Track order on HTC sense player off SD card - HD2 General

Hi. I'm new to this so apologies if this problem has already been answered. I've bought and installed a 16GB sd card in my HD2 and have transferred a fair bit of music to listen to. However media player (HTC sense) is playing albums in an incorrect order (seemingly random, not alphabetical). When I transfer an album from the sd card to the 'my music' folder on the device, it plays in the right order! I've tried neptune which plays in the correct order but that won't respond to my bluetooth headset (when I press play, it automatically uses media player). Now when I copied and pasted an album onto my device which was also on the sd card, media player displayed the tracks twice in the correct order 1-15 consecutively (1-15, then 1-15 again). I deleted the device version and the sd card version went back to the seemingly random order. Can anyone solve this irritating problem?


Playing from Storage card songs through Windows Media Player

When I play back music on the Tytn from storage card on Windows Media Player through the speaker of Tytn - skips and stutters during playback of song.
Anyone have this problem or is it my storage card?
Thanks appreciate the help.
I don't have this problem (MP3 or WMA).
Try to copy the files to internal storage and play it from there. If it work, your SD-Card coult by damaged or simply to slow?!
My Wizard used to suffer this problem until I bought a new, high-speed storage card. No more problems now
it might be worth formatting the stick and re-transferring the files back onto it. Make sure you don't transfer the files seperately at the same time. This can fragment the files and cause stutter.
You can highlight all the files you want and send them across in 1 block but not individually more than 1 at a time - if you know what I mean!

TF3D Music player can't find music on storage card

I have a new TMO TP2, and am somewhat puzzled as to why the TF3D music player can't find the music that I've synced onto my storage card. Windows Media player sees the music just fine, but the TF3D one can't (it only sees the songs in the main storage).
The music is in a "Music" folder on the storage card, as it is in the main storage.
Any ideas?
Tried restarting TF3D or soft reset? After modifying some files by connecting the device to my PC as storage drive, the music player wouldn't recognize my files stored on storage card.
ohyeahar said:
Tried restarting TF3D or soft reset? After modifying some files by connecting the device to my PC as storage drive, the music player wouldn't recognize my files stored on storage card.
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Sorry, I should have mentioned that I had done both a restart of TF3D and a soft reset with no success.
Not sure how many songs you added to your storage card, but mine (~120 files) took several minutes before they showed up on the TP2. I believe I had gone to Library -> "All Songs tab" and then let it refresh/populate.
glhs509 said:
Not sure how many songs you added to your storage card, but mine (~120 files) took several minutes before they showed up on the TP2. I believe I had gone to Library -> "All Songs tab" and then let it refresh/populate.
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I did upload a significant number of songs (100+), but had my phone on for a long time (while I continue to tweak it!) and nothing has changed. I don't see any options under "Library" or anywhere else to refresh. Windows Media Player has such a feature (which I tried), but the TF3D player doesn't see anything.
I also tried to manually copy over a artist folder from the storage card onto the main storage (alongside the songs already there). Again, the TF3D doesn't recognize it.
lmoritz said:
I did upload a significant number of songs (100+), but had my phone on for a long time (while I continue to tweak it!) and nothing has changed. I don't see any options under "Library" or anywhere else to refresh. Windows Media Player has such a feature (which I tried), but the TF3D player doesn't see anything.
I also tried to manually copy over a artist folder from the storage card onto the main storage (alongside the songs already there). Again, the TF3D doesn't recognize it.
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There isn't a refresh button as such, but I recall bouncing between the different sub-tabs after clicking "Library" and it said something to the effect of "searching".
How about try moving everything from the phone's "MUSIC" folder to the storage card "MUSIC" folder (i.e. phone's "MUSIC" folder completely empty) and let it 're-search' on its own...
i have the same issues! i recently purchased an formated (FAT32) 8GB sd card, and synced my music from windows media player 11 through active sync. the music is on the card fine and i can play the music through windows media player, BUT not on the touch flo music player.
why is this happening?
i have a the files in a "MUSIC" file on the storage card same as the person who posted this issue.
When I first added my music to the Storage Card nothing showed up in TF3D either. I then deleted the music in the Music folder on my main storage and when I when to touch flo Audio tab it said searching. I opened up library and when I clicked all songs they started to appear. You might try that.
hi all, try my solution.. after moving mp3 to device / delete
You need to rename the follow file to "AudioManager_Eng.vol.vol"
Device/Application Data/HTC/AudioManager_Eng/AudioManager_Eng.vol
Soft Reset . . . . New AudioManager_Eng.vol will be created.
Had the same exact problem.
Although in the beginning, it did work. Would find all music on storage card and device, in numerous folders.
Then after deleting some of the music and maybe a file or 2 in one of the music folders, and doing lots of copy/pasting of music from pc to card and card to device,then changing folder names, etc, the TF3D music player could not find music anymore. Tried everything could think of, no luck. Can not figure out exactly what caused this.
Took out storage card, did a 'Clear Storage' from the settings/system tab and then all was fine again. Had to reinstall my programs, no problem. Now TF3D music player finds all music on card and device once again.

Problem with SENSE Music player

i tried to play music from the desktop but i can't see any songs or any albums..
i got a message says (The music titles in the playlist no longer exist. They may have been deleted or the storage card may have been removed) ..
in spite of i have songs on the device and on the storage card.. and i can play them with the media player and other apps...
i need your help guys.. how do i fix the Sense Music player to see my Songs/Albums list again!?
thanks alot
Does this happen when your phone is connected to your computer ? If so it sounds like your hd2 id set to work as a removable storage device when its connected to your pc, where the sd card becomes unavaliable to the phone and you can only access it from tue computer to transfer files.
no i set the device on ActiveSync and the device not connected to pc.. still not working :s
Any genius here?
I have the exact same problem. The songs are located on the SD and I can play them with WMP or CorePlayer but Sense can't seem to locate them.
I didn't have this problem 2 days ago, but yesterday I copied 4 more albums to my SD card and since then Sense Music can't locate anything.
I have about 2GB of music but I doubt there's some limit. I tryied removing the SD and soft resetting the device a few times but it didn't fix the problem.
The card is in good shape and all apps installed on it work just fine.
I've had this issue on a couple of occasions. The sense player shows no files, but, of course, there are! I actually coaxed the Sense player into finding them by going to the menu tab and selected Add to Playlist. My files were THERE, but not in the actual Sense UI. I selected a song, it started to play, and then, voila, all of the files populated the Sense player again. It's odd...
not sure if I have the same problem, but when it happens to me, I just wait for ages and then they reappear. I think it just takes the Audio Manager Engine ages to re-scan your memory card after it has been connected to a pc. I often find that I can see files on the song tab before they appear on the Album or Artist tab.
this happens to me everytime i add a track or tracks, and every time i soft reset, all you have to do is go to song tab when phone is in horizintal view ( click library> slide to songs ) individual songs are there l, just play one then everything starts comeing back....
Damn you're a genious!!
i've been trying for hours..
now i got my music back in sense player!

HTC sense player wont find my music

Used to work fine but over the weekend my phone started crashing whenever i went to music tab. have scince done several har resets and tryed different rom flashes. no longer crashes but wont find the music.
currently useing miri-dinik (anastacia) rom, and and sandisk 32gb class 4 card.
Sense player origonaly found the music when rom first flashed last night but after a couple of hours stoped working. Windows media player still finds it all and plays it no problem.
can anybody help.
have just realised sense player done find them in all songs tab but will not display anything under the artist album or genres tab
Please help i have a lot of music so browsing all 25gb by song title only is hell.
I found this on the HD2 and HD Mini when moving from a 16Gb to 32Gb MicroSD card; I suspect it's a problem with not being able to read data from the card quickly enough, and will required a ROM patch/update.
Same thing here, music stops after a few seconds and music player in landscape will give me a 'no music found' error.
I can see my music in the all songs tab, but in the albums tab I see none.
I tried 3 different ROMs Artemis, energy and for now Cleanex, all with the same error.
I tried formatting the SD-card (16GB) and sync all my songs with WMP, this did the trick for about 5 minutes
Really frustrating because music player is the app I use the most.
where are y'all finding 32gb micro sd's??? (legit ones)
I'm having this exact same problem. Normaly the musicplayer would always load the songs but now it just can't organise it anymore. I can view all my songs on the all songs tab though, but I like to listen to albums, so this is not an option for me, neither a different player, because I actually liked this one till it gave me this problem.
What I found out:
- The player will work again when you perform an hard-reset, but when you're doing your first soft-reset, the musicplayer stops working and is unable to organise the songs.
- After a hard-reset, your also not supposed to take out your SD-card, because you will get the same problem again.
- The player also starts working again if you delete \Application Data\HTC\AudioManager_Eng\Audiomanger_Eng.vol, but after one single soft-reset it will stop working.
Does anybody have a solution to this problem? I also tried to format my SD-card, but it gave me the same problem. The music player always worked for me, till now. I would really appreciate help.
P.S. Sorry for any grammar or spell faults, I'm dutch.
I had the same problem and solved it by formating my SD card and copy all contens back to the SD card. After a soft reset of the Phone it could find the music and play without stopping again.
Unfortunately it didn't work for me. Any other solutions?
The only original SanDisk 32 GB mSD is CLASS 2 ! There is no CLASS 4
Maybe You got faked mSDs ?
No mine is from Kingston and it is Class 2 and it's 16 GB. Like I said it always worked till now.
Sorry for the double post, but I just really want my musicplayer working again, it's one of the main reasons I bought this phone. Does anyone have the solution for this problem?
Daan0 said:
Sorry for the double post, but I just really want my musicplayer working again, it's one of the main reasons I bought this phone. Does anyone have the solution for this problem?
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How did you your music on the card? when I first got my hd2, I just basically copied my music folder from my pc by the typical "drag n drop" method which rendered the sense music player pretty much useless. What I did was have Itunes on my pc organize, (File/Library/Organize Library), the library and then locate this folder in the music folder, (Music/Itunes/Itunes Music/Music). Open that music folder and you will see that Itunes has filed the music by artist alphabetically. I then selected all these folders and copied them over (except for ringtones and podcasts folder) and have had no problems since.
Basically I think that since we are dealing with a phone that is a Windows based system, the more you can organize folders in a directory oriented manner, the better. Wether this will solve your problem or not, I really don't know. I read another post where a hd2 owner made a directory of alphabetical folders, A,B,C, etc, and put the artists in each folder accordingly and had similar results. Again, don't know if it will help or not.
Also, I don't use the WMP. Don't like it, never have liked it even on my pc. On the hd2 it seems shaky at best so I stay away from it. Just my personal experience.

playlist problem on rebooting

All of my music is on a 200gb sd card. In google play music I created a number of playlists over a couple of days. I recently rebooted phone and noticed that most of the playlists had lost all of their songs. Rebooted again and another couple of playlists went the same way.
The music still exists on the sd card. The artists and albums are still present in the Play Music library and still play ok.
Anyone else had this.......or even better, a solution
Edit - seems to occur after a power off and power on rather than a reboot
ericjennings said:
All of my music is on a 200gb sd card. In google play music I created a number of playlists over a couple of days. I recently rebooted phone and noticed that most of the playlists had lost all of their songs. Rebooted again and another couple of playlists went the same way.
The music still exists on the sd card. The artists and albums are still present in the Play Music library and still play ok.
Anyone else had this.......or even better, a solution
Edit - seems to occur after a power off and power on rather than a reboot
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I have done a few tests and can now say that the problem only exists if the playlist points to music on sd card. If the playlist points to music on internal storage then rebooting the phone does not affect the playlist.
Therefore it seems likely that rebooting the phone causes the path to the music files (on the sd card) to change, so play music can no longer find the songs even though they still exist on the sd card.
PS......emailed Samsung Support, their reply was that rebooting the phone causes all of the music files on the device to be deleted (even though I explained that my music is on sd card not device memory and that the music files still exist, just they don't show up in the playlist)
What about trying another music player, or another playlist format (like M3U, but maybe for that u need another music player too)... in my personal experience, the music was the biggest problem because I feel like Goole Play Music is worst that windows media player xD, and actually find a good media player is so hard, but never tried GPM, so maybe is a problem from the app and no the phone itself
QBerto said:
What about trying another music player, or another playlist format (like M3U, but maybe for that u need another music player too)... in my personal experience, the music was the biggest problem because I feel like Goole Play Music is worst that windows media player xD, and actually find a good media player is so hard, but never tried GPM, so maybe is a problem from the app and no the phone itself
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Yeah, using Poweramp now..........and I've found I prefer it to GPM so should be grateful that I had the problem
Yeah.. annoying as.. Wasted hours putting playlists together on Music Player only to have contents get deleted when power off / on.. Read something about being able to make sd card 'adoptable storage' by tweeking developer options.. may give this a try, but it involves formatting the current sd card, so plan to try when i have some time.. Frustrated GS7 User
Ooo another Jennings

