Stopped reading sim - Click General

Hey People,
a annoying problem suddenly popped up the other day.
my fiancés rather new (3 weeks old) tattoo just stopped reading the sim.
there where no precursor to the incident or any visibel "malfunction" and it hasn't been bumped, beaten, or broken in anyway.
i have yet to try a hardreset on the phone. i would rather not have to do that if it can at all be avoided.
have any of you experienced this or heard about it? or might you have a solution that does not require a hard reset?
i am all ears this is very strange.
best regards


Jasjar Imate Screen Freezing

I have owned an Imate Jasjar since the beginning of 2006 and all was well up until about a week ago when I would be in the middle using it and the screen would freeze and or go to a solid color (mainly blue or gray). It would do this with hardly any programs running and plenty of storage space. It even does it after perfoming a hard reset. I have not dropped it or abused it in any way. I have thought that it may be the battery, but could it being so new? Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Hi bigvision!
I am not familiar with this type of problem, sorry, but any problem that persists after hard reset is most likely a hardware problem.
Since your device is only 4 month old, and you haven't damaged it in any way it should still be under warranty. I think the best thing might be to get it checked in a certified lab.
Dang! Well I guess I'll have to bite the bullet and send it off. Thanks for the imput. FYI I was talking to another aquantence of mine over the phone and when I told him my problem, he immediately thought it was a virus??? What do you think?

Internal phone speaker doesn't work

Hi everyone,
I have a problem with my XDA Exec, basically, the internal phone speaker doesn't seem to work. External one is fine (the one on the outside of the case) but the one next to the screen does nothing.
It did work when I first bought it. I have since upgraded to the latest o2 rom. However I cannot remember if it stopped working exactly then or later!! Daft I know!
So I just wanted to ask if anyone else had this problem after upgrading the rom (I am using 1.30.107 WWE, radio version 1.09.00), and if so, is there a way to fix it? If there is no one else with this then I guess it is a hardware fault and will return it for repair, but wanted to check.
Anyone? I don't mind if the answer is just "Mine works fine", I just want to know if anyone else has experienced this with the same rom version as mine, before I condemn it and return it to the shop.
I have the same o2 rom as you mentioned, and have encountered no problems. Im sure its a hardware problem, caused by dropping the phone etc, rather than a software one.
o2 offer a free replacement within 1 month if you got it directly from them, or I suppose you could get it repaired from somewhere. Im not sure if the speaker is covered under warranty, but might be worth a shot!
Thanks. I have had it about 4 months now I think, I would bloody hope the speaker is covered by the warranty though, phone ain't much use without it :shock:
By the way, are you sure the incall volume is turned up!!! Just making sure!
If it is, why not try a hard reset just to see if it helps!
Just gone through the same problem.
First of all try to put the jack of the headset inside the hole and twistle it.
If it doesn't solve the problem, I'm afraid you need a replacement.
I had the same problem a week ago. Every speaker worked, except the one next to the display. The problem appeared somehow over night ... I definitely didn't drop the phone or did something "rude" with it.
Unfortunately, I don't have the original headset to exercise this plugin/plugout/twisteling method as mentioned by lautunno, so I tried this with a regular headphone. Without direct success
A hard reset didn't change anything.
... but after a few days of trying almost everything, the speaker started to work again and still works without any interruptions :?
I'm not sure if it's really hardware related because there are so many people with the same problem and almost everyone of them has fixed the problem by just powercycling the phone many times, plugging the headset in and out, fiddling around with the phone app, etc.
As far as I know, the radio firmware is responsible for addressing this speaker (because it's only useable as a phone speaker) and this part of the device firmware doesn't get resetted when you do a hard reset. Maybe it stores some settings (like headphone mode?) in an EEPROM or something like this.
Anyway, good luck and keep trying.
ps.: I'm also using the O2 firmware (1.30.96 GER) but I've upgraded the radio stack to version 1.11.00.

my radio dying?

I've been experiencing a lot of radio issues lately. It'll work fine for a day or two, then show no signal and an 'x' in the data icon for a day or so, then suddenly start working. It's not affected by a reset.
i've flashed 4 different radios on it, and they all behave the same. i also have a Tilt and it maintains a connection while the 8525 does not.
could the antenna be loose inside? do you think the radio is going out?
Same problem here any progress? It do not have signal, then have signal...
same problem for me... please someone help us :-(
christmas is coming
Try flashing 1.48.00
Same problem here for about a month. Odd.
tighten sim card holder
I spent weeks reinstalling radios and roms and almost $100 trying to fix this problem. I finally tightened the sim card holder and it fixed all my "no GSM" and spotty coverage issues. The sim card is held in by two tin brackets. I bent them down a bit so the card was held in more secure and all my problems were gone! I really thought it was a software problem. It really still doesn't make sense because I had the problem with or without a sim card in it. But, who cares, now it works! God is good!
I saw this thread and its the same problem i was having, read through it and saw the post about bending the sim card holders down a bit and it actually worked, thanks for the idea
Hi I did the same thing. It worked for a while but started again. After opening the phone a hundred times, flashing a hundreds radios etc what i did and worked was clean the sim card with an eraser. Trust me, u will not get no gsn again and always give u a signal.
I have similar symptoms, although the major difference is that the device crashes and does a hard reset by itself.
Still, I'll try bending the SIM holders; there's nothing to loose at that stage...

Hero problem - button backlite is gone, and headphone detection system also

I saw on few websites people complained about this issue. Well some of them at least.
Does anyone has a slightest idea if this is a hardware or software issue?
I tried hard restarting the phone - nothing happens.
When i insert the headphones, nothinghappens. I installed that toggleheadset program, and all it does it enables me to hear sound through headset, but when i try skipping the song from the headset button, it does nothing.
Also, trackball backlight and button lights are out.
Its a 2 days old phone, i dont like the facts that i will give them a 2 days old phone to repair and then get it back. I bought the new phone...
Anyone has an idea? Is there any chance that this new software patch will fix this?
thanks in advance
well, first of all, report the problem to HTC....most people seem to complain on forums, but not to HTC, so it leaves an impression of a problem affecting only a few people, when it's not :/
second, i can only quote what they answered me:
We have received very, very few queries regarding the issue you are facing, so I thank you for taking the time in reporting it to us.
For the above reason, I can not confirm if a software fix is on its way, and indeed if HTC will play a part in this release. I have taken the liberty of passing this issue on to our developers for their consideration.
Thanks for your answer.
Actually i did contact HTC, out of the same reason you stated here. and here is what ive got:
Dear valued HTC customer,
Thank you for contacting our Customer Support Center. We are dedicated to providing you with the best quality service and answering all of your questions and concerns.
We would recommend you to hard reset your device. If this does not help please contact us in order to book your phone into repair .
If the above steps do not resolve your issue, we invite you to visit the support area on our Web site. Please go to:
i would just like to know if its a software or hardware issue.. but seems to me that its hardware.. not sure though..
i think it's software, otherwise that Toggle wouldn't do anything, what i don't get is why hard resets don't help....thought maybe there was something on the original SD card and formatting/changing it maybe lost us something important, but that seems unlikely :/
Mine got sent back to HTC over a week ago apparently they are INVESTIGATING!
why this stops T Mobile from giving me a replacement is a *&^&**^%$ mystery to me !
will bell them this week ....................ON MY OLD VIEWTY get an update
I did sent mine back to the reseller here in Netherlands. Within two days I got a brand new one.
Everything seems to be working allright but the issue appeared three days after I turned it on so now is my second day. Fingers crossed tomorrow.......
Good luck. I think HTC received a lot complaints about this issue last week. I heard my reseller said they had three broken Hero's last week.
Its a hardware fault with a board that connects to the main PCB. Send it back for a refund/replacement. You shouldnt have to go the waranty route since it was obviously faulty when you got it. Even if it happened after 2 days, 2 weeks, 2 months or 6 months, it should not fail that quickly. The law is on your side.
I'm pretty sure HTC know about this problem since its all over the net now!

SM-N910F "No Sim Inserted" Issues

As the title suggests, my phone is coming up with "No SIM Inserted" warnings, and forces me to restart two or three times to get the problem to go away. This happens pretty much daily, at the minimum.
Restarting takes an annoying amount of battery and time, so it's a bit of a pain. The SIM eventually works, but it's not a good sign.
Since the card eventually works, I'd imagine that this is some sort of Firmware issue? My internet is horrible, so downloading it from sammobile would take forever. So I thought that I'd come get your guys opinion on it first on whether it's a hardware issue, or a software issue.. I've noticed a lot of other phones (such as the S4) having this issue, and I'm wondering if anyone has had any experience on fixing it?
It's unrooted so it's still under warranty.
zaslamel42 said:
As the title suggests, my phone is coming up with "No SIM Inserted" warnings, and forces me to restart two or three times to get the problem to go away. This happens pretty much daily, at the minimum.
Restarting takes an annoying amount of battery and time, so it's a bit of a pain. The SIM eventually works, but it's not a good sign.
Since the card eventually works, I'd imagine that this is some sort of Firmware issue? My internet is horrible, so downloading it from sammobile would take forever. So I thought that I'd come get your guys opinion on it first on whether it's a hardware issue, or a software issue.. I've noticed a lot of other phones (such as the S4) having this issue, and I'm wondering if anyone has had any experience on fixing it?
It's unrooted so it's still under warranty.
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First thing I would try is clean the sim card then factory reset with the sim inserted. I had to do this with mine (once) but thought it was just a glitch so never posted about it. After that I'd try another sim to test the handset or replace the sim card if it was the same.
Had this problem in one of my older phones, can't remember which.
At some point your SIM will stop working altogether and reboots just won't fix it anymore.
I contacted my provider and asked for a new SIM and that solved my problem.
I think it's worth getting a new SIM, or at least trying with a different one.
launton said:
First thing I would try is clean the sim card then factory reset with the sim inserted. I had to do this with mine (once) but thought it was just a glitch so never posted about it. After that I'd try another sim to test the handset or replace the sim card if it was the same.
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I'm not sure how I'd clean it, exactly. So I just sorta blew on it, and the tray. If it happens again I'll probably just get a new SIMcard.
iridaki said:
Had this problem in one of my older phones, can't remember which.
At some point your SIM will stop working altogether and reboots just won't fix it anymore.
I contacted my provider and asked for a new SIM and that solved my problem.
I think it's worth getting a new SIM, or at least trying with a different one.
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The SIM is barely a year old, so it's a bit of a pain if I'll have to get a new one. However, it'd cost me nothing to get a new one, anyway.
Thanks a lot for your input. It only started happening about a week or two ago, so it probably is the SIM.
zaslamel42 said:
The SIM is barely a year old, so it's a bit of a pain if I'll have to get a new one. However, it'd cost me nothing to get a new one, anyway.
Thanks a lot for your input. It only started happening about a week or two ago, so it probably is the SIM.
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When I had that issue, it was with a few days old SIM, sometimes they're just defective. I know what you mean about the hassle though.
iR¡[email protected]!* from Galaxy Note 4 via Tapatalk
Clean the SIM with a pencil eraser.
