I have an T-Mo HTC ToucPro2 and i decided to upgrade to windows mobile 6.5 the european version which i downloaded from htc. Everything works great however the ALT and CTRL key functions are swapped since the non branded htc has the actual keys swaped. Is there any solution to this?
immigrantAL said:
I have an T-Mo HTC ToucPro2 and i decided to upgrade to windows mobile 6.5 the european version which i downloaded from htc. Everything works great however the ALT and CTRL key functions are swapped since the non branded htc has the actual keys swaped. Is there any solution to this?
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If it's what i think it is, check out the first sticky at the top of this forum.
I have found lots of information about this on the site, but nothing that seemed to be a definitive answer. I have an XV6800 running Windows Mobile 6.1 MR1 and would love to add the HTC Home plugin. However, different places say that it will not work with 6.1, others saying it works fine, and others suggesting hacks to make it work with 6.1. Plus, most of the posts I have found are nearly 6 months old which is nearly an eternity when it comes to these topics.
So, what is the word on this? Is there a certain version of HTC Home I should use, and are there fixes I need to do? Thanks a lot, and sorry if this has been answered elsewhere.
I have used it successfully using the 6 tab home plugin.
I used this one in post #760.
The program isn't as glitzy as M2D, but is very functional.
works just fine... using it now HTC Home Customizer Final
How is that version comparing to old kaiser htc home v.2.0.81 version? Its the only version I have ever used and works great.
I had problems until I downloaded the HTC Home Customizer program at http://www.pocketemu.com after having problems and read this solution in a forum. When you run the Customizer, it detects that you don't have HTC Home Plugin installed and prompts you to download it. This downloaded the "correct version" of HTC Home Plugin for my phone and works great on my XV6800 with the the MR1 update and likewise with the the latest MR2 update.
Hey guys,
I need the help of those who have the T-Mobile MDA Touch Plus with the original T-Mobile WM 6.1 ROM Update (preferable the English ROM).
My Touch Plus was updated on Saturday at T-Mobile Hungary with the English 6.1 ROM. Everything seems fine, but the icons in the Settings and Programs are much smaller, so there are now 4 icons in a row, not 3. It’s very annoying because some of the icons overlaps each other, and I liked much more the 3 icons in a row version. I wonder if it’s a bug in my T-Mo 6.1 ROM or all the 6.1 ROM are like this? If someone with the original T-Mobile UK 6.1 ROM could check, that would be great. Also, I’ve read somewhere, that in 6.1 you can turn off the recent program list. I cannot find where. I only found the HTC Large Start menu icon, but that was in WM 6.0 as well.
Thanks in advance.
GXbox said:
Hey guys,
I need the help of those who have the T-Mobile MDA Touch Plus with the original T-Mobile WM 6.1 ROM Update (preferable the English ROM).
My Touch Plus was updated on Saturday at T-Mobile Hungary with the English 6.1 ROM. Everything seems fine, but the icons in the Settings and Programs are much smaller, so there are now 4 icons in a row, not 3. It’s very annoying because some of the icons overlaps each other, and I liked much more the 3 icons in a row version. I wonder if it’s a bug in my T-Mo 6.1 ROM or all the 6.1 ROM are like this? If someone with the original T-Mobile UK 6.1 ROM could check, that would be great. Also, I’ve read somewhere, that in 6.1 you can turn off the recent program list. I cannot find where. I only found the HTC Large Start menu icon, but that was in WM 6.0 as well.
Thanks in advance.
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I think your in the wrong thread. This one is for the Touch Dual...
big papa rich said:
I think your in the wrong thread. This one is for the Touch Dual...
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Nope, T-Mobile calls the Touch Dual as Touch Plus.
I'm sure that I'm not the only one with a WM 6.1 Touch Dual...
Hi all,
I'm new to the flashing rom thing but I flashed the latest energy rom for TP2 onto my tilt2. I just realized that the keyboard functions are considerably different since I flashed the new rom. I guess my device recognizes the keyboard as a Touch Pro 2 and not the Tilt 2 (AT&T) because the keys are mapped differently on the two devices. The TP2 has a row of numbers on top, while the Tilt 2 has the numbers accessible via the function key, and has symbols in place of the number row on the touch pro 2.
Is there a fix or a rom specifically for the tilt 2?
Yes, there is a fix, go back to the page where you downloaded the rom, and right under where you click to download the rom is another link labeled something like "addons and hotfixes". Click that, go to the hotfixes, and get the ATTKeybdfix.cab and once installed you'll be back to normal. Check out the addons too, you might find something you like
Will look for it, thanks
Update: Thanks it worked!
I Have a ROM with the keyboard function of the TP2 installed in mi Tilt 2.
"ATTKeybdfix.cab" can convert mi TP2 Key functions in Tilt2 Functions??
I can´t find "ATTKeybdfix.cab". Can you put the link here, please?
...sorry for my bad english
Here you go, your ATT Keyboard fix
Hope it helps.
HTC TP2 - T-Mobile US - WM 6.1 Prof
I loaded the HD2 swype on my phone. Works great except that when typing in the To: field of a message, the old HTC keyboard would suggest the nearest match right above the HTC keyboard. When using Swype it does not offer any suggested matchest for my To: email address. Does it work the same way with the HD2. Just wondering if it swype or the combination of swype and my phone (device/os/etc).
i know what you mean, i don't know of a fix, but if you swype the name, then delete the last letter the suggestions should come up.
New owner here.... Does the HD2 TMobile have it ?? I can't find it on my phone. If it's not on there is there an option to get it.
Next to the keyboard image there is an arrow, click that and select Swype.
try that
try this but its a bit buggy http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=681709&highlight=swype:cool:
or this the original one that came with the hd2 which is alot less buggy http://rapidshare.com/files/371694263/Swype.CAB.html
The 2.13 ROM has the best version of Swype ever made to date. I'd suggest using it, as it was made for the TMOUS ROM anyway, and it works better and looks better.
donalgodon said:
The 2.13 ROM has the best version of Swype ever made to date. I'd suggest using it, as it was made for the TMOUS ROM anyway, and it works better and looks better.
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I <3 the new swype
anyone have the cab for this new tmo swype?
can anybody confirm wether the tmous version of swype is stable on a european HD2?
i can't get the new one from the 2.13 rom to work on my euro leo, even though i'm on a tmous based cooked rom.
it doesn't install a program files folder, but it does install a appmgr folder, and doesn't show up in sipchanger or in the keyboard swapper menu.
Latest Swype to be released: http://rapidshare.com/files/387682993/Swype-LordYuz-
Confirmed: Previous input bugs are gone, it runs smoothly with no issues (installed to main memory)
here you go guys.. made specifically for hd2 with landscape support..
works perfect on my hd2
Newer version by Lord Yuz was a great release as it resolved the pin code issue for many however it still had flaws such as long key pressing for alternate character.
Mid March LordYuz released the newest Swype (version for the HTC and its much better. Still same to look at however the long key press actually does work EVERY time, it has vibration and sound for keytapping, double tapping for editing words now work in addition you can still use the swype key, and as mentioned it doesnt change your device ID having to make many hard reset their phone.
You can get this version here http://rapidshare.com/files/387678888/Swype.v3.
Credits to Broad for their post
swype for original hd2
Pls I would like if wich is the righ version for my original hd2 (manila 2.5.19211619.0 rom 1.66.408.1 it), if it is multilingual (italian) and, in the end, if there're some problems.
Does anyone else find 3.19 much slower than 2.0 though? Especially with a contact with lots of messages, words take a lot longer to appear!
Moustafa217 said:
here you go guys.. made specifically for hd2 with landscape support..
works perfect on my hd2
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Thanks for this, working perfectly on my HD2
rexboy said: by Lord Yuz was a great release as it resolved the pin code issue for many however it still had flaws such as long key pressing for alternate character.
Mid March LordYuz released the newest Swype (version for the HTC and its much better. Still same to look at however the long key press actually does work EVERY time, it has vibration and sound for keytapping, double tapping for editing words now work in addition you can still use the swype key, and as mentioned it doesnt change your device ID having to make many hard reset their phone.
You can get this version here http://rapidshare.com/files/387678888/Swype.v3.
Credits to Broad for their post
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Thanks for this. Is there a way to set it to french with affrench keyboard layout?
That would be nice. I tried tapping the SYM key but the only language showing up is EN.
gadaga said:
Thanks for this. Is there a way to set it to french with affrench keyboard layout?
That would be nice. I tried tapping the SYM key but the only language showing up is EN.
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i never noticed those things..
Pandemoniumone said:
Thanks for this, working perfectly on my HD2
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Multiple versions of Swype?
Can anyone tell me if they have managed to have more than one release of Swype on their phone?
I am currently trying to evaluate two different versions but attempting to install the second one is not possible as I am being prompted to remove the existing Swype program before I can install the second one.
Moustafa217 said:
i never noticed those things..
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well it's mentioned in the help file. use SYM key and select language... But when I do this the only choice it gives me is english. Are no other languages implemented? If so is there a way to add them ? And if so how can this be done? Using a supplementary cab file? Where can I get such cab file?