Two newbie questions (GSM-3G and Regedit) - HD2 General

I'm a complete newbie to HD2, I just got it yesterday. And I'm suffering from the battery drain problem. I've read some of this thread:
However I'm lost at two points:
1. How do I disable 3G and switch to 2G-GSM? I believe this will save some battery. Also I hear something like HSPA or whatever, I believe it's some sort of data connection but I don't know what I should do with it either.
2. How do I edit the registry? There are people recommending registry editing to each other, but I have no idea where to start. I'm an experienced windows *desktop* user, so I know the risks of editing registry, however I don't have a clue how I can edit the registry of an HD2 phone.
Thank you for your patience and answers

Quick answer to question 2; search on the internet for a tool called PHM reg (forget that, look here... ). Download the cab file and transfer it onto your device, preferably onto the external SD card.
Tap on it to install then go look for the icon in your startup folder to view.
If you are an experienced windows desktop user you will be aware of the advantages of backing up your registry first before tinkering with it.

Also bear in mind that until you have cycled the battery a fair number of times it's life will seem shorter than it actually is - give it a few days and you should notice an improvement in battery life.

emigrating said:
Also bear in mind that until you have cycled the battery a fair number of times it's life will seem shorter than it actually is - give it a few days and you should notice an improvement in battery life.
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Thank you, I intend to charge-discharge it at least three times before losing hope
However since I'm sure I won't need the 3G, I want to disable it right away, so if you know how I can do that I will be very happy to know!

harzem said:
Thank you, I intend to charge-discharge it at least three times before losing hope
However since I'm sure I won't need the 3G, I want to disable it right away, so if you know how I can do that I will be very happy to know!
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Go to Phone/Menu/Options then scroll the list till you see the Band entry. Select this then in the top half of the screen select 'GSM' instead of 'Auto'
Now click 'Done' then if you get a warning about your current data session, accept the warning. Press the power button for 3 seconds to access the sub-menu and select 'Power off'. Now press the power button again to restart the phone.

@wacky.banana, I forgot to thank you in my last post, sorry for that and thank you!
@NeilM, I would have never found it myself, I was searching the start menu, not the "phone" menu. Your help is really appreciated



Hello one and all.
I have been looking at this forum for about 1 week and i'm still none the wiser. This may be because I have no idea what im doing and I am a little worried about making rom changes as I have no experinace of this.
I have a 02 exec. Which i am happy with but its a bit slower than I thought it would be. The phone seams to mess around when answering.
I have booted it up as normal on the basic setting.
A few questions that I have :-
What is the best setting to boot up on basic or corperate with the code ?
What reg changes are critical to boost performance ?
Any Software that I should get for the Xda ?
VGA settings do I need to change them ? What effect does it have.
Any advise would be good. If it could be given in a format my 2 year old could understand that would be good for me.
Thank you in advance
You'll find a wealth of information on each of your questions by browsing & searching the posts already on this forum.
thanks moandal that's why I posted.
1 post says basic setup another say corporate. 1 post says hack this that and the other. another says not to.
I'm new to pocket pc.
these forums do not make it clear what is best.
example radio version 1.06 or 1.08 at least 3 posts on here saying each one is better than the other. I have no idea.
all I was asking for is some guidance as to which set up has worked best for people.
@CRJL you've one up on me mate - I did not even know this thing had two modes!!!
BTW, why is that? Someone mentioned somewhere a corporate password - how to enter this & why would I want it.
BTW CRJL, I agree with you, these little devices are very confusing, espcially because the front end software (WM5) is soooooooo labourious!
when you hard reset the thing. after all the rom stuff loads up it gives you the choice of basic set up or corporate. it selects basic automatically after 20secs.
if you tell it corporate then you have to put the code 0506 in. this the uninstalls some stuff off the exec. you loose mms and all the gprs an 3g settings for conecting to the net. (i don't know what else it does) some of the people in the forums say it makes the exec faster. I could not really notice any difference.
you loose a few applications as well.
until I learn more I'm staying in basic.
I find these forums are for more advanced users so the simple questions tend to get missed. (im talking abot my first post) still not had a reply answering my questions
CRJL said:
What is the best setting to boot up on basic or corperate with the code ?
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for this you should first make a hard reset (carefull, with hard reset you will loose all data!) by pressing both app buttons and reset at the same time.
When it starts up, after the installation countdown shows up you should make a reset to stop the automatic setup.
Now you have a machine, which is only basic setup. See how you like the things in there.
After you now enough about this, you can make same hard reset again and start the corporate setup. Then see, how you like this setup.
After this do same with basic setup.
In total you have then an idea, what you can have with the 3 different setups.
Now you can decide, which of the 3 setups you want to start with. After this, you should read the posts about Extended Rom, how to unlock it, which programs are in there etc. Then you get an idea for example how to install some software in the basic setup.
Also, you can add some programs from other Roms. For example I have an MDA Pro and I added the I-Mate Backgammon game to my setup.
Try out and see what customizations you want and need, which you do not want.
CRJL said:
What reg changes are critical to boost performance ?
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Basically, this does not really make difference. Forget about reg changes. Performance depends on running programs and setup - see above.
As far as I know, o2 installs some app in the basic setup, which makes the device slow. As I never tried o2 rom, I do not know, if this is true.
CRJL said:
Any Software that I should get for the Xda ?
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read here:
here also I recommend to try out the software and just keep the ones you like.
In total I would recommend you to create a directory on your PC where you put all the setup and cab files, which you want to have in your final setup. After trying out all, make a hard reset again and install the files from this directory. This prevents any junks to be left behind from your previous tries.
CRJL said:
VGA settings do I need to change them ? What effect does it have.
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I think, you get more problems than it helps. Some programs appear too small on the screen. And when you make a Romupdate this does not work anymore.
I recommend not to install any VGA Patches. Instead just set the text size to more small and search in this forum for some registry hacks to change system font etc. and see if you like it, when the font is more small (this is good for Opera or PIE as you can view complete page!)
Nice reply, thanks mate!
what are the ><ahem, ahem>< "app buttons"
Andy (thicky wicky Blacky wacky Adder)
thank you. I will give the 3 setups a go. I did read that if you soft reset before the counter that video calling does not work.
will give it a go and see what happens I'm sure there will be a cab file on here to sort it out.
anyone wishing to add any pearls of wisdom fee free. I'm learning more and more all the time.
app buttons: the buttons on the keyboard, which have changing functions. these functions are shown at the bottom of the screen. These buttons can be found to the right and left of the red and green call buttons on the keyboard.
about video calling: yes, this feature is installed after you switch on first your device. it is activated with one cab file. If you can find out which cab file this is, you can install it manually in the basic setup.

Problem with WiFi

If I press wlan button in Comm Manager than WiFi should be ON but it is not. I did use some different roms but still nothing. Somebody know what to do ?
settings-connections-wireless lan - there is only message:
Wireless LAN is OFF.Turn on Wireless LAN.
It does not work. Please help me.
Go back to wm5. If your lucky it might come back. The more I dig through here the more I see people with wifi problems after flashing. You might be out of luck
I noticed under WM6 the bubble that pops up when you click on the wifi tower ALWAYS says 'turn on wifi'
Good luck!
Same problem with my WI-FI, Not working please help!!!!
Hi All. I am facing the same problem with my WI-FI as Vomithaus is having. Whenever I try to to connect to WIFI from Commmanager, it tries to and then to show disconnected. When i go to settings> Wireless LAN, it asks me to "Configure Network Adaptors", and lists all the adaptors and going into them asks about the ip settings and stuff like that. By the Way I Bricked my phone once and then i flashed with T-Mobile Ship WM6.0 RUU for the WING. And I strongly suspect that the registry setting are not right or the Radio ROM is F***ed up. Can any knowledgeable person help me please? I would greatly appreciated any help.
Same problem with my WI-FI, Not working please help!!!!
This is the addeneum to the last post. The last remaining screenshot for the above post. The last screen shot of the "Wi-Fi Status" in the "Settings > Connection", gives me an option to "Turn on Wi-Fi" but toggeling it results in nothing. Thank You everybody for your time and consideration.
It might help us to figure out how this happened too. I bought the EXEC off of ebay and it was like this from the get go. The previous owner flashed it to wm6 about 1 month ago, but said it was working fine... all he did was hard reset to get rid of the personal information. I want to believe him, but there are a few people on here complaining of flashing the exec and losing wifi. (even the official rom from O2).
Flashing COULD have damaged the transmitter, but it seems more likely that a setting is wrong somewhere (especially since there is a slider bar for WIFI battery vs performance).
This is good news (somewhat), but the bad news is that if there is one, no one knows about it. I have messed around in the registry (there were some promising entries related to POWER), but nothing that even showed a response. I found the entry that connects to the slider bar, but PERFORMANCE = zero, so there is nowhere to go there but WORSE.
This really sucks, is all I can say. I blew $500 on something that is useless (well... not useless, but no WIFI? WHY COULD IT HAVE NOT BEEN BLUETOOTH!)
Another step I have taken is contacting PPC Tech's via email and asking them if they have any idea how to repair it, and how much $$$
I'll keep you informed.
Can you tell me if yours EVER worked, and if so, when it stopped?
I just looked closer at your screenshots.... Do you have a WIFI card? (it say's 'adapter').
No, I dont have a WIFI card but this is way how windows handles all is peripherals (services), as an add-on card. just like you laptop.
Guys, There is a registry fix for this problem.
Please take look here :
I am afraid Ron that this is not a case as suggested in Beowulf6's solution. If it is the solution I dont know how to exactly implement it. But I am posting here the exact registry key screenshot for you guys to take a look also. I can't see and TNETWLN1 or TNET12345 key here in my device. I still think it has to something with the registry. Can any one here with a T-Mobile WING verify and post their screen shot? or maybe send me a registry backup to compare with? It would be really grateful it some does that. Thanks everybody for a few seconds to read this.
In my herald i can't see TNETWLN1 or TNETWLN12345 too.
I did use Mobile Registry Editor for that , what you guys are useing?
(sorry for my English, if you dont understand me just tell me please)
Look at the screenshots, there a Reg Folder with the name WLAN, open it, and then open the key with all the numbers and letters. At the end of that line is a code. TNETWLAN1 is what it should be for the Herald.
f_v_man said:
I am afraid Ron that this is not a case as suggested in Beowulf6's solution. If it is the solution I dont know how to exactly implement it. But I am posting here the exact registry key screenshot for you guys to take a look also. I can't see and TNETWLN1 or TNET12345 key here in my device. I still think it has to something with the registry. Can any one here with a T-Mobile WING verify and post their screen shot? or maybe send me a registry backup to compare with? It would be really grateful it some does that. Thanks everybody for a few seconds to read this.
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It is like Bio88 says.
You are already on the right track... click on WLAN and you will find the key.
Change the value of the key into TNETWLAN1
bio88 said:
Look at the screenshots, there a Reg Folder with the name WLAN, open it, and then open the key with all the numbers and letters. At the end of that line is a code. TNETWLAN1 is what it should be for the Herald.
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Hi Please look at my screen shot again clearly. I did post what is inside the WLAN folder. There are only two keys :
1) (Default) \Windows\ctlpnl.exe
2) CmdLine cplmain17
I still can't figure where is the key with numbers and letters. Sorry If I am a bit dumb or wrong. Thanks.
it is possible if you use the default Commanager that you dont have this registry key.
I dont know if it helps if you create it on your own.
but for me where i installed a different commanager, the Key was there and i edited it for the wlan button.
My Tmo Wing has "TIACXWLN1" in that registry key.
Do those changes apply to the herald and the Wing interchangeably?

Wing Processor upgrade programs??

Hi all,
I have been surfing around the forum for a couple of days now and am completely overloaded with all the amazing information available here. I have a Wing that I love (with the exception of the slow speed and the low program memory, of course) and I have been reading all about the different downloads that people have created for changing the page pool (a term I just learned) and over-clocking (again a new word) the processor, and to be honest, with my level of experience with this unit, I am scared.
I am hoping that someone could direct me to a program that I could buy (yes I am willing to pay for it) that would quickly, safely and without configuration from me, allow me to change the processor speed and the page pool. Does such a think exist? I really don't know enough to try doing this on my own.
Also, somewhere on one of these forums, I read a post from someone a couple of days ago saying that T-Mobile was going to be issuing a new update for the Wing - does anyone know anything about that. I keep checking on their page but it's not shown up yet.
Any help would be appreciated.
A simple search+reading wiki would have done the job for you, but, nevermind..
1) for changing pagepool, follow this post
2)for easy overclocking(which actually everyone here use, that is, batterystatus)
thank you for the links - I am hesitant to try the page pool from these directions because, as I said, my experience is very limited. I'm looking for simple, easy to install programs that might address these issues.
kdskamal said:
A simple search+reading wiki would have done the job for you, but, nevermind..
1) for changing pagepool, follow this post
2)for easy overclocking(which actually everyone here use, that is, batterystatus)
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ok, here is what to do to change the pagepool in 2steps
1)install aserg's policies on your device(copy the cab on the device and execute it from the file explorer)
2)make sure that you are connected to actiesync and run the batch file on the PC then(extract the archive first)
soft reset.
l8deblu said:
thank you for the links - I am hesitant to try the page pool from these directions because, as I said, my experience is very limited. I'm looking for simple, easy to install programs that might address these issues.
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Ummm, plug in ur phone, make sure its connected, and then open the pagepool folder and click the one that has a 6 in the file name.....its really not hard, Im pretty sure my dog could figure it out. Dont be afraid to try things. You'll surprise yourself with how much your capable of.
Where is the pagepool folder? I looked in File Explorer and even searched for it by name.... Could I borrow your dog?
chris30_2001 said:
Ummm, plug in ur phone, make sure its connected, and then open the pagepool folder and click the one that has a 6 in the file name.....its really not hard, Im pretty sure my dog could figure it out. Dont be afraid to try things. You'll surprise yourself with how much your capable of.
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l8deblu said:
Where is the pagepool folder? I looked in File Explorer and even searched for it by name.... Could I borrow your dog?
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Follow the post he gave you. It will have a file you download. It's a compressed folder. Uncompress it. THAT is the pagepool folder.
ivanmmj said:
Follow the post he gave you. It will have a file you download. It's a compressed folder. Uncompress it. THAT is the pagepool folder.
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The page pool hack is alot easier than your making it seem. Even if you screw it up, the pagepool just isnt gonna work and your gonna have to start over.
1.Install the ITSUTILS_Preperation cab. (either put it on your wing thru activesync or memory card, once its in the phone just click the file for install).
2. Soft reset after the install (stylus push on small hole, right side of wing)
3. Connect the wing to the pc thru activesync.
4. From your PC double click the backup file.
5. From your PC double click the 6mb pool file. (a black dos screen will scroll a few lines of text and disapper, if no lines of text scroll you have not followed every step...hard reset and try again)
Thats step for step, easy as seducing a hooker instructions.
Hopefully you can figure out batterysatus, if not msg me and ill help you out. Anytime things seem to complex its best to read the post numerous times. Things will start to make sense, and after that if your still haveing problems there are lots of really helpful people on this site.
Good Luck
I would do a power cycle instead of a soft reset to make sure your savings got saved.
Power cycle = holding the power down until it asks you to shut down, then shutting down.
ivanmmj said:
I would do a power cycle instead of a soft reset to make sure your savings got saved.
Power cycle = holding the power down until it asks you to shut down, then shutting down.
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Ive never noticed this, but does a soft reset have a tendency to not save settings Ivan?
Thank you one and all for your patience with me. I did it! I changed my page pool to 6 using the program you recommended and it worked just great. I have between 8-11 MB's left after start up. The only thing I am running is Contact Photo Pro. I don't know if it's a system resource hog or not, but I wanted a program that would allow me to customize separate tones for sms messages and caller tunes for my contacts, and also to have profiles where I can silence just the sms messages and allow phone calls during the night. There might be a better program out there but since I'm still such a newbie, I downloaded what I Could find first.
Again, thanks again for your help. I don't think I am going to overclock yet, as that seems scarier but for now my Wing is running better, and I can take a picture without getting a low memory error!
Airman Gimpy said:
Ive never noticed this, but does a soft reset have a tendency to not save settings Ivan?
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If done quickly enough, yes. I used to do it all the time...
T-Mobile wing
so far T-Mobile has no plans for any updates to the wing. i'll keep you posted if anything changes.
brooks23 said:
so far T-Mobile has no plans for any updates to the wing. i'll keep you posted if anything changes.
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Do you work for tmobile?
If so, that's sad... because they're starting to drag behind the competition... I do love their cheap data plan, though...
Airman Gimpy said:
The page pool hack is alot easier than your making it seem. Even if you screw it up, the pagepool just isnt gonna work and your gonna have to start over.
1.Install the ITSUTILS_Preperation cab. (either put it on your wing thru activesync or memory card, once its in the phone just click the file for install).
2. Soft reset after the install (stylus push on small hole, right side of wing)
3. Connect the wing to the pc thru activesync.
4. From your PC double click the backup file.
5. From your PC double click the 6mb pool file. (a black dos screen will scroll a few lines of text and disapper, if no lines of text scroll you have not followed every step...hard reset and try again)
Thats step for step, easy as seducing a hooker instructions.
Hopefully you can figure out batterysatus, if not msg me and ill help you out. Anytime things seem to complex its best to read the post numerous times. Things will start to make sense, and after that if your still haveing problems there are lots of really helpful people on this site.
Good Luck
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Double click the Backup file? where is that located?

Unexplained Taskbar icon >.< Help

Hay guys I just bought myself a Blackstone today, and so far I love everything about this phone. However, because this is my first windows mobile, so everything is very new to me.
I am having a little problem at the moment (well not really a problem) and that is my blackstone taskbar is displaying a number '1' before my wifi icon.
Now, I have been googling around and also reading the user manual but I still can't find any explanation to this icon.
Can someone please explain to me >.< Sorry if this is a stupid question
NoobStick said:
Hay guys I just bought myself a Blackstone today, and so far I love everything about this phone. However, because this is my first windows mobile, so everything is very new to me.
I am having a little problem at the moment (well not really a problem) and that is my blackstone taskbar is displaying a number '1' before my wifi icon.
Now, I have been googling around and also reading the user manual but I still can't find any explanation to this icon.
Can someone please explain to me >.< Sorry if this is a stupid question
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I'm not sure, but I think you're talking about the roaming icon...
press the green button to get to the dial pad and keep the # key pressed - does it change to 2? this is usually a 2 line feature, normally used for business users where line 1 is their work line and 2 being their personal
Oh yes! It does turn 2 if I press # long enough. So just curious is there anyway to rid of it? Not that it causes any trouble just curious
i thinks it's for G-Sen Application
un4g1v3n said:
i thinks it's for G-Sen Application
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Didnt he just say its different lines?
the 1 (and 2) symbols are definitely to do with the Line 1/Line 2 feature. most people won't eversee it because SIM cards supporting this are quite rare these days (more money for telcos to sell two phones)
unfortunately as long as your SIM card supports this, it will always display the number. there may be an option in the registry, but I've no idea where!
thank you for the reply! at least now I know what the hack the icon means!
Remove line number from taskbar
NoobStick, if you want to remove the icon see:
Solution found, thread closed

[ How to ] : Turn off your Touch HD without pushing the power button!

Hi guys,
I'm fairly new here, but I thought that I should join in on the contributions and give back to the community, because I've already had countless hours of help just by searching through the knowledge (mostly garbage though..) that can be found through the search engine! Anyhow, after through much sifting, I managed to create a nifty little tool to help you turn off your Touch HD via software. What's the purpose of this? It is simply to preserve the lifespan of your power button. For some reason, the powerbutton and volume buttons just don't seem too solid to me (mainly the powerbutton).
Enough wish-wash, let's get down to it!
What you need:
1) HTC Touch HD (It may work on any phone with a 480 x 800 layout, I'm not sure, I only had enough money to buy a single phone)
2) If you don't already have it, get Mortscript and install it onto your phone.
3) Now, download the tiny attachment and extract the "Auto Shutdown.mscr" file within it. Place this anywhere you'd like, on your Desktop for example.
Baby-Step-by-Step instructions:
1) Connect your phone to the computer. Mine is set via USB only, no active Sync. Copy/Cut the "Auto Shutdown.mscr" file to any location on the phone's storage.
2) Disconnect USB, and unplug the cable.
3) Go to File Explorer, and look for your "Auto Shutdown.mscr", wherever you placed it earlier and copy/cut the file.
4) Navigate your way to the phone's storage via File Explorer, and go to Windows > Start Menu > Programs > MortScript >
5) Paste the "Auto Shutdown.mscr" there.
6) Soft-reset.
And, that's it! I asked you to place the .mscr file inside the MortScript folder because this prevents you from accidentally pressing the file when viewing the Programs menu. If you're going to add the .mscr file to the TouchFLO shortcut list, I strongly suggest you put it all the way to the bottom to prevent accidentally presses as well. After all, upon pressing, your phone will shutdown.
Having said that, you can also now use this with Cyberon Voice Commander or Microsoft Voice Commander, so it's really quite awesome in my opinion.
If someone has already posted something like this (I don't remember seeing any when I searched though...), feel free to ignore this entire post of blabber and move along already, I can't believe you had the patience to read till this last word!
Enjoy! I know I am!
EDIT: I've uploaded a new file down below. Download that file instead. This will now work with any phone running WM 6.1 and higher. I am not certain if this will work on WM 6.5 based cores as I am not sure how the Shutdown process works.
I can't imagine that the power button (nor the volume buttons) will take any damage by simply pressing them. I'm doing so for five months now (pressing them often during the day) and haven't noticed any damage.
The only think to consider is the fact, that you have to press the power button on the left side. You don't need to press it hard then.
Anyway I think there are enough exe files, which will shutdown your device, so writing a MortScript isn't neccessary at all.
johnpatcher said:
I can't imagine that the power button (nor the volume buttons) will take any damage by simply pressing them. I'm doing so for five months now (pressing them often during the day) and haven't noticed any damage.
The only think to consider is the fact, that you have to press the power button on the left side. You don't need to press it hard then.
Anyway I think there are enough exe files, which will shutdown your device, so writing a MortScript isn't neccessary at all.
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Thanks for the input. See, I thought my power button was funky when it was only more responsive on the left side, at least now I know that the phone was made that way. To each his own I guess (I am very compulsive when it comes to the care of a new gadget, sometimes a little insane), I just got the phone like 2 days ago, so I'm still just finding my own balance on what is comfortable and preferable for me. I just thought I'd share it with you guys, that's all .
My philosophy when it comes to doing things is to do things with the least amount of resources, in this case, installing the least amount of programs. I see MortScript being very useful for me in the future in doing certain things without having to install more .exe files.
PoisonWolf said:
... It is simply to preserve the lifespan of your power button.
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Thanks for sharing your developement.
Using your tool might help to use the power button 10 years or more. I bought my device in Germany. Here we have 2 years of warranty and I don´t plan to use my Blackstone very much longer.
Matthes42 said:
Thanks for sharing your developement.
Using your tool might help to use the power button 10 years or more. I bought my device in Germany. Here we have 2 years of warranty and I don´t plan to use my Blackstone very much longer.
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I honestly cannot tell if you're trying to be condescending, patronizing or what have you. If you honestly don't want to use the script, simply don't, I'm not begging you to use it. It's really that simple. If you must go out of your way to put other people down for things they've shared, then I simply feel sorry for you.
But okay, thanks for the response.
PoisonWolf said:
Hi guys,
I'm fairly new here, but I thought that I should join in on the contributions and give back to the community, because I've already had countless hours of help just by searching through the knowledge (mostly garbage though..) that can be found through the search engine! Anyhow, after through much sifting, I managed to create a nifty little tool to help you turn off your Touch HD via software. What's the purpose of this? It is simply to preserve the lifespan of your power button. For some reason, the powerbutton and volume buttons just don't seem too solid to me (mainly the powerbutton).
Enough wish-wash, let's get down to it!
What you need:
1) HTC Touch HD (It may work on any phone with a 480 x 800 layout, I'm not sure, I only had enough money to buy a single phone)
2) If you don't already have it, get Mortscript and install it onto your phone.
3) Now, download the tiny attachment and extract the "Auto Shutdown.mscr" file within it. Place this anywhere you'd like, on your Desktop for example.
Baby-Step-by-Step instructions:
1) Connect your phone to the computer. Mine is set via USB only, no active Sync. Copy/Cut the "Auto Shutdown.mscr" file to any location on the phone's storage.
2) Disconnect USB, and unplug the cable.
3) Go to File Explorer, and look for your "Auto Shutdown.mscr", wherever you placed it earlier and copy/cut the file.
4) Navigate your way to the phone's storage via File Explorer, and go to Windows > Start Menu > Programs > MortScript >
5) Paste the "Auto Shutdown.mscr" there.
6) Soft-reset.
And, that's it! I asked you to place the .mscr file inside the MortScript folder because this prevents you from accidentally pressing the file when viewing the Programs menu. If you're going to add the .mscr file to the TouchFLO shortcut list, I strongly suggest you put it all the way to the bottom to prevent accidentally presses as well. After all, upon pressing, your phone will shutdown.
Having said that, you can also now use this with Cyberon Voice Commander or Microsoft Voice Commander, so it's really quite awesome in my opinion.
If someone has already posted something like this (I don't remember seeing any when I searched though...), feel free to ignore this entire post of blabber and move along already, I can't believe you had the patience to read till this last word!
Enjoy! I know I am!
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Thanks for spending the time to share with us your program... I find it usefull as i.m sure many more will....
Thanks for sharing!!!
I've actually tweaked it a little bit. I am currently using the attached version. The attached version will work with any phone of any resolution (I think it has to be WM6.1 and above).
Still reading up on the Mortscript language, very nifty, I must say! Enjoy!
I used my last phone (XDA) for five years. The power button went after a couple of years. Ok it really got smashed in as it fell off a two story scaffold on a construction site so I might just bookmark this page for later use.
can we just put the .msr into the programs folder and without installing the mortscript, will it work?
bigdeal88 said:
can we just put the .msr into the programs folder and without installing the mortscript, will it work?
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No, you need mortscript because it is the parser. Mortscript is the program that reads and processes/parses the .mscr files. It is essentially a simple script reader.
Why do you ask? Are you not able to use Mortscript?
PoisonWolf said:
No, you need mortscript because it is the parser. Mortscript is the program that reads and processes/parses the .mscr files. It is essentially a simple script reader.
Why do you ask? Are you not able to use Mortscript?
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this application is just too great to be missed. its just that i am lazy to try mortscript.. would be wonderful if there is a cab file. nonetheless, am dnloading mortscipt now to give this prog a try.
thanks alot!
Hi, i followed the instructions, installed mortscript and copy the file, reset phone. When i click the file "shutdown process.mscr" i get a warning.
Window "Warning" could not be found.
Line 2 (\windows\start menu\programs\mortscript\shutdown process.mscr):waitforactive("warning", 10)
thanks for your effort.
ruguk said:
Hi, i followed the instructions, installed mortscript and copy the file, reset phone. When i click the file "shutdown process.mscr" i get a warning.
Window "Warning" could not be found.
Line 2 (\windows\start menu\programs\mortscript\shutdown process.mscr):waitforactive("warning", 10)
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Are you using WM 6.1? The script assumes that you have the "PowerOffWarning.exe" available in your Windows folder. I would assume that all WM 6.1 would have this file.
You're welcome.
Hi, my version is just 6. So i guess thats why i don't have PowerOffWarning.exe in windows folder. Maybe its time to upgrade my phone or search more for a full shutdown soft.
ruguk said:
Hi, my version is just 6. So i guess thats why i don't have PowerOffWarning.exe in windows folder. Maybe its time to upgrade my phone or search more for a full shutdown soft.
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There is no need to mate. Go to your windows folder and browse the contents. I assure you, you will find something along the lines of PoweroffWarning.exe. Just keep looking. When you think you've found the right file, just try pressing on it and see if the warning window pops up. If that's the one, then you've got the right file. All you do then is open the .mscr file with notepad and modify the PowerOffWarning.exe name to the name of whatever it is that you found. It is important that you leave the formatting exactly the same as it was.
PoisonWolf said:
I've actually tweaked it a little bit. I am currently using the attached version. The attached version will work with any phone of any resolution (I think it has to be WM6.1 and above).
Still reading up on the Mortscript language, very nifty, I must say! Enjoy!
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I had been looking for a app that could turn off the phone.
I hate having to hold the power button.
cyberhern said:
I had been looking for a app that could turn off the phone.
I hate having to hold the power button.
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Haha, you're welcome. But if you don't mind installing a third party program and filling up the registry with an additional couple of lines, look for the PowerOptions software in the Development and Hacking section.
PoisonWolf said:
Haha, you're welcome. But if you don't mind installing a third party program and filling up the registry with an additional couple of lines, look for the PowerOptions software in the Development and Hacking section. Cheers.
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Found it thanks very cool
Also found a cab that adds a power off ink
its called 888_poweroff
thanks again

