I know there have been lengthy discussions on GPS Software on this forum, but I have still not seen anything that meets my requirements.
Basically, I want the Garmin software, but I would really like to have Text to speech. I have used the Garmin software on other devices, and really liked it, but no Text to Speech.
Also, it needs to be able to run from MY sd card.
It would need to have maps for North America (USA and Canada)
I have tried Copilot Live 8, but find its maps to be over 10 years out of date in my area.
Any suggestions would be helpful.
Nav N Go iGO 8 was the only game in town that did TTS for a while, but it caused so many complaints (lag, performance problems, all the usual complaints that TTS devices draw) that they discontinued TTS capability.
i used the amazegps.com it has text to speech but won't tell you street names. it's free so atleast it speaks to me lol
Give iNav iGuidance a try. Address is http://www.inavcorp.com/
Actually I used Navigon for trial (30 days) Maps Q3/2008.
Maps Europe with HTC TP2
I thought my OCN 8.3 had TTS. I'll try it on my way home tonight.
IGuidance latest version has text to speech for street names and it works great
OCN 8.3 works great with TTS. I have no idea why people say it is not supported any longer.
CoPilot Live 8 will have Text to Speech by the end of the year.
Which one is compatible with Touch Pro 2 with WM 6.5 and that CAN be install on your own micro SD card without doing any tweak like missing with reg?
Try Waze (website, cab). It's as ghetto and buggy as it is badass in theory. And it is free, light (over the air...), voice/turn by turn and traffic and police reports live, a community thing.
While you're at it install Trapster (site, slashdot, cab) which like Waze does the community thing to let you know if you're approaching a speed trap.
Both require you to create an account. Other than that, very badass.
Navigon MN7.4.0 build 787 from PNA Navigon 7310 to Smartphone PDA
used a Navigon MN7.4.0 build 787 from a PNA is made working on Smartphone and PDA,
it works with 3D View
800 x 480
640 x 480
480 x 272
480 x 234
400 x 240
320 x 240
320 x 234
- City View 3D Works!
- Panorama View3D Works!
- Landmark View3D Works!
- Prof Text to Speach Command Works!
- NAVIGON MyRoutes Works!
- Reality View Pro Works!
- Driveline assistent Pro Works!
- TMC- Speaking to u u need Hardware!
- TMC-Route Info u need Hardware!
- Real Streetsigns Pro Works!
- Intiligent Parking Works!
- POI-Klick Works!
- Text-to-Speech Works!
- Koordinate-Input Works!
- NAVIGON MyReport Works!
- Favorite on Map Works!
- Radar Info Works!
- Intelligent Adressinput Works!
- Speedassistent Works!
- Automatic Day Night Change Works!
- 2D/3D-View Works!
- dynamic Routeview Works!
- Go Home Function Works!
Infos Mail to me for a Link
Hi to All,
i want to be provocative and make a strong statement to know your opinion:
the conclusion: navigon 7.3.0 is superior in all aspects to TomTom 7.910.
In fact, i am having a very pleasant experience with Navigon after many years of TomTom "study".
In summary, the added benefits which i see:
definitely a clearer graphics, both in 2D and 3D in particular realview and also special highway indications to make driving safer. This includes more information like the turn after the next one.
NavTeq maps are, at least in my area, much more detailed and precise with respect to roads and also speed limits indications are strictly matching the signs!
Richer and more informative POI collection (for example, with the actual logos and graphics for the different fuel stations, supermarkets, etc.etc.)
text to speech by default: in french it is really excellent!
Cheaper: 99 Euros (149 with the 2 years maps subscription) is definitely less than TomTom....if a touch HD owner could buy it!
fix is instantaneous in Navigon: time that the software loads, the gps is already there!
Now the remaining defects of Navigon:
to install it you have to use a mortscript and modified xml files (all listed in other threads)
still, in 800x480 the screen aspect ratio is slightly distorted (see other threads)
exiting from the program is surprisingly slow!
switching from landscape to portrait and viceversa can only be done at startup (actually, i like this behaviour but i am probably the only one...)
Still, the touch HD is not an officially supported device. However, differently from TomTom, they don't try to keep you out and allow freshmaps and synchronization, for example.
Just wanted to propagate my experience, since the small installation issues related to point 1. were somehow keeping me away from this fantastic product. In addition, TomTom pissed me off - since i sincerely tried to buy it and at the end they refunded me since i didn't have an HTC Touch but "only" a Touch HD...e.g. "only" the best PDA ever! Maybe it is too much nicer than TomTom PNA boxes?
...Am i right?
for the speedcam alerts navigon is still a bad solution and even with the mortscript mn7 doesn't run on some hd... igo 8 seems to be the best solution...
i like Navigon but the interface could be improved. I can't see the info because the text is too small which is a problem on my motor bike. Also there is a lot of wasted space in the direction arrow window which could be used better. All the info in the dreaded TomTom is very clear on the motor bike so no stress trying to read the info - I never use voices while driving - would drive me nuts.
Would be nice to see some screen shots of both and other software even for comparison.
custardo01 said:
I never use voices while driving - would drive me nuts.
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Really? When I'm on my motorcycle, I have my HD in my jacket pocket and use the earphones for voice Nav. I can't imagine navigating the Swiss mountain roads while watching a PDA screen! Anyway, maybe your eyes are faster than mine
I agree
and what about Navigon Vs IGO8??
i think IGO8 is the best navi on pda...
I have Navigon and TomTom installed on my HD. TomTom has all hi res graphics whereas Navigon has some stretched graphics in some places. Maps are hi res in both. However, Navigon has Text to Speech and announce road names whereas TomTom does not. That does it for me
When forced to use mortscript to simply install a program - it can´t be a goot solution anyway. I even had a hard time go get iGO running.
For Navigon, I never used mortscript. Installed fine with WVGA xml files. All works fine, except I get the memory errors. After several taps of the ok button it finally runs ok.
Totally agree...
I'm using Navigon since the version 5 on PDAphone... and it was since the beginning a lot better than Tomtom !!
From my point of view, Tomtom always had the world's ugliest graphical interface...!!
The version 7.450 is still installed on my HD, and the only positive points are the speedy loading time and the Master Yoda’s voice… ;-)
Right now, with the version 7 of Navigon, I'm also a bit disappointed with the too small text... however the maps are a lot more accurate than the Tomtom maps !!
I'm also using iGo 8 sometimes... not bad at all !!
Has anyone tried or used this navigation, it seems to be at least adequate to TomTom. Any opinions?
I have copilot 7 running on my X1. I dont find the resolution to be working well. In portrait it displays in wqvga which means the text is great but not enough map information. In landscape it displays in vga which is great for the map information but text is too small to read safely while driving and the rest of the screen is a strip for next turn directions etc. I have also started using the new released route66 mobile 8. Maps are Q3 2008 and display much more configurable. For example you can have loads of onscreen information or you can turn off text information and have just voice directions with full 3 inch wvga for the maps. Just my observations but hope that helps.
The problem w/ copilot is they are using their own map data, not the big 2 like TeleAltas or Navtech. I tried copilot 5 long time ago and found it's map data is very outdated and problematic. For US, I would rate the GPS software as follow:
IGO 8.3.2.xx (TTS + very smooth 3D operation) > Garmin MobileXT 5.0.20w (Google search builtin + Realtime traffic/flight status are killer features) > IGuidance 4 (simple, fast w/ TTS) > Tomtom 7 (very smooth and easy to use, but without TTS and distinguish feature = not shine in any single aspect).
Thanks guys for the advice. We will now go with Route66, there are only a few alternatives, becuase we need US and WesternEurope Maps.After installing and some use we will report back.
thanks for those who have already tested several of these navigator to give their opinion.
I am gonna buy one of them but which one, that is another problem.
For now, I am balanced between igo8 and navigon 7.
I've tried TomTom7 and Navigon 7. Both work fine, but TomTom 7.910 is seriously sluggish when navigating.
Navigon updates the screen much faster, and has a much more modern and polished look (I'd almost say eye-candy) - it's like comparing (something produced with) MS Paint vs PhotoShop. Navigon is very sluggish when entering city names and addresses, but I noticed that I could type ahead - even though the screen appeared frozen, the GUI would eventually catch up with every letter.
My slant is still towards TomTom though, but just because I find the menus and controls more intuitive (plus, I'm used to it from earlier versions). This occasion has been my first with Navigon.
I may have a-go (haha) with IGo soon.
At least you could have started a poll. Now you will have to count. But I will help you out here. iGO8 will win. It is the most appealing navigation software for PDA's. Maybe not the best, but the most tweakable for sure. And we all like tweaking
iGO 8, no doubt.
Yeah iGO8 is the my choice as well! anyone found 800x480 skins???
Could UK users of iGO8 tell me if it does postcodes or just addresses?
There is an extensive review of the iGO 8 here which looks at UK postcodes
Myself, I still can't bring myself to buy it, despite it looking impressive, I just couldn't keep swapping microSD cards all the time.
Thanks for that.
Pretty good review!
Just some questions:
- Does Navigon support Traffic Information as TT7 does?
- Does IGO8 support Traffic Information as TT7 does?
As far as I could see, only TT7 supports traffic information over the GPRS/UMTS-connection together with the built-in GPS.
umexed said:
Yeah iGO8 is the my choice as well! anyone found 800x480 skins???
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Haven't tried personally, but would be interested to know if it works...
iGO8 or navigon 7
Im using iGO 8 and Navigon 7 with my HD. I do'nt like TomTom.
When I'm making long distances on the highway I like Igo8 the most because it has a smartzoom function and gives an automatic 2D map overview during traveling.
When I'm traveling from France to the UK Navigon does'nt recognize the channel tunnel he's always using the ferrylines. (perhaps my mistake) In Switserland the tunnelmode in Igo is perfect.
For shorter city trips and when I'm, traveling in a high traffic density Navigon is superior with his excellent TMC module and better voice commands. Igo8 has a sluggish TMC support. It does not recognize all trafficjams and makes a lot of mistakes when it's recalculating a new route. Also the Navigon maps are more up to date.
The Navigon TMC module only supports the GNS TMC protocol. Igo8 supports more protocols, so I'm using two GPS/TMC devices. A less sensitive ans slow GNS mouse with Navigon and a fast and sensitive Royaltek GPS/TMC mouse with iGO8.
All installed...
I have Navigon MN7, iGo 8 and Tomtom 7 installed on my HD !! ;-)
My point of view :
- Tomtom 7 has the less accurate maps and the World's ugliest graphical interface, however it's very fast !
- iGo 8 use the same not so accurate maps as Tomtom ! For example, two hold gas-stations close to my home are missing, and the speed limit are often wrong.
- Navigon MN7 has by far the nicest interface and more accurate maps... + Reality View… + Text-to-speech for road’s name…
So for me, the choice is easy :
1 : Navigon MN7
2 : iGo 8
3 : Tomtom 7
I'm likely to be in the same boat soon (choosing a sat nav solution). But there seams to be alot of confusion around traffic options for the UK.
Anyone able to give clear UK specific info for the traffic update options for each of the candidates...
Am I right in thinking that there is no Australian maps for Navigon? So for us down here it is TomTom or Igo?
use of cards
Rolud said:
I have Navigon MN7, iGo 8 and Tomtom 7 installed on my HD !! ;-)
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Hi Rolud,
how do you work with iGO 8 and other tools: you change storage cards or is it an iGO version you can install on a larger storage card?
I'm not requesting a "warez" solution, just to get practical registration info.
Thanks for info.
Good tracks.
Actually the 3 softwares are installed on the very same 8Gb SDHC card, included with the Touch HD...
And everything is working fine...
May as well have may say then!
How can you look past tomtom? It's the original and this newer version is far superior to V6 which in itself was awesome. V7 is on my Blackstone right now and works fine (by the way, if anyone is having issues trying to get it to run on their system, just PM me and i'll help all i can with what bits i have on my pc).
Currently running... tomtom 7.450.9028 which seems super stable and the maps to match... not V6 as we should all know by now, they aren't compatible!
Anyway, i've seen the other options you have mentioned in use in more than one location and personally, not impressed. At the end of the day though... it's your choice and (if you really want to go down this route) your cash!!!
definitive igo8 with NAVTEQ maps
here , the best ....
Having tried TomTom 7, Copilot and the "try before buy" Navigon; I found all to be wanting in some way. I have not tried: Garmin XT is fixed to a SD card - I don't want to swop cards; IGO 8 looks good but seems to require lots of fixes.
Is there a GPS application (not google or similar online app) that just works from the box or cab ?
I like the google app but I don't like the high data rates which could get expensive when I'm roaming.
I just want a GPS app that has its own maps on my SD card (16 gbyte card so loads of space available). Does this really exist ?
When I check the official GPS provider sites (e.g., TomTom and Copilot) then they say their product is not compatible with the HTC HD - I guess that explains all the various hoops people have to jump through to get an app working.
I suspect I have to wait until spring next year for the app companies to provide a working HD compatible version ? Or, does anyone know better ??
Thanks & holiday greetings to all, Dave.
You can't compare Google Maps with a navigation solution like TomTom, IGo or Navigon. Google Maps is just showing the area around your current position, whereas the other programs can navigate you through the country.
As far as I know TomTom works just without any work, all others need to be configurated. How to do that is mentioned in the various threads here, so it shouldn't be a problem at all.
johnpatcher said:
the other programs can navigate you through the country.
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Come again? I've been using Google Maps for over a year to navigate me around Brisbane. (No that's not the country but I'm sure it's capable of that.)
Well I can use google to navigate as it has a "show directions" option. I know it is not as sophisticated as the other GPS apps.
My problem with google is it needs a data link which gets expensive when I'm out of my home country (hence need often a GPS) because I have to make a gprs link to have google working.
TomTom does not work on the HD - Version 6 fails to work. Version 7 works fine but there seems to be no way to legally load maps except the single trial map of one city.
Thanks anyway for answering.
bugmeyes said:
Come again? I've been using Google Maps for over a year to navigate me around Brisbane. (No that's not the country but I'm sure it's capable of that.)
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I never heard Google Maps talking to me something like "in 400 metres turn left". Maybe I missed something .
Cheesy Dave said:
TomTom does not work on the HD - Version 6 fails to work. Version 7 works fine but there seems to be no way to legally load maps except the single trial map of one city.
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Then you will have to try get IGo8 or Navigon working.
Here is a new app - anyone use this successfully on the HD ?
Does CoPilot work on the HD?
I've got Version 6 currently on my XDA Orbit & was thinking of upgrading
Garmin Mobile XT works great on my HD
Cheesy Dave / Gulioth - I have used CoPliot v7 from day 1 on my Touch HD without any problems. Transferring it from my Touch Cruise took 5 minutes over the air, deactivating and reactivating (something you cannot do with TTN6).
It looks really good on the HD screen and is very easy to navigate through the menus (no pun intended). I am currently using v7.7.0.134 and ALK are bringing an even friendlier version out for the Touch HD shortly. I have used this, TTN6, TTN7 and Telmap Navigator in the recent past and various others going back to routeplanner on a Psion series 5.
Whichever gps software you use, it will always be "short" in some way or other. As far as the HTC Touch is concerned, CoPliot is by far the easeist overall to install, register and use with a touch screen & the maps are fairly up to date. I can also import my own POIs and safety cameras from TTN.
I also gave Garmin XT a try.
One problem though, up until now, i am feeling that there is Lag or the cpu is not following up too fast to show changes, so if i am making a turn in a roundabout, you can see a strange thing happen on the screen.
davast said:
Cheesy Dave / Gulioth - I have used CoPliot v7 from day 1 on my Touch HD without any problems. Transferring it from my Touch Cruise took 5 minutes over the air, deactivating and reactivating (something you cannot do with TTN6).
It looks really good on the HD screen and is very easy to navigate through the menus (no pun intended). I am currently using v7.7.0.134 and ALK are bringing an even friendlier version out for the Touch HD shortly. I have used this, TTN6, TTN7 and Telmap Navigator in the recent past and various others going back to routeplanner on a Psion series 5.
Whichever gps software you use, it will always be "short" in some way or other. As far as the HTC Touch is concerned, CoPliot is by far the easeist overall to install, register and use with a touch screen & the maps are fairly up to date. I can also import my own POIs and safety cameras from TTN.
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Thanks davast. I actually got a copy of CoPilot which was sold to me as CoPilot7 for windows mobile. It turned out to be the specific version for the HTC Diamond.
I think I will wait for the new version and double check this time that the supplier knows what they are doing.
Regards, D.
What's latest CoPilot version? Is it v7? Does anyone know if the next one is imminent?
I own v6 for my XDA Orbit 1 and will probably upgrade rather than purchase new version as think it works out cheaper.
Upgrade = £48.93
Dealer = £59.95
I'm going to try a new one when I get a minute, beta atm but works on my hacked Hermes to wm6.1 and is nice
Gulioth said:
What's latest CoPilot version? Is it v7? Does anyone know if the next one is imminent?
I own v6 for my XDA Orbit 1 and will probably upgrade rather than purchase new version as think it works out cheaper.
Upgrade = £48.93
Dealer = £59.95
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Hi Gulioth, I received version 7 "for the HTC Diamond" which will only load to the internal storage of the Diamond - hence, I returned it as this would not work on the HD.
I don't know the specific current version other than "7". If you have CoPilot Central then you should be able to find it. Unfortunately with the Diamond version there also is no copy of the CoPilot Central.
I have returned the Diamond version and I'm sitting waiting for someone (PLEASE !!) to make a legally correct version work.
If you check here: http://www.alk.eu.com/copilot/compatibility.asp you can see that ALK says the HD is not yet compatible.
I've been using OCN8 (on course navigation) on my HD for a month. It's beautiful and has TTS for enhanced street naming in turn-by-turn directilns. The only problem, out of the box, is it only runs in portrait mode, but it does it beautifully in all the HD high res glory.
There's a thread in the Blackstone section with workarounds for running landscape.
Thanks - that's a new one to me - I will investigate "on course navigation"
Ciao, Dave
Route 66 Version 7 works sweeet for me
audscott said:
I've been using OCN8 (on course navigation) on my HD for a month. It's beautiful and has TTS for enhanced street naming in turn-by-turn directilns. The only problem, out of the box, is it only runs in portrait mode, but it does it beautifully in all the HD high res glory.
There's a thread in the Blackstone section with workarounds for running landscape.
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Hmmm - this seems to be only USA & Canada according to their site:
Map Coverage USA and Canada.
The latest maps and up-to-date points of interest for United States. Full road coverage with over 10 443 000 kilometers of updated roads, and over 12.3 millions points of interest. Includes maps of Hawaii, Alaska and Puerto Rico.
I did not specify in my original question that I'm based in Europe.
I'm looking for a legally correct GPS application that works "out-of-the box" or direct from the cab without having to tweak xml files or anything else and which is recognised by the software provider as compatible and acceptable. TomTom and CoPilot do not yet list the HD as a compatible device. I also don't want a software that is linked to one micro SD card (like Garmin XT).
I believe that CoPilot will be the right choice when it is HD compatible. I like also TomTom but it seems so difficult to make it work - there are many threads here about the tricks needed to make maps work. I do have TomTom running but only with the sample map. Trying to get TomTom home to accept the HD and legally download new Maps does not seem legally correct now - maybe next year ...
Lol-x said:
Route 66 Version 7 works sweeet for me
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Thanks - that looks good (reading the site now) - it seems to be on Version 8 now.
Cheesy Dave said:
Thanks - that looks good (reading the site now) - it seems to be on Version 8 now.
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WOW - this seems to be a first, a GPS app that claims the HTC HD is compatible:
Apologies if this is in the wrong section, not sure where to post it.
Anyway, does you guys know which is the best software for the Touch HD?
I've heard TomTom Navigator 7 seems to work really well (but I can't find it on their website) and that Garmin has lag issues.
I currently have CoPilot, which I was really happy with on my previous phone (XDA Orbit 2), however because of the Touch HD's resolution, CoPilot is all blurry as it tries to fill the screen.
Any suggestions, or ideas on getting Copilot working fine?
Personally ive used tomtom from my old N70 upto the HD and its great.
Search the forums for stuff relating to tomtom
I would suggest you check with CoPilot as they now list HD as compatible and probably have a new version.
I personally use Route66 which is very good and does not need any special Tweaks, like TT, etc.
I would also suggest to search this forum as there are several Threads that deal exactly with your question.
you could also try navigon mn7, thee's a free 30days trial available on their website... i really like it, however to run it on the hd you have to do some tweaking (exchange 3 files), which is described in the corresponding thread
Do I need data service to use the GPS?
I apologize for my ignorance question, but let's say I get one of the softwares, (tomtom) on my HD. After that do I need a data service to work on the GPS or it can work by itself ?
Data is not required for them because they use space on your SD card to hold the maps unlike google maps which downloads the maps as necessary.
My tomtom map of US and Canada takes up 800mb of my SD card.
Tomtom 7.910.9185 comes with a VGA version so it looks perfect on the HD.
dfkd said:
Data is not required for them because they use space on your SD card to hold the maps unlike google maps when downloads the maps as necessary.
My tomtom map of US and Canada takes up 800mb of my SD card.
Tomtom 7.910.9185 comes with a VGA version so it looks perfect on the HD.
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That's correct. BUT:
1. You do need a good size SD card - 2 gig is really a minimum as the navigation maps typically are around 1 gig
2. Most of the navigation apps do want to access the internet (normally you can disable that) so that the app can check for updates and ALSO useful stuff like POIs or traffic updates.
I have TTN7, Navngo iGo8 and Copilot installed on my THD.
Though it's the easiest to use, I rarely use TTN7 because their "Supported Devices" policy meant that they effectively 'stole' 9 months of my Traffic subscription when I upgraded to the THD and wouldn't let me activate any new maps I would have purchased - stupid really as TTN7 works beautifully on my THD and they could have got £80 out of me. I have similar problems with them with my SPV M3100 but I managed to beat them into submission in the end, but it took a full 2 months of fighting. I'll not be advising my parents to replace their dying TTOne V1 with another TT unit either - there goes another £150! Traffic and other value added services (Weather, Buddies are supplied via GPRS/3G.
iGo8 is only supplied on a 2GB SD card and is tied to it so there's no room available for any other stuff (media, etc.) which may not be a problem when you have ready access to the SD card slot but is utterly STUPID in my opinion for the THD where you'll have to constantly be taking the back cover on and off. Natively it does not appear to come with a 800x480 skin for the THD either. It is possible to move it off the SD card but then it becomes a ***** to set up and doesn't seem to store any of the setting changes you make from the menus. It doesn't have full postcode addressing, is a bit of a learning curve to use and perhaps isn't that intuitive. Traffic is supplied via TMC (requires receiver but otherwise free in the UK) and other services are limited. Terrain awareness is interesting when you get into hilly areas as are 3D buildings when you get into populous areas. All in all a bit of a geek's app.
Copilot I would say sits beween the two. Not as easy to use and customisable as TTN but not as much of a head-fit as iGo. It comes on CD (or download for the THD version) so you can use whichever SD card you like, does have full postcode addressing and traffic is supplied via GPRS/3G + subscription (half the price of TT too). The customer service team get a thumbs up from me too - over and above those 'A*!$HOLES' at TT (my opinion and not necessarily the opinion of the Xda-Developers team). Other value added services that are offered by TT are lacking. The THD version of Copilot does not come with, and I believe is incompatible with, the Copilot Central PC app.
All are supported by the defacto Speed Camera Database from PocketGPSWorld (other databases may be available! ).
I hope this has been of some help.
I find that TT7 on my HD is very reliable but basic while mobile navigator is far better quality but not very reliable atm (real view is amazing, but everytime it comes up it throws an error). Once I get mobile navigator to play nice, I think it would be the best navigator for the HD
I have a garmin nvi in my car but I rather use my HD with Igo8 when on foot. used it in keacow, Poland last week and loved the buildings thats are added to the map