MobileMatt & FuzeBerry websites are due to expire 11/3/2009 - Touch Pro2, Tilt 2 Themes and Apps

** Please Note ** The MobileMatt & FuzeBerry websites are due to expire 11/3/2009. I do not have the funding to keep these sites up and running. Please consider making a donation so that I can continue to offer free themes, skins, and Widows Mobile goodies for your enjoyment. Thank you in advance, Matt (MobileMatt) ​
Thanks to those that have donated....​

I appreciate all that have been following my work and those that have contributed. I just can't afford to keep my sites going anymore.
Although I do this because I enjoy it, their is very little gratitude for the work I have done except from a select few. My downloads will no longer be available but if you PM me, I can forward.

This might be kind of late but I wanted to say thanks for all of the themes you've released and hard work you've done to make them. I know that it takes a bunch of time to create themes and to test them as I've done a couple myself but not nearly as many as you make. Sorry about your website. I feel bad that I couldn't make a donation because when I first got my touch pro, I used your fuzeberry theme all the time before I started making some of my own. Thanks again for all your work


{}Touch friendly programs for windows mobile! NEW Mob site + MORE

Okay you all know i've been working on this website for a few weeks now. This means staying up till 3-4am in the morning, coding non-stop. By the fall of this week, it will be released to the public as a beta for 1-2 days where bugs can be submitted so I can fix it up, to make it a pleasant experience for the user!
Okay so edit again And yes IT's ALL FINISHED!!!!!!
All that needs to be done is to add categorys and content via the admin panel, but i need people to help me out (its a big job)! If you don't want to help all the time, at least help me get through the forums so after i've seen them all I can keep on top, because atm i'm under a huge pile of stree (see what I mean)
Website is here:
See latest post for the new update
Thanks for letting me know about that ,
But it's not very advanced, and doesn't have a lot of stuff.
Napbree said:
First of all, I am a website designer & coder.
I have the biggest urge to make a website, dedicated for the HTC Touch, and provide people with the best registry hacks/tweaks. The good programs - and link back here to download them. Etc.
I'd provide a forum for support on all of this as well. I was wondering, who would use this site, and support it? And, is there a website like this all ready?
If this website did get alot of support, and became popular, I would expand it further too other HTC devices
What would the website contain?
- Home cooked ROMS
- Original ROMS
- Games
- Programs
- Registry Hacks
- Themes
(if you have any suggestions please let me know)
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What better site than the one your on?!?!?!?!?
This is a awesome site, it's just to cluttered, if you see what I mean. You have to file through them all to find things you want, and then when you find something you need, you dont know if it's the latest version etc.
And this isn't the only good site, there's ipmart etc. and this is my way of trying to merge them all together
It will have a way to add your own stuff, so it's like the users own little admin panel, except everything they do, has to be rectified by the admin
So I just thought I'd simplify the process.
Bump... Surely more people want this?!
If you look at the number of members and posts at, I'd say there isn't much interest in a stand alone site. By comparison, dwarfs st.n. Granted, the Mogul has been out longer than the Touch, for Sprint anyway. Phones come and go all the time, so I'd think you'd be better off creating a site that's manufacturer or OS specific.
Well that's because you have to register. The site I will make, you won't have to register. It will be simple and quick
iam in
heyyyy whats up man
i like the idea i was thinkin the same open website and i guess we can make good work i work programmer and i have 2 desingers and one for adobe and the 2nd flash
any way i would like to say iam with u from nw but the xda is the best and will stay the best if u dont mind gimme ur yahoo id and ill contact with you .
It's good to know that lot's of people have wanted to do this It means there's a lot of interest. I have contacted you
So far, I have dont the main page - everything's going to be dynamic, and fetched from the mysql db.
It's coming along nicely I think it should be done within 1-2weeks - if I put my mind to it!
you're a bit too late))
Does no-one read my first post
I am compiling a site, of everything here, and other forums. It is somewhere where you dont have to register. And you dont have to go through lots of messy threads
In the long run it will be better :0
Napbree said:
Does no-one read my first post
I am compiling a site, of everything here, and other forums. It is somewhere where you dont have to register. And you dont have to go through lots of messy threads
In the long run it will be better :0
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Lets go. Sounds good.
So far, I have done the basics - news system, categorys, sub categorys, descriptions, and download/view details page. I am currently going over everything now, to implement more features etc.
It's coming along really nicely!
you say that you dont need to register to use the site, but if you want to download from say Xda-Developers, then you need a username and password!
Yeah I have that one covered as well!
Usually, if someone post's something, they supply a download link to say fileshare, I can provide that. And if I am allowed, and I give proper credit to this site, surely I can upload myself, and give a download link?
Napbree said:
Yeah I have that one covered as well!
Usually, if someone post's something, they supply a download link to say fileshare, I can provide that. And if I am allowed, and I give proper credit to this site, surely I can upload myself, and give a download link?
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How would you make sure the version you are offering is the most current one?
Well, I would keep everything updated, I roam these forums everyday, so I won't miss anything. And If the people who said they want o help are commited they can help.
I might create a php bot, to search for the highest number, shouldn't be too hard
So far, pretty much everything that the user see's is finished! I am just tweaking the rating system - for now, no comments.
But I still have the admin panel to do, but I can still put the website live and add everything via phpmyadmin. I don't like to keep people waiting.
If anyone has donations, then donating to my paypal would be great, and I will add you to my affliates which means more visits to your website
My paypal is booboonathan[[(at)]]gmail[[(dot)]]com (remove the ( and [[ )
Okay - I had to postpone due to family issues and such, and well i've come back but I don't know if I should waist the rest of my time doing this website. Its practically done - Minus a design and just need to implement a few cool effects such as ratings, comments and screesnhots etc.
I have big planns for this website (no wait, rephrase. I had big plans) But I need to know if any of you would use this website? It will be a simple layout, and much easier to get access too.. It will also have news feeds to it's far easier to be able too check if something has been updated.
Hasn't that ever annoyed you? When you see a cool program and you isntall it but you don't realise it's had an update - and you have to go routing through the messy forums (sorry, but it's true - this is a forum, they're all messy) and look for the latest one?!
Either way please tell me if you would use it, it would be free of course

Themes no longer available

Sorry, after this day my themes are no longer available.
I wish all users a merry christmas and a happy new year.​
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Post deleted.
Great Stuff Thanks!
Keep up the good work!
I´ve attached a new theme: Wild West. Download look Post 4. said they're available in cabs?..
They look fantastic man, amazing job, I just have this problem though...
While copying the pirate files @ the windows dir, I got a low mem msg @ 95%...
Now the damn message keeps popping up, how do I delete all these files?.. manually?
Where could I find those cabs you mention?
- oh well...fixed it Nice work, the only thing I didn't really like was the choice of backgrounds. Otherwise, a pretty good job
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To all downloaders....My themes were downloaded together more than 3000 times (i know...many other themes more), but almost no comments. Only, if something goes wrong.
I would regret if the contribution would disappear - no comments, and at the 2nd day it´s on the 10th side of this thread and the other users never get an information about these themes.
Also it would be good to get information about some experiences you made. It´s a hard work, over 10, sometimes over 20 hours from the skinners to make their themes, but only a little effort, to post a critic after testing, doesn´t matter if positive or negative.
the only negative thing i can think of is ... copyrighted materials being used...
like trademarks and pictures ,
for the rest it looks nice
stresskiller66 said:
the only negative thing i can think of is ... copyrighted materials being used...
like trademarks and pictures ,
for the rest it looks nice
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You´re right...but i don´t get any money for making´s only fun. Here in the threads are the most things on a border to this question...Rom Cooking, working on _manilas and more. Noone makes official programs/ themes like these. And the most graphics i renewed, styled in another way as the originals and some are real new, made with graphic programs by myself. Excample: To cut the spider of the spiderman-logo, takes one hour of my time. And for the web i copied it out of 1 frame from the beginning of the film and edited this original web, so that you can see it on the little display. This theme takes over 20 hours, until it was ready. I try, to make these things as perfect, as i can.
Here in the threads we try to make the device more beautiful or more functional.... the manufacturer has less ideas and interests to this things. Maybe, it´s too much work and not so much to earn?! Or do you see somewhere programs, like you find here?
And it´s a good marketing for this people. If you have a theme like these or a better program, you have more identification with the diamond, with windows mobile, with film show, you are a fan of Pirates and make a little monument for it, and so on.
If I would sell these themes or get a donation for them it´s a step to far (for me), but to make it for fun without any financial interests.... who wants to see a theme with a pic of my father or me on his/her phone
Edit: I have a photo of me on the 1st bootscreen...if the phone was stolen, to rile the thieves. They were remembered to me every soft reset ;-)
Hi.. Your themes are great . Especially pirates of the carebian.
It would be great if you have terminator theme...
thanks for the immediate response man, I found a background
You posted some cool ones though
Thanks again for the theme
Neo XL said:
You´re right...but i don´t get any money for making´s only fun.
Here in the threads are the most things on a border to this question...Rom Cooking, working on _manilas and more. Noone makes official programs/ themes like these. And the most graphics i renewed, styled in another way as the originals and some are real new, made with graphic programs by myself. Excample: To cut the spider of the spiderman-logo, takes one hour of my time. And for the web i copied it out of 1 frame from the beginning of the film and edited this original web, so that you can see it on the little display. This theme takes over 20 hours, until it was ready. I try, to make these things as perfect, as i can.
Here in the threads we try to make the device more beautiful or more functional.... the manufacturer has less ideas and interests to this things. Maybe, it´s too much work and not so much to earn?! Or do you see somewhere programs, like you find here?
And it´s a good marketing for this people. If you have a theme like these or a better program, you have more identification with the diamond, with windows mobile, with film show, you are a fan of Pirates and make a little monument for it, and so on.
If I would sell these themes or get a donation for them it´s a step to far (for me), but to make it for fun without any financial interests.... who wants to see a theme with a pic of my father or me on his/her phone
Edit: I have a photo of me on the 1st bootscreen...if the phone was stolen, to rile the thieves. They were remembered to me every soft reset ;-)
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i agree but most of those companies do have nasty lawyers thats all,
but if we are talking about ideas.... for new things ..
how about an Amiga theme and make the diamond screen look like some workbench screen .and kickstart like it was on the amiga 1000
here are some old screens :
It would be nothing, what i would like to see on my diamond...maybe it´s interesting for other skinners.
But i thank you for your tip... i´m not angry ´bout this. I know, that some companies like to bring people to the court. Hope, that they see here, that it´s fun and support a positive image for the films and not with the reason, to harm them.
You did a great job with these themes.
My question is: can I install the themes on any version of ROM? I use 1.93.
Thank you.
I use also 1.93 and it works. The cabs have been downloaded very often since the last days and no problems reported. I hope, it all wents okay. In every cab are only the graphic files, tsk, sometimes rings. No system files.
Hi, thanx so much for these themes, they're are fabulous. I love the Pirates theme, one thing is you don't include calendar and connecion tab to your theme any more. Thanx for all what you have done.
Hope for more beautiful themes.
Keep holding on


Hello Mods and Xda! I have gotten numerous private messages asking me what happend to the Giznetic Thread? Well I am here to clarify that this is the only Giznetic thread at the moment.... and It will not be used for spamming just for information and updates. If I spam in any way in this thread MODS please take it down. OK now that we got that finished!
What is Giznetic?
Giznetic is a website that I designed that makes it easier for everyone to access their favorite applications for any DEVICE!!!! (more will come as site gets larger). I am even in the process of developing a completely mobile version that will easy allow you to find your desired Application! Oh yah and the screen size will be fixed to your device!!!
Ex. You are using an HTC Diamond. The screen size will be fixed to its 640 x 480 screen size!
Ex. You are using a Samsung Omnia. The screen size will be fixed to its 240x400 screen size! So You don't need to pan through the webpage!!!!
So thats basicly it guys!
Used For Later
Mods Please Move This To "development And Hacking"
Thank You!!!
Mods Can You Please Move It To Development And Hacking?
Mods Can You Please Move It To Development And Hacking?
Come on!!!! Mods please your making me want to make a new thread!!!!
wtf!! come on MOVE it please!!!!
im sure im speaking on behalf of xda..... your getting annoying now!
Do not see this as a rejection of your efforts.
XDA is a place where you can post themes tweaks and tools for HTC devices.
Yes sometimes there are Posts that link to a ROM on another site.
But in most those cases the Roms site is in a language that most WWE users don't understand it and an English discussion is held here.
Some developers have expressed their dissconcern with Commercial sites misusing their themes and applications.
Your site is not commercial and does not fall under this.
But by allowing a thread that just posts to another site we would only be helping to cloud the lines of what XDA Developers in first place is about.
It is users that understand this line needs to be clear, that report your threads.
So it is not simply a moderating decision it is a Democratic outing of understanding and Concern.
So there are many depths as to why a thread like this is not needed or deleted.
And it certainly does not belong in Development and Hacking.
I hope you can think about it and understand the why.
You have the option to have your site in your signature. As long as it is not Overly abundant so it starts to look like a banner advertisement, but in a delicate and conservative way it will in most cases be allowed as long as it is not a commercial site. Also it would be nice if your Signature of course also has info about your Device, interest or expertise instead of just a link to a site.
(links to commercial sites will in most cases lead to a cease and desist)
And to keep this on topic in the line of XDA: please consider taking a less heavier background image for your site. Although speeds for Windows Mobile devices and networks are getting higher every year. A lot of networks still charge by the amount of data transferred. For the information the pages carry, the page load is to slow. For Mobile use you have to consider that the speed of your site will help get more return visitors.
It is good that you try to use a setup that adjusts to screen sizes regular sites should have started doing this years ago.
Even with browsers that can render Pages like a desktop browser it would still be wise for site creators to keep in mind that Mobile browsing will become the Web .3 of the future and that site lay outs need to be adjusted to that experience.

Looking for your help guys, Transferring ownership for free!

As most of you know, I am the sole owner of touch innovation. I have done alot to this website (and I still have more to come). THe problem is, over the next half year I have alot of work ahead of me, that affects my future. But I don't particulary want to go into it.
I want someone that can look after and keep the site going for up to 6 months. I know you're thinking "What's the point in this, what do I get out of it?". Well, you get experience.
You'll get a weekly number of emails, submissions etc from people that use the website, you can monitor these, and help out there questions.
You can add programs from here etc.
Why Am I asking this?
I have spent months and months of coding this website (considering the website is only 4 months old, it's a lot of work). And I've hit a niche in the market, people want a website like this, and I am supplying them with one, but I need it to be updated while I am gone. Maybe some marketing (aka advertising) as well, so everything is running peak, and more users are coming.
This is a non-profit organisation, I make no money out of it.
I will pay the guy at the end (maybe), dependant on how much they have done to the website. And I want them to take it upon them self to make any adjustments. The site will potentially be yours for the half year (I will be checking up on it, and If there are some changes that are iffy, I will contact you about it).
It's good experience, and maybe helping me + the community out for a while.
Thanks guys,
Okay, another idea, A team of people can request to be part of the team, and keep the site running well and keep it updated for the time I'm gone
Touch Innovation team (to-be's):
Thanks for anyone who helps in advance, I will be up for giving a little price tag at the end, dependant on whether they've applied effort to maintain the site
No one?
I think it would be awesome to have this opportunity but I have no experience in html coding. Just the basics.
I thought I had replied to this :/
Erm, you dont need any html coding skills. You just need to know how to keep a website updated (using xda, and others) using my simple but easy and clever admin panel. Also advertise to keep hits up etc.
Napbree, I would gladly take this website, but i'm MEGAbusy with studies and work.
I suggest that instead of granting this website to another "sole" person, you create users in your admin panel and grant them to a few people who will keep it updated. I build websites and I can tell you that there's no way i'd be able to handle even one of those i've built, myself.
If a group of people are willing to help, I will be one of them.
I'll also try creating commercial opportunities for the website - profitwise.
I'd usually say "This is not the place to post these kind of posts.. use the Q&A section".. which comes naturally nowadays..
but considering the importance of this... I think we need this thread bumped up until you manage to get what you wish for.
Yes, that would be great. You've given me an awesome idea. A team of people that can mointor and keep the site up and running well, and content updated etc.
I'll start making a list of people who want to become part of the team
And if you could get a commercial opportunity, that would be amazing. I'd be up for selling it as well (maybe). It's just I want to keep the site of my hands for a while. Because my dad died only a week ago, and i'm entering a state of depression, and I need to get out into the world and keep myself busy.
I really like this site, and would like to see it continue.
Nathan has done such great job on developing this site, it would be shame, to see it gone waste!
So anyone who has motivation and some time to take this site under ownership, please contact nathan!
Ps. I'm one of admins of this site, and can tell you that it's really easy to update site, because of the nathan's clever admin panel. I would do it myself if i had the time, but my studies and and other projects takes too much time.
All friends of this site, let's get this thread bumped until we get some help for nathan
Firstly.. i'm sorry. Be well.
Secondly, I have some connections.. I can't promise anything but i might be able to get some advertisments going.. we'll see how it goes.
Also, if manage to get some time off .. sometime.. I'll create flash banners and put them up.
Thank you allevant
And nir36 thanks again, that would be mucho appreciated! very generous
I'm willing to help...
But I'm not sure if I got any use thou as I got no tech experiences or running a website.
My best experience is being a gaming forum moderator and basic computer/pda knowledge.
But, if you think I'm a good canadiate please let me know as I would like to help in anyways.
You don't really need experience in running a site. As long as you can spend some time on the admin panel to add content, it's all good.
I've added you to the to-be team , hope you don't mind.
Thanks! future for the site is looking brighter this is just a bump post
I'll bump your bump
Dear Napbree,
I am an Application Consultant and actually my job consists of making corporate websites for government entities.
Websites I've done include (not exhaustive list)
Same domain but totally different things.
So do count me in if you need help running the website.
I am certified in JAVA (Have Sun Certified Java Programmer and Developer certs) and am proficient in both JSP and Applications.
Currently I am writing CMS based websites using PHP, CSS, HTML and Javascript.
I can definitely write some code to add more cool functionality to your website
I'll bumb your bumbing my bumb
Hi Kenshino,
Application consultant heh, nice!
At the moment, I will be able to code up new sections for the site, for example, the new update that will come sooner or later (when I have time to finish it), has live submission, which means users can instantly add applications, as long as it applies with a few of my automated checks.
But if you have any ideas, and you want to code them up, you can definately! But I wouldn't be able to give source code, but you can code it seperately and then I can incoroporate it nicely
Thank you lots for your interest
Hey, I volunteer too. I am a PC administrator and had had success in hosting my own sites in the past as well as prior administration duties to games like
Sounds great
Added you to the list, I will contact you all in the future, once I have a nice big list of contributors
let's keep this on top.

Brand new way to promote your app

Hey Developers,
We would like to present you a brand new way to promote your Android apps! We have been working hard to find a way so that any developer can promote their apps effectively without paying hundreds of dollars. DappWall is different from other mobile advertisement networks by using a unique and affordable payment solution (more info in 2 days).
Why are we doing this? DappWall was conceptualized by freelance developers in order to empower other developers to promote their apps in a cheap and effective way. Our goal is to balance the fair play on the market. After all, we are developers too!
The apps you advertise on DappWall are placed into a special application which works as an alternative Android market. We created this app to be fun and different from other Google Play alternatives.
Register here and you'll get $15 credit up until May 31, 2014 and all ads go live from May 15, 2014!
In the following days we will keep posting about DappWall. Till then, please like and follow us on the social websites which we created for users:
Thanks and happy advertising!
- The DappWall Team
Hey guys,
It's great to see that quite a few of you have already registered. Thanks for the interest! Today we would like to tell you what differs DappWall from other ad networks. Even though DappWall is a unique solution, it creates competition for other mobile advertisement networks with the following differences:
- You don't pay per impression. You pay a flat price.
- While with other ad companies your balance gets depleted in minutes, with DappWall your ad is displayed for as long as you want, thus burning into the users' memory!
- With other ad networks you need to give a description about your app in 40 characters. With DappWall you have almost twice as much space letting you elaborate a more appealing description!
Stay tuned for more information and don't forget to register on DappWall today and we will give you $15 free credit which you can use even for 3 weeks of promoting!
Thanks and happy advertising!
- The DappWall Team
Hey guys,
how do you think DappWall is different from other app markets? Well, these are the main reasons why users will choose DappWall:
DappWall was designed to provide a variety of apps limited to a couple hundred so that users don't get lost in the plethora of apps.
This way any of the apps can get focus and not only the ones from the biggest developer companies. Your apps as well!
The apps in DappWall are constantly changing to sustain their interest and keep the application exciting.
With a special mini-game system users can earn achievements and badges by using DappWall regularly.
If you are interested what DappWall looks like, take a look at DappWall in a short video:
So don't forget to register today at and create your first advertisement!
Thanks and happy advertising!
- The DappWall Team
Hey guys,
How are you? We are very excited! In the meantime we would like to share with you a few tips about creating ads on DappWall.
You have 75 characters to create an appealing description. Try to use it up if possible, but a catchy short description may also work! Try to find the best line that describes your app. Highlight what makes you unique.
Use call to action words like create, discover, organize, enjoy, learn, build, store, track
Use simple adjectives like beautiful, special edition, powerful, awesome, best, easiest, most popular, perfect
Use catchy adjectives like long-awaited, fully featured
Tomorrow more exciting tips are expected, so stay tuned for them! And in case you missed it, we created a video summarizing our service which you can see at
Thanks and happy advertising!
- The DappWall Team
Hey guys,
as we promised we continue on giving you vital tips on creating successful ads in DappWall:
Start with questions like have you ever..?, did you know..?, are you..?, fed up with..?,
Don't mislead users with descriptions just to lure to your app. You will miss out on downloads and the only thing you'll get is bad ratings given by angry and disappointed users.
What do people see the very first time related to your app? Your icon! Generally the more appealing the icon of your app is the more people will download it! So create a fancy one!
Please take a look at our best practices for sample ads.
We hope we managed to give you useful tips about creating appealing ads on DappWall and we look forward to see the results! Register on DappWall today and be among the first ones who get the 15$ free credit (applicable until May 31, 2014)!
Thanks and happy advertising!
- The DappWall Team
Hey guys,
We have received a lot of interest in DappWall. Thank you so much!
Exactly, most of you catch the drift: it is hard to promote your app if you are a freelancer developer, since other promoting networks and sites require hundreds of dollars. We are proud to introduce you DappWall where every single application can get into focus and not only the ones from the biggest developer companies. Other special features will make it more unique, check them out here now!
And for what price? Now you get 15$ free credit - which can be used even for 3 weeks of advertising - if you register until May 15, 2014.
So register today on DappWall to be among the very first ones!
Thanks and happy advertising!
- The DappWall Team
Hey guys,
Many of you have contacted us that you find this new advertisement solution exciting and unique. Furthermore there was also a lot of interest about the special DappWall app. Needless to say, we also can't wait to launch it; we go live in 4 days! Until then, be patient and use the $15 free credit you received to create your ads.
Thanks and happy advertising!
- The DappWall Team
Hey Guys,
You have created a lot of advertisements in the last couple of days. We were contacted many times and we gladly heard that you are very interested in this special advertisement option. We honestly believe we finally created an app market that will provide users a brand new variety of apps that they have never seen before... Your apps as well!
So start creating ads on DappWall today as we go live in 2 days!
Thanks and happy advertising!
- The DappWall Team
Hey guys,
We have some great news - from today onwards DappWall is live!
The advertisements that you have created so far will be continuously added from now on into the DappWall app, which is now available on Google Play.
Don't forget, you can continue to register for $15 credit (applicable until May 31, 2014).
Please like and follow us on the social websites which we created for users:
Happy advertising!
- The DappWall Team
Hey Guys,
In case you missed, we updated DappWall with fixing some issues and we are working hard to implement exciting new features. DappWall's structure will change a bit and a unique feature is expected to come during the following days to give our advertisers a better service. DappWall is thriving bigger and bigger everyday!
Stay tuned for the next updates!
- The DappWall Team

