Amazon Seller account inventory adjustment?? - Touch Pro2, Tilt 2 Themes and Apps

I have had the tmo tp2 for a couple days now and have modded it some with many many thanks to this site and its members.
One issue I have is when I enter my amazon seller account and go to the inventory page, my itme price will show but the online price will just load and never show. In order to adjust my price accordingly, I need to be able to see the "live" price on amazon.
Is there an amazon seller program / plugin / fix to resolve this issue ?
Please help and dont yell at the noob who is trying to run his small business.

If the price is truly 'live' it may be being created by a small flash applet on the webpage, which isnt being correctly rendered by the mobile browser. True web-based (as rendered on a PC) flash support is still not properly implemented with the flash lite plugin afaik.
ebay has a simialr live flash applet for their countdown timer for when an auction ends.
I found Skyfire, which can render flash (well on their servers at any rate) did display the countdown correctly in ebay for me, maybe it's worth giving that a try & see if it give syou your live prices? (although you will have to put up with it's less than ideal display on the large screen, WVGAFix may be able to help by setting it to 640x480 mode though)
Note: Adobe have just announced proper flash 10.1 support for WInMo devices, so with any luck soon we will be able to see proper flash-enabled web pages in Opera \o/
hope this helps

Thank you for the help, I will check into your suggestions


Today plugin for currency exchange, anyone know?

Do search already, up to 10 pages, but can't find it.
Does anyone know the today plugin to show latest currency exchange that syncing/updated to some website or server when connected to the internet?
There's one here...
But I swear I'd seen another one as well that showed little flags (not the Euro converter one).. hmm
Thanks ZeBoxx for fast reply,
Actually, I forgot to mention, I prefer freeware. But thanks anyway.
There is currency converter 2005, which is no today screen plugin, and use bulky .net framework 2 to run (that's another story).
I'm using PocketXchange myself - free, and does internet updates as well. However, no Today plugin.
Then again, I have yet to donate (on my to-do list.. still evaluating software before hard-resetting my Wizard and doing a clean install + backup) - so I doubt they'd make one just for me
Edit: really not spotting anything, not even in the commercial apps section (other than the aforementioned). Best idea might be to write Lou of EuroToday ( ) and see if he could make it be non-euro-centric, and allow grabbing rates off the internet (or hook into the rates file that pocketXchange or so creates). Note that EuroToday already allows you to set up a custom currency - so if you don't mind updating manually, it already fits the bill.
Just found KabuToday v2.1.
I haven't explore it yet, but from the review, it does have a foreign exchange rate, update from internet, today screen plugin.
But it is also have stock market, that I don't care (and like to remove it). Hopefully there is an option to remove it.
Let me play a while before report it here again.
It does have an option to hide Stock display. Meaning it is configurable to only for Foreign Exchanges.
The problem is, it is most for Japan currency to others. USD is very limited to fews countries only. If you live in Singapore, SGD can not have direct currency with others countries. Must via JPY .
Also, we can't change label. It is always shown the latest country. I.e: JPY/SGD will shown SGD only. Quite confusing.
I email the author, hopefully he is willing to do something on it.
It is quite simple and run smooth also on my magician. Only, it didn't create any folder to contain the files for KabuToday, so it spread over magician's memory. Only .cab provided.

Sky By Mobile..

Has anyone got this working on a WM5 device yet?
The url's that you go to come back with
"service is not available for your mobile device".. but there are lots of JAR's and JAD's floating around for different phone types..
As I'm not a Vodafone 3G customer - i'm after the SKY TV Guides and the ability t mark something as "to record" and have it automatically recorded at home.....
Charlie Grillo
id be interested in this too
Can someone explain a bit mroe about this? Is it a service that sky are introducing for their customers, or an extra pay service? Cheers.
This is for current customer (for free):
try going to:
this then checks your phones comatibility
Sky by Mobile - Is it possible on Windows Mobile?
By Gears. Published on 10 Jul 2006.
Some of you may be aware of a new service launched by Sky TV recently. If you're lucky enough to have one of their whizzy PVR's then you'll already be used to the live pause and recording to hard disk. However, recently they announced their Sky by Mobile service which allows you to get the latest news and videos from Sky plus you can now remotely set programmes to record onto your Sky+ box. Good eh?
Only one problem though. You need one of these handsets to run the software, and Windows Mobile isn't on there. I'd really like to use this service - I'm always forgetting to set my Sky+ box or I'm away from the house and I can't physically touch the remote. Last night I found this interesting thread and downloaded this JAR file and plonked it onto my Orange SPV C600. I opened it up in file explorer and ran it in the Java MIDlet Manager. It does actually work, I can load it up and enter my credentials, however it stops after that - I presume because it can't access the net. I can't seem to get around this and I've tried everything like opening a GPRS connection manually and tweaking with the security settings.
Has anyone else tried this successfully ? I'm trying the JAR file for the Nokia 6230 in this example but Sky hide the links so I've not found any other JAR files to test.
It installs in the midlet manager, and runs, but does not connect or go any further.
ive tried the link in a few different browsers, pie, mnimo and the java based opera but no look, just says not compatible with your device, i guess we will have to wait untill the web based service is available and use the text service in the mean time
got excited when the letter came through the post, its been in the pipeline for about a year or so now
edit: looked at the website who i think are the company that provide the software for the service and they do have other products that work on WM phones, so maybe soon it will be on our wizards!
anyone know whether we are going to get this?
On a similar subject, does anyone have the software program that you need to view your sky channels via broadband? I've just registered for it, but they email the URL to the original email address that was given to them by the account holder, but my Dad never gave them one so I'm struggling to get the software!
I think everyone has given up on this but ive managed to get a collection of installers for various phones, using the user agent tags in firefox.
not managed to get any of them to work though! but thought they may be useful to other people.
edit: ignore this post i cant seem to upload the files!
but if anyone is interrested give me a shout, ive got about 13 different installer files, mainly nokia,motorola, SE an i think one might be for blackberry.

{REQ}Awesome application Request_Using a Barcode and automatic Torrent Download...

Imagine you are standing in a store looking at DVDs. You photograph a barcode with your phone and press a couple of buttons. By the time you make it home, the movie is waiting for you in your torrent client.
This is the link for the app which is available on Android. I wonder if anyone could come up with something like this.
and VERY legal indeed...
While it is a clever idea, that kind of talk really isn't allowed here.. I think this thread will be closed!
thats amazing.. wonder how he is getting away with that!
not that i encourage illegal behavior or download anything illegaly, but i would love to see someone get something like that working for winmo too (not that i would use it)!
Illegal downloads
Its not like im encouraging illegal movie downloads. Just because a shop is providing bullets and guns doesnt mean that they are encouraging shooting and killing...
I think this would be a wonderful app and could have many uses other than illegal movie downloads so take a chill pill...
Yes, the implications are incredible. I'm sure there are *many* other uses other than illegal movie downloads, I just can't think of any right now.
Oh wait, got one! Music download?!
Hardly saying I'm against it, but do you really think this is the place for you to request an app which would make you a trigger-happy barcode reader?
other possible use
instead of having it take you to a torrent of the movie you can you use it log you dvds or cds to make a list of all your dvds or possibly use it with microsofts netflix app to add the scanned dvd to you rental list
Think outside the box lill fella there could be a lot more uses than just piracy... I saw the video on youtube and was very impressed so lighten up and go BUY a dvd or something if it makes u happy...
I already downloaded a torrent client on my mobile and am able to download content from many sites... Its called winmobile torrent if anyone is interested.
Please posts messages regarding development or alternatives to this rather that sarcy comments from now on.
Dashraider that is an excellent idea...
Yeah, lets NOT discuss the legality of this application, in stead lets find out how to get this on our WM phones
To get it to work we would at least need
1. A barcode reading Lib, open source/free
2. A way of searching barcode number -> title
Google-ing for both ...
Mr_Gee said:
Yeah, lets NOT discuss the legality of this application, in stead lets find out how to get this on our WM phones
To get it to work we would at least need
1. A barcode reading Lib, open source/free
2. A way of searching barcode number -> title
Google-ing for both ...
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Try Koushik Dutta's Windows Mobile Bar Code Manager and API.
Another possible use:
It scans the barcode, then identifies the product and checks online for different prices. So you can find the lowest price or whatever.
Thanks for your help on this guys...
Mandragore said:
Try Koushik Dutta's Windows Mobile Bar Code Manager and API.
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I could only find the barcod creation part..
But... we could already start with just typing in the number
the rest could/would be automatic
jmckeejr said:
Another possible use:
It scans the barcode, then identifies the product and checks online for different prices. So you can find the lowest price or whatever.
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Just an FYI there is already a WM program being developed that does this called Barcorama. It's a little crude in the fact that it doesn't actually "read" the barcode, it just searches a predefined string using the barcode numbers that you photograph, and opens a browser page with the prices.
You can edit the search string as well, I think it defaults to a Google Shop search, but you can make it search Amazon/Whatever fairly easily.
To take this a step further, basically what I imagine the general workings of this application would do would be something of the following.
Using pretty much the same foundation as barcorama you would take a pic of the barcode, but instead of displaying the pricing page it would instead parse the data for a title of a movie/artist/etc. This operation would likely be hidden to conserve resources. Beyond this you could take the data that you got from searching the UPC and then plug that into a torrent search site such as isohunt, and have it grab whichever torrent has the closest match or best seeds.
The problems would be that while you could do all the steps on the PPC, I'm not exactly sure how you would get the .torrent opened on your PC without some sort of remote feature/LogMeIn etc. which are probably difficult to integrate into the application.
An additional problem would be that the application would have to judge which torrent from the tracker is "best" to download which would probably have to be handled by some combo of which torrent has the most seeds and which most precisely matches the data it acquired from the barcode.
I'd imagine that this project can be done without too much trouble, but it will probably take awhile to work out the bugs/fine tune the search/etc.
-Edit: After rereading this I came up with an idea for a workaround to get the file to the PC. It's only an idea like I said and would require additional development, but I'm just planting the seed for the more creative minds to bloom.
Basically the steps would be the same as above, but when you reached the point where the .torrent has been found, have the program save the .torrent to a temporary directory, attach it to an email document, and email it to an address you would input. You would probably have to run an app always on the PC that would watch your email, and open any .torrents that came in, I'm not sure how difficult that would be.
I think something like this is the easiest way to do this, but anyone can feel free to chime in with tweaks/new ideas
Scorpion360 said:
Just an FYI there is already a WM program being developed that does this called Barcorama. It's a little crude in the fact that it doesn't actually "read" the barcode, it just searches a predefined string using the barcode numbers that you photograph, and opens a browser page with the prices.
You can edit the search string as well, I think it defaults to a Google Shop search, but you can make it search Amazon/Whatever fairly easily.
To take this a step further, basically what I imagine the general workings of this application would do would be something of the following.
Using pretty much the same foundation as barcorama you would take a pic of the barcode, but instead of displaying the pricing page it would instead parse the data for a title of a movie/artist/etc. This operation would likely be hidden to conserve resources. Beyond this you could take the data that you got from searching the UPC and then plug that into a torrent search site such as isohunt, and have it grab whichever torrent has the closest match or best seeds.
The problems would be that while you could do all the steps on the PPC, I'm not exactly sure how you would get the .torrent opened on your PC without some sort of remote feature/LogMeIn etc. which are probably difficult to integrate into the application.
An additional problem would be that the application would have to judge which torrent from the tracker is "best" to download which would probably have to be handled by some combo of which torrent has the most seeds and which most precisely matches the data it acquired from the barcode.
I'd imagine that this project can be done without too much trouble, but it will probably take awhile to work out the bugs/fine tune the search/etc.
-Edit: After rereading this I came up with an idea for a workaround to get the file to the PC. It's only an idea like I said and would require additional development, but I'm just planting the seed for the more creative minds to bloom.
Basically the steps would be the same as above, but when you reached the point where the .torrent has been found, have the program save the .torrent to a temporary directory, attach it to an email document, and email it to an address you would input. You would probably have to run an app always on the PC that would watch your email, and open any .torrents that came in, I'm not sure how difficult that would be.
I think something like this is the easiest way to do this, but anyone can feel free to chime in with tweaks/new ideas
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I'm actually writing an app to read UPCs and search Amazon prices...
Mr_Gee said:
I could only find the barcod creation part..
But... we could already start with just typing in the number
the rest could/would be automatic
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Sorry, didn't check the API code for scanning barcodes..
Mandragore said:
Sorry, didn't check the API code for scanning barcodes..
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Geen probleem ;-)
This could be an option :
I need to look into it, and see if I/we can use it,
I also think we can use for the dvd info
I just need to look in to the placing of the nzb/torrent
but we're getting there
winmobile torrent seems cool, but i dont really understand the point of downloading huge files over edge to your mobile, would make more sense if it synced with your computer like in the video so it would use a higher bandwith
I've always been interested in creating a barcode reading program.
Before my two kids came along and took away all our free time, my wife used to collect coupons. She would put them all in a index card holder and reference them whenever she was buying something. The most time consuming part was keeping up with the expiration dates and what each coupon was for, then compare them to fliers from the supermarkets.
My idea was to barcode scan each coupon and have an online database of what the coupons were for, how much off, expiration date, and barcodes of products the coupon was valid for. I know that supermarkets have such a database but it would be great if it was available online somewhere.
Even as a community effort (users scan a coupon and type in the applicable info then upload and share with everyone else), this would be a useful little program.
In this economy, we can all use an app like this, can't we? My Wife and I used to leave the supermarket with a shopping cart full of food and personal hygiene products having only paid $3 - $10 bucks.

Under Dev - CAD application for Android

My team has been vigorously working on a CAD application for android. I will post some screenshots of the tool if anyone is interested, so please let me know.
It's currently being tested and developed using a Motorola Droid running 2.0.1. Although we can run the emulator and test different screens using it, we find great difficulty in knowing if the "feel" is nice on a smaller screen.
Anyway - current features that are working:
Objects: Line, Circle, Ellipse, Rectangle, 3 Point Arcs, Text Areas
Drawing Modes: Orthographic (including 45s), Grid On Off, Snap Mode On Off (Endpoints, Centerpoints, Midpoints, Quadrants)
Other Things: Undo, Redo, Erase, Modify (reshape & move), Pan, Layering System, Linetypes, Colors & Text Sizes.
In The Works: Zoom (Option for Pinch), Configurable Toolbar (Add/Remove Tools), Export to DXF & Linetypes.
We are looking for a few people that would be willing to get in on a "PRIVATE Beta" to assist us with the continued development. We have our day jobs, so this is a project that when we have time to work on, we do. However, we do spent quite a bit of time working on it .
Anyway - We want to be picky about the testers, simply because we need to have a nice round group of people. Not plumpy, just round. We need a couple guys that are good with input, finding problems, etc. And we also need a few that dont know anything about CAD and can help us to see if the average joe can figure it out.
We also need a couple good mathmeticians or programmers. Or even one would do. We are having some trouble computing certain boundaries (ellipses to be more precise) that we need to understand so that we can build in other commands like Trim or Extend. (Plus our select option on ellipses is a bit hokey, but knowing how to find an ellipse will solve that for us)
For now, the only assistance I can give you is through the board here, and help you get started. The tutorial will come soon, once we get the basics figured out as to how we want to make it really work.
Anyway - To make a long story even longer - let me know if you might be interested. I would be more than happy to post some screenshots if you like of its current state. So let me know if you are interested.
Thank you very much for sticking through the long a$$ read, or even for skipping through to the "thanks" is enough for me.
That being said - LMK! Thanks!
A capacitive touch screen doesn't seem a good candidate for controlling a smooth CAD experience. However on second thought, when coupling together this technology with a trackball, the possibilities really open up. Harness these well and I know you'll be onto something here.
Post some screens to show everyone the progress of your development and I'll let you know if I'd be interested in testing.
Well if your looking for anyone with CAD knowledge, I have a degree in engineering with CAD, and Pro Engineer. I don't have much time to devote to beta testing, but I do have time every now and then. I run a ION with 1.6. Good luck on your software!
(Unfortunately - my account has not been enabled for posting outside links or images - so this is the best i can do for you until that is enabled)
Above is a screen shot with a couple drawn elements, and the right side of the toolbar tools.
Above is a screen shot with a couple drawn elements, and the left side of the toolbar tools.
There are a handful of more screenshots posted up on my site, the links are as follows: - Layer select screen - File Operations - Display Settings - Samle Help Screen (Line) - Snap Settings - Color Picker - Snapping to Midpoint - Selection of Ellipse - Text Input Screen
That should be plenty of screens to keep interest.
@Lancealot - Thank you very much, and I completely agree, that when we started this, there was some doubt as to how precise you could actually be using a "touch based" screen. The good news, through playing with it, and given ability to set tolerances based on the size of your "touch area" as well as snapping options, we found that you can actually be quite precise.
Ill fiddle with it a little today, put together a drawing and give you a nice example of something that can be made with this.
Keep in mind, this is a work in progress, and although much of the functionality that is currently built into the tool, is at a "finished" state, there is certainly room for input and comments from others that may find use in this tool.
Anyway - here are the screenshots as promised, let me know if you have any further questions.
(Again - sorry about the inconvenience on the links)
(edit to update image types to jpg instead of png)
@zul8er - we are certainly interested in your input. Check out the screenshots and let me know if you are still interested. We dont need a huge commitment, but anything that you might be able to provide would certainly be a big help.
Android 1.6 is the minimum OS currently supported. We need to do some work on the graphics to go as far back as 1.5 to compensate for screen size, and we intend on doing so.. Just not at this current time.
I would be interested in trying out your CAD program. I've been doing CAD for ove 10 years now, started with AutoCAD but have been using Solidworks for the last 8 years.
In addition to using the touch screen for input, will you be able to enter X and Y coordinates using a keyboard or virtual keyboard?
What format will it save the files? DXF, JPG, or what?
Noob Squared said:
I would be interested in trying out your CAD program. I've been doing CAD for ove 10 years now, started with AutoCAD but have been using Solidworks for the last 8 years
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Seems there are more and more of us creeping out of the woodwork on a daily basis
Noob Squared said:
What format will it save the files? DXF, JPG, or what?
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Currently the file format is a proprietary format. But we are currently (today actually) working on saving out to a DXF format to be able to reload your files into AutoCAD or other supported softwares.
The ability to import is also in the works, but will require some massaging on the users end to make sure the DXF file is not binary etc. (MTEXT may not be supported either)
Noob Squared said:
In addition to using the touch screen for input, will you be able to enter X and Y coordinates using a keyboard or virtual keyboard?
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We have toyed with the idea of being able to put in specific dimensions on objects, and also work with x/y coords, but at this time, it only supports point to point drawing. We arent completely sure if we intend on building a "FULL ON CAD" application, or an application for people to use to simply get an idea of what they need to do for a job. The other key, is to keep the application at a price range that is reasonable for people. Most "PocketCAD" applications run around 50 bucks a copy - and rightfully so. To keep the tool at a reasonable range (below 10 or 15 dollars) it may need to be a bit lighter weight than those. Most people cringe at a 2.99 app..
IF we could devote our time 100% i am sure we could build a really nice full blown cad app Unfortunately as with most of us, the day job prohibits some of that time.
Its a WIP I'll put you on the list. Thanks for the input.
Are you looking for beta testers?
Hi, are you looking for beta testers. I'm a long year CAD user, and I'm sure I can help with the app development.
[email protected]
Have you tried using some of the java based cad software as a source for your project? There are many and some might be open source.
Yeah I am still interested. It will be neat to play with and see how it works. The coordinate input is a good idea, also, ever play with Pro Engineer? They have a cool way of building an initial drawing. You just sketch, regen, and then input your dimensions to make the object to your liking. Makes things a lot faster and easier to edit a shape if changes need to occur.
I dont know how in depth you want to go, or if that idea can be used.
My email is [email protected]
Give me a couple more days to get a good product out for you guys to test. Currently we are cleaning up a few little "we'll get that later" issues, and should be good to go by mid/late next week.
Thanks for providing the contact info, I will shoot you a message through email shortly.
Thanks agian for the interest.
@zul8er: nice. Look forward to hearing how you like the feel of it. I havent had a chance to play with ProE, as AutoCAD has been my forte for the last couple decades. Ill see if i can any kind of demo for ProE, and get an idea of how it works. Who knows Anything to make it easier for everyone is a good thing.
But yah - the indepth thing is the issue. We keep tossing with ideas and putting them "on the list" in case people start asking for them. I guess it just depends on how people really want to use this tool. (and of course, how much time we can continue to devote to it) - bah i hate day jobs
I enjoyed the screen shots that were posted. Any idea whether you guys will support rendering/raycasting, or physics with inverse kinematics? Either way it looks great; Sign me up!
haha Not sure if we are going to go the IK way. Maybe as a different project, something more suited to 3D, but for this app, we are only intending on running the 2D route.
My lack of knowledge about the OpenGL portion, really limits us with regards to 3D implementation. I spent a good 3 days just trying to get ahold of loading in a 3D model.. Still never got there (or would have probably released a 3D model viewer first).
At any rate, its hard to say where this will go. It mostly depends on the overall interest i suppose. Its certain that the sky would be the limit, if time were as available as the sky
But cool.. Glad I was able to keep your interest.
Currently (as I type even) I am finishing up all of the help documentation for the app, the inline tutorial, and what not.. A couple more days on the file handling (DXF in particular) and should be set to go for a BETA run. ('couple more days' - like we all havent heard enough of that)
@lancelot - can you send me your email address via private message? That way I can do the BETA communications through there (link to files etc). You are welcome to email me as well:
support AT
Hey, I'm a high school student that has just started learning CAD, does that count as average Joe? I'd love to help beta test, I really want android to overpower iPhone 3.0 lol. My e-mail is [email protected] I use g1 with cyanogenmod idk if that qualifies. But anyways, Good luck!
This really sounds promising. In the last few weeks, I really had the need for a good drawing software on my mobile device. But my Tytn II lacks of power. As I soon will get the Desire, I will hopefully have a quite powerful device for all day use (my Tytn II really sux atm). And because I have the re-occurring need of a drawing app, this could be it.
I mean I don't need it for simple drawing, but for constructing things CAD style and on the go Graphics of furniture or something with measures and all that stuff.
Hey guys.. just wanted to pass you an update on status (which is so much more than I seem to be getting from Verizon on the 2.1 update).
Small rant, but its done now.
Ok - status..
DXF Export is working now, supporting layers, linetypes, colors, and elements throughout the drawing. Am having some issues with getting ellipses to export via DXF (and im not alone - faulty specs are at fault), and that combined with the other issues regarding the math behind finding ellipse edges, we decided to comment out the ellipse alltogether for now. Not that it wont be back, but having so many rules with "you can do this to anything - except an ellipse" left us with no other choice.
It's coming back, just not right now.
We have saving and opening completed (simple proprietary ascii format, but it works for what we need it to do).
Zoom is currently partially working (difficult to complete the recalculation on the elements, but its really close) touch events for zoom are coming up as well. Maybe a pinch zoom even, considering that all devices are getting the 2.0+ upgrade - but we will see.. We dont want to keep anyone excluded from being able to use the tool.
@Balrog82 - we have definately taken this tool a long way since its initial conception. We hope to be able to bring more features that are more "CAD Specific" to the application, and will if it becomes a tool that gets used. We want to release it initially as a "basic" drafting tool, and see what kind of input we get. If we see that a lot of people are using it, and would like the ability to put in dimensions the same way that cad does (within limits) we will certainly look into it.
That being said - I hope the tool is still something you would be willing to try out. I find a lot of enjoyment with working with a tool at its early conception (started using paint shop pro at version 1.42) and now its on to version 14 or something and owned by corel. I just kinda get into that sort of thing, and hope that you all will do.
Good thing is, we hope its a draw to the tool, we plan on releasing it at the market both as a free version (no saving abilities) and a full version at a low price. As the tool grows, the price may increase a bit.. Keeping of course the original buyers at a place that they can keep updating the software at no cost to them. We think that will help the advancement and development of the tool quite a bit.
Anyway - It is right around the corner for initial testing. Please to all interested - send me a PM with your contact information (just an email would be great) I am going to see if i can start a private discussion here to invite you all to as well.
@Lancealot - i got your PM.. Am very happy that you are interested in helping. Expect to hear from me again soon..
Until we can see a working model of this app, I thought I would throw out an app that has some great drawing capabilities. The paid was is called "Picso" by Tiki Move, but I used the free version to try out; it's called "Picso Lite".
It's not a CAD app, but it's different from the other Paint apps on Android in that it has tools the other ones don't. It has the usual tools a CAD user would need, such as Rectangles/Squares, Circles/Ellipses, and Lines. You can change the colors and widths of these entities.
What I like about your program is that it has snaps, and the tools are on the bottom of the screen so they are easy to get to: /
A feature Picso needs is a Zoom tool so you can zoom in to an area and draw whatever you need to and then be able to zoom full screen. It also needs a text tool. Since there is no dimension tool, you could put a text for the dimension.
I want to try your app, but I am only posting this to show how someone else has put these tools on their app and also to have a comparison on ease-of-use. One other thought, you mentioned the files your CAD app will create will be proprietary file types. Will you be able to save-as .jpg or .png so you can email or text-message a sketch to someone? That way if your on-site you will be able to send someone back at the office whatever it is to explain your ideas, and also they would not have to have an Android phone to view it.
Idea sounds great. Good luck with it!
Sorry for being away for so long.. but we had something going on that we had to attend to..
More news as it allows.
Android Category Winner
Talon Designs, AndCAD
This application allows users to create simple geometric shapes, combined with notes, to describe plans associated with the art, architecture, engineering and manufacturing industries. Many of the tools familiar to CAD users are incorporated into this utility, meaning that fluent CAD users will feel right at home using this tool. However, the interface for this tool is simple enough for even the most novices of users to understand. This enables certain users (Contractors, etc) to be able to take notes while on a job site and associate them with vector elements within the drawing.
talondesigns said:
Sorry for being away for so long.. but we had something going on that we had to attend to..
More news as it allows.
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AT&T Open Call-Apps for All! Contest
Thank you to all the participants in the 2010 AT&T Open Call—Apps For All! Contest. This year's contest was filled with many great entries. AT&T reviewed over 90 applications this year ranging from games to business applications. The winners from each category will receive $10,000 and co-marketing opportunities with AT&T.
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Did you get $10,000?

Is JDB PocketShield no longer supporting Windows Mobile?

I love this program. It can be configured in so many ways and the options are so easy and clear to understand.
I have Protection Edition Version thats newer then the they are selling on there websight at for a sale price of $5.
I think they stopped supporting it. Its a real bummer for me that I can not activate because I had to hard reset again and pocket shield is not liking my original activation code and email. They have not responded to my many emails I sent using the program itself and the contact page on there websight and my yahoo account too. I see they are selling it for only $5 now. I cant find a crack or keygen so I will soon be forced to buy it again. Kind of makes me mad.
I have tried many many other screen lock programs but none come close to pocket shield. They just dont cover all possible situations like PS does.
Does any one have any info on there current standing with us windows mobile users? Have they totally dropped the ball? It would be nice if they would put out a keygen or free version because it seems like they are abandoning us.
They have not abandond us!
It was months ago that I had the problem of them not responding. Today I tried one last time sending them an email about an activation problem. Purposely leaving out any further data. They responded fast asking what program. I re sent my original text with my email and registration code and they responded fast saying I should re try registration now. I did and it worked. I will never know what happened to cause a no response but now I am happy again they have not abandoned us. Thank you pocket shield.
Dude, I was wondering should I buy this software or not, cuz using the full trial verison, got me very high immpresions about PS . If any other simillar program got near PS that was without a doubt S2U2 latest version, but not close enough. The latest S2U2 version (I think its 2.43 if I'm correct) it is not that battery hungry like previous versions, it is much more stable than any other previous versions of S2U2 and it is not eating RAM like previous versions did.
About PocketShield, I did a lots of reading and researching is it good, is it battery friendly, etc. Then I got the trial version of and cuz in those 14 trial period days I didn't have that much time to watch the battery respond to this program. So I will ask you for a little feedback and help with this program:
1. Is it a battery friendly program?
2. Is it a RAM friendly program?
3. What is your personal experiance with using it?
4. Where did you get version When I d/l form their site, it said , but when I install it, it says
If you used S2U2 2.43 you can make a comparassion with that with answering my questions. I have Samsung Omnia i900 with custom light rom WM6.5.3
Thank you in advance
1. Is it a battery friendly program?
Yes in fact your battery will last longer with it.
2. Is it a RAM friendly program?
I dont know. I had not noticed any problems here.
3. What is your personal experience with using it?
Most of the time its fine but every 5 months or so it Slows the phone down at times reinstalling it is the only thing I found to get it back to normal.
4. Where did you get version When I d/l form their site, it said , but when I install it, it says
I installed and checked after install and it says its
S2U2 does not have near as may options and is not as capable. Once you set up PS to do exactly what you want when you want you will be willing to pay any price for it. It truely does cover all situations and will not let you down.
travissand said:
I think they stopped supporting it. Its a real bummer for me that I can not activate because I had to hard reset again and pocket shield is not liking my original activation code and email. They have not responded to my many emails I sent using the program itself and the contact page on there websight and my yahoo account too. I see they are selling it for only $5 now. I cant find a crack or keygen so I will soon be forced to buy it again. Kind of makes me mad.
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Well, I came across this page as I found myself in the same situation as above. I recently had to re-install PocketShield v3.7.0.8 after flashing my HTC HD2 to the latest CrossbowHD2 Rom, and realised that I could no longer register my purchased software online. I believe that there's either a count on the number of times you are allowed to use the PIN code for activation, or how many times it is used within a time period before it gets deactivated permanently by JDB.
So like travissand, I sent email after email to JDB and got no response. It's very frustrating because this is the only software I've purchased and installed on my Windows Mobile phone that requires online activation. To add insult to injury, I didn't get it at the current discounted price either.
Driven to desperation, I started searching online for hacks or cracks for this program, none of them worked. Fortunately in the process, I learnt enough to finally figured out what the program activation code checks for. Since I have a backup of my previous phone including it's registry, I was able to modify the necessary registry keys to finally get my new reinstalled PocketShield v3.7.0.8 activated and out of trial/bug mode offline, without requiring server authentication.
I know it only costs $5 to get a new license (assuming they are still handing those out) but I don't really feel like paying another dime when I legitimately paid for and did not pirate the software, Several Windows Mobile developers are simply giving away their previously commercial software since WM5/6 is considered a legacy system. I also hate it that when (not if) JDB decides to take their authentication server offline, you not only can't re-install and activate their software anymore, neither can you switch skins. FYI, you MUST be online to download the skins catalog and to install a skin, even if it was one that you had previously downloaded and installed before. As I mentioned, this is the only Windows Mobile program that I own which has this ridiculous requirement.
[Edit] Don't bother asking me for the Windows Mobile registry keys that the program checks or my license key, PIN or email. This is not just because I don't wish to pirate the program, but also because I believe the activation is hardware specific and wouldn't work on another device... a nasty form of copy protection. Urgh!
