How to Tether Internet Share Bluetooth WIFI / Modem with ATT Tilt 2 - Touch Pro2, Tilt 2 Themes and Apps

I refer the below thread
This thread suggested "How to tether Internet share via USB Cabel"
2. HKLM\Comm\InternetSharing\ForceCellConnection change to "MEdia Net"
I have done small change above one to connect internet via Bluetooth Modem. It works for me !!
If you done this change, you will be connect internet only via Bluetooth only. If you want to use again USB. again you need to replace "USB".
Is any way can access either one without change regedit ?

Here is the steps to connect Internet share from your Mobile
Settings --> Bluetooth --> ON
Not Discoverable --> select visible for 60 Seconds
Now goto your laptop and connect to this device with giving password.
So now your device and laptop connected. But still need to share the internet
Bluetooth --> Network Manager --> Select Share Internet Connection
Now your device try to connect your laptop (hope u have done authentication with device).
Now goto laptop check your ip address by giving ipconfig, which displays ur ip address, default gateway.
If you don't see Default Gateway ip address, you are not connected ineter with your device.


Can't access network via Widcomm Bluetooth

I’m using a Dynamode usb Bluetooth dongle with Widcomm on WinXP and the bluetoothgps files on my XDA II. I'm trying to access my LAN and the internet using the Network Access profile, but so far I can’t even ping between the XDA and PC.
I've set up OBEX File Transfer and it works fine in both directions. I go to the Bluetooth Manager, add a new connection, browse the services of my PC and add Network Access. I authorise the connection on the PC then the network connection bubble appear on the XDA but it never connects. I've read on several guides that a specific IP address needs to be given, that’s fine, I want to use static IP addresses. So I go to connection settings for BT Network Access and on the Advanced page set the IP address to I've set the username and password to an account on the PC that has access to everything. On my PC, in network connections I give the Bluetooth Network IP and my LAN connection (the subnet mask is for all of them). When I try to connect again, it succeeds, but using vxUtil I get timeouts when l try to ping the PC and vice-versa.
I've also tried it the other way round, setting up the Personal Network Server in Bluetooth Settings and connecting from the PC. In connection settings->Advanced->Network card->BT PAN User Driver I've set the IP address to Again it connects fine, but I can’t ping.
I've also tried the Activesync profile (although this is less important as I can activesync over the network if I get it working). I'm sure I've set Activesync to use the right comm port, but it just says the device is not recognised for one of two reasons.....
This is really frustrating me now, I've tried reinstalling the BT software on the PC side and I’ve tried different versions, but I get the same result every time. I’ve followed several step by step guides on how to do this but still no luck. If anyone's got any ideas please let me know!!
-Tom. A
Check out this tutorial:
That was the first tutorial i tried, everything works fine until I ping the PC or XDA and I get nothing
-Tom. A
I can ping from my Xda2 to Pc and the same from pc to xda2,everything seems to work fine but..
using resco explorer (trial) It can't find any network pcs.
What's wrong? someone can help me?

Still having problems connecting to open wifi

I have a problem with my Cingular 8125.
I can connect to my wep-enabled wireless router at home and get internet access. I can connect to the internet via edge using a cell call. But I can not connect to an open wifi source.
Under Network Managment -- Programs that automatically connect to the internet should connect using: I setup a connection that I named "wifi only", and under proxy settings I checked "This network connects to the internet".
Under Network Managment -- Programs that automatically connect to a private network should connect using: My ISP
What more do I need to do here to make this thing connect to a simple open wifi source?
Thanks for any suggestions.
First of:
Does the device connect to the 'open WiFi source' (the icon with the antenna and two little arrows appears in the task bar)?
Second are you sure the source is open? Some networks filter devices by MAC address. The network will appear as open but will not let you connect unless your MAC is registered.
Finally try this:
under Programs that automatically connect to the internet should connect using: select 'My ISP' and select this network connects to: 'the internet'.
I finally gave up and cleared everything (for the third time) and it connects to open wireless networks like it's supposed to. I don't know what the problem was, but it's fine now.
Thanks for the reply.

WIFI Internet Connection

Hi guys,
I've got a netopia router (Irish "eircom" broadband) and while normal internet connections via laptop or PC (with USB Wifi dongle) work fine I just can't get my XDA Mini S to actually access the internet. I have managed to actually get it to connect via WIFI however when I launch internet explorer and click on a link it says it can't access using this connection.
"Can't connect with current connection settings. To change you connection settings, tap Settings".
Under connections I'm not sure what to select as I don't believe I need to setup a modem connection or VPN - am I wrong here??
It shows "connected" in the WIFI settings, indicating my SSID etc. Could someone advise me on what else I need to set. Basically I'm obtaining an IP address and my laptop etc work fine, just wondering what more I need to do to bash internet explorer into submission on the XDA. Is is just me or are Microsoft making this very hard on the normal user..
Start--> settings -->Wireless Lan
SSID is correct.. i.e my Wireless LAN
Mode : infrastructure
BSSID is set (though I don't know what this indicates)
TX Rate :auto
Channel :7
Start--> settings -->Wireless Lan - Advanced Tab
Status : Associated to Network
MAC number given
IP address given (so I guess DHCP is working fine)
Leap tab and Enroll tab - all settings blank.
Start --> settings --> system --. Network cards
SSID shows Connected
Under Network Adapters tab : My network card connects to the Internet.
Adapter NE2000 Compatible Ethernet Driver. (not sure what difference this makes????)
I temporarily disabled WEP for the purposes of simplifying things.
Simple yet very annoying problem:
Go to Settings->connections->connections->advanced->network selection and make sure both combos read 'My ISP'.
Then, when connecting to your WiFi network select 'This network connects to the internet' (as I understand you already have this set under 'network adapters' so it should be ok).
levenum said:
Simple yet very annoying problem:
Go to Settings->connections->connections->advanced->network selection and make sure both combos read 'My ISP'.
Then, when connecting to your WiFi network select 'This network connects to the internet' (as I understand you already have this set under 'network adapters' so it should be ok).
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thank you so very much I have been look for this forever!!!
thanks so much for the tip too. i've been trying to fix my wifi ever since i upgraded to windows mobile 6 and this did the trick.

USB to wifi dongle

I've got a USB to WiFi dongle , D-LINK DWL-G122 , and I want to use with my PC so i wiil be able to connect my JASJAM anywhere in my home. I've intall it on my PC with no problems. Do someone know how to config the PC ? Do I need to config anything on the JASJAM ? I have no router involves .
You need to configure ad-hoc connection
Ad Hock is done , but still no connection
I'v done so but i'm getting No connection at Wireless Network Connection 3.
Also Windows Small Office Network Wizad mention that . Any ideas how to make my D-LINK DWL-G122 connect ?
Since you've got no router in your set up, you need to set your phone's wireless network connection to only use ad-hoc connections too - go to Start | Settings | Connections tab | Wi-Fi. On that screen, change the "Networks to Access" option to "All available" or "Only computer to computer".
Then you'll need to give your phone a fixed IP address in the same range as your PC; tap the Network Adapters tab, then tap the adapter that is highlighted (it will mention 802.11 and Wi-Fi in the name somewhere!). Tap on the "Use specific IP address" and then enter one in the box below - if your PC is using e.g., then set your phone to, set the subnet mask to and the default gateway to your PC's IP address (you can find your PC's IP address by opening a command prompt and type "ipconfig" - in case you didn't know!).
That should get you most of the way there....can't think of anything else myself, but I'll post again if anything else springs to mind
OK - it is working now
Thnx for your help

Howto: Share your tethered connection with other clients via ICS

It took me a bit, but I've figured out how to share a tethered connection, such that the following setup works: I use my 8525 tethered to my laptop via USB to get an internet connection. I use XP Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) to share my internet access over a wifi ad-hoc connection so that another laptop(s) (i.e., girlfriend) can also get online.
This might not seem like much of a feat, but if you have ever tried to do it you will soon find that it is not normally possible. ICS on XP automatically sets up the host computer to act as a gateway using IP This IP cannot manually changed on XP, as far as I have been able to determine through extensive googling (the same is not true for Win98, FWIW). And the same thing occurs with Window Mobile Internet Sharing. This means that there are two gateways competing to use and the process fails with an error message saying something to that effect. I have looked high and low through the WM registry to find a way to change the IS default gateway IP, but had no luck. However the following works on the WM side to rectify the problem:
1) Enable Internet Sharing in WM6.
2) Attach to PC and wait for connection to be established.
3) In WM6, go to Settings -> Connections -> Wi-Fi. Click Network Adapters tab.
4) Set "My network connects to:" to Internet.
5) Click Remote-NDIS Host.
6) Change IP address to Click OK.
7) On PC, enable Internet Connection Sharing under the Properties for the Windows Mobile-based Internet Sharing Device. Select the network you wish to share your connection over. Either Wifo ad-hoc or Ethernet via a crossover cable.
dotFred Task Manager reports that WM is now bound to two IP addresses, and, but I have had no problems.
