Midi playback - HD2 General

Yes I know - midi playback? But it's old! I use Guitar Pro to come up with compositions and I find its wav export to be...well, crap. So I use midis. I was hoping to play them back on my phone to someone to get some feedback but windows media player only seems to play an acoustic guitar for the various parts - not the full range of instruments. I tried GSPlayer, which produced no sound, and karPocket, which, although it played the midi, kept crashing and the only way to stop it playing back was to kill it in task manager.
Does anyone know of a decent midi player for WinMo?
Edit: Also, does anyone know of a good portable media player, or if it's possible to load windows media player up with codecs? Wanted to watch some poker videos on the bus to work but WMP couldn't play them, and I've had hit-and-miss experiences with TCPMP before - for example, it just plain not working.


The best multimedia players!!!

Hi guys,
I'm looking for the best mm player for my Jam...
I'd like a player that:
- can works in background
- can play all the mm format (audio/video) such as: mp3, ogg, mpeg, avi,wma divx ecc...
- the player have to stop when I'll receive a call or text and then play again
- the player have to don't use the standard configuration fot the power management (es: I configure my Jam to shutdown after 3min. but if I play mp3 I don't want this!)
The Win media player 10 it's very nice for example but how can i add the plugin fro divx, ogg and all the other fromat?
Any other mm player application?
try this
Think TCPMP is the best.
I think that Betaplayer and TCPMP are the same now
Yeah, TCMP is the newer version of Betaplayer. Dunno why they renamed it, but oh well. Whaever floats their boat!
A good music player is MortPlayer. A good video player is the already mentioned TCPMP. You can also find plugins for the WM to play Divx movies and so on but I would recommend the above combination.
Man, except for TCPMP (aka BETAPLAYER), there aren't any mediaplayers that support all those features...
is there a way to play AAC file (ipod) with WMP 10
I'd like to find a player that can play AAC file (ipod).
I tried Nero ShowTime Mobile which is good but doesn't stop correctly when you get a phone call
Is there a way to play AAC file with WMP10?
Hi guys!
I tried TCPMP and it's really nice but...
I'd like the player in "pause" when I receive an incomming call and with TCPMP I can't find the option to configure it... seems to continue to play but with no sound.
How does it works?
Talking about TCPMP.
A fiend of mine gave me an MP4 movie file which he had on his PSP.
I figured as TCPMP plays MP4's it would be as simple as transferring it onto my device and playing via TCPMP.
It works in the sense that i get great video, but there is no audio.
I get the following message at the beginning:
AUDIO CODEC (MPEG4 AAC AUDIO) Not supported by the player. Decoder was removed from the official install package.
Is there anything I can do to resolve the audio with this player. Or should I use another player?
That problem would be fixed if you had the same codec that Namelous is after (3 posts up). TCPMP comes with the MP4 video decoder, but need the AAC audio decoder to run, as most MPEG-style movies are encoded with separate video and audio. If you were to rip a movie to your hard drive from a dvd to Mpeg 2, more often than not you'd have audio encoded in MP3, so you'd need both the Mpeg 2 and MP3 codecs on your system.
Good luck finding an AAC codec for PPC. If you do, please let me know as I've been looking too!
What about Soundexplorer? (obviously not for video...). It also records sound (much players don't). I like it very much.
Looks like PocketMusic has an AAC plugin.
Haven't tried this program yet, but would love feedback if anyone does (like does it pause music on an incoming call, how is the equilizer, bass boost, overall usability, etc.?)
Thanks in advance!
Looks like PocketMusic has an AAC plugin.
Haven't tried this program yet, but would love feedback if anyone does (like does it pause music on an incoming call, how is the equilizer, bass boost, overall usability, etc.?)
Thanks in advance!
Okay, I went ahead and downloaded the trial version on my MDA Pro and like it a lot! Doesn't play movies of course, but the equilizer is pretty good, and it pauses your tunes on incoming calls. Other features like mapping to the hardware buttons, big finger-sized screen buttons, skins, cross-fading, and an alarm clock make it nice.
AAC Plugin...
Google give:
It's illigal in some countries, but when you are not living in them you can try this.

Whats the best audio player for multiple format support?

I would like an audio/media player which can play back MP3, OGG, WMA and FLAC. Does such a thing exist?
And overall what is thought to be the best media player for WM5?
Also, does anyone know what (if any) players support gapless playback?
Gsplayer or TCPMP
I'd say, go with Mortplayer. It is based on Gsplayer, but has a completely revamped UI. It handles MP3, OGG, WAV, and MIDI files as well as streaming content. It is skinnable (very nice graphical skins are available), supports multiple formats, pauses music automatically when phone is in use, free, etc.
If you are looking for something that can do various video formats as well and almost every audio format, the gold standard is TCPMP (also free). I wouldn't recommend this as your primary music player, as the UI is very bare bones.
I keep both on my Wizard. I only use TCPMP for video and the odd audio file that Mortplayer can't handle.
Where can Mortplayer be downloaded?
If WMA and gapless playback are terribly important to you, take a look at Conduits Pocket Player. It handles MP3, WMA, Ogg, FLAC, and WAV. The UI is rather smooth. Downsides are that it can be a CPU hog, Gsplayer/Mortplayer have better audio quality, and costs $19.95.
cmarti said:
Where can Mortplayer be downloaded?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
First result on Google
for instance, i use pocket PC player. it uis very handy, as it's buttons appear on today screen and it looks like winamp

Itunes Audiobook player for Universal?

I've searched and searched the web for any player which will play .m4b audio files from itunes but searches were fruitless.
TCPMP is my favourite player although it doesn't support progressive jpeg - I like the embedded pictures in the audiobook and want to also keep the bookmark feature of .m4b. When i try to play the files with TCPMP it doesn't even play properly.
I want to play my audio books on my phone instead of having to carry around the old ipod.
does anyone know if there is such a player or project in the works to enable full itunes compatibility?

all in one media player?

Hey, does anyone know a good all in one media player (plays all the major format, wmv, mpeg, avi, etc).
I use sometimes coreplayer but has more glitches than Windows media player.
I think windows media player gives a more smoother performance but lacks in versitility with regards to the different formats it can play.
Is there any codec for Windows media player
CPU: 240mHz
I'm looking for the same thing. I use PocketMedia which is great however i can't use today toolbar plug-in b/c every time i exit the program it shuts down (even when i click on minimize). i don't know how to fix that, any suggestions?
Besides that, i use WMP10 but it drives me crazy that i doesn't memorize previously opened files. any idea how to fix that?
Of course everyone says that TCMPT player is the best but unfortunately the interface of this program does not satisfy me Can you change the skin?
Take care,
Hi tom
I dont have answers to any of your questions. I am fairly new to this pocket pc world and recently started exloring its capabilities.
Does WMP10 plays all major movie formats?
reason i dont really want to use WMP is because it eats up memory. Want a player that plays all format and uses little memory

what do i need to do to convert my divx movies for mogul?

i have spb dvd converter but the audio comes out way off.is there something better?or is there a setting i can use to corect this?
dirtred said:
i have spb dvd converter but the audio comes out way off.is there something better?or is there a setting i can use to corect this?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I have SPB DVD converter and it works great for me. So what exactly is your issue? Like it doesn't covert properly or in play back the audio is choppy.
Once I convert to AVI/DIVX I always play all my movies using the TCPMP player. You can find it here and download it.
I installed this player on my phone. Checked the file association tabs to play the files I need such as (AVI/DIVX) changed the audio output to Mono Join since our phones don't have Stereo and I'm good from there.
If you want extra volume I suggest looking for SRSWOW HD CAB and installing it with the settings of (headphones and 100% effect on every sliding bar)
This will increase the overall volume of your phone not only the player. This truly helped out because before when I watched a movie the sound would be weak and I was forced to hear it with headphones in an environment where there was a lot of people.
PocketDivXEncoder DivX encoder for PocketPC, Palm, Smartphone, PMP (Archos,...) and HomeCinema.
www.pocketdivxencoder.net/ - 10k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

