T-Mobile HSPDA+ SouthEast Florida - Nexus One General

Was presently surprised to see a "H" instead of a "3G" on my N1....Could it be true...finally HSPDA+ as was promised in the beginning of January! I cannot connect, but instead get a data plan error from the website. Edge and 3g work without problems so I am assuming they are testing...
Can anyone else confirm?
Ill post a speedtest result once its up and running

If you're rooted and running Cyanogen's rom, that's why you're seeing the H now. He added that to his rom when the phone connects to HSDPA. So it doesn't mean anything has changed with the network.

Apparently there is a Data Outage for N1 users and T-Mobile...
This topic: T-Mobile internet just stopped working on my N1.
Some glitch with N1's...reboot solved
And yes you were right about the H, its not my H+ One can still hope

germaj said:
Apparently there is a Data Outage for N1 users and T-Mobile...
This topic: T-Mobile internet just stopped working on my N1.
Some glitch with N1's...reboot solved
And yes you were right about the H, its not my H+ One can still hope
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Lol... that data outage was days ago man. I think it's in your interest to hang out in this forum and read thoroughly prior to posting anything. So far you haven't posted anything that we haven't already discussed. No offense, of course.

Well it wasn't days ago in South Florida when I experienced it today....
MOD EDIT - Rude remark removed

I've been having problems like that everyday with the internet saying that i need a data plan.Just reboot and will be ok.

Thanks man...
I also read you can switch it to Airplane Mode then back to fix it...

I am in Orlando, but the HSPDA speed should been going for awhile.
I noticed the "H" immediately after flashing cyanogen's mod because he coded it to actually show the "H".
His rom does not actual increase the speed though. It just helps differentiate between the two. Possibly you were in a location that did not have it though.
As for data outages. I definitely noticed the big drop out on Friday, but there was another one yesterday for me at least. Shorter though.

This has been discussed already but, T-Mobile has not launched HSPA+. That should be later this year. As for HSPA, its turned on but there has not been a significant increase of bandwidth to the sites so you will not see the bandwidth on your phone.

germaj said:
Well it wasn't days ago in South Florida when I experienced it today....douche bag...no offense or anything
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Whatever kid... don't get mad at me because you just realized you're rehashing some things that have been discussed ad nauseum. Good luck figuring out your phone.

jongie123 said:
I've been having problems like that everyday with the internet saying that i need a data plan.Just reboot and will be ok.
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I noticed an issue switching between 2g and 3g that even rebooting fixed but only until it switched again (moving locations etc). It wasn't until I went into 'network operators' and reselected my network that the issue fully resolved. Worth a shot if you're still having issues.

bofslime said:
I noticed an issue switching between 2g and 3g that even rebooting fixed but only until it switched again (moving locations etc). It wasn't until I went into 'network operators' and reselected my network that the issue fully resolved. Worth a shot if you're still having issues.
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Thanks man, i'll give a try.

uansari1 said:
Lol... that data outage was days ago man. I think it's in your interest to hang out in this forum and read thoroughly prior to posting anything. So far you haven't posted anything that we haven't already discussed. No offense, of course.
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Nobody likes a forum troll. This is a friendly place.

uansari1 said:
Whatever kid... don't get mad at me because you just realized you're rehashing some things that have been discussed ad nauseum. Good luck figuring out your phone.
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South Florida didn't have the outage when others did. As late as today in the morning there was data connection issues in south florida.
(Not only am In south florida, but I had data connection issues, surprise surprise!)

Joyrex said:
Nobody likes a forum troll. This is a friendly place.
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You're right on both counts. But nobody likes redundant threads either. It would be nice not to see the Nexus forum turn into another Dream forum.
Anyway, that being said, the Florida data outage was fairly short-lived in comparison to the one from a couple days ago. Floridians got off lucky, it seems.
muncheese said:
South Florida didn't have the outage when others did. As late as today in the morning there was data connection issues in south florida.
(Not only am In south florida, but I had data connection issues, surprise surprise!)
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Just T-mobile users again, right? Hope they can get this issue figured out... 4 data problems in as many months is not looking good for T-mo...


T-mobile HSDPA in NWI/Chicagoland area FINALLY -*EDIT*

Sorry for misspeaking for the masses when saying chicagoland area, although my observations for SOME of the area seems to be right, according to this thread it may not be entirely accurate for the entire area. However NWI - Portage and surround areas to the west seem to get this good signal. Sorry guys =(
Hey guys! I can hardly contain myself. Since launch day I was plagued with HORRIBLE cell reception and had the 3g/edge switching issue. New radios always seemed to help little by little as they were rolled out, and eventually I just gave up and went to WiFi at home all the time. Dropped calls and such happened frequently.
The cell signal for the past 3 weeks-ish has been weird and flaky. I've never since January have been able to get more than 800kbs and that was full bars. More times than not it was 300-400kbs.
As of this week.... 1700kbs!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jesus Christ this thing flies now. I've been missing out on a lot. THANK YOU TMOBILE!
If anyone else has some awesome success stories with the N1, post in this thread =)
congrats, hope they upgrade the Las Vegas area soon.
do you get a different icon on the home screen when on HSDPA? Like instead of 3G?
twflys said:
do you get a different icon on the home screen when on HSDPA? Like instead of 3G?
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no you will not get a new icon unless you are using a modded rom.
twflys said:
do you get a different icon on the home screen when on HSDPA? Like instead of 3G?
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I'm currently using the stock Froyo test build so no icon. I love moving about the town and have steady 5 bars though. =)
Hitorii said:
I'm currently using the stock Froyo test build so no icon. I love moving about the town and have steady 5 bars though. =)
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What part of town are you in? I never had any problems with reception in Lincoln Park, through max download speed was around 800 kilobits.
Edit: Just saw that you said Chicagoland..never mind.
im in the chicagoland area. I just got 450kpbs down on my speedtest.
Talcott and Harlem pushing 1300kb myself
I wonder how long it will be before it hits down here in Bloomington/Normal
Although were not that big, we have a lot down here. Illinois State University, Illinois Wesleyan University, State Farm Headquarters, Country Companies, Nestle, Mitsubishi Motors
Hitorii said:
Hey guys! I can hardly contain myself. Since launch day I was plagued with HORRIBLE cell reception and had the 3g/edge switching issue. New radios always seemed to help little by little as they were rolled out, and eventually I just gave up and went to WiFi at home all the time. Dropped calls and such happened frequently.
The cell signal for the past 3 weeks-ish has been weird and flaky. I've never since January have been able to get more than 800kbs and that was full bars. More times than not it was 300-400kbs.
As of this week.... 1700kbs!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jesus Christ this thing flies now. I've been missing out on a lot. THANK YOU TMOBILE!
If anyone else has some awesome success stories with the N1, post in this thread =)
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so now that you have solid service, do you look back and maybe were you one of the people who complained about the nexus one poor reception and all this, and now you got solid coverage so you see how those of us with great sesrvice dont have those issues!
uansari1 said:
What part of town are you in? I never had any problems with reception in Lincoln Park, through max download speed was around 800 kilobits.
Edit: Just saw that you said Chicagoland..never mind.
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I was in Roger's Park and my downstream was 800kbps~. I recently moved to River West, (like Grand/Halstead), and my speed was around 2.7mbps. My upstream is the same as before 350kbps~.
In westside Los Angeles, getting around 2.8mbps down. It's damn nice that TMO is stepping it up.
Just checked, I'm getting ~50KB/s down up. Slower than before.
I'm in the western suburbs.
In the Oak Lawn/Alsip area and speeds are the same as always 800kbps is peak but usually slower.
Well I live in Portage area and took the SS in the other day and was fairly consistent on the way. Perhaps I should get this edited. Sorry guys, I could of sworn it was rolled out for the rest of ya.
As for the complaints and such about low speed/choppy speeds. Its night and day. I had it and now I don't, ever. So I can see how big of an ordeal it would have been to straighten out this signal issue from tmobile-google as its not consistent
Where are you in Chicagoland area? I don't notice a difference. I frequent Chicago/Buffalo Grove/Highland Park areas.
jlevy73 said:
In westside Los Angeles, getting around 2.8mbps down. It's damn nice that TMO is stepping it up.
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Sure you weren't on WiFi?
I haven't seen speeds like that anywhere in LA.
mortzz said:
Just checked, I'm getting ~50KB/s down up. Slower than before.
I'm in the western suburbs.
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Are you on the 2.2 test ROM by chance? The test rom was missing some info in its build.prop file which may leave your phone unoptimized for cellular data.
ATnTdude said:
Are you on the 2.2 test ROM by chance? The test rom was missing some info in its build.prop file which may leave your phone unoptimized for cellular data.
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im on froyo maybe thats why im not seeing hspa+ then
This is the best I've seen in Austin:
Connection Type: Cell
Download: 4921 kbps
Upload: 1500 kbps
Ping: 76 ms
I can consistently get over 3mbs down.

RESOLVED! 3G Problems in Denver with Flipz & Damage Roms

UPDATE - - see my post on page 3, the issue is confirmed as a Sprint network problem. I'm in KC, no problems. Denver 2 hours ago, couldn't load this page without timeout. Call Sprint and demand it be fixed!
Update 2 -- I just got off the phone with Sprint this morning (6/18) and they confirmed the issue. They have lots of reports of problems in Denver and Colorado in general. They say the issue started on 6/13 and affects 3G, 4G, third party messaging, and data roaming. They're not accepting any more trouble tickets, however, she did note my account that I reported the issue was occurring since that time for me, and she said once the issue is resolved, I should call back to ask for credits to my account for the loss of data use. I would urge ALL of you to call Sprint today and report the same so you can get your account noted and get some money back when they fix this crap.
Hi there,
I'm having a VERY flaky 3g connection after rooting and moving to flipz and damage roms. I don't think it's either rom, instead I think it has something to do with either the radio flash, or with Denver's 3g connection in general. Anyone else having similar issues? I've seen at least one person using each of flipz and damage seeing that.
Any ideas at what might cause the 3g connection to get hosed? It will cut out during file downloads, etc...it seems like it can't hold itself for more than 2 minutes. It will still say there is a connection, but you can go to google.com in the browser, and it will timeout.
I've updated PRL and Profile several times with no luck, I've tried the old radio and new, both affected. PRL 60665 is what I have now.
Same here
I have a stock EVO that is having the exact same problem. Seems to time itself out after a min or so. My wife has the same phone and no problem.
ClkWrk said:
I have a stock EVO that is having the exact same problem. Seems to time itself out after a min or so. My wife has the same phone and no problem.
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Can you check and see in the software information if you have the same baseband and prl version? You might be able to help us figure this out. Thanks!
Same here
Just checked them and they are exactly the same, although she is now having the same issue. To be more specific, the 3g icon shows upload and download for a length of time (20 sec to 2 min) and then sometimes shows only the upload arrow. The upload icon flashes a few times and then 3g drops completely. Usually upon returning to the home screen it seems to reset itself, only to repeat once internet is accessed or application is installing.
ClkWrk said:
Just checked them and they are exactly the same, although she is now having the same issue. To be more specific, the 3g icon shows upload and download for a length of time (20 sec to 2 min) and then sometimes shows only the upload arrow. The upload icon flashes a few times and then 3g drops completely. Usually upon returning to the home screen it seems to reset itself, only to repeat once internet is accessed or application is installing.
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This is the exact same behavior I'm experiencing. I've tried both radios, multiple ROMs, etc. The only conclusion I can draw is that it must have something to do with the PRL version, or the infrastructure itself here in Denver.
Same here
I have tried everything I can think of (short of giving up and calling support) and still no dice. The thing I can't figure out is what could have changed in the last 3-4 days in my neck of the woods to suddenly have such intermittent coverage. I have had Sprint for 10 months with absolutely no issues, now I can't even check out full websites. Makes the Evo a lot less fun for sure.
I dont think its just Denver. Im thinking sprint is throttling perhaps. Its affecting 4 people in the DC Maryland VA area that i know that have EVOs
kmartburrito said:
Hi there,
I'm having a VERY flaky 3g connection after rooting and moving to flipz and damage roms. I don't think it's either rom, instead I think it has something to do with either the radio flash, or with Denver's 3g connection in general. Anyone else having similar issues? I've seen at least one person using each of flipz and damage seeing that.
Any ideas at what might cause the 3g connection to get hosed? It will cut out during file downloads, etc...it seems like it can't hold itself for more than 2 minutes. It will still say there is a connection, but you can go to google.com in the browser, and it will timeout.
I've updated PRL and Profile several times with no luck, I've tried the old radio and new, both affected. PRL 60665 is what I have now.
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I had the same problem in Denver until I flashed the OMJ rom. now works. Try it. Also 4G working better. No idea if the issue is radio or PRL or something. I will post my info screen when I get a chance.
Here is my SW info:
colorado_al said:
I had the same problem in Denver until I flashed the OMJ rom. now works. Try it. Also 4G working better. No idea if the issue is radio or PRL or something. I will post my info screen when I get a chance.
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Umm 4G? I thought Denver wasn't supposed to get 4G until July. I heard that Coors Field has a low power 4G broadcast from it. If you are receiving 4G, what part of Denver do you live in?
ChrisDos said:
Umm 4G? I thought Denver wasn't supposed to get 4G until July. I heard that Coors Field has a low power 4G broadcast from it. If you are receiving 4G, what part of Denver do you live in?
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I've seen 4g by I25 and I70, but haven't found it anywhere else yet. It's definitely not down by centennial or parker, where I work and live.
Awesome find on the OMJ Rom al! I'm going to try it, and then touch base with flipz and toast to see if they have any thoughts as to what it might be.
ChrisDos said:
Umm 4G? I thought Denver wasn't supposed to get 4G until July. I heard that Coors Field has a low power 4G broadcast from it. If you are receiving 4G, what part of Denver do you live in?
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I work downtown. Definitely the best signal I get is near Coors Field, but I have seen 4G as far south as Broadway & I-25 and as far north as I-70 & I-25.
Speeds are variable. Looks like they are getting all the hardware in place and testing. Hope it means that full 4G will be online soon!
No dice for the OMJ rom for me. I flashed it, and had the issue reproduced within two minutes of the rom being up. Hung in the market, and then timed out in the browser on sprint's powerdeck website.
I noticed that the upload arrow was solid throughout the entire time of the behavior occurring.
Well, shoot.
Just a thought, I notice on my sprint home page that I've used 3.5GB of data this month.
Could this be throttling maybe? I know someone else mentioned it earlier, but just noticed this usage amount on my own page. can others experiencing it check their usage as well?
Well it appears that we have identical issues...where in Denver are you? i am near Sante Fe and Evans....
ClkWrk said:
Well it appears that we have identical issues...where in Denver are you? i am near Sante Fe and Evans....
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I'm at Lincoln and I25. However I'm now thinking this might be due to data usage. What is yours at this month per Sprint online? Maybe we can either confirm or squash that as a possibility.
631,500k data so far. I would think they would let us know if they were throttling, no?
ClkWrk said:
631,500k data so far. I would think they would let us know if they were throttling, no?
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Something's screwed. I saw 3. 5 gb used earlier on Sprint. Com and on the way to the airport, checked again, saw 500 mb on my wifes hero, 780 on mine. Calling Sprint tomorrow.
I will do the same.
I'm in the same part of town as kmartburrito and had this issue the other day with Flipz 0.2. I just restored my flash of Flipz' stock with the OTA update and new radio. I'm having no problems with that setup.
Haven't had time to flash anything else yet, but I'm planning to unlock NAND this weekend and check out Flipz and Damage's new stuff. After reading this thread, I think I might just leave well enough alone until things stabilize a bit.

Slow Internet Performance

Searched the forum, but didn't see a similar issue to mine.
Phone: T-Mobile N1
Stock, not-rooted, FRF91
Got the phone about 3-4 weeks ago, and it was rock solid up until 3-4 hours ago.
Since then the internet has been super crappy. Thats odd considering I've run speedtests in this same location that average about 3.1 Mb down, and I'm also at 4 bars of 3G.
Texting seems to work fine, though sending messages is also taking longer than normal.
Rebooted the phone several times, took the battery out a couple times. I'm fairly sure its not T-Mobile, since other people near me aren't having problems.
Any thoughts?
You hit your 'fair use' data limit and t-mob have throttled your data connection?
GlenH said:
You hit your 'fair use' data limit and t-mob have throttled your data connection?
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Nah it wasn't that, I barely break over a gig a month. It seems something was up with the cell tower. Once I left work, everything was fine. Though it was weird no one else seemed to be having issues.
Problem solved lol.
Dude I'm getting the exact same issue over here in Moreno valley California! Wtf. I guess their testing stuff out things with the hspda + to make it official ... I went form 3mb to 512kbps
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robotnoize said:
Dude I'm getting the exact same issue over here in Moreno valley California! Wtf. I guess their testing stuff out things with the hspda + to make it official ... I went form 3mb to 512kbps
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
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At some points I couldn't pull any data. Tested -0 in dl/ul on the Speedtest App, lol,
I've been getting the same problem in nj just outside nyc. I used to get pretty fast 3g but two weeks ago it really slowed down.
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It doesn't sound like a phone problem, more like carrier problem.
I am also having this same problem. Live in suburb of Boston and we are just about ready to turn on the HSPA+ network from T-Mobile. I figured this was due to all the work on the local towers in my area. Come on T-Mobile please just flip the switch.

3G a bit slow lately?

Anybody notice 3G to be a bit slow lately? I used speed test awhile back and got 1.5mbps, now I get half that! Not cool.
quickbird144 said:
Anybody notice 3G to be a bit slow lately? I used speed test awhile back and got 1.5mbps, now I get half that! Not cool.
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Fluctuation in speed will happen. Try it again in a hour and see what you get. Did you run the speed tests in the same location.
I've been seeing more and more of these threads popup. Something is up.
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Maybe this..
My 3G speeds were bad all of Dec. now they're good.
Didn't mean to add another thread. Was going I wasn't alone on this. I've gone through 3 different roms and a slew of kernels thinking it was them. Bummer.
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during the day my speeds are decent, in the evenings once everyone gets off work my speeds slow to a crawl.
Just now....
david279 said:
Just now....
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What prl and radio do you have?
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quickbird144 said:
What prl and radio do you have?
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All the latest...
I actually got 1.12mbps couple minutes ago. So I guess its nothing I should be concerned about.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
Think you have it bad, look at this ****. And can someone explain to me why when I open speedtest all of the servers are in europe?
brownhornet said:
Think you have it bad, look at this ****. And can someone explain to me why when I open speedtest all of the servers are in europe?
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Wow! That's actually what I was seeing earlier. Don't know what's going on cause soon as I made my post that I was getting 1.2mbps, it dropped to nearly nothing. Smh..
brownhornet said:
Think you have it bad, look at this ****. And can someone explain to me why when I open speedtest all of the servers are in europe?
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Same thing is happening to me.
Like I said something is up. Sprint data used to be the best in NYC. Man, I also wish that they upgraded to Rev. B for the next flagship phone. I know, wishful thinking but Id prefer that over WiMax for everyday use
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markushi said:
Same thing is happening to me.
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+1....Whats up with that???
markushi said:
Same thing is happening to me.
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Check your mobile internet settings. I just flashed cm7 and it has a couple of new selections...like international roaming, which was preselected. Also, it was preselected to roam on national affiliate networks. Since a lot of these roms are from people "across the pond" as they say, it will default to their servers. So, de-select those options and it will find a server closer to where you live. It is pretty kewl as it does switch to another network, but it is only 1rt speed, not 3G, so it didn't make my connection any faster. There are several threads out there on this about slow 3G speeds. I can only hope that with the 4G coming online, maybe the spectrum will open up to allow faster 3G speeds.
Lol glad im not the only 1 seeing this.. I was testing my connection in Germany yesterday LOL...
Tho even swapped back to the closest server (Germantown WI) , my speed still sucked..So I called sprint when I got home and told him my results compared to an ATT and Verizon phones while they were right next to me, and they were 6-7x faster then mine.
The CSR told me that its possible with northern Ill. getting 4G its working its way north into Wisconsin,and that could be affecting towers here while they transition..
Frankly I dont buy it. 2-3 weeks ago it was great, since then, 360kb is common. Also in the phone call I told him that I have no issues paying the $10 premium data charge, but if my phone keeps chugging along as it is now, I will be calling back since there is no way in hell I can take advantage of this "premium data" when I cant even watch a video on YouTube without constant pauses and other downloads basically crawling along.
Tower1972 said:
Lol glad im not the only 1 seeing this.. I was testing my connection in Germany yesterday LOL...
Tho even swapped back to the closest server (Germantown WI) , my speed still sucked..So I called sprint when I got home and told him my results compared to an ATT and Verizon phones while they were right next to me, and they were 6-7x faster then mine.
The CSR told me that its possible with northern Ill. getting 4G its working its way north into Wisconsin,and that could be affecting towers here while they transition..
Frankly I dont buy it. 2-3 weeks ago it was great, since then, 360kb is common. Also in the phone call I told him that I have no issues paying the $10 premium data charge, but if my phone keeps chugging along as it is now, I will be calling back since there is no way in hell I can take advantage of this "premium data" when I cant even watch a video on YouTube without constant pauses and other downloads basically crawling along.
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I chatted with a rep last night and they gave me the whole "there are no issues" song and dance. Clearly with so many people noticing this in so many different areas there is SOMETHING wrong with Sprints network. Either that or theyre throttling their speeds thinking people wont notice.
The csr i spoke to said he was going to push something thru to my phone and I should reboot it..which I did..
I see somewhat of an improvement at home (I THINK theres a relay on the watertower near my house but im not sure) and its now about 1.4mb down...Tho most of my issues are when im away from home and not near WiFi lol
I really hope Sprint isnt pulling a ninja throttle job on us to ease up the network for all the new subs

[Q] 3G Problems

Is anyone else experiencing problems with 3G staying connected today in the Philadelphia / South Jersey area?
4G is working and stays connected but my 3G data connection keeps dropping. The 3G icon will disappear from the bar when the connection drops. I have a good signal, or so it seems, and i'm in an area where I typically never have a problem. I am running the latest stock OTA firmware without root on 0003 hardware. I have tried rebooting and updating my profile / PRL.
Any suggestions or feedback would be appreciated...
danbriggs said:
Is anyone else experiencing problems with 3G staying connected today in the Philadelphia / South Jersey area?
4G is working and stays connected but my 3G data connection keeps dropping. The 3G icon will disappear from the bar when the connection drops. I have a good signal, or so it seems, and i'm in an area where I typically never have a problem. I am running the latest stock OTA firmware without root on 0003 hardware. I have tried rebooting and updating my profile / PRL.
Any suggestions or feedback would be appreciated...
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Hmm... people think that sprint "may" be planning some kind of network change due to slow speeds everywhere. Could be whats happening there?
aimbdd said:
Hmm... people think that sprint "may" be planning some kind of network change due to slow speeds everywhere. Could be whats happening there?
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i hope this is what's happening.
Not having problems in philly today, buy had tons of trouble last week. Maybe its related to areas? I'm south/south west philly.
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Phoenix is in the ****ter right now. .02mbs average speedtest...
GatoEnFuego said:
Phoenix is in the ****ter right now. .02mbs average speedtest...
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new york as well, one thing that seems to fix some issues (not all of em) is going into the keypad, dial ##3282# press Edit Mode enter your msl then go into data profile, press the menu key and press reset, that seems to help a little...
if u need ur msl code download msl reader from the market (free app)
Thanks for the feedback... For now at least my connection is solid. Today was the first time I've ever experienced this issue.
Sprints network is suckin all over the place for the past month or 2. Youll going to be waiting a very long tome.to use anything that involves data usuage. Your lucky if you get to watch a full you tube vid without getting an error message. Sometimes when i send a pic message it just stays sending for hours. I called and complained...they gave me a $30 credit for bad servide. I also told them even though they issued me a credit and if the issue is not resolved in 2wks i will be cancelling my contract with them and i better not get a cancleation fee for doing it cause it is not my fault. Rep ....actually i think it was a supervisor that said it is a coverage issue im having and blamed it on out towers, wich is bs cause ive called.several times and complained. So either A. they take to long to fix.issues or B. It happens way to often and i cant use my phone for.the reasons i bought it for. I actually dropped the call cause of poor service while on the phone with another rep.
I gave sprint a chance...now its back to verizon. Prices are great on sprint but what good is it if i never have service.
skillzo1 said:
Sprints network is suckin all over the place for the past month or 2. Youll going to be waiting a very long tome.to use anything that involves data usuage. Your lucky if you get to watch a full you tube vid without getting an error message. Sometimes when i send a pic message it just stays sending for hours. I called and complained...they gave me a $30 credit for bad servide. I also told them even though they issued me a credit and if the issue is not resolved in 2wks i will be cancelling my contract with them and i better not get a cancleation fee for doing it cause it is not my fault. Rep ....actually i think it was a supervisor that said it is a coverage issue im having and blamed it on out towers, wich is bs cause ive called.several times and complained. So either A. they take to long to fix.issues or B. It happens way to often and i cant use my phone for.the reasons i bought it for. I actually dropped the call cause of poor service while on the phone with another rep.
I gave sprint a chance...now its back to verizon. Prices are great on sprint but what good is it if i never have service.
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Thats pretty much how im starting to feel at this point. I just keep thinking if im going to switch I need to go ahead and do it while they still have the unlimited data. Trying to see when the Thunderbolt is going to drop.. I see a lot of people saying Feb some time.
Im lucky that I live in KC where the sprint campus is. Our service is always running great. Except the building I work in sucks for signal. Walk outside and I go from no bars to full bars.
The data network has been complete **** in Idaho for a month! Its driving me nuts!
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
Anyone feel like reporting this issue to.engadget? Feels.like.maybe that is the only way we will get some real answers on wtf is going on.
I'm northwest of Philly, Gwynedd to be more precise. I just just got .26 Mbps down and .48 Mbps up. I think that is pretty sucky and I have to tether my iPad all day to that speed.
Im in philly (west) & Im ok. 4g is a lil slower than i originally experienced, 3g is just ok. Either way it has been a slight "slow down" since i first got my phone. I kinda have just been tolerating it....
I agree with philly. When I first got my evo I was amazed at the speed of everything. Especially 4g. When ur 4g speed tests start to match your t-mobile buddies 3g speed test there is a problem. It seems to have dropped quality over the last month here in Austin tx as well. Hopefully Feb 7th is good news. I just upgraded two of my lines with two year sa.
Sent from my rooted HTC EVO using the xda app!

