The process has stopped unexpectedly - Hero CDMA General

I have been having this issue ever since my phone booted up and all my apps sequentally had force close dialogs happen. I am running my apps from the SD and figured something went wrong with the boot up sequence. I tried doing a nandroid backup, reinstall fresh 1.1, but no luck.
I then used my backups to reinstall over all my apps, then went into Market to install them via that. Everything seemed to be just fine, but the phone app would still not dial anything and when I recieved a call, it gives the error "The process has stopped unexpectedly" and then proceeds to try to reset the phone connection. Most times I lose all data connection and need to reboot.
Recently, I tried installing the latest Modoco CDMA rom. No luck. I then did a Titanium backup and force reinstalled everything again. Still no luck.
Anyone have this issue and get it resolved? My Hero can do everything but make and accept calls. I really don't want to do a wipe as this problem can just happen again, so I would rather understand the process.
Thanks in advance.

Simplest way to fix this should be clearing the dalvik/boot cache from fresh's kitchen. I really should write up a guide on how to do these simple tasks manually.

obelisk79 said:
Simplest way to fix this should be clearing the dalvik/boot cache from fresh's kitchen. I really should write up a guide on how to do these simple tasks manually.
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Will that work on MCR 2.2 as well? I'll look into that. Is it something I can do from recovery?

yes should work on mcr 2.2 and can be done manually from recovery, I know recovery does dalvik cache, not sure if it also kils the boot cache as well though. The older version only did dalvik.

obelisk79 said:
yes should work on mcr 2.2 and can be done manually from recovery, I know recovery does dalvik cache, not sure if it also kils the boot cache as well though. The older version only did dalvik.
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Do you need to do both? Wiping the dalvik cache created lots of app fc issues, which would be fine if the phone actually worked. Still won't make or receieve calls.
And thank you for the assistance.
Edit. Clearing the boot cashe got rid of the FC issues. However, still have same issue with the phone app. This is so annoying.

honestly the best bet to clear up the issues would be to do a full wipe from recovery. Wipe the phone clean then run the stock RUU and re-root and install your custom rom. Do a nandroid backup first just to prevent losing any of your info.
Unfortunately despite the many well written guides here on XDA there are always a few issues most likely a result of slight hardware quirks or unfortunate circumstances at the time of flashing.
Just for '****s and giggles' have you tried pulling your battery for 30 seconds, reinstalling it and booting the phone up?
Heck sometimes just a reflash of the rom right over top of itself. I've been tinkering with this phone since the day root came out and I still don't fully understand all of it's quirks.

Ceger said:
I have been having this issue ever since my phone booted up and all my apps sequentally had force close dialogs happen. I am running my apps from the SD and figured something went wrong with the boot up sequence. I tried doing a nandroid backup, reinstall fresh 1.1, but no luck.
I then used my backups to reinstall over all my apps, then went into Market to install them via that. Everything seemed to be just fine, but the phone app would still not dial anything and when I recieved a call, it gives the error "The process has stopped unexpectedly" and then proceeds to try to reset the phone connection. Most times I lose all data connection and need to reboot.
Recently, I tried installing the latest Modoco CDMA rom. No luck. I then did a Titanium backup and force reinstalled everything again. Still no luck.
Anyone have this issue and get it resolved? My Hero can do everything but make and accept calls. I really don't want to do a wipe as this problem can just happen again, so I would rather understand the process.
Thanks in advance.
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use these commands to clear cache
rm -r /data/boot-cache/
rm /data/dalvik-cache/
once you finish then reboot.everything should go away...

he's done that already.

then i suggest to extract the rom zip file, and get into command on your device and go under the system/lib or app and see what is listed in the folders. and compare it to the rom folder.
That's how i was able to fix the voice search on my device, one of the lib file was missing and got it to work after that.

obelisk79 said:
honestly the best bet to clear up the issues would be to do a full wipe from recovery. Wipe the phone clean then run the stock RUU and re-root and install your custom rom. Do a nandroid backup first just to prevent losing any of your info.
Unfortunately despite the many well written guides here on XDA there are always a few issues most likely a result of slight hardware quirks or unfortunate circumstances at the time of flashing.
Just for '****s and giggles' have you tried pulling your battery for 30 seconds, reinstalling it and booting the phone up?
Heck sometimes just a reflash of the rom right over top of itself. I've been tinkering with this phone since the day root came out and I still don't fully understand all of it's quirks.
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Done and done and no difference.
reddick said:
then i suggest to extract the rom zip file, and get into command on your device and go under the system/lib or app and see what is listed in the folders. and compare it to the rom folder.
That's how i was able to fix the voice search on my device, one of the lib file was missing and got it to work after that.
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Done, even manually moved some files in case they were corrupted at one point. Very bad move, nandroid backup was my friend there.
Guess a wipe will be the only option then. How annoying.
Thanks for all of your inputs.

Another thought... would updating my phone with latest kernal compile possibly do the trick? Or how about a replacement process for

Interesting theory.... worth a try.

i had this issue once and it was because of somehow the uids for the apps got messed up. a wipe should fix this in most cases. but for me it went like ur issue. i almost event went back stock. then i looked into it and found that in my packages.xml file the the uids were all messed up. i had multiple uids and certs for the apps i was having issues with. so what i did was pulled the packages.xml from the device and erased the apps i was having issues with. then pushed it back and rebooted. that cleared the issue. so if i were u i would research that. do a google search on it. then if it doesnt work do the ruu and reroot. good luck man. i know how u must be feeling. i was there

toastcfh said:
i had this issue once and it was because of somehow the uids for the apps got messed up. a wipe should fix this in most cases. but for me it went like ur issue. i almost event went back stock. then i looked into it and found that in my packages.xml file the the uids were all messed up. i had multiple uids and certs for the apps i was having issues with. so what i did was pulled the packages.xml from the device and erased the apps i was having issues with. then pushed it back and rebooted. that cleared the issue. so if i were u i would research that. do a google search on it. then if it doesnt work do the ruu and reroot. good luck man. i know how u must be feeling. i was there
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Actually, the fix was much simpler. I wiped the SD ext partition and just did a Recovery Wipe. It went back to stock modded rom that remained rooted. I then used Titanium to reinstall my apps with data and then MyBackup to get back some settings such as my scenes, etc. and all was good. Took all of 30 minutes to get my Hero back up and running in better condition than before.
Thanks all for the assists.
i am facing this prob on cyanogen mod10....when ever i reboot my optimus 2x....i face this damn problem
help plzzzzzzzzzz.....!!!!!


[Q] force close EVO

Question, Im getting alot of "" force closes on my EVO since I restored a few apps thru Titanium Backup. I rooted about a week ago and never had any issues with this. The only apps that I restored was angry birds and a to-do-list app along with all the data that came with the apps. I have tried cleaning caches and restarting the phone and nothing seems to work... what would you suggest? I seen a few threads when i searched - but they were for the G1 and the Captivate, nothing for the EVO... any help would be appriciated...
Did u flash any Rom or Theme??
nope, I rooted and am still using the stock ROM... I was going to flash Frost or some thing, but I want to make sure this doesnt carry over to the flashed ROM, or if there is a fix...I would prefere to fix it...
I am also getting a force close on the phone process.... when some one calls me and I ignore the call it force closes the process for the phone as well...
Try reinstalling the gapps.apk. One of them must of been corrupted by the data you restored.
do you know where I can find that at? I have never heard of it...
Also the thing that is confusing, is I can still access my market, maps, latitude, people, gmail... etc
If the apk or files were corrupted, I wouldnt be able to access those apps... i will try to reinstall the apk, but I would like to know what I did to make this error happen, so I know not to do it again...
one thing I think it could have been was there were two "people" files in my Titanium Back up... One was up near the top it said "People 1.00" and then there was one near the bottom with a line thru it that said "People 1.1.1" or some thing to that effect... I deleted the one at the bottom with the line thru it cause I thought I didnt need it any more... could this be wahts up with this error?
I can still access People thru the People widget, but some times it takes abnormally longer to load my list of contacts...
I can also still access Market, Gmail, Maps, Latitude...
I just clciked on Talk and it seems to be the problem, every time I click Talk it brings up the force close issue...
should I just reinstall the Talk.apk?
I also get "" force close when I decline a call...
when I went into my ROM manager, I clicked the "fix permissions" and it says "error occurred while attempting to run privlaged commands"
Any info on any of this would be great...
Anyone out there
Sent from my EVO while tethered into the Matrix thru Wifi...
Okay well I have googled/searched XDA 'til I was green in the face... I still can't figure out how to fix this issue?
Just answer me this, If I do an entire factory reset - will I loose root?
I have wiped the cache thru recovery, Should I try wiping the delvic-cache also, before I factory reset to see if that works??
I can not find any where to download the "gapps.apk" anywhere, I found this one thread that told me to install these in this order:
1. TalkProvider.apk
2. GTalkService.apk
3. Talk.apk
but none of them worked... they wouldnt even install... it just kept saying install I found another thread with the 2.2 gtalk and it installed...but Im still getting the error...
I have been getting several other errors, like htc.bgp force close (or some thing like that) as well as force close...
So should I just do a NAND restore or should I do a factory reset instead? OR should I run the RUU and start over to root...??
I am at wits end here and am not getting anywhere with searching...
I would start with a NAND restore. (Hopefully you have one from before the problem started)
If that doesn't fix it, do a factory reset.
If that doesn't fix it, Factory reset and instal a custom ROM (Sprint Lovers is very close to stock if that's what you like)
I don't think running an RUU is necessary. Once you obtain full Root, you should be able to fix any problem with .apk's or programs on the phone.
Biggest Fro said:
I would start with a NAND restore. (Hopefully you have one from before the problem started)
If that doesn't fix it, do a factory reset.
If that doesn't fix it, Factory reset and instal a custom ROM (Sprint Lovers is very close to stock if that's what you like)
I don't think running an RUU is necessary. Once you obtain full Root, you should be able to fix any problem with .apk's or programs on the phone.
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Thanks for the input, I was beginning to think I was invisible... lol... I will try that and see what happens...
Well, I went ahead and tried one more thing before I did what you said to do and I think it worked... I went into my EVO while in Disk Drive mode and I cut my entire Titanium Backup folder out of the phone and copied it onto my Desk top. Then I went into my OLD EVO files from the end of the year and I copied the latest folder into my phone. I then went to Charge only, clicked TB and refreshed the app list... Then I was left with a ton of apps that were not installed on my phone. I then went thru each one and restored the ones that were still installed and deleted the ones that were not... (except for the stock apps that came with the phone), so far so good... I will test it more tonight and see whats up, have not gotten any force closes since I finished...
One thing I would like to know tho - where can I get the stock dialer.apk
Some how it got deleted off my new EVO and when I try to load up one of the htc.dialer.apk from my old EVO - the new one does not recognize it... I am currently useing "dialer one" from the market - but I would prefere to make my NAND back up of the Official stock ROM with all the stock apps...any ideas?
EDIT: Okay, fixed the issue but did not fix the other force closes... I guess I will have to try the steps above - and worse case - ill just run the RUU and start all over...
I had this problem once and it was related to a widget I downloaded that retrieved missed calls. Don't know if that helps.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
sw99 said:
I had this problem once and it was related to a widget I downloaded that retrieved missed calls. Don't know if that helps.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
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But thats the thing - I didnt download anything - I restored two apps, one was opera mini with data and the other was spareparts... then I lost my htc dialer - so I installed Dialer one from the market... I dunno Im just gonna have to do the stpes above and if they dont work - Ill just wipe and run RUU and reroot... no biggie...
Okay I did a NAND restore... then I went thru and set up ALL my apps and settings again and then I did a fresh NAND Backup with clockwork first AND then Amon_Ra... all seemed well except, after I did the Clockwork Backup... I was getting "com.smithmicro.DM has stopped unexpectedly" so searched and read a little and it seemed to have some thing to do with the PRL/Profile updater... so i went into the settings and opened the app manager and cleared the "data" in com.smithmicro.DM and then I restarted the phone and that seemed to fix it... thanks for all the help...

[Q] Phone is ocassionally rendered useless after a reboot.

I have tried flashing a couple different roms, including Bonsai, TrulyEpic Rebirth. I get everything up and running, and a few reboots later, I turn my phone on, and I'm back at the setup screen, where you enter your gmail acct info, and it teaches you how to use the Swype keyboard and everything. I get through all that, and i just have a barrage of "this program force-closed" windows. Everytime I do that, I have to start all over. I've had to do this 5 or 6 times since I got the phone on Monday.
What I do is:
Flash DK28 with Odin.
One-click root/clockwork recovery
Let the system do the ext4 conversion
factory reset, clear cache partition, clear dalvik cache 3x
flash rom
restore all my apps
then, a few reboots later, I end up with the setup screen, and the barrage of FC notifications.
Am I missing something?
EDIT: WHOOPS. I'm half asleep and didn't read that right. When you say restore apps, are you restoring a cwm backup or are you talking about the app restoration build into the setup wizard?l
Built in setup app.
I used to have this problem too, it was very frustrating. For me, I finally narrowed it down to somehow corrupting the ROM by using the 3-button instant reboot method. Since I was using the no-journaling mod I figured that somehow I was forcing a re-boot while the system was writing something? I don't really know for sure though, but I can say now that I use QuickBoot and avoid the 3-button method, I haven't had any problems. Good luck!
Thanks. I have yet to try the no-journaling mod, nor do I know what the 3 button method is. I've been using a widget called "boot control", but I'll switch back to quick-boot (i've used it in the past) to see if that helps.

[Q] ACS force closing Logs Provider on boot

I'm running the latest version of ACS, and I keep getting a force close loop for "", when I boot. Meaning I tap force close, and it comes right back, giving me no access to my phone. This is after two crashes (using the phone then it turns off). Does anyone have a suggestion? My father's Evo did this too, and he had to scream at Sprint before they'd swap the phone, but it's working fine now. I have the insurance thing on my plan, should I try that? If so, would I have to use Odin first?
Did you try to restore a backup with titanium backup??? I would boot to clockwork recovery and try to fix permissions by going to advanced in the menu.
Already done. I wiped user settings or whatever too. I'm now trying to reflash ACS and it says can't open /sdcard/foo/bar/ (bad) could it be my sdcard? Does Sprint cover those under my hardware thing? I'm using ext4 afaik.
Im not sure if the cover the sd card I want to say no unless it is under a month old. However I wouldnt bring the phone in like that I would odin to a stock unrooted rom. Try to recopy the acs rom to the root of your sd card and then wipe data/factory reset 3 times in clockwork and then try to reinstall the rom.
I've been having issues on all my roms, so I'm thinking it could be my sd card. I'll bring it in as a last resort. Don't want to Odin if I can avoid it. Thanks for the help.
the logs provider has to do with mms and call logs and the sd card shouldn't affect it since it is a system app data/data/ Did you try to clear the dalvik in advanced within clockwork???
That's crazy, I'm having the same exact problem. I was running the latest ACS fine for weeks and then I just rebooted it and BAM, 'Force closes' like crazy!
I reformatted, cleared all cache and factory reset to no avail. I still kept getting the same things pop up. I finally installed it through the zip file the 3rd time and somehow iit's working fine. I lost all my apps and evidently they didn't back up to my google account.
I'm too scared to reboot myphone now since that's what seems to trigger the problem.
Anybody know the source of the problem?
Curious if your getting any oneDram errors in dmesg? Seems like you guys are starting to have those odd errors were seeing in the Bonsai 4.1.0 beta.
Sent from Bonsai 7.0.3
I don't think i saw a oneDram error message, I remember seeing force closes for most of the services or processes that usually run in the background like phone and DRM service.
The persistent force close message that kept popping up was the logs.provider one.
This problem is currently happening to me now
I'm to lazy to fix it now though by the end of the week I'll do something
This happened to me while I had very bad/varying signal
(0-2 bars on a six bar scale)
And low battery
I clicked on my email app and while it was loading I locked my phone and walked toward a window for better signal
When I looked back at my phone it rebooted by it self and everything is force closing like email and messaging.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA Premium App
Yeah that's very similar to how out started with me too. Actually it might be exactly how it started.
Please let us know what you find out, because I've actually had this problem once before with an ACS rom.
I had my phone do this the other day with the logs provider. Reinstalled the rom (ACS Latest) and the issue went away...
Brother has been having the same issue for weeks on his epic too. He was running Bonsai 4.0.1 getting the same force closes, only his started first when he tried to open his mms app... He installed the latest ACS to see if it was Bonsai, about an hour later got the force closes again until he had an endless loop again.
We checked our memory blocks just for giggles and noticed he has 3 bad blocks while i have 11... cant be the issue...
He would get those force closes on EB13 and DK28 too.
We always do the 3x 3x 3x dance in clockwork before installing a rom too...
Dont know if this info helps or not. He thought about going stock and hitting up a Sprint store today and taking out an insurance claim....
Sorry I missed this thread.
Here's what I want you guys to do.
Back up your sdcard to your pc. ( just the files you wanna save.
Format your sd card with your phone
put the rom zip on your sdcard
Back up everything with your favorite back up program. titanium or mybackup root.
Reboot into cwm make sure it's
Wipe data, cache, dalvik 3x's ( don't cheat )
Flash your rom.
Boot your phone.
Restore your back up from your backup program. ( apps only no data )
Reboot into cwm again.
This time only wipe cache and dalvik 3x's ( no cheating )
Reboot and you should be good to go
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
^ This is a guaranteed solution to any unexpected FC problems.
k0nane said:
^ This is a guaranteed solution to any unexpected FC problems.
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I wish it was, but it isn't a guaranteed solution. It might work 99% of the time.
Sent from Bonsai 7.0.3
Top Nurse said:
I wish it was, but it isn't a guaranteed solution. It might work 99% of the time.
Sent from Bonsai 7.0.3
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I said for FCs, not bricks.
I'm having the exact same problem with the same ROM. The other day it froze after I took a picture and wouldn't respond. Had to do a battery pull after which I was stuck in an endless boot loop.
Tried just reflashing the ROM from SD and no dice, then cleared all caches 3 times and reflashed and I had a working phone again.
Then about 10 minutes ago I was using the phone and it shut down out of nowhere, after that booted back up with a tone of force closes and now the log provider force close won't go away. I'm just going to switch ROMs cause this is ridiculous.
No need to do that. The solution for freezing is excrutiatingly simple - and if it only freezes when you're in the camera, you need only format your SD card.
Do that, wipe data, and reflash, and everything will work 100% perfectly.
i had this issue more than once. and any kind of restoration of a backup made after the fc started resulted in continued fc's. i had to start fresh no backup and restore.
darksideauto said:
i had this issue more than once. and any kind of restoration of a backup made after the fc started resulted in continued fc's. i had to start fresh no backup and restore.
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As expected - Nandroid bad data, and your bad data will remain. Use MyBackup Root for that.
Just take a Nandroid backup and restore it when you're running properly - or use the zip in the development section to turn journaling on. No problem.

[Q] Multiple Issues - Should I wipe my phone?

Overall, my S5 is working pretty well, but it has started doing something strange. A few times each day, I get a "Unfortunately, _____ has stopped" message. A few times, I've noticed that "travel wallpaper" is the app that has stopped. I've never tried to use that (whatever it is). I'm pretty sure "Google news stand" or something like that was the app sometimes, as well as other apps.
For a couple months, I've been rooted and use Titanium Backup to freeze some of the bloatware that I felt pretty sure I don't want (all from a list of "safe to remove" apps). I use Greenify on a few apps, but not the ones that are showing up in the error messages.
A week or so before I noticed these errors, I had installed a bad .apk. It seemed sketchy, so I quickly uninstalled it. I ran Clean Master and it found nothing bad. But I'm still thinking I might want to wipe my device. I'd kind of like to go through the process just to do it. I've been doing regular backups with Titanium and I can't think of anything on the phone that I can't restore from scratch.
Is there a best method for wiping and using Titanium Backup to restore?
Edit: "Wi-Fi Direct share" is another app that gets the error message.
Edit: I used Safestrap to backup immediately after I rooted. The phone was stable at that point and for a month after.
ergalthema said:
Overall, my S5 is working pretty well, but it has started doing something strange. A few times each day, I get a "Unfortunately, _____ has stopped" message. A few times, I've noticed that "travel wallpaper" is the app that has stopped. I've never tried to use that (whatever it is). I'm pretty sure "Google news stand" or something like that was the app sometimes, as well as other apps.
For a couple months, I've been rooted and use Titanium Backup to freeze some of the bloatware that I felt pretty sure I don't want (all from a list of "safe to remove" apps). I use Greenify on a few apps, but not the ones that are showing up in the error messages.
A week or so before I noticed these errors, I had installed a bad .apk. It seemed sketchy, so I quickly uninstalled it. I ran Clean Master and it found nothing bad. But I'm still thinking I might want to wipe my device. I'd kind of like to go through the process just to do it. I've been doing regular backups with Titanium and I can't think of anything on the phone that I can't restore from scratch.
Is there a best method for wiping and using Titanium Backup to restore?
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Before you wipe your phone may I suggest that you unfreeze everything first, then see if you get the "Unfortunately...." message. If you stop getting that message then it is a pretty good chance that you have something frozen that an app or system needs to use. Wiping your phone and getting a fresh install of apps is always a good idea...if you have the time and inclination to do those type things. Installing apps from a backup is handy, but if you have a bad download/app install you will only be replicating the problem by installing from a back up. This is usually not a problem, but you never know. If you wipe, and have the time, try downloading the apps you want from Play Store to make sure you have the latest/fresh app. Yeah it is a PITA but you can be assured that the apps on your phone are the latest versions.
jpcalhoun said:
Wiping your phone and getting a fresh install of apps is always a good idea
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I'll probably do that when I have a chance. Is there a particular method of wiping that is recommended?
I would like to restore my Nova Launcher home screen settings, Wanam settings, and any other customizations like that if possible.
ergalthema said:
I'll probably do that when I have a chance. Is there a particular method of wiping that is recommended?
I would like to restore my Nova Launcher home screen settings, Wanam settings, and any other customizations like that if possible.
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Doing a Factory Reset is a good way to wipe your phone without touching your system apps. Or, if you have a custom recovery on your phone, you can do a full or partial wipe through recovery. I've used both methods and don't know if one way is any better than the other. You can save your current Nova setting to your SD card and restore after you have wiped. I don't use Wanam so I don't know about that app's settings and restore capability.
Immediately after I rooted, I made a backup with Safestrap. Titanium Backup has been backing up my apps and data.
Should I try to install the Safestrap recovery backup I made a couple months ago?
I did a lot of research before rooting, and so many people said how easy it was, etc. While using towelroot was super easy, learning how to correctly use Safestrap, etc. was not - especially since there were a couple error messages along the way and it didn't work quite how the info I gathered said it would (even the video from the Safestrap app page was not how most people set it up).
Regardless of what restore method you recommend, any info and helpful tips would be appreciated. I'm moving all my photos, videos, etc. to my computer, so there shouldn't be anything on the phone that I could not restore.
I saved my settings in Nova Launcher and Wanam. Hopefully, most of my customizations will restore from those settings - but I obviously all the icons won't return because some of the apps were not installed before the Safestrap backup.
ergalthema said:
Immediately after I rooted, I made a backup with Safestrap. Titanium Backup has been backing up my apps and data.
Should I try to install the Safestrap recovery backup I made a couple months ago?
I did a lot of research before rooting, and so many people said how easy it was, etc. While using towelroot was super easy, learning how to correctly use Safestrap, etc. was not - especially since there were a couple error messages along the way and it didn't work quite how the info I gathered said it would (even the video from the Safestrap app page was not how most people set it up).
Regardless of what restore method you recommend, any info and helpful tips would be appreciated. I'm moving all my photos, videos, etc. to my computer, so there shouldn't be anything on the phone that I could not restore.
I saved my settings in Nova Launcher and Wanam. Hopefully, most of my customizations will restore from those settings - but I obviously all the icons won't return because some of the apps were not installed before the Safestrap backup.
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SafeStrap is the only recovery available for a retail S5. You have essentially two options: Do a factory reset which will not remove your firmware or ROM, it will only remove apps and associated cache and data. Many times that is all one needs to "clean-up their phone" and getting back to operating like new. Or, option 2, wipe data, cache, delvek cache, factory reset and flash your backup, if you trust it. If you don't trust your current backup make another one and flash that backup then restore your apps. I personally would do option 2. Make a new backup in Safestrap, then do a factory reset and flash the backup. That will accomplish what you want. You can always replace apps. The most important thing is to make sure you have a backup of your current ROM before you do anything.
jpcalhoun said:
The most important thing is to make sure you have a backup of your current ROM before you do anything.
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Hmm, why is the ROM backup important? Because it's more difficult to get root back otherwise? I was more concerned about restoring my customizations for launcher, etc.
ergalthema said:
Hmm, why is the ROM backup important? Because it's more difficult to get root back otherwise? I was more concerned about restoring my customizations for launcher, etc.
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Maybe I misunderstand what it is you're trying to accomplish. Just a reminder-- RULE #1: if you're going to hack a phone (and you already have done that by rooting and installing SafeStrap) always, always have a backup.
Refresh for me what it is you're trying to accomplish. I haven't used SafeStrap in a couple of years, I have a Developer Edition. However, I'll try to help you accomplish what you want without bricking your phone, that is priority one. Even if you loose root, you can always use towelroot again to re-root. If you brick your phone, well, that is another story.
jpcalhoun said:
If you brick your phone, well, that is another story.
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That's the kind of reason I posted this.
I made a Safestrap backup immediately after rooting. Everything was stable then (and for a month or so after).
Basically, I've tried a lot of apps, and one that seemed sketchy recently. My phone started throwing up the "___ has stopped" errors regularly, so something seems wrong. I want to go back to a stable state. I might even not freeze any apps with Titanium Backup for a while to see how it run. There are some apps that are currently on my phone that I won't bother reinstalling. Otherwise, I don't really want to change anything.
ergalthema said:
That's the kind of reason I posted this.
I made a Safestrap backup immediately after rooting. Everything was stable then (and for a month or so after).
Basically, I've tried a lot of apps, and one that seemed sketchy recently. My phone started throwing up the "___ has stopped" errors regularly, so something seems wrong. I want to go back to a stable state. I might even not freeze any apps with Titanium Backup for a while to see how it run. There are some apps that are currently on my phone that I won't bother reinstalling. Otherwise, I don't really want to change anything.
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Ok, I understand...again, LOL. Yes, first unfreeze anything you have frozen and see if the error message goes away. If it does then you had something frozen that an app or system needed. The trick is going to be discovering what you had frozen that was causing the error. Uninstall (using the stock apps manager) any apps that you no longer use or want.
If the error has not returned, then freeze a few apps at a time and see if the error returns. If it does then you have narrowed the problem down to a few apps. Sorry, there is no better way to go through the "freezing" process. Sometimes it is just trial and error. By the way, what error(app) was stopping. That might help identify what you Don't want to freeze.
To avoid a Factory Reset, you can go into recovery and wipe cache and delvek cache. Do not select/wipe data, system or anything else. Then select reboot phone from within SafeStrap. When your phone re-boots Android will build (optimizing apps) delvek cache. This will not brick your phone, but it will clean it up and get rid of potential problems left over from uninstalled apps. And, you will not loose root.
jpcalhoun said:
By the way, what error(app) was stopping.
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There are a variety of apps that get the stop error - a lot of different apps. It's not consistent and seems to happen randomly (often apps I've never used). Because of that, I'm tempted to try to go back to a previous state. If you think it's sufficient to clear those caches and uninstall any apps I'm unsure of, then I might try it. However, I'd probably still worry that something bad was still installed somewhere. Maybe the only way to remove all doubt would be to factory reset. Or would my Safestrap backup be a certain way to put my phone back to its state before the sketchy app was installed?
I might try your method first to see how it goes.
If I wanted to use the Safestrap backup, I'm not sure exactly how. Do I open Safestrap and "install recovery"?
I really appreciate all the info. I'm learning a lot here.
ergalthema said:
There are a variety of apps that get the stop error - a lot of different apps. It's not consistent and seems to happen randomly (often apps I've never used). Because of that, I'm tempted to try to go back to a previous state. If you think it's sufficient to clear those caches and uninstall any apps I'm unsure of, then I might try it. However, I'd probably still worry that something bad was still installed somewhere. Maybe the only way to remove all doubt would be to factory reset. Or would my Safestrap backup be a certain way to put my phone back to its state before the sketchy app was installed?
I might try your method first to see how it goes.
If I wanted to use the Safestrap backup, I'm not sure exactly how. Do I open Safestrap and "install recovery"?
I really appreciate all the info. I'm learning a lot here.
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No problem, glad to help.
Ok, lets try the safest process first and progress from there.
1. Remove all unwanted and/or not used apps
2. Unfreeze everything and see if any errors occur
3. If no error then you have something frozen causing the problem. If the error still occurs then go to 4.
4. Enter recovery and clean cache and delvek...reboot phone and see what happens
5. If errors continue to occur then do a factory reset
6. If errors continue to occur after Factory Reset then wipe phone and flash your backup
How to flash backup: Go into recovery (SafeStrap), select Wipe and wipe (cache, delvek, data), and do a factory reset. Then, while still in recovery, go to Restore and select your backup and swipe to install the backup. After the install, select reboot.
jpcalhoun said:
2. Unfreeze everything and see if any errors occur
3. If no error then you have something frozen causing the problem. If the error still occurs then go to 4.
4. Enter recovery and clean cache and delvek...reboot phone and see what happens
5. If errors continue to occur then do a factory reset
6. If errors continue to occur after Factory Reset then wipe phone and flash your backup
How to flash backup: Go into recovery (SafeStrap), select Wipe and wipe (cache, delvek, data), and do a factory reset. Then, while still in recovery, go to Restore and select your backup and swipe to install the backup. After the install, select reboot.
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I defrosted everything and still got errors.
I entered recovery, selected Wipe, then Advanced Wipe. That gives me options for "Dalvik Cache", "Cache", and a few others.
You said "delvek" where Safestrap Advanced Wipe says "Dalvik". I don't want to risk anything. Can you confirm that I should wipe Dalvik Cache and Cache?
Yes, wipe cache and dalvek cache
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---------- Post added at 07:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:09 PM ----------
I'll get it right in a minute

Nandroid - apps crashing after restore

I I have a Galaxy S4 with KitKat 4.4.2 and TWRP installed. I have been using Nandroid for backups.
Today I (stupidly) deleted the CSC.apk file with Uninstall and the phone started acting really strangely. I tried restoring the CSC app but it wouldn't do it (I tried multiple times). So I booted into TWRP recovery mode and did a full restore which worked fine...until I rebooted the phone.
I have quite a few apps that continually crash with:
Unfortunately, (App Name) has stopped
and then all I can do is tap the OK button. After tapping OK the errors popup continuously.
Is this normal? How can I fix this without reflashing the phone? This is my first restore ever done with Nandroid Any ideas? Annoyingly I also lost the activation for my GPS app (CoPilot). I thought Nandroid was an exact clone/backup so when you screw the phone up you can restore back to EXACTLY how the phone was when the backup was done?
Anyway, appreciate any help or thoughts on how I can get my apps to work without the constant stopping popups!
Thank you!
Can anyone help please?
Go back into recovery and wipe both the regular cache and dalvik cache.
As to the lost CoPilot activation, you'll need to contact CoPilot, then explain the situation to them, and they should be able to help you.
Strephon Alkhalikoi said:
Go back into recovery and wipe both the regular cache and dalvik cache.
As to the lost CoPilot activation, you'll need to contact CoPilot, then explain the situation to them, and they should be able to help you.
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Thanks! I tried that but after wiping both caches and rebooting the phone and entering my SIM PIN, I am still constantly getting the "Unfortunately, (App Name) has stopped".
Is there anything else I can try? I'm a but confused by this as I thought Nandroid was an exect image of the phone! I'm not worried about CoPilot at all but the rest is important
Do a factory reset from within TWRP, then restore from the nandroid backup. How old is this nandroid?
Strephon Alkhalikoi said:
Do a factory reset from within TWRP, then restore from the nandroid backup. How old is this nandroid?
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I'll give that a try tonight. I am running Nandroid 4.4.5 and the backups were created about a week ago.
Many thanks for your help!
BB007BB said:
I'll give that a try tonight. I am running Nandroid 4.4.5 and the backups were created about a week ago.
Many thanks for your help!
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So I tried doing a factory reset from TWRP and then doing a Nandroid restrore but after rebooting the phone I was still getting LOTS of errors with applications not working. Even the firewall wouldn't work as it couldn't find the config file.
I don't get it, I thought Nandroid made an EXACT image of your phone so if something went wrong and you performed a restore, your phone would be back to a working state?
BB007BB said:
So I tried doing a factory reset from TWRP and then doing a Nandroid restrore but after rebooting the phone I was still getting LOTS of errors with applications not working. Even the firewall wouldn't work as it couldn't find the config file.
I don't get it, I thought Nandroid made an EXACT image of your phone so if something went wrong and you performed a restore, your phone would be back to a working state?
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It does, but your backup can get corrupted.

