Tethering overrides flash memory? - Touch Pro2, Tilt 2 Themes and Apps

I've never had the need to use WMWifiRouter as a 3G to USB connection, but my modem at home is dead and won't be replaced until Tuesday. 3 days is quite a ways to go without Internet! So, I used WMWifiRouter 1.51 to enable the 3G to USB connection for my desktop PC.
After I was done with the 'net, I turned off WMWifiRouter and unplugged my phone. I then realized I needed to upload a few things on my phone, so I plug it back in to use it as a storage device. Problem is, my computer immediately detects my phone as a tether rather than the storage device. I've enabled the option so my phone asks me what type of connection it wants to create, but my computer keeps forcing the tether instead.
I know it's the way my computer is seeing my Touch Pro 2, but I was hoping somebody else may have run into the same issue before and found a resolution.
Thanks in advance!

I just used WM last night as a test, and then finally sync'd up my outlook 2000 contacts and calendar today.
Are you absolutely sure that WM has stopped running? I know on my diamond, the task manager option would NOT show some running apps after it was running without a soft reboot for like 2 months.
I haven't tried a "storage connect" yet though, I don't think I've ever used that.

I am absolutely positive it has stopped running completely. I used the built-in task manager with SKTools to verify. Even after a soft reset on my phone, my computer still does it.
Like I said, I know it's just the way my computer is now detecting my phone, but I was hoping somebody here had the same problem in the past.
I find it a little funny... I used my phone as a temporary solution to not having internet at home and now it only leads to more problems

Try uninstalling the drivers that your computer installed for the TP2, it would be in the Control Panel->Device Manager . Honestly i have no clue which one they would be but by doing this your computer will have to reinstall the USB drivers for your phone and re-recognize your phone.

Tried it. My computer installed it as a modem, but uninstalling the drivers didn't help. My comptuer would still detect it every time and reinstall the modem drivers.
Hard resetting my phone fixed this. It's the worst solution, yes, but it still worked. Fortunately, it only takes about 20 minutes to get everything back in order once more.
Thanks for the help anyways.

UPDATE: Ran into the same problem again last night. Fortunately, I found a better solution.
I made the USB to PC connection automatically connect to ActiveSync and disabled "Enable faster data synchonization." Disconnected and reconnected my phone and I was able to use the Disk Drive option once more without having my PC automatically see it as a Windows Mobile Modem


Connecting, connecting, connecting.......

Activesync just keeps trying to connect and is never successful. I have re-installed Activesync on my pc but it didn't help. Also, my work pc doesn't connect either. Definately a problem with my 8125. All has been well for a couple months and I have added no new software before the problem started. This problem also happened about two weeks after I got the phone and the only resolution was a hard reset. What a pain reinstalling all the software and settings I have now, it's customized just the way I like it. Anyone know how to re-install Activesync on JUST the phone or have any other ideas?
Try the latest activesync 4.2 beta and disable any firewalls if possible on the pc. On the device start activesync application and go to menu\options - delete pc that you are syncing with and try again.
Deleted profiles on both pcs installed beta on one. Still no connecting. Tried clicking SYNC on phone, pauses for a second then nada. No connection.
Have you deleted profiles on the device? and disable firewalls, and if you have a network adapter enable it because latest activesync treats the connection with device as a network - there are many posts on this issue do a search and read through some - seem to be many different factors involved.
First- Thanks for the replies Mark
I removed the PC profiles from my 8125. Also reinstalled Activesync 4.2 on my work pc. Nothing. Although this time I got an error message- Cannot find the file "http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=65257&clcid=0x409" (or one of its components) Make sure the path and filename are correct and that all libraries are available". Like I would know what that means. Anyways, no firewall enabled. Besides, this should not be happening, all of a sudden, on 2 separate pcs. That kinda rules out a pc problem. It has to be in the phone. That, and the fact that a hard reset fixed it last time. I'm thinking something corrupted in Activesync on the phone???
And searching on this forum is useless. I type in "connecting Activesync" and every post with either word shows up. 614 in just Wizard forums alone. Is there a way to search so that ONLY posts with both words show up? That way I can modify my wording until I find something useful. Search for any terms or use query as entered is ticked. On other forums you can just use quotation marks but not this one. It makes searching very difficult. ROB
Oh, and yes my network adapters are still enabled as always.
Yes best to search with the word AND cuts out all the other stuff i.e. activesync AND connection would do it. Yep sounds like it may be the device.
found couple of posts that seem to be relevant
Happy reading, the last post is about connecting activesync via bluetooth so maybe thats an option.
Thanks Mark. I think I may try the bluetooth connection when I get home tonight. Or I may just throw in the towel and do a hard reset. that worked last time. Plus, I can install the latest ROM upgrade. Shame theres no way to uninstall and reinstall Activesync on the phone. Seems that should do the trick (maybe). Just tried my friends 8125 on my work pc- syncs just fine. So much for all the pc fixes everyone seems to be trying.
I had the same problem with AS refusing to connect via usb or BT.
In the end i went & purchased (although the demo version would have done) Sprite backup. installed on the PC. Browsed to the install dir to find the cab file. copied to my wizard (wifi, or sd card reader etc).
Insatlled & backed up to SD card
Hard reset
stop here if you're happy, if not
AS to sync calender & contacts to pc
hard reset
update ROM
AS contacts, cal, docs etc back to wizard
install SW & settings
Yep. Had to hard reset. All is working again. Crappy Activesync. What's up with this P.O.S. ? Trying to setup bluetooth now and the pc finds the phone but AS won't connect. The phone finds the pc (HomeCenter) but it shows no services available. I'm assuming that there should be some listed (maybe Activesync?) Guess I'll have to do some searching for bluetooth problems with AS now. Did I mention that AS is a P.O.S??? But you all knew that already. :lol:
Dont forget to open a port in you BT settings (on the pc) and tell AS (also on the pc) to accept connections on that port.
Then your wizard should be able to see the AS service on the pc (you initiate the sync from the phone, not the pc)
I have had this problem since day one, and continue to have it despite several (more than 15) hard resets, multiple ROMs, multiple pertnerships etc. I plug in my PPC USB, and it just says "connecting" forever. Every time, after plugging in my USB, I have to shut off my PPC, and turn it back on. Then my laptop finds and connects with my PPC, and syncs all my data like it should. If I do this more than 3 times, my laptop crashes and reboots. If anyone has figured out how to fix this, let me know.

Can't get 8525 to work under Vista (32 bit)

Hi all, I have a frustrating problem with my Cingular 8525. I just formatted the comp and installed Vista Ultimate on it fresh. I downloaded WMDC but I can't get it to recognize my phone for the life of me. It keeps saying "connecting" forever and never does. I have done all sorts of installs, re-installs, hard resets, but I can't get it to detect at all! Can anyone help? Thanks in advance.
Hi all, I have a frustrating problem with my Cingular 8525. I just formatted the comp and installed Vista Ultimate on it fresh. I downloaded WMDC but I can't get it to recognize my phone for the life of me. It keeps saying "connecting" forever and never does. I have done all sorts of installs, re-installs, hard resets, but I can't get it to detect at all! Can anyone help? Thanks in advance.
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first try to install the driver of your device.. go to device manager and look for unknown device at OTHERS..
good night and good luck
The driver is installed... it displays HTC USB Sync. I am getting frustrated . Stupid Vista.
USE the search function dude
Hermes vista config guide
Also make sure you dont have any firewalls active. I have had issues syncing my phone with my computer when using AVG's firewall. I simply disabled the firewall and it fixed my problems.
mrvanx said:
USE the search function dude
Hermes vista config guide
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I already tried that guide... still not working. Ill try disabling the firewall
go to settings->connections->usb to pc and then check Enable Advanced network functionality.
If that doesn't work remove/uninstall htc sync device, unplug device and plug in device to reinstall the htc sync device after you have set the usb to pc connection settings.
Also try using a different USB cable and plugging it into a different port, you never know, it could just be something defective.
But I'm putting my money on the firewall
I had a problem connecting my 8525 to my Vista machine. It would say connecting but it would never finish 'connecting'. It took a while but finally I figured out what was causing it. It was the 'recording' .wav files in the notes directory that were causing the issue. If you have any .wav files in your notes directory I'd suggest moving them to say your SD card or deleting them. That fixed the 'connecting' problem for me and since I did that it's been syncronizing fine ever since.
I tried everything listed in here at once.... something worked I should have done each step by step to pinpoint what exactly... but its working now. Thanks everyone!
I tried everything listed in here at once.... something worked I should have done each step by step to pinpoint what exactly... but its working now. Thanks everyone!
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Same for me. I had a load of problems getting the Mobile Device Center working with my HTC TyTN. First I was unable to even install the driver when I first connected my device. The "add new hardware" wizard always tried to connect to Windows Update and install an updated driver which then failed. The solution was to let it fail and manually install an older driver from the list using the icon in Device Manager. After that I could start Windows Update and download the latest update.
Then I had the same problems as you describe. When I started WMDC it just hung while displaying "Connecting". Looking in the task manager I noticed that the wmdc.exe process was consuming more and more memory, up until something like 250 MB, after which WMDC just showed "Error". Finally I got it to work. It is hard to pinpoint exactly what I did to fix it. I know that the "advanced network features" under USB in connection settings on the TyTN need to be ticked and the device showing as a Windows Mobile Device instead of HTC USB Sync.
Initially I did a hard reset of the TyTN. Further, I manually unistalled and reinstalled the driver in Device Manager a couple of times. I tried to reboot both the computer and the TyTN several times. Also, I did restart the "Windows Mobile-based device connectivity" service after plugging in the cable. Finally it just recognized my device and I could setup the partnership. Now I can sync over bluetooth too and skip the cable.
HTC phone support was not very helpful with this problem. "We will call you back". Yeah right.
Mobile cofiguration:
Dopod 838 Pro
LVSW 4/17/07 WM6
Hard SPL
PC configuration:
Windows Vista Business Edition
I encountered the same problem. Currently able to sync back by hard resetting my device. The USB to PC connection on settings does not appear to affect the sync problem.
I suspect that the problem arise when I originally sync with an XP machine.
What worked for me was to enable the advanced usb setting on the phone as mentioned...then while the phone is still plugged in, I removed everything associated with the phone from device manager on the pc. Once that was done, I unplugged the cable, waited a few seconds, and plugged it back in (with the advanced usb settings still checked.) Worked like a charm with WMDC.
I had problems with all sorts of "connectivity" in Vista, including connecting up my Trinity, and setting up my xbox 360 as a media extender.
As soon as I uninstalled MS One Care it all started working.

activesync will not run

i have tried several soft resets, hard resets, uninstalling activesync, reinstalling activesync and none of my computors will recognize my mogul. i have checked settings and for the life of me i can't seem to figure whats going on. can anyone please help?
Try this, go to:
Start > Settings > Connections tab > USB to PC
Uncheck "Enable advanced network functionality"
My VX6800 will not connect to Active Synch with this enabled. Hope it helps.
same boat...
i have the same problem. uncked the advance network settings, no go.
have synced before.
now looks like pc doesnt even see ppc plugged in.
wierd cause usb will charge phone but no connection.
One other thing I had noticed on mine during all this was that once the phone was in this state I would have to manually stop Active Sync on the phone and then reconnect to the PC.
try deleting the activesync partnership on the phone (not the pc)
Where do you do that at?
wwillie said:
Where do you do that at?
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In activesync under menu|options|delete
I don't know if this is relevant to your issue but I had the same problem however, I was connecting my phone to my PC via a USB hub. I connected great the first time and when I tried to connect the second time Active Sync on my PC would not find my phone. What I ended up doing was unplugging my printer from the USB port on my PC and plugging my phone directly into the PC and it found it fine. This also happened with a card reader I have. I guess what I'm trying to say is that if you aren't plugging your phone directly into the USB port on your PC that may be what's causing the problem.
i have looked in the activesync on my mogul and the options isnt bold face print. the options is empty. im at total loss. i call a sprint rep and they said it was the phone.
I had the same problem, it went away when I updated the ROM!
Active sync worked for a about a week, it would not connect so that I could install applications, albeit I could browse the device using the explorer function.
(all of the following failed: deleted active sync profiles, disabled firewall, reinstalled activesync, hard reset and tried to use sprite backup restore (for contacts, which failed))
quinn, how did u flash a new rom if u can't activesync?
Try everything here first:
Then try a hard reset before flashing.
still stuck
i read the microsoft forum and to be honest nothing there helped me. there was another person on there that had the same issue but no one there seemed to resolve it. has anyone found a workable solution? i have read in another forum that i would have to call sprint because it might be an issue with the phone. i would try that venue except my phone has been flashed to cricket. any suggestions?
I had the same problem after spending lotof time trying all the things already posted, I find a solution that worked for me I hope works for you
in your pc go to:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft ActiveSync
then find WCESMgr.exe right click in the mouse and doble click run as
then type your login and you should be able to get back your sync
hope it work sfor you
try this... http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=349997
I noticed that on Windows XP you have to uncheck the Enable advanced network functionality. If this does not resolve your problem Try plugging your phone into a different usb port on your computer. If this resolves your issue, You should consider deleting the phone from Device Manager. When you plug it in again it will reinstall the drivers and work.
On vista I have not experienced these issues. You can leave the Advanced network func checked.
Hope this helps,
dawarrior_vex said:
I noticed that on Windows XP you have to uncheck the Enable advanced network functionality. If this does not resolve your problem Try plugging your phone into a different usb port on your computer. If this resolves your issue, You should consider deleting the phone from Device Manager. When you plug it in again it will reinstall the drivers and work.
On vista I have not experienced these issues. You can leave the Advanced network func checked.
Hope this helps,
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yo I did this on my mogul and my computer recognized it but as a hardware. IT said something like this:"htcusbplug" i installed it but it still doesnt open up activesync.
@ artenis: im having the exact same problem...wont recognize the device at all, even though it charges fine...(im running alex's wm6.1 beta 2 rom...could wm6.1 have something to do with it?)
i had the exact same issue with my sprint mogul, tired everything, formatted my laptop, reinstalled activesync, hard and soft reset the phone, tried other usb/computers, nothing. luckily i have sprints EPP and just took it to the store for a swap for a new mogul, got a new box and everything.. good luck
Same problem with Vista Ultimate 64bit
I had the same issue with my desktop, but after trying everything I could think of, decided to give Microsoft a try.
The drivers included in the pre-installed version of Windows Mobile Device Center would not allow the computer to recognize the Mogul, so I simply reinstalled the application from here: http://www.microsoft.com/windowsmobile/devicecenter.mspx
Everything works fine now.

Can't connect to PC

When I connect my hd2 to the pc throught the USB cable, the message on hd2 shows up to click sync but my computer can't see the hd2.
I went to device manager but it doesn't show up.
it worked 2 day ago, I even tryed at another PC.
I can recharge the phone from my computer...
deadmau said:
When I connect my hd2 to the pc throught the USB cable, the message on hd2 shows up to click sync but my computer can't see the hd2.
I went to device manager but it doesn't show up.
it worked 2 day ago, I even tryed at another PC.
I can recharge the phone from my computer...
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Firstly, what operating system are you using on your PC?
Secondly, have you tried deleting the sync partnership on both your phone and the PC and recreating it?
Thirdly, try and connect your phone directly to the USB root hub on your PC and not via a hub.
The fact that the HD2 is identifying the physical connection suggest the problem may lie at the PC end. Recreating the sync partnership is probably all that's needed.
If you are using Vista or Win7 you need to download Microsoft Mobile Device Manager to get a successful connection. Once you download this and install all will be good.
There is an option (can´t remember where) where you can disable fast link for ActiveSync.
This fast option has created me a lot of problem.
i'm using win7, i reinstalled the mobile device.
If i disable enable faster data sync then I can sync the phone with the computer but if I enable faster data sync then the 3G band auto enables...
I have just in the last weekend somehow lost the ability to connect to any computer. I have an activesync connection with work and a connection via hsdpa to the server too, and then one via wmdc on my vista home computer.
All has been going swimmingly until the weekend when I noticed that it had stopped synching new appointments.
The computers (both) now no longer even detect the phone, although it does charge via the usb cables.
The settings are still set to sync on the phone (as opposed to say disk drive).
I've tried a bunch of things, and now annoyingly, have hard reset the phone, but no joy!! Now I have the joy of setting everything back up again... But still no synchronising with the computer.
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
bcorgan said:
I have just in the last weekend somehow lost the ability to connect to any computer. I have an activesync connection with work and a connection via hsdpa to the server too, and then one via wmdc on my vista home computer.
All has been going swimmingly until the weekend when I noticed that it had stopped synching new appointments.
The computers (both) now no longer even detect the phone, although it does charge via the usb cables.
The settings are still set to sync on the phone (as opposed to say disk drive).
I've tried a bunch of things, and now annoyingly, have hard reset the phone, but no joy!! Now I have the joy of setting everything back up again... But still no synchronising with the computer.
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
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Did you reboot the PC? I occassionaly have problems with activesync stopping working suddenly. It doesn't really like being unplugged sometimes and get's a bit ansy about it. I've found that sometimes a soft reset of the phone does it, but sometimes I need to reboot the PC.
I hope you did try rebooting the PC before you did a hard reset. At least you wouldn't have wasted your time with having to set up your phone again!
Yes did indeed! Restarted both. But the fact that it's affecting 2 computers suggests to me that it's something wrong with the phone, and not computers themselves.
HTC haven't been any help as yet - just haven't responded to my requests.
bcorgan said:
Yes did indeed! Restarted both. But the fact that it's affecting 2 computers suggests to me that it's something wrong with the phone, and not computers themselves.
HTC haven't been any help as yet - just haven't responded to my requests.
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The fact that it still doesn't work after a hard reset leaves me at a loss!
You're telling me!
Before anyone asks also, I've tried different cables and different usb ports on both computers too.
Any other thoughts out there? I'm starting to think now it's something inside the phone - i.e. the usb port?
Fixed for me!
After having sent off the phone to HTC, it was repaired in 8 days and that was sending it to and from Sweden to the UK!
Turns out the usb connector in the phone itself was not working. 10/10 for HTC repair service!
If you use the XPP OS.
You must select ‘To enable faster data synchronization’ (i dont konw how to translated that, sorry my English.) under the ActiveSyuc.
If you use the Vista OS.
You dont select this option otherwise you cannt connect you phone to computer.
me too,..i can't connect with my pc... my computer show me found new hardware & need 2 install driver,...tell me what kind of driver need...? thank!!!
me too,..i can't connect with my pc... my computer show me found new hardware & need 2 install driver,...tell me what kind of driver need...? thank!!!
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Microsoft Corporation - Other hardware - PocketPC USB Sync
Download size: 11.1 MB
You may need to restart your computer for this update to take effect.
Update type: Recommended
Microsoft Corporation Other hardware software update released in May, 2007
At present, I'm confering with Microsoft about the issue I'm having with my Vista laptop. It finds the correct driver with windows update, but the driver fails to install even with a clean boot.... they're working on it...
deadmau said:
When I connect my hd2 to the pc throught the USB cable, the message on hd2 shows up to click sync but my computer can't see the hd2.
I went to device manager but it doesn't show up.
it worked 2 day ago, I even tryed at another PC.
I can recharge the phone from my computer...
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I had the same problem and 'solved' it by trying every other USB port, and (of course) the last one did it correctly.
bcorgan said:
You're telling me!
Before anyone asks also, I've tried different cables and different usb ports on both computers too.
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To make Active Sync work
Turn off Setup\other\USB to PC\ActiveSync Enable Faster Data Synchronization
The all will be ok
SOLVED!! Joy, joy, happiness glow... . I removed AVG 9.0, restarted, reinstalled WMDC and the driver (all of which installed automatically when I plugged my HD2 in to the USB port), and reinstalled AVG 9.0 and… Voila, MAGIC! I had AVG configuered correctly to allow WMDC to make connections and pass through the antivirus, but I still had to uninstall it to get the driver to install. Sometimes antiviruses are stubborn!
hi i had the same problem try this go to settings on your phone all settings connections usb to pc and uncheck the fast sync box if that dont work theirs an option that is somewhere on your pc where you can choose the pc to search for an update driver for that device
marquez2010 said:
hi i had the same problem try this go to settings on your phone all settings connections usb to pc and uncheck the fast sync box if that dont work theirs an option that is somewhere on your pc where you can choose the pc to search for an update driver for that device
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I tried BOTH of those options prior to uninstalling AVG and no joy. Bytheway, I've switched to Microsoft Security Essentials and still have to uninstall MSE everytime I flash my HD2! UGH!

ActiveSync not working (all of a sudden)

Hi All
I searched the Forum but couldn't find a solution to this problem.
1. Came back form holiday yesterday - synced up my HD" with Outlook no problem
2. Tried to do it this morning. By the normal 'connect PC' option didn't come up and activsync icon didn'tr light up on PC
3. Rebooted HD2 and PC..no change
4. Tried to repair/reinstall activ sync, but towards the end of the repair it says 'there was a network error reading from file 'setup/msi'. Guessing that the file may be corrupt, I downloaded it again..same problem..so I can't repair or reinstall
5. There is definitely a connection of some sort as the HD2 begins to charge when connected
Bottom line is that the HD2 is not syncing - and I can't figure out why not.
Any advice appreciated...
Do you have a Norton (Symantec) firewall installed? I’ve found that the Norton product can interfere with ActiveSync.
Active Sync not working
Good point..but no. I have AVG installed (and everything was working OK yesterday)
Spooky thing is, I have managed to uninstal, reinstal and reboot..and it still won't show that it's connected with AS even though there is a connection of some kind, cos the device is charging.
ActiveSync is just a bit crap. It'll do this occassionaly, so if you use it a lot then get used to it.
A restart of the phone, whilst the USB cable is not plugged in, usually does the trick. Only plug it in again when it's fully started.
Also, try setting the AS connection to not allow USB connections, unplugging and plugging back in, and then setting it to once again allow USB connections.
Just messing with it like that usually works for me. Like I said, it's just a bit crap.
Activ Sync
Yeah, I seem to recall I had this problem a while back - I'll faff around with the settings and see if it makes a difference
stevep said:
Good point..but no. I have AVG installed (and everything was working OK yesterday)
Spooky thing is, I have managed to uninstal, reinstal and reboot..and it still won't show that it's connected with AS even though there is a connection of some kind, cos the device is charging.
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Well if johncmolyneux's suggestions don't work then try disconnecting your phone from the PC, restarting both, disconnecting the PC from the network, disabling the firewall element of AVG (if it has one) and then connecting the phone to the PC again.
If that doesn't work I can only suggest removing ActiveSync, totally shutting down your PC, starting up, then re-installing ActiveSync.
I had a similar problem but I was able to narrow it down to Norton in the end but it's a real pain when you don't know why it won't work.
Good luck with this.
I also occasionally was not able to connect with Active Sync, but rebooting the HD2 always fixes that issue. You said that this did not helped you, so try messing with the settings on Active Sync, like johncmolyneux said, also try when plug the usb cable into the device by default it asks you what kind of connection you're establishing (Active sync, data transfer and internet sharing) - try using data transfer, if it connects, unplug and connect it again, this time use active sync.
Reinstall activsync and Try to disable faster data Synchonization on HD2
Active Sync not working (solved)
That'll teach me to not check the obvious! - It turned out that the cable had developed a fault. I changed the cable and it's now OK.
Case closed.
