Strange trackball/keypad issue - G1 General

Hi there!
I bought a damaged G1 from ebay to hack on.
There is some strange behaviour, that seems to be related to the trackball.
Everytime i scroll some pages for a while, the trackball is going really mad.
It toggles between applications, e.g. starts phone app or contacts and enters weird numbers.
If i leave it completely untouched the system behaves normal.
Just to give it a try, i disassembled the device and removed the trackball mechanic. Result: Everything behaves normal.
Due to these problems, i started a little research on the trackball parts.
So here's what i found (see attachment).
I will do some further investgation and check out if i'm able to fix this issue.
My suspicion is, that one of the magnetic sensors got damaged and toggles between high and low all the time, even without the trackball beeing moved.
Did anyone realized such a behaviour on a G1?
Any comments are welcome!!

Note that the trackball on HTC DREAM is identical to the trackball used in RIM cripplephones, so you can find a replacement easily... you can probably get a broken RIMjunk for $5 with good trackball hardware, or you can try at something like

Hey lbcoder,
i knew that the touchball is identical to those used in the blackberries.
Thanks anyway to add this info and for pointing me at the web link!
Got a spare part with broken flat cable from another G1 device.
I'll have to do some further testing and then start the soldering job
BTW the trackball itself is not the damaged part. It's one of the magnetic sensor parts, i suppose.
Would be interesting if anyone else ever was affected by some irritating trackball issues?

It *is* magnetic though, so theoretically it *could* be an issue with the mechanical components rather than with the sensor itself... i.e. something stuck in the wrong place getting picked up by the sensor as continuous. Unless you've tried swapping them out already.
If you haven't already, I would at least try that. No need to go all the way to soldering just to find that it was something else

If you haven't already, I would at least try that. No need to go all the way to soldering just to find that it was something else
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Sure, just did some test with the other mainboard (connector for touchscreen is damaged on this part).
The trackball behaves normal with this combination.
So the sub-PCB must be O.K.
I'll try searching for something weird on the original mainboard.
Damn, this would be much harder to fix i suppose
I'll keep you informed!
Anyway, maybe the datasheet would be of any use for the curious geeks
Best regards,

experts welcome
Hi again,
after some more testing and examination of the hardware stuff, i'm in doubt that this problem is hardware related.
So i started to think of some software related issues.
I know that bootcode and Android filesystem should be aware of bad blocks in NAND memory.
But anyway here's the history of the device (so far i know it):
- It came to me with stock bootloader and firmware 1.5
- A stock update was made to firmware 1.6
- I did a downgrade to RC7 using a goldcard
- Rooted the device using telnet
- Installed cm-recovery-1.4
- Followed the steps from cyanogen's wiki to move to v4.2.12.2
- Also did a radio update to
- Installed Hard-SPL as well
Everthing went fine, also no problems during registering to a google account.
I am able to boot into HSPL and the cm recobery is also intact.
It's very strange that the trackball weirdness did not change during all these up/downgrades.
I also got some issues with the power button.
Sometimes the device can not be set to sleep and immediately comes back into active state
Apart from that the device behaves quite normal...
What the hell is wrong with this device?
Could there still be some corrupt areas in NAND caused by bad blocks even after reflashing the system?
Any advice would be welcome!

scholbert said:
Would be interesting if anyone else ever was affected by some irritating trackball issues?
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Yes, my trackball likes to 'triple-click', which causes issues sometimes, especially when submitting web forms. I even have to use Ra_mon recovery over cyan because he has option to use talk button where my trackball multi-clicking would bypass the 'click home to continue any other key to abort' by auto-clicking to abort.

Hi jalsing,
thanks for your reply
Yes, my trackball likes to 'triple-click', which causes issues sometimes, especially when submitting web forms. I even have to use Ra_mon recovery over cyan because he has option to use talk button where my trackball multi-clicking would bypass the 'click home to continue any other key to abort' by auto-clicking to abort.
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Sounds like hardware related damage, because this occurs in recovery mode as well. Maybe the pushbutton underneath the trackball causes this issue, while pressed.
Could be some corrosion or similar causing this...
Is there anyone who made some experience with file corruption or bad blocks?

scholbert said:
I also got some issues with the power button.
Sometimes the device can not be set to sleep and immediately comes back into active state
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I have noticed some weirdness in the power button, but I am thoroughly convinced that, at least in my case, it must be hardware related.... if I just shove down on the power button with the pad of my finger, it goes off and then right back to the lock screen. If I press the power button on the 9-clock point with a finger nail, it behaves as expected.
Although I must admit that this appeared coincidentally with a radio firmware upgrade.

Hey there,
I have been having an odd issue too although one that has not been mentioned. About a week ago when i scrolled "left" or while landscape "down" the trackball got jammed every 3 rotations. When you continue scrolling it repairs itself temporarily and then returns. This issue is still present but is not quite so bad.
I'm guessing that this would also be a hardware issue. Its not at a stage where its overbearingly annoying yet, just wondering if anyone else has similar issues.

Hi vonapets,
have you tried to check your hardware with HTC Dream diagnostic programm on sdcard? You'll have to create a "goldcard" and with the file DREADIAG.nbh.
Insert the card and enter bootloader mode, the test software will load automatically. Please search the forum, if you don't know what i'm talking about.
Anyway i did these tests on my device sometime ago and all hardware test were successful.
That's why it's all so strange
Especially i run the button test several times, and the test software did pass with no errors.

It's me again
Seems that i'm nearly the only one who suffers from this specific trackball issue.
Anyway i won't give up so early and i really hope to find the reason of this erroneous inputs.
After checking some of the system libs and the framework files concerning file integrity, i started some rudimental debugging with adb.
Working with the tool getevent i found out that input event2 (trackball) is detected correctly and disappears if the trackball remains untouched.
When the random inputs are going to start, input event3 (virtual keyboard) occurs though i did not touch anything (especially not the virtual keyboard)
If i am at home screen the inputs hit google search entry field and most of the time the number "3" is printed.
Input event3 stays active until i fiddle around with the trackball or press some hardware buttons. This sometimes stops the weirdness
I also did check the interrupt counting with cat /proc/interrupts.
Everything looks quite normal....
I am really wondering what is causing this.
Maybe it is a side effect from some damaged hardware part (maybe MSM7201 itself) or it is some software bug that has never been observed before.
Maybe it is the result of some bad timings...
Really got no clue right now!
EDIT: Just for completeness. Also did perform RAM test and other hardware diagnostic with DREADIAG. No errors here!

jalsing said:
Yes, my trackball likes to 'triple-click', which causes issues sometimes, especially when submitting web forms. I even have to use Ra_mon recovery over cyan because he has option to use talk button where my trackball multi-clicking would bypass the 'click home to continue any other key to abort' by auto-clicking to abort.
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i have trouble using recovery too. I have to press it very lightly to get it to select only once otherwise it clicks several times ><
Not a huge issue for me really, i don't use it that often, but it is pretty irritating.
But, no. I've never had it enter any numbers or anything, that is strange.
However, i do have a strange problem where when the phone receives a slight knock, like if it's in my pocket and it bangs against something, or i drop it a couple of inches onto my desk or something, a random app will launch. I have no idea why this happens and it's not anything coming in contact with the screen because it happens even when it's locked. It's usually the market which opens too for some strange reason. Oh, it also reboots sometimes too
Yeah, i think i need a new phone

scholbert said:
It's me again
Seems that i'm nearly the only one who suffers from this specific trackball issue.
Anyway i won't give up so early and i really hope to find the reason of this erroneous inputs.
After checking some of the system libs and the framework files concerning file integrity, i started some rudimental debugging with adb.
Working with the tool getevent i found out that input event2 (trackball) is detected correctly and disappears if the trackball remains untouched.
When the random inputs are going to start, input event3 (virtual keyboard) occurs though i did not touch anything (especially not the virtual keyboard)
If i am at home screen the inputs hit google search entry field and most of the time the number "3" is printed.
Input event3 stays active until i fiddle around with the trackball or press some hardware buttons. This sometimes stops the weirdness
I also did check the interrupt counting with cat /proc/interrupts.
Everything looks quite normal....
I am really wondering what is causing this.
Maybe it is a side effect from some damaged hardware part (maybe MSM7201 itself) or it is some software bug that has never been observed before.
Maybe it is the result of some bad timings...
Really got no clue right now!
EDIT: Just for completeness. Also did perform RAM test and other hardware diagnostic with DREADIAG. No errors here!
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Virtual keyboard? Or touchscreen? Is the virtual keyboard actually listed as a separate input from the touchscreen? If it is, then how could it even be triggered when the vk isn't even opened? Or is the vk open when this weirdness happens? Could it simply be the digitizer that's borked?
Here's a REAL SIMPLE IDEA: clean the digitizer with rubbing alcohol. Can't hurt, and now that you bring touch events into the picture, there is a little bit of a dejavu feeling starting to come over me -- not from personal experience mind you, but I do recall someone mentioning something about a greasy digitizer causing some weird problems.... that went away when it was properly cleaned.
And if nothing else, if it happens to be a digitizer problem and the digitizer is totally borked, try disconnecting it. You should still be able to navigate by trackball and hack on it without a functioning touchscreen.

I know it sounds confusing, but it's true...
Thanks for the replies!
Is the virtual keyboard actually listed as a separate input from the touchscreen?
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If it is, then how could it even be triggered when the vk isn't even opened?
Or is the vk open when this weirdness happens?
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BTW, you may type characters on the vk simultanously, while there are numerous 3's fired from somewhere inside the system.
The ascii changes if i also scroll the trackpad....
If you are able to close vk it opens up again randomly
Could it simply be the digitizer that's borked?
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Already did test with disconnecting the digitizer, same behaviour.
Very wicked and confusing
I really think there must be something destroyed inside the MCU.
Short circuit or ESD damage on a GPIO bank of the chip.
I will do further debugging.....

...not givin' up
Hey there,
i don't know if this is still of interest for someone, but anyway here's updated information about this confusing behaviour:
- booting into recovery console (different kernel, only initrd running from RAM)
- scrolling up with the trackball causes ASCII char "u" in this console
- after scrolling the hardware keyboard is blocked
Using SHR kernel:
- used sd boot image from leviathan and flashed it to the boot partition
- sdcard is used as rootfs
- system boots up after login i enter the console
- scrolling up with the trackball causes strange ASCII string "u542i3" in this console
- after scrolling the hardware keyboard is not blocked
Pretty sure that some parts of hardware are causing this "ghost" input.
I decided to put the mainboard into pure alcohol for some hours.
Though the humidity stickers on my mainboard never turned to red, i just want to make sure that there's no dirt causing this strange effect.
Anyway it's my last hope....
P.S.: Anyone ever programmed a simple commandline tool to observe the state of the systems GPIO?
Would be very helpful to find the needle in the stack
EDIT: In the meantime i found out a lot, about the internal components of the HTC dream.
If there's some interest, i may open up a new thread post some information about it.

O.K. no ideas anymore.
Quoting myself:
scholbert said:
I decided to put the mainboard into pure alcohol for some hours.
Anyway it's my last hope....
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Last hope has gone!
Some hardware part has also gone, i suppose.
Battery life was always very worse using this mainboard, which is another indicator, that something hardware related had gone mad.
P.S.: Anyone ever programmed a simple commandline tool to observe the state of the systems GPIO?
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Whatever, i think i'll use that mainboard for some awesome experiments
Bye bye,

Hey, new to this forum, and just stumbled across your post searching for a resolve to my problem, which seems to be very similar to yours.
Phone seems to work fine except:
When rolling trackball up (even slightest movement) I get virtual keyboard appearing on screen and u542i3.....(continuous 3's) types into the searchbar.
Also MENU button is inop, although one on keyboard is ok.
When locked, sometimes the screen and key backlights constantly go on and off.
Seems to flatten the battery pretty quick.
I stripped the phone checked everything clean and dry etc, tried turning the trackball upside down on the offchance, but no change. I have done nothing software related as I'm not too clued up on that side of things. It has the std 1.6 operating system as far as I know.
I have no clue where to go from here with it though, think my best bet might just be to get another one that needs a screen or something and use mine for parts?
Good to see I'm not alone with this issue though so there's a chance someone may figure it out. least i'm not alone
Hi ram5ay,
thanks a lot for your reply!
ram5ay said:
When rolling trackball up (even slightest movement) I get virtual keyboard appearing on screen and u542i3.....(continuous 3's) types into the searchbar.
Also MENU button is inop, although one on keyboard is ok.
When locked, sometimes the screen and key backlights constantly go on and off.
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That's exactly the behaviour of my device.
Seems to flatten the battery pretty quick.
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True, i also observed this issue.
Seems that parts of the hardware are damaged or not set up correctly due to some other error.
As a result some of the GPIO's may act as an output and are shortened to Vio or GND. This could be a reason why the battery got drained so fast
Anyway, as i already wrote down, got no clue how to fix this.....
Best regards,

scholbert said:
got no clue how to fix this.....
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Cool man, no worries. Maybe futile, but I'll prob pull mine apart again and have another look, if I have any success I'll keep you posted.


Vario II Touch Screen goes off :(

I bought mine Vario II (with CoPilot) just 8 days ago, so I've enjoyed it quite a lot for the past days
yet .. ~30 hours ago I found out that the touch screen was not responding at all .. well restart did not help, getting the battery out and putting it back again didn't help too ... I tried to do EVERYTHING with the thing ... starting with restoring factory settings (all the data! ) , ending with browsing the forums for common failures ...
Finally I ended up with the very start page where the Vario II asks for tapping the screen (irony huh ?) to start setting it up ..
Since I was not able to make it work again (the whole thing seemed to be working fine ... just the touch screen ... ) so I brought it to the local T-Mobile shop today in the morning.. guess what, the guy at the shop just removed the battery and put it back again (I've done that XXX times during the night) AND IT STARTED WORKING again ... I couldn't understand anything there, felt really lame
anyway after I've left the shop and used it for quite a bit it started again .. now I've kind of figured it out .. when I'm using the device actively (the temp raises) and it starts at the top right corner of the screen .. the touch screen just flickers there and then after a minute or so it doesn't respond at all any more .. if I just put it away and don't use it - the screen responds again after some time ...
NOW finally the question is: has anyone had any problems with Vario II like I do? I ought to think that it is a somewhat faulty device that I've got (it hasn't been physically damaged)
PS the touch-screen gets stagnant faster with bigger programs (CoPilot, Skype, etc...) and it takes some time to get stuck with just using the phone...
btw I've put a temperature thingy in the device - it shows that the battery temp is at 42 C . Isn't that a bit too much ?
yeah and how do I figure out what version it is ? I mean the S/N that is mentioned here ( )
wundis said:
anyway after I've left the shop and used it for quite a bit it started again .. now I've kind of figured it out .. when I'm using the device actively (the temp raises) and it starts at the top right corner of the screen .. the touch screen just flickers there and then after a minute or so it doesn't respond at all any more .. if I just put it away and don't use it - the screen responds again after some time ...
NOW finally the question is: has anyone had any problems with Vario II like I do? I ought to think that it is a somewhat faulty device that I've got (it hasn't been physically damaged)
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Yes, one of my Hermes' had the exact same problem - touch screen malfunction starting at the upper right corner when temperature rose. The usual tricks to solve the screen alignment problem (loosening the screws, removing the gasket with a stripe of a business card) didn't help at all. I returned the device and got a new one.
yeah and how do I figure out what version it is ? I mean the S/N that is mentioned here ( )
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It's printed on the box (at least of an O2 Trion) and on the sticker underneath the battery. Just look for the S/N starting with HTC6xx... but "our" defect is not the normal SA problem, it seems to be much rarer and not described in the Wiki.
Thank you so much for the answer Daniel, I'll get them to change it tomorrow.
I have exactly the same problem with my TyTN. In the morning, after the phone has been off all night, the touchscreen works for maybe 30mins, then the phone warms up and the screen ceases functioning. Bizarre though - I got the phone about two weeks ago - the screen worked fine (i.e. under all temp. conditions) for about 7 days, then it decided to crap out. Tried all the usual SA type solutions - as you guys noted above they didn't work. Gonna have to go back to the shop and get it replaced :-(
Oh, nearly forgot, s/n is HT632
One other thing I noticed (not sure if this is normal behavior or if it started after the touchscreen borked) - When the phone is active (i.e. not locked or in standby,) the top status leds (wifi, bluetooth, gsm) don't flash. Once the device is put in standby (i.e. tapping the power button) they start flashing again. Like I said, not sure if this is normal or if its related to the touchscreen going.
Vrobenmat said:
One other thing I noticed (not sure if this is normal behavior or if it started after the touchscreen borked) - When the phone is active (i.e. not locked or in standby,) the top status leds (wifi, bluetooth, gsm) don't flash.
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This is definitely not normal. But it's an interesting observation. If the TyTN were a car, I'd say there's a bad ground connection somewhere.
Try a hard reset, and if that doesn't solve the problem, have it exchanged. (I very much doubt that a hard reset will help, but at least here customer service refuses to exchange a device before you tried a hard reset. )
Hard reset borked even more. Could't get past the touch screen calibration. Phone is now in the freezer to cool down - hopefully the touch screen will work long enough so I can get past the calibration
*EDIT* Just got it out the freezer (nice and cold now.) Hard reset, got through the calibration, everything ok for about 10 mins. LED's flashing with backlight on and touchscreen working. Then - touchscreen non-responsive at exactly the same time the status LED's cut out. I'm hypothesising that there's some kind of electrical short between the circuitry for the touchpad and the status LED's - it shorts as the devices temperature rises and (i guess) some of the materials expand and come into contact with each other. Since I don't want to void my warranty in case I have to take the phone back to the store, I haven't opened it up to confirm this. Has anyone had a detailed look at the connections at the top of the screen and around the status LED's to see if my explanation is at least possible? (then I might open it up and see if I can insulate the connections.)
tadzio said:
Yes, one of my Hermes' had the exact same problem - touch screen malfunction starting at the upper right corner when temperature rose. The usual tricks to solve the screen alignment problem (loosening the screws, removing the gasket with a stripe of a business card) didn't help at all. I returned the device and got a new one.
It's printed on the box (at least of an O2 Trion) and on the sticker underneath the battery. Just look for the S/N starting with HTC6xx... but "our" defect is not the normal SA problem, it seems to be much rarer and not described in the Wiki.
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I have the exact same problem!!
Two additional points :
1) my device screen will not switch off automaticaly and will stay on for ever unless I switch it off
2) When the issue manifests itself for the first time the device would automaticaly go back to the today screen like if the OK button would have been pressed many time or ... was stuck!!
That's my second Tytn device the first one had the SA defect.
I was so happy when I got my new one because the S/N showed HTC637XXX but sounds like a new issue even though I'm pretty convince that that the SA issue is not far from being related to this one.
My device SPV3100 HERM100
Hello lads,
Absolutely everything you've posted seems to be happening to my device.
Now the touch screen fails to respond even if it's cold (been lying on the bed for 5 hours doing nothing at all .. ). damn... seems like I'll have to ask the local shop to get me a free portable refrigerator for the thing to work properly
Vrobenmat said:
Hard reset borked even more. Could't get past the touch screen calibration. Phone is now in the freezer to cool down - hopefully the touch screen will work long enough so I can get past the calibration
*EDIT* Just got it out the freezer (nice and cold now.) Hard reset, got through the calibration, everything ok for about 10 mins. LED's flashing with backlight on and touchscreen working. Then - touchscreen non-responsive at exactly the same time the status LED's cut out. I'm hypothesising that there's some kind of electrical short between the circuitry for the touchpad and the status LED's - it shorts as the devices temperature rises and (i guess) some of the materials expand and come into contact with each other. Since I don't want to void my warranty in case I have to take the phone back to the store, I haven't opened it up to confirm this. Has anyone had a detailed look at the connections at the top of the screen and around the status LED's to see if my explanation is at least possible? (then I might open it up and see if I can insulate the connections.)
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Might get a chance to have an internal look tomorrow. From memory, and can't remember if the Wiki or Japanese dismantling site shows this, but I recall only a single mylar ribbon cable coming from screen area through to main board. There are if memory serves push in multi connectors from the bottom hard keypad and from front camera board (inc LEDs) to the muti ribbon cable on the back of the screen. Thus, simply put the screen, camera,hard phone keys all connect at the back of the screen to a single multi ribbon cable that goes to main board. Possibility then of a short with digitizer is at least possible. Of course digitizers are suceptible to current leakage and field interference so would not have to be an actual physical contact but could just be a close proximity issue.
Facing the same problems...
... I've been thinking about repalcing the display and the touchscreen. But now, considering that it is a HW issue, I can only replace these two things. If the bug is in the module above the screen (statur leds and camera) or related to the wireing at the back of the screen, it won't get rid of the problem. On the other hand, if it is a problem with the screen getting too hot, then I'm on the right track...
Has anyone tried this yet?
I'll try to call HTC on monday, maybe they know where the bug is.
HTC is not able or not willing to share what they know about the problem...
Hello, they excuse my English, I am possessor of a TYNT and I am with he himself problem that you, the problem is a failure of weld in the processador, when it reaches certain temperature fails and cooling it or pressing strongly on the processor it lets fail.
ezbook said:
Hello, they excuse my English, I am possessor of a TYNT and I am with he himself problem that you, the problem is a failure of weld in the processador, when it reaches certain temperature fails and cooling it or pressing strongly on the processor it lets fail.
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There may well be truth in what you say, I too believe it is something similar in some cases.
Do you have any proof of your suggestion. Can you provide pics or a diagram of the solder point you mean??
Hmm? The processor...?
...sorry, don't think so.
It's just that this bug occurs after using a device for months, isn't it?
Now, the first two weeks I installed all kind of programs using the wireless LAN almost permanently. My Hermes was never as "hot" as during its first two weeks. And what about the sliding-out of the keyboard? Doesn’t it always start there? This just doesn't sound right, does it?
Just received an email from someone who drew my attention to the ribbon cable connecting the upper and the lower part. What if there is a short one due to the plastic scratching the cable and then... who knows?
However, I do not disagree as far as the temp is concerned. Therefore, I'll put my Hermes on ice and see how long it does things right...
And still, there is no chance that it is related to the processor. If the processors ALU is getting too hot the entire device would be effected, wouldn’t it?
Anyways, I'm determined to find out what it is!
++ I just found a very peculiar post in the WIZARD forum. It was about some top-side buttons that kept pressing
++ without even touching… Opening the assigned programs over and over again. Odd, isn’t it?
++ That’s a HTC device AND has a sliding keyboard with a ribbon cable as a connector…
++ Yet, it operates with a different processor on a different main board.
++ Still blaming the processor?
microft said:
...sorry, don't think so.
It's just that this bug occurs after using a device for months, isn't it?
Now, the first two weeks I installed all kind of programs using the wireless LAN almost permanently. My Hermes was never as "hot" as during its first two weeks. And what about the sliding-out of the keyboard? Doesn’t it always start there? This just doesn't sound right, does it?
Just received an email from someone who drew my attention to the ribbon cable connecting the upper and the lower part. What if there is a short one due to the plastic scratching the cable and then... who knows?
However, I do not disagree as far as the temp is concerned. Therefore, I'll put my Hermes on ice and see how long it does things right...
And still, there is no chance that it is related to the processor. If the processors ALU is getting too hot the entire device would be effected, wouldn’t it?
Anyways, I'm determined to find out what it is!
++ I just found a very peculiar post in the WIZARD forum. It was about some top-side buttons that kept pressing
++ without even touching… Opening the assigned programs over and over again. Odd, isn’t it?
++ That’s a HTC device AND has a sliding keyboard with a ribbon cable as a connector…
++ Yet, it operates with a different processor on a different main board.
++ Still blaming the processor?
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And you are right too! if it appears that I am tending to agree with both above posts when on the face of it they disagree with each other it's because:
There are different manifestations of this problem - the causes may not always be the same
I agree it's NOT the processor and firmly believe it's hardware related. Of course it could be be a break (sometimes intermittent) in contact somewhere between screen and board or even a broken contact on the board (IN SOME CASES)
In other cases it's just pressure being put on the touch sensitive screen often at the very inconvenient top right corner that closes/minimises applications or opens start menu.
There has not been a reliable way to fix this issue other than device replacement. Replacing the screen has been notable for it's failure to resolve the issue.
mikechannon said:
And you are right too! if it appears that I am tending to agree with both above posts when on the face of it they disagree with each other it's because:
There are different manifestations of this problem - the causes may not always be the same
I agree it's NOT the processor and firmly believe it's hardware related. Of course it could be be a break (sometimes intermittent) in contact somewhere between screen and board or even a broken contact on the board (IN SOME CASES)
In other cases it's just pressure being put on the touch sensitive screen often at the very inconvenient top right corner that closes/minimises applications or opens start menu.
There has not been a reliable way to fix this issue other than device replacement. Replacing the screen has been notable for it's failure to resolve the issue.
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So do you think the bug is to be found on the main board at all?
I'm planning to replace some parts from the screen half. In fact there are just 3 possible error sources:
1) The lcd in combination with the digitalizer;
2) The ribbon cable connecting screen parts and keypad at bottom; and
3) The keypad at the bottom itself
The ribbon cable includs the electronics for the status leds as well as the EARphone. ;-)
Soon I will be on all three of the above parts and if the error ain't there... I'm going to be MAD.
Will keep you IN THE LOOP!
Hello again, my conclusion is based on which I have disassembled my TYNT completely and I have connected it without the keyboard, of this form I have hoped to that it began to fail, later I have been moving and touching in any case the flat cable that unites the motherboard with the screen, the small circuit that takes built-in without obtaining results, single I have even obtained that it returns to work blowing air on the strongly pressed processor or on. Another observation is that if just ignited the machine and working correctly we applied single heat on the processor, begins to fail the touch screen. To my also is to me strange east failure since the temperature of the processor is not excessive when it fails, in fact desire firmly to be mistaken because there am lost the guarantee. Seguire investigating is matendre informed to you.
microft said:
So do you think the bug is to be found on the main board at all?
I'm planning to replace some parts from the screen half. In fact there are just 3 possible error sources:
1) The lcd in combination with the digitalizer;
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May be a fault there, but if it's just a squeeze due to heat ? pressure it may not resolve the issue.
2) The ribbon cable connecting screen parts and keypad at bottom; and
3) The keypad at the bottom itself
The ribbon cable includs the electronics for the status leds as well as the microphone.
Soon I will be on all three of the above parts and if the error ain't there... I'm going to be MAD.
Will keep you IN THE LOOP!
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I assume you mean earphone above as the microphone is on the mainboard.
Again I have tested, with the disassembled machine totally, start up it, I hope to that the touch screen does not respond and I put my tynt in the refrigerator, after two minutes and without moving I touch it the screen and magic, works correctly hata that again coje the room temperature.
ezbook said:
Hello again, my conclusion is based on which I have disassembled my TYNT completely and I have connected it without the keyboard, of this form I have hoped to that it began to fail, later I have been moving and touching in any case the flat cable that unites the motherboard with the screen, the small circuit that takes built-in without obtaining results, single I have even obtained that it returns to work blowing air on the strongly pressed processor or on. Another observation is that if just ignited the machine and working correctly we applied single heat on the processor, begins to fail the touch screen. To my also is to me strange east failure since the temperature of the processor is not excessive when it fails, in fact desire firmly to be mistaken because there am lost the guarantee. Seguire investigating is matendre informed to you.
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This is very interesting. When I said above it is not the processor, I meant it is not a software issue related to the processor. It can of course be a heat related problem with the processor. To summarise what you have found:
You have a device that when first started works OK
If you apply heat (but not much) to the processor it fails
If you apply pressure to the processor it works again
It begins working again when you blow on the processor or put it in the fridge.
If you move/press or ensure the ribbon cable has a firm contact - this has no effect.
Please post if any of the above is NOT correct ALSO please post which chip you are heating/pressing.
Hello again, everything is correct except point 3 really when this failing and you press on the then microprocessor the touch screen works correctly. Associate images.
EDIT by Mike. Point 3 has been edited in Mike's post to show the correct situation.

Sliding Keyboard getting loose?

I just picked up another 8525 after returning the first one to checkout the Blackjack. I wanted to make sure I at least tried it before my 30 day return policy kicked in. I noticed on my second 8525 the keyboard does not lock into PDA mode as secure as my first one. It seems that the top part of the phone locks better then the bottom. So when I hold it has a phone I tend to slide the keyboard open a little. Has anyone had these issues? It just seems to easy on the second one to unlock/open the keyboard.
brmcguire said:
I just picked up another 8525 after returning the first one to checkout the Blackjack. I wanted to make sure I at least tried it before my 30 day return policy kicked in. I noticed on my second 8525 the keyboard does not lock into PDA mode as secure as my first one. It seems that the top part of the phone locks better then the bottom. So when I hold it has a phone I tend to slide the keyboard open a little. Has anyone had these issues? It just seems to easy on the second one to unlock/open the keyboard.
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I'm afraid this is a fairly common problem. The metal runners/sliders have small indents at each end (cannot see these unless device is dismantled) that create the click into place when the sliding blocks attached to the base part slide over them.
These indents are often too shallow to create a nice firm click and in extreme cases the actual runner has sprung apart where small micro welds have broken.
There are fixes for this but only for those that don't care about their warranty and want to dis-assemble the device. I have done this fix and it now requires a very firm two thumbed push to open. However I do not recommend you do this when there is the possibility of exchange/return or repair.
If you decide to do it on your own I can vouch for Mike's method. He emailed me the process and I posted it on the WIKI.
barrydavisjr said:
If you decide to do it on your own I can vouch for Mike's method. He emailed me the process and I posted it on the WIKI.
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Sounds like its possbile then. Where in the Wiki can I find the how-to? I looked and could not find it. Thanks again for the information.
It is under the hardware overview at the bottom. andMike i added some props to you for the method!
Mike, you must of really nailed this process. I guess I have to try it now.
barrydavisjr said:
It is under the hardware overview at the bottom. andMike i added some props to you for the method!
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Cheers barrydavisjr.
Did it all work out well for you, I hope so.
mikechannon said:
Cheers barrydavisjr.
Did it all work out well for you, I hope so.
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Yes Worked perfectly!!!
I have not done it yet, but plan to soon. To clarify what your fix does is that it tightens the sliding keyboard rails? or provide a better click when its closed?
Just read your site. I think that answered my question. Thanks, I will try and post my success (...or failure).
Great fix. One of the little but annoying things about the device fixed.
sliding keyboard then freezes
hello, I got my device ! I'm very happy but when I slide the keyboard, and here the left 'click' then it freezes.
It is very strange, is there anything I can do ?
Thanks in advance for any suggestion
dam said:
hello, I got my device ! I'm very happy but when I slide the keyboard, and here the left 'click' then it freezes.
It is very strange, is there anything I can do ?
Thanks in advance for any suggestion
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I don't think the "clicking" mechanism is what's making your device freeze. I believe its the display going from portrait to landscape mode what's probably making it freeze up. Have you hard reset to make sure there is no 3rd party today plugins that are having issues with switching to landscape mode?
sliding keyboard, frozen device
dear brmcguire, thank you for your answer. I think I have to be more precise.
When I slide the keyboard and stop before the "click", it is ok, it moves to the landscape mode without problem. Then, when I push untill it locks, on the right lock it is ok but when pushed untill the left lock, then it freeezes. To be precise, "freeze" means that the menu bar opens, and the tactil screen does not answer anymore to the pen, (I can still use the buttons).
That is why I believe it is a hardware malfunction, but I'm still a newby
Does anybody had a similar problem ?
Any help appreciated
dam said:
dear brmcguire, thank you for your answer. I think I have to be more precise.
When I slide the keyboard and stop before the "click", it is ok, it moves to the landscape mode without problem. Then, when I push untill it locks, on the right lock it is ok but when pushed untill the left lock, then it freeezes. To be precise, "freeze" means that the menu bar opens, and the tactil screen does not answer anymore to the pen, (I can still use the buttons).
That is why I believe it is a hardware malfunction, but I'm still a newby
Does anybody had a similar problem ?
Any help appreciated
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Ok, I see. It does sound like a hardware issue. I would try exchanging it for a new one.
dam said:
dear brmcguire, thank you for your answer. I think I have to be more precise.
When I slide the keyboard and stop before the "click", it is ok, it moves to the landscape mode without problem. Then, ...,,,,,,,,,,,,
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I think we're all agreed it has to be hardware. There is no software that operates when the "left" edge clicks into place. There are two circuits that operate softwarewise when the keyboard opens
1. There is a small magnet operated switch that changes portrait to landscape and that's working fine,
2. The light sensor above the "p" key top right which operates the keyboard backlight.
I don't think either of these is responsible.
At a guess either the Multi connector Mylar Cable for the screen/digitizer connection is getting trapped/pulled/stretched and partially breaking its connection or the click into place is creating an internal squeeze against possibly the "windows" button hardkey next to the Green Phone Key.
I think like brmcguire that I'd get it back to shop while still in warranty perhaps after doing all the usual things like a hard reset - just in case we're all wrong and it is software.
Or you just never quite open it far enough to click into place. I do this a lot, partly because I've got a really firm click into place on both right and left sides that if I'm just quickly using keyboard I find I can get every key without the final clicks.
I tried hardware reset but no change. Anyway, thank you so much for your anwers. Not that it works better, but to feel support is quiet healing.
cheers !
mikechannon said:
I think you're right, maybe we need a Hermes counselling and psychological support group. All charges forwarded to HTC of course!
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ok, I gave back my device, I will see what happen. Thanks !
RE. loose keyboard
CAN someone give me the direct link to the wiki page bc i couldnt find it i dont know why, if you know how to do it you can also send me the directions but PLZ someone send me a link thanks again
Did this fix after fighting with a very loose slider from the beginning. This and Mob6 software and I love my TyTn again.
Thanks for the instructions and thanks for the wiki.

Crazy Tytn screen and button problem, please help

Hi all, this is my first post on this forum but I've been reading for a while to educate myself.
I've got a Herm200 that I've been trying to troubleshoot but to no avail. I'm fairly certain that it has a hardware problem but I haven't been able to isolate anything.
Here's whats happening:
Occasionally the screen will come out of stand-by all white. This will also happen randomly if i touch the screen to perform a command. While the screen is operating, sometimes the buttons on the face will stop working, however the buttons across both sides will continue working just fine.
When the screen turns all white a soft, hard, or stand-by cycle will not always bring it back to life. The fact that the hard reset wont always fix the problem makes me think it's a hardware issue since the phone will boot-up with the the all-white screen.
This is incredibly frustrating especially since HTC wont accept any warranty claims in the USA on the Tytn.
At first I thought this might be a problem with the ribon connection between the screen and the base but i haven't been able to confirm or discount anything at this point. I have yet to find a way to consistently reproduce or rectify the problem so it's very hard to troubleshoot.
I pretty much have to take a second phone with me everywhere right now just incase i need to make a call. Please help! Has anyone ever encountered such a problem?
Thank you in advance!
SneezyRobot said:
Occasionally the screen will come out of stand-by all white. This will also happen randomly if i touch the screen to perform a command. While the screen is operating, sometimes the buttons on the face will stop working, however the buttons across both sides will continue working just fine.
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Hi. This sounds very similar to a problem that I experienced with a HERMES100. I bought the phone off someone on Ebay recently - someone had obviously scrambled the radio on it. I re-flashed it, and it sprang to life. However, after a couple of days, I experienced a problem where occasionally the LCD would stop refreshing, all the pixels faded away leaving only a white screen. Under these circumstances, some of the buttons on the phone stopped working. Turning phone on/off sometimes cured the problem, or it would require the occasional hard reset. This would happen once or twice a day and I suspect thats why someone tried to re-flash the phone.
In the end, out of curiosity I took the entire phone apart, put it all back together again and now there are no more problems!! Totally fixed!
My suspicion is that it was one of the ribbon cable push connectors on the mainboard - possibly not seated properly, or a bit of dirt contaminating the connection. Obviously when I took the phone apart I must have re-seated it.
If you are planning to take your phone apart, please exercise considerable care because some of the parts are very small and easily damaged. I would recommend buying a proper kit to take it apart. I bought mine for about £5 off ebay. Particularly useful are the plastic spoon "wedges" used to gently prise open the case after removing the screens. Don't use a screwdriver - you will scratch the case.
Good luck.
wow... that sounds like exactly what's going on here, I actually even tried to disassemble it lastnight but didnt have the right driver set. thank you for the advice!
I'll look for one of those sets but what would you search for if i needed to find it?
Thanks again, I just got a set off of Ebay. Hopefully it'll be here next week
With any luck it'll be a connection issue.
I have had the exact same problem. Because I got the Tytn through work I made our IT department handle the issue and I am currently waiting for a replacement and to find out what happened.
Yep, it looks like the problems the OP is having are very similar to the problems we've been having over in this thread:
I'm beginning to think it's a hardware problem as well but not entirely sure.
People in the above thread mentioned that using the scroll wheel a while then moving back to use the D pad fixed the problem (very briefly in my case.) Once I use the center D pad button again it locks the hardware buttons under the screen until I make my device sleep and resume.
Somtimes rather than making all the front hardware buttons unresponsive the issue is that once I use the Down Dpad button I can't use the up button. Pressing up will make it go down, as will pressing down (at least that's working ).
Regarding the white screen - this sometimes also occurs. I can force it to white screen by putting a little pressure on the silver panel surrounding the top, right and bottom of the screen (I have an imate jasjam). Randomly when there's no pressure on the rim and I wake it out of standby, it has a white screen that can only be fixed by turning the screen off and on again.
Finally, the LED indicator seems screwy. Sometimes it never flashes. Other times it flashes sporadically (uneven intervals - we're talking maybe a minute between one flash then seconds before another). When I charge it sometimes the LED doesn't come on but nevertheless it charges. Sometimes if the LED is on it never turns green to indicate a full charge. Yet other times it comes on orange, turns green, then never switches off!
Is it possible that
a) The hardware button problems.
b) The white screen problem.
c) The LED problem.
are all related to some kind of connection going loose? Why would the hardware button problem be temporarily fixable with use of the scroll wheel if this were the case?
The other thread has fallen silent. I'm hoping that some of the gurus in here can offer some input here, even if they don't know the answer but can formulate an opinion. I know very little about these devices.
Thanks in advance guys!
PS - don't really know if I should start another thread, I've posted here as it seems like very much the same issue.
Anybody any idea? advice?
I had a similar problem with my HERM100. I didn't mess around with it too much, I just had Cingular replace it out of warranty exchange (thank god those original ROMs are on the wiki ). I did notice however that after doing a master reset, the screen would function again although I haven't messed around with it too much. I got so frustrated with removing the battery for 5 minutes and STILL powering on with a white screen that I just threw it in my back seat until the new one arrived.
I don't have these screen issues. I only have hardware button problems. It's so damn frustrating! I already own a replacement.
I just received a call from my girlfriend. I wasn't able to answer the phone with the buttons, only with a screentap. I also wasn't able to close the call with the hardware button. Since the side buttons work, I went to settings -> phone, closed it, and there we go. The hardware buttons worked again.
Why the heck is this? I truly hope for some wizz out there with some advice, since HTC would only tell me to send it back after replacing it with a new TyTN with same issues.
Anyone anyone?
barncourt said:
Hi. This sounds very similar to a problem that I experienced with a HERMES100. I bought the phone off someone on Ebay recently - someone had obviously scrambled the radio on it. I re-flashed it, and it sprang to life. However, after a couple of days, I experienced a problem where occasionally the LCD would stop refreshing, all the pixels faded away leaving only a white screen. Under these circumstances, some of the buttons on the phone stopped working. Turning phone on/off sometimes cured the problem, or it would require the occasional hard reset. This would happen once or twice a day and I suspect thats why someone tried to re-flash the phone.
In the end, out of curiosity I took the entire phone apart, put it all back together again and now there are no more problems!! Totally fixed!
My suspicion is that it was one of the ribbon cable push connectors on the mainboard - possibly not seated properly, or a bit of dirt contaminating the connection. Obviously when I took the phone apart I must have re-seated it.
If you are planning to take your phone apart, please exercise considerable care because some of the parts are very small and easily damaged. I would recommend buying a proper kit to take it apart. I bought mine for about £5 off ebay. Particularly useful are the plastic spoon "wedges" used to gently prise open the case after removing the screens. Don't use a screwdriver - you will scratch the case.
Good luck.
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This is my first post as I've so far managed to cure all my issues from just reading the forum. However, I am now having a similar problem with the white screen.
I have a cingular 8525. It fell and the following day the call and end buttons remained lit and wouldn't turn off and they also wouldn't work.
I soft reset, nothing, I then removed the battery and when I turned it back on, there was a white screen and the buttons below still don't work.
I have read the other posts on this issue, but I need help on exactly what kit to buy to reconnect the screen cable and instructions on how to do it as I've never taken apart a phone before, although I have dabbled with other electronic devices.
Your help would be much appreciated, as I am in Jamaica and there are no technicians here who I trust to help.
Thanks in advance.
Below are links to 2 kits I'm thinking of getting. Is either one better than the other?
This is my first post as I've so far managed to cure all my issues from just reading the forum. However, I am now having a similar problem with the white screen.
I have a cingular 8525. It fell and the following day the call and end buttons remained lit and wouldn't turn off and they also wouldn't work.
I soft reset, nothing, I then removed the battery and when I turned it back on, there was a white screen and the buttons below still don't work.
I have read the other posts on this issue, but I need help on exactly what kit to buy to reconnect the screen cable and instructions on how to do it as I've never taken apart a phone before, although I have dabbled with other electronic devices.
Your help would be much appreciated, as I am in Jamaica and there are no technicians here who I trust to help.
Thanks in advance.
Below are links to 2 kits I'm thinking of getting. Is either one better than the other?
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Both kits look ok. PDA one tells you a little more but the basics appear to be in both.
I'm curious though you soft reset and took the battery out, but have you done a HARD reset? I would always try this first before dismantling.
In my case, they also are always lit up when the screen is also active.
And no matter what ROM version, they occasionally stop responding. Side buttons keep working.
mikechannon said:
Both kits look ok. PDA one tells you a little more but the basics appear to be in both.
I'm curious though you soft reset and took the battery out, but have you done a HARD reset? I would always try this first before dismantling.
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Thanks for the response.
I couldn't do a hard reset because the buttons weren't working.
I have made some progress with the phone now. Found a tech guy who looked at it for me. The white screen is gone, but the buttons still stop working from time to time.
All the connections seem ok.
Is there anything else that could cause the buttons to malfunction?
Thanks for the response.
I couldn't do a hard reset because the buttons weren't working.
I have made some progress with the phone now. Found a tech guy who looked at it for me. The white screen is gone, but the buttons still stop working from time to time.
All the connections seem ok.
Is there anything else that could cause the buttons to malfunction?
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Nothing obvious.
Have you got applications installed that you have loaded - could be one thats playing up.
Have you now been able to do a hard reset?
If taking device apart and reassembling improved things it does suggest hardware though and might be worth double checking all those multi-connector blocks for good connections - i.e. take them out and in a few times to ensure any oxidation on contacts is removed.
mikechannon said:
Nothing obvious.
Have you got applications installed that you have loaded - could be one thats playing up.
Have you now been able to do a hard reset?
If taking device apart and reassembling improved things it does suggest hardware though and might be worth double checking all those multi-connector blocks for good connections - i.e. take them out and in a few times to ensure any oxidation on contacts is removed.
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Thanks Mike.
I will give that a shot.
I haven't installed any new applications recently, so I don't think it is a software issue.
Thanks again.
Thanks Mike.
I will give that a shot.
I haven't installed any new applications recently, so I don't think it is a software issue.
Thanks again.
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If it wouldn't be a software issue, why is it, in my case, instantly resolved when going to settings -> phone with the side buttons?
i had this problem i took it to a guy who fixed the problem he said it was a very small tear in the flex cable which causes this white screen every now ant then and the buton problem , sorry to say its the cable problem and u need a very capable person to fix it or replace it with a new one . its very common problem baised on the guy who fixed it .
dmxl said:
I don't have these screen issues. I only have hardware button problems. It's so damn frustrating! I already own a replacement.
I just received a call from my girlfriend. I wasn't able to answer the phone with the buttons, only with a screentap. I also wasn't able to close the call with the hardware button. Since the side buttons work, I went to settings -> phone, closed it, and there we go. The hardware buttons worked again.
Why the heck is this? I truly hope for some wizz out there with some advice, since HTC would only tell me to send it back after replacing it with a new TyTN with same issues.
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Exactly what is happening to me, no white screen issues, just screen taps and answering calls, I also have another problem where the PDA will not allow me to open anything, be it the start menu or contacts, it will open and quickly close again. I have had mine swapped through Telstra in Sydney, it worked fine for a while and then the same crap again. These problems started before I even touched the OS, so it must be a build problem. Maybe we should write a joint letter to HTC letting them know that there is a serious problem with their machine.
I have had the same problem, got my Tytn through work so we sent it back to the company that supplied it to us. Got it back yesterday and they had replaced the "switchboard". Not sure what it is but there was the problem. Had white screen and buttons not working.

Lights keep flashing off and on while using the slide out keyboard

Guys I have an issue with my Cingular 8525 while using the slide out keyboard the screen light keeps blinking off and on. Any suggestions
There are some issues with specif ROM's so it might be helpful to give some more info:
~What threads have you read or what have you tried to resolve your issue?
~What ROM are you using?
~What changes to the ROM you made?
~When did this occur? After making changes?
~New applications added?
~Did it ever work correctly?
There are known problems with the ATT 8525 keyboard lighting and there are many many fixes / patches to work your problem out. I too had a problem and found that I need to change the power saving settings for the keyboard to keep the keyboard lit while using it.
PS: vp3G's thread has a lot of good info.
Good Luck!
Its not the keyboard light thats keep flashing off and on its the display light. It does not happen all the time though. I have tried several different roms.
ruff_ryder_v12 said:
Its not the keyboard light thats keep flashing off and on its the display light. It does not happen all the time though. I have tried several different roms.
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Possibly a hardware problem - loose multi connector.
Sorry Ruff Ryder Mis-Read your question
No worries Jac
mikechannon how can I fix this
ruff_ryder_v12 said:
mikechannon how can I fix this
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Well if you have a warranty then use it.
Otherwise it's a repair shop or DIY.
If it's DIY then see here to download the service manual and see dismantling guides. Th manual also has a dismantling guide:
Points to consider!
It might turn out to be something other than a loose connector (a crack in the PCB just as an example - so re-firming connectors might have no effect.
Just possible dismantling could make the problem worse if it's a poor board conncetion or crack
You need to weigh up the possible consequences of it ending up worse against how bad it is now!
You would need to firmly press in/check all connectors between and at the screen and m/board. Sometimes it's more effective to remove the connector and re-insert. The only thing is some can be awkward (rather than difficult) to re-insert.
Thanks a lot mike I will definately try this
Please keep in mind this could be a software problem.
Ik have the same issue. I have Schap's 3.57a firmwarw (radio
I have the send SMS button connected to the left text button. When I press the button and I open the keyboard and start typing my display backlight goes off, the phone is reacting slow (text doesn't apprear and then all I typed appears very quickly and the backlight goes back on. This is NOT a hardware issue, it is a Software issue!
I personally don't have a problem with it (i wait another 2 seconds) but I do not recommend opening your phone and violating your warranty if you have exactly the same symptoms.
If you backlight goes back on without having to touch the display it is not a broken flatcable.
Broken flatcables result in flickering backlight when you touch the broken parts (cq keyboard).
Sorry for my bad english, Dutch is my native language.

Have to Align Screen again and again - it Annoys me

Hey i don't know what happened to my Wizard but suddenly after installing two Alarm Clock softwares i just started losing my Screen Alignment. To fix it i even tried re flashing my Wizard but this time the problem started early and without installing those programs. Did anyone of you have the same problem?? If you do have a patch do post it in reply. Cause after using the ROM I'm using now all the other ROMs seem to be too Slow.
NOTE: Information about my Wizard is updated and in my signature.
Thanks in Advance.
Have you ckecked the connection between the screen and the print? Maybe it has a bed contact?
If you still have warranty, the you better send your phone back to let it repair
good luck
jordyk said:
Have you ckecked the connection between the screen and the print? Maybe it has a bed contact?
If you still have warranty, the you better send your phone back to let it repair
good luck
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Hey im sure that there are no problem with the HARDWARE cause if there were problems with the hardware then it should not even work after i align screen and secondly if you know any ROM faster than mine (mentioned in my sign) cause when i switch to nayother ROM they seem to be too slow.
xda2_haseeb said:
Hey im sure that there are no problem with the HARDWARE cause if there were problems with the hardware then it should not even work after i align screen and secondly if you know any ROM faster than mine (mentioned in my sign) cause when i switch to nayother ROM they seem to be too slow.
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but you said that you heve the problem with all the roms, isn't it? so then it must be a hardware problem?
xda2_haseeb said:
Hey im sure that there are no problem with the HARDWARE
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Well there's your problem right there. Anyone that sure of anything can't be right about it.
Seriously though. This sounds like an intermittent fault, and that is the domain of hardware failures. This kind of thing happens when hardware ages. Especially around things with moving parts. That slide-out keyboard wreaks havoc on the ribbon over time, and eventually, they just give out. You may have one that's merely loose, or it may be getting ready to break, or it may already be broken and just touching often enough to make you think it's okay.
The chances of this being firmware or driver-related are really slim. If that was the case, the error would be constant, not intermittent.
Myrddin Wyllt said:
Well there's your problem right there. Anyone that sure of anything can't be right about it.
Seriously though. This sounds like an intermittent fault, and that is the domain of hardware failures. This kind of thing happens when hardware ages. Especially around things with moving parts. That slide-out keyboard wreaks havoc on the ribbon over time, and eventually, they just give out. You may have one that's merely loose, or it may be getting ready to break, or it may already be broken and just touching often enough to make you think it's okay.
The chances of this being firmware or driver-related are really slim. If that was the case, the error would be constant, not intermittent.
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hey i guess that SLIM chance has won i installed another ROM ( Its been a day and its working f9.
jordyk said:
but you said that you heve the problem with all the roms, isn't it? so then it must be a hardware problem?
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Sorry! but i dont guess i said that anywhere by reflashing i meant reflashing the same ROM. If the problem still presists then it might be a HARDWARE fault but for now its working pretty fine.
Forgot one thing, if this is an HARDWARE issue then is it fixable?? if yes how?
hey man i had this annoying issue whenever i remove the battery..but it should be OK when u do alignment a couple of time repeatedly...try it and post the results here..
I have had alignment problems for a long time. Clearly mine is hardware related, since stock and custom ROMs both show the same problem. Sometimes I'll go for months with no problem, and then I'll have to start realigning several times a day. Thank god for smartskey, otherwise I could rarely close a program. I was told that it was probably a hardware problem and that it would've been covered under warranty (if I was still under warranty), but I never sent it off. Somebody else told me once that It was probably due to there being pressure put on the edges of the screen from the frame around the screen, and if I disassembled it, made sure the seal/padding wasn't touching the touch-sensitive part and then reassembled it, I should be fine. But I looked up the process in the service manual, and WOW it looked like a lot of work with a lot of places where I could screw up the phone, so I just live with it. Sometimes sliding it open and closed would totally mess it up. It seems to help if I just squeeze the edges of the screen to really "seat" it, and then align. Then it seems to stay pretty well aligned for a good while. Good luck!
I cooked up a ROM and installed it and it works now i dont have the problem. Please try my ROM and give me feedback link to it exists in my signature. Thanks. TC

