PUSH Email not working - Dash 3G, Snap General

Hi all, since Tuesday I've not bee able to access my GMail via Microsoft Direct Push when it was working flawlessly before. I've even tried manually doing a send/receive and still there's a synchronization error. I have no idea why. It's evidently not a connection issue because I'm posting this via Skyfire and I've been using twitter and IM without any issues.
Looking into my settings, I've realised my password saved is not the same length as my correct password. Even after going in and manually reentering the password, the next time I go in, the password is still not saved correctly.
I've no idea how to remedy this problem. anyone have any ideas?

As far as password length is concerned, that is normal : it is a security process, the length showed is different so that no one can get a clue about your password.
Microsoft direct push is for microsoft Exchange server, I donnot see how you could use that function to get you Gmail mails...
You are using Imap, right ?


Connecting to Exchange Server

My company runs an exchange server for email, and I was wondering if anyknow knows how to connect to them, using the mogul. I went through the setup on the phone, with no success...Are their any additional steps required to connect to the server when you are not on the same network as the server?
Missing Certificate ?
I think you'll have to install the certificate from your Mailserver on the phone to get it working.
Do you get any active-sync error code when you're trying to sync ?
In general you get an error-code in ActiveSync which is telling you what's wrong...
IMHO the best idea would be: aks your IT-Stuff in your company
you need to add a server in active sync with your companys exchange server addy and your username/password
To be clear you need to enter your companies OWA server address. At most small companies this is your Exchange server and at most large companies it is your ISA server.
You access OWA using https://exchange.mycompany.com/exchange
You enter: exchange.mycompany.com in the activesync settings and you use your username, password and domain to authenticate
You also need to make sure Outlook Mobile Access is enabled on the Exchange Server and on your Exchange Mailbox. You will need to contact your IT Admin to verify these settings.
I'm in the same boat as the OP. I had been trying to hit the mail server directly or via VPN, with no luck, probably due to no certificate. Never thought about OWA. I set this up as indicated in the prior post, and checked 'Tasks' only (just to run a quick test), and it sync'ed fine. I then checked email and calendar, and now it takes me to a company sign-in web page (same page I encounter when using web access to OWA). Weird thing is the page is in the ActiveSync window and does not appear to be rendering correctly or completely (e.g. no 'submit' button). Nonetheless, I sign in and click where the submit button "should be" and the page goes away and it appears to start syncing, only to take me back to the sign-in page again after 15-20 seconds. Any suggestions on how to get past this point? I've tried logging in to OWA from IE, but ActiveSync still brings up this sign-in page. And yes, I've got my userID, pswd, and domain properly set up as well. Thanks.
BTW, my company IT won't help because they only support handheld access for specific company-issued devices.
try using mail.yourcompanymailserver.com/oma
its a lightweight version that handles easy in mobile browsers (only if your IT guys have enabled it)
as for the OP your exchange settings could vary depending on how your admin set it up, ssl (requiring a certificate) or not. to get the certificate from your company you can dl it from the server mail.yourcompanymailserver.com/cersrv
you log in using your mail credentials and you select download certificate chain and select a der 64.
save it to your phone and just install.
chances are though if your company is using a lot of treo's they dont require ssl because you can't install self issued certificates on them (good work palm). so if you want to ask your IT guys their setup and post it here i can try to walk through it with you.
this is my situation and how i got it to work.
Although i tried to internal address of 1x01po2s.domain.name, that didn't work.
I thought about it for a while, and reasoned if i can access my companies exchange server outside the network through a http://mail.domain.name address, then maybe that'll work hahaha
BAM! it did and now it works perfectly fine. Conincidentally, since i started trying to get this going last week, i emailed a few guys i know and the last one who got my email (it was forwarded to try to solve the problem) said that because of security policies, i am not allowed to do this. Ooops!
Here is a quick run down of my settings:
server address: mail.domain.name
ssl is selected (checked)
username: exchange/nt workstation login name
password: user password
domain: network domain (we have different domains)
save password is selected
under advanced you can select whatever options you like
next select e-mail, and any other options you want
and you're done!
I also enabled the push email icon and get my email regularly on my phone throughout the day.
Well, i hope that this helps some of you out.
server address: mail.domain.name
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just so folks know there is no standard for this, its whatever subdomain your company decided to put OWA on, for my company its webmail.companywebsite.com
best thing to do would be to ask someone in your company how to access email from outside the office using internet explorer, thats the address your lookign for
Sprint mogul (Titan) WM6.1 Rom update killed exchange server activesync
(Sorry in advance for the long Email) I purchased a Mogul from RS about three weeks ago. For the first week, it worked great! I logged into my company exchange server down loaded and synced email, cal,contacts,tasks ... was very excited. I also got very excited when I started t read threads in this blog .... it seems like there are some pretty smart members maybe someone can help!!
Noticed that there was a new Rom (Sprint TV and improved connection) installed the ROM.
Have spent endless hours with HTC technical support, sprint technical support (not an appropriate name). At times managed to get the email to load but never again Cal, Tasks, contacts. Always able to get sent emails to load (by checking option) . I'm left with a couple of alternatives (any others would be greatly appreciated (actually I really like this phone but I need my email,schedule,etc to work) The error is 0x8503001C there is no exact description about this from MSmobile it seesm to be an awh**** code. Searching on the web provides 1000s of hits unfortunately not just my issue.
o Go to an early Rom WM6.0. So far it seems like to do this I need to unlock the phone then flash the earlier rom?? Since no SIM card I need to hack the registry?? There are several products out there which is best (I do not mind paying for somethng that works well). I down loaded several "Oficial ROm versions ... unfortunately did not write down the number of the one the phone came with.
o Find some way of getting this thing to work well to keep the extra features
o My grace period ends in a week ... cancel with Sprint go to Att but there is not a 3G phone I like ... only Iphone ... it has issues for exchange server??
o I got my wife a Touch at the same time (it runs WM6.1) same issue. Downloaded once my corp email no cal, etc.
o I was told that this Rom was cooked up by MS & Sprint what a disaster
Please, please help ... Thanks in advance
Exchange email and Skype not working after Upgrading Sprint Touch to Wm6.1
The Exchange activesync died at connection and never can sync my company emails after I upgraded Touch to 6.1 Sprint/HTC ROM. Skype also does not work, no sound after first ring, even with I like the GPS and Rev.A speed, and do not want to risk downgrading the ROM. Anybody encounter ssimilar situation?

Exchange OMA Help!

I have searched and searched for an answer to this problem and have not been able to find anything. Hopefully someone here has run into this before and might have an idea or solutuion. Her is my problem.
I have two exchange servers (2003 SP2) on of which is a front end server handling OWA and OMA. We sync about 18 Windows Mobile 6.1 devices over the air using OMA. We are using SSL. All of our devices have random problems connecting to the server. They will sync fine most of the time but will randomly for no particular reason ask the user for their exchange password. We are not enforcing any password policies on the server and we are always checking the box to save the password. In order to get the device synching again the user has to re-enter their password multiple times and often has to kill and restart activesync on their device.
Any ideas as to what might be causing this?
Any help would be much appreciated.
You could try unchecking the box in Activesync on the phone that requires SSL. We use SSL as well, but we have to uncheck that box on the phone. Although our problem is that the phone never syncs when its checked as opposed to your problem of randomly not syncing and asking for a password.
Unfortunately that is not an option. Our SSL is required for authentication. It will not connect without it. It seems like what is happening is that the device is not always passing the credentials to the server. Usually when it asks me for the password I enter the password once making sure I check the Save Password box then when it asks me the second time I hit cancel. ActiveSync then gives me a could not authenticate error. Now if I just hit Sync again it goes through and works just fine without asking for the password. So my guess is that it is not passing the credentials until after the connection is reinitialized.
From what I understand, Push Email relies on the OMA functionality which uses IIS. The problem my lie there. Although I've never tried, you may have to uninstall/reinstall (or confirm) that the OMA part of Exchange is functioning correctly. Sorry I can't be of more help.
Do the log files on the server show anything when a phone can't log in?
No, the exchange logs don't show much. I almost think it might be something with the device configuration. At this point I just don't know. We will be migrating to Exchange 2007 sometime in the next few months. Hopefully that will resolve the problem permanently. I was just hoping maybe by some chance someone here had seen this problem before. Thanks a bunch for your help.
Is the FE server doing the authentication (NTLM) or is there an ISA server in the way configured with Forms Based Authentication? You should make sure the IIS virtual directory for OMA is set only for Basic Auth - and the following article might be worth a read.... http://searchexchange.techtarget.com/tip/0,289483,sid43_gci1188440,00.html
Hope that helps - good luck!!
^^^What he said. Took the words right out of my mouth. You'll still be secured through the SSL certificate, even though you're doing "basic auth" you aren't exactly sending your password as clear text. Requiring SSL on the OMA site will automatically encrypt the connection so you have no need to worry.
Try it out and get back in here. I manage a site with about 50 WM 6.1 Black Jack II's that sync with Exchange 2007 with no issues whatsoever. Also verify that you have all your hotfixes related to OMA installed on your Exchange 2003 server.

POP3 Problem : E-Mail cannot Sync

Can anyone or has anyone successfully set up and sync'd to a pop3 acct with their HD yet???
I use the same settings as on my desktop computer and get a message in outlook
"Outlook cannot be downloaded to your mobile device. Make sure you are connected and that your email settings are correct. Then, try to download messages again".
This cannot be, I am connected VIA wifi, I can browse the Internet ( using Opera ) and made sure the password was correct ( pullin' out the Stylus )
Any SOlutions ???
You do know pop3 messages are not left on the server after you downloaded them on your desktop, don't you? So unless you have checked the option to leave a copy on the server in your e-mail client you cannot download messages again.
For a more conenient use you should get an imap mail server. With imap the messages are server based, so whatever you do with the messages in your mail client (mark them as read, delete them) will happen to them on your mail server. This way you can have the same messages on every device you use to view them (desktop, phone, laptop).
Thats not IT
chr5s11 said:
You do know pop3 messages are not left on the server after you downloaded them on your desktop, don't you? So unless you have checked the option to leave a copy on the server in your e-mail client you cannot download messages again.
For a more conenient use you should get an imap mail server. With imap the messages are server based, so whatever you do with the messages in your mail client (mark them as read, delete them) will happen to them on your mail server. This way you can have the same messages on every device you use to view them (desktop, phone, laptop).
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Yes, I am very much educated in the process of retrieving an email. but even if My Inbox was empty, I would get an empty INBOX, not an error message.
This is just a guess but how are your network choices set for Outlook, ie Work ISP etc?
Are you on contract or PAYG? I've never been able to use my phone's IMAP or POP3 client, regardless of model, due to the way that PAYG WAP works...
unless 'syncing' with pop three is different from what I think, I have accessed my pop3 account without hassle on my xda2i. (not bought the HD just yet )
I've used it with IOL and GMAIL wthout too much hassle on PAYG vodafone UK gprs.
This is my config :
I am on T-Mobile WNW - Free Internet HSDPA, ( I have unlocked the content restrictions to view all websites )
I have the following pop3 Settings:
Email : [email protected]
Your Name : Name Here
Account Display Name ( Greyed out ) : Name Here
Incoming Mail Server : [email protected]
User Name : [email protected]
pwd : ********
Save Password : Checked
Outgoing SMTP ( Requires Auth & Use same usr name and PWD )
Network Connnection : T-Mobile Internet
AutoMatic Receive : 2hrs
Message Type : HTML
This is the total config, It is exactly the same as my outlook on windows XP machine, which can sync. I am however unable to on my phone.
I am asking if anyone who has a HTC Touch HD has successfully setup a pop3 yet ????
I has a similar problem and I am on T-Mobile,
I unchecked the proxy option in Setting / Connections / Proxy Settings and it seems to work now
In network connections you have T-mobile as the internet access network?
He stated that he is using WiFi, the internet connection setting should not be relevant. The proxy setting mentioned by tombradshaw above may be problem.
I'm having the same exact problem, using the internet connection, did anyone find a solution for this pls?
faw+ said:
I'm having the same exact problem, using the internet connection, did anyone find a solution for this pls?
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The solution is already posted as well on other threads.
Turn off the proxy server option and it'll work.
No that didn't make it for me
The asnwer is very simple
your setting:
Email : [email protected]
should be:
Email : example (without the rest the account knows this from the POP and SMTP )
This should make your email to work!
Has anyone come up with a solution for this yet? I am trying to connect to a pop3 e-mail account belonging to a privately owned domain and have everything set up in the same way to the original poster, except I am connecting via my provider's (Orange UK) data tariff.
My Internet connection does not have a proxy specified, I can connect to a hotmail account without issue, and I know all of the details are correct as I have just set them up fresh on a different computer.
Any suggestions not already mentioned will be appreciated as I have read through the entire thread and none of the suggestions so far have led to me being able to connect.
The message I receive is:
Messages cannot be downloaded to your mobile device. Make sure you are connected and that your e-mail account settings are correct. Then, try to download messages again.
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Is there really no one out there who knows how to solve this? I really don't want to be stuck using hotmail when I am travelling half way around the world
I also have the same problem:
While my first pop email account works fine, the second (pop.gmx.de) doesn´t synchronize any more. For the first two weeks everything worked fine, but a couple of days ago, the second mail accoutn stopped working.
Of course I checked the logon data sevral times, re-entered the complete data as a new account, soft-reseted my Touch HD, etc.
I also checked the same POP mail account at the same time from my notebook without any problems - so it cannot be a server problem.
Strange: When I you the web interface from GMX it tells me that there have been several unsuccessful logon attemtps to my account.
So it seems as if the Touch HD scrumbles the POP password, that I re-entered unnumbered times.
Any ideas or solutions to this?
lumi74 said:
I also have the same problem:
While my first pop email account works fine, the second (pop.gmx.de) doesn´t synchronize any more. For the first two weeks everything worked fine, but a couple of days ago, the second mail accoutn stopped working.
Of course I checked the logon data sevral times, re-entered the complete data as a new account, soft-reseted my Touch HD, etc.
I also checked the same POP mail account at the same time from my notebook without any problems - so it cannot be a server problem.
Strange: When I you the web interface from GMX it tells me that there have been several unsuccessful logon attemtps to my account.
So it seems as if the Touch HD scrumbles the POP password, that I re-entered unnumbered times.
Any ideas or solutions to this?
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My GMX worked perfectly for months, but since 2 weeks its exactly the same like you describe it. Yahoo still working without any problems. Seems GMX changed something on their servers
6Fg8 said:
My GMX worked perfectly for months, but since 2 weeks its exactly the same like you describe it. Yahoo still working without any problems. Seems GMX changed something on their servers
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Yep. For me too. Since a few days my gmx won't work...
As for the GMX account not working, i tried it again today without changing anything in settings. Just hit send/receive - worked like a charm!

Exchange server syncing problems

All my other mail accounts sync perfectly on my HD2 except my outlook exchange account which I have yet to access. All the setting (domain, mail server) are correct and my co-workers who use android, and iphone have no problem logging into their work email. What's the deal? The error message reads, "a network or server error is currently preventing your device from syncing".
I about blew my brains out trying to set up my exchange account on my HD2. The most frustrating part is that all of the settings were correct. What finally got it set up and syncing? Hitting "sync" over and over again. It took me about an hour and a half of checking and unchecking boxes until everything was finally synced for the first time. Now that it's finally set up, it's running just fine.
Not sure if it's a glitch, or just an ActiveSync thing, but it took me a while before everything synced correctly.
leo876 said:
All my other mail accounts sync perfectly on my HD2 except my outlook exchange account which I have yet to access. All the setting (domain, mail server) are correct and my co-workers who use android, and iphone have no problem logging into their work email. What's the deal? The error message reads, "a network or server error is currently preventing your device from syncing".
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I have the same problem and did everything in my power to get it to work. The main problem with me and the company's exchange server are the Certificates are not allowing the device to sync correctly. Since we are using WMo I guess it is more difficult to overrule the Security Certificates that by the way are expired and need to be updated.
Long story short…”I gave up” and only use the POP3 line that only gives you access to emails instead of Contacts, calendar, etc…
I think all of you probably need to talk to your Admin about getting a security certificate to install on your phone.
Setting up Exchange on the HD2 is simple and works for me every time... Our server requires me to have a certificate and I've reset my phone about 5 times and set up my outlook email with no probs every single time... But to get it to sync I have to install the Security Certificate. Any secure exchange server with a smart Admin requires one to access the server from the outside...
If you are putting in the correct user, pass, domain and server address, then that is probably it. Also make sure you Data Connection is not disabled in Settings/Wireless Controls.
Hope this helps...

Focus and Exchange Server ActiveSync

I picked up the focus yesterday and have run into an issue syncing with Outlook/Exchange Server 2003. I receive the error code below after the email account setup runs for a bit, I get contacts and calendar entries, then a few emails before the error is returned (everytime I try to sync later as the msg suggests). I tried finding the error code referenced on MS Support/Forums, AT&T Samsung forums, and even xda developers with no luck.
I did try a hard reset (from settings) and then recreate the account and I tried removing the hub on the start screen and then deleted the account and recreate same error every time.
Samsung Tech Support suggested that I add the same Certificate on my Server to the phone, Did so - still, no luck.
Anyone see this error/issue?
Outlook Error
Not Updated
We're having a problem syncing your
information. Try again later.
Last tried about a minute ago
Erro code: 8500201C--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mine has worked flawlessly. Sounds like you did everything I would have suggested except return and get a replacement phone.
I had that problem. the cause of mine was to have the SSL turned on. After I created the account, I went to setting>email and choose the outlook account, clicked on advanced, then scrolled down and uncheck the SSL checkbox. All worked perfect after that. although I guess I am not super secure.. but anyone that wants to hack and read my email.. feel free pretty boring.
It is obviously a software issue. How can a replacement phone solve any problem.
If your exchange server does not use public certificates (the ones that your company has to pay for), or the certificate comes from some publisher that WP7 doesn't know about, it will be touch to set it up. For one, import the server certificates directly does not work. In the past with WM phones, MS suggests you need to import the root certificate instead. So, see if you can find the root certificate for it.
agreed - was able to get Corporate Store to allow me to try settings on another Focus, with same results.
can see the Folders on my Outlook (some are unique to my Exchange Server), so we know that we are nearly there. little more tweaking, and also, update to a new Server,
but, that might not be for week or so, so if anyone has solutions, would be much appreciated.
I had problems with mine and worked with our Exchange admin. We found it was the encryption part of our policies. Both Device and Storage card encryption parts of the policy have to be turned off. After some research this is correct and expected to be fixed in Early 2011 when Microsoft starts pushing this for business.
Oh it also does not support alphanumeric passwords at the moment:
Here is the one about encryption:
cwiley2566 said:
Oh it also does not support alphanumeric passwords at the moment:
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That is really strange because my HTC Surround took my alpha numeric password just fine for my exchange email. Haven't had any issues with it at all.
Do you mean a password for the domain or the screen lock password? They are talking about the policy that requires a alpha numeric password (or not allowing simple passwords) for unlocking your screen. Our company allows simple passwords (just numbers) so I didn't see the problem.
We don't have a certificate,and all I had to do was go to advanced and turn off encrypted SSL connection ( I also have alphanumeric and symbol password for exchange)
I am referring to the screen lock policy in Exchange. Of course alphanumeric and symbol passwords for exchange/domain authentication will work.
Installing SSL Cert (quick and dirty)
Email your server's SSL cert to a GMail account. Hotmail blocks the attachment as an unsafe filetype.
Open the attachment and Phone7 should ask you if you want to install. Go back and set up your Outlook account.
Got mine working on Exchange 2003 even after the error messages
This happened to me as well. We have an Exchange 2003 server and what I did was go to "email and accounts" on the phone and went through the proccess and setup everything correctly but still got the error messages.
Now this is what fixed my issue (strange). I got out of the "email and accounts" and went into all programs list and opened "Outlook" , from there I put the settings in again for my account and presto, it just started working and syncing.
I did 2 phones likes this already and it works. Dont ask me how, but it does.
Hope this helps OP and anyone else using Exchange 2003.

