I'm new to this rooting business, couple of questions. - Hero, G2 Touch General

First and foremost, I don't really need my Hero to do anything it doesn't already do. It's just, I'm very picky about aesthetics and I'm not a fan of the way the icons look on the stock ROM.
By the way I'm in the US with Sprint.
1. Do I have to root my Hero to change the theme/icons?
2. If I root my Hero can my phone become vulnerable to hackers? (Read this somewhere ... Had to do with SSH or something)
3. Will I be able to get rid of all the bundled apps like Nascar and NFL without rooting my Hero?
Thanks in advance.

Before you get all excited about rooting your phone, keep in mind, HTC should be releasing the Android 2.x early next year (as per online rumors ). If you really must have root access, tethering, or the removal of stock apps, then rooting is the way to go. The first and most important thing you must do is to install a recovery image (like RA-heroc-v1.5.2) and back up your current ROM via Nand.
1. there are some apps (at home) in the marketplace that'll allow you to change the theme and icons without rooting your phone.
2. Unless your phone is constantly connected to something like telnet (highly unlikely), you shouldn't get hacked. If you're worried, just turn off your 3G and leave your phone offline when not in use.
3. To get rid of Sprint apps, your phone will have to be rooted.
Btw, I have a GSM Hero, so there are numerous differences on what you'll get/not get on your CDMA Hero.
Go to the CDMA section and read, read, read. Don't take shortcuts, you need to be 100% sure of what you're about to do. Remember, there is a possibility that you can brick your expensive phone.
Also, read the What Can I Do With Root - INFO.

Didn't really get the telnet reference. I just want to know ... Does rooting the Hero make it easier for people to maliciously obtain personal info from the device?
If so ... Is there a step in the rooting process that prevents this? If i recall correctly, jailbroken iPhones became vulnerable to said exploits. Why would it be any different with the Hero?

i dont think so.. if you dont pay attention to the apps you download then you might get fooled.. you know.. you download a game and it asks to be allowed to view your contacts..

akin_t said:
If so ... Is there a step in the rooting process that prevents this? If i recall correctly, jailbroken iPhones became vulnerable to said exploits. Why would it be any different with the Hero?
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why would it be different? these security mechanisms were not implemented just for fun...
nevertheless you can also execute malicious apps without root. in fact i'd think that there are more approaches out there that don't need root, as they have the broader "audience".
but honestly: if you don't know what you are doing don't do it. it seems to me that you don't have a clue what rooting means, so IMHO you should read up on that topic a little more. this is not meant to sound condescending or anything, this is just a warning that you most likely will crash a few times if you dive into it head first.

Very, very true.
Don't risk making that phone of yours an expensive piece of paper-weight.
There's already loads of threads that explain the rooting process and benefits throughout this forum.

kendong2 said:
why would it be different? these security mechanisms were not implemented just for fun...
nevertheless you can also execute malicious apps without root. in fact i'd think that there are more approaches out there that don't need root, as they have the broader "audience".
but honestly: if you don't know what you are doing don't do it. it seems to me that you don't have a clue what rooting means, so IMHO you should read up on that topic a little more. this is not meant to sound condescending or anything, this is just a warning that you most likely will crash a few times if you dive into it head first.
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Oh I know what it means now, matter of fact I rooted it the other night. Read up on it and still don't understand why HTC/Sprint would deny users access to the root folder but yeah, not a problem for me anymore.


android 2.0 and rogers htc magic

simple ? do u guys think htc will also update htc magic/rogers 32a with 2.0 like the hero? im pretty sure they will but i want to know if the xda community thinks that as well.
Yeah i like to know too. would be cool to have a Eclair Magic
well, it seems like rogers doesn't give a cr*p about it's customers (i.e.,still no donut 1.6 yet...still not paid apps), so I wouldn't hold your breath for eclair or sense UI... maybe 6 months after everyone else gets it.
porky1981 said:
well, it seems like rogers doesn't give a cr*p about it's customers (i.e.,still no donut 1.6 yet...still not paid apps), so I wouldn't hold your breath for eclair or sense UI... maybe 6 months after everyone else gets it.
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The Canadian carriers are bottom feeding scum. They provide horrible levels of service at the highest rates, while making huge profits.
As a long time Rogers customer I doubt you will ever see a 2.0 update from Rogers. 6 months to 1 year after the rest of the world they will roll out a 2.0 phone and offer it as a sign your life away for another 3 years upgrade.
Root and enjoy the freedom to load and run what you want.
Rogers blows
Yeah ... I wouldn't put money on Rogers coming up with a 2.0 release any time soon.
I sent them a formal complaint about the half-assed state of their android OS (on Dream) ... all I got back was a long email full of fluff and BS. About twice the length of my complaint with absolutely no content. There wasn't a single answer to any of my questions, just the usual "valued customer" BS.
Canadian carriers are truely scum. Let's hope with Bell and Telus going GSM, this'll create some competition and things get better ... though I think it'll just turn into a group Monopoly where they all get together and find the best way to gouge the customers.
ok what about finding an official google branded rom and installing it on a 32A Magic
It not only in Canada =/
In Denmark the HTC Magic (32a) is not affected by the carriers, so its up to HTC to release ROM updates, but they never do...
Havent seen 1.6, no official HTC Sense on the way and I wont even wait for android 2.0.....
People can always say "go root and install some custom ROM". Well yeah its nice, but it will never be like having the stock ROMs =/
I have to disagree on this one.
Rooting your phone is ultimately better than having the Rogers-provided stock ROM for a number of reasons like:
- One-touch FULL backup and full RESTORE of your whole phone;
- Wireless tethering;
- Ability to go on the Market and purchase apps as required;
- App2SD and swapping capability, etc.
OK well i might be buying a 32A Magic, but i was wondering if original google ROM with OTA updates can be used on the 32A
Root account
Does unlocking root account voids the warranty?
bmassico said:
I have to disagree on this one.
Rooting your phone is ultimately better than having the Rogers-provided stock ROM for a number of reasons like:
- One-touch FULL backup and full RESTORE of your whole phone;
- Wireless tethering;
- Ability to go on the Market and purchase apps as required;
- App2SD and swapping capability, etc.
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Well yea, compared to a branded phone.
But as he said: In Denmark HTC phones are not branded, no sim-lock no nothing. Meaning the phones haven't been altered at all.
And I would rather have a rom especially built for a certain device, than a cooked version designed for a completely different one.
Just like Sense before there was an official HTC release.
Sure it was fast and most things work, however some things just could'nt be fixed properly.
Regarding wireless tether.
Would'nt it be possible to develop a program not needing root access?
Eskibo said:
Regarding wireless tether.
Would'nt it be possible to develop a program not needing root access?
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Not easily. Android is built on top of a customized Linux and the underlying permissions and rights are pretty fundamental to the OS. You could open everything up to allow non root users the access they need but I bet that "bad things" (highly technical term for difficult to debug file system changes, corruption, etc... would happen as some other poorly written program could then trash the OS. Plus you would have to deal with how the Dalvik machine sitting on top would complicate things. Perhaps once it is opened up to allow running user applications in C it might be simpler, though they are still going to be running virtual.
Much, much simpler to use SuperUser Permissions and explicitly grant access rights to specific programs.
bjtheone said:
Not easily. Android is built on top of a customized Linux and the underlying permissions and rights are pretty fundamental to the OS. You could open everything up to allow non root users the access they need but I bet that "bad things" (highly technical term for difficult to debug file system changes, corruption, etc... would happen as some other poorly written program could then trash the OS. Plus you would have to deal with how the Dalvik machine sitting on top would complicate things. Perhaps once it is opened up to allow running user applications in C it might be simpler, though they are still going to be running virtual.
Much, much simpler to use SuperUser Permissions and explicitly grant access rights to specific programs.
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Correct. Also, the wireless tether program that everyone uses is essentially just a gui for executing the necessary iptables commands to handle the routing/nat stuff. Iptables has been in existence for like 10 years now. That's way more than you can say for products like PDANet.
One of the things that makes Linux more secure than other OS's is that it inherently has user separation built in. The advantages that are gained from this far outweigh the minor inconveniences.
I checked a few days ago and the source hadn't been released yet.
Apparently someone here has ripped the 2.0 from a Moto Droid and put it on a G1 (Dream), but according to the same article it's not issue-free yet.
I'm sure Cyanogen would be on it as soon as the source is released
Sense UI on Magic
Came across this:
Sense UI on Magic
Epicardium said:
Came across this:
Sense UI on Magic
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Old news. I hasn't made it to Canada. I read somewhere that HTC may be releasing it to Rogers around Christmas.
porky1981 said:
well, it seems like rogers doesn't give a cr*p about it's customers (i.e.,still no donut 1.6 yet...still not paid apps), so I wouldn't hold your breath for eclair or sense UI... maybe 6 months after everyone else gets it.
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Actually the reason why Canada (Bell, Telus, Rogers) still don't have paid apps on their Android devices is because the Carriers want a piece of the action. They watch Apple rack in a TON of cash and now they want a cut of the profits.
Eskibo said:
Regarding wireless tether.
Would'nt it be possible to develop a program not needing root access?
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No wireless tether requires root access, there is not way to tether without it. It plays around with some settings in the phone that only root access will give you.
tozes said:
Does unlocking root account voids the warranty?
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It does, but you can always unroot if you need warranty service.

Root or No Root

Hey guys, I have been using smart phones for a while and usually get around great without rooting. I had the HTC Dream back in the day and couldnt use it without rooting, lol. I am upgrading from the G1 which has met the end of the road for me. What are the benefits of rooting? With the Vibrant which I will finally have on Tuesday, is it necessary? And if it is HIGHLY recommended, how do I go about rooting it?
i would say root it cause its really easy takes not even 5 minutes seriously lol but i would also root it cause there is lots of bloatware on this thing so many apps that arent needed
I am not generally a rooter but this one seemed so easy (and it is) that I did it.
I didn't root the phone to dig into the files, I did it just so I could install stuff that I couldn't otherwise install. It bugged me to see a cool app and then read "YOU MUST HAVE ROOT ACCESS". That's not a problem anymore.
You certainly don't lose anything by rooting so I would say go for it.
Any other disadvantages/advantages
really there are no disadvantages accept maybe warranty but i think theres a way to unroot so no probs but once everything starts picking up there will be way more advantages than disadvantages
Besides the fact of removing awful apps (Bloatware), you can use your phone to tether. Also you can use an app called SetCPU to overclock your processor to actaully use your 1GHZ processor which speeds your phone up, along with a ton of other root apps. Youll be able to flash custom ROMS, flash themes, etc. Not sure if there is a volume hack for the vibrant yet, but that has been a reason for past rooted phones as well.
I highly recommend it...
AdFree Android removes nearly all ads from websites and apps
reasons to root
1. Use apps that require root access (such as Titanium Backup and Drocap2)
2. Remove preloaded bloatware (who needs TeleNav when Google Maps Navigation is totally free?)
3. Full access to filesystem (useful for developers and general tinkerers)
reasons not to root
1. Always involves some risk (however small) of irreversibly damaging your device
2. Could void warranty or official support
3. Makes it easier for you to accidentally mess up your system.
I only rooted my mytouch and g1 phones so i can get apps2sd, wi-tethering, and overclockcpu.
however, since the upcoming froyo update will allow most of that, i chose not to root for the time being. the phone is very fast and stable for my current needs and has an ample amount of internal memory. the only other reason to root for me would be to flash roms/themes because of my dislike for Samsung's TouchWiz.
it depends on what you ultimately want to get out of your phone.
ryan562 said:
I only rooted my mytouch and g1 phones so i can get apps2sd, wi-tethering, and overclockcpu.
however, since the upcoming froyo update will allow most of that, i chose not to root for the time being. the phone is very fast and stable for my current needs and has an ample amount of internal memory. the only other reason to root for me would be to flash roms/themes because of my dislike for Samsung's TouchWiz.
it depends on what you ultimately want to get out of your phone.
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Same for me i had the g1 loved to root however i switched to unlocked iphone and now im back with the vibrant , the vibrant does everything i want now and the ease of the rooting might have me root if froyo is delayed by Tmobile or something.
Understood, also from reading I dont think there is a way to unroot the phone at all is it? And another ? since you all are being so helpful, is there already an app to at least see what speed your processor is running at. i know that task managers arent really needed, but some of them showed ur cpu speed as well as the load on it. is that something that anyone had an interest in and found. thanks for all of you all's help
Hmm, still debating on rooting. Waiting for my Froyo update. Plus I want to port my Harley-Davidson theme I made for my G1 to Vibrant. Hopefully they don't use those CRAMS files on Vibrant, cause that is when I had to stop themeing my G1. CRAMS was too difficult to mess with. Is the signing file method gonna be the same as G1, or is there a different testsign file? Plus I hope to see my stock file, plus a thinned down, less bloatware file, and themeing templates. So many factors to consider.
I say ROOT! I've never rooted a phone till this one. I just couldn't stand all the bloatware that was in this phone. They just had to be removed. Now all I'm waiting for are some sick ass ROMs I've seen done for other devices to hit this one. I'm sure I'll need help doing so, but this community has been fantastic when help is needed.
Plus side for me is that I also have a 3 week old New still in the box Nexus One as a backup phone in case I screw this one up.
I rooted mine because people kept saying you could tether, but none of the tethering apps actually WORK. They install fine, and Wireless-Tethering says it's working, but the access point never shows up. And Wired-Tethering says the kernel isn't compatible.
So I'd like to hear from any rooted users who actually got them working AND successfully tethered a laptop with it.
talltexan said:
Same for me i had the g1 loved to root however i switched to unlocked iphone and now im back with the vibrant , the vibrant does everything i want now and the ease of the rooting might have me root if froyo is delayed by Tmobile or something.
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if there's any delay on the froyo update, i'd blame it on samsung
I was hoping not to have to root the phone so soon - especially until I could reset it back and a recover like Amon's is available, but after a glorious couple of days of honeymoon, the lags are just killing the experience for me. And I don't think I have a choice now, but to root. I'll try a general reset and see if it works. I have another Vibrant that seems to be only slightly laggy. But I have to return that one and keep the problematic one :-(
Even moving icons on the desktop now takes almost 2 second. Linpack still clocks at 8.5. No problem at all playing a video - just OS operations. The camera froze for 5 minutes and I finally had to just restart the phone. Restarting the phone is not painful on this device though. Very fast.
At this time so early in Vibrant development.. it honestly doesn't really make much of a difference if you root early or root later. Just enjoy the phone for what it is as of right now until the modding community becomes settled in. Just be aware if there are any incoming OTAs if you are unrooted to make sure that the OTA didn't do anything that would change the rooting process.
- Recovery (ability to flash custom ROMs) is in the making
- Custom ROM developers -- in the makes soon
So here's the question. Should I go ahead and invest on a Vibrant (but work for it will begin when I get the Slide done) cont... about 7 hours ago via HTC Peep
If I keep getting the donations I am now, I can get the laptop along with the Vibrant, just considering the Vibrant first ...cont about 7 hours ago via HTC Peep -WesGarner
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I would personally go ahead and root it to unlock some essential applications and it takes <1 minute to do and its pretty simple. But there isn't any rush to root it now or later.. not at least CyanogenMod6 (Android 2.2) gets released for this beastly phone to have JIT.
nm found it
N8QDogg said:
Understood, also from reading I dont think there is a way to unroot the phone at all is it? And another ? since you all are being so helpful, is there already an app to at least see what speed your processor is running at. i know that task managers arent really needed, but some of them showed ur cpu speed as well as the load on it. is that something that anyone had an interest in and found. thanks for all of you all's help
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With the root method given so far, I think the only thing you have to do to unroot it is to remove Superuser Permissions. That's the only thing that the root procedure added to the phone.
I'm rooting my phone when I get it, just because to me (at least) it is a part of the true android experience. I'm just geek enough to like to play with my equipment! Hurry up T-Mobile!!!

To root or not to root?

I know most people are gonna tell me I should root my phone, but just hear me out really quickly...
I just got my Samsung Vibrant and I truly love the phone. It's a huge upgrade from my G1 in pretty much every way I can think of. I had my G1 rooted since like the second week I had it. I started off with JesusFreke's ROMs and then made my way to Cyanogen's ROMs with a few others that I tried here and there. I tried a bunch of different themes and I used quite a few root apps. I know my way around the rooted Android scene (or at least the rooted G1 scene) pretty well, but I'm not entirely sure if I want to root my Vibrant and here's why:
I'm afraid of voiding my warranty.
There's not really anything that I want to do with the phone that it can't already do (for example, it has plenty of space for apps without the need for A2SD).
I don't want to risk losing things like my text messages over and over again from switching to different ROMs (this happened to me quite a bit with my G1).
My G1's battery and overall performance were much much worse than my friends' G1s which were not rooted. I don't want this happening with my Vibrant.
Some people will think that these reasons are either unimportant or nonexistent, but I disagree. Again, before people start saying "these are the risks of rooting, deal with it or leave," I want to stress that I'm not a newbie at this.
Anyway, the main reason that I DO want to root the phone, regardless of the fact that I told myself I wouldn't, is because of all this junkware that T-Mobile preinstalled the phone. I didn't know the phone came with this crap (like GoGo, TeleNav GPS, Slacker, etc.). We all know that you can't remove this stuff without rooting...I've counted 11 apps that I want to remove from the phone because they're effectively advertisements and I don't want them. So before I make a decision, I'd like to ask some questions...
Would you root the phone if you were ME?
Is it possible to root the Vibrant, remove the apps, and then unroot it, thus leaving the apps gone?
If not ^^, then is it possible to root the Vibrant and keep the stock ROM? I really don't want any custom ROMs...I just want to remove the junkware.
I'm sorry if similar questions have been asked before, but I feel like my specific needs and concerns probably aren't shared by most of the XDA community so I created my own post...
actually I think what most are going to say is search the forum... There are several threads on the topic.
You don't have to add any roms if you're rooted. Yes you can remove the bloatware with root. Yes its easy to take your phone out of root, but with the bloatware missing its not hard to see that you have had root at one point.
I actually did root my phone just to remove the junkware....and then used titanium backup to remove what I didn't want....it took me 3 mins to root compared to the 15 mins it took for my nexus....i say its worth it....you can't even tell its rooted so I'm pretty sure the warehouse will never catch it if a exchange is ever needed.....you ll personally make up ur mind as soon as u see the cyanogen 2.2 rom come out hopefully that will be soon....I SAY GO FOR IT
Sent from my Samsung™ Vibrant using XDA App
I'm not bothering to root while I can still return the phone (1st 30 days) and not all the HW issues are know. Once a decent custom ROM is available I'll start looking into rooting, customer recovery, etc. The only thing I'm missing a bit from not being rooted is my Wifi tethering...
Thanks for the replies, guys (and/or girl(s) it looks like lol). I'm glad I wasn't destroyed by people telling me to search the forums...
I'll probably end up doing root sooner or later with very few modifications (if any). I'll wait it out a bit, though. My questions have been answered.
Thanks again!

S-off and rooting software, can it be trusted

Hi, I just wondered if all the people who use the software made by complete strangers to root there phones are concerned about the safety of the programs they use.
As most phones being rooted are Android, which I think is based on linux, can it not also install some kind of unwanted code to infect you phones software. I read somewhere that some custom roms contained viruses etc.
I would like to know what you think and learn more about how the software works and if this is actually true, thanks.
Ive flashed every rom here in the last few weeks
Still have my google account and My phone
Also nothing important on my phone - if you run a multinational company? maybe think twice
If someone has hacked me ,i make sure they have hacked the most boring person on the planet.
So i feel completely safe flashing
I cant control or guess at your level of paranoia though - so you will or you wont flash random roms to your phone
Not my paranioa, just read some things about phones that run android and that some custom roms can contain viruses, it was more like they were blaming these roms for all the viruses that infect android phones.
Thanks for your reply.
ricky20 said:
Hi, I just wondered if all the people who use the software made by complete strangers to root there phones are concerned about the safety of the programs they use.
As most phones being rooted are Android, which I think is based on linux, can it not also install some kind of unwanted code to infect you phones software. I read somewhere that some custom roms contained viruses etc.
I would like to know what you think and learn more about how the software works and if this is actually true, thanks.
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What do u mean by that. This kind of thread is already created. This is not a debatable thing.
There are great developers here who sacrifice their free time and work to bring awesome things to us. And it is up to u whether to trust them or not. I completely trust them. The ones u adressed complete strangers are really great great people here.
And i believe xda and market are completely genuine things. I never worry about that. Even if some non-functional thing is introduced here, it will be removed immediately ASAP. And lastly, it is up to u.
[IMO, android phone without xda and market = nothing]
morbosity said:
If someone has hacked me ,i make sure they have hacked the most boring person on the planet.
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Answering to the OP: you should be much more worried about what manufacturer did to your phone and its software. Manufacturer knows both of these very well and would probably plant something hard to detect, if it were to happen. Of course, the software would have much more power over the device than any virus produced by third party, like being able to brick the device.
As for your concern of lack of trustworthiness - these people are doing the hacks for long time. They are hackers, not crackers. Hackers create and mod, crackers destroy and vandalize. Do not confuse the terms, they mean opposite things. Hackers are the people who power this forum, crackers would get kicked out as soon as detected. No reason for concern. Just stick to open source ROMs and you will be safe.
One more thing if u cant believe developers then i think u must not use any cellphones as blaming developers or hackers here is equal to blaming a manufacturer who have complete control over their device. They can steal your information without informing you and send it to server of their own.
I too 100% trust developers here. It depends on u to trust or not. Android is an open source software or OS. So, u can too build your own ROM and try it. Make sure u've knowledge on this else u'll surely brick ur phone forever. So, the last option is to trust developers here!
I am not referring to any developers on this site and apologize for any offence caused, I am new to this and have just bought my first smart phone. I read an article about viruses being spread on the android market and it continued to explain how this happens but also mentioned that people using custom roms were also at risk.
I feel you've answered my question from your replies, I was always going to try custom roms but HTC's update installed a new locked boot loader. I was just curious what people thought about the methods used to gain root control, I was just trying to learn more about the whole issue. I think the people who do this sort of thing are very clever and intelligent people and admire there dedication and hard work.
Obviously you very passionate about this kind of thing and I agree entirely that manufacturers and carriers can put far worse things on my phone, thanks for your replies.
No one can say what happens when u download something from unknown xyzxyzxyzxyz.com
Only thing I can say is go with the trusted sites, where even if the so called viruses are introduced, they will be removed ASAP. That's all from my side.
Custom ROM viruses are only potentially possible and as far as I know, Cyanogenmod already fixed this. It had something to do with the encryption keys used incorrectly if I remember right.

Need Advice please, i'm a Beginner.

I cannot tell you anything specifically to your phone but I can tell you some things in general.
Some people will probably tell you that it's not worth to root your phone in 2021 but I wouldn't agree. I rooted my first phone in 2013 and I've changed tons of phones from that time never being able to go more than seven days without root. It's a kind of addiction so you will get used to feeling that phone is totally yours due to the fact you can do whatever you want with it.
It doesn't mean that it's totally safe and people who don't know what they are doing can **** the things up. It's not because of the root but it's because of the people. Some people just play with the things they shouldn't play with.
Everything considering your phone and its futures depends on the custom ROM.
You may get a totally different custom ROM which doesn't have to do anything with your current phone or you can make it literally the same one which will be rooted.
"OS" is "ROM".
Everything depends on what you can find. I don't know about every phone on this world so browse the forum and you will see.
I haven't used my phone for anything else other than entertainment so I can't really tell you anything about your work but considering that you work, depending on where you work, it may be a little bit unsafe.
dedq said:
I cannot tell you anything specifically to your phone but I can tell you some things in general.
Some people will probably tell you that it's not worth to root your phone in 2021 but I wouldn't agree. I rooted my first phone in 2013 and I've changed tons of phones from that time never being able to go more than seven days without root. It's a kind of addiction so you will get used to feeling that phone is totally yours due to the fact you can do whatever you want with it.
It doesn't mean that it's totally safe and people who don't know what they are doing can **** the things up. It's not because of the root but it's because of the people. Some people just play with the things they shouldn't play with.
Everything considering your phone and its futures depends on the custom ROM.
You may get a totally different custom ROM which doesn't have to do anything with your current phone or you can make it literally the same one which will be rooted.
"OS" is "ROM".
Everything depends on what you can find. I don't know about every phone on this world so browse the forum and you will see.
I haven't used my phone for anything else other than entertainment so I can't really tell you anything about your work but considering that you work, depending on where you work, it may be a little bit unsafe.
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thank you very much for your detailed answer @dedq
so a ROM can be replaced after rooting with something else rather than default "Android" right?
i'm a really cautious person so i wouldn't play with some setting until i know what i'm doing with it first
another thing please, do you mean by unsafe that the ROM could have vulnerability for attackers to acces my phone?
or things may get lost?
Jonsnoww said:
thank you very much for your detailed answer @dedq
so a ROM can be replaced after rooting with something else rather than default "Android" right?
i'm a really cautious person so i wouldn't play with some setting until i know what i'm doing with it first
another thing please, do you mean by unsafe that the ROM could have vulnerability for attackers to acces my phone?
or things may get lost?
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"Default Android" is your current ROM. You have ROM now as well. We have all been very cautious in the beginning with these kinds of things like flashing U systems and those kinds of things but the thing is chances are high that you will **** something up. Everyone did that and you can count on yourself probably going to third-party technician at least two or three times. We have never made those mistakes on purpose but it's very slippery to play with these kinds of things. I suggest you don't change anything if you really need your phone on daily basis because you may lose it for a couple of days. I'm talking from my experience but I hope you won't have negative experiences if you want to try rooting and doing something more.
It is always assumed that your phone is the safest when it's default. That means no root and no flashing anything. Rooting your phone is basically opening it to tons of vulnerabilities.
Don't play with those kinds of things if you work some kind of job where your phone is under constant surveillance.
Jonsnoww said:
so i have a Redmi note 7 - Global Version (Lavender) phone, and i have so many questions that concerns me about..
first of all i don't like how things getting very slow with my MIUI and the android 10
i thought of rooting the phone but I'm not sure if it's worth it.. there's so many confusing things on the web and tutorials to choose from.
i don't like how companies collect data and peek on my privacy silently in the background that's why i would like to root if it's going to solve this problem. I'm afraid that i won't be able to find the features i have now if i rooted my phone and installed a new ROM for example, will my phone work properly with all of the existing features in it? what's the downside to voting or choosing a wrong ROM?
and if finally found the best ROM for me, am i obligated to do updates to it manually every time a security patch comes on for example?
i mean the work is not over by just successfully installing a new ROM and rooting?
second what is the best ROM out there? IS OS same as ROM? or the ROM is just representing the UI "for example MIUI" ? or is it replacing " Android"?
any privacy concerns? or attacks? i'll be using my phone for work and very important stuff.. that i can't lose..
please someone enlighten me
and i'm so sorry for very basic questions but i got lost in so much reading articles
thanks in advance
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I’m also of the opinion that rooting is worth the eventual hassle. Except that it’s not that big a hassle on this phone if you use Orangefox and the build in root solution. If you choose not to root but care about privacy take a look at Netguard (Github version).
