Pure Battery Performance - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

Hello, I received my Wizard about a week ago but too my annoyance and frustration, the battery had about 8 hours of life doing absolutely nothing.
I have Beam, Wifi and EDGE disconnected but the battery seems to drain just sitting there with the screen off, I've also tried killing activesync when ever I see it but it has no real effect.
I just want atleast 12 hours with it being a phone and not so much a PDA, so if anyone has any tips, regedit tweaks or ROM upgrade suggestions, please post.
My phone is running WM6.1 at the moment with the ability to flash so if ROMs exist that are just for power management, please link me in the right direction
Thank You

sounds like a defect batt
unless you move alot around and it have to use a lot of power
jumping from network to network

I also might suggest the back-light be taken to the lowest setting....i had crummy battery life as well when i received my wizard secondhand from a relative but once i lowered the back-light i was able to go days without recharging(mind you i don't use edge or wifi connections) but still...im currently running xda2 haseebs NSN WM6.1 manila 2D and its just an amazing ROM!
Here's the link- post #5 http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=492532


delete please

thanks for helps
thanks for helps
thanks for helps
freemanquna said:
do any one know which radio is stable and consume less energy?
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I'll leave it to others to give advice on which radio to use. It might be worth installing danielherrero's (one of our own developers) bandswitch application http://www.commmgrpro.com/ You could use this to limit phone to certain bands only with an easy interface. Would allow you to check out exactly what is causing the drain on battery.
thanks for helps
Sorry, got me stumped. So with no radios on the consumption is double that when wifi is on!!
Let's see if anyone else has any suggestions.
infinite loop perhaps??
What ROM/Radio versions are you running? EDIT:: seen the ROMs, perhaps try updating to a newer dopod ROM??
Also what 3rd party apps have you got installed??
(RESCO was a ***** for doing this to my TyTN)
the exact same thing happens to me. i've charged it completely, it obviously got really hot. usually at this point, i would take out the battery and let it cool off before turning the phone on, otherwise it would get even hotter and eat 300+ mA and drain the battery fast. this time i opened the wi-fi connection and immediately the battery status dropped from 332 mA to 130, and stayed down there. the phone even cooled down a bit. after i've turned off the wi-fi, it started draining and heating again. what can i do? is it a software or hardware problem? i'm using schaps 4.31,, have google maps, palringo, opera, tcpmp installed
I have the same behavior, too.
But not yesterday evening. After restarted it for the xxx time it staid at 28mA. This was so until I left the train in the morning. It went up to 347mA and I am not able to get it back to 28.
I am using the default HTC ROM "HTC_TyTN_GER_3.54.257.2_103_6275_1.47.00.10_108".
I also tried several other ROMS (Schaps, Pays ...) and different radio versions as "HERM_Radinly_1.16.00.00_CustomRUU", "HERM_Radinly_1.47.00.00_CustomRUU", "HERM_Radinly_1.47.00.10_CustomRUU", "HERM_Radinly_1.47.30.10_CustomRUU" and "HERM_Radinly_1.54.30.10_CustomRUU"
but none of them helped me out.
I also done the Exchange Server trick, deactivated 3G and even deactivated all GPRS or EDGE possibilities from provider side.
Phone gets hot
I am not an expert but I had the same problem with my phone, I solved the problem by moving some software I had on my storage card to the internal memory, (in my case it was the encryption and additional language support software I had)
Another way is to look for the Power management tweak in this forum which helps to manage your storage cards power draining,
Sound strange but it worked for me.
Good luck
the new battery has arrived.
There is no change in battery draining
What I recognized is, that if the battery is "cold" the power consumtion is around 28mA. But after a call it is getting warm and uses 10 time so much of power.
Please don't laugh now:
I put the battery inside my freezer for 5 minutes. Put it back inside the mobile ...
... 28mA.
If I keep it cold it stays fine for 3 days.
There must be any solution on that.

Battery Problem Blackstone

Hi, I'm new in this forum, and I don't speack English well, so I want to excuse me!
I have the new Touch HD, at the beginning I changed immediately the original ROM with a new one, I installed a lot of programs, and everything woked very well for two weeks, but then I had a big problems with battery...a the first the battery was very good, -10/15% per day, but suddenly after two weeks the battery lose 1% of its charge every 2/5 mintes...if I disconnect the power when the battery is 100%, after one hour without use (and also without wifi, BT and GPS), I have 70% of charge!
I try to change the ROM, a friend suggested me a new upgrade for Radio, but I didn't resolve my problem!
Now I buy a new battery online in htcstore, but if I put my mobile in "Fly mode" the battery work very very good!
I want to say that here normally I have the signal indicator with 2/3 nicks, so the signal is good!
Someone can help me?...someone have my same problem?
Thank you so much fo everything!
Greetings, Eddy
the battery will be used up quickly if your fone is constantly searching in and out for a 3g signal, regardless of 2g signal strength
have you got wifi on?
a gps app running?
what other apps do you have running in background? some really poll the cpu a lot and will lead to battery drain
other than a dodgy battery, it must be some software running that is using up the battery
Thank you for aswering!
In background normally I have SMS o Contacs, but also if I close every programs in background the battery doesn't work well!
No, Bluetooth is OFF, GPS and WI-FI are OFF, I use telephone just with gsm!
Also when I write message, normally I write a message so long (3/4 messages), after wirting, the battery lost 10%, and I didn't have this problems at the biginning!
I left my mobile on also during the night, and in the morning I had again 100% of charge...now 100% it's a far dream!
try turning off the autoadjust for the screen and setting it at a medium setting, also make sure the backlight turns off after a minute or less.
its a huge screen and will burn up power, although saying that i watched a full length film on my HD the other day and only used 20% in 1.5hrs
if no progs are running in the background and its not a display issue (how have you checked whats running btw? need more than just WM taskmanager, try mem maid or similar) and the problem is not there when in flight mode. then i can only assume its the rom you are using, try another with a different radio rom in it
i found roms with 1.10 radio to be better than 1.09. try this rom (mulitlanguage) works good for me
edit: have you got HDTweak installed? its good to configure the data to auto turnoff after 1 minute or so (even in gsm gprs could be running)
I tried to setup the new ROM but I didn't resolve the problem!
If I leave my mobile only with GSM on, without use it, without call and sms, the battery lost 2% in 30 minutes, and it's not normal!
If I use it, change settings, write message, the battery lose 5% in five minutes!
I don't know what I have to do...this mobilie now can't live without a power connection!
I want say also that at the beginning some application in my HTC wanted "HTCAPI.dll" because they didn't found into the mobile...so I found this dll online and I did copy/paste into the directory!
It can gave me problems with battery?....I don't know how it's possible, but I don't know!
Try to buy or borrow another HD battery and compare them. You should know the problem then.
Of course, I alredy bought it online, and I'm waiting to get the shipping!
But it's very strange that a battery stop to work suddenly, but I know that there are a lot of people who have my same problem!
If i were you, i would flash back the original rom and do a hard reset. Then, without installing anything on the device, see if the problem persists.
Thank you ardsar...I want to try....can you tell me, what I have to do to obtain the original product?...without hardspl and new rom?...like the first time that I turned on this HD! Thank you so much!
For example, I have your same SPL and ROM at the moment!
Hi Ardsar, I flashed my ROM and SPL (brand), and now my mobile is like the original but....do you know Teeter?...I played 2 minutes, I completed 3 levels, and from 85% the battery is now at 79%...
Hi guys...yesterday I did a lot ot tests, but without positive results, but I fund out new problems:
1)The bettery lose a lot of charge also if my Blackstone is offline, when I use it with TouchFLO, Teeter, SMS, Settings...everytime!
2)I have near to icon of signal, the simbol of GPRS, but sometimes it changes with the simbol H and with this new symbol, the signal falls and to resolve it, I have to wait a long ore reset the mobile.
Now I'm not sure that the "target" is the battery...I don't know, I changed also the Radio ROM with new last, but the problem is not over!
Before put it into garbage case, someone can suggest me something to try?
...I will never bring it to Assistence HTC, because I will have to wait some months, and I didn't pay 500€ to have it "under repairing"
Do you have SK Tools 4.4.6 or another battery monitor installed?
With SK Tools, you can see under the sys info the current battery use. My usage is in standby with lighted display -100mA. What's normal?
My battery is also very empty. Last evening i had 54%. This morning, the phone was off, no power any more.
No, now I will try this tool!
But I think that you also have problem with battery, becase the firsts days that I had my HD, I left my mobile on the whole night with 100% and in the morning I had 100%...I had 99% at lunch time!And a lot of friends that have this mobile have the battery so strong, like me at the beginning...so...I'm getting angry
i have this problem too. had my HD for 2 weeks coming to 3 now and my battery seems to deplect very fast, totally different when i had it. could be becoz of the wallpaper and 3rd party theme i had
For me, it seems it's a software or anything else that needs so much battery power, perhaps the hotfixes or something else.
Sadly, the whole battery monitor progs don't show the needed power per running process, only the current usage. Can anyone with a "good" battery life cann post his current usage? (For expample with SK Tools System Information/battery supply)
Is the backup battery always at 0%?
How about this. You can log your activities and see how much battery current (discharge) each application is using by the ma figure. It produces a .log file but if you change it to .txt you can open it up in a text editor.
Hope it helps.
EDIT: Just found out there is better info on it here on XDA Raphael forum. Credits to PalladiumTD for this app.
Today I tried a new battery, and also with a good battery, I have the same problem...so I think that I have to send my mobile to HTC service and ask for a new one, because it can be an internal problem, maybe of motherboard, radio, or I don't know...but it's sure that is hardware problem!
Did you a hard reset and installed nothing else?
Yes, I did...I alredy unpacked it and monday I will send it to HTC service....I hope that they will sed me a new one....a friend said to me that maybe this problem for them is called DOA (dead on arrived) and in this case they have just to change it!I hope so!....but I don't like...!
I know that I can reset it pushing the volume control ecc.....someone knows it exactly?Thank you!

Usage Profile vs ROM Version vs Battery Life

Hi Friends,
I'm a long time reader of these boards, but I don't post too much, because I don't have the knowledge to share cause unfortunately I don't have the time to invest on cooking ROMs, but I'm pretty curious about It and I've been reading about It.
First and Foremost I would like to Thank Daniel for Cooking the amazing Onyx Roms, which is what I use now on my ELFin.
I'm using Onyx 5.0.1 cause the Betas 48 and 49 don't look fine to me.... since Beta 48 the "+" buttons are bigger. I know It's for for Finger Friendly thing, but the rest of the Windows 6.5 UI still doesnt match this change and Beta 49's WM Build has a weird Bug with the Battery Display on the Today Screen where U have to double click the Clock to see the Battery again, so I stick with 5.0.1.
But aside these details, the main purpose of this post is another thing...
With Onyx 5.0.1/WinMo 6.5, I changed the way I use the phone... now I have an Unlimited Internet Plan from my Operator and I'm now Syncing all the stuff with my company's Exchange Server... that beign said I have no comparison in the past case about Battery consumption, and I really wouldn't like to Flash back to 6.1 or 6.0 and have to reconfigure everything(It's a damn lot to reconfigure). So I'm asking you guys how well are your phones doing with WnMo6.5 against mine.
Here's my Daily Usage Profile:
- I hear around 3 Hours of MP3 Daily during the Home->Work->Home Tragetory using a Bluetooth Phone.
- I Sync E-Mails from the company "as arrive" on ActiveSync during business hours
- I barely talk on the phone... really... almost NEVER.
- I Send around 200 SMS/month
At 8:00AM my Battery is at 100%... at 10:00AM It's already 86%... by the end of afternoon It's around 15%... I have to Recharge the battery every night. Does this seem pretty bad battery life for U guys? How are your Battery usage?
Ah! BTW I'm using Radio 3.34.90 and Flashed HSPL 3.10 into my Phone. ROM Version is Onyx 5.0.1.
Thanks to Everyone, specially DSIXDA for cooking the Onyx ROMs and the other Cooks putting their efforts into keeping the ELF Generation alive!
using bluetooth to hear MP3 for 2 hours really sucks up the battery compared to a wired heads ones I can say it is a good ROM you have there... try using a wired headset to hear your MP3 and you can see a big difference on your battery life
Yeah thanks for the tip... I now Turn off Bluetooth as soon as I stop playing MP3 (the Wired USB Phones from HTC are horrible compared to the Motorola S9), so I'm stick with this while Turning Off BT when not used.
I also enabled all the Power Save options on the Advanced Config Tool and darkened the Backlight a bit while using the Battery.
If U can think of anything else that could increase Battery Life, let me know.

battery frustration

hallo everyone
usually I have during all day thephone switched off because if I press the red button to switch off the screen after a while I noticed that the battery continue to use resources
so I completely switch off my phone during the day and every time I want to use I have to wait a lot of time.On this site there are a lot of information but I would like just to know
if exist a way to use my phone all day with the internet connection. the onlytrick I use is to lower the light, but during the day is quite frustrating to change the setting every time.On the forum there is now a thread to boost the performance but I do not know if there will b be some changes on the registry,s key that could make my system unstable
I would like to know if there is a way to take my phone open twelve hours for day without changing the rom that is quite complex for me, any way in the case I will decide to change a rom what is the most save battery solution. sorry if my question is really newbe but I can not easily extrapolate these info with the search engine
Switching off your phone during the day is really very extreme and to me ridiculous.While idling on standby your phone should not go through much power at all - overnight (8 hours), most phones go through 3% - 5% so switching it off during the day really won't make a difference. If your phone is doing more than this then there is another problem that you have (try taking the micro sd card out to see if that is the cause). Using the internet with the screen on and wifi on constantly, I would guess would give you about 5 - 6 hours of use although I haven't tried it.
Changing ROM isn't necessary.
soft -resets!!!!!!
try taking your phone out and 'feel' the battary temperature. (I do it by putting phone on my face)... if you feel something strange is going on or the phone is just warmer than usual do a soft reset... that is what I usually do and it helps me preventing the drainage issue a lot. hope it works on you.
ok thank
but in the case I changed the rom it is true that I could use the phone also tree four days mk
and another curiosity to facilitate the cook rom procedure could I use a backup put
online by an user using a backup software MK

Bad battery life is typically not because of the hardware

I'm posting this in return for all the information I found about the HD2 and poor battery performance. I read every thread I could find and every single post in them. I learned a lot and that allowed me to solve my problem.
I got no more than about 10 hours of use out of my battery with average use. Initially I thought this was the norm, reading a number of threads on this issue. I could however not believe that the performance was so poor, even taking the large screen into account.
I decided to try and determine exactly what it was that caused the battery to drain to quickly. I loaded BattLog and found it invaluable (see http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=444920).
I immediately noticed that my phone was drawing 85 mA even when it was in standby (or what I thought was standby). Based on what I was reading, the current draw should not be more than 5 mA while the phone is in standby.
I noticed in one of the threads that there were complaints about G-Profile causing battery drain. Since I had it on my phone I thought that might be a logical place to look. I uninstalled it a lo and behold... the current draw fell to below 5 mA when the phone was in standby!
In addition I loaded Bandswitch which switches off my 3G connection after it has not been used for 60 seconds.
Now I have about 48+ hours of battery life. When not using the phone a lot it extends to a lot more than 48 hours.
The long and short of it is that if you get poor battery performance, chances are it is because of some software that is installed on your phone.
Here are a couple of usefull things I have found in helping resolve my battery issues:
1) Use Batlog (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=444920) to log the current your phone draws. If it draws more than 5 mA during standby you have a problem, most probably related to a piece of software on your phone
2) Your phone should not be drawing much more than about 150 mA when in 'active' mode with the screen at 40% brightness.
3) If you are running G-Profile, uninstall it and recheck your current draw. Chances are that it is the culprit.
4) Having an active data connection does draw power from the battery. In my case this is about an additional 130 mA. Load something like Bandswitch to disable the data connection when it is not needed.
I hope this information helps somebody. I realise that the situation is different for everybody out there because of all the variants such as age of the battery, sofware loaded and use. However, the reality is that the battery issues are most probably not because of a bad battery or the hardware but rather because of software on the phone.
BTW I am running:
OS Version: 5.2.21869
Manilla version: 2.5.19211619.0
ROM version: 1.48.421.2 (71294) WWE
Radio version:
gerhardvr said:
I'm posting this in return for all the information I found about the HD2 and poor battery performance. I read every thread I could find and every single post in them. I learned a lot and that allowed me to solve my problem.
I got no more than about 10 hours of use out of my battery with average use. Initially I thought this was the norm, reading a number of threads on this issue. I could however not believe that the performance was so poor, even taking the large screen into account.
I decided to try and determine exactly what it was that caused the battery to drain to quickly. I loaded BattLog and found it invaluable.
I immediately noticed that my phone was drawing 85 mA even when it was in standby (or what I thought was standby). Based on what I was reading, the current draw should not be more than 5 mA while the phone is in standby.
I noticed in one of the threads that there were complaints about G-Profile causing battery drain. Since I had it on my phone I thought that might be a logical place to look. I uninstalled it a lo and behold... the current draw fell to below 5 mA when the phone was in standby!
In addition I loaded Bandswitch which switches off my 3G connection after it has not been used for 60 seconds.
Now I have about 48+ hours of battery life. When not using the phone a lot it extends to a lot more than 48 hours.
The long and short of it is that if you get poor battery performance, chances are it is because of some software that is installed on your phone.
Here are a couple of usefull things I have found in helping resolve my battery issues:
1) Use Batlog to log the current your phone draws. If it draws more than 5 mA during standby you have a problem, most probably related to a piece of software on your phone
2) Your phone should not be drawing much more than about 150 mA when in 'active' mode with the screen at 40% brightness.
3) If you are running G-Profile, uninstall it and recheck your current draw. Chances are that it is the culprit.
4) Having an active data connection does draw power from the battery. In my case this is about an additional 130 mA. Load something like Bandswitch to disable the data connection when it is not needed.
I hope this information helps somebody. I realise that the situation is different for everybody out there because of all the variants such as age of the battery, sofware loaded and use. However, the reality is that the battery issues are most probably not because of a bad battery or the hardware but rather because of software on the phone.
BTW I am running:
OS Version: 5.2.21869
Manilla version: 2.5.19211619.0
ROM version: 1.48.421.2 (71294) WWE
Radio version:
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and imagine that your rom version is accused of massive batt draining!
an upgrade to 1.66 / 1.72 should make a difference..or a custom rom
Hi Gerhardvr,
What is the batlog software you used?
I'm very interested about your post.
Very useful findings, gerhardvr. Thanks!
found BattLog
ok, I found BattLog
It's just in showthread.php?t=444920
Have a nice day guys.
When I ran the Test, it said that I was using up 242mA in standby! I dont believe I have G-Profile installed, unless it was pre installed on the device. I have the latest versions of the ROM, Radio, Manila, and OS version, so I know the culprit cant be the ROM version... Any ideas? I bought this phone from T-Mobile US.... Sooo yeah
Folks, I've been trying to get to the bottom of this as well. I have a number of cab files which do seem to help a little. One of the bigest culprits I've found is the screen lockers. Disable them and see how you fair!
soopahsteve said:
When I ran the Test, it said that I was using up 242mA in standby! I dont believe I have G-Profile installed, unless it was pre installed on the device. I have the latest versions of the ROM, Radio, Manila, and OS version, so I know the culprit cant be the ROM version... Any ideas? I bought this phone from T-Mobile US.... Sooo yeah
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I suggest you use Battlog to log to file. This is very useful as it will log the time stamp, the current temp of the battery and the current draw at the point in time. In addition it logs arious events on the phone, in particular the startup and shut down of applications, data connectivity, when you make or receive a call, whether you are talking or receiving on the call, etc. This can be opened in Excel and then analysed and if you are very lucky, you will pick up some patterns allowing you to link some programs to the battery drain.
However, the situation is typically slightly more complex to resolve since the culprit software are usually software that is loaded as TSR application at reboot. The result of this is that Battlog will not show the startup of these applications in the log file since they are already running at the time you are starting Battlog.
You should look at programs that manage phone profiles, screen lockers, screen calls or SMS messages, etc. In other words, any program that does work behind the scenes.
The reason you are seeing 242 mA in "standby" is because your phone is not really in standby. Although the screen is blank, something is preventing your phone from going into true standby, the processor is still active. The trick is to find what this is.
Sometimes the only approach is to uninstall the applications you suspect one by one and see if it makes a difference until you either find the culprit or can prove that none of the them are an issue. Then reinstall the ones you think are "safe" one by one and check whether the probelm pops up again. unfortunately you have to do the double sided approach because there could be more than one application that cuases your issue.
Painful I know but worh it when you have two days worth of battery time with some to spare.
See no reason to upgrade to the latest ROM
chris2busy said:
and imagine that your rom version is accused of massive batt draining!
an upgrade to 1.66 / 1.72 should make a difference..or a custom rom
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You know it. In reality I would love to upgrade to the latest and greatest but I've customised my phone to the Nth degree (did obviously not upgrade the ROM) by installing all the little apps I find useful, Cookies Home tab (best thing since sliced bread), etc. My phone is now just the way I like it.
It would take me quite some time to upgrade the ROM and to customise it again from scratch and I really don't see the benefit. I might be force to do it when I get to a stage where there are software that I would like to load that only works on the later ROMs but until such time I'm not gonna try to fix that that ain't broke.
is this the bandswitch u are using? if not, can i check where to get the program?
gerhardvr said:
It would take me quite some time to upgrade the ROM and to customise it again from scratch
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I just upgraded my ROM and did a Level 1 restore with Sprite Backup ... everything comes back except (I think) for wifi passwords.
i am drawing 180mA on standby..
im using custom rom, energy rom so thats very strange, but i have to agree that my battery life is terrible.. so i got to find a way to cut down on the 180mA drain..
I've always had good battery life on stock 1.66 rom losing 3% overnight with wifi and bluetooth turned off. Had to do a hard reset and started losing 15% overnight with the same everything. Did further resets and got nowhere. Ended up giving up on 1.66 although it had been fine previously after numerous hard resets - makes no sense but this is what happened. Just flashed to 1.72 and back to losing 3% overnight what it should be. And that is out of the box, to be honest all the battery saving registry tweaks are not worth the time installing and I leave 3G on all the time with updates coming through.
So it's all a bit random and shame on HTC for not sorting it out. My advice is do a hard reset, switch the wifi and bluetooth off and see in the morning if you have a reasonable battery life (or use the batt consumption program to verify standby consumption is sensible). Do this first before installing everything, getting frustrated and starting over again like I did when you discover that you're still experiencing high battery drain. This ensures that your starting point is a good flash and the phone is getting good life before adding any apps that could be causing a problem.
i have found my hd2 really does not like being in a poor or no coverage area. other phones i've owned have normally coped pretty well with no or very little signal. but not the hd2.
also noticed more drain in areas where there is only poor 3g coverage and its switching between 'g' and 'h' coverage.
fi3ry_icy said:
i am drawing 180mA on standby..
im using custom rom, energy rom so thats very strange, but i have to agree that my battery life is terrible.. so i got to find a way to cut down on the 180mA drain..
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Energy ROMs, just like the name goes, use a lot of Energy
They are baked in with a lot of performance tweaks so it's not unusual to get lower battery life per charge compared to other more down to earth vanilla ROMs.
Thanks for this thread, a lot of interesting information about the battery life of my HD2.
Just to mention: battconfig shows the power consumption directly in the task bar, a good way to find power guzzlers while they are active.
It's a pity we have no central place in this forum with a list of background applications that are known to drain the battery faster.
Or, also a needed information, a list of applications that are known not to do this (like PhoneAlarm, PocketShield).
I'm using the official rom only and have non fancy apps running or installed while I'm using the test bat program. As I speak the SD card is removed and celular radio is turned off.
Acording to program there is an indicator which is switching from -229ma to +78ma is that what its drawing of power?
Euroman28 said:
Acording to program there is an indicator which is switching from -229ma to +78ma is that what its drawing of power?
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+78ma??? That must mean you are charging the battery. The best way to test current draw is when it is only on the battery.
I get about -5ma draw on standby and it tops out at around 180ma when I have the screen on, but usually hovers around 130 - 150ma. I have my screen brightness at the lowest setting possible.
@OP, I wanted to say this earlier... great topic, very insightful.
I have a few suggestions for everyone posting in this thread. Let's try and get some common data together that is more tangible in order to give us a more similar & common perspective for these discussions.
I suggest the following
1) Soft Reset. Once the device is on, do not run ANY applications. In fact don't do anything except for following the below instructions.
2) Turn your screen brightness all the way DOWN! (Turn off Auto Backlight and manually set it to the lowest setting)
3) Check your power settings and make sure that while your phone is on battery, that it is set to dim the backlight after 30 seconds and turn off after 1 minute
*** I have attached 2 REG files below for both Backlight and Power. Please use them instad of doing it manually.***
4) Turn off all the radios (Phone, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth). Let's make our first round of tests with the Radio's off. Radio ON complicates things a bit as there are several applications to keep track of that use the Data Connection. I'll come up with a more comphrehensive list later so we can do the Radio ON tests.
Use a program like Shave&Save and get the following screenshots
1) Use any Task manager and get a screenshot of all the processes running. Sometimes the number of processes displayed is longer than the screen size can accomodate. Take 2 screenshots in this case making sure that you capture all processes. Edit the image with MS Paint or some other Image Program and attach it here as one image. See the example in the post below this one.
2) Goto \Windows\Startup and get a screenshot of the folder contents
3) If you are using Sense, drag the slider all the way to the end (settings) and goto About Phone. Goto Software Information and get a screenshot of that.
Monitoring the Battery
1) Make sure your phone is not connected to the charger or to the computer.
2) Open BattLog (can be found here), set the refresh rate to 1 second and Start Logging.
3) After you start the logging process do not touch the screen / the phone again for exactly 2 minutes.
TIME THIS with a stop watch. As soon as the 2 minutes it complete, turn the phone back on and stop the logging.
Information to post here
1) All the screenshots from above.
2) The current draw (both on standby and while active). Also, please attach the file that logged all the information in this format: Forum ID - BattLog - dd-mmm-yy.txt
3) ROM - Whose ROM? Release Date? Does it have Cookie's Home Tab Installed or any other MAJOR Sense Modifications.
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HTC HD2 (T8585)
OS: WM 6.5
ROM: Energy * Build 21907 * Release 01.JULY.10 * CHT v1.8.5 - Dinik Edition
Current Draw (mA)
Idle: -3 to -7
Screen On (w/o Radios): -83 to -117
Those figures look normal to me. You should be getting about as good a battery life as a device like this can achieve.

