Transparent Clocks & Sliders - Touch Pro2, Tilt 2 Themes and Apps

Hello to All.....
I hate being a noobie with this stuff and I have done my fair share of searching & testing (with quite a few hard reboots) but I think I'm missing something here. In a lot of the different pics I've seen, they will have both a clear clock and slider bar. But every time I install a file it only has an effect on the wallpaper; not the clock or the slider. Are these separate "modification" that need to be done or should installing the take care of it all?
I've played around with the Crystal Clock install but that has caused some problems and now I can't even uninstall. As far as transparent sliders....I can get nothing to work.
Does having a transparent clock or slider require some type of "root" installation of some other program first so whatever theme gets installed will take effect?
I've downloaded the HDwall program and have been playing with it for a bit but for the life of me I can't get a custom slider to work.
If this makes any difference I'm running a Verizon version of the TP2.
As I said, I hate asking but it's driving me nuts and I'm hoping someone can give me some direction as to how to get these themes fully working. This is certainly a lot different than the older themes I used on my Samsung i760.
Thanks much,

same problem
I've come across the the same problem. I've tried to install seperate clock cabs and also whole themes. In my case the clock never changes. I installed MaxTTM tried to install the custom clocks and they never work, I actually have to restore the theme to get the messed up clock off of it. tham
nks for the help.

Hey guys, this post may be of some significance to you Verizon users.


howmany people go back to there original themes after downloading another one??

i dnt know if its only me but for some reason i always revert back to my original windows mobile today screen after i have tried some new ones. like they say the original is always the best.
anyone else like me out there?
Not yet, but I must confess I've been using my Magician and Hermes just for three years now. So maybe the moment I switch back to the origanal T-Mobile theme will come anywhere in the future LOL.
Now using a customised Ultimate Launch setup from Rumball. And have used many themes before like Throttle Launcher, Wisbar Advance, HTC Home.
It's all about being happy, isn't?
Just my 2C.
well, everytime installing a theme or add-on or plugin, i always return the standard HTC Home...for me it is the best, because i get attuned on the standard screen...
dortyboy said:
i dnt know if its only me but for some reason i always revert back to my original windows mobile today screen after i have tried some new ones. like they say the original is always the best.
anyone else like me out there?
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I understand you very well and i think what may be behind that backward to original theme.
Ofcourse there are many reasons like:
Themes design in a way that tiered our eyes
Themes with customization limits
Themes that eat a lot of memory
Themes that crash our pda's
etc etc etc
In my case i think i reach to a Software that a use for sometime now and and don't think i will change or reverse to another one.
I use the last WAD2 software and none of the reasons that i mention happens with this software.
I love it
I really don't under the attraction of some of the themes that many people use - 97 tiny icons on the front page.
I use a combination of
* photo contacts
* favourites
* calender
* Inbox
in the day and switch over to "samsung today" in the evening when I am out and about or in the pub.
I'm using Spb Mobile Shell, and some how I always come back the the 1.2.1 default theme. A lot of fancy themes out there. But the original one is crisp, clean and functional. Just the way I like it.
and i thought it was just me that felt this way...
Instaled SPB Mobile shell - download greatball's diamond theme
Install and have now still 2 months
Diamond original theme
- change
- back to my old
-diamond theme
- old with black top (like diamond)
- old with normal top, bottom black like original
- old with top like diamond, start menu like diamond....
- old like this up + green ehm.... choose?
- original diamond with my wallpaper :-D
This my history
I've used rlToday for a long time with a simple analog clock with sms email and missed call indicators only. I love using it because it is lite on memory and I can't accidently click anything on the screen. But as of late I was using HTC Home for the weather and music portion. As for the really nice themes that people make they only last at best a week with me then I go back. I guess they are just too much for my simple mind lol.
I have not went back to the original theme once changed. But, I change themes to get a newer & different home screen.
I change my device almost every week, at least ever since I joined xda! Every week there is a new theme, or a new launcher. Right now I am just waiting for WAD2 to be complete, and I'll probably create my theme, then stick with it for hopefully a while. I think I spend more time changing items on my Touch, then I do actually use it !
Not to mention, I have had a new ROM almost every few days since I starting building.
I've tried a lot of plugins. I started with the HTC Home Customizer. WAD and WA2 followed. Tried a lot of things with Ultimatelaunch and i'm using Throttlelauncher right now.
All previous configurations evolved to the theme i use right now. I download a lot of themes for different plugins and get new ideas every time to update my current theme.
I'm definitely not going back to the original HTC plugin. It's good, but there are a lot of things i don't use or are better of mapped under a hardware button. Throttlelauncher with plugins, iContact, Diamond Dialer and Diamond Comm Manager is my favorite combination at the moment.
That's for now... don't know what's happening tomorrow.
i switch themes and apps if not daily then every other day..
im addicted!
I'm the same way.
TheChampJT said:
I spend more time changing items on my Touch, then I do actually use it !
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heheeh, it is amazing how look a like we are !!!!
The "out of the box" theme is all but useless to me, a Touch owner. The cube serves no useful function other than the quick dialer, as none of the other programs it launches are useful.
I tried a lot of themes and plugins over the months, but none of them were really useful to me. In the end I created this one, which is a combination of rlToday and UltimateLaunch. Having spent the time to create my own icons, figure out how to make buttons that adjust flight mode and mute/vibrate, I can't imagine I'll ever use another theme than this.
With a little bit of patience, I've managed to create a theme that makes the Start menu and the stylus completely irrelevant, and using my device much more efficient. I still tweak it from time to time, and I'm still hopeful of learning how to make graphics change as battery charge changes, but that's not something that affects productivity, so it's not a priority for me.
I've found "theme nirvana"
Everytime I install those themes, I go back to the stock themes in less than a week

[COmbination of apps] WHo needs themes? :D

Who needs themes for TF3D anymore i say. Using the themes consumes precious rom, (check before applying ANY theme, and after) and seriously slows TF3D down.
Now with the great works of our developers here, we dun need any. i could seriously kiss a few of theme especially for the "no curtains" cab and "wallpaper4all" cab.
I say, download the "No curtains" cab, Wallpaper4all" and i'd like to add the "RC Mod", and you're all set to make your own theme right there on your device itself.
RC Mod can change the top and bottom control bars of your device with ease to adjust to your theme.
Note: several tsks cant seem to have their top and bottom bars edited, especially HTC Black. Just download another .tsk file, apply it, edit the top and bottom bar, and install all the cabs above, and wa la! your very own theme.
To further customize it, you can download TF3D Tabs Icons. There already are a few uploaded here.
I love doing it this way, cuz i do not handicap my TF3D speed, and i do not handicap my storage space.
I'd like to also suggest that theme developers start exporting their Tab Icons more.
i agree
Still theres alot easier to jus install a theme, but it is so sad that it fills up the rom, i have been carefull about installing new themes after my first hard reset, and just tested, say, about 5 themes, vista theme, orange light theme, the 2 last djoubhaa themes and the jewelery theme. now my rom is down to just about 7 mb. and when i reset to default theme it stays at 24 mb, when it used to be around 60?
i love themes, but not all files seems to be deleted with the apply theme app.
and therefore filling up the rom with useless files taaking up storage space.
I have not installed a single app to the rom either, so it cant be what is causing the pile-up.
I totally agree as well!
Customizing is a nice way to kill time
To spare my fellow readers the searching i have compiled a linklist. There's a lot more of course. This is just to get you started
Background in every tab (wallpaper4all):
No curtains:
No top curtain:
No bottom curtain (transparent slidebar):
Change / Remove carrier name:
RC mod:
TF3D slidebar icons:
Great Post!!!
OK one thing and I will request it over at the other post as well... but is there a way to put the "curtains" back? I tried it and some of the tabs have junk under the curtain... I will probably use the top curtain one but I can not figur eout how to get the bottom one back...
definitely the only way to go, installing a whole theme seems a bit like overkill to me, so I just change what I wish to go, naimly blank out those top curtains, do the wallpaper & use my own iconset (which can be seen & downloaded here :
oh man...the rc mod is great...thanx a lot for finding this stuff man...lov my diamond a whole lot more now:'(

[REQ]Crisp, Clean Theme

Thing is, I can't find a theme that I REALLY like. Everything is either too flashy, busy or just plain hidous. I also realise this is subjective as well. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate all the hard work everyone who has created a theme has put into it.
If I find the icon pack that I want, could someone create a FULL theme (portrait and landscape) and also install a couple .cab's as well?
Color themes:
-Different shades of grey for primary/blue highlights
-Earth tones (Buuf icon set)
List of cabs:
-same wallpaper on all tabs -or- nesse's cab where it maes the home tab different and all other tabs another wallpaper
-no curtains
-possibly crystal flip clock or transparent sprint clock
If I'm being too picky just let me know, but I'm sure I'm not the only one wanting a theme that is portrait and landscape that isn't covered with fire or other migrane inducing patterns.
you can always try to make one yourself
this way you get what you want
EGADS! You expect ME to do ALL the WORK.... MYSELF?! lol, yeah i guess you're right. Need to filter through the forums and find links on how to do it. Only a couple problems arise though. 1.) I'm at work a lot of the times and not allowed to DL anything to the computers 2.) Computer at the house is mind numbingly slow

Weather animations on home screen only, Verizon WinMo 6.5

Hello. Long time lurker, first time poster.
So, I want to have my wallpaper of choice on only my home screen, and have the weather animated as well. I'm running Verizon's official 6.5 upgrade with, as I understand it, Sense 2.1 (I haven't been able to confirm that the way I could on the old ROM, though).
I made a cab of the wallpaper with the nearest I could find to the proper settings, which was TouchFLO v2.1 - No Compression - Home Tab. HDWall tells me that I need Co0kieMonster's Patch. I found it here:, though it definitely seems to be meant for the Blackstone, and not my Rhodium. Not able to find anything better, and not knowing my specific version of Sense, I tried a number of his cab's, starting with the Verizon specific one, and then running through all of his 2.1 variants. At the best, there was no noticeable change on my phone. At worst, the clock would only display white boxes with bits of black in them (and wouldn't flip up to show the text version), the Call History became 0 Missed Calls and my calendar appointments wouldn't show up on the home screen. Trying different settings for home screen only in HDWall either resulted in no change to my wallpaper, or the icon bar at the top being weirdly skinned or turning green (which makes sense, since I wasn't using the correct settings). HDWall works fine creating a wallpaper for all my tabs, but I don't want that.
So then, does anyone have a solution to suggest? I can't imagine I'm the first one to have tried to do this with this particular configuration. Any advice and/or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I believe this is what you are looking for:
This has the patch included already.
If you want to change the wallpaper of the home screen without affecting other tabs then go to settings on TF3D and change the home wallpaper. Then install this cab, soft reset, and the animated weather will be on top of any custom wallpaper...
dj_doeboy said:
If you want to change the wallpaper of the home screen without affecting other tabs then go to settings on TF3D and change the home wallpaper. Then install this cab, soft reset, and the animated weather will be on top of any custom wallpaper...
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i forgot to add the cab... here you...
dj_doeboy said:
If you want to change the wallpaper of the home screen without affecting other tabs then go to settings on TF3D and change the home wallpaper. Then install this cab, soft reset, and the animated weather will be on top of any custom wallpaper...
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Gah! That was sooooo easy! It was just a cab! I'd put probably three hours into getting this to work, and there was a cab for it. Thank you so much!!
So now I have another question:
When I installed the cab, the top curtain on my home screen disappeared. I was thrilled about this, because I was going to get rid of it next anyway. As a result, though, the clock shifted upwards to fill the space (around 1/4"), but the weather animations didn't. In most cases this doesn't mean anything. However, when it's sunny and there's the lens flare, it comes from just below the sun instead of inside it. When icicles form on the clock, they're happening a quarter of an inch below the top edge of the clock, rather than on the top edge.
These are minor issues, but I was wondering if anyone knows of a fix. Thanks in advance...
I already have weather animation on mine. I didn't add anything. Is this stock T-Mobile 6.5/2.1?
Mine's the stock Verizon 6.5/2.1. My issue isn't that I don't have the weather animations (I do, both with the default wallpaper and, thanks to the above cab, with custom wallpapers as well), but that the clock on the homepage isn't where the phone thinks it should be, which results in the weather animations being misplaced a bit.
WVGA cab for custom wallpaper and animated weather:
Thanks, dj_doeboy!!!
does this work on sprints 6.1
AmelFl said:
does this work on sprints 6.1
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I don't think it will, no. The weather clock on the homescreen is limited to WinMo 6.5 and Sense UI, as far as I know, and this cab is for that.
Once your official ROM upgrade hits though, you should be able to use it, so maybe save it until then. It shouldn't be more than a month and a half before it's released.

Taskbar & softkeys

I was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction. i am looking for a cab to make the taskbar and softkeys either all the way transparent or semi transparent. Also I tried downloading cabs for the taskbar icon and it totally flipped my phone out. I am using a stock ROM with CHT. It is kinda driving me bonkers. If not transparent but a beveled look would also work?! I am still kinda new but this is not my first ball!
toreone said:
I was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction. i am looking for a cab to make the taskbar and softkeys either all the way transparent or semi transparent. Also I tried downloading cabs for the taskbar icon and it totally flipped my phone out. I am using a stock ROM with CHT. It is kinda driving me bonkers. If not transparent but a beveled look would also work?! I am still kinda new but this is not my first ball!
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Which taskbar icons are you trying? Those are often compatible (or not) with certain builds of windows, as opposed to a specific versions of sense.
To get the taskbar and softkey bars "transparent", your best bet is to use HDWalls, an app that can cab up a wallpaper for you, and it will skin those bars to match the wallpaper you chose. However, this is kind of a "cheat" since it doesn't really make them transparent...I haven't found any solutions that actually do that. HDWalls has a little bit of a learning curve and you'll need to install the HQ patch for it as well, but it's probably the best option.
You can also try THIS app...I haven't given it a shot yet, but it's on my list of things to try. Looks like it might be a good bit more complicated though, but you're welcome to give it a shot
I think i tried brains taskbar and another one but no dice. I think it said they where for 6.5x
toreone said:
I think i tried brains taskbar and another one but no dice. I think it said they where for 6.5x
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No prob The thing to do would be to look to see which build of 6.5 you have, and just read the notes carefully in the posts with the taskbars, to see if yours is listed as compatible. I think CHT can cause incompatibilities with some taskbars, just because some say they are specifically known to work with it. What carrier's stock ROM are you running? If it's the Tmo US ROM, I'm running the same, and I can let you know which taskbars have worked for me.

