edit registry "how to" ????? - Touch GSM General

there are a few little registry edits I would like to make, but first I need to get to it/find it. Most post I have read basically say "just edit the registry," would love to but I have no idea how. Is there a How-to, that can spell it out in cave man drawings and crayon??
thank you much

You need a registry editor, you can search for it. If you have dotfred's task manager installed http://www.dotfred.net/TaskMgr.htm, it has also a registry editor. It works basically like a file explorer, remember to backup before changing using function export and import. If something goes wrong hard reset will sometimes be the only solution


Jamin - Delete recent programs from start menu

Hi Guys,
I just got my Jamin a few days ago and have hard reset it more times than I care to remember. There are a few things that irritate me that hopefully you guys can clear up for me.
Firstly, how do I switch off the recent programs section of the start menu?
Also, how do I clear recent searches and Terminal Service information?
Ok... so this might not be the most complex of questions for you guys to answer... but someone MUST know... And the same for the dictionary... where's that located?
Both entries are in the registry. Both require you to perform a reset afterwards. You can not turn off the recently used programs list (stupid M$, I know!) but you can clear it. Attached is a CAB file that should clear the recently used list (make sure it is read only so it doesn't get deleted after you run it). It is meant for WM2003SE but I think it should work for WM5; you may just have to change the Max OS Version using WinCE CAB Manager. For the Terminal Services Client list, you will have to search the registry fo the IP/server name and then delete it manually.
Thanks Mate,
I appreciate the help
What app do I use to regedit? Obviously Start >Run - regedt32 doesn't work! haha
EDIT: Call me blind... but where's the attachment!? Haha
Yea, good point where is the attachment? This is the 2nd time this is happening to me on this forums in one day! The file upload keeps timing out, so I'm just going to tell you the Registry change you have to make and you will have to use WinCE CAB Manager to make your own cab file:
Use PHM Registry Editor or trial version of Resco Explorer 2005. Both should be on Pocketgear.com or try google. Depending on your Registry editor you may have to exclude the speech marks.
Hope it helps
VJEschaton has a command line to clear the recent menu. However, the OS still requires you to soft reset. Defeats the point IMHO.

slider sounds

im looking for app that let me change my slider sound on my tilt? i tried using app called slidesound but it dont work that well
Sliding Sounds
Here's two That I have:
Do you how to in stall them using reg. edit...pm me if you don't and I'll step you though.
First one is a transformer sounds
other is light sabr from star wars
I would like to know how to reg edit since I haven't found the word 'piano' in total commander?l QUOTE=mike19722;1937298]Here's two That I have:
Do you how to in stall them using reg. edit...pm me if you don't and I'll step you though.
First one is a transformer sounds
other is light sabr from star wars[/QUOTE]
i have found some sounds i like now i just need to kno how to put them in the folder for sliding sounds
heres a cab that i found in a transformers sliding sound forum. just install the cab and reset. then you can just copy whatever wav file into the windows directory that you want for the sliding sounds. you just have to name them custom-in and custom-out. its real easy and you dont have to touch the registry.
kwill said:
heres a cab that i found in a transformers sliding sound forum. just install the cab and reset. then you can just copy whatever wav file into the windows directory that you want for the sliding sounds. you just have to name them custom-in and custom-out. its real easy and you dont have to touch the registry.
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ok..and what about the default sounds? i tried the slidesound app.and it played the default sound and the one that i wanted
If someone could still help me find the reg edit folder or method of "changing my own oil". There is a little pride I get from plyaing around in the reg edit especially there is the element of risk when working in it.
Thanks for the help
you'll need a registry editor, like phm, total commander, or resco, before you can do anything at all
timothydonohue said:
you'll need a registry editor, like phm, total commander, or resco, before you can do anything at all
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link to PHM Registry Editor? please
I have total commander and was trying to get help with it. Can any one help me with me using Total Commander. I don't mind downloading something else if its easier.
Hey, check out the post I did a little while back. It may help...
thanks that helped
thanks that helped
Hey, Do you have to use a Registry Editor in order to change the slider sound? Or is there another option? I would also like to know if anyone here could possibly walk me through the steps. Thank You

Merging registry?

I have PHM reg editor installed, but all I can do with it is restore a registry. What I want to do is merge a registry so the registry setting that are missing(not really sure which ones are) are added back and such. How can I do this? Thanks
anyone know? Please?
I'd try something like dotfred task manager for this...
You can export that registry setting using PHM reg editor, copy to your pc and merge it into any.reg.
sakajati said:
You can export that registry setting using PHM reg editor, copy to your pc and merge it into any.reg.
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I think (although I'm not absolutely certain) that the op wants to import some registry settings, which (AFAIK) cannot be done easily with PHM RegEdit
Yes, I want to import reg settings(with out deleting the current ones on there) and PHM does not let me.
yrsmart said:
Yes, I want to import reg settings(with out deleting the current ones on there) and PHM does not let me.
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dotfred task manager has a registry import function. I'd backup before just to be safe though!
I tried it but it gave me an error and the missing registry files were not actually imported.
What are you trying to install, what registry settings?
If I knew what exact reg setting it was, I would have done it manually. I am trying to get back my predictive texting I lost after installing and uninstalling the Diamond keyboard. So I did a back of my device, did hard reset, then used PHM reg to save the whole default registry. I proceed installed the back up of my registy and then tried to merge the registry with the software mentioned and here we are now.
You need to find out which parts of the registries you want to merge. There simply isn't any piece of software with the intelligence to do that for you.
If you have both your default registry and your own custom registry in .reg format, put them on your PC and use UltraEdit or any similar editor with compare/diff functionality to spot the differences. Judge for yourself which of these are the ones you need. Put only these lines in a new .reg file with the correct header. Copy that to your device, run it, ready for test.
I believe all devices here use unicode, so don't use a .txt based editor.
well I think it maybe the whole hkey local machine I may have to merge or at least everything that does not have to do with installed apps and software.
yrsmart said:
well I think it maybe the whole hkey local machine I may have to merge or at least everything that does not have to do with installed apps and software.
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HKLM contains some keys related to software.
l3v5y said:
HKLM contains some keys related to software.
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Do you know where, the auto complete text feature is located in the registry?
yrsmart said:
Do you know where, the auto complete text feature is located in the registry?
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Depends on which keyboard!
Search for "XT9" which does some of them.
then what next?
yrsmart said:
then what next?
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Did you get any results from that?
yes. there is a whole set of registy in the folder thing there.
anyone please?
what setting should i change?

Registry editor question

I am starting to grips with the HD2, and windows mobile slowly but surely. I'm now ready to take the plunge with the registry editor and file editor. A lot of people recommend Resco, so I have tried to install it from here http://www.resco.net/pocketpc/explorer/downloads.asp
I install the cab on the phone and ge the resco icno in the start menu, but when I click it it says
"The file ':RRegistry cannot be opened. Either it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or one of it's components cannot be found. If the problem persists, try reinstalling or restoring the files."
I tried installing it again but go the same message. What am I doing wrong?
And now I have another issue. I uninstalled it and non I have duplicate HTC People, HTC Footprints, HTC Calendar, HTC Music, and HTC Twiiter icons in the start menu. HOwever, the pictures of these 'new' icons are all the same, and are just look like blue and white folders. WHere have these come from and how do I get rid of them?
I have installed Resco File Explorer without any problems. All I can suggest is that you remove it then reset before trying to re install.
If you still have problems SKTools also has a registry editor which works well but resco is a really good file manager.
With regard to the icons on the start menu once you have registry editor up and working there is a fix for that in the sticky "hints and tips thread" at the start of the forum.
Good luck
Sorted it, was downloading for smartphone, when needed to download for pocket PC, what a numpty
Be really careful when using any registry editor. The ability to screw things up is huge!
Always start by taking a backup of your registry first (think you can do this with Resco Explorer) BEFORE making any changes. May as well also backup the device in case you really screw up and need to hard reset.
I'm not trying to scare you, rather give you the benefit of some bitter experience!
PS If yo install the tool BSB Tweaks which you can find here on XDA, you can use a setting that allows you to install unsigned apps.
Hope this helps.
wacky.banana said:
Be really careful when using any registry editor. The ability to screw things up is huge!
Always start by taking a backup of your registry first (think you can do this with Resco Explorer) BEFORE making any changes. May as well also backup the device in case you really screw up and need to hard reset.
I'm not trying to scare you, rather give you the benefit of some bitter experience!
PS If yo install the tool BSB Tweaks which you can find here on XDA, you can use a setting that allows you to install unsigned apps.
Hope this helps.
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Thanks for the advice. I have already tweaked a couple of settings, but not backed them up :-/ Only changed this though so nothing too major:-
35. Enable Clickable Links in Zoomed Out Opera
This reg edit allows you to tap on a link without the need for zooming in first.
Change value from 64 to 32 (I've changed it to 10 though as found 32 still didn't work)
HOw do I back up registry using resco? And how do I back up the phone?
When I installed resco I got duplicate folders in my start menu for message, emails and things, but the icons were just blue and white folders, how do I get rid of these icons?
Try going to My Device/Windows/Start Menu/Programs and looking for the duplicate entries using Resco Explorer. Delete those entries and you should be OK.
Resco Explorer has a 'Recycle Bin' facility in case you want to make sure you keep the deleted items until you are sure you don't need them.
NeilM said:
Try going to My Device/Windows/Start Menu/Programs and looking for the duplicate entries using Resco Explorer. Delete those entries and you should be OK.
Resco Explorer has a 'Recycle Bin' facility in case you want to make sure you keep the deleted items until you are sure you don't need them.
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After a soft reset, the duplicate entries come back.

HTC HD 2 Registry

Anybody know how to access HTC HD2 registry?
I'm quite confused abt getting it done.
Use a registry editor and go to:
create new DWORD entry named ffmpeg.plg
assign to it value 1.
I dun quite understand how u do e registry editor on e phone? I can't seem to find.
You need a registry editor like e.g. Total Commander. I myself use Mobile Registry Editor, which you can use from your PC.
So that means after downloading the mobile registry editor I juz need to plug in my phone and make the necessary changes as in the instruction given?
Yep. Download it and you'll see how it works. It's pretty easy.
But always be careful when editing the registry, I'd suggest you write down the original values.
dio62000 said:
Yep. Download it and you'll see how it works. It's pretty easy.
But always be careful when editing the registry, I'd suggest you write down the original values.
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Thanks Bro. Appreciate your help.
I juz tried and it say access denied
You could try again. I get this error from time to time, but the next time I tried it did work.
Otherwise you could try Total Commander or RegEdit or any of the other registry editors that are available. They work from your phone. Don't know exactly which ones are free. Search this forum and Google and you will find.
dio62000 said:
You could try again. I get this error from time to time, but the next time I tried it did work.
Otherwise you could try Total Commander or RegEdit or any of the other registry editors that are available. They work from your phone. Don't know exactly which ones are free. Search this forum and Google and you will find.
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Does it show all the directory or it will only show certain directory only?
Cause i'm not able to find HKLM\Software\Opera\Info
The one I use and I have never had any problems with it. Plus, you don`t need a PC in order to use it.
Is there a more friendly Finger registry editor than PHM Registry Editor v0.70

