Send files to TD2 using BT - Touch Diamond2, Pure General

Hello all,
First of all I have to say that I'm a friggin noob when it comes to WM6.5 and HTC Sense PDAs.
I just bought a Diamond2 a few days ago and am trying to transfer files from my laptop to TD2 using bluetooth. On the laptop I have Bluesoleil (*** managing my BT connections, and when I connect the TD2 it doesn't show File transfer service as available, but it it turned on on Bluesoleil. How can I activate this service on TD2? It would really help to have working.
Thank you all in advance.

Why dont u use the cable? it works much faster.

I usually do, but I don't always carry all cables around so it would be an alternative for those times. Anyway you didn't answer my initial question: What must I do to enable file transfers via BT?
Thank you.

Don't make a connection. Just activate Bluetooth (both devices), set Topaz's Bluetooth visible to other devices and select from your laptop file send via bt.

enable OBEX File Transfer Service.
you can use TD2 Tools 2d.

Use resco explorer with ftp plugin or total commander for mobile, and a ftp server on your pc, there are some good free servers available out there. Belive me WiFi is faster than bluetooth.

Bluetooth File transfer is not installed on TD2 by default. You need to install it manually (Bluetooth explorer, try search). That's the way I did it first but I don't know which file you have to download.... too long ago. An even better solution is try to find a custom ROM which already contains the BTFTP packages. But then you first have to find out how to flash ROMs


Where are all the bluetooth functions (esp. File Transfer)?

The only bluetooth functions I get on my MDA Pro are Headset and Serial Port. I'm desperate for File Transfer... does anyone know how to get it? Thanks!
They are there, just not visible..
Try sending a file to your Universal through BT, and it shall recieve it..
Make sure that the beam settings are "Accept all inncoming"
if you use the inbuilt file explorer on any file, you can press and hold, then select beam file. if bluetooth is on, it will:
1. search the infra red port
2. Search all surrounding devices with bluetooth on, and discoverable.
then you can just select where you want it to go.
Transfer files using bluetooth
Does anyone know how I could transfer a file from my Qtek 9000 to my Nokia N70 (Symbian OS) using BLUETOOTH. When I pair the two I get "Dialup networking” only I cannot find a way of transferring files from one device to the other. Please include step by step instructions if you know how.
Re: Transfer files using bluetooth
avensis said:
Does anyone know how I could transfer a file from my Qtek 9000 to my Nokia N70 (Symbian OS) using BLUETOOTH. When I pair the two I get "Dialup networking” only I cannot find a way of transferring files from one device to the other. Please include step by step instructions if you know how.
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1. Enable Bluetooth on both devices;
2. Open File Explorer, go to the desired file, hold the stylus down (like right click on a PC) and choose "Beam File" (this works with Bluetooth as well as Infrared)
3. Choose Nokia N70 or its assigned device name when you see it on the list
File sent as a message not as a files transfer
Yes thanks i tried doing what you suggested, but it sent the file from the Qtek 9000 to the N70 -> recieved it as a message and i could not save the actual file anywhere on t he N70?
Well, what does the message look like? What type of file are you trying to transfer? I would expect you be able to save an attachment or something similar. I'm afraid I'm not familiar with the Symbian OS.
Bonzo said:
They are there, just not visible..
Try sending a file to your Universal through BT, and it shall recieve it..
Make sure that the beam settings are "Accept all inncoming"
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Either I'm doing something stupid here, but.. if I send a file from my desktop to my MDA Pro (BT enabled, accept incoming beams enabled) I just get a message saying 'ftp service not found on target device'
If I explore available services I can see DUN and Voice Gateway... am I missing something?
Re: File sent as a message not as a files transfer
avensis said:
Yes thanks i tried doing what you suggested, but it sent the file from the Qtek 9000 to the N70 -> recieved it as a message and i could not save the actual file anywhere on t he N70?
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Im very familiar with symbian OS but new with PPCs so should be able to help!
Install a file explorer such as fexplorer onto your n70. Fexplorer on the root page has a mail option, and when you enter it, you can see all the files recieved via btooth/mms. Copy the file and paste it to your desired location using fexplorer. Alternatively, if the file explorer you use doesn't have the "mail" option on the home of the sw, visit x:/system/mail (x= c or e depending on where messages are stored) and browse throygh the folders until you find the attachment and paste it to where you want.
Thanks very much, i did what you said, but the mail opton was not there, instead i found the Inbox directory and there was what i was looking for, so thanks again...
I don't know if anyone remembers the old widcomm bt versions on blueangel, but u used to be able to browse other devices and stuff, well, I'd like to be able to do this, I miss this function....
is there 3rd party software that can do this?
I don't know if anyone remembers the old widcomm bt versions on blueangel, but u used to be able to browse other devices and stuff, well, I'd like to be able to do this, I miss this function....
is there 3rd party software that can do this?
joey jojo said:
I don't know if anyone remembers the old widcomm bt versions on blueangel, but u used to be able to browse other devices and stuff, well, I'd like to be able to do this, I miss this function....
is there 3rd party software that can do this?
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something like this?
Browse and BT transfer data from deviceA to deviceB
I check BtCrawler it does not let you transfer files between device, what i am looking for is something like a file explorer where (once two devices are connected via BT) then one can copy files (using a fileexplorer type of interface from one location in device A to another location in Device B. Veyr easy stuff really but cannot do it anymore in Qtek 9000 WM5, whereas in my Blueangel WM2003 i used to have that exact functionlity, and i used to do it by transfering files from my Cellular camera to my PDA.
Re: Browse and BT transfer data from deviceA to deviceB
avensis said:
...what i am looking for is something like a file explorer ...
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OK, got you this time. WM5 only supports Obex-Push (trabsfering V-Cards and stuff). It currently does not support Obex-FTP which is exactly what you are looking for. Maybe some future updates from M$ will add this functionality, so I hope...
Thanks, but if you find any software that provided the " Obex-FTP" on the WM5 PDA could you please send me a message.
isnt it possible that we can update the bluetooth stack to the widcomm one?
daven said:
isnt it possible that we can update the bluetooth stack to the widcomm one?
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I'd like to know if this is possible.

Q: How to browse the Wizard over Wifi network from XP PC

Can anyone tell me if it possible to browse my wifi connected Wizard (O2 mini S - latest O2 ROM) from my PC...
Ie i would like to be able to open window to my documents on my phone on my PC to copy file etc...
Thanks in advance!
Yes, but you will need some third party software, such as Resco Explorer, to 'map' the folders you want to access across the network.
Thanks for your quick reply, however i meant if/how is it possible to browse the files on the wizard from the PC over wifi network, not the other way around.
lo thought i would try helping.
if you downgrade your active sync on your pc 2 or 3 releases it supports syncing via wifi.... the newer ones it was disabled on for some daft reason.
it may be enabled on the new beta version i dunno.
anyway if your pc was synced to it you certainly can view the my documents folder. also by bluetooth in any version of active sync, just need a bluetooth dongle for ur comp.
hopw that helps
I don't think you can downgrade with WM5, I believe that you need Active Sync 4.1 and above.
I can't think of a way to browse the PPC on a wireless network which is a good thing for security.
hi, have you tried pocket controller? you can control your ppc from the pc via wifi.
tbito said:
hi, have you tried pocket controller? you can control your ppc from the pc via wifi.
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Excellent, thankyou for pointing me in this direction, it does exactley what i want (and a bit more!)
use activesync when your connected via usb? you can browse the files

Send Files over Bluetooth

I have just received my Sprint Mogul and would like to send files over bluetooth but I cant seem to do so. Is there anyway to do this without paying for a program like Resco File explorer because this is a very important feature for me.
Here is what u need
download the KAISER BT Client with this you will be able to send and receive files over Bluetooth
so i just download the BT FTP client and install it like any other program.
I have Resco but I had problems transferring files via BT even with that. The Kaiser's BT FTP app took care of that. Since then I've no problems tranferring between my Mogul and other PDA's as well as my laptop.

File transfer using WiFi (WLAN) - is it possible??

Hi everyone.
After searching through the forums, I couldn't get any satisfactory answer.
1) I have THD and Elfin - both WM devices. My question here is, how can I transfer files ( like Fotos, M$ office Documents, Music etc. ) using WiFi or to be precise WLAN? I do not wish to use Wireless internet to send files....I mean to say, without using any thrid wireless device, how can I enable file sharing between these two devices??
I have checked out Resco file explorer and Total Commander. None of them provide option of FTP over WLAN/WiFi.
2) Similarly, how can I transfer files between my WiFi enabled Laptop and THD/Elfin???
Is there any setting to be changed in existing devices, any 3rd party application?? or is it a call for Developers?
Big Thanks Ahead.
ash3012 said:
Hi everyone.
After searching through the forums, I couldn't get any satisfactory answer.
1) I have THD and Elfin - both WM devices. My question here is, how can I transfer files ( like Fotos, M$ office Documents, Music etc. ) using WiFi or to be precise WLAN? I do not wish to use Wireless internet to send files....I mean to say, without using any thrid wireless device, how can I enable file sharing between these two devices??
I have checked out Resco file explorer and Total Commander. None of them provide option of FTP over WLAN/WiFi.
2) Similarly, how can I transfer files between my WiFi enabled Laptop and THD/Elfin???
Is there any setting to be changed in existing devices, any 3rd party application?? or is it a call for Developers?
Big Thanks Ahead.
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I preffer FTP protocol as there are many clients on Windows/Linux. On my blackstone I use Mocha FTP Server (freeware). Total Commander CE does support FTP (only as a client). Transfer rates are rather slow.
tnyynt said:
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Thanks Guys....that was really quick. Just 1 question though - does this method solves my first problem - file sharing between two WM6/6.1 devices using WiFi ???
Thanks Again.
ash3012 said:
Thanks Guys....that was really quick. Just 1 question though - does this method solves my first problem - file sharing between two WM6/6.1 devices using WiFi ???
Thanks Again.
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Well yeah, you can browse to a network share with e.g. Total Commander. So it should work once set up properly. Going to try this myself!!
Pardon me if I'm asking for too much.....can we have something like VoIP or to be precise, a radio communicator using such 'WiFi/WLAN between 2 WM devices'? It will be fun to communicate with friends in a 'trucker' style within WiFi range - 10-4 ?
tnyynt said:
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Dude this one dosent seems to be working with WM 6 (for my Elfin) [at least the link says so ] Can you please confirm?
Thanks ahead
True... I cannot install it on my blackstone...
Yes you can....I have installed it on my Blackstone and me Elfin too (after upgrading Elfin to 6.1). And it works.
However, I am still not able to transfer files (using WLAN) between my Elfin and blackstone. Any ideas on that??
Thanks Ahead
Hi guys,
I am extreamly happy to say that i have been able to share files from one windows mobile to another windows mobile that too at the speed of up 450kbps.
i had been trying to do this for atleast 2.5 months with no luck(u may check the related topics, nobody had a idea, Even using xda, google, bing, yahoo, altavista found that nobody has done it before...) but yesterday i made it to work the way i wanted to.
All you need to do is create a adhoc connection(e.g P2P) and download FTP server (Yes your mobile will act as a FTP server) and FTP client.
For FTP server download mochasoft and for FTP Client download resco.
**Once you install resco 2008, go to menu-->options-->addins--> then download ftp plugging(and it will make resco to work as a ftp client)
Mobile A
Start--->settings-->connections-->add new ->name it p2p-->select the option "this is a device-to-device connection(adhoc)...once it is done, turn on wifi on Mobile B it will detect this connections, connect to it.....Now two mobiles are connected with each other via wifi(Without router).....Till this point you can find it in google.
Now to share files open mocha soft on Mobile A(It will show that it is "online" with a specific IP address(Note down this ip address), Anonymous login will be on but preferabaly create a user name (File--->settings--> Add[*give it a read/write permission]) and the password.
Then decide for yourself what exactly you wanna share with the other mobile, in this example i am going to share my SD CARD. Go to file -->settings--> other--> and in the "Login Folder:" put in "\\storage card"
Once that's done open up resco ftp on Mobile B. Go to My ftp locations-->New ftp session--Give a name to ftp session (like abcd), In the host type in the ip address address that you noted down earlier--> let the port 21-->Login:ut in the username that you created-->Password: put in the password
and Hey there you go!!!, you will have the Sd Card of Mobile A and you will be working on it as if it is in your own mobile..
On mobile A moccha will notify you that a user has logged on to your server. You can use all FTP commands on mochasoft.
I downloaded the 700Mb movie which was stored in my frnds mobile while we were having beer and it got downloaded at the speed of 450kbps(it started off with 350kbps and was fluctuating from 380 to 450kbps), Just before doing this i tried to copy a 10mb file using bluetooth and resco showed the speed 20kbps........
So next time when you go out to meet your frnds you can transfer all their stuff at the lightning speed via WIFI file sharing......
Good Luck!!
If i got to settings connetions i can only create a modem or VPN connection..nothing with ad hoc..what am i missing?
If I remember correctly, you set up an adhoc network as if you were to enter a custom network with a hidden ssid. You enable wifi and go to the screen where it shows the available networks. There you can add a new network and tick this is an adhoc connection.
Also, since adhoc connections have no dhcp server, it is best to work with fixed ip addresses.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk

Sending files via bluetooth

Hi i wonder if anyone can help,
Now i seem to have had this problem with every HTC phones i have used (XDA orbit, steller, mini) and now my HTC HD2. why cant anyone send me files, pictures, music anything via bluetooth. We get all paired up and eeverything but when they send it to me it just comes up connection failed?
Now i know my bluetooth works on all me phones as i sync at work and have handsfree in the car, so i can only assume its settings but i have look at all of it and cant figure where im going wrong?
thanks in advanced
Hmmm . . .
Do you click "Accept" for the file transfere ? (Bottom left of screen (soft-key))
(After accepting the conneciton, the file transfer itself needs to be accepted as well)
Besides that - to transfer files from my computer, I had to enable the file transfer protocol:
Settings->menu->all settings->bluetooth->"Gears" tab<left most tab ***>->Advanced<+> ->File transfer->allow incoming file transfer
Som30ne said:
Do you click "Accept" for the file transfere ? (Bottom left of screen (soft-key))
(After accepting the conneciton, the file transfer itself needs to be accepted as well)
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It never gets that far, i dont get the option to accept, on my mates phone it just says connection failed. i dont get anything on my screen, but we are paired up so its not like they cant find me phone etc. it just says connection failed, when they try to send it to me. i have also left all visibilty etc on, and even keep my phone ruuning (i.e. not standby) and still no luck.
Som30ne said:
Besides that - to transfer files from my computer, I had to enable the file transfer protocol:
Settings->menu->all settings->bluetooth->"Gears" tab<left most tab ***>->Advanced<+> ->File transfer->allow incoming file transfer
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I have tried this option with the paired phones, but again no luck, however i have no problem sharing pictures etc from my PC. sending files etc via bluetooth and my computer at work, works fine. its just people sending files etc from other mobiles???
this is what is confusing me, but i have had the problem on all xda's i have had, so there must be another setting.
No one has any ideas then?? its bugging me now
Can't help you mate.
All I can say is that on all my HTC phones (Diamond, HD & now HD2), it's worked fine - never had a problem.
I also had this very same problem. I have a Kaiser (vodafone v1615) and i was able to send files via bluetooth, but not to receive them. Then i found this thread and now the thing is working:
Basically the solution is:
TIP: Make sure you enable “Receive all incoming beams” if you want to receive files / PIM records over Bluetooth on Pocket PC’s with the Microsoft Bluetooth stack!
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This can be done in "start menu"->"settings"->"connections" tab->"Beam"
Just that simple check.
Let me know if this works for you.
I have this exact same problem! Unfortunately the quote above only applies to Wm6.1 and below that use the microsoft bluetooth stack.
On this occasion HTC have plumped for their own buggy version.
I think there is some conflict between obex push and obex file transfer. I have a toshiba bluetooth stack on my winxp install and the bluex utils on my linux partition. Neither of them work anymore on wm6.5 whereas they did on my wm6.1 polaris.
i dont have a connections tab on the HTC HD2, well i have a connections page but i dont have beam as a option??
Subsx said:
i dont have a connections tab on the HTC HD2, well i have a connections page but i dont have beam as a option??
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You wont have "beam". "Beam is part of the Microsoft Bluetooth Stack. The HD2 has the widcomm stack.
optiknerv said:
You wont have "beam". "Beam is part of the Microsoft Bluetooth Stack. The HD2 has the widcomm stack.
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Ok but im guessing then that no body can help or even have the same problem??
well, I may be a few months late, but here's my solution, at least it might help new HD2 users:
go to settings tab, choose "all settings" from the right menu button
choose bluetooth, and then click on the settings tab (the one with cog wheels) make your device dicoverable, then from advanced>connectivity>remove the check mark if you don't have your friends' de3vices paired with yours.
finallyadvanced>file transfer>check: allow incoming file transfer connections.
to make this a bit faster you can browse your windows library via file explorer and create a shortcut for the bluetooth program in the start menu (this will also enable you to add a shortcut in the manila today
hope this helps

