K guys, as some of you know the reason we haven't see any work from one of our most knowledgeable dev's (vilord) is because his vogue is busted.
I'm wondering if anyone has one they'd be willing to donate to him?
I'm making no promises about what he'll be able to release. When he was developing his specialty was working with the RIL, and I'm sure he'd start poking into it again.
Anyways no need to make a speech, most of you know who he is and what's he's done for android on the vogue. So if you have an alltel, sprint or bell vogue you'd be willing to donate, let me know by PM and I'll forward you his info.
I might be able to help..just acquired another vogue (has a busted camera button) that i'd promised my wife..but i'm sure i can bribe her w/ a new phone of her choice that'll free up one of the vogues..i'll get report back if/when the deal's accepted
i second this motion.
1+ from me
I have a vogue that i plugged into a gps charger, led flashed pink and never heard from the phone again lol. it is dead if he needs it for parts it is his.
Oh hamburgers, my coworker just gave away his 2 vogues to his customers and didn't even realize that it can run Android(my bad for not showing him because he is all about the Droid at the moment).
tallnerd1985 said:
Oh hamburgers, my coworker just gave away his 2 vogues to his customers and didn' even realize that it can run Android(my bad for not showing him because he is all about the Droid at the moment).
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damn man thats ****ty lol, hey vzw still cant fix my data... i was wondering what you could do if anything
sorry mssmison i posted off topic
jamezelle said:
damn man thats ****ty lol, hey vzw still cant fix my data... i was wondering what you could do if anything
sorry mssmison i posted off topic
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Honestly I'm not sure what to suggest, try reflashing your radio, re-run icoke, hard reset, flash your vendors latest rom? Those would be the steps I would start with before even contacting vzw.
just when i thought my g1 was getting out dated and they where going to stop giving us updates.
Even though our Devs are hard at work to get 2.0 and 2.1 working, and for the most part they are very quick and reliable but dont have a working camera unless htc gives us camera drivers we are screwed. but i came across this today and i now have hope. i was going to buy a nexus next month but now that its confirmed that we are getting a 2.5 OTA update i see no need in upgrading just wait until Cyanogen Drizzy or JAC (where are you MLIGN???)get a hold of this one
sorry mods if you think this doesnt belong PLZ move
is this for real?
I don't want to sound like a sceptic, but this sounds scetchy.
let me get this straight....
their new $500 phone is only gonna have 2.1 but the 'outdated' G1 will get 2.5....
....not a hope in hell of them doing that
i will eat my hat if we have 2.5 on the G1 before january is out....
hopefully my hat will taste love this to be true....but its unlikely
According to Eugene373 they have the camera drivers, but will not release them just yet...
Only a matter of time!
garok89 said:
let me get this straight....
their new $500 phone is only gonna have 2.1 but the 'outdated' G1 will get 2.5....
....not a hope in hell of them doing that
i will eat my hat if we have 2.5 on the G1 before january is out....
hopefully my hat will taste love this to be true....but its unlikely
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If you have the new flavored hats, you might go back for seconds. I'm sure the G1's "2.5" will be 2.0 with flash if it even comes out.
Bit offtopic but isn't flash just an application, technically a browser addon?
It wouldn't need to be in a rom, just on the android market as "Flash" or included in an update to the browser application.
If you piece all the rumors and truly confirmed info from those that get the leaks, the G1 is getting an update sometime in January/February to 2.0/2.1/2.5... something with a 2 at the front. Wow! Such shocking news "confirmed" by an un-named "source" on a site that has also "confirmed" in the past we would be getting 2.0 then 2.1 and now 2.5.
I made a Post with the exact same topic so a mod please lock it/delete it.
The g1/mytouch is not getting android 2.5 it is getting 2.0/2.0.1
They got the mytouch version working but the damn unrooted g1 just doesn't have the space for it so we have to wait so they can slim it down.
johnt2k said:
just when i thought my g1 was getting out dated and they where going to stop giving us updates.
Even though our Devs are hard at work to get 2.0 and 2.1 working, and for the most part they are very quick and reliable but dont have a working camera unless htc gives us camera drivers we are screwed. but i came across this today and i now have hope. i was going to buy a nexus next month but now that its confirmed that we are getting a 2.5 OTA update i see no need in upgrading just wait until Cyanogen Drizzy or JAC (where are you MLIGN???)get a hold of this one
sorry mods if you think this doesnt belong PLZ move
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sounds like the cupcake rumor mill all over again...
I dont trust this one bit
2.5? What is that exactly?
Honestly, it's getting annoying to see specific releases of Android for specific phones (e.g., 2.0 for Droid, 2.1 for N1). It's almost like after 1.6, the releases started to become phone specific rather than generic.
JAguirre1231 said:
If you have the new flavored hats, you might go back for seconds. I'm sure the G1's "2.5" will be 2.0 with flash if it even comes out.
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Hopefully its Android 2.1 with Flash but ughh damn it I don't wanna wait! My hat is strawberry!
I am a Rep for T-mobile i would like to know where he got the info on that. thats the first i have heard of anything like that.
Murd3r3d said:
I am a Rep for T-mobile i would like to know where he got the info on that. thats the first i have heard of anything like that.
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So you guys will have a update for Mytouch 3G though?
Or will it get discontinued along with G1?
Murd3r3d said:
I am a Rep for T-mobile i would like to know where he got the info on that. thats the first i have heard of anything like that.
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And congratulations for violating streamline policy. Better hope your coach/senior doesnt see you tossing that around. I watched LOTS of people get fired for doing that back when I was a TMO FCR.
Murd3r3d said:
I am a Rep for T-mobile i would like to know where he got the info on that. thats the first i have heard of anything like that.
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And you won't be the first to hear of it either. I promise you, as hard as it is to believe, that HTC and TMO upper management are the first to know. Next up are leaks from devs for HTC to media. Then official confirmation from TMO to the media. Then, about a week after that, if not longer, reps are informed. Don't say otherwise, since some of us work in the business as well, likely for much longer, and have seen how this works.
Reps are always left in the dark until the very end. It is stupid, since reps deal with the public face to face and can make a selling point out of a bunch of the stuff that is kept in the dark, but it is the way it is.
2.5?!?! HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHHA!!! You gotta love rumors. The update coming out in January, if any update at all, will more then likely be 2.0 with or without flash. If it's that easy for people to post rumors regarding android, why doesn't someone post something regarding android 17.1 (wedding cake). It's the merge of iPhone & Android!!!! ROTF!
pjcforpres said:
And you won't be the first to hear of it either. I promise you, as hard as it is to believe, that HTC and TMO upper management are the first to know. Next up are leaks from devs for HTC to media. Then official confirmation from TMO to the media. Then, about a week after that, if not longer, reps are informed. Don't say otherwise, since some of us work in the business as well, likely for much longer, and have seen how this works.
Reps are always left in the dark until the very end. It is stupid, since reps deal with the public face to face and can make a selling point out of a bunch of the stuff that is kept in the dark, but it is the way it is.
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I agree 100%!!! I work for a cable provider, who will remain nameless, and we (reps) are always the last to know about anything. You have no idea how many times a customer called and informed me of a new process/website/service. It amazes me. The front-line associates are ALWAYS the last to know!
SG_Shadow said:
I agree 100%!!! I work for a cable provider, who will remain nameless, and we (reps) are always the last to know about anything. You have no idea how many times a customer called and informed me of a new process/website/service. It amazes me. The front-line associates are ALWAYS the last to know!
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Yeah, I work for a cell phone provider, and we get a launch email about a week before the phone launches. I usually know sooner because I am one of the testers for smart phones, but I don't even get all of them, and if I am not testing it I don't know anything until that email... plus, even as a tester, I only get about a 4 week heads up, which is about 2-3 months behind the management picking our phones.
Worst of all, when we do new promos/plans we get our launch info the day before and thus have about 18 hours to read and figure out the new promos, come up with a selling strategy and figure out what sort of customer it is right for.
lnjryan said:
sounds like the cupcake rumor mill all over again...
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Did you read the comments? "I just talked to a t-mobile rep. he said he never heard of the update and there is no documents.
But he did tell me that there is an update coming and it is coming quickly"
Anyone else been bricked by the HTC update?
If so what kind of response did you get from Sprint? Any suggestions for dealing with them?
The current state of my phone... completely dead, it will not turn on.. connecting it to a pc doesnt show a device is connected..
Try taking out the battery for a little bit. If that doesn't work, just take it back to Sprint. They'll give you a replacement Evo or a loaner for the time being until a new shipment comes in.
They might think you bricked it through rooting.
Not sure on there policies.. Let us know
sorry about ur issue but i have to hand it to u bro.. congratulations on using the word "bricked" correctly regarding the status of ur phone.. for god knows how long ppl have been calling their phone bricked if their volume button stopped working.. im gonna go celebrate with a cheesecake!
Engadget confirmed 10 minutes ago that the OTA has been halted, its happening to lots of people I guess
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
Mine went as smooth as butter. Phone is much better as well.
Mine went good as well. No issues, and phone is much more responsive. I guess it pays to not root.
My stock EVO update was scary. It took between 10 and 15 minutes. It seemed to be in an endless boot loop. It rebooted about 4 times and it finally worked on the 5th. At some point I thought, "if it boots again, I'm pulling the battery." At the end, the voicemail icon was replaced by an error message. I trashed it and reinserted the original icon. There was no indication or hour glass or something letting me know the process was normal. It really seemed like something was wrong.
I can understand if some customers aborted the process pulling the battery, thus bricking their phones. I don't think it would be their fault.
I think a lot of phones were bricked because of user error. A lot of people probably pulled their batteries. I do agree that there should be some kind of indication that the update was still in progress. I'm rooted and I haven't updated yet since I already get amazing battery life.
Uh oh.
Sprint pulled the update.
My condolences to those that have been bricked.
FYI - my update went very smooth. Stock EVO, unrooted. Did not make the mistake of accepting yesterday's update twice though ;-)
What did Sprint said about your phone, will they exchange it?
bricked mine yesterday.
Made the mistake of running the patch twice. Being used to windows I like to patch first and ask questions later.
Learned my lesson.
1st patch went through smoothly. Everything was great except a few widgets need to be reloaded. Got prompted for a new patch in the afternoon and ran that without checking xda first. And that was all it wrote.
Called Sprint last night and tech on the phone knew exactly what happened to the phone and made an appointment for me this morning to get it exchanged. He said a lot of people are calling in about the same issue. Since it's within the 30 day period he informed me that I will be getting a brand new replacement.
Went to the store this morning and confirmed my phone is DOA. and *suprise* no phone in stock. They indicated they will be order me a new phone. The MOD also told me there are five people showed up last night with bricked evo's.
Called Sprint again after the visit. They are looking for another phone I can use in the mean time.
Not impressed with HTC at this point.
if you rooted your phone, then tried to apply this update, your screwed.
It will brick.
Good luck returning it. Not covered by insurance when you tinker with it.
If you do get a new phone, don't be surprised to see a big bill once they look at what you reprogrammed later on.
kthejoker20 said:
if you rooted your phone, then tried to apply this update, your screwed.
It will brick.
Good luck returning it. Not covered by insurance when you tinker with it.
If you do get a new phone, don't be surprised to see a big bill once they look at what you reprogrammed later on.
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don't know who you're talking to but my phone is completely stock. (unrooted)
The reason it bricked was because of double updating, not because of rooting it.
With that said, sorry for your trouble. Hope you get a new one soon!
AssassinsLament said:
The reason it bricked was because of double updating, not because of rooting it.
With that said, sorry for your trouble. Hope you get a new one soon!
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Thanks, the only saving grace of this whole fubar is that having heard some horror stories about Sprint's CS before. I was treated very well by everyone I spoke with so far.
Fingers crossed.
kthejoker20 said:
if you rooted your phone, then tried to apply this update, your screwed.
It will brick.
Good luck returning it. Not covered by insurance when you tinker with it.
If you do get a new phone, don't be surprised to see a big bill once they look at what you reprogrammed later on.
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I was rooted with unrevoked. Ran Update everything went smooth just lost root. Did not update twice. baseband software 1.47.651.1
My phone was not rooted... I havent really seen a point to do it yet... (i did root when I had a hero)
I went to the sprint store, it took about 30-40 min to get a new phone..
But now I want to update it... just a bit concerned about updating it (for good reason lol)
I've had it rooted, and flashed many roms to it.. then tonight it all went to sh!t.
I was trying to put a froyo rom onto it(i think it was called extreme froyo), and i got the boot loops, and on the download page it said i needed the newest radio/spl if that happened...
So i ended up flashing some sapphire SPL, and it got stuck on the "HTC MAGIC" bootscreen.... then I tried flashing this:
and now it wont even power....
Is it done for?
Yeah u need to be careful, flashing new radios and spls are very dangerous and best flashed from fast boot. Sorry but you sir are ****ed
Sent from my HTC Magic using XDA App
****in ****.. thats lame, and Tmobile is saying they won't warranty it.. ridiculous.
Ridiculous they won't warranty a phone you bricked? Sounds just fine to me...all the rooting stuff does say it voids the warranty...
Yea, but if you cant tell, then whats the big deal. it just doesn't turn on.
th1rt3en said:
Yea, but if you cant tell, then whats the big deal. it just doesn't turn on.
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tell them u reccieved an ota update and when it finished it wouldnt work
That's what you get for not reading up about something which could harm your phone. I don't mean to add insult to ingury, but chances are you didn't even need HardSPL.
It if you can't get into Fastboot or anything, you're screwed. But you shouldn't be flashing new radios or SPLs if you don't know if they are compatible with your phone.
There has been no OTA updates for the fender/mytouch 1.2. They won't believe that line...
NetrixTardis said:
There has been no OTA updates for the fender/mytouch 1.2. They won't believe that line...
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First you go about it very dumb like..... and then you start by saying that you was out and phone was all most dead. by the time you got home it was turned [email protected] phone. But by no-means do i support this action nore do I believe in any act of theft by deception!!! This can get you in trouble big time.
First of all, if you're going to flash a rom that clearly states that you need the newest radio and SPL, you want to update those BEFORE you flash the rom. More than likely, that's what caused your boot loop. Second, do a little research before you start flashing things, if you had, you would know that you always update your radio before your SPL. That's where you went wrong, and that's what bricked your phone. Of course T-mobile isn't going to replace a phone that you bricked. Rooting your phone voids the warranty and a bricked device is definitely no exception.
Do you have insurance on your phone? You're better off taking it outside, running it over with you car and making an insurance claim. Problem solved.
this thread was for help.. not for everyone to chime in about whether its ethically right for me to try and warranty.
If its helpful to me trying to get this thing going again, post, if not, just go to the next thread.
Ethically speaking, I personally could care less if you CAN actually get your phone replaced under warranty. If you can, do it! As far as getting your bricked phone up and running again, its not going to happen. Like I said, you obviously flashed the SPL before updating the radio which bricked your phone, there's no turning back. So basically, you have three options.
1. Don't replace your phone and use it as a nice paper weight.
2. Lie your ass off to T-Mobile and get your phone replaced under warranty and cross your fingers they don't find out and tack additional charges to your account for voiding your warranty. Who cares about ethics or what anyone else says, its your call. Honestly, as long as your hardware is ok, they can reflash your device and will end up reselling your phone to someone else, so who cares.
3. If you have insurance, smash you phone, drop it in the toilet, throw it at the wall, anything. That's what insurance is for, of course then you're still stuck with pay some cash.
Hello people, I have been playing around with PDAs for a while, my first device was a BlueAngel waaay back when... my last device has been a hero for about 2 years now.
I have recently replaced my old hero with a new one that came with 2.1 from the factory -I suppose- my questions/comments/concerns are:
is there such a thing as too much flashing that can mess up a device? I know that there were 2 versions of the hero out there one with no "With Google" and one with "with google" and there were some diferences between them when you flash stuff,
My last hero was a "with google" but came with the 1.56 whenever I installed 2.1 on it it just went crazy, very very laggy could not make a phone call to save my life. if I flashed any of the 2.2 from cyanogen or anyone else the device worked perfect, it was only when I flashed a Sense 2.1 rom that the device went absolutely crazy. don't know why... apparently no one knows... i guess...
this last hero that I got came with 2.1 from sprint. the device worked AWESOME super fast and could actually make a phone call. so I really think that there is a hardware issue that HTC/Sprint resolved but they wont admit to it... I can see absolutely NO difference between the devices or the ROMS that i flashed on them. its just a big mystery that one device works with sense 2.1 and one does not. until yesterday...
yesterday morning I woke up and my device was out of battery, really odd because It was fully charged when I went to sleep. and I noticed that the device started to behave the same way that my old Hero did with 2.1 could not get it to call anyone or text or anything if you press a key it takes 10 min to respond. and until right now I CANNOT UNDERSTAND WHY! it was working PERFECT super fast and now its not. I flashed NFX Sprint 2.31.651.7 STOCK Deoxed/Odex Update3.1 on wednsday of last week and it was working AWESOME, GREAT WORK nfinitefx45, then it just quit. working awesome 1 day, next week its crap.
so I was wondering if TOO Much flashing brakes the circuits or something (I cant imagine how or why) but maybe its just the ghost in the machine. it was working great!!! im extremely baffled by this. maybe its because some if the flashing I did was with the battery under 30% but I cant imagine this braking it either, maybe the I/O operations check fail when the battery is under 30% and you permanently brake it, i don't know. another thing i noticed is that it queries the network ALL DAY LONG it tries to synch all day long with my gmail account, which it never does, I cant see my contacts. that's why it was out of battery next morning. maybe too much flashing brakes the radio?
today i noticed that it wanted to go out and get 2.32 and update, maybe that's why it was querying the network so much, so I went back to stock 2.31 because it wont update if you have a recovery image, and let it run the update.
nothing. still lags a lot, cant place a phone call or anything.... I am really ready to throw myself out the window cuz I cannot figure it out, maybe I did damage the Hardware some how...
does anyone have any ideas? or has anyone experienced this ??
SysCrasher13 said:
Hello people, I have been playing around with PDAs for a while, my first device was a BlueAngel waaay back when... my last device has been a hero for about 2 years now.
I have recently replaced my old hero with a new one that came with 2.1 from the factory -I suppose- my questions/comments/concerns are:
is there such a thing as too much flashing that can mess up a device? I know that there were 2 versions of the hero out there one with no "With Google" and one with "with google" and there were some diferences between them when you flash stuff,
My last hero was a "with google" but came with the 1.56 whenever I installed 2.1 on it it just went crazy, very very laggy could not make a phone call to save my life. if I flashed any of the 2.2 from cyanogen or anyone else the device worked perfect, it was only when I flashed a Sense 2.1 rom that the device went absolutely crazy. don't know why... apparently no one knows... i guess...
this last hero that I got came with 2.1 from sprint. the device worked AWESOME super fast and could actually make a phone call. so I really think that there is a hardware issue that HTC/Sprint resolved but they wont admit to it... I can see absolutely NO difference between the devices or the ROMS that i flashed on them. its just a big mystery that one device works with sense 2.1 and one does not. until yesterday...
yesterday morning I woke up and my device was out of battery, really odd because It was fully charged when I went to sleep. and I noticed that the device started to behave the same way that my old Hero did with 2.1 could not get it to call anyone or text or anything if you press a key it takes 10 min to respond. and until right now I CANNOT UNDERSTAND WHY! it was working PERFECT super fast and now its not. I flashed NFX Sprint 2.31.651.7 STOCK Deoxed/Odex Update3.1 on wednsday of last week and it was working AWESOME, GREAT WORK nfinitefx45, then it just quit. working awesome 1 day, next week its crap.
so I was wondering if TOO Much flashing brakes the circuits or something (I cant imagine how or why) but maybe its just the ghost in the machine. it was working great!!! im extremely baffled by this. maybe its because some if the flashing I did was with the battery under 30% but I cant imagine this braking it either, maybe the I/O operations check fail when the battery is under 30% and you permanently brake it, i don't know. another thing i noticed is that it queries the network ALL DAY LONG it tries to synch all day long with my gmail account, which it never does, I cant see my contacts. that's why it was out of battery next morning. maybe too much flashing brakes the radio?
today i noticed that it wanted to go out and get 2.32 and update, maybe that's why it was querying the network so much, so I went back to stock 2.31 because it wont update if you have a recovery image, and let it run the update.
nothing. still lags a lot, cant place a phone call or anything.... I am really ready to throw myself out the window cuz I cannot figure it out, maybe I did damage the Hardware some how...
does anyone have any ideas? or has anyone experienced this ??
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Are you currently rooted?
yeah im rooted, but it happens when rooted and on stock 2.31 and now 2.32
SysCrasher13 said:
yeah im rooted, but it happens when rooted and on stock 2.31 and now 2.32
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Go to CM.... it's android 2.2, and there's really no issues with it. It's fast, looks good if you apply a theme, and takes care of all the sense bloat
I have run BLACKMOD_21NOV and it runs great, thats kinda my point, why does it run great on 2.2 and it sucks on sense 2.1, when it came from sprint it was running great on sense 2.1 and now its just crap. I think i might have done something to the hardware because of too much flashing Lol!!! i dont know...
SysCrasher13 said:
I have run BLACKMOD_21NOV and it runs great, thats kinda my point, why does it run great on 2.2 and it sucks on sense 2.1, when it came from sprint it was running great on sense 2.1 and now its just crap. I think i might have done something to the hardware because of too much flashing Lol!!! i dont know...
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No, that won't damage the hardware.... Sprint HTC sense for the hero is slow and buggy, just kind of the way it is
SysCrasher13 said:
I have run BLACKMOD_21NOV and it runs great, thats kinda my point, why does it run great on 2.2 and it sucks on sense 2.1, when it came from sprint it was running great on sense 2.1 and now its just crap. I think i might have done something to the hardware because of too much flashing Lol!!! i dont know...
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Yeah theres no way to much flashing could possibly break your phone or make it laggy or etc. If that was the case then my phone would have exploded by now as i had my hero since launch date and it has been flashed almost over 1000 times maybe with different roms and radios and other mods and hacks lol. As impaler said sense is great but our heros just are old technology even with an over clocked processor and mods I still dont think its just good enough for sense. Sense runs perfect on a faster phone like an EVO. I used LiquidSense even with all the bloat removed it just wasnt fast enough for my taste, great rom though. Vanilla is just your best bet for the hero and its old hardware it works fast enough and stable. Dirk
yeah it was slow, but I using [email protected] #43 691mhz and it was running great! fast, stable then it broke! hahahaha, any ways thanks for your input. Im gonna mess around some more if not im gonna take it back and probably get the EVO, that sucks cuz I really like the hero, evo is just to dang big! Lol !
SysCrasher13 said:
yeah it was slow, but I using [email protected] #43 691mhz and it was running great! fast, stable then it broke! hahahaha, any ways thanks for your input. Im gonna mess around some more if not im gonna take it back and probably get the EVO, that sucks cuz I really like the hero, evo is just to dang big! Lol !
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Man evo is a little too big for me, as my upgrade is december 1st and my palms are itching for a new phone, its either the evo or samsung epic (which is so sick) but i hear theres other phones coming out before the end of the year. Maybe you could wait a little i hear theres another phone coming out with evo specs and the size or a nexus one, i think its called the HTC KNIGHT or something. Good luck but you might not want to stick with the hero too long if you have the option of taking it back.
dirkyd3rk said:
Man evo is a little too big for me, as my upgrade is december 1st and my palms are itching for a new phone, its either the evo or samsung epic (which is so sick) but i hear theres other phones coming out before the end of the year. Maybe you could wait a little i hear theres another phone coming out with evo specs and the size or a nexus one, i think its called the HTC KNIGHT or something. Good luck but you might not want to stick with the hero too long if you have the option of taking it back.
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Yup, I'm interested in the HTC Knight as well
I forgot to mention that the data keeps connecting and disconnecting and that slows down the device downloading ROM Manager from the market took like 45 min because it was sooo sloow. I dont know if that matters... maybe I'll update my prl and profile..
Yeah I really like the samsung also, but I think that HTC are just more customizable and theres a great comunity out there hacking and craking these devices, the KNIGHT looks sweet!!! yeah Im not going to hang on to the Hero much longer, Im due for an update and I think im gonna get the evo...
SysCrasher13 said:
I forgot to mention that the data keeps connecting and disconnecting and that slows down the device downloading ROM Manager from the market took like 45 min because it was sooo sloow. I dont know if that matters... maybe I'll update my prl and profile..
Yeah I really like the samsung also, but I think that HTC are just more customizable and theres a great comunity out there hacking and craking these devices, the KNIGHT looks sweet!!! yeah Im not going to hang on to the Hero much longer, Im due for an update and I think im gonna get the evo...
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Yup, can't wait for dual core either!
Rumor says that the Knight/Evo Shift could possibly ship as a dual core. We shall see.
Sent from my CDMA Hero. I got some hot Froyo-on-Hero action here!
user7618 said:
Rumor says that the Knight/Evo Shift could possibly ship as a dual core. We shall see.
Sent from my CDMA Hero. I got some hot Froyo-on-Hero action here!
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Saw that, want something better though
theimpaler747 said:
Saw that, want something better though
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Meh, I got plenty of time. My 1 year isn't until middle of April, so I would expect to have monsters roaming around by then.
Sent from my CDMA Hero. I got some hot Froyo-on-Hero action here!
user7618 said:
Meh, I got plenty of time. My 1 year isn't until middle of April, so I would expect to have monsters roaming around by then.
Sent from my CDMA Hero. I got some hot Froyo-on-Hero action here!
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Lol, it takes all my willpower to hold off from buying an Evo... but I will prevail!!
after much time spent trying to figure out, i think the problem with it being slow is that its always trying to sync gmail email, contacts and calendar, it doesn't stop syncing ever, thats why im runnign out of battery, anyone have any ideas ??? or know why?
SysCrasher13 said:
after much time spent trying to figure out, i think the problem with it being slow is that its always trying to sync gmail email, contacts and calendar, it doesn't stop syncing ever, thats why im runnign out of battery, anyone have any ideas ??? or know why?
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Just disable auto-sync, that's what I do. I only allow it to auto-sync contacts
the thing is that it never finishes sync, so I dont have any contacts, email ok but contacts no. hahaha im going nuts... thanks for your advice dude, also I tried flashing your Impaled Blue!!!! theme over blackmod21nov and it gets stuck your splash screen... to be exact i flashed and wont move past tux splash screen...
SysCrasher13 said:
the thing is that it never finishes sync, so I dont have any contacts, email ok but contacts no. hahaha im going nuts... thanks for your advice dude, also I tried flashing your Impaled Blue!!!! theme over blackmod21nov and it gets stuck your splash screen... to be exact i flashed and wont move past tux splash screen...
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Have you tried wiping data and cache on the Google apps?
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA App