Wing not opening messages :help: - Wing, P4350 General

Hey guys,
I flashed my wing a few weeks ago with just stable, and everything is fine. But today, i stopped recieving texts, and my messages will not open. When I touch the messages button, it just high lights, but doesnt open.
I tried going to start, then messages, and the same thing happens.
Also, it is not connecting to windows mobile device center.
Help please and thanks

im actually flashing the wing now, to see if it will help me with my messages. Hopefully it will.

I just ended up reflashing it, and all is well.

In my experiences, this is a problem with most of not all WinMo devices...its like messaging just deletes itself or something I dunno.

So what I did was the best?


HELP! Messages not showing...

Hey yesterday i noticed a major issue. I was sending quite a few texts and in turn receiving quite a lot back. However after receiving about the 1st four messages they no longer began show up and my tone didn't go off. The only reason i noticed that something wasn't right is because the screen lit up and when i went to inbox there sure enough was an unread message- even though the screen never displayed a new message!!!
Today I'm still experiencing the problem...along with an obviously related issue. Ocassionally when i click on messaging it simply won't open and i find myself soft resetting the phone or turning it off and back on.
Obviously this is a major problem for me!...Please help me! Everything else is fine!
Oh and sometimes the phone randomly wakes up :/
i got the EXACT same problem, it is so annoying..
it shows no number of unread messages at the enveloppe on the today screen, however when you go in the message boxes there clearly are some unread messages, both e-mails and text messages..
is there ANY way to fix this? it's so incredibily annoying!
Have any of you tried removing some old messages?
I know I had some trouble with messages opening slow, but when I deleted a bunch of messages (and emptied the "deleted" folder), it worked great.
tried that just now with no luck, works on no other panel either..
I deleted my messages too and also uninstalled xperiatweak as ive heard this can cause problems...i havent yet had a chance to check the progress but as for the messaging tab opening up i dont seem to get that issue anymore *touch wood*. I
have noticed however that i get the occassional overload of device.exe errors and i mean overload...once one pops up about at least another 5 do! Even if i press send report or don't send happens. I end up pressing the panel key :/ There are some definate bugs that need sorting.
Actually still no luck with xperiatweak gone...i got quite a series of device.exe errors and then after they'd gone i went to click on messaging and once again nothing happened...nor would contacts show! i think i may need to hard reset the phone!
megh i'd hate having to do a hardreset, don't want to lose my installed appz and having to install plus configure them again >_<
ive just done a hard reset...which i agree is a pain! But wow i forgot how fast the xperia is...i think im going to keep which apps i install to minimum and only install what i need. Obviously the error has been picked up from somewhere... What apps did you previously install? Maybe we have something in common?
torch button, mplaylist manager, neoFTP, pocket scrobbler, remote touch, skype, total commander, xchange r8, youtube panel, google panel, windows live panel... oh yea and tomtom7..
probably some stuff i left out due to them already being uninstalled.. maybe they left some traces in register i dunno..
pardon my french but f*ck this, i just did a hard reset too, will install the english rom too.. stupid dutch windows mobile.. (i know it's not the languages fault but it's an ugly language )
After hard has just happened again. I then thought it might be vistahide battery as come to think of it it didnt happen before that...been sending testers after getting rid of vistahide and everythin else ok. But i only have the new panels other add-ons now! So god knows!
Still experiencing this problem from time to time...very annoying! Hard resetted twice and no luck as such. It really is very annoying as i often miss messages if i don't see the screen wake-up Please...anyone know a solution or have this issue? Thanks
Bump .
Oh and sometimes the phone randomly wakes up :/"
noticed it happens whenever my mobile got a full bar 3G receptions... what about you guys?
Yes ive noticed a random wake-up and ive thought 'oh that must be another message with no sound grrr' then i look in messaging and no wasn't that and was jus a random wake-up.
It is really starting to irritate me now and today my alarm didn't sound when it's been fine since i've got it! I wondered if the problem was connected? Do you think the new update (well not officially released yet)...the new rom or whatever would solve the problem? Please any light on this...the messaging one is my main problem because I can just set another alarm clock but for messaging...its what a phone should be able to do. Thanks.
Seems like there are few people who are experiencing this problem.
I have the same problem as you all are. I've tried emptying the message but no luck.
If hardresetting doesnt work, then the problem doesnt related to any kind of software we installed?
yea i hard reset twice so i know it doesnt
Its driving me mad now! Its the only issue i have with it and its a real shame because i love my X1 otherwise. Do you think the new FW will solve my problem?
I was receiving messages fine 20 mins ago and then 5 mins ago i got a random screen wake-up but thought it was a message that hadn't come through properly so i tried to go into messaging but it wouldn't open up....i tried everything. clicked it so many times. changed panels. nothing. in the end i had to soft reset the phone :S

vibrating problem yet again...

hey guys...
i need your help... again. My phone quit vibrating when i receive text messages. it vibrates just fine for calls, alarms, and powering on but it absolutely won't vibrate when i receive text messages. i just got done flashing two roms and i still have the same problem. i noticed it a few days ago but then i flashed the new r2a rom and it fixed the problem but only temporarily. i'm about to go crazy... am i missing something here? if any of you have had the same problem pls give me some advice.
did you happen to install any apps on your device?

hp ipaq 910c text problem

i've had this phone for a couple of weeks now and it keeps bugging me by not showing new texts i receive.
to check the texts i have to go into messaging and open up an old text message. sometimes the messaging app stops responding all together when i do that. at other times it opens the message and then it receives all the messages that had been piling up. this is real pain.
i am running the latest rom on the hp site. just updated it and it still didn't solve the issue.
any help is appreciated
thanks in advance.
Well if reflashing it does not help, I would look to send it back for a replacement. How long is "a few weeks" ?
You could also try one of the WM 6.5 roms and see if you have any luck there.
its been in my possession for 2 weeks... its my brothers and he never had a problem like this and he has had it for approximately a year.
as for the wm 6.5 roms... i have to get a micro sd card first... which ill do over the weekend.

SMS issue with updated rom 1.66 WHY??

I updated my ROM as soon as it came out in January.
I have been using my HTC HD2 on and off over the last two months due to its niggles but thought I would give the phone one more chance.
To my dismay again - I having issues with sending and incoming text messages.
For example
There was about a 3 hour window today where I suspect I was not receiving any text or sending any.
I noticed this because I phoned vodafone to give me an automated SMS message to tell me how many mins I got left. But after 2 attempts and left it for 90 mins, no messages came through.
I also sent out a couple of texts but noticed the delivery reports were shown as not delivered. These were two several different people.
So I thought this must be my phone then.
I switched off my phone and back on again, voila the messages I had sent were delivered 30 secs after my phone was switched back on.
I phoned up Vodafone again to get automated text message - viola the sms came within 5 seconds.
What cause the cessation of incoming and outgoing messages in that 3 hour window? Could an app/update running in the background could have caused this?
Is this a common issue even with the latest official ROM update? Is there a fix?
Please help as this issue along with short battery life is making me thing whether to get rid of phone.
But I also love the other features of the phone - for that reason I want this fundamental feature of sending/receiving SMS message to be resolved.
Thanks -rant over
that sounds just like the original sms problem.
did you use backup software when you upgraded? with the wrong settings, when you restore it can cause problems by writing back some old system files.
could be as easy as a hard reset.
no I did not use any backup software. literally just installed the new ROM and then had to install all my programs manually in again. any ideas? it does seem like the old sms issue as the problem is much less frequent but annoying nonetheless lol.
Sorry to hear all your disappointing references your having with your HD2.
I not long after getting myne when had rom 1.48 and now 1.66 never have had any SMS problems(although a fix was installed by HTC straight away apon purchase)
I then installed a app to disable Sence Sms (sorry cant find where i got it from) being processed by Sence as it created a few limitations i liked in windows sms .
Any way by shifting the total responsibility back to Windows Sms functionality > i have never to today experienced a single problem with stuck sms.
I hope this helps.
but my problem is very intermittent. could a program running in the background cause this issue
I have an O2 HD2 which came with ROM V1.43 i had no issues with sms. I installed the V1.66 ROM...still no issues! It may be something to do with your network? might be worth trying a different networks sim card to prove???
I thought the same but i have no issue with my old phone. strange huH?

HD2 Connection issues

Hey guys.
I have some issues with my HD2. I can't make calls, it just hangs up after 2 sec.
I can't recieve calls. I sometimes get a text with a notification, that someone tried to call me, but not always.
I can get on 3g, but I can't access the web. I am, however, able to send and recieve texts.
I've tried everything, resets, re-installing to an older HTC ROM, fiddled with various settings. Nothing seems to work. And it just started behaving like this all of a sudden..
The phone has been rooted with android for months, working great. But to isolate this part, as a possible reason for the phone not working, I've completly un-rooted it again, but still no progress..
Also, the phone doesn't work with any SIM-card, and my own SIM-card works fine in my old phone. So I suspect it to be hardware-related.. Although it just happened all of a sudden.
I've also spoken to HTC customer-service, but they have never heard of the issue..
Any help is greatly appriciated..

