Advanced Geeky Programs (Windows Mobile) - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

Hello friends,
Like many of the people here at XDA, I try to get as much advanced use out of my Windows Mobile phone as I can. I am a ‘computer geek’ trying to make my Windows Mobile phone as close to a complete ‘computer experience’ as possible. I would like to ask what ‘advanced’ tools you guys use. We will start off with the list below, all of which run under Windows Mobile 6.1.
1. Command Prompt (DOS Prompt, CLI)
2. NetCat running under Command Prompt listed above (, Swiss Army Knife of Networking, the possibilities of this tool are nearly endless!
3. HTC Band Switch (turn off 3G, allow EDGE only, toggle settings, built into HTC’s Windows Mobile 6.1 image)
4. DynDNS Pocket 1.0 (Enable use of the DynDNS dynamic IP service, especially useful if your mobile operator provides you a public dynamic IP address and you want a static URL tied to your phone. Create an account at, but note that your username and password are sent cleartext over the network connection).
5. HTC Field Test Tool (Get mobile provider statistics, signal strength in dbm, RSSI, selection parameters, etc).
6. Mobile Firewall 3.5 (AirScanner Corp, does not work perfectly on Rhodium but I can view what IP addresses are pinging or attacking me, including source and destination IPs, and also view local listening connections to see which network services I’m making available)
7. FTP Orneta Client 1.03 (provides an FTP client)
8. FTP Server Mocha 1.0 (run an FTP server from your phone, see log of IPs that connect to you, traffic send and received)
9. Pocket Hosts by Zimmermann 1.5 (Edit your local hosts file, for ultra geeks)
10. vxIPConfig 0.9.5 – IP Config, Get Your IP, subnet mask, DHCP server, lease times, TTL statistics, datagram information, etc,)
11. Pocket IRC 1.2.5 by Code North Software (Internet Relay Chat client)
12. wmIRC 2.3 (Another Internet Relay Chat client)
13. NbtstatCE 0.05 (Scan remote machines on network, check NetBios, ping, set NetBios scan delay in milliseconds, set packet size, and timeout limits)
14. Microsoft Network Analyzer 1.0 (Get IPConfig info, ping localhost, ping HTTP server, get net stats, all output goes to a well-parsed text log file).
15. Network Monitor (PPC InterfaceMonitor 0.23.3615) by Florian Drews (View a bar graphic chart of network connections, megabytes sent and received per session, traffic utilization, works on both cellular and WiFi).
16. 3GTest ( (Provides detailed network link throughput information, DNS lookup latency information, information on common ports your mobile provider is blocking, etc. However, be aware that your connection test information does get sent to the application developer, as this is part of someone’s university project).
17. vxUtil 1.6.7 (DNS Audit, port scanner, trace route, ping sweep, whois, etc, a complete suite of network testing tools).
18. PocketPing (Ping and view return ping times)
19. PocketPutty build Feb 28th, 2007 Development Version (SSH Client, supports reverse tunneling and most of the features of the regular desktop Putty, reverse proxy service, xterm emulation, IPv4 and IPv6 support. However, it does not have SOCKS support).
20. zaDesktop 0.9.7 – Remote Desktop Client (Terminal Services), similar to the built-in Windows Mobile client but additionally provides support for adjusting screen size, service port (allow use of not only 3389 but any port you want). Supports loop-back ( connections with no problem (when used with a reverse SSH proxy or such)
21. WiFi Remote 1.0 by Julien Manici (Allow access to your device via a web page using your WiFi connection). Will normally only work on WiFi LAN unless you are running a reverse tunnel, in which case it will work over cellular data (EDGE or 3G). Could be a security hole if you leave this on and forget about it, could expose your device to your local LAN, and possibly WAN if your mobile provider allows hosting from your cell phone IP address.
22. Microsoft Remote Desktop – The client which is built into Windows Mobile, works great but cannot zoom.
23. Mobilier (view and control your phone from a USB connected computer)
24. Remote Tracker 0.10i by Joubert Vasconcelos (Can send GPS or other data if phone is misplaced, SIM IMSI is logged, however I have not tested this program at all).
25. Mobile Sniffer 2.21 by AirScanner (Supposed to function as a mobile ethernet network sniffer, similar to WireShark, complete with promiscuous mode, but I cannot get it running on the Tmobile Rhodium because the GUI controls are not operatable using my phone, I am unsure what the problem is. Neither hardware keyboard nor the touchscreen respond properly to this application, it would be great to get it working though, can anyone assist?).
26. Handy Sniffer 1.6 (Functions as a mobile ethernet network sniffer, similar to WireShark, and it does work but I can only get it to sniff from a the WiFi adapter on the wireless LAN, I cannot get it to sniff from an EDGE or 3G connection. Provides details such as ARP table information, protocol information, sending raw packets from file, provides detailed statistic information based on protocol, etc. You can also export your sniffed log file, which you can probably open with WireShark).
27. SocksProxy Moblware 1.0 (Run a Socks Proxy on your device, provides KBps in and out, I have not tested this application personally).
28. Pocket Speed Test 1.0 by Smartivia (Very nice mobile speed test application, provides your average speed in kbit/s by downloading a small file which is then discarded.)
29. SSH Client mToken 4.3.0 by (The best Windows Mobile SSH client I have seen, allows port forwarding, reverse SSH tunnels, SSH Known Hosts, telnet, a complete address book, direct COM port connection (untested), modem TAPI (untested), and a very comprehensive Ping/Trace Route function). Works better and much more stable than PocketPutty, but is a commercial product (Pocketputty is freeware)
30. Penetration Testing Tools TigerSuite 3.0 (Hex Editor ‘File Hack’, IP Subnetter, Remote Trojan Scanner, Host Collaboration, Stealth Scanning, Port FIN Scanner, Session Sniffers, Service Recognition and Verification, TigerSim Virtual Server Simulators, WLAN Scanning with RC Site Query, this last WLAN functionality has not shown to work on the Tmobile Rhodium).
31. wmTorrent Torrent Client (supports DHT (trackerless torrent); PEX (Peer Exchange); plain text and RC4 Protocol Encryption; HTTP Seeding; torrent extensions). This application has not been tested.
32. TxRx Test by Moshe Valenci (Test your network throughput by installing this application on two phones, or a phone and Windows computer, this program will run under MS Windows XP as well.
33. VNC Viewer Enterprise build Oct 5th 2007 (VNC viewer will all options, desktop resizing, etc).
34. VNC Server for Mobiles (, runs as a VNC server on your phone on any port you choose. I do not know of any other remote login utilize for Windows Mobile, but this one is tested and works great! Do you know another remote login utility for Windows Mobile?)
35. zoomVNC 1.00 (Another VNC viewer with advanced zoom functionality).
36. VNC Viewer .NET, (Build April 24 2007 by Rocky Lo, yet another VNC viewer).
37. Mobile Web Server (Another mobile web server which will serve on any port, also has a DynDNS client built in, not tested extensively).
38. tinyCAM 0.9.1 by S. Niquille (This will make your phone into a remote webcam, accessible over WiFi or even cellular if you run a reverse tunnel (or if your mobile provider allows direct hosting of services from your phone. It can also upload your shots to an FTP server at predetermined intervals, and even has a camera preview display, just awesome!)
39. WiFiFoFum 2.2.12 by Aspecto Software (View all local WiFi access points with signal strength details and GPS location settings, great tool, but does not seem to see access points which are not transmitting SSID. Can easily export log files with GPS coordinates to a file for later viewing).
40. SSH Client zaTunnel 0.9.2 for CF2 ( (Use this SSH client to set up a reverse SSH session to your machine with ports forwarded for accessing services on remote machine. I don’t believe this software provides an xterm display like PocketPitty. Also does provides HTTP Proxy support, and Web basic authentication information, keyfiles, etc)
41. Loki Mobile 1.0 by SkyHook Wireless (Find your location without GPS or cellular triangulation by using Wi-Fi positioning (a very interesting concept, unique and different from GPS or cellular triangulation, this uses a large back-end server database of WiFi to physical location mappings. I find this to be super accurate in somewhat populated areas where WiFi signals exist, a crazy cool concept! When I run the program I get an error, I just select Okay, the error disappears, and the application runs perfectly fine, your WiFi must be on though.
42. HTC GPS Tool – View Detailed GPS information, including raw NMEA data directly from the satellite feeds. Not useful for navigation purposes (Google Maps is for that), but great for informational GPS diagnostics or just fun GPS details
43. BasicGPS Geocaching 2.60.95 – View number of visible satellites, compass (must be moving), altitude, and GPS coordinates (no navigation)
44. Cain for PocketPC 1.3 by Massimiliano Montoro – Mobile version of Cain and Abel, crack hashes on your phone (LANMAN, NTLM, MD5, Cisco PIX, and many others)
45. Hex Editor EDh 1.3 by (Mobile Hex Editor on your phone)
46. SKTools (Optimize your device in every way, check out the spec list)
47. Task Manager 3.1 by FdcSoft (The best mobile task manager I have seen. You get PID (Process ID Number) information, the ability to Register and Unregister DLLs (Dynamic Link Libraries), view CPU usage statistics, running services, and many other things)
48. PocketDOS 1.12.2 (Regular computer (x86) emulation on your phone, install DOS 6.22 and run most DOS software as if you’re running on a 286 machine! Very cool, I’ve read about people being able to run older version of Windows (3.11 or 95) using PocketDOS, you can mount drives, adjust system usage, basically a full 286-type computer on your phone).
49. Total Commander (A great file manager)
50. PowerGuard 1.2 (View your detailed power settings on a bar graph, lots of useful geeky information).
51. Advanced Configuration Tool by Julien Schapman (perform advanced config of your phone, a must have!)
52. RSS Reader pRSSreader by David Andrs (Read RSS feeds)
53. HTC Network Plugin for File Explorer 1.0 – Map Network Drives from your phone. After install will appear under Settings, Connections, ‘Network Plugin’.
54. HTC Wi-Fi Router – Share your cellular internet connection via WiFi (Works for me, but seems to mess up my preset WiFi access points after use, not a big issue).
55. Registry Explorer by SKTools – Registry Editor Windows Mobile.
56. RAR Pocket 3.90 by Roshal – Open Rar zip arhives on your phone.
Folks, this is the list I’ve been able to put together. A simple search of the web will allow you to download and/or purchase all of the listed programs.
Thank you!

CE Reg Edit
Hi, Don't see CEReg Editor by mobisoft on your list.
A nice tool

That's a good addition, anyone have other additions or thoughts?

I would put PE Info (sk software) and devhealth.exe on the list.

When programs are suggested links should be provided imo.
awesome thread btw.

I use VTI Pocket Emulator for my coursework. Saves me from having to lug the old TI-83p around (except for tests of course).

Very good list indeed. Could you please provide the links ?

How about OpenVPN? I use this to connect to my home network


VPN with PPTP and GPRS

I have been trying to establish a VPN connection with my xda over gprs to my office computer (PPTP) but I am not sure I have made the appropriate settings. There is no place to type in my username and password (except for the gprs connection).
Can anyone guide me on how to ensure a proper connection?
Also, I am not sure what the VPN connection will mean in terms of pocket pc functionality. Will it mean that I can access my office e-mail which would otherwise require a direct dial in? Will I be able to synchronize with my office outlook?
I would greatly appreciate your help. Thanks, apap
suggest ringing 0845 6006886 (O2 GPRS Helpline).
They have a PDF Doc that may help. They will e-mail it to you.
Doc Title VPN_Access_over_mobile_web.
Good luck
Thanks for your help Ric.
I have followed the settings as discussed in the pdf file but I have not had any success. I will call the helpline.
private networks
Please note that if you are using O2 and your office have a private network range in the range, you will have problems due to the subnet mask used, and the fact that O2 use NAT.
I have written a utility which monitors the routing table, and overcomes this problem by narrowing the net mask. Anyone who is interested, contact me for this software: [email protected]
I tried to 'give' this software to O2, but they didn't seem to care. They didn't really seem to understand the problem.
Re: private networks
martinlong1978 said:
I have written a utility which monitors the routing table, and overcomes this problem by narrowing the net mask. Anyone who is interested, contact me for this software: [email protected]
I tried to 'give' this software to O2, but they didn't seem to care. They didn't really seem to understand the problem.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
How about this: we'll dedicate a page to it on this site, and possibly even include a small tutorial that deals with networking stuff in general. If everyone in the know contributes a bit of their knowledge, I'll lay it all out, add the screenshots and put it on a page.
Re: private networks
Here's the gist of it.
Often, corporate networks use addresses in the range - in order to create private networks. This address range is designated for this purpose, and is the only class A range designated as such.
O2's GPRS network uses NAT in order to cut down the number of IP addresses they require. In doing so, they also use the private address range.
It is not recommended practice to use NAT for subscription networks, as they do not provide a 'complete' internet service. Certain peer-to-peer services will not work through NAT, as they require both devices to be publicly addressable - this however, is not the cause of this issue.
Lets look at the process of connecting to a VPN.
1) a 'dial up' connection is made to the GPRS service. When I say 'dial up' I do not mean a circut switched call is made (before you techies correct me), but still, some kind of PPP connection is made.
2) IP addresses are negotiated. An address is allocated to the device in the range. During this allocation proceedure no subnet mask is specified, and the device assumes as for a class A network.
3) The device adds a route to mask on the GPRS virtual adapter.
The connection to the VPN can now be made
1) a 'dial up' connection is made to the VPN service.
2) IP addresses are negotiated. An address is allocated to the device in the range (depending on corporate config). During this allocation proceedure no subnet mask is specified, and the device assumes as for a class A network.
3) The device adds a route to mask on the VPNvirtual adapter.
All seems fine - no? Try connecting to any host on the private network. Mail server, terminal server, web server. I bet you it doesn't work. That's because two routes have been allocated on the mask network. When you try and connect to your mail server (eg the packets go straight out through the first matching route - the GPRS, and never even see the VPN route.
My software tool watches the route table (I use a function in the IPhlpapi.dll for those interested), and waits for a change. When it spots a change, it re-writes the routing table, narrowing the routing entries to 24 bit masks (it works out the missing octets from the gateway address).
So an example would be: mask gw if GPRS mask gw if VPN
becomes mask gw if GPRS mask gw if VPN
This allows you to access stuff in the network.
You won't be able to peer to peer with other O2 XDA's who aren't on the same class C netowork - big deal, does anyone do this?
You are limited to contacting hosts on the same class C within your private network. I am working on broadening this range.
There is 1 file required - the executable, which should be placed in the startup folder. Let me know where to send this, and it can be made public.
To keep you updated. I've just updated this slightly. It no longer requires MFC. It is 1 x 5.5 K executable.
Please note, not everyone will need this update. Only if your office uses a subnet.
Thanks for all the enquiries.
Can I share the files - VPN_Access_over_mobile_web.pdf?
Hi ,
Can I share the files - VPN_Access_over_mobile_web.pdf? I am also testing the VPN conection over XDA GRPS, but if it is possible , pls mail me that PDF files. [email protected]
CAn anyone please email me the VPN_Access_over_mobile_web.pdf file? Please Please Please!
[email protected]
Don't have this file to hand, but if it is the one I think (provided by o2 UK) it is on their site somewhere.
VPN to Win2k server (with fixed ip, and internal ip of 192.168.blah-de-blah) worked first time following those instructions, as did Terminal Server used to remotely control it.
imordey said:
CAn anyone please email me the VPN_Access_over_mobile_web.pdf file? Please Please Please!
[email protected]
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
VPN Access
For goodness sake.
Select the VPN Access tab!
Download the PDF from there.
A little surfing goes a long way
Re: util.
Hi Martin, I tried to mail you for the VPN fix but it bounced, any chance you could email it to me or attach it here? paul_w at cix dot co dot uk.
To: [email protected]
Subject: XDAII VPN fix
Sent: Sat, 28 Feb 2004 13:15:42 -0000
did not reach the following recipient(s):
[email protected] on Sat, 28 Feb 2004 13:30:55 -0000
The recipient name is not recognized
The MTS-ID of the original message is: c=us;a= ;p=trace computers
MSEXCH:IMS:Trace Computers PLCatawiseATA15 0 (000C05A6) Unknown
martinlong1978 said:
To keep you updated. I've just updated this slightly. It no longer requires MFC. It is 1 x 5.5 K executable.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Does anyone have this file? Or any contact details for martinlong?
What VPN does for me.
Me and my significant other have 3 servers in our closet and host exchange (email), Active Directory, and outlook mobile access as well as things like ftp, web, and most importantly VPN. All my email that comes to us goes into my Outlook box on the exchange server then activesync sends a text message to my tmo pda phone and activesync begins downloading my mail and synchronizes my contacts and calendar. Once that is complete, a VPN connection is started up and the pda syncs with my desktop computer, so programs like vindigo and files like my documents are up to date. I even have the option of installing over the air or browsing my files on my computer at home.
Hey Sytris, I'm setup the same way pretty much but I've tried with 2 different devices and I can't get it to sync with the local computer. The active synce with exchange works fine and the vpn connects just fine. The active Sync app on the server then gets the connection from the PPC but shows connected as guest instead of my device and the active sync on the PPC still shows connecting but never goes anywhere. Did you run into that when setting yours up? Any suggestions? Thanks - Jim
About PPTP connection via PC I found nice tutorial step by step here at
About mobile, you should try to contact some VPN provider, they have nice live chat support so they can answer you probably on all your questions.
For setup your vpn on your phone you can find solution on

Terminal service client : how to ?

Check my device below.
My desktop PC is Windows Professional 2003 SP4
I have zone alarm security suite. I can turn zone alarm off while testing.
1) how do I determine the IP address of my desktop PC
2) how do I determince the IP address of my PPC
3) how do I setup my desktop pc operating system to receive ppc ping and remote control from PPC.
So how do i get this "Terminal service client " working ?
Is my data access safe ?
mmm you have windows 2000 SP4 or windows 2003 SP2? witch one is it. (doesn't matter )
first. remote desktop uses port 3389 and the pocketPC client can't handle any other port. So if you are behind a firewall or router let this port have access! (use a static IP for you PC if you use portforwarding on a router)
goto and the number you see there is your IP. (if you use it a lot make a free account you can make your own domain name like instead of
Goto your windows server to account management. make you user active in the group remote desktop (or something similar)
that would be all. just give a user access-right on a windows PC, and make sure the portforwarding and firewall are configured OK.
if any more questions buy a book windows for dummies
..."Goto your windows server to account management. make you user active in the group remote desktop (or something similar) "...
Is this the PPC owners name, as the user in Windows 2000 Prof SP4 for remote access.
In windows 2000, do I "make a new connection" and select "accept incoming connections" or do I "connect to a private netwrok through the internet" ( VPN )...
Are the any web pages on this, I have been google for a while.

Crossbow - Remote Desktop Mobile

Finally Microsoft have got their act together and provided a pretty good RDP client.
Crossbow's client is much better than previous versions offering friendly full screen support with which it is simple to toggle betweet RDP Mobile and other applcations.
(On a Full screen RDP session just press the Ok button to be presented with a Yes/No box offering to disconnect, selecting NO will leave the session intact and just , move it to the background without needing to logon again.)
Also from a fullscreen session just hit either of the buttons mapped to the softkeys to toggle back to windowed mode (Start bar visible).
Encrytion has been improved as RDP mobile nolonger requires the connection to be downgraded to Client Compatible.
I'm not forgetting the other documented features such as a coice of 256 Colours or High Colour (16 bit) and the ability to map audi from the server to the PPC.
Considering VJ's excellent VJFSTSC app was usually one of the first things to be installed after a rom upgrade I'm glad Microsoft have made their client not just usable but they have provided a long overdue (No change between 2003 & WM5) overhaul.
Taking things a little further I was surprised that Nyditot's Virtual Display works on Crossbow and the RDP client will allow a 800x600 screen (probably any res you choose) provided that the Fit to screen option is used.
Taz, I was slow to update VJFSTSC because I 'had a feeling' about remote desktop.. I don't know if there's any point continuing with my app, but I can think of some improvements to the new client, so maybe I can move in a different direction.
Many thanks for the review though. How do you find performance?
Try to get remote [email protected] 16 colors.
And now for a couple of pprblems with the new RDP Client
Hopefully these will be addressed by Microsoft before Crossbow/WM6 is officially released.
1. Remote Desktop Mobile will nolonger initiate a VPN through the Exceptions list within the Connections' settings. If you need to connect through a VPN you now need to connect to a VPN manually before connecting through Remote Desktop Mobile.
2. The auto fill for the Computer you wish to connect to can be a little awkward.
Once a few computers have been added, trying to connect to an additional computer with a similar name/IP to one already cached can result in RDM automattically filling in the details of a prev entered computer.
Trying to delete part of the pre-empted details results in the whole field being emptied but as you start to type the computer details again the autofill adds a previously entered computer again. The workaround is to enter the new computer name in one of the other fields and cut/paste it into the 'Computer' field.
VJ if you are considering a VJRDM application here are a few suggestions.
1. Maintain a list of computers & credential within your own application so that selecting which computer you wish to connect to will automatically launch RDM and connect to the required computer.
2. Include an option to automattically choose the Internet/Work connection and if your own database of details is maintained, allow these settings to be saved alongside the Username,Password, Domain and other settings.
3. The ability to program a WM device's hardware keys for CTRL, Esc, Alt and other Windows functions whilst using RDM without needing to reprogram these keys at the device level would be excellent
(ie launch VJRDM and the E-mail key becomes CTRL, Home becomes ALT but only whilst VJRDM is active. Whilst using other applications these keys retain their original function.)
4. Finally an option to temp disable push e-mail whilst connecting over a VPN would be handy as it would save activesync closing the VPN connection eveytime it tries to connect and shutting down the VPN.
Even with the above couple of problems DRM is far better than the terminal service client.
Does anyone know of a small application to launch a VPN without having to wade through the Connections' settings?
onlineemails I was about to suggest setting the colour depth on the server but it appears that XP and 2003 have a min depth of 8 bit (256 colours)
Hi all, is it possible to copy all the files from WM6 RDM on to a WM5 Universal, therefore being able to use the more advanced RDM on WM5?, as RDM is the ony reason i would upgrade to WM6.
Does anyone know the file names for Remote Desktop in Crossbow?
I am looking for a better Remote Desktop client for WM5 on my HTC Hermes.
With screen resolution setting...
Unfortunately I couldn't find anything useful.
Maybe I could use the new client from WM6.
How can I find it ?
Can anyone who has WM6, send it to me please?
Or maybe you can suggesta good client for WM5 ?
can remote desktop be used when the universal is not connected to a home network, but through the internet with gprs/umts??
i havent got logmein working with crossbow yet :S
logmein works for me. I'm using Midgets vanilla rom at the mo.
stupid me... it does work with IE, just not with opera :$
can I use higher res than 640*480? my school's term server is requesting a minimum resolution of 800*600...
is there anyway to get wm6 remote dsektop in wm5?
i had my brother forward port 3389 from the network server to my pc and now the remote desktop works perfect with the gprs/umts connection
way better then LogMeIn

networking, pinging and remote desktop? can u help?

hello all,
gots me a problem . im going to japan november, want to remote desktop back to here when necessary and be able to access a hdd here for dumping pictures. i have a lan here, wifi, it has a connection surfs the net etc.
it has an ip address from my router. is there a program or command that will get me the kind of command functionality of a dos/command prompt? ping, ipconfig, etc?
then if i can get them to talk, what steps do i need to take to remote in. do i need software? i enabled remote here, setup a user (vista BTW).
i cant access here from the laptop with xp either that one can ping. its also wifi currently. im obviously missing something and would appreciate any help, or web site links etc to show me what ive missed.
thanks in advance.
hi, a lot of admin utilities is in program called vxUtil. try to find it, if you are interrested. this is list of few features -
DNS Audit
DNS Lookup
IP Subnet Calculator
Password Generator
Ping Sweep
Port Scanner
Time Service
Trace Route
Wake On LAN - magic packet
or look at HERE
so this was for PDA, and this is for full connection via SSH VPN encrypted connection. I work for Infineon/Qimonda company, and there is strict security policy in here. So we have not permitted to ping, or created FTP connection with outside and many other services (like sending files through ICQ and etc.). There is one way, use your own SSH tunell ;-) on my home PC I have installed WinSSHD Bitvise server liseninng on port 443 (which cannot be blocked, because all our lotus notes databases is secured with HTPPS) and from work I can connect easily to home. Then is easy to create FTP connection, or terminal, or full GUI terminal (mstsc.exe e.g.) Link to this server (not free) and also to very good client (free) is HERE
I also have few routers connected to stable IP´s adress, which also have VPN features. Then is easy for me to connect to my home lan from everywhere.
thanks so much, i knew someone would point me the right way.
since last post, i have managed to remote desktop from my phone on the LAN just using built in remote desktop. tomorrow i will attempt an internet connection probably not configured something yet!
im checking out those web pages now. thanks again

[TESTING] Web Relay for WiFi RemoteAccess over 3G/HSDPA [VBNFILES]

- To remotely access your phone over 3G/HSDPA via simple web browser.
- Access Files including Upload/Download, Pictures and more
- SMS Access
1. WiFi RemoteAccess
- Amazing piece of software by link8506 (
2. LogMeIn Hamachi for WM
- Free and fast VPN for WM
3. Valid Data Plan
- 3G/HSDPA preferred
1. Install LogMeIn Hamachi on phone from their site ( , Select Unmanaged)
2. Install WiFi RemoteAccess from thread mentioned at start
3. Start Hamachi on phone and 'Power On', select device name as your xda username (IMPORTANT !!)
4. Select 'Join Network'
... Network Name : US-VBNFILES-RELAY
... Pass : $anjeevTest
5. Start Wifi RemoteAccess and configure a strong password at start (Change settings as desired)
6. Set it to 'Enable'
Once above is done, please drop me a PM or mail at [email protected]
- Information Required is your Hamachi IP on the phone and xda username
I will assign a port on the server to you and enable redirection.
All the above is one-time setup !
Once done, whenever you want to access your phone from the web, all you have to do is start on phone - Hamachi , then Wifi RemoteAccess
Your phone will be accessible @ : PORT
I am hoping to automate all the above on the server side in near future
Please note, my participation in the above is only the redirection on the server side. Both Hamachi and WiFi RemoteAccess are properties of mentioned individuals/companies and amazing piece of software !!
Special Thanks to link8506. Without his software, no point of this thread !
the link for Hamachi :

