I have a problem. The alarm time is not set, yet every morning at 9:45am, my alarm goes off. In the alarm program, no days are selected, and none of the 3 alarms are turned on. Why is this MDA beeping like crazy every morning at 9:45??? I've tried soft resetting, but for the past 3 days, it still goes off
djswivel said:
I have a problem. The alarm time is not set, yet every morning at 9:45am, my alarm goes off. In the alarm program, no days are selected, and none of the 3 alarms are turned on. Why is this MDA beeping like crazy every morning at 9:45??? I've tried soft resetting, but for the past 3 days, it still goes off
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It had the same problem, I once set the alarm at a certain time, disabled the alarm but it kept going off each day. I was unable to find the cause of this.
It did not searched futher because I was intending to change firmware at that time, of course It was gone atfter that.
What kind of software are you using, maybe we had similar stuff running.
djswivel said:
I have a problem. The alarm time is not set, yet every morning at 9:45am, my alarm goes off. In the alarm program, no days are selected, and none of the 3 alarms are turned on. Why is this MDA beeping like crazy every morning at 9:45??? I've tried soft resetting, but for the past 3 days, it still goes off
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you probably have some undeleted notification duplicate in Wizard's system and all you need is CheckNotifications:
run it on Wizard and look for entry which might look like your 9:45am alarm and delete it. should work.
I don't have much software installed. Just SPB Pocket Plus, XDA RegWizard, OpenNETCF, and Flash Player. It's pretty much stock other than a few skins.
EVA_D, again I run into problems. I'm a mac user, and we only use macs at the recording studio, so I can't install the .exe file. Can you possible install it on your computer, and then post a .cab file for me??
Ahh this is a nightmare....Luckily the past few days I've had to get up early, but usually I work til 2am, 4am, sometimes even 6am (At a recording studio), so a lot of times I don't fall asleep until 8am, and if I get woken up at 9:45 because of this, I will probably crush the phone in the palm of my exhausted hand...
Here is the check notifications exe taken from my device - just run it on your device should work.
If that does not work i will post memaid to you from my device.
If nothing works then its hard reset time - then use a different alarm, see here
That doesn't work. I emailed the exe to my phone, but it wont install. I need the cab file. Can you post the cab that is extracted from the exe?
Strange works on my device without a cab install.The exe is a standalone exe not an install exe. Sorry dont have cab for it
Ahh, I didn't realize it was an actual app, and not an install file. It's loaded up, and I have 472 events, which the app says is very high. So how does this work?? Am I supposed to clear ALL events??
Does the MDA store ALL the event information from the day it was turned on? It seems so because 472 seems to be a lot. Is this a bug on the MDA that may cause it to run slow? What (if any) are the effects of clearing ALL events? Will this basically be a reset pf the phone and require me to set up my mail, proxy, and other information again, or does it just deal with notifications and whatnot?
djswivel said:
Ahh, I didn't realize it was an actual app, and not an install file. It's loaded up, and I have 472 events, which the app says is very high. So how does this work?? Am I supposed to clear ALL events??
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NO! not ALL! get into Options -> settings, check both boxes -> OK. then tap 'Clear' button on top of main screen. number of notification should reduce significantly (in my case it's about 15-20 after clearing). some notifications are essential for running system and should never be deleted.
Wow, 472? I think I have 13. You definitely need to do some spring cleaning there.
if i delete them ALL what is the end result?
djswivel said:
if i delete them ALL what is the end result?
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i don't know but if you'll try, post back the results.
eva_d said:
djswivel said:
if i delete them ALL what is the end result?
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i don't know but if you'll try, post back the results.
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im not quite sure i have the balls for that yet lol
If you check both boxes and then delete it wont delete your important notifications just the duplicates etc....
eva_d said:
djswivel said:
I have a problem. The alarm time is not set, yet every morning at 9:45am, my alarm goes off. In the alarm program, no days are selected, and none of the 3 alarms are turned on. Why is this MDA beeping like crazy every morning at 9:45??? I've tried soft resetting, but for the past 3 days, it still goes off
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you probably have some undeleted notification duplicate in Wizard's system and all you need is CheckNotifications:
run it on Wizard and look for entry which might look like your 9:45am alarm and delete it. should work.
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i have the same problem but i cant find any alarm times - help!
the same problem with my mini s, but new info. I remember that I have set a notification at 1:00PM someday last week, and it was good. after that, It keeps notifying everyday at 1:00PM and I cant find any entries in the notifications or tasks.
I used the program posted above, but it did not show any alarms set at 1:00PM.
Stupid wizards,
Any help?
taking the duplicates off certainly worked as no alarm this morning YAY thanks guys x
taking the duplicates off certainly worked as no alarm this morning YAY thanks guys x
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mee 2, was waiting for the alarm at 1:00PM, but id did not fire today. Happy alarms!
I had my alarms working fine but now whenever i assign an alarm at a given time it does not work . i don't know y but its strange coz this is happening from last week only and i haven't made ne changes to os. For notifications also i have used memaid also and checked for the duplicate notifications also but didn't found any to delete . Plz help .............
Please read the following thread:
It will solve your alarm problems without needing a hard reset. It is strongly recommended that you get an alternative clock/alarm app, like SPB Time, and stop using the built-in one as it is very buggy!
No longer getting Alarm notifications but Alarm vibrates/plays sound etc. and alarm is impossible to turn off - which gets very embarassing sometimes!
I am running Mortsaver - anyone else have this problem and, even better, a fix?
uninstalled Mortsaver - but still same prob. alarm continues even after a soft reset
I have the same Problem. Can someone help?
warmkiwi99 said:
No longer getting Alarm notifications but Alarm vibrates/plays sound etc. and alarm is impossible to turn off - which gets very embarassing sometimes!
I am running Mortsaver - anyone else have this problem and, even better, a fix?
uninstalled Mortsaver - but still same prob. alarm continues even after a soft reset
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Came across this the other day - might be of some help?
Thnaks - I tried the battery thing but it didn't work for me. I finally fixed it by clearing duplicates in the Notification queue using Pocket Mechanic (trial download)
warmkiwi99 said:
Thnaks - I tried the battery thing but it didn't work for me. I finally fixed it by clearing duplicates in the Notification queue using Pocket Mechanic (trial download)
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Now that's useful to know. But just a note of caution, I'm sure I've seen posts where people using pocket mechanic got into a lot of bother - I could be wrong though.
I have set up the alarm on the sence home screen and set my tone to the alarm to but, When the alarm goes off it is not the tone i set and this will not wake me up. Is there a bug with the alarm has anyone else had this problem???????????????????
I used my alarm for a week straight while traveling - after having changed to a different alarm tone (alarm 5 - the default in my previous devices) - and it worked flawlessly. Not sure if we're doing anything different. Mine is the stock UK ROM from HTC direct.
My alarm has just plain and simple failed to go off 3 days running now. Worked fine Mon & Tues. Nothing since. Also having the unlock code being rejected - even though it's correct - on the same mornin
I too have had this problem but solved it this morning. I had a custom taskbar icon set installed. It messed with the volume screen, and was also causing my alarm to not sound. I uninstalled the icons (tsowen taskbar) and now my alarms are sounding again!
EDIT: I have just reinstalled the taskbar icons, and remembered that I forgot to install last time. Having installed both that, and the taskbar now, the alarms seem to be sounding alright. Will let you know if anything changes again.
My HD2 is still stock. Rather annoyed with the issues actually. Such an expensive phone should've been better QA'd
It seems to set off my reminders tone and my alarm tone at the same time. But it does play the sound I selected just with the other tone mixed in...
HD2 built in Alarm not working correctly
I have the same problem on my HD2. The Reminder sound starts just before the Alarm sound starts. It was not working that way on the HD : Alarm and Reminder were fully separate. I saw my issue on other forums, but no answer so far.
Of course other alarm software do solve the matter, but, beleive it or not, I am happy with the built in alarm, and I do not like unsolved issues.
I have searched the register many ways, but could not find any tuning. Is it a tuning or a bug ? Any idea from skilled developpers ?
It has worked perfectly for me, 100% of the time since early November, and I use the alarm daily.
I suggest you hard reset and try it without installing any 3rd party apps. If it does not work, detail every step you took to check it as you may have done something wrong.
HD2 Alarm not working correctly
Many thanks johncmolyneux for your wise advice. I have just tried it : real hard reset (+&- buttons then + then reboot). After reboot I cancelled all buttons asking for customisation. As soon as I got control, I defined a clock alarm, and... the Reminder (Alert-Soft) ringged just before the Alarm (Alarm-light).
So this problem really exists. I have had it with the stock ROM. And I still have it with the latest official ROM from HTC site "_HTC HD2_RUU_Leo_HTC_FRA_1.48.406.1_Radio_Signed_15.28.50.07U_2.05.51.05_2_Ship.exe".
From what you tell me (working OK on yours), it could be either a bug on all french ROM, or a hardware bug (would be rather strange).
Again, can solve by disabling All reminders, but then of course reminders will not sound.
Any idea from skilled developpers, a register entry, a cfg, an ini file ?
mkent_barbados said:
It seems to set off my reminders tone and my alarm tone at the same time. But it does play the sound I selected just with the other tone mixed in...
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Yeah...same bug too. First the reminder tone plays....then right after that, the custom alarm tone plays's like a remix of the 2 tones.
This bug was also present in the cooked ROMs for HTC HD and it was solved using higher builds, starting with 21875.
Try G-Alarm
I had the exact same problem with my HD2 running 1.48 with a minimum of applications installed and it was so annoying. I downloaded the program G-Alarm and it seems to work perfectly. I also applied the small hack, so you can access G-Alarm (or one of the others) directly from the home screen. The hack is described on
Best regards,
I have problems with the 'stock' alarm too, I use G-alarm at the moment, but it kills my battery overnight, well compromises I guess?? :S
i have problem with alarm too on stock rom 1.48
reminder sounds before alarm
alarm plays for hardly 5 sec ( 10 sec with alarm snooze sound file )
if not dismissed only repeats itself for 5 seconds after 15 sec of initial play back
well problem is alarm duration is too short the alarm sound should continue to play unless interrupted at least for 1 min .
secondly the alarm should auto repeat itself after minute or two if not interrupted.....
g alarm is not a solution actually
g alarm is nice application indeed but i feel its buggy on my phone and a bit unstable .......
commando0 said:
well problem is alarm duration is too short the alarm sound should continue to play unless interrupted at least for 1 min .
secondly the alarm should auto repeat itself after minute or two if not interrupted.....
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Also same problem with ASIAN WWE stock ROM. The alarm rings one time and then dies. The instant solution is to set long music as alarm.
Bah, the best solution is to install Klaxon or G-Alarm... I really can't understand why a so basic feature can't work as expected !
have all of you reported it to HTC ?
we all should pressurize HTC for solution of Bugs they have sold to us....
its their crap .......
so it should not be headache for us....!!!!!!
to talk about bugs in forums is not a good idea any way
we should bombard their service support with mails & calls and so that all bugs are reported well and official solution comes ...........
official update is always good rather then our individual efforts ....
it would save time for developing roms and new features rather then solving HTC Bugs ......
so every one agree?
i've already reported officially to the HD2 support page. They replied to look into the issue.
My HD2 is running on 1.48 (WWE) ROM. At first I had set the alarm from Mon-Fri at 7 am. It works well.
However, the alarm still goes off EVENTHOUGH I had switch off the alarm function.
Any ideas why this happens ?
I'm on stock o2 rom (1.43) and unfortunately have the same problem. First, reminder sound before alarm, then it rings only twice. ... quite annoying I must say...
Is anyone experiencing there hd2 freezing when changing the lockscreen wallpaper? I have to take the battery out and turn phone back on again...the wallpaper does change though...
Any one else experiencing this?
I see no one has responded, which is fair enough, but I have noticed that the issue doesnt happen when I choose to apply the default wallpaper from the message dialogue that pops up...
yes! I have the same problem too.
I don't know what is the problem though.
can someone please shed some light....
happens to me, only noticed it when started using the Miri HD2 V6 rom.
Only a minor issue for me as I rarely change wallpaper
morpheus1982 said:
I see no one has responded, which is fair enough, but I have noticed that the issue doesnt happen when I choose to apply the default wallpaper from the message dialogue that pops up...
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jlau87 said:
yes! I have the same problem too.
I don't know what is the problem though.
can someone please shed some light....
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You should check if you have a faulty folder. I also had the problem, that HTC-Album crashed a number of times (to say it frankly: always). The Problem was a folder full of 2000 Icons i had on the storage card. HTC-Album (which is also used to select Wallpaper) somehow couldnt handle that. Try p.ex. to take out your SD and try again. If it works then --> Find out which folder/file it could be and put it to the exclude list of HTC-Album via a registry-entry.
thanks guys....
problem solved... everything worked again once my G alarm was uninstalled...perhaps some codes were clashing...
hope this can help others out there.
Rom: TW ASIA 1.66.709.3
G alarm 2.3
Does anyone know why GAlarm hangs the lock wallapaper setting.
It happened to me and when I removed GALarm it worked.
But i like GAlarm as well!
im am getting this and i do have G-profile, but i havn't uninstalled it yet. has anybody found a way around it?
Reviving this thread. I also have this problem and I am also able to reproduce the problem on my GF's HD2.
This is with G-Alarm 2.5 on both phones. Is this a G-Alarm issue + windows mobile issue? Doubt it, phone shouldn't be locking up at all despite the program being installed.
This is just another bug in the windows mobile os.
Uninstalled G-Profile and the problem is gone