how can i unlock 2 tabs only on opera on my TP2 - Touch Pro2, Tilt 2 Themes and Apps

im using chiese tp2 with tf3d, over here we have opera originaly come with my tp2 however, i can only open 2 tabs, one is first page and one more after that. my job needs to be using more tabs that HTC gave to us (2 tabs only) i normally needed 4~ 6 different tabs, therefore, im wondering that if there is anyone know how to unlock this "tab problem"
i have already tried to adjest the "max allowable" in opera:config, but wnehever i tried that still i can only open 2 tabs.
i really need to have this function to be unlocked, and please help me

There was a thread around here that contains the exact solution to your problem.

type in the browser "opera:config" without the quotes, scroll down to "User Prefs" and click on it. scroll though that list till you get to "Max Allowed tabs". i changed mine to 15, I dont recommend changing it to 100 and then trying to open 100 pages. My pc has firefox and ive only had to use a max of 25 tabs

Sprint TP2
I have tried this time & again to no avail. Am i doing something wrong?

you may already know this but you have to scroll down to the end of the user pref. section and click the save button after you change the setting.

mylok, yeah had done that already. no such luck.

The reason it won't work for you is because of push internet. Opera is always running in the background. That's why the changes you make in opera:config won't stick.
2 ways to go about it:
-disable push internet and stop Opera from running. You can't do this from the GUI. See here for details.
-or you can edit the opera.ini file directly with a text editor. This is actually quite easy. Save the file to your desktop and open it with notepad. It's very easy to figure out what you need to edit. Open it and try. Then overwrite the original file. (it's found under "\windows\opera9\")


Opera Error While Clicking On Links in Pocket Outlook

So I installed Opera.
Then when I get an email with a link on it and I click on it I get the following error:
The file 'OperaLaunch' cannot be opened. Either it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or one of its components cannot be found. If the problem persists, try reinstalling or restoring the file.
A quick look at the Opera folder shows no file under that name. So out of curiosity I went and did a search on the web. Found only two sites talking about this but they are both in Russian. Great.
So obviously the line in the registry that points towards opening links is pointing to this program. I did a quick search and found a number of registry entries that would normally point to PIE but are not pointing to Opera.
Now I was wondering who here knows the registry entry to open items in Pocket Outlook so it uses PIE. Or even better how to make it work so it opens Opera as the default browser when clicking on items in Pocket Outlook.
Now, don't say to do a hard reset as I won't do it on principle alone, since I am sure someone knows and I am not going to reinstall everything I go just because one line in the registry!
Anyone? Or even so, anyone who had this same issue?
agovinoveritas said:
So I installed Opera.
Then when I get an email with a link on it and I click on it I get the following error:
The file 'OperaLaunch' cannot be opened. Either it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or one of its components cannot be found. If the problem persists, try reinstalling or restoring the file.
A quick look at the Opera folder shows no file under that name. So out of curiosity I went and did a search on the web. Found only two sites talking about this but they are both in Russian. Great.
So obviously the line in the registry that points towards opening links is pointing to this program. I did a quick search and found a number of registry entries that would normally point to PIE but are not pointing to Opera.
Now I was wondering who here knows the registry entry to open items in Pocket Outlook so it uses PIE. Or even better how to make it work so it opens Opera as the default browser when clicking on items in Pocket Outlook.
Now, don't say to do a hard reset as I won't do it on principle alone, since I am sure someone knows and I am not going to reinstall everything I go just because one line in the registry!
Anyone? Or even so, anyone who had this same issue?
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I have had this same problem and the only remedy was to uninstall, I posted this before and no one had any ideas as far as I could tell.
there is similar problem with netfront. U need to set pie as ur default browser, then link will be opened w/o probs in PIE.
btw: opera launch is or should be located in windows folder. try 2 search for file within ur pda
Thanks. But what you have told me I already posted on my original post.
I did a search already with the wildcard word "opera," and nothing called Opera Launcher came up. Then I checked the obvious Opera folder and nothing was there either. Hence why I know the issue could be fixed within the registry. That is what I was asking.
You can't set IE as your default browser because as I am sure you already know, there is no option within PIE to set it back to the default browser.
If I did a search on google I am found the registry entries to change back to PIE but there are a number of registry entries. So it could be fixed without a hard reset. But I wanted to see if anyone had figured out a way to use Opera as the Tab browsing is so much more useful and it is just better.
I have not found a fix for Opera, but as an alternative to having to do a hard-reset and reinstall everything again which is of course a hassle... I found the registry entries to switch back IE as the default.
Beats doing a hard-reset.
Anybody figured out the Opera problem?
Okay, after an in depth search I found the entry regarding OperaLauncher.
There is a stupid key at,
Now I do not know the format to tell it to perhaps use Opera.exe.
Anyone can help?
Shot, I didnt see this thread until I posted another one that is similar.
But yes, I am interested with finding this too..
Okay, I can see that NO ONE even tried to fix the issue. So I decided to do it myself. I mean, it is not the ultimate fix since I would like for Opera to open as default.
Logic dictates that Opera screwed up somewhere, so what I did was setup PIE to be the default browser by deleting and replacement two specific registry entries.
After that, PIE will still be the main browser when opening links in Outlook, and for everything else I can still use Opera. Since having to copy paste links from Outlook to IE or Opera was annoying enough to delete the browser altogether.
Which key is that?
Check the entry posted on my first post. Delete the Opera entries.
Take a look, type exactly as posted on value 0 and 1 an PIE will start and avoid that silly OperaLauncher problem.
Value 0
Pocket IE
Value 1
Value 2
Don't change
Value 3
Don't change.
agovinoveritas said:
Check the entry posted on my first post. Delete the Opera entries.
Take a look, type exactly as posted on value 0 and 1 an PIE will start and avoid that silly OperaLauncher problem.
Value 0
Pocket IE
Value 1
Value 2
Don't change
Value 3
Don't change.
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Thanks, I was able to this no problems at all and it fixed the issue - at least by defaulting back to PIE without the error.
Hope I read this correctly and following is useful.....
To enable Opera to open links from emails in Pocket Outlook I did the following:
1. Copied 'opera.exe' (not the large dll) from \storage card\progam files\opera to \windows.
2. Found the entry 'operalaunch.exe' in the registry and changed it to 'opera.exe'.
Thats it - Opera launches when clicking hyperlinks in Pocket Outlook.
You only need to make one change:
In HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shell\Rai\: DEFBROWSER is a key called "1". Change the string value from "OperaLaunch.exe" to "\Program Files\Opera\OperaLaunch.exe" (or whereever Opera is actually installed). You need to include the quotes around the string. Save and restart your device. Should work (did for me).
Registry Keys
I had the same problems after uninstalling Opera.
Error message: OperaLaunch cannot open , blabla
I had to change the following registrykeys:
String Value (Default) = iexplorer.exe %1
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Shell\Rai\ EFBROWSER
String Value 0 = Pocket IE
String Value 1 = :MSPIE
Good Luck
I managed it just.
I copied all the files from the Opera folder to the windows filder, then changed this,
In HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shell\Rai\: DEFBROWSER is a key called "1". Change the string value from "OperaLaunch.exe" to "\Program Files\Opera\OperaLaunch.exe" (or whereever Opera is actually installed). You need to include the quotes around the string. Save and restart your device. Should work (did for me).
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To just opera.exe
And it worked ... It wouldnt work before, when trying to point it to the storage card, it kept saying "Storage cannot be loaded" or something ... I just realised i had forgot the " from the beginning and end of the string
Operalaunch .exe
hi my friend ,I am having the exact same problem you've had.The only problem being is that I am a novice and know nothing about computers,in other words I am not computer literate so am finding it difficult to understand.Is it possible to help me through it in easy steps if you have the time.Regards Anthony

How can I make a shortcut to a URL?

This seems like a question that must have been asked and answered many times before, but I'm apparently to dumb to find it by searching the archives. I'm hoping someone will have mercy on my ignorant self, and tell me the answer.
Here's what I'd like to do. I use a website, Sigalert, to check traffic before I leave the house to go to work. That way I know which route will get me to work quickest. (Not that I'm anxious to arrive at work, but they do complain so loudly when I'm late). I'd like to create a shortcut to the web page so I can put an icon on the today page (I use Resco Explorer, which allows me to put shortcuts to programs etc on the today screen). Anyway, if I could create a shortcut to the web page, I could do this, or assign the shortcut to a button, or whatever. If I only knew how to create a shortcut to a webpage, which I don't, so please help. I'm using Opera if that makes a difference. Thanks for your help!
pcortes said:
This seems like a question that must have been asked and answered many times before, but I'm apparently to dumb to find it by searching the archives. I'm hoping someone will have mercy on my ignorant self, and tell me the answer.
Here's what I'd like to do. I use a website, Sigalert, to check traffic before I leave the house to go to work. That way I know which route will get me to work quickest. (Not that I'm anxious to arrive at work, but they do complain so loudly when I'm late). I'd like to create a shortcut to the web page so I can put an icon on the today page (I use Resco Explorer, which allows me to put shortcuts to programs etc on the today screen). Anyway, if I could create a shortcut to the web page, I could do this, or assign the shortcut to a button, or whatever. If I only knew how to create a shortcut to a webpage, which I don't, so please help. I'm using Opera if that makes a difference. Thanks for your help!
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I'd have to think out a process for doing that, perhaps later. Meantime, just a quick thought why not set it as your PIE homepage.
Another thing I do is to create a word page with lists of weblinks including streaming TV and radio stations. If I open the page I can tap on the link I want and it auto opens PIE and loads the page. You might ask why not just put these web links in PIE favourites - answer, it takes a while for PIE to load and then you have extra taps to get to favourites etc etc. Also it's a lot clearer on the word document and you can also type a little description beside each one.
Thanks for the tip. I just tried creating a word doc with my most used websites. Works well. I've put the word doc on the Today screen in the Resco area with a large icon. I can poke it with my fat thumb and launch the document. I used 12 point & double spacing in the word doc, and I can poke the links with my fat thumb as well. It works better than my previous solution, which was creating a contact for the website, starting the name with a symbol so it showed up at the top of the contact list, I'd poke at on contacts from the Today screen, then on the contact, then again on the website. Unfortunately this opened the page with PIE instead of Opera. Your solution is a lot easier to open with thumbs, and allows me to use my preferred browser, but it does leave a bit of cleanup to do. Once the browser is closed, the Word doc must be closed, then the Word Mobile "open file" screen must be closed, then it seems "Search" continues to run in the background. None the less, your solution is better that what I had been doing, so I'll use it. Thanks for taking the time to respond.
Ah Ha! I think I have the solution... at least for Resco users, although for all I know, Resco may not be necessary. Here's how I was able to make a shortcut to a URL to put on the Today screen, use with voice dialing, etc..
First I made a Word file with one line: the URL I wanted to make a shortcut to.
After saving it as a word doc, I highlighted it in Resco file explorer, then right clicked (push and hold w/stylus), selected "rename" and changed the extension to .lnk
Then I right clicked the renamed file and chose properties, then selected the shortcut tab. The target was a bunch of gobblygook, so replaced the gobblygook with the URL I wanted the shortcut to point to and clicked OK.
Success! Now the file is a shortcut. When I click on it, it goes to the website I selected as the target. It can be accessed with voice dialing: start/settings/voice dialing/ application tab/ then choose the shortcut from the list. Or you can assign it to a button. Or you can put it on the Today screen using Resco.
It may be that all the steps are not necessary, it's just how it ended up working for me.

opera mobile as default Browser setting

since purchasing my hd I have had the beauty constantly on the internet. I use it pretty much all the time. I do however have one problem, i an not sure hd it is something I have done but when I open an rss feed's link in the rss hubb I can never get the links to open in opera. instead I hatedtm copy and paste. I an sure there's a registry hack for this so could anyone help?
I'm also trying to do the same...
please help
at least let us know if it's possible!!
Open up your favourite registry editor (I use CeRegistryEditor), and check:
It should be set to "\Windows\OperaL.exe". If this doesn't work, try searching for iexplore.exe.
ok i found it you have to change the key
change to opera and reboot!
thanks dave
I tried this but still couldn't get it to work.
Has anyone any ideas please?
1) Open Opera Mobile
2) Type opera:config into the address, this gives you access to tons of preferences
3) Expand the install bullet
4) Check Browser First Time Launch and press Save
5) Exit Opera
6) Restart Opera
The first time you restart it will take a while, and may even close without showing you the browser, but now open a link from e-mail or other source and it should use Opera to open.
THX @ elgar
works perfect for me (MIRI V12.0)
elgar said:
1) Open Opera Mobile
2) Type opera:config into the address, this gives you access to tons of preferences
3) Expand the install bullet
4) Check Browser First Time Launch and press Save
5) Exit Opera
6) Restart Opera
The first time you restart it will take a while, and may even close without showing you the browser, but now open a link from e-mail or other source and it should use Opera to open.
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Awesome, thanks fella. IE opening all the time was annoying the hell out of me. Apart from flash support, Opera is a significantly superior browser.
pureheart said:
ok i found it you have to change the key
change to opera and reboot!
thanks dave
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Is this really the full path guys? Ican't even seem to see a " hklr" to start with ... what am I missing here?... could you please help and confirm?
Ok I found it now... in "hkcr" of course... well done for your tip then ....thanks!
lost opera as default...again!
Opera 9.7b browser messed up my config...
Right... I really hope that someone can help me out here.
This is an old boring problem I once had with Opera, but I had then found my answer. Only this time the remedy won't work: Basically, after trying out Opera 9.7b and then uninstalling it, the cooked Opera browser in Dutty's 3.6 won't function as my default browser anymore (when I click on links from Google Maps for example)...
So I used the usual solution:
1) Open Opera Mobile
2) Type opera:config into the address, this gives you access to tons of preferences
3) Expand the install bullet
4) Check Browser First Time Launch and press Save
5) Exit Opera
6) Restart Opera
But the config above doesn't seem to stay in the system, once Soft reset, I can see that it is unchecked again... Could somebody shine a light on my moment of darkness please?
Edit: all sorted thanks to registry edit above...
thx elgar it worked...
Opera Mobile official thread

[App] Opera 9.7 Beta Release

New opera is out 9.7 and is a MASSIVE upgrade
features better panning/zooming: Uses hardware acceleration = iPhone smooth on the diamond and A LOT less crashing
Opera turbo for fast page loads (Page gets compressed by server by upto 80% and then gets sent to phone.. loads about as quick as on PC )
widgets and a lot more
Another improvement being it no longer has a delay of like 4-5 seconds when you click a link before it actually shows that you clicked something
Download link:
currently this cab will not replace Opera 9.5 and its bookmarks won't show up in TF3D so it must be launched from start menu/programs tab
If anyone can build a working OEM ready for cooking that works with TF3D's internet tab please PM me so i can give credit and update first post - Making it easier for cookers to include in their Roms
Unzip to windows and overwrite existing files. This will replace old Opera with 9.7 on internet tab. Be warned will delete old files so back up first If you want to undo this switch.[/URL][/URL]
does anyone know the registry value that controls were the bookmarks go?
or if it's listen in a .ini file, it should be edited to "Windows\opera9" to make bookmarks show up in manila
can someone please reupload the !?
anyone build a working OEM package that works with bookmarks for visual kitchen? so far I've been able to get an OEM to show up in the internet tab but not the bookmarks, if someone comes across it or has the OEM from the Raphael forum (the link was broken and I couldn't download) please share and post it
please someone reuploadit...
When you say "unzip and copy to windows," do you mean to unzip the CAB file, and then copy all the files to the windows directory on the phone? Please clarify, as I would love to try this guy out. Thanks!
9.7 is certainly alot quicker but still has some minor bugs.
With turbo mode the web pages are compress so much that when soomed out you cannot read the text
Diamond scrool wheel does not zoom
Does not auto rotate between potrait and landscape using gsensor
still this is a very good release
rumpleforeskin said:
Does not auto rotate between potrait and landscape using gsensor
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That is wrong, on my Diamond it rotates just fine when tilting the device, you're right about the scroll wheel though...
This is from the official site:
"Buy and Register Opera
You have a free 14 day trial period starting the first time you run Opera. To continue using Opera after the trial period, go to to buy a registration code.
To register your copy, go to Menu > Options > Register Opera and enter your registration code."
Does this apply to the mobile version of the above release ?
mitchmangr said:
This is from the official site:
"Buy and Register Opera
You have a free 14 day trial period starting the first time you run Opera. To continue using Opera after the trial period, go to to buy a registration code.
To register your copy, go to Menu > Options > Register Opera and enter your registration code."
Does this apply to the mobile version of the above release ?
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No, that's for the "stable" version, 8.65.
There's no need of registration for the 9.7 Beta version and it isn't a trial.
i found text under turbo mode to be completely readable, images are pixelated though.
if your using the cab scroll wheel and auto-rotate probably won't work (if they do then yay!)
I finally got the scroll wheel working in opera 9.7b1! Here is what you need to do:
1. Create (or modify) the following registry keys
- Open [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\HTC\SmartTouch\OperaMo bile]
- Set String "ClassName"="OPERA-ML-MAINWNDCLASS"
- Set Dword "Mode"="4"
- Set Dword "WheelCount"="2"
2. Edit input.ini (mine is located in \Internal Storage\Programs\Opera Mobile\profile)
- Go to the [Browser Widget] group
- Change "Right = Navigate right" to "Right = Zoom in, 10"
- Change "Left = Navigate left" to "Left = Zoom out, 10"
- Change "Down = Navigate down" to "Down = Zoom in, 10"
- Change "Up = Navigate up" to "Up = Zoom out, 10"
Have fun
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does this work? got it from a thread in the diamond sub-forum
anyone else find that when you press a link on a web page it doesn't work? (mainly with turbo engaged) very anoying and the only thing stopping me using this
this browser is just amazing...i compared it with the iphone....wayyyyyy faster.....oh man it just takes 5 seconds tops for a site like ..engadget
i would LOVE Flash on this....or somehow make mach5 player work on this hehe somehow
i'd love to be able to download...whenever i click start download .......nothing happeneds....anybody else having the same problem?
Yes, download only works if you disable turbo mode. I guess it'll be functional in future versions.
Is there any way to enable the zoom on default?
Whenever I start Opera it shows the web-page in the mobile-view (which I enabled) is active but zoomed out.
Double-post. Sorry
I found out that with turbo on. there things you can't do like open a new tab,download and click on some links. think it must be the way the page downloads. This is easily sorted out by turning the turbo off and then reloading the page you were working with. I think turbo mode is just meant for loading pages bloody fast and finding what your looking for.

T-Mob. branded: change browser in internet-tab?

Hi guys,
is it possible to change the default Browser (T-Mobile web'n'walk [Opera9]) to self-installed Opera10?
Could not find any possibility...
No ideas? Damn T-Mob branding. No ROM Update available
I don't have Opera 10 installed, so can't give you exact instructions, but there's an executable in the windows folder called OperaL. This is what manilla runs when you open internet explorer from the internet tab.
You need to replace that with the executable for opera 10. It's also possible that there are associated files and/or folders with Opera 10. They may or may not need to be copied into the windows folder too. Sorry I can't be more specific, but I don't have Opera 10 as I prefer to keep the ability to pinch-to-zoom.
Incidentally, this has nothing to do with T-Mobile's branding. An off-the-shelf SIM free HD2 (like mine) uses Opera 9 from the internet tab too. It just isn't branded as T-Mobiles.
Thanks for your answer.
If this would be a "normal" Opera 9, it would be OK and no Problem. But every time I'll start the Browser by clicking the icon in the internet tab, the "web and walk"-Opera-Browser asks me "Would you really go online?" and I have to tap "yes". This is really ugly and so I want to replace it by another browser - in this case opera 10.
fdmedia said:
Thanks for your answer.
If this would be a "normal" Opera 9, it would be OK and no Problem. But every time I'll start the Browser by clicking the icon in the internet tab, the "web and walk"-Opera-Browser asks me "Would you really go online?" and I have to tap "yes". This is really ugly and so I want to replace it by another browser - in this case opera 10.
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I understand - that would get on my tats as well! If you prefer Opera 10, try the above. If you'd like to keep Opera 9, I could supply you with the exe off my phone and it may get rid of the message. Don't know for sure though.
fdmedia said:
every time I'll start the Browser by clicking the icon in the internet tab, the "web and walk"-Opera-Browser asks me "Would you really go online?" and I have to tap "yes".
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Check "HKLM\Software\Opera\Defaults\ConnectConfirmationMsg" and set it to 0
also check "HKLM\Software\Opera\Defaults\FirstTimeConnectConfirmationMsg" and set that to 0.
Good luck!
Thanks for this registry hack, but both of them are set to 0 by default. very ugly.
@johncmolyneux thanks, but my colleague has a hd2, too, but unbranded. he will send me his operal.exe and then we'll test if it's running.
It's pretty easy to bypass the MessageBox. The Opera (or Web'n Walk) Shortcut in the startmenu points not to \windows\OperaL.exe but \windows\BrandedBrowser.exe... so simply edit the shortcut located in \windows\startmenü\programme with totalcommander or something.
As Far as the Internet Tab in Manila goes... i don't have a clue. i searched the registry, searched several xml files in \windows....
Thank you, operative1.
I've searched the registry for "BrandedBrowser" and:
HKLM\Software\HTC\Manila\UseBrandedBrowser set from 1 to 0 and look - Opera10 is opening. Now i just have to change the Icon - but at the moment i'm really happy that the Shortcut is right!
Thank you all guys!
Great. Looking long time for it.
Thanks a lot.
THANK YOU! It fit's!
No hack/edit needed!
If you open Opera 9 and go to Menu/Settings/Advanced and uncheck Set Opera as default browser then exit. When you install Opera 10 it asks at that time if you'd like to set it as your default browser select yes and your done. No registry hacks or anything else needed.

