Calendar Agenda not showing everything - HD2 General

How come when I go to the agenda view in the calendar it only shows this week's appointments? I've got stuff in there for next tuesday/wednesday and you can view it in the monthly view but it won't appear in the agenda.
Is this fixable?

I believe that Agenda view can only show appointments for a total of 7 days, at least in the 1.48 ROM with Calender View update. It doesn't seem like a fault that's fixable, more like an intended design that doesn't meet your requirements. I don't know if their is a registry setting to modify it. Maybe a 3rd party application would suit your needs?


List of Calendar Appointments ?

What is the best application which will allow viewing a list of calendar appointments between two dates on one screen ?
(Correct me if I am wrong, but WM5 does not allow you to see a list of calander appointments from different days on the same screen).
Thanks in advance for your advice.
Pocket Breeze
My calendar is free and does that, see here

Looking for calendar plugin

Does anyone know, is there a plug in for the calendar that will let me assign say an H for holiday for a new entry, and let me see it in the month view, it's a pain only seeing a square for all entry's.
Pocket Informant (PIM) and Pocket Breeze (Today Plugin) allow you to assign icons to categories. These can show on your calendar. Also can assign colors to the categories so the timeline on each day you can see the colors at a glance to know if its personal, business, family, or whatever you create categories for...
Thanks for that, I will have a look at them.
One note to add
mfrazzz said:
Pocket Informant (PIM) and Pocket Breeze (Today Plugin) allow you to assign icons to categories. These can show on your calendar. Also can assign colors to the categories so the timeline on each day you can see the colors at a glance to know if its personal, business, family, or whatever you create categories for...
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You can tell Outlook to add holidays to your calendar so that when using either of these, (I am using both btw) you will have holidays listed in your device's calendar.
Once outlook adds the holidays you simply have to assign an icon and/or a color for the holidays category.

birthday reminder

I like on the Xperia thht in the calender, when somebody has Bithday it shows you the age. I have two problems:
1) If I look the month it doens't show when somebody has birthday, I have to check every single day, which I sometime forget on weekends. Is this changeble?
2) I have a german Xperia and the birthday are written like this: Birthday of sbd. If the name is long it's like this: Birthday of Jimmy Exempl... The name is too long and I can't see the person's age anymore. Tapping on the "appointment" won't help either. How could I see the age?
On mine I don't even see birthdays or anniversaries showing up on my calendars even though they are on the contact info. How do I make them show up with a reminder?
rambalu80 said:
On mine I don't even see birthdays or anniversaries showing up on my calendars even though they are on the contact info. How do I make them show up with a reminder?
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Sync it with Outlook, then they are shown like appointments. Don't know if that's a bug or a feature from WM, but it works this way.
skycamefalling said:
Sync it with Outlook, then they are shown like appointments. Don't know if that's a bug or a feature from WM, but it works this way.
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Will try that when I get home from work! Thanks!
rambalu80 said:
On mine I don't even see birthdays or anniversaries showing up on my calendars even though they are on the contact info. How do I make them show up with a reminder?
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Same problem here. I have lots os contacts with birthday but they dont show up in the calendar
I use spb shell as a panel, and I would like to see highlight of birthdays, although I even dont see any highlight in this panel calendar.
Is there a way to resolve this?
Thks in advance
i think that you should use today agenda as it has many featuers when it comes to displaying calendar entryes. The downside is that you can use it only in normal Today screen.
I synchronized all contacts and birthdays with Outlook 2007 and everything is shown in my calendar ( "Name Surname (Year)"). At midnight I get a notifcation "Birthday of Name Surname". That's okay, but I will see the birthdays in my "ToDo-List" / list of appointments one or two days BEFORE!
I don't need a notification ad midnight or 10:00 am "TODAY: Your wifes birthday!" That's too late
Any ideas how to get them in the list of appointments?
Use another software as calendar replacement, like Pocket Informant or Agenda Fusion, or Agenda One, or Agendus Pro (probably there are other software that can do it). They can do it easily without any sync with a pc.

Agenda for the whole year in calendar

I know that neither default calendar nor Microsoft calendar can display a list of events in agenda for the whole year or more.
The questions is is it possible to hack this? or use another third party calendar?
Another feature I miss is that the dates where events are present are NOT marked in a "year view". Say, in default HTC calendar days which contain events could be RED, days without event default black. Would be nice?
htchd2na said:
I know that neither default calendar nor Microsoft calendar can display a list of events in agenda for the whole year or more.
The questions is is it possible to hack this? or use another third party calendar?
Another feature I miss is that the dates where events are present are NOT marked in a "year view". Say, in default HTC calendar days which contain events could be RED, days without event default black. Would be nice?
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It would be very nice indeed. Until that happens, try using Manila Today Page and putting Today Agenda as the plugin for it.

[Q] view past agenda in calendar

I would like to know if it is possible to revisit past events that had been set in my calendar using the agenda view?
I use the calendar to track my work. Sometimes I just need help to recall what I did on which day.
The only way I can do that is to pick specific dates from past months, until I find the one(s) that I need.
Is there any other method?

