Modify SourceID of a contact - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

I tried to find on internet but found nothing on it.
I am trying to modify the SourceID of a contact on Windows Mobile.
I am using .Net, and by now i am sure that it cannot be done.
But if someone can possibly write me a small wrapper which has a function to do this.
I will use that in .Net and pass it an ItemID & SourceID as parameter, and it will modify SourceID of that ItemID.
I am not a guru in c++ and thats the reason i seek help if anyone could help me.
Just to add, Windows Mobile 5/6 SDK comes with a sample app called PimExProvider
It updates all contacts SourceID to a new available id.
This code will surely help to start with if someone can help me.

I was able to do it myself.
I created the c++ dll and called it in .Net.


List of currently running programs

is there a namespace to get the list of progams currently running on the smartphone ????
and if there isn't what dll should i interop to do that ?!!!
ToolHelp Reference
If you just want to do it once, use the remote tools that come with Embedded C++ or Visual Studio. If you want to get it within your program, see the ToolHelp Reference. (search for toolhelp at You'll find such functions as:
Since you asked for the dll, toolhelp uses toolhelp.dll

VB.Net + mdb-Databases (Access) on WM6

How can I open Access Databases in VB.Net for WM6?
I want to use sql-commands to read, edit and write to the database
is this possible? thank you for help!
greetz SciLor
Ok, I have no idea about these things but I will still try it
Maybe this?
Thank you that might be what i search know i need to know how to access on on the DLL's
i do not believe that compact framework differs from normal .net
when it comes to oleDB interface
i would check out for code about conecting to an access db
Thank you for the site! very useful
I will try to find something, but my problem is i never used in connection with databases
i cant help you with anything vb related as i hate vb
but if you need a connection string
I only read about sdf files... these databases suck, i dont want to work with different file types on my computer and my phone
Portable Database
i'm using SQLite on my wharehouse program it's free fast and your database file is portable meaning you can access the data on your mobile as well as your destop, if you are coding in .net there is a net wrapper availiable too, you can connect with the database similar way as if it was sqlce database so i found it pretty easy, and the sql syntax is like typical SQL. you have to get a query analyzer separetaly though, or build your own it's not hard to implement.
So try Googling for SQLite and the .Net Wrapper basicaly you need only the Wrapper, and copy the wrapper .dll to your device in your app directory.
Ps. There are many open source projects availiable to learn how to use it just search
Ps2.Sorry for my bad english.

Compile applications in Basic4PPC?

Hi. I recently started using Basic4PPC and I think its really fun. Im making a small lock application now, But I need help. I dont know how to compile my applications and make them into EXE files.
When I save an application it saves as a Basic4PPC project, Not an EXE file.
Please, Help
I know that Basic4PPC has very active forums, so you might have better luck posting your question there.
It doesen't say how to compile on they're forums
as far as I know you compile programs on a desktop pc, when you download basic4ppc it comes with one installer for your device and another for your desktop. i've been using it too and remote to my pc to compile
this is a question for the B4PPC forum, not here...
Also you need to purchase the application before you can make exe files
in the desktop IDE go to file>compile> and select the destination device
If you're using the trial, you can't compile. You need to buy it to be able to compile
Closing the thread
Thanks for your help. Im gonna buy the full version of Basic4ppc now and hope it works
so where you ever able to make it work?


Hi. So I just got a dump of my iPAQ 110, and I found this file. Earlier i stumbled onto this article:
Unfortunately this doesn't work for the latest messenger on the PC, but I was wondering if i can do something similar to make plugins for the mobile messenger. I tried to start a "Smart Device" project in VS2008 (I already have the wm6.0 sdk refresh installed), and then add this dll as a reference, but I get "A reference to "WLMMessengerplugin.dll" could not be added.", and when i click the help button it links me to an article saying this:
The project you are trying to load targets a device platform that your Visual Studio installation is not configured to support.
To correct this error
Install the platform that supports the project you want to load.
Anyone had any success with this?

[Q] How to trace C# code in Windows Mobile 6.5

Hi All,
I am using VS2008 to write C# codes for a Windows Mobile 6.5 device. I know that Trace.WriteLine could be used to trace a program for a non Windows Mobile project However, when I try to use Trace.WriteLine in a Windows Mobile 6 project, I receive the following compilation error :
CS0117: 'System.Diagnostics.Trace' does not contain a definition for 'WriteLine'
I find that if I use Debug.WriteLine, then the mobile project compiles OK. But due to some technical issues I have to stick to the "release" build in this mean time. Does anyone know of other ways to trace a C# program in a windows mobile project, i.e. write debug messages to the VS2008 output window.
Thanks for any suggestion.
How to trace C# code in Windows Mobile 6.5
Hi All,
In fact, I have a downloaded opensource VS2008 solution with a C++ DLL project and a C# Application Form project. The C# project calls the DLL created in the C++ project. Both the two projects have a "release" config but the C++ DLL project doesn't have a usable "debug" config. The original opensource solution could be compiled and run OK if both of the two projects are in "release" mode.
However, I want to turn the two projects into "debug" mode and add debug/trace statements (Debug.WriteLine, Trace.WriteLine) in the two projects. For the C# project it is trivial but for the C++ project I find no way to do this. If I turn the C# project in "debug" mode while keeping the C++ project in "release" mode, the solution rebuilds OK but when I deploy the projects into my Windows Mobile 6.5 device, an exception occurs complaining that the "debug" mode DLL (i.e. the DLL with an extra "D" in its name) could not be found.
Does anyone know of an easy way that I could create a "debug" config from the existing "release" config for the C++ project so that I could turn the whole solution into "debug" mode, or could I re-config the "debug" mode C# project so that it could use the "release" mode DLL created in the "release" mode C++ project ?
I am sorry if I have asked a too naive or too hard question as I am mainly using Java and am new to the VS2008 C++/C# environment.
Thanks for any suggestion and any pointer/link would be appreciated.

