What should I buy? Help! - 8525, TyTN, MDA Vario II, JasJam General

My Hermes has been suffering from screen whitening for couple of weeks, when it one day stayed all white. I've taken apart my Hermes and reconnected all connectors I've seen, including D-Pad connector, tightening and loosening the screws. Nothing worked... What should I buy? Do you think that the actual screen may be faulty? Or maybe the flex is damaged and I should buy it?

gregorysl said:
My Hermes has been suffering from screen whitening for couple of weeks, when it one day stayed all white. I've taken apart my Hermes and reconnected all connectors I've seen, including D-Pad connector, tightening and loosening the screws. Nothing worked... What should I buy? Do you think that the actual screen may be faulty? Or maybe the flex is damaged and I should buy it?
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I have been reluctant to answer this, because there is no guaranteed answer. You have tested and reset the connector, but did you try placing some padding on the d-pad chip - to push it more firmly against the d-pad board. It has been quite successful for some members here. It is thought that a common cause of the white screen is a poor connection on the chip.
You could try getting a new d-pad board or a part from a second hand device that does not suffer from the white screen problem. If you know someone with the correct equipment you could also try re-flowing the solder on the board.
But I would say that a new board is not guaranteed to solve the problem as it is still possible that the flex cable may be faulty (or it's connector.

First of all, thanks for answer.
Yes, I've tried pushing it harder. Also I unpluged D-Pad and tried to turn on- still white screen. Unfortunately, I don't have access to any spare parts of this phone.

I bought Flex cable on ebay and IT WORKED!!! Yay, but now I'm experiencing some problems with usb connection


Broken Display connector! help please :(

So I bought a new housing for my O2 XDA II Mini, during the removal of the display ribbon I broke the little black part on the display connector which holds the ribbon down, and after hours of trying to get the ribbon back in and secured I have bent the pins in the connector to buggery.
The ribbon appears to be untouched, however the connector which the display ribbon goes into is broken.
Is there anywhere I can get hold of one of these little connectors to replace my broken one, obviously very sensitive soldering will be needed to remove the old one and solder the new one in place.
Alternatively, does anyone know any mobile phone repair shops in Auckland, New Zealand who would be able to help out with my situation?
I fear all i'm going to hear back is "the motherboard needs to be replaced", however I am determined not to go through this route, as I am a poor student and the phone sounds as if it functions fine, makes the beepy noise when first starting up on the setup screen.
I was very careful with the actual screen unit while removing it, and I have had signs of life earlier on in the broken connector episode, however I can no longer get anything showing as I can't fit the cable in.
Cheers for any help.
Anything would be appreciated.
"obviously very sensitive soldering will be needed"
And that only can be done by machines/robots. I don't think humans are even able to sloder those kind of connections...
But, could you post a picture? cause I might have suggestions on how to fix it. One would be to bend back the pins on the tiny slot with a toothpick and when done to tape the flatcable, so it stays there.
I've maybe got a spare creen for you.
g0atNZ said:
So I bought a new housing for my O2 XDA II Mini, during the removal of the display ribbon I broke the little black part on the display connector which holds the ribbon down, and after hours of trying to get the ribbon back in and secured I have bent the pins in the connector to buggery.
The ribbon appears to be untouched, however the connector which the display ribbon goes into is broken.
Is there anywhere I can get hold of one of these little connectors to replace my broken one, obviously very sensitive soldering will be needed to remove the old one and solder the new one in place.
Alternatively, does anyone know any mobile phone repair shops in Auckland, New Zealand who would be able to help out with my situation?
I fear all i'm going to hear back is "the motherboard needs to be replaced", however I am determined not to go through this route, as I am a poor student and the phone sounds as if it functions fine, makes the beepy noise when first starting up on the setup screen.
I was very careful with the actual screen unit while removing it, and I have had signs of life earlier on in the broken connector episode, however I can no longer get anything showing as I can't fit the cable in.
Cheers for any help.
Anything would be appreciated.
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Hi, I've still got a SPV 500 and a MDA Compact, need to find it if you want you can have my MDA Compact screen.
Just PM if you are interested.

Possible new cause for white screen and d-pad failures

I have managed to come to the conclusion that the original cause for the d-pad failures is NOT the loose connector as described before. this connector is in fact surprisingly sturdy.
the problem lies with the little black IC on the keypad membrane.
i am taking my hermes tomorrow to my friends' phone repair shop and he is going to heat the IC up for me and allow it to reseat.
i shall report back tomorrow.
just in case your wondering, i came to this conclusion by purposefully 'un seating' that IC and lo and behold, intermittent white screen and d-pad failures. however if i applied pressure to the IC it allowed it to make contact and it worked again, let go and white again.
many thanks
It will be interesting to hear the results on this BUT -
I'm not certain I agree with your methodology here though. I am not surprised that deliberately un-seating the IC causes a white screen! In all probability removal of any number of components will cause a white screen! AND of course heat gunning it again to re-establish it's connections will make it work again!
Unfortunately this does not prove to me at least that the IC is the problem for most people. If I remove a capacitor from my TV and the picture goes, I cannot conclude that everyones picture problems are related to that capacitor. The D'pad connection though it may appear sturdy has a set of very fine connections and it only takes one to be fractionally bent or oxidised for you to get the whitescreen or indeed a poor connection of any component or connection.
However the IC was reported on in the loooong white screen thread where some folk found that placing padding on the IC surface or squeezing it would correct the white screen and thereby concluded that it was an IC connection fault.
Of course the problem is IMHO that there are several possible causes and any individual person can have one or a combination of things causing the white screen. So far we have as possible causes:
D/Pad connector (must be seated firmly and FLAT but neither over tightened nor too loose. The pins may also get slighly bent or oxidised so cleaning them or fractionaly bending them may work
The D/Pad IC may have poor contacts.
The LCD Flex cable may have cracks (but less likely in my view)
Some have reported capacitor faults (possibly poor connections or degradation with heating or current draw) on both D/Pad and M/board. These faults may be related to the whitescreen only appearing after 10 or so minutes of use and recovery after switching off for a while.
Heating up - in some cases the whitescreen only appears when the phone is warm/hot. This may be caused by expansion of the multi-layered board causing poor contacts / or possibly components not performing correctly due to heat or current draw.
Often some of these whitescreens can be made to disappear by putting pressure on certain components / connections or even in some cases by squeezing the phone casing near the D'pad area. So all in all it is likely to be poor contact somewhere, it's just that it can be in several possible locations - including but not exclusively the D-Pad IC.
first of all, can i just say what an honour it is to have you comment on one of my threads!
second of all, i am only trying this as a last resort to revive my hermes before i jump ship to the raphael/diamond. or unless i decided to buy a new keypad PCB for it in the hope it will fix it!
i shall report back as soon as ive been down to the shop
many thanks
hi there
i had the white screen initially and although intermittent was useable, then, progressively got worse. countless reseats of the cable, time and time again, including put 'foam' in the places indicated then i did indeed notice in that post about the ic
so, i decided to experiment with the IC. first two layers of paper on top, made some difference in that i had to apply less pressure to get it to work, and then i though, id heat it up slightly using a hairdryer (only thing i had to hand!) and a nozzle made out of a drinks can and just pry it up gently. and indeed the white screen was permanent although the phone otherwise was functioning.
so, i'm taking it down to my mates tomorrow or as soon as i get a chance and he's gna have a go at reseating it using his fancy hot air gun rework thingumajig
i would definetly go for the raphael! for the sole reason that it has a VGA screen! (im an ebook nut!) and it looks beautiful!lol
will keep this post updated
i have to agree with mike on this ,there are many problems that can cause the white screen problem. But i am betting that heat is the major culprit,wether it is the IC you mention ,is another discussion, unless of course your friends attempt at reseating the IC cures the problem ,once and for all. Good luck anyway. I am keen to find out if it was successful or not
Hi there
well, he had a look at it under some fancy microscope and confirmed the IC was not sitting 'true' meaning not 100% level, he also used some little jig he had which he sat the board in and it confirmed it wasnt level
so, he heated it, and allowed it to reseat and we tried it again and it appears that did not solve it. we used another flex cable from his own spv and it still didnt work, my cable ran beautifully in his spv too though.
so, im going to find a replacement keypad pcb now and go ahead and buy it and see if i can get it to work
ive been hunting for the last hour and i cant seem to locate a d-pad anywhere
if i was to use a cingular 8525 d-pad in my vario II it would still work, just button orientation would be different wouldnt it?
do you know of anywhere where i could get one?
I'm having whit screen prob on my wizard and a complet housing case change. I didn't know a keyboard can cause white screen. I was looking to buy a new flex cable. what's the ic and who do I heat?

Issue Replacing G1 Touch Digitizer

Does anyone has been had this problem by replacing a digitizer to a G1:
I bought a newone digitizer for my HTC G1, after replace it and assamble it, the digitizer did workd at all. I retryed a lot of times and nothing. I test digitizer on another device and it worked fine. flex and cables were tested and all goods.
Any idea? any help?
Somebody having the same issue?
I have made that mistate before but if you know how to this this already just ignore what I say,
Check to make sure you connected the ribbons to the connectors correctly. There is a tiny little lever that is the lengh of the connector located behind the slot at which the ribbon inserts to.it should lift up and down, use your nails or a little toothpick. You must lift this lever to release the pressure on the ribbon cable in order to detach it. When re-attaching it, ensure that the lever is in the up position, then lock the little lever down after you insert the cable. Hope that helps. And remember be careful with the ribbons because if it rips just a little bit it wil cut the circuit.
Crowleycator said:
Does anyone has been had this problem by replacing a digitizer to a G1:
I bought a newone digitizer for my HTC G1, after replace it and assamble it, the digitizer did workd at all. I retryed a lot of times and nothing. I test digitizer on another device and it worked fine. flex and cables were tested and all goods.
Any idea? any help?
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I just found this fail in motherboard.
It was due to a rised pin at the cable connector. After a deep clean and apply my hotgun, Done!!!

Touchscreen: Flexcable damaged due to typical endbutton problem

i got the typical problem that my screen wasnt responding after use of endbutton. Sometimes it was working.
I now disassembled the device and saw that the flatcable had a small scratch and i guess the first one or two cables are brocken already and only get contact sometimes by luck.
So does anybody know if there is a way to repair this ?
A new touchscreen isnt to expensive 20-30€ but why throw away a working one if a cable is repairable easily?
Next time i will glue the cable to the display so that there is no flexing when pressing the endbutton. The problem is that there is a little space between that is pushed away each use of the endbutton and someday the problem occours.
I had to replace my touch screen to solve the same issue
Is there any thing we can do to prevent the same damage to the new screen ?
Well i tried a few times to fix the issue.
But its hard to solder the flex cable without totally burning it.
If i solder it its very likely to break fast again.
Im going to buy a new digitizer too..
To your question:
Yeah i saw that there space between the flex cable and display. The cable is bent a bit towards the buttons. When you push the button the cable is bent back in the free space.
I will glue the flex cable directly to the display and put a layer of protective tape over it. so it wont bent (What causes our error) and wont scratch(if this could happen too).
The problem is the poor quality of the flex cable. Its very hard and therefore breaks easily what causes the wires to break to sooner or later.
If i can ill try to take a few photos but its hard as my digicam cant focus so closely..

Hit some problems during screen replacement

Just bought a new screen for a cracked hd2 and hit some problems. Firstly, its a uk hd2, so it was a solder connection, i bought the screen + digi from ebay and noticed it was a ribbon connection (not sure if that will make a difference). When undoing these plastic clips
Both broke. They were so brittle, has anybody seen/heard of a way to fix this? I put it all back together and the screen does come on, but touch doesnt work.
Can anybody tell me what these cables do? Is one for touch, what about the other?
Gutted about my hd2, its been going so well all these years...is it fixable?
Not good :-/
those 2 clips: one is the flex ribbon connector & other is the LCD ribbon connector.
The ribbon from LCD also is feed for digitizer.
Not sure if the locking arms are replaceable by themselves ! will look at an old mainboard & see.
you may get some function by bending a very light V in the ribbon so point of v is ribbon contact face & thus pushes tighter in socket promoting better contact.
putting a bit of tape on back may help too! be careful though as actual socket is very fragile too ...
Mister B said:
Not good :-/
those 2 clips: one is the flex ribbon connector & other is the LCD ribbon connector.
The ribbon from LCD also is feed for digitizer.
Not sure if the locking arms are replaceable by themselves ! will look at an old mainboard & see.
you may get some function by bending a very light V in the ribbon so point of v is ribbon contact face & thus pushes tighter in socket promoting better contact.
putting a bit of tape on back may help too! be careful though as actual socket is very fragile too ...
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Tell me about it, thanks for explaining what the ribbon connectors do...I couldn't understand why the screen would turn on if the connector was broke. That's a good idea about slightly bending the cable, I will try that tomorrow afternoon. If i could swap them out, that would be awesome.
Thanks for answering, I appreciate you talking time to help a fellow hd2 fan!
Have made none working digitizer work via creating very light v shape bend in middle of contact area (bending across width of cable)
Do be gentle though ... not sure how successful it will be without clamp though :-/
fracmo2000 said:
Just bought a new screen for a cracked hd2 and hit some problems. Firstly, its a uk hd2, so it was a solder connection, i bought the screen + digi from ebay and noticed it was a ribbon connection (not sure if that will make a difference). When undoing these plastic clips
Both broke. They were so brittle, has anybody seen/heard of a way to fix this? I put it all back together and the screen does come on, but touch doesnt work.
Can anybody tell me what these cables do? Is one for touch, what about the other?
Gutted about my hd2, its been going so well all these years...is it fixable?
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how did they break? i'm going to attempt this myself soon and would appreciate any advice on getting the clips open safely.

