Help Lost contacts in Just Stable V2 Buikd 4 - Wing, P4350 General

ok so i finally have a juststable i like and my software and settings are optimum for my needs, every so often i get what seems to me a os crash, it starts with my text tab freezing completely so i soft reset several times to get anything working at all, my htc weather doesnt update and my contacts disappear,my phone doesnt make or receive calls but rings, i cant even connect to activesync.
Eventually after a couple hours of soft resets it finally works i have to then sync my phone in order to get my contacts back now if im away from home when this happens its a nightmare i dont know why it happens or how to prevent it, im pretty sure i have plenty of memory storage is 2.30 MB and program is 19.50 free.
if nothing else is there a way to save my contacts in a folder on my storage card and then move the folder to where it needs to be on the actual phone if this occurs when im away from home?
ok any help would be much appreciated thanks
this person in this thread sounds exactly like the issues im having but im not using stock rom, not using any overclock sw,


Help before I put it through a window XDA2i

6 month old O2 XDA2i only program loaded is TT5
ROM version 1.10.00 WWE
ROM date 12/24/02
Radio version 1.00.00
Protocol version 1337.39
ExtROM version 1.10.124 WWE
Being used in corporate mode 0506 code
Here's the story... needed to use phone to call an ambulance for my fiance (she smashed her collar bone and now has a titanium plate and pins) 10weeks ago.. batt at 12% turned it on and caught the camera button whilst pressing the phone button. screen went all funny - vertical lines. Soft and Hard reset failed!!! had to fully charge before I could initiate a hard reset.
Some time after that the camera disapeared and media player started when camera button pressed. Camera missing from programs. Battery discharged at an alarming rate, you could watch it go flat!!!
Soft reset same problem
Hard reset and started running in corporate mode. All fine.
TT5 installed and it works fine although the it takes ages to find the GPS and sats compared with TT3. Same cables, gps and XDA, It also 'looses' signal where it didn't with TT3 and that is with two setups different cars. Almost as if the set up has gone deaf.
Camera disapeared again and battery going flat.
Hard reset
Camera goes again, this time I track it down to the windows folder and copy/paste the shortcut to programs.
Works for a bit then goes (battery ok now)
repaste it, it goes again
Hard reset all working fine.
worked well for a few weeks then I got a Jabra BT205.
Paired great, worked with TT5 great, calls great.
Then it stopped working with the phone, no TX/RX audio via BT205 just clicking. Tried soft boot, dropped all the pairings, re paired still no good.
Hard reset and its al back fine, headset ok TT5 ok (still deaf)
THEN I find I can recieve text messages, can reply BUT when I go New Text or click on messages it wont open, screen flashes and does nothing. nothing is shown as running in the memory bit. So I cant initiate a text message.
Hard reset and the same problem with texts, but now it will only get 75% of my address book from the back up. try to active sync to get the rest and it says it has done it but hasn't.
Hard reset again, still same problem with texts but gets all the address book from the backup. NOW it will only active sync as a guest.
I cant get it to do a full named sync.
Should I just take it back under warranty??
If you are going to suggest I do updates then great Ill do em BUT please talk me through them, post working links where I can get them. I just want it to work properly. I haven't got the time to continue to mess around with the thing. I need it to work, be reliable in doing what I want of it. Be a phone, be a camera, run TT5, run word and excel. Then it would be nice if I could be like others on here who have got em working. Have a film or some comedy on the SD card for the times when I have a moment to spare, even install some other software and games.
I want to do that but not continue to waste my time with unreliability, resets and the frustration of not being able to use it when a life is at risk!!
Thanks in advance
Thanks for reading...... please help!!!!!
I have it running, address book ok, TT5 OK, programs run OK, BUT can't active sync as it will only come up as guest on my PC and I still can't initiate the messaging part ie MMS or Text.
I would try running it without any additional software. If it still displays this strange behaviour I would definitely return it for a replacement.
sounds like you have a faulty one to me try upgradeing the rom to the current image and for the gprs setting etc for o2 the a cab file somewhere on here that will install the settings for you do the upgrade and see how that goes if it still plays up then send it back
I would download the latest ROM from the O2 site and flash that and see if there is any improvement.
Thanks for that. I hope it's going to sort me out. How long have they been on the site?? Im sure I only checked the other day (but the way time's flying for my that could have been 2 months ago!!!)
well I have only soft reset once since the upgrade!!!! but that was when I was trying to switch between text message and readingthe setting to text the otherhalf

HELP! Messages not showing...

Hey yesterday i noticed a major issue. I was sending quite a few texts and in turn receiving quite a lot back. However after receiving about the 1st four messages they no longer began show up and my tone didn't go off. The only reason i noticed that something wasn't right is because the screen lit up and when i went to inbox there sure enough was an unread message- even though the screen never displayed a new message!!!
Today I'm still experiencing the problem...along with an obviously related issue. Ocassionally when i click on messaging it simply won't open and i find myself soft resetting the phone or turning it off and back on.
Obviously this is a major problem for me!...Please help me! Everything else is fine!
Oh and sometimes the phone randomly wakes up :/
i got the EXACT same problem, it is so annoying..
it shows no number of unread messages at the enveloppe on the today screen, however when you go in the message boxes there clearly are some unread messages, both e-mails and text messages..
is there ANY way to fix this? it's so incredibily annoying!
Have any of you tried removing some old messages?
I know I had some trouble with messages opening slow, but when I deleted a bunch of messages (and emptied the "deleted" folder), it worked great.
tried that just now with no luck, works on no other panel either..
I deleted my messages too and also uninstalled xperiatweak as ive heard this can cause problems...i havent yet had a chance to check the progress but as for the messaging tab opening up i dont seem to get that issue anymore *touch wood*. I
have noticed however that i get the occassional overload of device.exe errors and i mean overload...once one pops up about at least another 5 do! Even if i press send report or don't send happens. I end up pressing the panel key :/ There are some definate bugs that need sorting.
Actually still no luck with xperiatweak gone...i got quite a series of device.exe errors and then after they'd gone i went to click on messaging and once again nothing happened...nor would contacts show! i think i may need to hard reset the phone!
megh i'd hate having to do a hardreset, don't want to lose my installed appz and having to install plus configure them again >_<
ive just done a hard reset...which i agree is a pain! But wow i forgot how fast the xperia is...i think im going to keep which apps i install to minimum and only install what i need. Obviously the error has been picked up from somewhere... What apps did you previously install? Maybe we have something in common?
torch button, mplaylist manager, neoFTP, pocket scrobbler, remote touch, skype, total commander, xchange r8, youtube panel, google panel, windows live panel... oh yea and tomtom7..
probably some stuff i left out due to them already being uninstalled.. maybe they left some traces in register i dunno..
pardon my french but f*ck this, i just did a hard reset too, will install the english rom too.. stupid dutch windows mobile.. (i know it's not the languages fault but it's an ugly language )
After hard has just happened again. I then thought it might be vistahide battery as come to think of it it didnt happen before that...been sending testers after getting rid of vistahide and everythin else ok. But i only have the new panels other add-ons now! So god knows!
Still experiencing this problem from time to time...very annoying! Hard resetted twice and no luck as such. It really is very annoying as i often miss messages if i don't see the screen wake-up Please...anyone know a solution or have this issue? Thanks
Bump .
Oh and sometimes the phone randomly wakes up :/"
noticed it happens whenever my mobile got a full bar 3G receptions... what about you guys?
Yes ive noticed a random wake-up and ive thought 'oh that must be another message with no sound grrr' then i look in messaging and no wasn't that and was jus a random wake-up.
It is really starting to irritate me now and today my alarm didn't sound when it's been fine since i've got it! I wondered if the problem was connected? Do you think the new update (well not officially released yet)...the new rom or whatever would solve the problem? Please any light on this...the messaging one is my main problem because I can just set another alarm clock but for messaging...its what a phone should be able to do. Thanks.
Seems like there are few people who are experiencing this problem.
I have the same problem as you all are. I've tried emptying the message but no luck.
If hardresetting doesnt work, then the problem doesnt related to any kind of software we installed?
yea i hard reset twice so i know it doesnt
Its driving me mad now! Its the only issue i have with it and its a real shame because i love my X1 otherwise. Do you think the new FW will solve my problem?
I was receiving messages fine 20 mins ago and then 5 mins ago i got a random screen wake-up but thought it was a message that hadn't come through properly so i tried to go into messaging but it wouldn't open up....i tried everything. clicked it so many times. changed panels. nothing. in the end i had to soft reset the phone :S

Verizon 6800 keeps freezing...

So ive had this bad boy for about, a month, not the original its actually the second refurbushed ive gotten because my original phone no longer had vib function scroll wheel no longer worked
first replacement:
USB port broke
second replacement:
keeps freezing out, by that i mean ill be typing a txt, half way itll stop typing and just not work...
ill be running 1 app wether it be internet or sms , and itll freeze.
at first i figured hmm might be the 3rd party app i used to restore contacts (bitpim) the refurbished phone has 6.1 WM, my original phone was pre 6.1 so i figured f it ill just hard reset the phone once more and manual re input numbers as people call
nope, even without activating the bitpim my phone still keeps freezin. and its gotten worst
if the phone freezes and i soft reset itll do either of the following
freeze on the first image
freeze during the Verizon intro
freeve during the WM 6.1 page
Freeze right after it finishes loading
not even turn on at all
i just dont know what to do
so far ive done the following
hard reset 2 within a week - seoncd time without 3rd party app and still it does it
soft reset hundreds of times now...
any help would be appreciated, please
ask verizon for a new phone that one has problems if a hard reset doesnt fix them.
i decided to try again and get one more replacement...
if i have an old version of Pim back up and i wanna updated it, will the old files transfer over to the new software and restore once i do a hard reset...
i wish i had outlook on my laptop and this would make it so much easier with active sync

No program memory available when starting Outlook calendar

my handset seems to be plagued with problems since flashing new official ROM. When i try to start Outlook calender i get the message telling me there is no program memory available. Checking the Task manager and there is nothing running. I also have other problems such as incoming calls divert to my voicemail even though i full reception, handset freezes. Pressing a key to wake the screen results in the buttons lighting up but the screen not coming on... only thing to do is soft reset to get it working again. Still waiting for HTC support to come back to me on this. This must be the most unreliable HTC ever. Ive been using HTC devices for 5 or 6 years. They all seem to have there quirks but something that i could live with. This just doesnt perform basic tasks like receiving phone calls..thank god the messaging seems to have been sorted out now though. Is anyone else experiencing these issues or am i on my own here.
If you are still running the stock rom, I would consider getting it replaced, if you have flashed a new rom, then consider going back to the original rom and trying again.
edit - just read the bit about updating - i'd try reverting to teh original, and then try the update again. If it still persists, try getting it replaced.
Rom Downgrade
Thanks. I understand that its not possible to revert to the original ROM once this has been upgraded. The original ROM gave me problems with the sms and also the calls diverting to the voicemail. Im not sure the new rom is the problem here but it certainly seems worse since updating. I'd agree that the phone certainly seems to have faults, maybe HTC will take it for repair. I was interested to see if anyone else experienced these issues to try to see if its a hardware problem or just bugs in the software
THere is no problen downgrading, find your stock rom, extract the RUU_Signed.nbh file, copy it to your sd card, rename it leoimg.nbh, reboot the phone with down volume pressed, it will find teh file and downgrade to how the phone was when you got it.
Just make sure you get the right stock rom.
same problem
i have the same problem on my hd2. running orginal 1,66,409,1 rom(that came with the phone).
only thing i have installed is SPB shell and the dytty(?) 3d driver.
exiting mobile shell does not help. haven`t tried uninstalling the shell.
I have 200MB avbl memory so dont think that is the problem.
did it help downgrading or did they take to repair?
no one has a fix here?
I had the same problem with my new HD2. I emailed HTC and was told to uninstall and reinstall Activesync. It seems to have worked- I haven't had this error message for a week now.
active sync on the unit? I did a hard reset, worked after that.
I am having the same problem.
Opening outlook calender gives me the error message "no program memory etc..."
Does this problem lead to activesync not working on the phone itself? Mine does.
I called HTC they told me to hard reset. This is not the first time it happened and I believe its not the last.. Since I bought this a month ago, I have Hard reseted countless times...
I uninstalled and reinstalled Activesync on my computer- the HTC tech help seems to think there was a problem when I downloaded/ installed Activesync initially. I was Activesync'ing with my previous phone and it was ok so I'm not sure why there was problem with the Leo.
When I had the problem- I hard resetted the Leo countless times. After uninstalling/ reinstalling Activesync on my computer, the problem seemed to have resolved. It's been about 2 weeks now and all is running smoothly.
FYI, here is the email from HTC:
Regarding your concern, there could have been a glitch during the download that’s why this happened. Uninstalling and reinstalling the ActiveSync software usually resolves the issue. Always make sure that when you do the download and installation of the software, the handset is not connected to the computer. Thank you for contacting HTC. Please feel free to contact us again if you have any future questions

[Q] High processor usage and constant crashing

I've got a problem with my M600 that's making it pretty much unusable.
It's showing (on homescreen++) that the processor is 90-100% in use all the time so when I make/receive calls or even get a text it's crashing the phone which sometimes won't even restart until plug it back in.
I've unlocked it with lokiwiz and installed a few programs but even with nothing running it behaves the same.
If I try a hard reset will I lose all my SMS and contacts? If so, is there something I can back them up with (without having to update my .net framework)?
Search for "pimbackup" app here on xda-dev, with it you can backup your data (call records/sms/contacts) easily, then hard-reset or reflash your Prophet... good luck

