Restoring apps from Market after wipe/flash - Hero, G2 Touch General

today i flashed the new AOSP 2.1 rom from jnwhiteh, it went ok,
then when set up my google account, i loaded the Market app. In downloads, i could see all the apps i had installed prior to flashing. i exited the Market, then the next time i checked, the apps i had previously weren't there. is there any way to get these back?

only with a manual search for them, as far as i know.
When you reset or re-flash, it only shows them the first time, so you need to download them straight away, the first time you open the market.
Don't worry about any that you have purchased though, you won't have to buy them again...


Cannont re-install apps from after rooting

I recently went from stock RC33 -> RC29 -> RC33 JFv1.43. However, I found that once I finished the procedure, I could not re-install any of my old apps! (They all got wiped going from RC33 -> RC29 using the DREAIMG.nbh file).
If I go to "My Downloads" in Market, it remembers all the apps I have installed previously, but they show up as 'FREE' instead of 'Installed'. So I click on one, then click the 'Install' button, approve the security dialog. Then I watch the download status, it goes from Starting Download... to Downloading... then I don't even see the usual yellow progress bar, it goes straight to "Download Unsuccessful".
I've only tried a few apps, but so far all the apps I had previously installed cannot install on this newly rooted & wiped phone. I tried installing two random apps I never installed before, and they came in fine.
Mainly I want to install MyBackup from reware because I had backed up a lot of stuff before rooting, and I want to restore it to save me the hassle of reinstalling all my apps.
I tried re-wiping to see if that would help, but no luck, same issue. I've tried with and without a SD card in the phone as well, no difference.
Anyone else have this issue, or have any suggestions to try to fix it?
Now this is weird...after waiting a while (it's been a little over 24 hours since rooting), I can now re-install applications. But MyBackup is still failing...and I need that one
Interestingly, My Downloads no longer shows the applications I previously installed before wiping, so maybe I just need to wait a few more days for MyBackup to be cleared out of My Downloads, and then I can reinstall it?
Here's hoping...

Market issue : "no item can be found"

Hi guys,
seems like I cannot dowload any more app from the market.
Everytime I select one I get a pop-up sayng "not found - no item can be found"
Also all my paid app have gone and on "my downloads" I got nothing listed!
I'm running qtek 1.8 on a magic 32B, but it seems like this is not depending from roms...
Look here :
And here, on the "flash this hero" dream thread : (page 65 and 67 so far...)
What do you think the problem is depending from?
Have no clue...
Seems like no wiping or formatting sd card is doing...
Don't do any wipe when finish flashing roms.
That's not the case, no wipe after installing
Hey guys,an update: I switched back to an old cyanogen backup and now I got back the abilty to browse the market,buy or download app....but "my downloads" still remains void and it's no more taking track of downloaded or neither new bought app (had a try with a cheap one).
Luckily all my paied app are still recognized as "bought"...
I just wonder what could have happened...
I saw a lot of people having the same problem, would really like to have their feedback too..
double post, sorry
I was previously on the latest Cyanogen ROM with updated Donut style Market before I flashed this Herver 1.1r2. I wonder if it has anything to do with downgrading to the old style market(Cupcake or before)?
I gave up on the hero builds since both Herver and King's build gave me this market error. I flashed to Cyanogen's latest 4.2.1 and the market is working perfectly now.
Edit: Oh forgot to mention that my downloads list shows the apps that I've downloaded previously.
LOL...I did the same thing, however 4.2.2 came out tonight. Flashed it and running way faster than the fastest hero rom. Market works perfect and all downloads show even though they are not even installed yet. Perfect.....thanks Cyanogen......Heros UI is cool as hell, but not quite there yet.
ahill005 said:
LOL...I did the same thing, however 4.2.2 came out tonight. Flashed it and running way faster than the fastest hero rom. Market works perfect and all downloads show even though they are not even installed yet. Perfect.....thanks Cyanogen......Heros UI is cool as hell, but not quite there yet.
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So you confirm that "my downloads" is getting back to work?
I just got back to a backup...maybe I have to try a fresh new install and see what happens...
Did you manage to make my downloads working just through a backup or you did a brand new install?
I'm pretty sure its to do with many of the hero roms don't have the new market place application.
Ok, gave a try installing cyanogen with a fresh install (repartitioning and wiping) and market got back to its normal status.. with "my downloads" fully working again...
I just wonder what could be the problem with these new hero roms...
On google support forum I've seen people having the same issue even with the official taiwan update... so strange...
moskuito said:
So you confirm that "my downloads" is getting back to work?
I just got back to a backup...maybe I have to try a fresh new install and see what happens...
Did you manage to make my downloads working just through a backup or you did a brand new install?
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I started from scratch to get this to work, but did not try to even go the backup route as I felt it would be wasted time.
I formatted SD card and repartitioned with 128MB swap(which i not used in this ROM), a 512MB ext2 and the rest FAT32. By the way this is on a 2GB stock SD card.
After that I wiped the device and installed the ROM following the "install from scratch" methods, reflashing SPL and Radio, rebooting to recovery, then flashing the 4.2.2 ROM. Everything on my phone works like a champ. All apps show up and downloads appeared even when not installed yet.
I haven't updated my rom in weeks and weeks... 3 days ago i got this error and nothing is working. I'm not really wanting to change roms as i finally have my whole phone setup jussst like i want it. I'm on the my hero 1.1.8 i think. what the fups going on ? =(
I had the same issue too.
This is how I solved it:
1. Clean cache for Google Apps in Settings>Apps>Manage
2. Try to enter Market, it will ask you for a Google Account, create a new one.
3. Check that with the new account that apps are there again.
4. Clean Google Apps cache again.
5. Try to enter Market, when it asks for a Goggle Account enter your "usual" account.
6. Now Market should work fine.
zaidanark said:
I had the same issue too.
This is how I solved it:
1. Clean cache for Google Apps in Settings>Apps>Manage
2. Try to enter Market, it will ask you for a Google Account, create a new one.
3. Check that with the new account that apps are there again.
4. Clean Google Apps cache again.
5. Try to enter Market, when it asks for a Goggle Account enter your "usual" account.
6. Now Market should work fine.
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Thanks! I am able to install new apps again. "My downloads" is still empty though.
said it too's not working again =(
Ok, can try this too. Do a wipe and flash to another rom (normal cupcake or donut), go into Market and make sure everything is there (might take some time for it to sync). Do a wipe again and flash the Sense rom.
Once the phone boots up, DO NOT log into Google Account using wifi. Skip the initial intro part and go key in your APN settings. Then launch Market and sign into Google from there.
It worked for me and fingers crossed that it will go smoothly from here.
Hey guys, any news on this problem?
I didn't flash any other sense based rom since then... Do you know if newer roms solved the problem once and for all?

apps and new roms

when ever i flash a new rom all the apps that i have installed even ones i uninstalled start to download in the market ?? any idea how to fix this maybe even wipe my maket history beside my paid apps and i just started using lex lite 3 and im getting random reboots
Clear your cache in Koush's bootstrap.
thank u i will try this
that didnt do anything to the market its still trying to download all those apps even though i already ran titanium
Funny, I recently reflashed fission rom and experienced the same thing. I thought about playing with the "detach from market" option in Titanium Backup.
Ultimately I just manually stopped all the downloads and proceeded in setting up my accounts and batch restoring my apps via Titanium.
I think this happens when you first sign into Google after you boot your new rom for the first time. I skip logging into Google, and then it doesn't download all the apps right away. later I set up my google account and then go into the market and reinstall what I want.
as always, don't quote me on this
Hope this helps.

[Q] Any way to restore My Apps in Market?

Nookcolor with MN 4.5.25, 1.1 overclocked kernel. I had the market problem, but 4.5.25 cleared it up. It worked fine for a week or so. Then yesterday all of "My apps" disappeared from market except the several I paid for. I did the 4.5.25 market fix several times and the rename Vending.apk fix a couple of times, no cigar (I'm aware of the risk of appearing insane, so I won't keep doing the same thing over and over, at least not too many times). On the desktop Android Market, my account, "My Orders" shows only these same paid apps and two free apps (with no rhyme or reason as to which two, except both have been uninstalled by me). If this isn't clear to you, I am talking about the list of the apps I have downloaded on market. All of my apps are working fine on the NC.
If I find the rest of my apps on Android Market on the desktop, all are marked "installed". But they simply will not appear, no matter what I do, on the NC or on the "My Orders" screen on the desktop.
Short of downloading each again (my time, ambition, patience, and data allowance are limited) how can I restore the apps to list on "My apps" on the NC and "My Orders" on the desktop?
I have a Titanium backup taken a few days before the failure. Is this information kept in some data area in the NC and sync'ed to market? Could I restore an app or that app's data and get my apps back in sync? I hesitate to restore everything, as I am beginning to believe that I am digging a hole.
Waiting patiently for some informative responses, DaveD
I haven't resolved this problem, and am still waiting for suggestions. In the meantime, an additional problem. Whenever I install a new app, downloaded in the standard manner from market, market will then appear briefly when I try to load it again, then disappear. I then have to restore the market.apk with Titanium, after which i will work again until the next time I install an app. I will now see in the my apps section the same several paid for apps plus any additional that I have installed since the problem first occurred.
Please help if you can. I would like to fix this. DaveD
I am trying to figure out the best way to backup my data and apps.
I am between using Titannium Backup or Backup Pro.
Any suggestions....?
Do you know what's the easiest way to reboot into recovery mode?
I'm running CM7 off SD card. Tried the Power and N button combination, with no luck also tried selecting reboot into recovery mode from CM7 desktop.
Which backup?
Since no one else is responding, I'll give you my recommendation based on limited experience. I like Titanium, and after installing it quickly paid for the Pro version, for the simple reason that it allows multiple backups, which I consider necessary in any backup program. I don't know about backup pro. But overall, among the two dozen or so apps I run, both free and paid, Titanium Pro appears to be the highest quality of them all.
Regarding rebooting into recovery mode, I don't know how else to reboot . See the next item in this thread for additional info on that.
Well, since no one is either interested enough or can help, I took the plunge and fixed it myself. If there is any interest, here is the only answer I could come up with.
First, I tried selectively restoring system apps with Titanium. I ended up restoring 20 or so. All that did was got me deeper into it. At the end I could no longer download apps--it would come up with the infamous "starting download" and that was the end of it.
So I decided to start from scratch, attempting to revert the Nook to it's original 1.1 out-of-the-box unregistered version. I followed the directions in the Nook Wiki (don't remember the two items and don't have time to go looking, as will be the case with a lot of the explanation below). I started with the ADB interface and entered the reboot failure 8 count from the desktop, upon which it rebooted, but did so into ClockWorkMod recovery, and recovered to the MN 4.5.25 system I was trying to get rid of. So, ignorant as I am about how all this works, I did the eight reboot failures manually, same thing, same thing. Now, I guess I could have gone in and uninstalled ClockWorkMod, but didn't think of that. So next time I tried it (third), I had recovery reset all data and cache. Then when I rebooted I was in NookColor stock 1.2, without rooting. But every time I tried to get back to out-of-the-box 1.1, I entered recovery again.
Now, withe the expectation that I could reinstall MN for the express purpose of killing ClockWorkMod recovery, then go about following the directions in Wiki which should work, I MN'ed it. Upon reemerging into MN, market worked! So I installed the 1.1Ghz kernel, and started reinstalling the apps, which I am still doing. No need to go back to the 1.1 clean level, as far as I have seen. Some of the old apps are still there, but most are gone. Again, no rhyme or reason as to which apps. But it works.
I could reinstall the old apps from Titanium, which I did for Dolphin merely to get the latest Beta 5.0.6 back and for the bookmarks, but for the most part am reinstalling from market, as I need for market to be aware of the apps I have.
Bottom line, it is much easier to wipe the Nook (provided you get ClockWorkMod out of the way first) and reinstall apps then to spend hours upon hours trying to figure out how to fix a market problem. Market is nice and solid with 4.5.25; I hope it stays that way this time (I don't know what caused the original failure, but I am highly suspicious that it was operator error)! I guess a clean wipe and reinstall to 4.5.25, including an overclocking kernel and apps, will take an hour or so, less if you reinstall apps from backups.
titanium pro is the only way to go. buy it!. I had back up pro before and had to uninstall it because it would not reinstall from time to time. titanium pro always works and with the pay version you can batch activities not like the free version where you'll have to do it one by one. anyway, if you restoring with titanium pro remember to restore apps only and not the data. you don't want to pass on bad data to your fresh flash.
with the market did you try to clear cache in application manager? sometime this will help. go to settings / application / manage application / view all and scroll down to market and clear cache and data. I also think you'll need to clear cache and data with google services framework, but I forget, not sure.
for flashing nighties (only if you're going from cm to cm) all you have to do is wipe partition cache, not data and wipe dalvik cache and flash your new nightie. all of your app will be there. I hope this helped a little. good luck.

Help installing ArmSense_XE_0.6.130 ROM

Noob alert. First post, first rom.
Thought it about time I had a go at hacking my Hero and thought I’d better start with a rom that seemed stable. I chose the ArmSense_XE_0.6.130 Android2.3.5+sense3.5 on this forum.
Root and install of the custom recovery was painless.
Flashed this rom and all seemed well. The first thing I thought I’d try was maps, as I want to check gps functionality, but no maps app to be found. I then remember reading in this forum that custom roms rarely contain the Google apps. I found, downloaded and flashed the 20110828 version of gapps (in the same way as I flashed the initial rom, but without doing a wipe first, I hope this is right).
Still no maps. I know they can be downloaded from the market (play), but the market app seems to fail. When I select it the screen goes white for a few seconds and then returns without displaying any error. Not wanting to give up I visited play via the browser, but this would not let me download directly to the phone either, as it reported that I must use the phone app to visit the site first.
I’ve obviously visited the market many times before on this phone, and am sure I set my Google account up properly during the setup. (though googlemail has changed to gmail during the time between I originally setup the phone and now).
The upshot of all this is that I have these questions:
Generally have I done the right things?
Should I have the maps and come to that gmail, which I now notice is also missing?
Any ideas on the problem with the market app?
And lastly, I was sort of expecting the same clock as shown on the op of the ArmSense_XE development thread be the default, but this is not the case. I quite like it. What is it and where does it come from?
Restored to my original stock 2.1 configuration for now.
Thanks in advance
quattro_driver said:
Noob alert. First post, first rom.
Thought it about time I had a go at hacking my Hero and thought I’d better start with a rom that seemed stable. I chose the ArmSense_XE_0.6.130 Android2.3.5+sense3.5 on this forum.
Root and install of the custom recovery was painless.
Flashed this rom and all seemed well. The first thing I thought I’d try was maps, as I want to check gps functionality, but no maps app to be found. I then remember reading in this forum that custom roms rarely contain the Google apps. I found, downloaded and flashed the 20110828 version of gapps (in the same way as I flashed the initial rom, but without doing a wipe first, I hope this is right).
Still no maps. I know they can be downloaded from the market (play), but the market app seems to fail. When I select it the screen goes white for a few seconds and then returns without displaying any error. Not wanting to give up I visited play via the browser, but this would not let me download directly to the phone either, as it reported that I must use the phone app to visit the site first.
I’ve obviously visited the market many times before on this phone, and am sure I set my Google account up properly during the setup. (though googlemail has changed to gmail during the time between I originally setup the phone and now).
The upshot of all this is that I have these questions:
Generally have I done the right things?
Should I have the maps and come to that gmail, which I now notice is also missing?
Any ideas on the problem with the market app?
And lastly, I was sort of expecting the same clock as shown on the op of the ArmSense_XE development thread be the default, but this is not the case. I quite like it. What is it and where does it come from?
Restored to my original stock 2.1 configuration for now.
Thanks in advance
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The ROM you choose is far from being stable, that's why it's marked with the version ArmSense_XE_0.6.130.
Please check this thread:
I'm using the SHPONGLE v3.5 and I'm quite satisfied.
Thank you for the advice. Downloading it now.
I have the right gapps package I guess and will need to add it to this rom too?
The ROM already have gapps light, meaning that you can register your account and access Google Play.
Then you can download the apps you need like Maps, Youtube, Gmail, whatsoever...
Got it working now.
Apart from a little niggle with the lock screen (probably me being unfamiliar) it all seems very fast and smooth.
Thank you for your advice.
SHPONGLE v3.5 is by far the fastest 2.3.7 on Hero in my (very fresh) experience.

