where can I find cabs for my Wing? - Wing, P4350 General

I have Wizards, a Blue Angel and a Hermes.
With the Wing I have discovered that some cab files from the other units don't execute properly or seem to have been written for very old versions of Windows Mobile. I am never sure if they are going to be resource hogs or are not going to release memory when they close and such like. (or is this more to do with the ROM than the applications I am trying to use?)
Or they ask me whether I am installing onto some elderly processor (mips or arm or etc) and I am never sure either which one to choose for the Wing. And often the ones I choose dont work
Where can I find repositories for cab files (or indeed exe files to be executed from the computer) which are new enough to work with the Wing please? Any applicatoin will do, games, utilities, etc etc

most apps will, and the only truly system specific ones are like customization and tweak stuff.
there a bunch of freeware sites with lots of fun stuff thats totally device inspecific.

You can startout by browesing www.pocketpcfreeware.com .
Once/if you get through that site, just google "ppc freeware"
Hope that helps.

If you are still looking try this:

Thanks for this specific answer guys: I was just unsure what to do when given a choice between installing an elderly program designed for a 2001 computer on the Wing when the hcoice seems to refer to installing for those elderly processors

Thanks for this specific answer guys: I was just unsure what to do when given a choice between installing an elderly program designed for a 2001 computer on the Wing when the hcoice seems to refer to installing for those elderly processors


Adding programs in ROM

Does anybody know how to add software in ROM.
I succcesfully added small 1-file programs (and a couple of 2/3 file programs) using mkrom.
I often needed to modify the default.reg file to achieve this...
But how do I install more complex programs like Batterybar/Journalbar and Fonix Voicedial ?
I hope someons has the answer!
its not easy. u have to use the snap utility to find out what changes were made and manually add each entry into default.reg file. also if any files need to be somewhere other than windows directory u have to copy them to ram via the initobj.txt file.
Thanks, that worked....
It took some time though!
kalex said:
Also if any files need to be somewhere other than windows directory u have to copy them to ram via the initobj.txt file.
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Cool! People are figuring out how this works!
It has to be noted that putting files in any other place than Windows means you're making a RAM copy, which ofcourse uses RAM you could use for other things. So it would be better to figure out how to convince the software to run from Windows instead, which, sometimes after a little tinkering, has worked for us in all cases.
If need be, you can also try creating a link to the program in Windows, and copy that instead of the real file.
It has to be noted that putting files in any other place than Windows means you're making a RAM copy, which ofcourse uses RAM you could use for other things. So it would be better to figure out how to convince the software to run from Windows instead, which, sometimes after a little tinkering, has worked for us in all cases.
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that's true. but some apps want to put something else where. for example Pocket Plus has 4 txt files which it modifies during use, so they have to be copied to RAM otherwise it wouldn't be able to modify it. some apps put dlls to \windows\appmgr, so i have to add that. so far i added Pocket Plus 1.2, Resco File explorer 2003, Soft Reset, and Pocket Gamer D9 dialer, as well as i localized it to US specs. the only thing i can't figure out yet is how to add T-mobile USA GPRS configuration to the auto setup.
XDA developer Peter Poelman can you share on how to do this?
Laundry list of things to add to ROM
I have a laundry list of things to add into the ROM. I'm sure it all won't fit, but I'm very energized about hearing what you guys have been saying.
I have a legal copy of battery/journal bar, fonix voice suite + dial, pocket informant, and All Locations Traffic Counter. Additionally I am most certainly interested in getting T-Mobile US settings setup in the autoconfig.
I'm far from a UNIX guy, but I have Cygwin now installed and I'm working on getting Perl setup. One of the guys in my department helped me build SER1.1 on his Linux box.
I've had the T2Tech guys squeeze 128M inside the phone (64/64) so I'd like to add the driver for it into ROM so I can use it after a hard reset without having to dig out the installer.
If there's any assistance I can lend along the way please let me know.
MAXLW can you shoot me some basic instructions for Fonix and Battery/Journal bar?
Thanks all for the great tool!
[email protected]
US T-Mobile PPC-PE 128M SER1.1
Are u able to access 128mb of ram after u did the ser1.1? i heard it didn't work with the current drivers by ppctechs.
I doubt Fonix will work in the ROM as there are about 100 or so files that need to be copied as well as i'm not sure which files are being modified by the program and if they are being modified you will need to do a Ram copy before u can use it. all locations i guess u don't need either as t-mobile now offers unlimited GPRS. PI i'm not sure how its going to react to ROM install but u can try it and let me know if it works as i want to add it.
128M w/ SER1.1
The 128 upgrade is split into 64M RAM and 64M "t2t storage card". I am able to access both of them quite easily with the driver installed.
The most impressive part, though it does make sense, is that I have only done soft resets and never a power cycle when installing the SER1.1 and therefore all files are still intact in the t2t storage card. Not bad for volatile RAM!
The only Fonix I'd really like in ROM is Voice Dial. I think I can get PI to work only because of the directory structure it uses. It places lots of files in the windows directory, but then puts all the 'writeable' files in the WebIS folder in my documents (at least as far as I can tell so far).
I'm just starting to play with snapview (since it came on SER1.1) to see what it will take to get this stuff crammed into ROM.

Running PPC specific code on Smartphone device

Most of us are already aware that PPC and smartphone edition are similar enough to be mostly compatible in their apps across the platforms.
That is, with enough coaxing and the help of input simulators like SPHelper, I've managed to run almost any Pocket PC app on a smartphone device.
Well, until now.
I've officialy run into my first brick wall of sorts, and I'm hoping someone here can shed some light onto the situation.
Since the MS implementation of A2DP has quality issues, I'm trying to run MSI Blueplayer app ( found at http://cweb.msi.com.tw/program/support/download/dld/spt_dld_detail.php?UID=619&kind=8) on a smartphone.
Analyzing the cab, I extracted 4 .dll's that go in the \windows dir (msibtstk.dll, msibtapi.dll, CHS.dll and TW.dll), and two .exe program files that go in program files\msi\blueplayer (STLoader.exe, and MPOBCE.exe).
Now, normally its as simple as running the .exe, at least it always has been in the past.
However, every time I hit MPOBCE.exe, all I get is:
Can't find MPOBCE or one of its components. Make sure the path and filename are correct and that all the required libraries are available."
Just to control this experiment, I copied the exact same files over to a PPC device and ran it to find that it DOES work.
Now, I've never encountered PPC specific code before- in fact, I didn't even know such a thing was possible. Has anyone see/heard of this sort of thing before?
Can someone help me take this apart and find out what makes it work on a PPC only? Perhaps a PPC-specific path (if there is such a thing)?
At this point, as much as I'd like to get this working, I'm just as much intellectually curious as to what would cause a program to only operate on a PPC installation.
Hello Dishe.
Your problem is simple: Certain DLLs that come built in Pocket PC version of windows mobile do not exist in the Smartphone version. An example is MFC DLLs.
What you need to do is get hold of 'dependency walker' which is a neat little app that MS incorporated in to VS 6 (though I understand it was written by an independent developer and should be available separately).
It will show you exactly which DLL files each exe is linked to. You then have to get a good copy (from a ROM dump) of the needed DLL and put it in windows directory.
Hope this helps.
That's a great idea. Thanks! I never heard of the dependency walker before, but it sounds like a perfect tool for this. I'll have to check it out on my office computer (I don't have VS 6 at home).
I wont be back in my office until wed., so if anyone had a bit of spare time, I'll attach the files here for someone to examine.
If anyone wants to look into it and tell me what dll's are required, I can get ahold of them from a healthy Pocket PC image.
This zip file has the two .exe's contained in the installation. I think only mpobce.exe is complaining about missing components, though.
Oops, apparently I should have checked first...
Dependency Walker is a free app. I downloaded it and tried it out.
It lists a bunch of .dll's, most of which I had on smartphone.
However, the two missing ones are:
Now, I'm not exactly sure what these do, so I need to look into it some more. Does anyone have any clue what these are for? If I copy them from a Pocket PC, will they operate on a smartphone?
Hi Dishe.
I guess I should have been more clear: Dependency Walker was written as freeware by an independent developer, but M$ liked it so much they decided to grab it for VS.
Any way, mfcce300.dll is MFC version for PPC (if you are not familiar with MFC, it's a collection of "ready code" that simplifies writing apps in c++)
It comes built in for PPCs but not for smartphones for some reason. If you have a good dump check that DLL with dep. walker as well, I am pretty sure it is linked to a few others.
olece300.dll - is a COM support dll. I won't even go there because I really hate COM (that's Component Object Model, not com port) and I am really not sure my self what the DLL does.
If you do get a good version of those two you should be able to get the app running.
levenum said:
Hi Dishe.
I guess I should have been more clear: Dependency Walker was written as freeware by an independent developer, but M$ liked it so much they decided to grab it for VS.
Any way, mfcce300.dll is MFC version for PPC (if you are not familiar with MFC, it's a collection of "ready code" that simplifies writing apps in c++)
It comes built in for PPCs but not for smartphones for some reason. If you have a good dump check that DLL with dep. walker as well, I am pretty sure it is linked to a few others.
olece300.dll - is a COM support dll. I won't even go there because I really hate COM (that's Component Object Model, not com port) and I am really not sure my self what the DLL does.
If you do get a good version of those two you should be able to get the app running.
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Thanks for the help, I'm realizing there's a lot more to this I should have known before embarking on such a task. I've never had such a problem doing this before, I guess MFC isn't so popular!
Anyway, I need a good ROM dump, I haven't been able to aquire one. In the mean time I tried some files I found searching google... didn't expect it to work, but tried it anyway. Still complained of missing files- you're right, I'll bet MFC is calling more dll's as well that I need.
Perhaps there's hope...
You were right... I just needed more .dlls!
I found a whole series of .dlls required by mfcce300.dll that my smartphone was missing, so I put them all in the program directory and it opened!
Problem is, its not so stable... the files were pulled from a ce.net-4.1 set of files since I don't have access to a wm5 rom image.
One more thong I should have thought about earlier:
Some COM dlls, maybe even olece300.dll have a function called DllRegisterServer that writes them to registry as COM provider (under HKCR\CLSID).
Check to see if I am right using Dep. Walker and if so try to get regsvr32.exe or something similar for the PPC. (On a PC you use regsvr32 somedll.dll to register a COM server)
This may help with stability issue.

Simple OS? OS GUIs 4 ur PPC

have any of u tried this application for pocket pc? check it out on this link http://simpleos.iroot.ca/index.php
apparently, it makes ur pocket pc GUI exactly similar to a MAC or Windows XP (an emulator of some sort). It comes with additonal plug-ins that you can download which emulates applications such as outlook, word, media player, etc
It's a freeware and it looks pretty interesting. My PPC has been in the shop for repair so I have not been able to try this (and probably wont be able to for at least a week) but if anyone out there can give it a shot, let me know ur feedback on this app (is it stable?does it mess up ur PPC?). from the screenshots and videos, a WM2003 version was used so I dont know if it's compatible with WM5 or WM6. I cant wait to try it out when my PPC gets back from the shop.
Initial testing shows that is it quite slow. But that maybe due to the wizards slow processor on WM6. Does not install as it should. I believe that to be an WM6 issue. Other then that overall looks good but not recommended for a wizard. Also get designed for VGA resolution. I think that is due to the fact that it doesn't install and does not configure the software.
My initial view is positive. but need to do some more testing. A cab install file would be useful.
thanks for checking it out! According to the support forums in the site, u can change the VGA setting. Quoted "if you unzip the files from zip, unside a "bin" folder there is a file "kernel.xml" open in notepad and change the 64 to 32 and save". Dont know if this will fix it though.
Also this application is open source i think, so if any of our great programmers here at xda-developers can have a crack at it, i'm sure someone can improve this promising application and make it fully operational for all of us here (like what A_C did with the ILock). The programmer did say that he is open to the idea of someone continuing the development of this program as he does not have a lot of free time to work on this (check the forums section in the site)

Newbie seeks guideance on add on apps

I am new to the world of mobile computing and am looking for some guidance on choosing apps to load to my new Sprint mogul ppc6800. I have recently upgraded to the sprint released 2.17 ROM. I have factory installed IE 6.0 In searching the net there seems to be lots of reference and apps for WM3. Will most apps designed for WM 3 run on the WM6 platform?
One program I looked at listed three different versions for different processors.
I believe this unit has a Qualcomm. Which would be most appropriate or should I just stay away form the stuff designed for WM3?
A second program I am looking at is MS Voice Command. In searching the archives here, there seems to be enough support for me to get that to work if I decide on it, but are there other, better programs which will allow me to work hands free?
yes most work even wm2000 apps will run on wm6
and your qualcom is arm based
My must have software
Voice command Is a very good program, for hands free simple to set up and use, mic volume and outside noise conditions can effect the performance.
Consider lokking at these
spb back up. A good back up program
spb Phone suite. Today plug in for you phone and contacts.
Spb pocket plus, today plug in and task manager.
Their are so many programs out their, and everybody has different syle, but these are the most suggested
Good luck
DLobster said:
I am new to the world of mobile computing and am looking for some guidance on choosing apps to load to my new Sprint mogul ppc6800. I have recently upgraded to the sprint released 2.17 ROM. I have factory installed IE 6.0 In searching the net there seems to be lots of reference and apps for WM3. Will most apps designed for WM 3 run on the WM6 platform?
One program I looked at listed three different versions for different processors.
I believe this unit has a Qualcomm. Which would be most appropriate or should I just stay away form the stuff designed for WM3?
A second program I am looking at is MS Voice Command. In searching the archives here, there seems to be enough support for me to get that to work if I decide on it, but are there other, better programs which will allow me to work hands free?
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The best guidance is to read the forums, here and at the other sites. Pay particular attention to problems others have with the apps you research and the fixes for those problems. Also see how many users have uninstalled the apps due to problems.
Asking for opinions on what apps to install is like asking, "I want to buy a car. What should I get?" You will get a myriad of answers, mostly based on what works for the person answering. However, the question cannot properly be answered without knowing what YOUR needs are, what YOUR level of proficiency is related to computers, what YOUR ability is to live with side effects of the apps you load...in other words, only YOU can decide which apps are best for you, based on research into other's experiences, viewed through your perspective.
One suggestion based on my experience...find a backup method and back the device up as often as you can...for example, I back up daily to the SD card and back up the SD card weekly to my computer.
Thanks all for the insights to my processor and the suggestions. Back up is next.

Accurate, updated list of software for Mogul?

So I just got my Mogul, and trying to find software for it is really annoying. no list of programs with screen shots, each program type has about 40 different homebrewed versions, most of the stuff doesn;t have a lonk to download anything, no homepage reference so you don't know if you're downloaded a version 4 versions older than the current, piss poor instructions on howw to actually use it, etc.
Is there an actual list of software links, that is updated with the most recent verion, of sotware for this phone? For example, I'm interested in adding that "Cube" menuing system, and doing a Google search returns 50 different versions of 20 different pieces of software linking to pages with older versions of the software that doesn't even work.
Is there a commonly accepted "best" cube type mening system out there? how about a commonly accepted "best" iPhone like interface?
emkorial said:
So I just got my Mogul, and trying to find software for it is really annoying. no list of programs with screen shots, each program type has about 40 different homebrewed versions, most of the stuff doesn;t have a lonk to download anything, no homepage reference so you don't know if you're downloaded a version 4 versions older than the current, piss poor instructions on howw to actually use it, etc.
Is there an actual list of software links, that is updated with the most recent verion, of sotware for this phone? For example, I'm interested in adding that "Cube" menuing system, and doing a Google search returns 50 different versions of 20 different pieces of software linking to pages with older versions of the software that doesn't even work.
Is there a commonly accepted "best" cube type mening system out there? how about a commonly accepted "best" iPhone like interface?
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Um, there are literally THOUSANDS of programs that work on the Titan. It doesnt take a lot of work searching to find programs that are awesome. Try using the search feature of this website or ppcgeeks to find what you need instead of asking someone to deliver it to you.
Searching is your best answer. Making a list of the most currnet builds out there (some of which the most current isn't the "best") of software out there would be obselete in a months time. I've got the best results with trial and error in finding what works with my setup (hardware, rom and radio).
Thousands? I've downloaded about 20, and TWO work. the rest do NOTHING, due to obscure compatability problems, some random patch being required that no one seems to have, or it just flat out won't work, period. It;s incredibly frustrating.
Most have said it. You need to do your own research and on top of that what's good for you may not be good for someone else. In a way this is the fun part - the searching for the good stuff. Also, I take much advise from the experts on this and other forums.
In any case, you can't *****. The source of this software is coming from thousands of people/companies. Some write something good and just dump it on a server for others to download and offer little to no documentation. BUT... you pay nothing in many cases (can't ***** there). ANd it's almost always "run at your own risk!".
Want something stable, documented, and supported by a company... stay stock (OEM). Wait... my stock software was not stable, not well documented, and hardly supported (Sprint). As a matter of fact an alpha ROM I am running now is much better than the OEM software that the phone came with.
Willing alpha and beta tester,
Mogul w/ 6.1, 3.16, 3.27, 60711, NexVision Alpha ROM.
make sure you are downloading ppc applications and not smartphone ones, and that you are downloading applications for WM6. If the app doesn't work then search the forums to see what other peoples experience is with that program.
while some of the responses here have been a little abrupt, you need to understand that your request is literally impossible. Nobody could possibly compile of a list of all the software that can run on the mogul.
Here are some things to try, though:
Search the forums for "best programs" and such things
Download different windows mobile apps and try them -- I've rarely found any that don't work.
Figure out what functionality you're looking for, and search specifically for that.
At the very least, if you want to post a query such as this one, you need to specify what exactly you're looking for. Our friend above wasn't exagerating when he said that there are thousands of apps that run on the mogul. If you're new to windows mobile, it'll take some getting used to. Be patient and read a lot. you'll figure it out.
Most people on this board are happy to help you with problems, but they do expect that you exert some energy on your own. If they feel like you haven't, they get touchy.
This thread might become a little more useful for you if you were to say what you are looking for (for example, if you're looking for a good program for maps and such that uses a data connection, I recommend Google Maps (visit http://m.google.com from your mobile phone)
Hope this helps, and good luck!
id say VITO SMS CHAT v1.0.1 is almost a must have if u text alot and have a stock ROM...most the custom ROMS have some form of threaded SMS added for u...but stock ROMS dont and this is a very nice program...i dont use this site much, but im on ppcgeeks 24/7 and i know we have a thread about it there...
also if ur looking for a nice web browser check out netfront browser 3.5 is pretty quick and it loads full websites not just the mobile version...and if u use myspace it actually loads the persons page background...its in beta now till may 31st, but if u search hard enough u can find ANY ppc program for free
I tried searching for a while now. After a failed ROM update I lost all my apps so I am re-customizing everything. How do you change the Title on the Home page? Right now it says: 'TELUS' but that's a little tacky. Can someone guide me to the right post?
Titan Apps
I have quite a few apps that I have been collecting would be happy to contribute to the list let me know...also in the development and hacking section there is a huge list of HTC apps that are pretty much always a go on the Titan.
I am new to this site.. I have a moguel.. and I would love to know what programs u have..please contact me at [email protected] with the info..please and thank u.
marriotheblackguy said:
I have quite a few apps that I have been collecting would be happy to contribute to the list let me know...also in the development and hacking section there is a huge list of HTC apps that are pretty much always a go on the Titan.
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i'm a noob as well but i read a bunch.thing is there are terms and titles that make reading these threads as bad as reading the bible at times.i tried a bunch of stuff since i had my mogul.i removed a bunch of stuff as well.but right now i use spb mobile shell,pocket plus,fun contact,s2play,s2u2,weather panel<-------- wich is cool as hell but takes a bunch of tweaking imo to get to run right.(still haven't got my radar images right)gpstoday,thumbcal,and a bunch of games.i'm not an expert by far but i know these apps work fine on my device.
this is pretty confusing but this is the index i use to keep track of all the apps that both work and are user-friendly(to an extent).
its kind of hard to understand of you havent written it but what ever
if you have any questions feel free to ask.
EDIT:btw i have all of these stored. (as in .cabs, .exes....)
X = Located in Backup
O = Must retrive
O-PDAMedia SIP Keyboard Light v1.0 - Full Screen Keyboard
X-An Original Idea.com Webby - Alternate Internet Browser
O-TCPMP AAC Plugin - Enables AAC PLayback capabilities for TCPMP
O-TCPMP - Alternate Media Player
A_C Slide2Unlock
X-TNT Task Manager 2_0_30487_2 - Task Manager in Tray
X-The EquinoXe Wizard reTOUCHed - New Phone Keypad
X-PHM Registry Editor
X-CodyPPC Threaded SMS
X-Picsel Browser
X-Adobe Flash Lite 2.1
X-Slither's Cube
X-LAUNCHER - iPhone Emulator
X-Where is my Ram?
X-Christmas Runner Lite
X-Chess v2.0
X-Gnuboy-GameBoyColor Emulator
X-Pokemon Crystal ROM
X-wm6t-waterandfire.tsk - Lighter with Water
X-wm6t-stargateprometheus.tsk - The Prometheus -> Stargate
By the way, the cube isn't all its made out to be. TouchFLO is worth it, but I find myself constantly bringing up the cube on accident, not to mention that its stays in the background after launching. (eating up 8-9% of memory) It's nice to play with, and its great for showing off the capabilities of the phone but in the end, for me, it just wasn't worth it.
Then again, to each their own. Truly, TRY programs out. People like different things so you can't always trust a stranger to give you accurate advice.
I was once a "noob," having switched from Palm to come over to the "dark side" (remind me of the Mac vs PC thing). I have the VZW XV6800 with DCD's 2.3.2 rom onboard. I have thrashed and trashed my poor PPC many times before getting it stable the way I want. I have the following recommendations to all "noobs" who want to see "what works and what doesn't."
1) Don't fear the hard reset. If things go completely screwy, simply start from scratch. I store all my cab files on the card for this purpose. BTW, I have never needed to call Verizon after a hard reset. I simply *228 to program the SPL and "everyting is irie mon."
2) Make every effort to find the answer yourself before posting a question anywhere. You are likely not the first person to have whatever problem you think you have. To coin a phrase, "the truth is out there." If you don't have the time to search for the answer, you probably shouldn't be putsing (a technical term) with your phone. Check here and over at PPCGeeks.
3) Figure out which base application you cannot live without. ake sure that each works with the other by soft resetting after each install and working the phone a bit before loading another. My base for instance is: SPB Mobile Shell 2; PhoneWeaver; WisBar Advance; Live Search; Google Maps; Opera Mini 4; Resco Backup; Resco file Explorer; and SK Tools. I know they work well, and work together. I always load these first after a hard reset.
4) Get a good backup program (Sprite, SPB Backup, Resco), and use it daily or at least before each new testing round.
5) Backup your registry and save the backup in a safe place (card) in case.
6) Test new applications one at a time, with soft reset after each installation. Do not load another new app, until you are sure that you're happy with the previoous one or have fully uninstalled it.
7) Have fun! Be happy! Don't forget that it's just a damned phone with benefits.
those are some nice tips for someone who is new jgilfor. do you mind if i quoted you in my sig or something? (pm me)
warez i use
After going through this thread, i decided to add the apps i run to my sig. When i get home i'll add some more.
I don't know if it's a good idea or not but maybe i could throw up a page with links to the software? Unless i can upload them all here.
What do you vets think?
It's probably a better request to ask for the programs that each person uses. That's more useful than trying to get a list of every single program out there. With a program name and some patience, then you should be able to find the right install file. If not, then this phone was probably not meant for you, sorry. =( Maybe a Nokia? lol, j/k!
Anyways, I like GhettoBSD's idea! I keep a list of programs that I use so that I know what to reinstall after a ROM flash:
Nilisco Flashlight
HTC Voice Recorder
HTC Home and emunutz HTC Home Customizer
HTC Audio Manager
Skunkworks FlashVideoBundle and TCPMP
Lordsmiff Battery Level
Jorrit Jongma WMWifiRouter
JRebeiro EsmertecJbed and Opera Mini
Stroths-Codyppc Led Killer 3.1
Oxios Memory
CooTek Cooperation Touchpal
TomCo Solutions Stopwatch
Do you have a link for the HTC voice recorder that works with Mogul, I tried some but are not working. Cab installs the application, but when trying to record, always get an empty fie of 6b. No matter how long I record always have an empty file named voice00x with size of 6b. Or whay Im doing wrong? I installed the same file in a tytn and works perfect.
Here is what i use
Opera mini (great little browser)
DinarSoft MemMaid ( cleans out junk and temp/ frees memory too)
DinarSoft Handyswitcher (awesome taskbar app with cpu /memory usage that can be on top toolbar in every ap)
Shape Services IM+ ( great instant messanging app )
PPC geeks battery and performance reg hack
acbPowerMeter ( shows how much power apps consume, good for measuring 3g versus no internet use )
Blue Frog Touch Dialer, (htc diamond style dialer , skinable , bigger button layout very cool )
Led Killer 3.1 ( disables annoying flashing green service led )
HTC home plugin schen 2.10 ( nice gui mod, for weather and apps)
Total Commander
lokmeup IE Slow Scroll Fix
Google maps
Cloudyfa EsmertecJbed ( java)
PocketCM keyboard
RARLab pocket rar
Sipchange ( change keyboard tool )
someguy sMMS ( adds ability to send picture sms , providing you get your key from the sprint website)
PocketIRC ( mirc application)
Oxios memory ( free tool to free up unused memory)
TRE Pocket PC (free registry editor)

