Sometimes can't dial, constant 'call ended' error - Nexus One General

Does anyone have this issue? Sometimes for no apparent reason when I try to call someone, either immediately or after a short lag the dial attempt cancels with a call ended message, then after some time or if I keep trying it'll eventually work.
Had this issue on a previous handset so not specific to the N1, and I think I even had it on windows mobile so don't think it's an android thing, possibly the only common link is HTC. Or maybe it's a network issue. Had a few bars of signal, tried restarting the phone, different number etc

I have the same problem. Sometimes I am able to make calls but once this problem appears the only way to correct it is to reboot the phone and run Android again. I'm using the Froyo 30/08/2010 build on Rhodium.

It's a reception issue.
I sometimes have that areas with low reception (e.g. downtown with skyscrapers):
first I have no reception on the n1, then I get reception back, often 4 bars supposedly but for the next 2-5 minutes it will not make a call (drops immediately) or connect to the internet.
(other phones on the same network have no such issues, never even loosing reception in the first place, but that must be part of the conspiracy to bad-mouth the n1, since the jesus phone has no reception problems)

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Appreciate your cooperation.

Just happened to me again.


Call Drops

I've been getting a lot more call drops than usual recently.
Trying to make a call, I get a long pause with nothing at all then 3 pips/beeps as it drops the call. It takes about 5-8 redials before I can get a line out.
There is no difference either if I do a soft reset Reluctant to do a hard reset but if I do I'll try and backup first.
Then there are incomming calls. It misses them, or there are times when people calling get a long tone but i see their number flash up and it just drops the call and I get a missed call alert. Calling them back gives me.... the three pips
I can't win. I've tried screaming abuse at the phone but strangely enough it has no affect
Seriously considering ringing Orange tomorrow to see if I can get a replacement... Grr.
Suggestions anyone??
Sounds like a network issue and is probably down to your local 3g cell (either being just too far away or having other problems). And yes you might have two bars or whatever on signal strength but 3g can be problematic like that.
Try settings, phone, band, and changing it from Auto to GSM. This will force your device to use gsm instead of 3g. If that improves things, try switching back in a day or two to see if they've fixed the cell.
I'm in the city centre almost and from my flat I can see at least 3 seperate towers. Of which i know 2 are Orange
Thank you for your suggestions, I will try that later.
This problem though doesn't just happen at home I think I'll have to dig deeper...

Phone not locking on to signal

At home I have no phone signal - this itself is not a real problem, but what *is* a pain is that when I venture out the phone continues to hunt for a signal and fails to lock on. Each and every time I have to switch the phone off and back on again, at which point it happily locks on, displaying (normally) a very strong signal. Is there anythign I can do to avoid having to switch off and on again? Thanks in advance.
lost signal..
I don't think you can do much about it unfortunately. When a contact is lost with the mast you often cannot re-connect until you restart your device which re-establishes a connection. I've noticed this occasionally myself, it's not a fault with your phone..
Thanks for the reply. That's confirmation of what I suspected, but I can't agree it's not the fault of the phone - every other (non-smart) phone I've had has quite happily locked on to any new, valid signal it finds, including when changing country!
signal loss..
You are probably right on the non-smartphone issue but what I meant was that I don't think it's an actual fault with your phone more like the norm for smartphones to do this. Sometimes they can get confused when you are in the centre of 3 masts causing a delay in receiving text-messages.
Ah yes, I see what you mean - no problem with my "instance" of a smart-phone, but rather a weakness of the whole "class" of smart-phone. Once again, thanks for taking the time to write and confirm my suspicions.

Potentially stupid question - reset to gt signal

I am amazed that I can't get any info on this with search as it has plagued my last few HTCs but is pisstake bad on the HD.
My phone will lose signal then keep trying to find and fail.
A quick reboot on any of my nimiety of HTC would let is reestablish signal and I could make a call. That works fine for the HD, but instead of being every few days, its every few minutes.
no signal, spining searching for signal sign.
4 bar signal
30s wait , lost signal.
4 bar then lost.
get wife's phone out of her bag, make call.
Is there anyway of forcing the HTC to keep a good phone signal or to at least improve it?
How is everyone else finding the signal on this phone, I use HTC because I can get a mobile signal where others get nowt, I even got a text down a cave before!!!!
(shocking because getting a text 15m underground is both amazing and it means I had taken my phone into a cave).
its very likely that your motherboard is failing, sounds similar to a problem my cousin was experiencing with his phone, made it impossible to make calls....was getting about 80% of his calls dropped. I'd suggest returning to stock rom & if the device is still under warranty getting it back to HTC.
There is no such thing as potentially stupid questions, just potentially stupid answers!
Would tend to side with DRTigerlilly, sounds like you have a malfunction most likely caused by motherboard.

"no service" bug still in Froyo?

A number of people have experienced a long-standing Android bug on their Nexus One, that when you spend an extended period of time in an area with no signal, the phone never reconnects until a reboot. Even attempting to shut down cleanly or to go into and out of airplane mode results in Android crashing after a minute or so and rebooting that way.
It's hard to draw conclusions from my experience because the occurrence rate was so random (sometimes a couple of times in a single day, sometimes ten days between occurrences), but I installed Froyo Saturday evening and haven't experienced the "no service" bug since then. That's getting close to the MTBF for me over the last few months. The official ticket is still listed in "new" status (after almost a year!), but it's possible that some change in Froyo fixed it without the developer being aware of that particular ticket.
Has anyone who was experiencing the "no service" bug in 2.1 had it happen again since upgrading to Froyo? Now that I can do hands-free bluetooth dialing, that's the biggest remaining blemish on my Nexus One experience, so I'd be thrilled if the bug were, in fact, gone.
Just a little FYI, that is actually a common "bug" independent of Android. I sell cell phones for a living, and many phones, from BB's to WM, Nokia to Samsung, and everything in between has this "bug". Not all do, but I would say 90% of phones have this bug where if you leave coverage for an extended period, it doesn't re-connect when you move back in, and need to reboot. It is because phones are set up to stop searching for a network after X ammount of time without coverage, to prevent the battery drain of constantly searching. When you do go back into coverage, there are two ways to re-register... either reboot, or most phones have an option to manual search and register with a network. I know with my Nexus One this has only happened to me once, at my Dad's (his house is a deadzone for everyone), and all I did was do the manual search and was back up and running, didn't have to reboot.
The Nexus One version of this bug is unusually annoying, though: a manual search for networks turns up nothing (normally I have good signal strength whenever I step outside my house from both T-Mobile and AT&T, but neither shows up after the bug hits), and having the phone crash and spontaneously reboot if you enable airplane mode when the phone is in this state is pretty severe.
wmm said:
The Nexus One version of this bug is unusually annoying, though: a manual search for networks turns up nothing (normally I have good signal strength whenever I step outside my house from both T-Mobile and AT&T, but neither shows up after the bug hits), and having the phone crash and spontaneously reboot if you enable airplane mode when the phone is in this state is pretty severe.
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That is pretty severe, in that it reboots... but the "bug" of not getting signal back has nothing to do with strength or the N1 is all I am saying. I have at least 2 people a day come into my store with this issue, on all different handsets. Some can get it back just by manually searching (this is different from switching between airplane and back), others have to reboot.
I spent a few 1/2hr chunks today with my FRF50 Froyo'd N1 in a spot in the office that was guaranteed to cause this bug to show up. And every single time it's reacquired the network when I left. Take that with a grain of salt since the bug has been intermittent for me.
Now if only the headset and AVRCP music controls hadn't broken this would be phone heaven.
Yeah, I think it's improved for me with 2.2 as well. One thing that's handy though is an Airplane Mode widget, as cycling the antenna with that usually worked for me before Froyo.
this "bug" drove me crazy! It would tend to happen to me at least once a day. I am scared to say this, but it hasn't happened one single time since updating to "unofficial froyo"
Well, good news all around! I'm not quite ready to declare the bug dead, because I've been disappointed a number of times after tweaking something and having the bug lurk quietly for a number of days, only to pop up again after I had decided it was gone, but it's certainly looking encouraging. Thanks for all the responses. Keep us updated.
I've had the same bug issues, and usually at home when it happens. This radio seems determined to reacquire no matter what.
As for the AVRCP comment, my N1 a la FroYo is working great with my BT3030 stereo Bluetooth receiver. I use the controls all the time.

Cellular Connection Randomly Stops Working

I have the Sony Z2 on Tmobile USA, completely stock (no ROMs, or modifications).
Approximately twice a day, my Z2 randomly stops receiving calls, making calls, and accessing the mobile internet. It still shows plenty of "bars" on the reception meter, thus I have no idea that I'm not receiving calls.
When it happens, this can only be resolved with a restart, or turning on Airplane Mode, then turning it off again. The problem will usually come back within 6 hours, requiring another restart cycle.
If I have WiFi enabled when this is occurring, then I can still access the internet via WiFi, but I will not get calls and text messages. I get no indication anything is wrong, until I try to place a call and it fails.
When this happens, the "Signal Strength" meter (under "About Phone", "Status") does not change, it would read something like -95 dBm no matter where I would take the phone (even in areas of poor coverage). It appears the phone simply looses synchronization with the mobile network, but doesn't notify the user. Other phones on the same mobile carrier continue to work perfectly at the same place, so it's not a mobile carrier issue.
I've had this phone for 8 months, and this is a new phenomenon.
This is Z2 model D6503 and I am on the latest firmware (Android 4.4.4, build 23.0.1.A.0.167). Sony support said "reset the entire phone", of course.
Please share any thoughts you may have about what could be wrong.
Any input is very much appreciated. Thank you!
mail_e36 said:
I have the Sony Z2 on Tmobile USA, completely stock (no ROMs, or modifications).
Approximately twice a day, my Z2 randomly stops receiving calls, making calls, and accessing the mobile internet. It still shows plenty of "bars" on the reception meter, thus I have no idea that I'm not receiving calls.
When it happens, this can only be resolved with a restart, or turning on Airplane Mode, then turning it off again. The problem will usually come back within 6 hours, requiring another restart cycle.
If I have WiFi enabled when this is occurring, then I can still access the internet via WiFi, but I will not get calls and text messages. I get no indication anything is wrong, until I try to place a call and it fails.
When this happens, the "Signal Strength" meter (under "About Phone", "Status") does not change, it would read something like -95 dBm no matter where I would take the phone (even in areas of poor coverage). It appears the phone simply looses synchronization with the mobile network, but doesn't notify the user. Other phones on the same mobile carrier continue to work perfectly at the same place, so it's not a mobile carrier issue.
I've had this phone for 8 months, and this is a new phenomenon.
This is Z2 model D6503 and I am on the latest firmware (Android 4.4.4, build 23.0.1.A.0.167). Sony support said "reset the entire phone", of course.
Please share any thoughts you may have about what could be wrong.
Any input is very much appreciated. Thank you!
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Most probably random software issue. If you installed any apps recently one of them could be the culprit. Uninstall them or trying booting into safe mode and see if the problem persists with continued usage.
As a last resort you can factory reset the device using the PC companion. But since the lollipop update is round the corner wait for it and see if the update fixes the bug.
If a factory rest or firmware flash doesn't solve the problem its a hardware fault, return it and ask for replacement.
I know I randomly get data drops, but I always cycle mobile data off and on to fix it. Next time it happens, I'll try to make a call to see if this is the same bug that I've having.
Quick update:
Right before the problem started, I installed the current-as-of February 2015 version of Audible on my phone.
After I uninstalled Audible, the issue appears to have disappeared (haven't seen it re-occur yet). Bizarre, but that's the situation,

