HD2 has quite bad capacitive screen quality - HD2 General

One iPhone fan boy suggested to compare my HD2 with his iPhone by simple test as described here:
What I saw on my screen looked less good than Motrola Droid. In some places there is splashes on the line (close to center of the screen).
Do you have straight lines on your HD2 devices ? Please let me know because I think that's explanation of troubles typing with built in keyboard, positioning is quite bad.
Thanks !

Tried it yesterday and I have straight lines.
Edge performance seems to be not so good on mine, more like the iPhone.

No problem here...
I have no problem with this test on my HD2 nice stright lines... anyway i am using fix for touchscreen sensitivity.

mine are nice straight lines as well.. seems like OP has unsteady hands!!

Straight lines here too. I tried that test as soon as i saw it on the web. The HD2 performs well.

I have exactly the same problem. Not with my first HD2 but the last one ! is it a hardware fault? HTC support is not able to help

That sensitivity (and straight lines) fix v3.3 will solve your problems! I installed it and its straight as an arrow... search the forum for it....

I've not installed anything...

I repeat. I did not have any problem with my old HD2 that had the earpiece broken. But I have it with my last HD2. I tested both. Could that be a faulty touch screen!?

No, certainly not. Maybe they're using touchscreens from different manufacturers.
What exactly is your problem? Cause what you see is in the first post is not a problem, a problem would be it the lines jumped several millimeters, but that's just a slight inaccuracy there (~1mm), nothing to worry about.
Wait for some more answers here, and I hope people will post screenshots, it might turn out that HTC uses two different touch panels.

freyberry said:
No, certainly not. Maybe they're using touchscreens from different manufacturers.
What exactly is your problem? Cause what you see is in the first post is not a problem, a problem would be it the lines jumped several millimeters, but that's just a slight inaccuracy there (~1mm), nothing to worry about.
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My problem is that sometimes the screen is accurate but suddenly it makes weird jitters like this :
and specially this !

Ah OK, I see. That's something different, not the normal inaccuracy that the OP was talking about. In this case, yes, looks like a faulty device.
Have you tried if it goes away when you apply the tweaks here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=604831&highlight=touchscreen

I haven't tried sensitivity fix myself, but I noticed that by default my device can't handle slow motion of finger. It starts jumping around as it was presented on you tube video as well.

i do have really straight and continous lines here too

Yes, I saw that and the first thing I thought of was the fact that I've yet to try an HD2 with a usable keyboard.
It would be nice if people could try this test without the sensitivity tweaks and see what kind of lines they get and also let us know if their keyboard is okay or not.
It would also bee good to know if the sensitivity tweaks affect the outcome of this test.

It would be nice if people could try this test without the sensitivity tweaks and see what kind of lines they get and also let us know if their keyboard is okay or not.
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Look at my screenshot in the second post. I've not done any sensitivity tweaks.
And my keyboard is perfectly fine.
Actually, th screenshot in the first post doesn't look bad either. Definitely not as bad as the Moto Droid, more like the HTC Droid Eris, and that's fine.
The only thing that's not fine is what you see in that youtube video. But that's another story, there's definitely something wrong with the device you see there.
Here's my screenshot again. As you can see, perfectly straight lines without any tweaks.

mine seems to be quite good, but I've done other experiment. breathe on the glass in Your window and draw same pattern. do it slowly... wth?? I have a faulty doubleglazed window... imho this test is not that relevant, as sometimes when sliding finger slowly it shakes slightly... or maybe it's just me??

Here are two more. Looks perfectly fine, IMO.

freyberry said:
Look at my screenshot in the second post. I've not done any sensitivity tweaks.
And my keyboard is perfectly fine.
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Thanks. This is the kind of information I was hoping for.
I'm really just wondering if people with poor line results are those with unusable keyboards. I remember there have been a few threads here about the keyboard and some people have no issue at all while others find their keyboards unusable.

What program are you using to draw the lines fella's?


Touch Screen "Smudge"

Hi all,
I've now seen two HTC Touch devices with the same "smudge" on the screen. It appears in the centre, underneath the top layer of screen, and is roughly 3cm long. It's almost as if dust has collected in the middle of the screen or something.
I'd have thought nothing of it until I saw another device with the same thing. Has anyone else experienced this? It's not always visible - with the screen off, or in direct sunlight you can see it, but otherwise it's not noticeable.
I have the same **** right in the center of my device
i've the same probleme on my screen
it's very boring
After how long did you begin to see this problem? I have only had my Touch a short amount of time and haven't had this issue but its not great that many people are dealing with it.
Damn, I hope this doesn't turn into another "my black Trinity is peeling" issue that affects all or most Touch users. Why don't you guys run a poll to get an idea how wide spread this is? Perhaps HTC needs to be made aware of this if it's not just some isolated defects.
Igor01 said:
Damn, I hope this doesn't turn into another "my black Trinity is peeling" issue that affects all or most Touch users. Why don't you guys run a poll to get an idea how wide spread this is? Perhaps HTC needs to be made aware of this if it's not just some isolated defects.
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I was one of the few that never had paint peeling issue on my black Trinity so hopefully I can dodge this smudge issue too....
I think u will find that it is an inherent part of the hard touch screen. Device off on all touches should display what some call a blur. I have to put mine at an angle and I can see a small 1cm max. aboration. otherwise quite unnoticeable.
Had mine almost 8 weeks and not any hint of any smudge / blur or anything unusual
Guess what, I also have this blur at the center of my screen, I thought nothing of it at first because it is barely noticable and second I thought that maybe I accidently pressed on the screen to hard at one point while carrying in my pocket; However now I am more concerned due to the fact that others have this same issue...??
Same problem with mine.
to all that have the problem. Do you have an original Touch ore a branded version (XDA, MDA etc.)?
Well, i have that little piece of htc touch since about one week, the branded version XDA. don´t got that smudge on my screen, and i hope i never will. ... otherwise i will get it back to the shop and try to get a new one ... have got the experience that O2 (i´m having the htc from that privider in Germany) turned out to be quite nice in such things.
just something that you migh like to consider. Coming from unverified source:
see post by hamishmacdonald
...Unfortunately, my Touch has developed a patch of fog or dust under the screen, and HTC have confirmed they've had several reported cases of this. They were very helpful on the phone, though, and sound like they're going to be good about getting me a replacement quickly
can someone post a screenshot, that the other users
know, what you are talking about?
thanxs in advance
i see a big patch while starting the device where it says "smart mobility" but after that never noticed it :-/
i will try to take a pic of it ........
are you talking about that submarine or something below smart mobility?
Seed123 said:
are you talking about that submarine or something below smart mobility?
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yeah yeah its kinda submarine .....is it same with ur mobile ?? i guess the background they have used is not perfect black :-/
I'll try to get a photo of it tonight. It's basically a smudge that's 2cm high, and half a centimetre wide, right in the centre of the display. It's beneath the external covering on the screen, and almost looks like a neatly arranged collection of dust right in the middle.
I may have someone who can look into this for me, so I'll investigate and post here if anything turns up. It does sound like this is a problem with the device though, and is more widespread than I expected.
rahulkool said:
yeah yeah its kinda submarine .....is it same with ur mobile ?? i guess the background they have used is not perfect black :-/
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Yeah but I only noticed it when soft resetting and when someone posted it here so I looked below the smart mobility text carefully.. haven't noticed it otherwise..
I had this problem just days after getting my Touch. I sent it back and got another... I have a smudge again... even though it isnt as bad. I will contact HTC again and see if I can send it back again. Not sure I will have a Touch after sending this one back.

Should I return HD2 for inaccurate/jittery screen?

On the whole I am pretty happy with my device. It can sometimes be a bit wayward when typing. I dont type much and am not a big texter. I certainly dont seem to have some of the more serious screen issues branded about.
I do however have the jittering/shaking screen thing. I use the net a lot. when scrolling around it can be annoying. links seem hard to click and i think the two ate related.
actually come to think of it typing this has been a bit of a pain.
are there hd2's with more precise screens out there? i was told when getting mine they had been recalled so non in stock but then they found one out back.
would a return be on the cards? how would i be sure to get one with a better screen? i have seen a pic that shows a closer dot matrix and someone mentioned a box having rev b on it.
re-calibrate the screen and you should be fine...
TMOUS users do not have a calibrate screen function....
in fact in my history and knowledge of mobile phone... also working with t-mobile.. there hasn't been a capacitive screen with the option of calibration....i always thought that calibrating was always something that the plastic screens had to utilize... heat screens do not

[Discussion] DHD - Crappy digitizer

First off, I'm not a hater.
I'm a previous HD2 user and in no way an apple fanboy.
However, I cannot fail to notice how increadibly bad our touch experience is with our dhd's. For instance, when you move your finger sideways, you'll notice how choppy it is.
Also, for example when playing Gun Bros, you'll notice that you won't be able to aim properly. Also there, it is choppy. Instead of giving all 360° you'll find segments where it just jumps over, if you understand what I mean.
I tried playing it on my friends iPhone 4, and it worked perfectly there. Very accurate.
I guess I just wanted to write my anger off and see if anyone agrees with me that HTC could have done a better job on the touch. I suppose samsung has a better touch with their 60 hz (or is it 69 hz) digitizer?
I have no issues at all with digitizer, what would say is that gun bros is still in beta stage.
I play plenty of games and not once come across any issues.
Yeah I've noticed that too when I was drawing stuff on it, when moving finger diagonally in a straight line it creates like a wavy line. Pretty disappointing but oh well, you can never have a perfect device...
I'm still happy I bought it though, much better then my last phone.
EDIT: Here's a pic, I tried my best to make straight lines as slowly as possible.
I find the touch screen perfect with no glitches or jumps in any game or app
Could be the game or could be an issue with your rom and the game
Do you have it overclocked and without general bugs? Those could be causing it
Or a power hungry app in the background making the game seem to jump
Another thought is a screen protector, when I put mine on it seemed to be alot less responsive
Joey93 said:
I find the touch screen perfect with no glitches or jumps in any game or app
Could be the game or could be an issue with your rom and the game
Do you have it overclocked and without general bugs? Those could be causing it
Or a power hungry app in the background making the game seem to jump
Another thought is a screen protector, when I put mine on it seemed to be alot less responsive
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It's definately not an issue with the game, as I see this everywhere. It is a matter of the digitizer.
Also I am running it stock right now.
To those that say their screen is working perfectly, try flipping through the home screens very slowly from left to right or the other way around, with your finger on the screen all the time, and let me know if it follows the finger perfectly or if it's a bit choppy, as compared to when you go up and down in the app drawer for instance. You'll see about 9-10 "chops". This, I've reproduced on 3 different DHDs.
i'm using a -android Revolution HD and have no problems with the screen, i was trying to do dose things with finger and the window is yust there where i first put my finger on, so i don't see the problem here.
One of the kolegs have a iphone4 and we didn't notice a diference when using mine or his phone...
sorry for bad einglish
gagi´d hype said:
One of the kolegs have a iphone4 and we didn't notice a diference when using mine or his phone...
sorry for bad einglish
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yeah, one of my friends has an iphone 4 and doesnt notice the difference
we excuse your bad "einglish"
ErOR22 said:
EDIT: Here's a pic, I tried my best to make straight lines.
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That is exactly what im talking about. Vertically it works fine but horizontally it is choppy big time! hence you cannot get a straight diagonal.
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
Agree completely. Very poor from HTC. Again.
I'll probably be shot down in flames by the HTC apologists around here...
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
There no reason to get flamed, we're merely stating the truth.
Surely, the dhd is a great device, but we shouldn't ignore the fact that even HD2 was smoother horizontally. The fact that a high end device cannot draw diagonals across the screen is simply crazy, seeing as it was possible with previous devices, and I cannot help to feel a bit ripped off from htc.
But before concluding too much, is there anyone that actually cannot reproduce this problem? If so, please post a picture where you can draw a diagonal (of course by moving your finger in a slow enough motion)
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
No problems with the touch screen here, I do a lot of gaming and never run into a single issue.
dhiral.v said:
No problems with the touch screen here, I do a lot of gaming and never run into a single issue.
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Please, as I said, try to reproduce drawing a diagonal before you say you don't have any problem. Or you'll just be spamming this thread.
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
ErOR22 said:
Yeah I've noticed that too when I was drawing stuff on it, when moving finger diagonally in a straight line it creates like a wavy line. Pretty disappointing but oh well, you can never have a perfect device...
I'm still happy I bought it though, much better then my last phone.
EDIT: Here's a pic, I tried my best to make straight lines.
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I tried to do this with a drawing app and I can make "straight" diagonal lines when using a swipe action. I can also recreate the sample posted by drawing the line slowly.
What this means for the digitizer, I will leave for others to pursue.
Cheers from my DHD.
junta_mpb said:
I tried to do this with a drawing app and I can make "straight" diagonal lines when using a swipe action. I can also recreate the sample posted by drawing the line slowly.
What this means for the digitizer, I will leave for others to pursue.
Cheers from my DHD.
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Yep, when drawing diagonally in a fast sweep motion the line is drawn correctly and when drawing slowly it becomes wavy.
I'm also interested if there's anyone not having this issue.
for me, fast would be straight and slow would be wavy...
It could be bad software. I read the LauncherPro thread here on XDA, and people are experiencing this choppy behavior on their Nexus S' and so on using LP.
Bad Sense coding? Might be. Can people with custom ROMs post their results?
Sent from the future.
The quality of my life would be greatly reduced if I did not have nostrils.
I took that picture on LeeDroid 1.5.1 but that being said, it was the same result when I was on stock as I tested it out before.
I wonder if it's the same with a CM7 Gingerbread ROM.
junta_mpb said:
I tried to do this with a drawing app and I can make "straight" diagonal lines when using a swipe action. I can also recreate the sample posted by drawing the line slowly.
What this means for the digitizer, I will leave for others to pursue.
Cheers from my DHD.
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Id say that when moving fast you exceed the 50 hz limit and not all the "reading points" are used.
But it might be software related, could anyone with CM7 try to reproduce this?
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
It is all about software, the digitizer itself is great. I have a touchscreen pen, and I can draw bullet straight lines with it, no matter how fast or slow.
Then when I put my thumb on the screen and draw, the result is wavy. Our devices just need better handling for large touch areas.
jkoljo said:
It is all about software, the digitizer itself is great. I have a touchscreen pen, and I can draw bullet straight lines with it, no matter how fast or slow.
Then when I put my thumb on the screen and draw, the result is wavy. Our devices just need better handling for large touch areas.
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Hmm! He's right you know. If I press VERY lightly (so only the very tip of my finger is on the screen) I get a pretty straight diagonal - but if I press down with the pad of my thumb, it's got the steps in it.
Seems like it's having issues determining which point is actually the centre of the capacitance.

KF Touchscreen Sensitivity Issues

Hello everyone,
I have been playing with my Kindle Fire, since I got it, and I am about ready to chuck it out the window, or just call Amazon for a new one, but I first wanted to see if you guys had any suggestions. My touchscreen is oversensitive. WAY oversensitive. Oversensitive to the point that if I have to type anything into the keybaord, I will be three letters in, the keyboard will close, and I will have to start over. So sensitive/messed up that when scrolling an article in landscape mode, using only my left hand to scroll, random links will click on the right side of the page. The opposite happens if I do it with my right hand. I like the device, and look forward to rooting it, and ICS goodness eventually, but I wanted to know I have a dud and need to return it, or if there is some hidden setting somewhere or what. I am open to trying anything. Side note: I also own a thunderbolt, and find its touchscreen too sensitive, but nowhere NEAR the KF. I am making sure to make deliberate presses and swypes, and trying to make sure no extraneous part of my hand interferes at all. (sometimes even using one hand to poke at the keyboard with the device sitting on the table will still produce the problems.)
Thanks for the help!
Hey Brock!
I've noticed that my screen is a little more sensitive than my epic 4g but not to the extreme you are talking about.
Perhaps your screen is bugged or something try calling amazon and see what they say.
Also as a side note try rubbing your hands over the screen smudge it up pretty good. Does that make a difference? I know it will look ugly but maybe there was a film or something on the screen. Just to test
*forgive any grammar or spelling mistakes I injured my right hand and it is hard to type with bandages *
I have a bunch of problems too. Mine is sensitive, and its sometimes a problem not overscroll, but yours seem to be extreme.
As a way out, if you have time drop by a BestB** and try it there, if yours is the same, not to much left to do....
I've been using mine all day and I don't even need to touch the screen. If I get my finger really close to the screen it reads as a touch. I'd say that's a tad too sensitive.
Sent from my HTC Sensation Z710e using XDA App
johnsmith970 said:
I've been using mine all day and I don't even need to touch the screen. If I get my finger really close to the screen it reads as a touch. I'd say that's a tad too sensitive.
Sent from my HTC Sensation Z710e using XDA App
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They are all like that. Its because the touch screen is capacitive. My Screen at work does that.
I'm having the opposite problem...I'm finding the touchscreen not sensitive enough....
The Dreamer
TheDreamer68 said:
I'm having the opposite problem...I'm finding the touchscreen not sensitive enough....
The Dreamer
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Same here. I have to sometimes tap things a couple of times to register...
TheDreamer68 said:
I'm having the opposite problem...I'm finding the touchscreen not sensitive enough....
The Dreamer
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Same here, I feel like I have to push the screen really hard to get it to register. I hit the screen lightly and it does not register my touch. I'm used to my EVO 4g, maybe it is just a lot more sensitive than the fire.
TheDreamer68 said:
I'm having the opposite problem...I'm finding the touchscreen not sensitive enough....
The Dreamer
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Same problem here.
TheDreamer68 said:
I'm having the opposite problem...I'm finding the touchscreen not sensitive enough....
The Dreamer
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Same here, but it's not as simple as it not registering the touch. Most times the button will animate to show I've touched it but nothing happens. It happens most often with the back button, but happens in the browser and some other apps occasionally. I've had some luck with slower more deliberate taps, but it seems like a software bug to me.
Sent from my Kindle Fire
I was using my mom's so I could teach her how to use it, and see if I wanted one. Her was also not sensitive enough many times. It wasn't just that I am used to my Droid 2 because my mom who never used a touch screen before had the same issues. Sometimes it would take 3 or 4 taps to make it work. I just thought it was a bug that would be fixed. It was minor. I ordered my one, so on Tuesday I will see how mine is.
OP I say contact tech support immediately.
My screen is fine, the only problem I'm having is the menu gets pressed, it shows that it was pressed but nothing happens
Sent from my Kindle Fire using Tapatalk
The two kindle fires I've used have the same touchscreen issue: there is a jerk (along the longest direction of the screen) on touch down. Once the finger is down the reported position is fairly stable, but the initial touch down needs to be smoothed out (or the first few samples from the touch screen should be thrown out).
This causes most of the issues I've seen on mine, where pressing buttons is either inaccurate or they go down and come up without activating (because the touchscreen reported a touch down inside the button and then jerked out of the button area and reported a touch up).
I've spent way too much time on touchscreen drivers (way too much!) and this is a fairly common electrical issue, and the software workaround is fairly straightforward to implement in the kernel. It's surprising that Amazon shipped the device like this (as well as various SGX drivers issues on some apps), especially as every review mentioned it as an issue!
Anyway, once we can build and flash kernels reliably I'm sure we can fix most of the touchscreen issues.
My kindle too !!!
Because of this, I'm getting very stressed ㅠㅠ
It's a matter of the touch panel... would be fixed by software?
If this is not possible... Then I'll be selling the Kindle
I downloaded an app called ILITEK Touch Utility which appears to have made my touchscreen work better. It is in the Google Market.
TheDreamer68 said:
I'm having the opposite problem...I'm finding the touchscreen not sensitive enough....
The Dreamer
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Exactly x100
Sent from my Kindle Fire using xda premium
krelvinaz said:
I downloaded an app called ILITEK Touch Utility which appears to have made my touchscreen work better. It is in the Google Market.
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I'll have to try that out, would be nice to tweak it some Thanks!
mine is not too sensitive, sometimes i have to press multiple times for it to register
Bumping this thread, because this issue is annoying the hell out of me. Those having the touchscreen not being sensitive enough, it's the same issue as those finding it too sensitive. The problem in reality is that it's ridiculously sensitive, and as your finger presses down on the screen, it's sometimes reading that as an attempt to swipe/scroll rather than a tap/press, which is why you see things light up still, but not launch.
This is frustrating me more and more as time goes on. I've tried this, which I can tell adjusts some of these settings but doesn't really make much difference for the problem. I've also tried this, which didn't help any after calibration.
Some people have speculated (or confirmed, for all I know) that this can be adjusted via the kernel. Does anybody know of anything that might help with this? It's so sensitive it's making me want to avoid the damned thing. I'm about ready to restore the stock ROM and give it to my sister as an early Christmas present.
The awesomeness that is Hashcode is working on 3.0 kernel over in the dev section. The kernel is still a work in progress and has come a long way. At the end he is apparantly going to update the touchscreen driver. I hope that will fix any said issues.
Sent from my Amazon Kindle Fire using XDA

[Q] Possible Touchscreen/Multi-Touch issue?

Multitouch Visible Test
With that app, 1-finger touch is alright, no issues.2 Fingers seems alright too. Adding up to 4 fingers seems to be alright and moving them around the screen.
Sometimes with 5 fingers though, they'll all show on the program, and then immediately vanish. If I keep moving my fingers across the screen, they'll pop in and out, but won't actually stay on screen and follow. But this only happens sometimes. Other times, 5-finger input works fine.
My other camera is dead at the moment and I have to run and get batteries for it tomorrow, so I can't actually upload video of what I mean. I was hoping to get some input from other people about how their multi-touch seems to be with that app. Not entirely sure if this is just a rare defect, widespread, or working as intended maybe (not entirely sure if there's anything saying how much multi-touch this screen is; figured it was 10 though)
Some things to try:
- Use 1 finger, drag it all over the screen
- Keep adding fingers 1 by one after dragging them across the screen (add finger, drag it around, add next finger, etc.)
- Don't touch the screen for about 3 seconds, then just have all 5 fingers come in-contact with the screen, and keep them in one spot (on mine most of the time, the points appear then immediately vanish)
Could it just be the app your using?
Try using this one...
Check out "MultiTouch Tester"
See if it does the same thing.
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda app-developers app
jjdevega said:
Could it just be the app your using?
Try using this one...
Check out "MultiTouch Tester"
See if it does the same thing.
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Yea it still does the same thing :/ Here's a video:
It could be as simple as compatibility issues with the app...
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda app-developers app
Called up Google and it doesn't seem to be widespread (or at least the person didn't say it was), and I could get a replacement under warranty. I don't have the funds to put on hold currently so it'll have to wait if I do decide to do it.
Although I wonder if I really should, I mean I highly doubt I'm going to do anything requiring more then 2 fingers on the screen at any point (nor can I really think of anything), and aside from multitouch, everything else seems great. No dead pixels, back doesn't flex, screen is alright quality-wise.
Would be nice if some other people can try out multitouch though just to see if it really might be widespread or not though. The thing is though, it works fine sometimes, and other times it doesn't. Perhaps software might fix it in time, but I don't know. I thought I heard of the Nexus 7 having a similar issue, but I can't recall...
jjdevega said:
It could be as simple as compatibility issues with the app...
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It seems to do the same even with the "Show touches" option enabled in Developer options (tried it on an empty homescreen).
Anyone? It only takes a minute or two at the most to test this... and the apps available to do so are free and light.
Doing the tests you described never caused anything on my tablet. But if I put my hand down on the tablet flat then put my five fingers on I get your issue. Then wait three seconds and try again and everything is fine till I put my palm back on.
Might be a badly configured palm detection algorithme? Op, do you have fat fingers? Sorry if that sounds rude
Chluz said:
Might be a badly configured palm detection algorithme? Op, do you have fat fingers? Sorry if that sounds rude
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Lol, hmm, na I don't think I have fat fingers
How about fruit ninja, does that work properly? It's true that if show touches doesn't work, it's not a good sign. Unless it's a system firmware bug
1 and 2 fingers seems to work great in Fruit Ninja; 3+ randomly works or doesn't work, and when it does work it seems to cut-out at some point and then just show slashes delayed from where my finger is currently
Any idea if its hardware or software related? I have the same issue with my N10 and don't know if I should get a replacement or not.
Got mine today, same issue. Actually, that too bad since everything works fine, and i only got a minimal light bleed. I hope my replacement won't be worst regarding light bleed :/
Same issue on mine. Considering a replacement now with this and wakeup lag + battery issue (indicator not updating % at all!?)
Don't know if I wasn't lucky or just poor QA.
I'm pretty sure it is a software thing because when the problem occurs and I tab on the multitasking button twice (so it shows the multitasking menu and switches back to the app) the touchscreen acts normal again until I put more than three fingers on screen.
But if its a software problem, shouldn't it happen to on every N10 running the same Android version?
I have the same issue. If I slowly add one touch at a time, it usually works. But if I touch down 3+ fingers at once it gets very confused and bounces between zero and N touches. I have a Galaxy Tab 10.1 (first generation) and multitouch seems to work much better on it than the Nexus10. However, I did notice that the Nexus10 is better at distinguishing 2 very close touches than the GTab. On the Nexus10 I can have my fingers as close as 1/2 inch or so before the touches merge. On the GTab it is more like 3/4".
Hmm, kind of interesting to see that others are also having a similar issue.
I noticed that when I tried a custom ROM (latest Kernel sources + 4.2.1), the multitouch seemed to work, slightly better (the issue still occurs, just maybe not as much). Not too sure if it was placebo or what though.
I called the support and will replace mine with a new one. It might be just a software issue thats solved with an update but I don't want to risk it.
just got my replacement today, same issue (and also worst light bleed ). Third replacement on this way...

