HELP! Strange Text Messages When Voicemail Left - HD2 General

Hi, everytime someone leaves a voicemail a get a blank text message and the sender is - a an underscore followed by @ (eg [email protected]) then when I have listened to the message and deleted it I get another blank text message where the sender is a triangle followed by @
This is so annoying does anyone know how to switch this off ?

I used to get this on a 6.5 build 23016 version.
Not had any messages left on this official Leo rom yet so don't know if it happens.

Mine does this too, are you on Orange? Another phone of mine did this and I found a reg tweak to fix it, but I can't for the life of me remember what it was!!!???

Install SDKCerts first and then SMS Providers cab and should be good to go.
- CAN CONFIRM THIS DOESNT WORK - TRIED IT ON MY LEO STOCK ROM ORANGE UK. USED TO GET THE @ sms instead of voicemail notification, installed the sms providers cab and now I get no notification at all. I remember this happening to me on my M700 and can't for the life of me remember how I got it fixed.

Hang on a mo - just tried it myself and now getting no notification at all - not even the @

Only time I got this was when I had VVM from my blackberry bold, and went to a HTC phone...once I removed VVM(called ATT)I no longer had this issuse

chrisnash said:
Install SDKCerts first and then SMS Providers cab and should be good to go.
- CAN CONFIRM THIS DOESNT WORK - TRIED IT ON MY LEO STOCK ROM ORANGE UK. USED TO GET THE @ sms instead of voicemail notification, installed the sms providers cab and now I get no notification at all. I remember this happening to me on my M700 and can't for the life of me remember how I got it fixed.
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Hi, I did try this the strange text messages stopped but it seemed to stop any text messages being received.

Same for me - hard reset coming up :-(

Yes- I can confirm that installing this or the Rabdo Orange Customisation cab totally kills any SMS receiving, though the system still thinks the message has been received as the sender gets a 'Delivered' report.
Needs a hard reset to fix

I'm getting this with an unlocked O2 HD2 using an Orange contract sim.
I have tried a hard reset and I still have the problem. I also have the voicemail icon permanently in my notifications even though I have deleted all my voicemails
Anybody got anymore suggestions or a possible fix?

Anybody able to help?

Answer phone issue
I get the same and am on Orange UK. A [email protected] is to tell the phone a new message is waiting, a _Triangle tells the phone either no messages OR minus 1 from the message count.
For the 1st week I had the spool stuck on the phone even when no messages where waiting, so I had to put the simm in another phone, left a message on it and then deleted it. Spool disappeared.
Moved the simm back to the HD2 and hey presto - spool still gone. But now it doesn't come on when I have a message, I just get a [email protected] message.
At least I know I have a VM waiting but its flipping annoying.
I presume the phone interprets these SMSes and is suppose to action them.
I'm SURE I've done a hard reset to no avail.
A HTC bug I fear. Worked OK on my Touch HD.
Anyone got a solution yet? Anyone talked to Orange? The guys I talked to were perplexed.

To get rid of the spool, leave yourself a message and put the simm in another phone.
Delete the message. Switch the phone off and back on, (wait to boot) then back off again. Then put the simm back in the HD2.
I think you need to reboot the 2nd phone with the simm in after deletion to make sure its gone.
Worked for me.


SMS problem

Can you send SMS from your HD2?
I get no error message, but my messages are not sent, I get a warning sign on the right of the message bar. Also, when I long-press it, I have "Retry send" option.
Does anyone else have the same problem? Anyone knows how to fix it?
Same for me. Any ideas?
I can receive sms but cannot reply back
Huh, got it fixed myself
1. Settings tab
2. Menu -> More
3. Connections
4. Advanced network
5. Scroll to the last tab (SMS Service)
6. Set it to GPRS Preferred or set it to GSM (it's probably set to GPRS now). If it's already set like that by default and not working, just try to switch it
7. Reboot
I was having a similar problem..
I was on the Tube and I pressed send sms... obviously I had no signal which was fine but when I got above ground I pressed retry and absolutely nothing happened. At all.
Had to reset in the end and delete the message in the outbox and start a fresh. Bloody annoying!!
Although this thread is ancient, i see it's still open and named "SMS problems" which is exactly what I'm suffering from.
I just purchased my new HD2 this month and ever since I got it I can't send any SMS. Whenever I try to I get a message saying "unable to send message". I have set my message center number and everything but it still didn't work. I called the HTC help center and they told me I should install the hotfix from the HTC website but when I attempted that, it said it wasn't compatible with my device????
I upgraded my official ROM from 1.66.415.3 to xxxx.4 again using the updates from HTC main site. Again I got the same message.
Up till now I'm still not sure what the problem I have is, and have no clue what the hotfix really does!
Can anyone help me out in babysteps? I'm still new to this.
PS. I did look through the other forums for something similar. It seems everyone's sending texts but to the wrong people, lol.

Blank SMS from "Δ@" ?!?

I've recently received two blank texts, the author of which is simply "Δ@", following which I promptly restarted my blackstone.
this isnt the first time i've received such a text. A little concerned, since I
read that receiving a blank text from dodgy places means someone might be
trying to hack into your phone.
Has anyone ever received similar texts before? Any advice / help on the matter would be greatly appreciated.
Yeah, I got it a while back, but if I'm not mistaken, it was the iPhone which was vulnerable to this SMS attack.
maaz_talha said:
I've recently received two blank texts, the author of which is simply "Δ@", following which I promptly restarted my blackstone.
this isnt the first time i've received such a text. A little concerned, since I
read that receiving a blank text from dodgy places means someone might be
trying to hack into your phone.
Has anyone ever received similar texts before? Any advice / help on the matter would be greatly appreciated.
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Have you checked your Voicemail, if I remember correctly, I had this and it is your Voicemail. I think the way the voicemail icon is activated on phones is via the SMS protocol, and your phone should not show you an SMS message like that, but intercept it and show you your voicemail icon.
If you have a voicemail, read and delete it and you will probably get another text message, which is similar, to instruct the phone to delete the voicemail icon, again you shouldn't see this normally.
I am sure there is a patch to sort this out, but I haven't had any problems like this for ages, so maybe update to a newer ROM and see if it goes away.
Thanks Jason
I'll look out for voicemail in the future i think i did have some at the time.
However, I keep getting told I have voicemail waiting to be read when I don't actually have any, so its a little difficult (and annoying) determining whether I actually have voicemail or not.
As for my ROM, im using NRGZ28's latest ROM released in late December :s
Maybe its an Orange thing?
maaz_talha said:
Maybe its an Orange thing?
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If I recall I was on Orange in the UK at the time, so I am not sure if different networks use different ways of forcing the icon to appear, and your phone does not support it. I would of thought it was something to do with the software, so the ROM is likely to be the problem, but I dont know for sure...
As I moved network, I cannot give any definites on whether my ROM would work for you either... You have not indicated your country, maybe if you advise, another person may be able to give you some assistance against that particular ROM.
I am on orange UK
I have a HTC Tytn with 6.5 (23060)
The Tytn gets the SMS strange symbols when I get Voice message
My HTC HD phone on Orange has Miri 6.5 (21876) V13
Voice messge icon works OK on this
so I would think it maybe win 6.5.3 / Orange problem
You should try calling your phone and leaving a voice message. Orange have a strange issue that I've helped people on xda with before in that if you hang up to soon after deleting voicemail the voicemail icon doesn't disappear. It could be that your phone isn't translating the sms that's sent to display the voicemail icon properly and the sms keeps being sent to you cos Orange thinks you've still got one.
1. Call yourself and leave a voicemail
2. Call you voicemail from your phone and listen to the message
3. Delete the message (option 3 I think) but wait about 5 seconds before hanging up
If you then stop recieving the sms and you're no longer told you got voicemail then great.
4. Leave yourself another message and see if you get the proper icon or a strange text
If you get the strange text then you'll need to do some research into it. I used to get it when I had a Prophet on Orange so take a look in that forum as there was a fix for it.

HELP - new HD2 voicemail status icon stuck

Hopefully one of you guys may be able to help.
I've just upgraded to a HD2 from my old Diamond. It seems ever since I've had this handset (3days now) there's a status icon always showing that I have a voicemail but when I check I have none and neither do I have any messages in the 'voicemail inbox'.
Tmobile have re-created the voicemail box which cured it for a few hours only for it to come back!!!
Tmobile are suggesting that my SIM card is too old and needs replacing. Before I go and do that has anybody here had a similar problem and maybe found a solution?
did you get this sorted? im having the same issue
Voicemail stuck
It seems (I think) that if I leave myself a message and then go into voicemail, clear it but stay on the line until the voicemail icon disappears then its cleared but only till the next time I reset the phone and then its back! Best I've got so far...and haven't got the SIM replaced yet but I think that seems doubtful anyway!!
It seems it may be a 'feature' of the ROM I have (1.43) but I'm a little loathed to update the ROM as its tied to Tmobile. What ROM are you?
I have exactly the same issue with an Unlocked Toshiba TG01 (originally on Orange) running Windows Mobile 6.5, on T-Mobile UK.
It's rather annoying
Give your service provider ( t-mobile, orange, o2 ect) a call and there can reset your voice mail box.
There will leave you a message and then you hear it and delete it and restart the device and the icon disappears
Hope that works
I have this problem now - I had a voicemail from my old provider and didn't pick it up.
Now got a new provider and the voicemail icon is stuck. I can't get a reset though as my current provider doesn't even offer voicemail!!
Any ideas?
Same Issue
I've got an AT&T HTC Pure and I use
I have no saved messages, no current messages. I've tried adding a message and deleting it and stil the phone says I have 1 new voicemail.
I have even hard-reset the device and no change. Oh, yeah, I also tried changing the voicemail info. back top AT&T. Still says 1.
Very frustrating.
I have a different problem.
Whenever I get a voicemail I cannot access it by calling my number.
Help please.
Who is you network service provider
Try this:
For the longest time my HTC Touch Pro has told me I've got a voicemail, but it's wrong. I don't. It somehow got out of sync. The phone has a way to reset the voicemail indicator, but it's buried pretty well. How to reset the voicemail indicator of your Windows Mobile 6.1 device:
1. Hit the "Phone" button like you would to place a call.
2. Instead of dialing the number, tap "Menu".
3. Tap "Options".
4. Navigate to the "Services" tab.
5. Choose "Voicemail" from the list box.
6. Click "Get Settings..."
7. Hit the "Clear" button.
8. Press "ok" to close the window.
Your main screen should reflect this action immediately, and should not indicate that you have a voicemail!
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Thank you for the instructions, however, my HTC 8925/WM6.1 does not seem to have any sort of "Clear" button, it just shows two textboxes, one with the SMSC number and the other with my VMB number.. The only options are to change/clear those text fields or click the "OK" box..
If anyone else has had the same issue, here are some workarounds:
HKLM\Software\OEM\PhoneSetting\HiddenDeleteVM = 0
(DWORD, enables the "clear" button if it's not visible)
You can also go in and manually set the count:
HKCU\System\State\Messages\vmail\Line1\Unread\Count = 0
(DWORD, set it to 0 to clear the VM indicator once and for all)
Hope this helps!
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DrQuincy said:
Try this:
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doesnt work !!
I had this same problem for a long time. I solved it by taking my SIM card out of my HD2 and putting it in another TMOUS phone. I found that I evidently had stored a voicemail on my SIM card, so I erased it. I had also been getting the infamous "129" text message that popped up on an almost daily basis. So, while I had my SIM card in the non-HD2 phone, I also looked for text messages, found one, and erased it. I then called TMOUS customer service, and they took me through a procedure they have for eliminating the "phantom" new voicemail messages. After my procedure and their procedure, problem solved! I no longer get New Voicemail prompts when none in fact exist, and I no longer get the "129" text messages.
Asquared said:
I had this same problem for a long time. I solved it by taking my SIM card out of my HD2 and putting it in another TMOUS phone. I found that I evidently had stored a voicemail on my SIM card, so I erased it. I had also been getting the infamous "129" text message that popped up on an almost daily basis. So, while I had my SIM card in the non-HD2 phone, I also looked for text messages, found one, and erased it. I then called TMOUS customer service, and they took me through a procedure they have for eliminating the "phantom" new voicemail messages. After my procedure and their procedure, problem solved! I no longer get New Voicemail prompts when none in fact exist, and I no longer get the "129" text messages.
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i dont think voicemail are stored on sim cards !! are they ???
backlashsid said:
i dont think voicemail are stored on sim cards !! are they ???
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I didn't think so either, but I gave it a try. I think the problem for me MAY have originated from my initial use of Visual Voicemail. I had no problem with either the "phantom" New Voicemail alert or the 129 text message when I initially started using my HD2. These problems arose for me after activating Visual Voicemail. Maybe it's that application which initially stored the vmail on the SIM (leading to a continuing New Voicemail alert when I thought I'd erased or saved all incoming voicemails), and the text message was the (Visual Voicemail) system's way of trying to let me know that I still had a voicemail message on the SIM??? Whatever may be the case, the method that I described in my post has worked fine for me. No more new vmail alerts when none in fact exist, and no more 129 text messages

HD on Orange network

I bought my HD2 separately as Orange werent offering it on upgrade.....
All works fine with no issues other than the home screen is permantly displaying 'New Voicemail' & the voicemail icon is displayed in the title bar despite having no voicemails...
However when I do have voicemails I am recieving blank texts with tthe sender information shown as '[email protected]' .......... After speaking to Orange Technical they tell me these messages are system messages designed to tell the phone to switch on or off the voicemail icons etc & as the HD2 is not "Orange compatable' it does not understand & action correctly this function !!!
I am running latest HTC WWE ROM & have just flashed latest 2.10 Radio ..
I have tried several Roms from MIri, Artemis etc but all have same issue
Any Pointers much appreciated
Well like you, I have an HD2 that I'm using on Orange and I always get that initial text message with the funny symbols, every time I flash a new rom. However that always stops and voicemail works correctly once I have dialed 123 once from the handset. Are you saying that even after you have checked and deleted your voicemails, the voicemail icon is still there and you keep receiving texts?
ClownShoes said:
Well like you, I have an HD2 that I'm using on Orange and I always get that initial text message with the funny symbols, every time I flash a new rom. However that always stops and voicemail works correctly once I have dialed 123 once from the handset. Are you saying that even after you have checked and deleted your voicemails, the voicemail icon is still there and you keep receiving texts?
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Yes............. The New Voicemail on the main screen stays there & The Icon in the top bar is always there have tried several Roms but always get the same result
I have similar issues. From time to time I get a funny text message with those symbols. It also appears to be a SIM stored SMS
I came from orange that was bundled with my original HD, but I haven't ever experienced any of these issues. Have you experimenting with the STK service setting? Perhaps that might help.
Hoodeddeathman said:
I came from orange that was bundled with my original HD, but I haven't ever experienced any of these issues. Have you experimenting with the STK service setting? Perhaps that might help.
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Whatis STK Service setting & how do I access it
I too am using Orange UK and no issues.
Have you tried re-running the Orange setup.
Settings / Connections / Connection Setup...
Country UK
Operator Orange

[Q] No SMS-notification when receiving a voicemail !?

Hi all,
Need some help here.
I've got my Omnia 7 for almost a year now. I always received an SMS notification when I got a new voicemail. Since recently this doesn't work anymore. I'm not sure when this stopped functioning.
I have recently updated to Mango. A while after that I applied the Samsung Mango update. I suspect one of those updates causes this, but I'm really not sure.
I do get other SMS messages.
I have tried to put my SIM in another phone, called myself, left a voicemail and got an SMS on that phone immediately. Also the other way around, I put another SIM in my phone, call the number of that SIM, leave a voicemail and I did not receive an SMS. This proves, the problem is with my Omnia 7.
I've tried Network Profile. Select another operator. Then select my own operator. Just to make sure all operator settings are applied.
I checked with my operator (dial voicemail and use menu). The SMS notification is enabled. I tried to disable the notification. Restarted the phone. Then enabled the notification again. Restarted the phone again. Still not working.
Anyone has another suggestion? Setting in diagnosis app? Registry setting?
Thanks a lot!!
It's a common bug, M$ is fixing it:
“There have been reports of issues centered around voice mail notification via SMS. This is a known issue and Microsoft have a fix available that will go out in the next possible Windows Phone update.”
Ok. Cool! Thanks for the heads up! So it's not just me. There are some OEM updates planned for next week (read that on Maybe that will fix it. I read the temporary fix might be to delete the "sms conversation" from voicemail number after each message. Will try that. Maybe WP7 sees it as duplicates or something.
My pleasure
Can't wait for some more updates, Mango needs some polish.
This drove me nuts when i realized it was happening, couldn't for the life of me work out what was going on, rang my network and had them reset voice mail, didn't think it was a phone issue as all my other text msgs arrive fine. At least I know now >< very annoying bug as i use my phone for work and need to know if i have msgs on voice mail.
Have just been going through same arguments with Optus in Australia.
Discovered there was an SMS waaaaay down the list of threads from 321 (VoiceMail) that had one message in it with the current date and time acurately showing the current number of messages in my voice mail box.
It seems that it is somehow updating the previous SMS rather than sending it as a new one.
For a temporary work around I discovered if you delete the SMS thread from your Voicemail then the next notification will be treated as a new SMS and will indicate accordingly. Unfortunately you have to delete the thread every time a new Voicemail is received.
Heathcliff74 said:
Need some help here.
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Had to look twice when I saw it was you having trouble sir, a rarity!
Well Heathcliff, after some time I can finally tell you that there is an update available
Change your brand to TMO-DE, and a 7740 update will be waiting for you. Good luck!
