a hardware fault with physical damage to the ports.]
I have heard about using SynCE - but I'm not sure if what I want to do is actually "sync'ing" as such; so whether this tool will work or not is another question all together!
I'm looking for the basic ability to move files - music, videos and photos etc. For testing purposes - then it would also be very desirable for a connection as I'd like to get the Android build up on it!
Cheers in advance!
try installing active sync via Wine
Access to your phone can be done via 'synce'
With that software you can install cabs, access files, synce data etc

Programmatically transfer file from Windows to Android phone

Hello Community,
By now, everyone knows Android has dropped support for USB Mass Storage access to its folder. Which means a Windows computer can no longer programmatically copy a file from Windows to a USB-connected Android device.
I have a Windows application that needs to be able to drop a text file from time to time onto an Android phone. I also have an Android app that monitors a certain folder on the device and processes those text files as they come in. In the past, all I had to do on the Windows side was to map a drive pointing to the Android device and my Windows app would then be able to copy the files to that drive. But that doesn't work anymore with more recent versions of Android.
The phone and the computer may be located in an environment where no wifi is available or where both devices are not on the same wifi network. The computer may also not have bluetooth capabilities. In other words, the only thing I can count on with certainty is the USB connexion between the phone and the computer.
I could use a batch file calling ADB, but since different phones may have different ADB drivers, it means I can't provide a generic way for my Windows App to transfer a file to any Android phone. And I have no control over which phone gets connected to which computer. In addition, I can't use a GUI based application to transfer the files: my Windows application needs to run unattended, without having to wait for user action. The same is true of the Android application.
I know there are a number of WebDav/FTP/Bluetooth applications I can install on the Android device so that it can expose a folder to outside computers, but they all rely on over the air connectivity. I tried to find information on writing my own Android Server application that would "publish" a folder to the PC to which the phone is connected via USB, but I can't find anything of use in the Android SDK documentation; the USB stuff all pertains to IoT, not to the actual link that gets established between a PC and a phone. I think what I need to do is to write an app that turns the device into some kind of Samba server that's accessible through the USB connecion, but I have no idea where to start looking for documentation on doing it.
Does anyone have any pointers on how to accomplish this?
PS: please don't start asking questions like "Why do you need to drop a file onto the phone", or "Why don't you just make sure Wifi or bluetooth is always available?". I already explained those restrictions and they are there for very good reasons. So thanks for staying on topic.
I am also under the same question of "how to transfer a file from PC to Android Device". The only difference is, I have a GUI which prepare data to be transferred. The user can say "proceed" to copy.
Have found any solution for the above question raised ??

