need to activate g1 germany - G1 General

i just bought a second hand germany g1. i reseted it to find out that im stuck with activation screen.
i tried to downgrade the g1 with rc29 & rc7 but none of the file worked; i always get the "NOT ALLOWED 0002800" message
there's no t-mobile provider in my country.
plz provide me with "rc29 germany IMG" to downgarde the phone then use "adb" trick or somthing else useful

Is no one going to help me?
Changed to more suitable attitude & language

Please try and be patient. You may find that no one has answered your query for a number of reasons.
1. They do not know answer
2. Question has been asked many times before and they believe you should search instead of asking query.
Either way, try and respect your fellow members and keep your attitude and language in check

Sounds like you have a continental g1 which will have a different procedure to root. There's the one click method and there is also this guide

Use One-Click-Root.

i will test it tonight then post result
thx for all of y

supremeteam256 said:
Sounds like you have a continental g1 which will have a different procedure to root. There's the one click method and there is also this guide
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i hv trying this 4 amost a week but didnt work. always gets "no file" message then goes back to bootloader screen.
any idea?

plz. im still waiting for ur help

help plz. almost two weeks now


Please help upgrade uncomplete . A solution please.

I was upgrading from the O2 UK last firmware. Radio_Unit_Upgrade_v31413.exe.
During the process just starting the program was finished by accident.
Now the XDA says " Upgrading .... it will take 5 minutes" and the progress bar is in black (it´s seems that process are not started because the program finish so soon) How can I start again?
Other solutions. Thank you very much
Please help!!!
Finally I start in Wallaby 5.14 to flash only the ROM.
I use the version 3.15.15 ENG from O2.NL.
Finally it says COLD BOOT to reset. I do it , but the XDA dont work . It appears again the Wallaby Bootloader not the Today Screen.
That the way i do it:
I changed the name of the file of o2 to NL.nb1 and load on the SD64mb with the XDArit. I start flash ....and complete flash but...
Please help!!!
I got it! :lol: with the Othman´w webpage help (thank you Othman) . I dont rename to nb1, only open the upgrade file (i learn by myself in older messages).
I hope can be useful my monologue for others newbies like me.
I got it! icon_lol.gif with the Othman´w webpage help (thank you Othman)
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I don't suppose that you still have the web link for Othman's site?
The only reference that I can find is whici I can't really read too well.
Keith Burke 8)
could u re write in this thread the action to resolve the problem,according to othman site?
pls any help appreciate ,thx

unlocking Cingular 8125

Hello all-
I was reading about this tool to unlock my Cingular 8125 phone and all the links point to
which I am unable to view. It is giving me a 404 error. Was the page removed?
Does anyone have the working link to the LOKIWIZ program to unlock my phone?
My sim is an ATT sim and does not work with this Cingular 8125, even though ATT is now Cingular. The versin of ROM is 1.XX Can anyone please post the zip file here, I'd appreciate it.
Please help.
Thanks in advance.
I found the ftp site. This is great.
Would anyone please tell me which version of lokiwiz I can use to unlock my Cingular 8125?
Thanks again.
read the lokiwiz thread.
OK did the search, "Unlock Cingular 8125," got a few days worth of fine reading!
Clicked on the first posters posted link and got the same "Page not found!"
I tried copying the ftp files and that didn't work! No copy no files or something!
Did a Search for "lokiwiz thread," as suggested, got a few more days worth of fine reading!
But where exactly is the link to the exact URL for unlocking a cingular 8125?
Thanks for your help!
FOUND IT Sorry for the wine!
Found it . . .
why don't you share it so others that see this thread looking for the same thing will know where to look
What about international unlock?
Probably this question was asked too many times, but I'm reading about this graceful hacking since some times and I didn't found the asnwer yet.
I've read that the hacking on the cingulate 8125, in example for a model buyed from U.S., can unblock it and set it free to make calls with all sim cards of all providers (right?).
This means that if I could apply the "modify" on this model, and would want to use it in example out of U.S., in Spain, with a sim provided by a spanish company, I could do it without problem?
Thank you
GldRush98 said:
why don't you share it so others that see this thread looking for the same thing will know where to look
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OKay Dokey
I was really waiting for a "senior" member to reply!
But they didn't have time, i guess!
I tried to place the link next to the "FOUND it," but it would not show up!

[Q] someone who knows atrix exhaustively pls answer...pls help

hi guys...
I am kind of a noob....but have been following step by step guides by so many people and have survived this long....but have got so many un answered errors to which no one have given me a proper I am fully furnishing my atrix details and errors that I have....some one who knows atrix exhaustively and is kind enough to help me plsss help...
so here it is.....
I am using an at&t atrix bought in the us and had unlocked it to use in india....i unlocked it five months before the beginning my bluetooth used to work properly and I installed a obex file transfer application some time later....since then whenever I click turn on bluetooth option it just shows that it is working on to switch on the bluetooth but it just greys out and does not switch I searched in the internet where couple of people having motto droid had the same problem and they were given a solution to move a file named sdp from /data/misc/bluetoothd/(bluetooth address of the respective phone)/sdp to the external memory card...i did so in my atrix and my bluetooth started working after a few days my bluetooth speed working and never worked till now....i consulted so many people everyone told that if I update my phone to the latest version it would work....i have updated upto 4.1.83 and stil out hasn't worked...i have posted several v times in this site and no one has ben able to help me yet.... I am planing to fully format my phone so that I restore the sdp file that I moved back to the original place and need to update to that I dont get. the same problem after iI update to these are questions that iI need to ask to which iI couldn't get answers....some of these may have been posted but senior members pls dont get frustrated with me for asking a noob ques....
1. I need to do a full factory format...if I do so w will it get locked like when I got it in the us...and pls direct me to the place which gives step by step instructions to hard format my phone...and unlock it at the same time...
2. after hard formatting wil I be able to use my bluetooth function...
3. I need to update to ginger bread....for which I need a step by step guide...if some one could pls direct me to the link or thread...pls....i know this is a noob question but I am not able to do so...pls help
4.i have installed so many apps and games that I do not want to lose if I hard there a software like norton ghost for android....which will help me restore the apps games contacts which I previously had....i know titanium backup is one option not sure whether it does the function which I expect it to do....pls
and I do know about this thread for the noobs where I couldn't find the answer to these questions ....
could someone pls help...i am desperate....
thank you very much for reading this whole boring post....and pls be kind and reply if you know answers to any of these questions....
a step by step guide would be much appreciated...
thank you
Before they come in here and give you a hard time, you might wanna post this question in the Questions forum for the Atrix, it would get a better answer there(minus the BS some would give you for posting here), just tryna help

After one click odin stuk in at&t screen

I worked like this guide :
then i get bootscreen of at&t and i can't get even to download mode.. can anyone please help me ? i lost
you need a usb jig to force your phone get in to download mode. You can search ebay to buy one,
Please stop making a new thread for every challenge you need to tackle. This makes it impossible to give you help and can be treated as spamming.
Start by reading General STICKY
Thanks bro i understand , i got so much problems ..

my note 3

I'm from Egypt , hello everyone :
I bought that note 3 with a good IMEI code and this version n9005xxudmj7
it keeps getting me the msg not registered on network and I have tried several networks but the same issue it keeps getting me kicked out of the network and I search for network and choose it then it cuts agian even during calls ??
pls answer me ASAP PLS .
mohammedlolo said:
I'm from Egypt , hello everyone :
I bought that note 3 with a good IMEI code and this version n9005xxudmj7
it keeps getting me the msg not registered on network and I have tried several networks but the same issue it keeps getting me kicked out of the network and I search for network and choose it then it cuts agian even during calls ??
pls answer me ASAP PLS .
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Try another SIM Card, if you can make calls and it keeps kicking you off then it may be faulty.
radicalisto said:
Try another SIM Card, if you can make calls and it keeps kicking you off then it may be faulty.
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i tried another one I even tried three different networks !!
and can any one help me pls to know my CSC cuz egypt is not included !!
Type *#1234# into your dial pad and post the results.
there u go
thank u for helping me
mohammedlolo said:
there u go
thank u for helping me
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Cannot find your CSC region,not sure why! however.. You have maybe a couple options, Reflash a new MJ7 ROM - If your phone is UNBRANDED you can try a generic Firmware.
Can factory reset, wipe data and see if it fixes it.
It's possible (and this actually might be the issue) that there is a hardware malfunction...
last thiing
radicalisto said:
Cannot find your CSC region,not sure why! however.. You have maybe a couple options, Reflash a new MJ7 ROM - If your phone is UNBRANDED you can try a generic Firmware.
Can factory reset, wipe data and see if it fixes it.
It's possible (and this actually might be the issue) that there is a hardware malfunction...
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can u pls tell me the method to re flash my mobile ??
thank yooou
You must read on flashing guides and be 100% sure you have read and learnt everything.
I could post a How To here, but if you got stuck or made a mistake you'd have to ask here again and maybe no one would respond for a while and you would be stuck. So it's a lot easier if you try to find for yourself so you can learn it, and maybe one day teach someone else how to fix :good:
EDIT: I am not being rude by not helping, just I am trying to fix my device also after Hard brick
can u just give me a link to my rom and I will flash it with oden ?? pls I need this
Here is the firmware files, check which one you need and flash via ODIN in PDA slot.

