**Auto Disable Data Connection** - Touch HD General

For all you people using WM 6.5 and having problems with Auto data connection, I found this thread
It works perfect on my Touch HD, when you use internet email or update your weather it connects and as soon as you're close everything it shuts down the Data Connection.
Don't thank me but DYNAMIC+ (hope he doesn't mind me mentioning him)
By this guy a beer or 2

It seems like that app is to disable data when roaming? Are you saying that it also turns off data connection even when on home network, once it's not being used anymore?
I have a HTC Touch Pro running Energy ROM 6.5 23016 build from 14 October and am on 3 Network Australia and my problem is the data connection is staying active even when i use tweak programs to set the "disconnect after x minutes" option etc. I am looking for something that would kill the data connection after a minute of not being used, but the next time something needs a connection such as me opening web browser, or activesync outlook email (scheduled every 15 mins) it will connect. Will this NoDataInRoaming actually do that, despite it's name and thread only saying it kills data when roaming and nothing about turning it off after inactivity?


Data Connection Problems?

Has anyone else had the problem that you go online and surf the web then maybe a couple of hours later you launch Opera again to go online and it just hangs (the data connection not opera)?
The only way to make it connect is to turn off the data connection then it will log back on...
JetMouse said:
Has anyone else had the problem that you go online and surf the web then maybe a couple of hours later you launch Opera again to go online and it just hangs (the data connection not opera)?
The only way to make it connect is to turn off the data connection then it will log back on...
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yeh iv been getting that problem for sometime now, its frustrating, sometimes i even have to soft reset to get the data connection working. It shows that the data connection is fine and everything seems connected, but then when you try and update weather or browse the web (anything that uses data) you end up getting an error,
its very similar to the problem you get on your home broadband, your router shows its connected and your dsl and everything is active yet you get a white page on your browser and then you have to reset your router, very very frustrating, so i understand your problem exactly.
I'm wondering if this is anything to do with changing cells on your network?
When you travel to a different cell location although the network says you are still connected (and you can still send/receive calls) the data network has actually dropped and needs refreshing?
I suppose what we are after is a program that can refresh the data network every few mins - don't know if this is possible though?
Here in Germany o2 has a problem with the Qualcomm Chipset. I also have hanging connections. A workaround is to disable HSDPA. Maybe you have the same problem?
same problem here (also o2 Germany)
the 3G icon is there and the bubble says there is a connection for x minutes but opera or google maps mobile report a missing connection after a short time of usage. i have to kill the connection manually and after the connection is reestablished it works again for few minutes...... this is so frustrating...
Same problem in Czech republic with O2 provider.
At this moment I found as a fastest way to switch off and on the radio.
I'm using most of the time GPRS connection and this problem is about two times per day so reconnection every day two times is really annoying.
Hopefully somebody will find solution soon...
My problem is slightly different. Sometimes (after using Opera or not) I try to refresh weather and it says "refreshing" but the data connection won't connect (it shows antenna, no arrows with H or 3G). I must then soft reset the PDA to make it work. Any solutions or similar experiences?
Blackstone data connection problems
I have been getting the same problem for sometime now, it is very frustrating, I always have to soft reset to get the data connection working. It shows that the data connection is fine and everything seems connected, but then when you try and update weather or browse the web (anything that uses data) you end up getting an error.
I try to refresh weather and it says "refreshing" but the data connection won't connect (it shows antenna, no arrows with H or 3G). I must then soft reset the PDA to make it work.
I am also wondering if this problem is limited to Blackstone (HTC Touch HD) or extends to HD2 also?
I have noticed that no one ahs posted any solution.
Comeon senior guys PLEASE help us out here.
Many thanks in advance.
Kam2kam, question, What rom are you using, and are you using activesync? If so, have you downloaded any email attachments? I was having the same problem where a couple of times a day I would have to soft reset. The connection would look fine, but if you tried to update anything or browse the net you were met with an error. It was frustrating. I finally narrowed the issue down to activesync and the new manila documents tab. My theory was that when I downloaded an attachment to view in the documents tab activesync would continue to sync the attachment each time it polled for new mail. Since activesync is often slow to sync attachments, my connection to the VPN would timeout before it could finish syncing causing the dreaded "waiting for network". My thought was my VPN connection would freeze thereby preventing my carrier internet from being able to connect; since, at least for me, you cannot have two different data session running simultaneously, i.e. VPN connection and the carrier's connection. The only cure was to soft reset. Ultimately what I did was hunt down any and all email attachments that I had dowloaded, and deleted them all. Since then my data connection went from freezing up twice a day to zero times a day and it's now been over two weeks.
You may not have the same set up as I do, but perhaps there may be something similar going on.
I hope that helps a bit.

Data Connection goes bezerk/dead!

Hi everyone...
I have an odd problem with my ToucH HD data connection. Usually it happens by the end of the day.
When I arrive home, I disconnect HDSPA/3G and connect Wifi because my data plan comprises only 100Mb per month.
At the end of the night I disconnect Wifi and connect hSDPA/3G again, but the connection goes crazy.
Usually the weather widget still works (at first), but no other app that needs web connection. No Opera, no MSN, no mail... everything with connection error. Then even the weather widget too...
In the commManager the DataConnection is active and when i click on the H on top of the screen i can see that HSDPA is connected and there is a time counter... counting. I've even tried the "Connection wizard" (i suppose it's its name, since my TouchHD is in portuguese), then a soft-reset, but nothing. Is stays the same apparently connected, but no application being able to connect the internet. Just as if some communication layer that serves the applications had been disconnected from the HSDPA network.
The only way I have to "solve" this problem is by doing a restore of an image i created while the HSDPA connection was working. But I suppose having to do this at least once a day does not seem to be a good remedy, at least in my humble opinion.
Do you have any suggestions? I'm running the latest HTC official ROM for Europe, release Apri 7th.
Thank you in advance.

Data connection, no auto-disconnect?

Hi guys,
I have recently moved from symbian platform to WinMo. I do have a question regarding data connection. Does it ever auto disconnects? (for example in my old N95 if I clicked sync in my mail application, the phone would connect, download new mail and then auto disconnect when the job was done)
Also the phone would disconnect from data connection after closing app that was using it.
Now with my HD2 when I sync email, refresh weather etc the data connection stays on. Do I have to disconnect it manualy every single time so it doesnt drain my battery? It is very annoying since I have to do it manually very often.
Please advise... maybe I am missing something...
There's a few threads on here on data connection disconnection. There is also a hints & tips thread right at the top of this page.
Use this tool to find what you are looking for..http://www.google.com/advanced_search?q=+site:http://forum.xda-developers.com&hl=en&lr=&as_qdr=all
install the 1 min disconnect tweak thats on this forum.
if you only set emails to check automatically it will disconnect ok using the above tweak but if you have weather and/or twitter apps connecting to update for some reason it will not close the connection at all i have told htc but never heard back
The only real reason for disconnecting a data connection is if you want to prevent unwanted costs associated with data exchange.
If you're in a weak signal area you can save battery by switching the connection band to GSM rather than 3G, but in a strong signal, 3G is more power efficient.
An open, but quiescent data connection has little or no effect on battery life as it's simply using the network infrastructure; battery usage only occurs during actual data exchange. So, if you turn off all the auto-update features and set email polling to a longer interval you should be OK. Kind of defeats the purpose of the device though
NeilM said:
The only real reason for disconnecting a data connection is if you want to prevent unwanted costs associated with data exchange.
If you're in a weak signal area you can save battery by switching the connection band to GSM rather than 3G, but in a strong signal, 3G is more power efficient.
An open, but quiescent data connection has little or no effect on battery life as it's simply using the network infrastructure; battery usage only occurs during actual data exchange. So, if you turn off all the auto-update features and set email polling to a longer interval you should be OK. Kind of defeats the purpose of the device though
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From my experience all Symbian devices and the iPhone auto disconnect from the network once the data connection is no longer needed. They also reconnect in the blink of an eye. It kind of irritates me that Windows Mobile doesn't allow you at least the OPTION of doing so. It's particularly annoying if you're connected to a speaker and can't get 3g as there's a constant noise going off. I also think it can't be great for your balls having that connection constantly active! It's not HTC's fault though, just I think a result of Windows Mobile being inherently quite archaic...perhaps Windows have just overlooked it.
There's a great free app HERE to tweak the WinMo connections for individual apps. It's a must have for me.
petexx said:
Hi guys,
I have recently moved from symbian platform to WinMo. I do have a question regarding data connection. Does it ever auto disconnects? (for example in my old N95 if I clicked sync in my mail application, the phone would connect, download new mail and then auto disconnect when the job was done)
Also the phone would disconnect from data connection after closing app that was using it.
Now with my HD2 when I sync email, refresh weather etc the data connection stays on. Do I have to disconnect it manualy every single time so it doesnt drain my battery? It is very annoying since I have to do it manually very often.
Please advise... maybe I am missing something...
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This really isn't a problem, I've seen N95's that retain their connection at all time (and some that don't) and to be honest it just makes your handset a little quicker.
WMLongLife is the nuts. You need it.
Thanks for the link, I pay per minute on my connection (rather than data transferred) so an open connection is not good for my bank balance

setting connection preference ???

is there a way to make sure the phone only connects to my home wi fi hub when at home and does not connect via my 3g vodafone connection. I want it to automatically select the fastest link and not waste my 3g allowance ? I've searched but cannot find a solution, thanks
+1 good idea, anyone got anything on this?
The solution I would use would be to go to Settings>Wireless Controls and simply switch Data Connections off, Wifi On when at home.
You would have to remember to to reverse this when done if you want to access 3G services.
u could use G-Profile.. It allows you to set up different profiles and switch them automatically based on your current cell id. Wifi on/3G off when at home, other way around when not. Works like a charm for me
thanks for the tip but when I do that it then automatically turns it back on even when I'm connected to the wireless hub, all of a sudden they both are on . . . . . . .?? any ideas ??
i have the same problem... it keeps using my 3G/EDGE network even if WIFI is available... and i dont get it how can HTC afford not to give us an option to set that the phone asks you for permission when connecting to 3G/EDGE network... this **** costs and im not really happy about the fact that my phone can connect to a network whenever it feels like.
(and yes this **** keeps happening even tho i disabled automatic updates in weather/time applications.)
In BSB tweaks if you press options I think there is an option to disable all data connections. I have never tried it but maybe it will override all connection attempt? Give it a try. Also, I flashed to the 2.01 ROM and I think the data connections are a little less persistent, though I don't wan't to guarantee anything!
andi1977dog said:
is there a way to make sure the phone only connects to my home wi fi hub when at home and does not connect via my 3g vodafone connection. I want it to automatically select the fastest link and not waste my 3g allowance ? I've searched but cannot find a solution, thanks
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does it not do that by default? i cant send emails through t-email when i'm at home - I just presumed this was because i was connected through my wireless router. turning off wifi allows me to send emails.
thus I presumed wifi takes preference?
I am wondering the same thing. The idealist situation would be to have both connections active at the same time, and let the HD2 make sure that wifi is used when the connection is there. Is there some kind of application to verify which connection is being used?
Great thread - I am not the only HD2 owner who is annoyed with the problem with the HD2 switching on its GRPS data connection without my approval!!!
Could it be that the HD2 turns off the wifi when it goes to sleep and then tries to connect to the web using the GPRS network? In that case how do I prevent turning off WIFI when in sleepmode?
I read somewhere else in this forum about a G-profile. Being a newbie with HTC I have no idea what this is. Any clue?
But overall: Yes, it would be great if HTC added an option to set network connection preferences.
WiFi does take preference if it's connected! Dont forget when you are at home and you turn your phone on from standby it will take 10sec or so to connect to your WiFi router, if you try and use IE, Opera, Twitter, Weather Update, Email, etc... before it's connected it will fire up your 3G data connection!
The phone does not how ever turn off your data conn when it's idle which is annoying! You need to use Bandswitch or CommManager from here http://www.commmgrpro.com/jsp/main_frame.jsf;jsessionid=103F335931311F019BD540B82E479383 or WMLonglife from this forum (do a search).
there must be someone out there with ghe know how and expertise to solve this ?? glad to see its an issue for othet folk, i like the idea for selecting wi fi over gprs if its there to be selected.......
I found out that my HD2 automatically closes the 3G connection when I have wifi active. I'm not sure why it does that, I know pretty sure that it had not always done that. But I'm quite happy with it
It turns 3G on again after disconnecting from WIFI, which is what I want.
so if you tap the notifications tab and the "contratc internet" is counting and the wi fii is connected it is using the wifi and not the "contract internet" even though the timer is counting ???
Can anyone confirm ???
p.s tried using the G-Profile software, it seems very inconsistant and didnt always turn off what it should when you select the profile so im going to unistall it.
for some reason the automatic internet settings from vodafone messes up/hides the "The Internet" or "MyISP" connection that is in the phone originally.. I even hard resetted but you just can't seem to stop the automatic settings..
disable the proxy of the "Vodafone live!" connection and it will work.. just like twitter etc..
the same with email only checking through 3G and not wifi.. but set the server settings of your account to "The Internet" after you disabled the proxy.. (advanced settings at the smpt server tab)
hope this helps.. but a thing worries me, as I don't know anything about proxies, why does vodafone specify a proxy if we don't realy need one.. to port us over their live portal or something? (on my old sony ericsson the track ID service didn't work because of that)
"disable the proxy of the "Vodafone live!" connection and it will work.. just like twitter etc.."
thanks but how do i do this ??
anyone know how i do this ? thanks
After including the Taskmanager as a quick link in HTC Sense I am now able to close all programs. Now I do no longer experience any unfortunate GPRS connections when connected to WIFI.
Only problem is that when running on batteries the WIFI connection is closed down when the unit enters sleepmode. However during sleepmode, if I have not closed down programs accessing the web these are now able to connect to the web by using the GPRS connection.
Why on Earth has HTS decided to decipher a click on the X as MINIMIZE and not CLOSE!!!
tnyborg said:
After including the Taskmanager as a quick link in HTC Sense I am now able to close all programs. Now I do no longer experience any unfortunate GPRS connections when connected to WIFI.
Only problem is that when running on batteries the WIFI connection is closed down when the unit enters sleepmode. However during sleepmode, if I have not closed down programs accessing the web these are now able to connect to the web by using the GPRS connection.
Why on Earth has HTS decided to decipher a click on the X as MINIMIZE and not CLOSE!!!
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I believe my Wifi connection is kept alive, even in sleepmode.
Josan123 said:
I believe my Wifi connection is kept alive, even in sleepmode.
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Sorry, forgot to mention this - but in order to save battery power I have asked the unit to close down the WIFI when in sleepmode (using BsB Tweaks). And indeed it gives me more battery life.

Automatically starting data connection

I have been using HD2 for a week now and I have noticed that the data connection with my mobile operator (O2 UK) starts automatically each time.
I notice this when I see the 3G or H or E symbol on top, then I have to go to data connection and switch it off.
If I call someone, hang the phone down and then lock it and if I unlock the phone after sometime I see the data connection turned on again.
Anyone know why this happens? Is there any way I can only turn it on when I want it and not all the time? I keep my wifi connected when I am at home.
As far as I know the apps I have are configured to not connect automatically...
metal675, couple of places to check. On your device, open activesync->menu->schedule and make sure the schedule for both peak and off peak times is set to manual. Next, go to the settings tab in manila and select location and untick HTC location service. Not sure if you've already done these or not, but these are the two things I know. Hope that helps.
Sean3 said:
Next, go to the settings tab in manila and select location and untick HTC location service.
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Also deactivate everything in data services.
If deactivating everything wont help, please check if you closed Palringo properly (if you use it at all). Had the same problem and couldn`t figure it out - which process is turning 3G on itself. Found Palringo making problem. Closing by X doesn`t help (even when it`s not in ComManager). You have to close it by Menu>Exit to make sure.
You can also try deactivating data connections using bsbtweaks. It's an option which should prevent your device from automatically connecting whenever it pleases.
Thx all.
I think it was the location service which did the trick. I had missed that one.
Had switched off automatic update setting for all the other apps. Looks like it is working now and I dont see data connection being started now.
if your planning on using the data services alot then it might be worth getting the unlimited data/internet bolt on for £7.50 that way you dont have to worry about it, thats what i do. keeps me updated on twitter, facebook and handy for the weather as well
I already have the unlimited internet...but as you know its never unlimited.
Dont want my usage to be exhausted when I am not using the phone...I would rather prefer to use the internet when I need it for FB, twitter, weather etc

