Custom ROM/Bug Chart? - HD2 Windows Mobile 6.5 ROM Development

as much as I would like a custom ROM and all it's nicities and upgrades, I'm always concerned that a new version comes out every couple of days, meaning that we have to go through the upgrade process again, install our apps etc.
so, in an attempt to counter this, is there a table anywhere that lists the ROMs, their versions, their bug count (even a user rating perhaps) that would help keep people informed of what ROM might suit them?
Yes I know that each ROM has it's thread, but at 60 or 70 pages, it's difficult to understand and follow since a lot of the comments don't actually realte to the version that is now available.
so, I'm proposing a much simpler method of tracking versions and helping people to understand what works and what doesn't.
any thoughts?

No rom builder would go for that. They like to protect what they have invested much time and effort in and want to keep all comments, negative or positive in their respective threads so that there is no hate or smear campaigns spread about their roms all over the place.
Even a mention of any issues in a rom (greyed out options, sound bugs, multiple resets needed etc.) appearing in another thread is frowned upon.
Direct comparisons in one thread is not considered constructive.
However, I do hope that enough think it might work.
Perhaps integrate it into another cataolguing project?

and I understand the need to protect what the Chefs have spent their time on, so I'm not proposing a slagging off of any ROM,
but there are going to be people (like me for example) that would like to know in which areas of the ROM bugs exists.
some people might think that a bug in the Sense screen isn't important (I don't use sense and have it turned off), but a bug in Activesync is (vital for me that this works correctly and reliably). and it would help those people see the ROM that is best for them. The alternative, is for them to flash a ROM, find out that it doesn't work for them , and then complain.
Just thought it would be nicer for people to admit where their ROM fails upfront is all.
And if you make it in a chart, that only the Chefs can edit, there is no opportunity for others to slag off the ROM, but a chance for peope to see at a glance which ROM will be best for them.

You mean something along the lines of this...

ooops..yup..just like that
thanks...I'll settle down for a good read


Which ROM?

On my T-Mobile (USA) MDA, so far I've just used the standard stock ROM, the latest of them that came out.
As I'm having some problems now with my MDA (not sure if hardware or software), and would hope to keep it going until a good 3g smartphone is available on T-Mobile, I'm thinking of reflashing the ROM, reinstalling my software, etc.
So, if I'm going to have to reflash it anyhow, I might as well try one of the many cooked ROMs available on this web site.
There seem to be many of them on this site, with so many very long threads devoted to them.
I don't have time to read through all those threads, to try to determine which ROM would be best for me to try. So, if people could sum up in this thread, which are the best ROMs and why, it would make it easier for me and others.
I would want one that is very stable, used by many without problems. Having problems with the phone anyhow, I don't want to risk a ROM that will bring more problems.
Preferably WM6, even more preferably 6.1, but if those ROMs are not as stable on the MDA as the WM5 Roms, then I would go with the latter.
Anyhow, curious to hear people's feedback, regarding the best of the Wizard cooked ROMs.
me said:
I don't have time to read through all those threads, to try to determine which ROM would be best for me to try. So, if people could sum up in this thread, which are the best ROMs and why, it would make it easier for me and others.
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Um, don't you think someone would have done this by now?
What you are asking (and believe me when I tell you, you are not the first, or the last, to ask it) is a subjective question, with subjective answers, no two of which will be the same.
While the idea is a noble one, it's been asked for by just about every new person on these threads (I probably did it too, once).
The simple answer: read the list of software on five or six of the most recently published ROMs at the Wizard Mobile 6 list, and flash the one you like best. These days, almost all of them are G4 safe, so you probably don't have to worry about that, and as long as you keep a copy of your service provider's base ROM, a copy of the Hard SPL, Soft SPL, and maybe a copy of Wizard Love ROM, you'll do fine.
Better yet, just stay with WM5 if you want stable. Stability's not really one of the high points of home-cooked ROMs, in my opinion.
Maybe you don't even need to flash. If you're having a hardware problem, flashing could be a bad idea. If your hardware decides to glitch while you're in the middle of a flash, you won't be waiting to get a new phone, you'll be in the store before you're ready. Why don't you try starting a new thread with your symptoms, and see if we can't help you solve your problem, instead of trying to mask it with a new ROM?
I'm sure you are right that there is subjectivity involved, that different people have different opinions. So--give your opinions.
I didn't just ask "which is the *best* rom", which would have been a very subjective question, such as "what is the best car", or "what is the best food". I specifically described my case, that I'm not interested in experimenting with 20 different ROMs, but asking which ones could be considered stable and safe (not risky and experimental), while providing better functionality than my present one.
Yes, as I wrote, I am having problems with my MDA, which I think could very likely be hardware-based, and will not be fixed with re-flashing. The only way to know is to try though. The phone is a few years old, I am thinking of getting a new one soon, but waiting until T-Mobile has a 3g WM smartphone available, that I like.
Why would re-flashing be something to try? I figure just like if one is having software problems on a computer, that one cannot fix, one thing to do is to format the hard drive, and reinstall the OS, start from scratch in installing applications, etc. A lot of hassle, but it can work, to solve problems. Re-flashing a phone is similar, wiping out all data, starting new, etc. Sure, the most stable way would be to flash back to the same ROM I'm using now, the latest official one for my phone. But while going to the trouble of doing that, it seems like an opportune time to try one of these newer ROMs, that I've been curious about for some time, but never bothered with before.
What are some of the problems I've been having? (This just started a couple days ago.) Neither Bluetooth or Wi-Fi will turn on, for instance. OS freezing up a lot. Definitely seems like I need an OS reinstallation, and AFAIK on the phone, the way to do that is through re-flashing.
True, after down-flashing to an AKU 1 ROM for the purpose of CID-unlocking, and going back to my current 2.26 T-Mobile AKU 2 ROM, I should try the phone out a little from there, make sure everything's working, before flashing to one of the newer ROMs. No use wasting my time further if the problem is indeed hardware-based.
Edit--just occurred to me--I should probably try a hard reset before trying any re-flashing. If I still have the same problems after a hard reset, I guess I can assume the problem is hardware-based. I forgot how to hard reset my MDA, and cannot find the manual at the moment. Would someone like to remind me how to hard reset it?
In any case, I would still be interested in hearing ROM recommendations, although I am aware that different posters will have different opinions.
Myrddin Wyllt said:
Um, don't you think someone would have done this by now?
What you are asking (and believe me when I tell you, you are not the first, or the last, to ask it) is a subjective question, with subjective answers, no two of which will be the same.
While the idea is a noble one, it's been asked for by just about every new person on these threads (I probably did it too, once).
The simple answer: read the list of software on five or six of the most recently published ROMs at the Wizard Mobile 6 list, and flash the one you like best. These days, almost all of them are G4 safe, so you probably don't have to worry about that, and as long as you keep a copy of your service provider's base ROM, a copy of the Hard SPL, Soft SPL, and maybe a copy of Wizard Love ROM, you'll do fine.
Better yet, just stay with WM5 if you want stable. Stability's not really one of the high points of home-cooked ROMs, in my opinion.
Maybe you don't even need to flash. If you're having a hardware problem, flashing could be a bad idea. If your hardware decides to glitch while you're in the middle of a flash, you won't be waiting to get a new phone, you'll be in the store before you're ready. Why don't you try starting a new thread with your symptoms, and see if we can't help you solve your problem, instead of trying to mask it with a new ROM?
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This question have been asked and answered hundreds of times,if you cared to read and searched the forum,sure you cud have decided which version best suits you,but if you are looking for shorcuts,well,no one can help you here.Just an example check out this link ,there was no need to start a new thread for this :-
Hard Reset
Press and hold the Comm Manager button and Voice command button,keep the two buttons pressed and at the same time,use the stylus to press the reset button.
zabardast_1 said:
This question have been asked and answered hundreds of times,if you cared to read and searched the forum,sure you cud have decided which version best suits you,but if you are looking for shorcuts,well,no one can help you here.
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Unfortunately, this kind of snide reply seems to occur on every kind of forum--people who think it more important to criticize those asking for help, rather than helping them.
Was I looking for a shortcut? Damn yes I was! Anything wrong with that? Hell NO!
I have read a lot on this forum. There are probably hundreds of threads and thousands of posts devoted to the subject of the many alternate ROMs for the HTC Wizard.
Yes, I have other things to do with my life, than spend 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, researching the different ROMs for the HTC Wizard. My whole life is not devoted to the Wizard. If that is a problem for you, so be it.
Not having time to read every ROM thread, trying to decide which might be the best for me, I described some of what I was looking for, my preferences, etc., and asked the knowledgeable people here, to perhaps summarize a little, what are a few of the best ROMs, how they compare with one another, to perhaps make suggestions for ones I might be interested in, etc.
I think that would probably be of interest to others as well as me--to see a Wizard ROM summary thread--contrasting and comparing what might be considered some of the best of these ROMs, what advantages and disadvantages one has over the other, etc. I think such a thread would be very useful, and could even be made a sticky.
Yes, I'm sure others have asked similar questions before. Is that a problem? No. Every forum has similar questions that are asked. Every time new people see the new thread, there are new contributions and point of views expressed, new insights brought to light, etc. Even if the question is similar to those asked before, there will be new answers.
So, if you get your kicks making snide comments to everyone who asks for help, go ahead and do so. That is not a very useful way to contribute to a forum, however, IMO.
Grrrrr8 lecture,I'm impressed.
But when there already is a thread started for the specific purpose,there's no need to start a new thread for this.If you don't have the time to read and search,than this forum is not for you,coz this forum believes ib 'Search & Seek' and BTW! respect for others and particularly seniors,I believe.
As for giving my help to others,you are most welcome to search and read all my threads,you'll appreciate its full of help and appreciations from the members whom I have tried my best to help and solved their problems.The thing is not to criticize,but to direct to the right solution,there was nothing in it which might have offended you.
How important was your question,you can judge by the response it got in 5 days,only 2 ? you posted on 10/9/2008,that proves its importance,got my point,there was no need to post such a question ,which has been posted and answered hundreds of time,its just merely wastage of forums resources!!!
me said:
So, if you get your kicks making snide comments to everyone who asks for help, go ahead and do so. That is not a very useful way to contribute to a forum, however, IMO.
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It's too bad (and more than a little ironic) that what you are doing now is exactly the same kind of NOT CONTRIBUTING to this forum in any positive way that you accuse him of, opinion or not. In fact, looking through the threads you've started, it appears you have never contributed anything .
You might feel too busy to read the posts that others took the time to write (just for people like you, I will point out), but don't expect sympathy when you get the ban-hammer for starting a flame war because you think somehow your time is more valuable than everyone else's time here.
...a Wizard ROM summary thread--contrasting and comparing what might be considered some of the best of these ROMs, what advantages and disadvantages one has over the other, etc. I think such a thread would be very useful, and could even be made a sticky.
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There is a thread like this already, and zabardast_1 already gave you the link. Try to pay attention instead of just starting up your buzz saw. Again, you'll be the one that gets banned, not him.
Read the threads behind each of the ROMs. The posts detailing the bugs found will give you some idea of the stability of that ROM. You're on your own, now, since you copped an attitude. Staying friendly is the only way to get help around here, from now on.
Myrddin Wyllt said:
It's too bad (and more than a little ironic) that what you are doing now is exactly the same kind of NOT CONTRIBUTING to this forum in any positive way that you accuse him of, opinion or not. In fact, looking through the threads you've started, it appears you have never contributed anything .
You might feel too busy to read the posts that others took the time to write (just for people like you, I will point out), but don't expect sympathy when you get the ban-hammer for starting a flame war because you think somehow your time is more valuable than everyone else's time here.
There is a thread like this already, and zabardast_1 already gave you the link. Try to pay attention instead of just starting up your buzz saw. Again, you'll be the one that gets banned, not him.
Read the threads behind each of the ROMs. The posts detailing the bugs found will give you some idea of the stability of that ROM. You're on your own, now, since you copped an attitude. Staying friendly is the only way to get help around here, from now on.
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I did not start a flame war. I started a thread,asking for opinions on the different ROMs. It was he who started to personally criticize me, not the other way around. It wasn't I who "copped an attitude".
I never said that my time is more valuable than anyone else's here. I don't think that at all, and did not imply it in the least. However, some people apparently spend many hours per week on this Wizard ROM stuff. It seems to be a major hobby with some here. That's great! But I don't have the time to get involved to that degree. As said, I don't have the time to read thousands of posts about different ROMs. So, I think it would be good for many readers, to have a summary thread about them.
my favorite
After flashing over 50 different phones, the one I use most often is TNT's Official Wizard. But again, thats personal preference.
Dsbtwins said:
After flashing over 50 different phones, the one I use most often is TNT's Official Wizard. But again, thats personal preference.
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This men is lazy and always needs the things easy, let him search... if not... let him with his wm5 or his wizard bricked, hope it wont happend.
all the web is full of his threads... saying stupid things , then said i dont want to start a flame...
but he has the exactly words to tell you stupid like a gentleman!!!!

The best roms............. coming soon

I have read many posts where people are asking which is the best rom for my device (and have done myself) only to get abrupt replies with something like "how dare you ask this, chefs put a lot of effort into each rom and its down to personal preferance blah blah" ................"THREAD CLOSED"
Does every one think think this is the best way for xda to be run or is there other people that think this should be allowed to be debated? I know this is originally a developer forum, however I would hazard a guess that there is now more public users that devolpers.
The thing is developers develope roms and yes certainly they put a lot of time and effort into it and are respected rightly so for it. however can the end user really be expected not to be allowed to discuss these roms on the forum only to be told the above mensioned things. It happens time and again over and over. People like myself (the end user) do not have time to flash every rom to find the ones they like. (its a days setting up for myself after a flash) and if its crap (which there is no denying. some are) its a day wasted.
What I think the forum needs is a "ROM USER REVIEW" section where people like myself can go and rate a rom for other users referance.
Surely this is the key to better roms. If one developers rom is poor hes going to be able to see that its poor and will/might take the user rating / comments on board and the next time try harder.... ultimately producing a better rom.
Competition is what makes better products, If handset manufacturers took the same stance as xda we would be waiting for the realease of the o2 xda 2s later this year. and this is the same in all industries.
Totally agree, people that make good ROMs should be applauded by some kind of user rating system. same way people can avoid wasting time flashing not so good or buggy ones.
jaxouk said:
I have read many posts where people are asking which is the best rom for my device (and have done myself) only to get abrupt replies with something like "how dare you ask this, chefs put a lot of effort into each rom and its down to personal preferance blah blah" ................"THREAD CLOSED"
Does every one think think this is the best way for xda to be run or is there other people that think this should be allowed to be debated? I know this is originally a developer forum, however I would hazard a guess that there is now more public users that devolpers.
The thing is developers develope roms and yes certainly they put a lot of time and effort into it and are respected rightly so for it. however can the end user really be expected not to be allowed to discuss these roms on the forum only to be told the above mensioned things. It happens time and again over and over. People like myself (the end user) do not have time to flash every rom to find the ones they like. (its a days setting up for myself after a flash) and if its crap (which there is no denying. some are) its a day wasted.
What I think the forum needs is a "ROM USER REVIEW" section where people like myself can go and rate a rom for other users referance.
Surely this is the key to better roms. If one developers rom is poor hes going to be able to see that its poor and will/might take the user rating / comments on board and the next time try harder.... ultimately producing a better rom.
Competition is what makes better products, If handset manufacturers took the same stance as xda we would be waiting for the realease of the o2 xda 2s later this year. and this is the same in all industries.
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I think the mods should close this thread too. If you don't have enough time to flash them all then take a look at what the chefs have on the menu then take a plunge based on what you think will be good for you.
The best ROMs are combination of various things to various people. I like my ROMs light and fully loaded, I like them fast, stable and I want the maximum internal storage. So how are you going to define this best ROM for me or others? There some great ROMs out there that do not fit my bill but it does not mean there are not among the best ROMs (again my view will be different than yours).
Now the warning about how there are more users then they are chefs is nothing new to developers. If they were not more users then developers, we would not need developers because you would not have the demand. That is simple economics.
To the end if you are not going to try all the ROMs and provide your opinion base on your publicly define logic of what is the best, then this will be another useless thread. This is exactly what others have done by providing benchmarks which are useful if you are into benchmarks. However, I do use the benchmark information to get numbers I am interested in (like internal storage, memory, etc...).
This is not meant to kill your inspiration but your opening comments killed the entire thread for me even though it is only one post thus far. A little bit more friendly tone could have gone a long way. Either way I am not looking for a response to my comments that way we will see how this thread shapes up.
Well here we go again. There is no answer to which rom is the best. Its your choice.
Maybe you simply love a Ford car, but well others might hate a Ford car and choose a BMW instead. Its all up to personal experience. You use one rom in one way, and maybe that rom works better that way. Then some other dude will find that rom crap because he uses it in a whole other way. Maybe he wants to use his phone for navigation and calling, so he likes the rom a lot as it does what he wants it to, but you might complain that it is a crap rom because there are some sms bugs. The other user dosn't use sms writing so he dosn't recognize these bugs. This is only an example, but i hope you get my point
All discussion to a rom should be within the specific roms own thread.
i don't watch movies, buy stuff, listen to movies, etc because of their ratings given by others. so i pass on this
umhhh. i started a similar thread i had named ,'So who is the Master chef?'.it was harshly closed. never understood why.....
everyone loves his rom and his chef..can't really have an objective and representative rating system...
I know and undrstand where you are coming from...too many roms and one cannot choose...
with that said...if there WOULD BE a clear cut winning rom...then everybody would flash just that and the rest of the cook can retire...this way every cook has his "followers" and thus we have this large amount of roms and they all get updated and improved over time...
those like me and you that do not have the time...well then they cannot afford to flash too many roms...its that simple...if you are expecting someone to offer you a new best rom every day and then you just come home and flash it every night...well that service won't be happening...
and yes I believe we have 1000s of leechers and only a dozen cooks. xda developers is by far not just a developing community anymore...but then again we could be considered "beta testers".
I closed this thread, due to the same reason all the others that are similar all over xda are closed on sight.
These kind of threads usualy/always ends up in disputes and flamewars, there is always some hotheaded ppl who burst into flames when someone dont have the same view as they do.
So... sorry, yeah we close

Making sense of different roms

The title of the thread is just to get all you fine people steaming in here to tell me off. But now your here by your own free will...
I've been a long time browser of these forums and recently a more active member. I used to be a very amateur coder when I was yonger and know to a small extent the hard work you guys put into these roms, so seriously to everyone congratulations on some amazing efforts.
I did want to address the reason topic titles such as the one I chose here crop up however. When I had a diamond before my HD2 there were just a few good roms to choose from and I soon settled down and chose one after trying them out. A few months back I started this same process with my HD2 but found every ROM I flashed to have a few bugs which annoyed me in day to day use, and I eventually went back to stock. Since then I havn't really tried again.
Today I have again been looking at perhaps flashing to a cooked ROM and in the beginning of these efforts I tried out the search term "best HD2 ROM". The threads that resulted were obviously very short and the authors told off for being lazy and discrediting the great works of all the chefs here. But the very good point is made that there are ALOT of ROM's for the HD2, and whilst it may only take 5 mnins to flash a ROM it takes hours, if not days, to find out if it suited to you. With the risk of losing personal info on each flash and having to reconfigure your apps each time this can be a very tedious process.
I'm basically wondering if there is any way to have a thread that can provide a way of rating the advantages and disadvantages of each ROM without having to wade through topics with hundreds of pages of mostly useless posts. It just so daunting with all these ROM's that many people may never even start.
I am just now thinking of flexing my (somewhat out of date) webmastering ability to create a "ROM Review" website - good idea?
What are people's thoughts?
p.s. This is probably also in the wrong section of the forum... just clicked "new topic" where I was browsing without thinking where it should go, please move if appropriate, thanks.
I completely agree with your idea to open this thread.
Finally we have someone who wants to put it to rights. Because every day we have new ROM or several ROM's, and every time flashing and soft re-installation takes a lot of time... and after all that you understand that "this ROM is not really what you wanted to be"...
Go on with your idea.. and I think - this section is the right place for your thread.
you got my vote
Good to see I'm not alone here, any feedback is much appriciated, even if its just a +1
Agreed, Sir.
This was taken from another thread about a similar question
"I also see no point to a list of pro's or cons of any particular ROM as most are built for the same thing, speed and stability. The only real differences you are going to see are what programs the person has loaded."
If this is indeed the case. then a list of the roms with the space taken up by the rom on the phone. the apps installed and how quick, stable each one would be must surely be a good idea?
I truly hope you can follow through with your idea.
I think there is no such thing as "the" best ROM.
Each user has different preferences, especially WinMo smartphones are
rarely one the same like another: Included software, tweaks, mods, themes, designs.
The possibilities are endless.
Also, an earlier thread here at the HD2 forum about speed (with benchmarks
as neutral as possible) ended up in unfriendly discussions (which is a mild
term to describe what happened).
An HD2 is so extremely fast that I seriously doubt that the "average" user
can tell a big difference between different ROMs. Sometimes, a buggy ROM
may be obviously slower, but in the average case, the difference will just
not really be felt, but only perceived, sometimes only imagined.
I think that it is part of this forum that there is no rating of the available
ROMs. If you watch the forum, you can easily find out which ROMs seem to
have more acceptance and therefore more fans - and if you check the ROM
description and screenshots of the chef, you can easily find out if the ROM
is something you might like.
Just to finish: How exactly does a ROM qualify as "the best"? Speed? Come
on... Software which comes with it? Come on, again...
Imho, it all ends up in optical mods and tweaks plus some extremely basic
software which is really a must for everybody. If you would ask me what
this could be, I cannot give you any name because WinMo and Manila are
on most ROMs anyway...
I couldn't agree more Mega. Very brave of you to start this thread ; )
I was a bit of a flashaholic with both my Elf and my Raphael, but I still haven't flashed anything to my Leo because it's so hard to figure out exactly what I'm going to get. Apart from the features of each ROM, it's hard to get an idea of the things that might be missing from each. Like, have the original bugs been fixed? Stuff like the audio booster turning off, AAC files being mis-sorted in the audio player, volume keys still active when the screen is off and incremental volume control or even the relative volume between headphones and phone speaker. I just can't be bothered to start flashing a million ROMs to find out. That's not laziness by the way, honest! I'm sure I'll get over it and start flashing soon ; )
tictac0566 said:
I think there is no such thing as "the" best ROM.
Each user has different preferences, especially WinMo smartphones are
rarely one the same like another: Included software, tweaks, mods, themes, designs.
The possibilities are endless.
Also, an earlier thread here at the HD2 forum about speed (with benchmarks
as neutral as possible) ended up in unfriendly discussions (which is a mild
term to describe what happened).
An HD2 is so extremely fast that I seriously doubt that the "average" user
can tell a big difference between different ROMs. Sometimes, a buggy ROM
may be obviously slower, but in the average case, the difference will just
not really be felt, but only perceived, sometimes only imagined.
I think that it is part of this forum that there is no rating of the available
ROMs. If you watch the forum, you can easily find out which ROMs seem to
have more acceptance and therefore more fans - and if you check the ROM
description and screenshots of the chef, you can easily find out if the ROM
is something you might like.
Just to finish: How exactly does a ROM qualify as "the best"? Speed? Come
on... Software which comes with it? Come on, again...
Imho, it all ends up in optical mods and tweaks plus some extremely basic
software which is really a must for everybody. If you would ask me what
this could be, I cannot give you any name because WinMo and Manila are
on most ROMs anyway...
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I agree, how would one rate the BEST? Well to be honest you cant really as each person has there own needs and wants in a rom. What might be an Ideal rom for me might not be the best rom for you. I could rate a rom at 10 and you might give it a 2, then it turns into a bashing session and that can not be allowed. The rating system has been brought up many times before and each time it comes to the same end. There will never be an accurate way to tell the best rom. I am not trying to be harsh here but threads like this are beating a dead horse.
After speaking with the OP I have decided to reopen this thread. On the condition that this is "NOT" a best rom thread. This thread will be to help those that are new to ROM flashing. I will be keeping an eye on this thread and if it turn into a Best rom or bashing thread I will reclose it for good. I understand that sense the release of the HD 2 that alot of people are new to WM and with the available options in the rom thread it can be confusing. I am also moving this thread to the General Section as it is not Rom development. To all the new guys welcome.
Just wanna say thanks to Zelendal, the topic title originally wasn't constructive.
As we all know from doing a little reading about the ROM's, each one can be individually suited to different people, it like argument about which is the best smart phone or computer platform. So the kind of discussionj I was trying to provoke was about the best way to help out newcomers decide which ROM would indeed be best suited to them.
As I posted before I have been pondering making a seperate website that would allow some organisation of peoples opinions on the ROM's and I am interested as to how much support there would be amongst the community, I am also interested as to how the Cook's themselves would see such an project, providing it was done right.
sike222 said:
This was taken from another thread about a similar question
"I also see no point to a list of pro's or cons of any particular ROM as most are built for the same thing, speed and stability. The only real differences you are going to see are what programs the person has loaded."
If this is indeed the case. then a list of the roms with the space taken up by the rom on the phone. the apps installed and how quick, stable each one would be must surely be a good idea?
I truly hope you can follow through with your idea.
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You quote me but you leave out an important part. The problem with making a list is that ROMs change. What might have been an issue in one build might be working just fine in the next. Keeping up with these changes and trying to keep on top of a list would be a nightmare. Also this mystical list you are looking for is usually on one of the first few post of every ROM thread. Most good cooks will list all these things that you are looking for. Only way to tell if a ROM will fit your needs is to try it. Every bodies idea of a good ROM is different. What one person might see as a con another sees as a pro. Personal opinion is a ***** and unfortunately everybody has a different one.
Good luck but I don't see a list being started or maintained for very long. Nor do I see this thread going anywhere productive.
Will Badger -
I don't think anyone is dis-agreeing that each ROM is suited individually to different people. Each cook makes his ROM how he wants it and if you share those wants with that cook you a likly to enjoy his ROM. That doesn't make it any easier to find what ROM is indeed suited to you, and as a newbe it can be extremely daunting, there are 30 odd cooks for the HD2, thats ALOT of time spent flashing and tring out ROM's.
Having said that I have been pointed towards
Which is more or less everything I had in mind for a ROM information site, so its safe to say I wont be needing to build another. Iv'e been on this forum for a few months now and have not seen this site, somthing like this would need the direct support of Cooks asking people to visit in their ROM threads to submit reviews of their ROM.
Personally if that could happen I think it would be great and a fantastic resourse for newbes but I know there are alot of differing opinions on here, and perhaps its somthing the chefs would have second thoughts about.
Cool nice to know you found what you were looking for. I still find it easier to just read the actual thread for the info I'm looking for. Going over that page quickly I see no information stating whether the any of the HD2 ROMs are T-mobile compatible. You can flash a standard HD2 ROM onto the newer T-Mo HD2 since they use different processor.
i hadn't come across that site either, lol... but looking at this thread i think the guy's pretty keen to make the site useful. see here -
there's also another thread in the ROM section that might be helpful... i'm sure jaimeeee would appreciate any input and help you wanna give
Thanks for the extra info, whilst the site I posted does seem to be more or less what I was thinking of doing myself it simply doesnt have the activity require to truely make it useful to anyone. It needs the support of the Forum, especially the Cooks if its going to succeed. I keep meaning to conatct the owner of th site to discuss how to push traffic onto the site but I got all caught up making a skin recently.
Hopefully we can make somthing of this!

Something I think would help keep threads cleaner

I don't know if this is possible but I do notice a whole heck of a bunch of great things that are going on in the Dev section that seem to get boged down with the same noob posts that get the same anti-noob reactions.
I think that some of that might be solved by separating updates of a Rom or Theme from the the original post. I understand that doing as such may in the interim hinder Developers as far as having to look at more folder and or tabs, but I feel that since updates of Roms, Kernels, and Themes, are happening so frequently it may be able to help the "Helper Bees" keep helping.
I don't know if that means every Rom, Kernel, or Theme should have it's own folder, or if maybe once and update comes out if it should get it's own sub-folder in that section with a pseudo-bible on how the overall works out with an OP for each individual sub-folder, (I mean at the end of the day I don't even know if any of this is possible).
This all being said I know and am well aware that people either are unable, unwilling, and in some cases unaware of where to post their questions. I just think this might be able to help folks find the info they need on things they want in a more timely and less cluttered fashion. I also thing this could help cut past a lot of the BS and having to wade through 1,000 plus posts on something that may not even be relevant until page 990.
That all being said thanks for hearing me (reading me) out, and I hope you know that I realize that I am just a small fish in a very large pond but I hope you all know that I love how each and every one who has been so willing to Develop all of these amazing Roms, Kernels, and Themes for us for in most cases for no monetary reward, and how much I appreciate each and every person who helps try to dig somebody out of a technological hole.

[SUGGESTION] ROM Reviews, Comparisons, Rankings,

With the dozens of ROMS out there for our device, it would be nice and helpful if a thread was made where people could post an in-depth comparison between these roms and possibly even a ranking system in terms of downloads, review score, user feedback etc. Another possibility is a guide that would help them choose the best ROM for them.
I've been on my custom rom ever since but that decision came after hours and hours of research and reading the threads of the other ROM chefs and visiting other websites as well. It would be really helpful to the newer members who would like to modify their phones to have a dedicated review thread/area where everything is there to read.
I know this sounds lazy but it would save hundreds of research hours and make choosing the right rom suited for each individual faster and easier.
I could do it if I had the proper experience and knowledge, but sadly, I am but a noob.
I'm just throwing ideas around and see if this is a good idea. Anyone interested in this? The community will be in gratitude if this becomes a reality
i think i posted in the wrong subforum? uhmm... sorry mods. Please move if inappropriate.
I don't think this is such a good idea, to be honest
First, it might be cause for some rather immature users to go about saying this or that is the best or this is better than that in so and so ROM etc. It's hard to find people who can give good reviews because no matter what, there's always that bias and sense of loyalty. Even comparative reviews may be hard to come by because I don't think a lot of people use a particular ROM for a long enough period of time before jumping to try another one (or they just try one, and stick to that one for whatever it because they're satisfied already, or aren't the type to want to try everything out) then once they settle on one they like, they can't really say much in terms of comparison about others they've tried before since ROMs constantly get updated. Like I may have stopped using a particular ROM because of bugs and such and move on to something else but who knows, those bugs could've been addressed already by then etc.
The thing of it is, someone will always have a different user experience from someone else. And it really depends on the person's usage of the phone. And it's really upto the user to do his/her own research. Because if we just have a thread where people will just look for whatever has the most reviews then they're just gonna jump right in to flash it perhaps without further in depth reading.. We already have a thread which is a constantly updated index of the ROMs already available. People can just start off from there, check out whatever seems appealing based on the description and jump to that thread for some further reading or ask their questions there. Opening up a thread like this might further fragment support around here. People might start asking questions on that thread, submit their complaints, ask for help, report problems etc. Even if you tell people to not do those things in that thread..well not everyone likes reading through all of the first post.
And unfortunately, not everyone is accustomed to use the ever helpful search box so they end up posting questions that already have been answered over and over again. And instead of checking out the step by step guides, they have people walk them through the process. Some people are so in a hurry to jump into custom ROMs that they end up making mistakes and bricking their phone. you say..rude users even go so far as to blame the ROM maker or the beta testers for not doing a good job because they have this or that freak bug they happen to get.
Not that I'm against helping people, especially newbies (I'm a helper on Doc's thread) but I think it would be a benefit to people especially new users to do some of their own research and discover things on their own. The respective threads of the ROMs provide more than enough information, reviews, complaints, help, guides etc.
People won't ever learn if they're spoon fed information and such all the time. I'm all for trying to make the whole experience easier for any kind of user, but I'm also all for people to do some of their own work and learn on their own. It's not just a matter of trying to save people time, it's a matter of letting people get the best user experience for them. It's not a matter of lessening the amount of people asking for help, but it's a matter of wanting them to learn.
Sometimes saving people time and effort isn't the best idea if it just gives them problems later they can't figure out on their own.
Sorry for the lengthy reply. Just my 100 pesos. Lol.
I don't mean any offense or whatever to anyone, okay? I love helping people when I have time and I just think helping people help themselves is the best. You know like..give a man a fish and he eats for a day, teach a man to fish and he eats for a lifetime..that kinda stuff.
I hope my post came off as logical and with all due respect.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
anoneemooz said:
I don't think this is such a good idea, to be honest
First, it might be cause for some rather immature users to go about saying this or that is the best or this is better than that in so and so ROM etc. It's hard to find people who can give good reviews because no matter what, there's always that bias and sense of loyalty. Even comparative reviews may be hard to come by because I don't think a lot of people use a particular ROM for a long enough period of time before jumping to try another one (or they just try one, and stick to that one for whatever it because they're satisfied already, or aren't the type to want to try everything out) then once they settle on one they like, they can't really say much in terms of comparison about others they've tried before since ROMs constantly get updated. Like I may have stopped using a particular ROM because of bugs and such and move on to something else but who knows, those bugs could've been addressed already by then etc.
The thing of it is, someone will always have a different user experience from someone else. And it really depends on the person's usage of the phone. And it's really upto the user to do his/her own research. Because if we just have a thread where people will just look for whatever has the most reviews then they're just gonna jump right in to flash it perhaps without further in depth reading.. We already have a thread which is a constantly updated index of the ROMs already available. People can just start off from there, check out whatever seems appealing based on the description and jump to that thread for some further reading or ask their questions there. Opening up a thread like this might further fragment support around here. People might start asking questions on that thread, submit their complaints, ask for help, report problems etc. Even if you tell people to not do those things in that thread..well not everyone likes reading through all of the first post.
And unfortunately, not everyone is accustomed to use the ever helpful search box so they end up posting questions that already have been answered over and over again. And instead of checking out the step by step guides, they have people walk them through the process. Some people are so in a hurry to jump into custom ROMs that they end up making mistakes and bricking their phone. you say..rude users even go so far as to blame the ROM maker or the beta testers for not doing a good job because they have this or that freak bug they happen to get.
Not that I'm against helping people, especially newbies (I'm a helper on Doc's thread) but I think it would be a benefit to people especially new users to do some of their own research and discover things on their own. The respective threads of the ROMs provide more than enough information, reviews, complaints, help, guides etc.
People won't ever learn if they're spoon fed information and such all the time. I'm all for trying to make the whole experience easier for any kind of user, but I'm also all for people to do some of their own work and learn on their own. It's not just a matter of trying to save people time, it's a matter of letting people get the best user experience for them. It's not a matter of lessening the amount of people asking for help, but it's a matter of wanting them to learn.
Sometimes saving people time and effort isn't the best idea if it just gives them problems later they can't figure out on their own.
Sorry for the lengthy reply. Just my 100 pesos. Lol.
I don't mean any offense or whatever to anyone, okay? I love helping people when I have time and I just think helping people help themselves is the best. You know like..give a man a fish and he eats for a day, teach a man to fish and he eats for a lifetime..that kinda stuff.
I hope my post came off as logical and with all due respect.
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Fair enough. Well said kabayan! Initially, i thought that this was a good idea. Looking at things now, it's not so attractive after all. haha. Salamat!
MODS: Kindly requesting the closure and deletion of this thread please. Thanks!
Just a hypothetical question, if it happens that Samsung release a froyo rom (2.2 only) and it comes with your native language locale with Swype as well would you still be in the latest rom, or would you stick to the rom with those features?
Not trying to flame, but would like an honest opinion about this.
Maraming salamat sa inyo!
g00ndu said:
Just a hypothetical question, if it happens that Samsung release a froyo rom (2.2 only) and it comes with your native language locale with Swype as well would you still be in the latest rom, or would you stick to the rom with those features?
Not trying to flame, but would like an honest opinion about this.
Maraming salamat sa inyo!
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Not a flame at all haha!
Well, I'm pretty used to everything being in English and I'd prefer it actually. It's a major language in the Philippines. It's my first language too so I wouldn't switch. Maybe I'd install the Swype with Filipino, but I might rarely use it since I usually stick to English or Chinese except for the occasional Filipino words which I can just type out if need be.
As for the phone's locale..I'm happy with United States or France so I'd stick to custom ROMs probably for forever. 2.2.1 ROMs have been awesome and knowing our awesome devs around here...2.3 will be even better~
anoneemooz said:
I don't think this is such a good idea, to be honest
First, it might be cause for some rather immature users to go about saying this or that is the best or this is better than that in so and so ROM etc. It's hard to find people who can give good reviews because no matter what, there's always that bias and sense of loyalty. Even comparative reviews may be hard to come by because I don't think a lot of people use a particular ROM for a long enough period of time before jumping to try another one (or they just try one, and stick to that one for whatever it because they're satisfied already, or aren't the type to want to try everything out) then once they settle on one they like, they can't really say much in terms of comparison about others they've tried before since ROMs constantly get updated. Like I may have stopped using a particular ROM because of bugs and such and move on to something else but who knows, those bugs could've been addressed already by then etc.
The thing of it is, someone will always have a different user experience from someone else. And it really depends on the person's usage of the phone. And it's really upto the user to do his/her own research. Because if we just have a thread where people will just look for whatever has the most reviews then they're just gonna jump right in to flash it perhaps without further in depth reading.. We already have a thread which is a constantly updated index of the ROMs already available. People can just start off from there, check out whatever seems appealing based on the description and jump to that thread for some further reading or ask their questions there. Opening up a thread like this might further fragment support around here. People might start asking questions on that thread, submit their complaints, ask for help, report problems etc. Even if you tell people to not do those things in that thread..well not everyone likes reading through all of the first post.
And unfortunately, not everyone is accustomed to use the ever helpful search box so they end up posting questions that already have been answered over and over again. And instead of checking out the step by step guides, they have people walk them through the process. Some people are so in a hurry to jump into custom ROMs that they end up making mistakes and bricking their phone. you say..rude users even go so far as to blame the ROM maker or the beta testers for not doing a good job because they have this or that freak bug they happen to get.
Not that I'm against helping people, especially newbies (I'm a helper on Doc's thread) but I think it would be a benefit to people especially new users to do some of their own research and discover things on their own. The respective threads of the ROMs provide more than enough information, reviews, complaints, help, guides etc.
People won't ever learn if they're spoon fed information and such all the time. I'm all for trying to make the whole experience easier for any kind of user, but I'm also all for people to do some of their own work and learn on their own. It's not just a matter of trying to save people time, it's a matter of letting people get the best user experience for them. It's not a matter of lessening the amount of people asking for help, but it's a matter of wanting them to learn.
Sometimes saving people time and effort isn't the best idea if it just gives them problems later they can't figure out on their own.
Sorry for the lengthy reply. Just my 100 pesos. Lol.
I don't mean any offense or whatever to anyone, okay? I love helping people when I have time and I just think helping people help themselves is the best. You know like..give a man a fish and he eats for a day, teach a man to fish and he eats for a lifetime..that kinda stuff.
I hope my post came off as logical and with all due respect.
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+1, i agree with you.
g00ndu said:
Just a hypothetical question, if it happens that Samsung release a froyo rom (2.2 only) and it comes with your native language locale with Swype as well would you still be in the latest rom, or would you stick to the rom with those features?
Not trying to flame, but would like an honest opinion about this.
Maraming salamat sa inyo!
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As English language is a working language in India, most of the users would prefer a phone with English as default. There would be some who use Hindi also. But they wouldn't miss Hindi on their phone.

