***G1 CyanogenMOD Wiki*** - All Welcome! - G1 General

Hi Guys (and Girls OFC)
Long time lurker, First time poster, so first of all a big "Hello and Thankyou" to you all.
A great deal of you have helped me along the way in one means or another while I have been lurking, Whether you realized it or not so i decided it was time to step out of the Shadows and make the most of this Community, as i have my G1.
So Secondly...Props to all of you that have taken everything that is Good with open source software, and REALLY made it all worth while. Communities like this with Devoted Developers such as Cyanogen is what Android is all about and makes me realize a Medocre (IMO) Mobile can be made into something SO Unique.
Anyways, The Reason for this post (There is one, Honest)
Since Rooting my Phone I have Managed to, Touch Wood, Not totally and utterly **** it all up, Mainly because I took time to read Instructions on this site and NOT charge in two footed. But Although my G1 is as fast and as powerful as ever, I feel Im merly making the most of what I have, Not what I COULD gain. Therefore I was wondering if we could pull the Exhaustive knowledge from you all to Make a "Wiki" on Rooting? (Not Neccerily Just Cyan Mods, but it seems a Popular place to start)
I have Limited Knowledge, And am crying out to actually KNOW what "Compcache" and "Swapping" Ect. Do and why; The benefits and downfalls to it all and all other Pieces of Vital Infomation that sometimes cant always be found with a Board Search (God knows I tried).
So if everyone who Popped their Head in here just Added ONE piece of Infomation regarding Rooting, No Matter how Trivial it may sound to you, We could have a good starting point for all Newbies and Anyone stuck with a Query.
If this is all deemed worthless and I have missed a similar Thread, Please feel free to close it Mods.
Sorry for the Long Post, But I hope you Might all find it useful in the Future
See you About

This is currently something that is under development on Cyanogen's website.
** Also, this is probably not in the right sub forum.

This is probably supposed to be in the Dream subforum of the Dream... ah well i would just keep it here until there's actually something put together that would benefit n00bs... cuz i remember when i first got my G1 rooted i went around EVERYWHERE trying to find good info for updates etc, and 5 months later there's good info. but even those threads aren't the best: if we combined all of those and made it a bit simpler for people that seriously don't know what they're doing, we'd have something good on our hands. also if we answered all potential n00bish questions.. I also suggest you change the title to a Hero/Cyanogen thing cuz alot of them might have rooted not just for performance but something that looks nicer than cupcake and what donut currently is...
and now i'm wondering whether to actually post something useful... well here goes:
compcache takes a part of the cache (I THINK lol), compresses it, and uses it as RAM. adds much-needed RAM to the G1!!! then there's swap: runs with a swap partition, and now they've figured how to do that with swap files, that use the SD card, preferably a class 6, (i recommend Sandisk's newest Mobile Ultra cards) to use as RAM. best settings are 40 swappiness and 18 memlimit and 0 disksize for compcache. Cons for compcache: lags with lots of usage... unless you have backing swap enabled at 40 swappiness.
Cons for linux swap: lags more than compcache usually... same optimal settings= 40 swappiness. not really laggier than compcache, just happens to be slower and compcache seems to manage swap better... same thing, different processes when you compare backing swap (basically a linux swap backup for compcache when it overflows) to linux swap(plain old linux swap. i don't know the first thing about linux... except that it's like a page file, using a storage medium as RAM)

the swapping thing you want to know is all here if you search for it. A good linux swap thread is this one. Itll teach you alot about linux swaps.

I had the same thoughts a while back when Ion was "the big thing" HERE is what I put together about "how to root" then. Hope it is helpful.

For any noobs looking to root though I recommend doing it the long frustrating way of my last post to learn more about your device HERE is the simple way. -Hope this too is helpful.
Thank you to all the developers who spend so much time reinventing our worlds!!!


[POLL] Apps2SD experiences

Hello everybody
By now, most of us use some kind of apps to SD. We have some pros (LucidRem, MarcusMaximuss, Cyanogen, others) who paved the way and take gread deal of time to teach those who don't quite have a good grip on it. Everybody's mileage varies, and I think the way people run their roms has an impact on how Apps2SD will perform. Some people switch roms every so often and others stick with a rom for a while. I would like to see how Apps to SD perfrom in the long run. Hopefully it will be helpfull to developers as we may potentionally uncover some patterns here.
FYI: I am looking to get at least 100 votes on this before it can be considered helpfull to MarcusMaximuss or other devs so don't be shy
Thanks for looking and don't forget to show respect and donate to real pro's here... they are the one's that keep XDA going strong.
By the way..... for those of you who may wonder why there's no "I keep having force-closes and other problems with my Apps2SD" poll options: It is because once it's up and running you REALLY shouldn't have that kind of problems with it. If you do- you're rather an exception to the rule then a rule itself.
Good luck to everyone still trying to figure it out.
Have had my apps on the SD card since the instructions came out.....all via command line...no GUI. Was *never* able to get /data/data moved to SD without all sorts of problems. But just the apps worked fine.
It's been a mostly positive experience. I have about 120 apps installed at the moment. I've pretty much stopped using my laptop entirely and instead use my phone for a lot of stuff I do.
I also stepped up to the unionfs method about 3 weeks ago. It worked flawlessly for one week, then my phone seemed to perform a self-wipe.
At that time I reflashed to TDOL with built-in support for unionfs and have been using it ever since. Friday I upgraded to 1.2b.
Apps are a tad slower to launch, even on a class 6 SD. But that's a small price to pay for having the space to install so much.
One of these days I have to move the caches back over. Never did re-do that after moving apps to SD.
Well, I must say that lucid's version with the symlinks was by far the easiest to set up and use.
I had a very difficult time getting Apps to SD 2 working and find it harder to manage but it is going strong.
I am now using Apps to SD 2 on an ext3 partition and it seems ok so far.
I wish there was an easier way but if anything gets messed up with Apps to SD 2 it means format and start again

General rant

I'm an intermediate (Windows) PC user and slightly more technically inclined than most of my friends and family. I bought the Dream because of it's tight integration with GMail and the promise of untold useful apps. I have some awesome apps such as 4 Timers, My Tracks, Wireless Tether, which are useful in my everyday life, and they were all free (although I donate to developers when i think its justified).
My Dream is a vastly better phone in many ways than my last (Nokia N85) and at first I enjoyed flashing new roms and the ability to change my phone in different ways.
I'm currently running Cyanogen 4.0.2 which is a great rom, but to get the most out of it and actually have a sweet running phone it seems almost required to keep up with the changes on the Dream Dev forum, read hundreds of posts, learn how to install scripts and tweek settings, add ext partitions on your sdcard for swap files, know what compcache is, etc etc.
I realise that the devs are doing everything they can to give us the best performance from our phones, and i am very grateful and applaud it. I just wish it was a little easier to keep my phone being the best it can be.
What I am really getting at is that the Dream has its obvious hardware limitations (lack of RAM and rubbish battery life being the most obvious) and I'm kind of getting to the point where I want a new phone that doesn't require so much work.
None of the recent Android phones that I have heard about offer a full 5 row qwerty keyboard. That's what i want, along with perhaps a flash on the camera and a battery that lasts a couple of days with moderate use.
I will not jump ship and go elsewhere, as I love Android, but i think a manufacturer would clean up if they released a phone with the above specs and perhaps 512mb RAM - I know i would buy it in a second, and at any price within reason.
Anyone else feel this way?
setspeed said:
I'm an intermediate (Windows) PC user and slightly more technically inclined than most of my friends and family. I bought the Dream because of it's tight integration with GMail and the promise of untold useful apps. I have some awesome apps such as 4 Timers, My Tracks, Wireless Tether, which are useful in my everyday life, and they were all free (although I donate to developers when i think its justified).
My Dream is a vastly better phone in many ways than my last (Nokia N85) and at first I enjoyed flashing new roms and the ability to change my phone in different ways.
I'm currently running Cyanogen 4.0.2 which is a great rom, but to get the most out of it and actually have a sweet running phone it seems almost required to keep up with the changes on the Dream Dev forum, read hundreds of posts, learn how to install scripts and tweek settings, add ext partitions on your sdcard for swap files, know what compcache is, etc etc.
I realise that the devs are doing everything they can to give us the best performance from our phones, and i am very grateful and applaud it. I just wish it was a little easier to keep my phone being the best it can be.
What I am really getting at is that the Dream has its obvious hardware limitations (lack of RAM and rubbish battery life being the most obvious) and I'm kind of getting to the point where I want a new phone that doesn't require so much work.
None of the recent Android phones that I have heard about offer a full 5 row qwerty keyboard. That's what i want, along with perhaps a flash on the camera and a battery that lasts a couple of days with moderate use.
I will not jump ship and go elsewhere, as I love Android, but i think a manufacturer would clean up if they released a phone with the above specs and perhaps 512mb RAM - I know i would buy it in a second, and at any price within reason.
Anyone else feel this way?
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You can always just load a rom that is stable and one you like and leave it. Your not forced to always update. If you always want the newest and greatest then you have to update, we all knew that when we started doing this.
The unfortunate thing is that ALL roms i've tried have problems with them - things that dont work, bugs introduced when things are changed. And the devs fix some of the probs in the next release, but then new bugs become apparent.
I know this is the nature of development, and I understand this is only way devs can work to push things forward. But it means living with bugs or upgrading the rom to the next version.
I've not found a rom that has the stabililty/simplicity i really want to just use the phone, and not have to mess around with it all the time, or get annoyed because it wont keep programs like the browser running when you change to do something else, or put up with not being able to rely on the phone for its core function of making and receiving calls and lagging left right & centre.
I think that Android's true requirements are beyond the Dream's hardware - and much as devs try, they will never get past that fact, they will just find progressively better workarounds which "sort of" do the job.
If I were you I would go with an older build instead of a newer one that still has bugs. I'm still on Cyanogens 3.9.5 and have no problems with it at all, no bugs or nothing and happy with it. There is also old dude's builds that I use to be on a long time ago that was stable with no bugs also. But of course since those are older builds it might be hard to find, but if your wanting to take a step back and go to something stable and no bugs let me know I still got all roms on my pc at home.
I am running cyan 4.02 and have no problems whatsoever from it, you really don't have to stay on top off it at all times since you are more technical than most as you say, you can turn around and read the first post and the change log and have a good idea of what is going on. You might have a problem with the costant devolpment but I find it great that people are taking the time to get the android platform better than it was in the beginning, don't be suprised if people from google are on here taking ideas and hard work to make the general source better. The better android gets will only get better with more devolpment, remember the magic and hero just came out still basiclly running the same base as we are. Oh and some of us just got into new contracts and just got their phones and don't want to run out and buy a new phone just cause it has better specs, I want my phone to live up to it's upmost performance possibe by these work arounds so that the next android phone that I get will be 100 times better and more efficent on that hardware
I think you're right - I've just restored my cyanogen 3.6.5 backup and I forgot how decent it is, using swapper it does respond quite well. To be fair, the only reason i upgraded past 3.6.5 was because I was always having a problem with the HTC_IME - it would never stay on "phone keypad" rather than "qwerty", and it also interfered with my physical keyboard by turning on the "enable prediction for qwerty keyboard" option. Other than that I never had any problems with it. This problem is a BIG annoyance though...
Oh - and the fact that the phone rings (silently) about 3 times before anything is shown on the screen or a ringtone is heard. Forgot about that one...
Also, I'd just like to add that I am in no way bashing cyanogen - i have found his roms to be the best/fastest/most stable out all i have tried, hence why i am using them. I have used a few other roms that were just a joke, with force closes all over the place, and much more serious bugs/errors than i have mentioned here.
Overall, for me, i think cyanogen is the best dev out there, consistently pushing the boundaries of performance, and regularly updating his rom. That much is obvious from the popularity of his roms' threads.
update withdraw
I agree with you that cyanogen is a great devolper but so are jac and drizzy and those other guys that are putting a ton of work into hero, maybe soon we will have a good working rosie but in the mean time I could rant how those are buggy and lag a lot, but even with a cupcake rom you have to break a few eggs to make an olmet and that are the bugs that we are gonna have to live with, truthfully I am addicted like a drug addict to all the constant update from cyan to see what is next to come, just the fact the I have been on 4.02 for a couple days is making me go through update withdraw, I flash a hero rom just for the hell of it just to see the progress, it was on my phone for maybe a whole 10 minutes before I booted my nandroid backup of 4.02
gridlock32404 said:
I am running cyan 4.02 and have no problems whatsoever from it, you really don't have to stay on top off it at all times since you are more technical than most as you say, you can turn around and read the first post and the change log and have a good idea of what is going on. You might have a problem with the costant devolpment but I find it great that people are taking the time to get the android platform better than it was in the beginning, don't be suprised if people from google are on here taking ideas and hard work to make the general source better. The better android gets will only get better with more devolpment, remember the magic and hero just came out still basiclly running the same base as we are. Oh and some of us just got into new contracts and just got their phones and don't want to run out and buy a new phone just cause it has better specs, I want my phone to live up to it's upmost performance possibe by these work arounds so that the next android phone that I get will be 100 times better and more efficent on that hardware
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I do appreciate what you're saying - that i want to have my cake and eat it! I suppose that's true in some respects. I can honestly say that my Dream is the best phone I've ever had, and the efforts the devs make to push the envelope are just amazing! Their knowledge and skills are something special - and to do it all for the love of it (and of course the respect of the community!) is definitely to be applauded.
I do also hope that google devs do read these forums, and incorporate the work into the official roms! I think they should pay the devs on xda, as they clearly do a lot of work that google ought to have done!
I hope that google does donate to these devs because they have done an amazing job with what they have to work with, I just wish I understood programming better and had the patience for it, I think my phone is better than my computer now, wait anything is better the my computer right now since I burned out my power supply. By far this is the best phone I have ever owned and now I am a android lifer because of the devs. When I first got my phone, it was worthless to me before I rooted it, good thing I found xda back when I had my wing so I knew right where to go and by the end of the first day I had it, it was already rooted
If google pays the devs or give them jobs then we will have to wait long time for our update and cool stuff, they need to just donate lots of money to them so they keep hooking us up first at xda and not the general masses all at once, I don't think they could handle the general awesomeness
setspeed said:
I'm an intermediate (Windows) PC user and slightly more technically inclined than most of my friends and family. I bought the Dream because of it's tight integration with GMail and the promise of untold useful apps. I have some awesome apps such as 4 Timers, My Tracks, Wireless Tether, which are useful in my everyday life, and they were all free (although I donate to developers when i think its justified).
My Dream is a vastly better phone in many ways than my last (Nokia N85) and at first I enjoyed flashing new roms and the ability to change my phone in different ways.
I'm currently running Cyanogen 4.0.2 which is a great rom, but to get the most out of it and actually have a sweet running phone it seems almost required to keep up with the changes on the Dream Dev forum, read hundreds of posts, learn how to install scripts and tweek settings, add ext partitions on your sdcard for swap files, know what compcache is, etc etc.
I realise that the devs are doing everything they can to give us the best performance from our phones, and i am very grateful and applaud it. I just wish it was a little easier to keep my phone being the best it can be.
What I am really getting at is that the Dream has its obvious hardware limitations (lack of RAM and rubbish battery life being the most obvious) and I'm kind of getting to the point where I want a new phone that doesn't require so much work.
None of the recent Android phones that I have heard about offer a full 5 row qwerty keyboard. That's what i want, along with perhaps a flash on the camera and a battery that lasts a couple of days with moderate use.
I will not jump ship and go elsewhere, as I love Android, but i think a manufacturer would clean up if they released a phone with the above specs and perhaps 512mb RAM - I know i would buy it in a second, and at any price within reason.
Anyone else feel this way?
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its like you read my mind

SPEEDiest stable donut ROM - challenge me...

This Thread will list the ROM that is foremost STABLE.. . AND SUPER FAST.
The CURRENT CHAMPION is currently : Dwang
Here is the reality. MOST ROMs suck in terms of speed. They are slow if you fill your agenda and contacts and add a few widgets. You switch from apps to home you wait, you switch apps wait again, reload etc. Pain in the ass.
So you get the concept, I like speed... AND I want this thread to be about stable super fast ROMS.
I am tired of every rom claiming fast, and blazing and etc.. with the sad reality that the very large majority quite frankly sucks.
Anyone who is using the phone as a real working professional realizes that HERO's suck... haven't found one yet that just eliminates waiting. I just can't deal with waiting 5 seconds when moving out of an app to home or.. into another one..It just doesnt work if I have a call ringing and all the appz bog it down so I can't answer... While some ROMs are trying to be fast.. they still suck if you move a little fast..or have a few things up. That's the reality. And while I appreciate the work of all the devs, I want one thread in here to be about bottom line. Speed & everyday stability everyday use. And I mean not fast right after you flashed it I mean still fast after weeks of use. Many Ron's just come to a creeping halt.. after a while... However a ROM has to be STABLE first (meaning no force closes even after a while) and once it delivers that, then it has to be FAST.
So far I found ONE ROM that is far and beyond above the rest... and it is the current speed champion Dwang (with haykuro spl)
Quite frankly there's nothing that can touch that one. It is stable, has a black theme, bluetooth (don't quite need it though), but is SUPER FAST... meaning no waiting.. it is the only rom, that I consider business-use worthy.. where you can fly through apps, get your stuff done.. it works, does it's thing no matter what you throw at it... leagues above the rest. In fact is is a Rom you can flash onto the Lady's phone and she's gonna love it... which is the ultimate crown for software.
Oh and I am in no way associated with Dwang.. I am just a simple guy who wants a fast and stable donut/hero. If I can get same speed as Dwang in a hero, I'd love to have a hero... anyway.. I'll keep this thread as the speed champion thread (stable). The test infrastructure is a Dream G1.. but others feel free to post your comments.
NOW if any of you guys think you have a rom that works equally well, or you think is faster... please post a link below and I'll give it a shot... I'll run it through its paces with many large calendars tons of contacts and lots of daily use and abuse. However I am not gonna look at test balloons. Test your rom first, make sure it's stable... and most importantly don't go out and throw claims around you can't backup.
So show me what you've got.... For now Dwang is the reigning Speed champion.
I have none of the "issues" you point out with Cyanogen's latest. I'm not going to bother with a link. You should be able to find it.
Edit: Agreed with tazz.
dude, no one cares about what you think of ROM's in development. There's different forums for each phone for a reason. Mods, can we get this moved to general please? This doesn't belong here. Next time, think before you decide to post things that do not belong in development. all it does is just clutter it.
I challenge you to post in the right section.
alec.baldwin has a point, there should be statistics in A part of the Dream forums for everyday usage of the ROM's, I totally agree with him, when I am at home everything is ok with any ROM, but when I am on the road and I am trying to find a location and an IM application is opened and some guy calls me.. everything hangs, even on cyanogen, once it jammed the whole nadroid, black screen, only the notification bar visible and the phone was vibrating, I had to restart it. Anyhow, what's true it's true, this thread doesn't belong here, but it must be somewhere in plain sight. I have tested so far every ROM that has appear in the last two months, and truth be told, I also find dwangs the best, I've been using it like mad, good battery life, extremely snappy, no complaints. And yes, for everyone that keeps saying that the ROM's aren't working well because wipe and format, I ALWAYS repartition my SD when installing a new ROM.
AS ALWAYS, THANKS TO ALL THE DEV's FOR THEYR HARD WORK, remember, this isn't a competition, only statistics, so people can make a good choice without testing everything out there.
When someone says they have a super speedy hero rom, it relates to other PAST HERO ROMS. You cant compare a cupcake rom or a donut rom to a Hero rom. Especially on speed. The sense UI was not meant to run on the G1 nor was it meant to be run on the MT3G. On the other hand, donut and cupcake where both meant to be run on our phones. Thats why they are usually stable, fast, and used on a daily basis while hero roms need completely different frameworks and modifications to even work on our phones. SO, my point is: Hero roms are fast compared to other hero roms being created and they are a WORK IN PROGRESS so let the work progress and stop complaining because we have like 20 devs working FOR FREE just to make people like you and me happy. So Donut will always be faster then Hero. And as of right now, Hero will always be a tad slow, have some loading screens, and lacks bluetooth.
Ok first sorry guys for posting this in the wrong section (admin please move) unless I can (but don't think I can). It took me many hours to find this Rom that delivers - every rom claiming how super fast they are does not make it easy. As newby it takes a while to get the right recovery image, get the right spl, get the hang of it, until you finally get to switchrom or a process that makes testing easier.
Having some XDA stable speed award, or something that would take away all that trial and error and reading through pages and pages of posts to find what is unstable in every rom, having a simple THREAD.. that shows Newbies... look start with XYZ rom. And you have something that is fast, and stable. Then you can go and venture from there. I bet that many get turned off after flashing a hero, or a cyanogen (I first flashed the 4.0... cyanogen and boy what a dog it was, and the hero's are even worse, I was ready to throw it out the window)... all I wanted was something fast and stable, real life worthy. It took me probably about 7 roms to finally find one that RULES.
Also right now dev development has so many dimensions everyone developing in some direction. IT would be nice.. to have a central thread.. if you want speed&stable.. do XYZ. If you want features do ABC... wouldnt it be nice to have an award devs can aspire towards, to get recognition for the work you do...
I just upgraded to a G1 from At&t Tilt. I'm new to the dream threads. I see that you guys are very competitive with your development. That is a good sign because that means that there are hard working devs here. I like
nephron said:
When someone says they have a super speedy hero rom, it relates to other PAST HERO ROMS. You cant compare a cupcake rom or a donut rom to a Hero rom. Especially on speed. ....we have like 20 devs working FOR FREE just to make people like you and me happy. So Donut will always be faster then Hero.
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Yes there are 20 devs working but there should be some structure to the madness. I think there are a lot of people that look for fast and stable and simply can't find it because they are lost in so many releases all claiming fast and stable and the greatest thing since apple pie. All I suggest is a simple thread to help new users here to get a positive experience.
Imagine someone is flashing a dog onto their phone... slows it down like you wouldnt believe it after 2 weeks of use... what do you think how likely are they to come back and give it another shot (unless they're geeks and willing to work through it). Now imagine the same thing.. someone starting with a stock donut.. flashing a dwang1.11 and go like "HOLY SH#T".. I'll bet you a positive first experience will do much more for the community the users and the developers than someone with a bad experience.. (trust me I went through that).
The more users you have the more enthusiasts the better for all of us. My vote is simply to create something that gives positive experiences. Does not have to be me.. but someone who is using the devices in the real world.. with abuse and use, large calendars... contacts, just REAL LIFE, and then puts out some recommendations/awards whatever you wanna call it. Do this and you'll see user numbers grow.
and another thing... the writting up here ^ is not yelling just really big letters =]
i think you are completely wrong, the new sense hero 1.3r1 with the new bfs and 10mb hack have zero lag
this thread is a waste of bandwith.
this has to be the most pointless thread ive ever seen. flash roms and figure out for yourself which is good or not if you dont like it go back to ota updates.
jf4888 said:
and another thing... the writting up here ^ is not yelling just really big letters =]
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Everything you jus said was pure stupid! The only thing you really got to pay for is a class 6 card and thats less than 15 bucks online! If you dont got 15 bucks get a job! Cyan right now is not stable im getting so much fc's on his rom & new people find bugs all day on it. Dwang's is the meanest leanest fastest stable donut rom out there! Have you ever tried it?
I think part of the fun is figuring out what works best for your needs. Some people like flash and glits, running tons of widgets, others are very minimal. But he is right. Every Rom on this site "claims to be the fastest".
Takenover83 said:
I think part of the fun is figuring out what works best for your needs. Some people like flash and glits, running tons of widgets, others are very minimal. But he is right. Every Rom on this site "claims to be the fastest".
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No, cyanogen claims his will keep you legal for less. nothing about being the fastest there! xD
Enomther's ROMs are very fast and stable...I flash most the ROMs i find but always go back to his. You are posting in the dev section so most the people here are going to say try them all...when most the users don't want to flash all the time.
I would suggest starting a thread in Dream or Dream Q&A, make a poll, do some benchmarks...Have users pay more attention to the annoyances in their ROMs and post them. All of the stuff you are asking about should be run by the community, not XDA! I agree being a noob and coming to this site can be overwhelming, but at the same time it kills off some of the people that shouldn't be modding their phones anyway.
Maybe make a few threads...one showing the fastest most stable ROM, one for the ROM with the most options, one that is the creeper...maybe build that all into one post and you maintain the first few posts...Hell Google Wave invites are floating around, I am making a wave about tips and tricks on the G1 you could try to do something similar.
Thansk for mentioning Enomther's rom looks though he's not on Donut yet.. but as soon as it happens I'll give it a shot.
Legal for less.. well quite frankly the extra dance about the google stuff is just a hazzle. I see Google's point that when you go and waive the mods stuff around on their market (through the updater) that they'd get upset. But the result now is rather absurd..to backup your own google appz and install them afterwards...(I think that's what the status is). The problem I had with Cyanogen is that everyone was hyping up the 4.0.. something (the last one with the google appz) I installed it on my, my wife and my dad's phone.. and it ended up being a really frustrating experience (they're all heavy users). Now the most current version might have things fixed but I am still scared from that experience.
yeah I have created a few little benchmarks.. switching from this to that, just certain tasks.. in the future I'll just compare Roms by looking at how much time it takes. Then teh ones that are promising will get immersed into a real life test. It would be awesome to have a benchmark program....
jf4888 and Mgorman
Quite frankly just try Dwang's rom.. . that will make you shut up.
About sense hero 1.3r1 with the new bfs and 10mb hack that should have zero lag. Well I got exactly that one installed... and I personally thought it sucks. Go to browser.. hit the home button. Or other applications.. you'll get seconds of load times. The other thing that sucked is the widgets.. f.e. weather.. as great as it looks.. I have noticed that I am in an app.. go back to home screen.. go to weather widget and it is reloading... even though before I went into the app it had the data loaded. And generally moving through the rom from apps, to settings, to home, to email to messaging to home... I have found one just waits for 3-5 seconds at a time. And it might be that's just normal for HERO, but with Dwang I don't get that. Sure its a donut.. but if you are a real user, you will care a lot more about speed than you do about a weather animation, or a few more polished things... if it would be a major step in functionality.. ok maybe.. but its not. Its a little bit better.. but a lot slower. If you want a more detailed analysis let me know and i'll boot the hero up again and do some measurments to drive the point home.
alec.baldwin said:
yeah I have created a few little benchmarks.. switching from this to that, just certain tasks.. in the future I'll just compare Roms by looking at how much time it takes. Then teh ones that are promising will get immersed into a real life test. It would be awesome to have a benchmark program....
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You want a true benchmark test, download Linpack for Android (it's available in most droid markets I believe). It isn't perfect, and it doesn't give a ton of stats, but it does do a pretty legit speed test and you can even save the results to compare against other roms/phones.
I agree with you on the "having a thread that highlights the "fastest", "most bells & whistle", etc"... even if just to tell noobs "start here"... I'm running CM (and yes, it has issues... I've had random reboots, FC's, and plenty of lag) but I've been sticking with CM as it's just easier than flashing a new rom every few days because things start going down hill. Having a thread to go to that would give at least a general idea of how different roms work in the real world (without having to spend my entire saturday reading through thousands of posts, most of which provide no info at all) would be great. But then I'm guessing said thread would fill with useless posts, or at least way too many posts) fairly quickly.
That being said, your better bet is to have a website that is either devoted to (or at least has a section devoted to) this concept. You may have a better chance pitching the idea to the folks at Phandroid.com or AndroidAndMe.com. I'm not saying they'll be 100% behind you, I don't really know any of them, so I can't really say what their interest level would be... but at least on a site like that you can control the "reviews/awards" without getting a billion useless posts making it hard to find the useful info. Just a thought.
yup yup yippee, I used a certain ROM that claimed to be fast and stable and it was just the opposite and also had a bad memory leak. I was running under 20 megs in about 8 hours. there should be an end user grading system, it dosent necessary have to be on xda, but a link somewhere in a sticky in the Dev forum. it could have things like speed, stable, memory, battery, looks, radio, overall quality, etc. on a one to ten scale, maybe a short comment box under 200 words then an overall score that's averaged among the reviews. this will definitely help noobs and devs know what's going on without trying to read over 400+ pages of compliments/complaints and how do I flash this posts.
As much as yall hate the "whats the best ROM" posts, i do find them helpful as i hate wiping & flashing several ROMs, I just want a good one and stick with it. This is just a suggestion, although I think its a good one. Id do it myself if I knew how to make web pages .
oops I just realized muzek pretty much made the same point I did.

We need a ROM Bible

Hi there all, I dont want to upset anyone but there are so many roms too download and there too much to read trying to find one thats suits. Could someone start a thread Bible listing :-
- Type of rom ie CM7, sense etc.
- Memory consumption ie does it require an SD card partition, how much mem left after install on a 512mb or 1024mb NAND?
- Extras supported by Kernel ie cifs, Ext4 etc etc
This would make it easy to narrow down to a few roms when looking for specific things.
Anyway if no likes the idea no doubt this will disappear .
the_mouse said:
Hi there all, I dont want to upset anyone but there are so many roms too download and there too much to read trying to find one thats suits. Could someone start a thread Bible listing :-
- Type of rom ie CM7, sense etc.
- Memory consumption ie does it require an SD card partition, how much mem left after install on a 512mb or 1024mb NAND?
- Extras supported by Kernel ie cifs, Ext4 etc etc
This would make it easy to narrow down to a few roms when looking for specific things.
Anyway if no likes the idea no doubt this will disappear .
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Do we need that? IMHO it will waste time.
It is better to experience each rom by oneself.
I remember at the beginning of the rise of HD2. I flashed every ROM every day
Now, is the beginning of the dawn of HD2. Custom ROMS are not as many as before to flash.
I now only flash one or twice a month
Don't think, that anyone will take the time and make such a "ROM Bible" u asking for.
Have a look here, may be that's usefull for you:
The most popular roms for HD2 are typhoon cm7 from twyeen, hyperdoid cm7 from pongster and the NexusHD2 from tytung.
If you sort the topics by the count of posting you will see that these roms got most of them...so you can nearly ensure that this roms are stable/smooth/ bugfree etc. and also suits to your needs.
Tested all three of them, all of them are nice roms, but I like the cm7 mod an always up2dated rom, so typhoons rom fity perfectly for me.
Consumption of all three is between 2 and 5 mah.
Which rom you will prefer you have to test yourself.
the_mouse said:
Hi there all, I dont want to upset anyone but there are so many roms too download and there too much to read trying to find one thats suits. Could someone start a thread Bible listing :-
- Type of rom ie CM7, sense etc.
- Memory consumption ie does it require an SD card partition, how much mem left after install on a 512mb or 1024mb NAND?
- Extras supported by Kernel ie cifs, Ext4 etc etc
This would make it easy to narrow down to a few roms when looking for specific things.
Anyway if no likes the idea no doubt this will disappear .
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Have you seen this:
Very close to what you want...
My bad
It is beneficial. But is it worth it? Personally, if you want one so badly, then why not do it yourself? Can't always be relying on people, can you?
Fair Comment I would not know where to start. I notice most chefs dont list all the info so with out testing every single one or asking them all I would be lost.
This idea comes up every few months, and has done since time immemorial, in all the different phones threads, (there are probably 5 or 6 threads with the same idea in the hd2 winmo section, i wouldn't be surprised if there isnt one lurking in the wp7 section by now) and they rarely ever go anywhere. Sometimes they get started, but tail off after a month or two.
The problem is usually one of two things.
a/ you are relying on all/most of chefs to update some database somewhere, , , which 99% of them won't do, , , they spend far too much time building the next rom, eating cake or sleeping,,,
b/ you are relying on updating the database yourself, which means you are flashing all the roms anyway, and several times a day, especially with teh nightly cm7 builds, which come out every day or two,, which is kinda what you wanted to avoid.
There are some almost lists, such as the one in post 3, but thats probably as good as it will get.
From my experience id say overall that Hyperdroid CM7 by Pongster is most definitely the best of them all, as regards Froyo id say Sergio Coredroid 1.6 is the best there but Gingerbread (not Ginger sense too buggy) on the HD2 is the way to go although ill be selling my HD2 when i eventually purchase the Samsung Galaxy S2.
the_mouse said:
Fair Comment I would not know where to start. I notice most chefs dont list all the info so with out testing every single one or asking them all I would be lost.
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Well I think it is fair to say everyone else is a human being, like you. Most of us go to school, have a job, a social life, etc. Meaning, like you, we are all constraint by time. So, like you, all of us would be lost too, if we do not test them all, and as said, do we have the time? So, it still narrows down, are you willing to do it yourself?
Well as you said time can be an issue, if there was a way to get the Chefs to give me the info I would happily spend the time to put it all together for everyone.
hehe, and we're back to being dependent on the devs spending time, albeit just a few minutes, several times per week, filling in a DB.
It was just an idea I know the devs work hard. Just delete the tread, I kinda thought it might upset some.

[Q] Is there anything i should/shouldn't do with newly rooted sm-t530nu?

I got a Galaxy Tab 4 10.1 sm-t530nu for Christmas and I quickly rooted it using the Chainfire method with Odin. I only made backup images after I rooted the Tablet. is there anything I should be aware of that can break my tablet and or screw it up? I am an amateur when it comes to android and I will admit I don't fully understand it. I grew up on Windows and this is quite a large change. I have not been able to find information about any ROMs for kernels that work with the tablet. I have downloaded some apps that have to do with setting the CPU speed and I downloaded greenify and some other things but I have not been able to overclock the CPU at all because I don't have a ROM or kernel that will allow me to. Are there any tweaks that I can do to make this faster? I have changed to read ahead Buffer size and I've got some increase In speedbut that is all I have been able to achieve.
Can anyone recommend some essential apps and maybe some ROMs and kernels that will work for this tablet? Are there any good theme apps to personalize my tablet. As i said before I'm basically lost and feel like I'm out of my element and would love any info anyone can share with me. I have been reading a lot on the forums her but a lot of the content is above my head and i don't have a good understanding of it.
Hopefully you can help point me on the direction to making this tablet more modifiable and I can get a new ROM that allows me more control over my device.
SalvelinuxFontinalis ☆
If you did a backup in recovery, you can look into xposed. Also, Nova launcher is a good replacement launcher to the standard touch wiz.
Thank you so much for your help I really appreciate it.Can i ask what xposed and nova launchers are. Btw i only backed up my phone AFTER rooted it. Also my tablet has no SD card slot and it only has an internal storage so if I do a backup on my tablet and later on it goes into boot loop or is messed up in some way will I even be able to use the backup I made since it won't be on an external SD card?
SalvelinuxFontinalis said:
Thank you so much for your help I really appreciate it.Can i ask what xposed and nova launchers are. Btw i only backed up my phone AFTER rooted it. Also my tablet has no SD card slot and it only has an internal storage so if I do a backup on my tablet and later on it goes into boot loop or is messed up in some way will I even be able to use the backup I made since it won't be on an external SD card?
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hi, just a thought, there's no need to overclock, the tab at stock is fairly well balanced. That being said, it's ALWAYS more fun
to put more bells and whistles on the bells and whistles :silly: . Keep the backup of you stock rom safe and sacred, and on all
you storages, internal, external, usb. You have a sm-t530nu your sdcard slot is by your volume buttons, if it isn't there, you have
a knock-off.
questions belong in q&a
Thank you Moonbutt!
moonbutt74 said:
hi, just a thought, there's no need to overclock, the tab at stock is fairly well balanced. That being said, it's ALWAYS more fun
to put more bells and whistles on the bells and whistles :silly: . Keep the backup of you stock rom safe and sacred, and on all
you storages, internal, external, usb. You have a sm-t530nu your sdcard slot is by your volume buttons, if it isn't there, you have
a knock-off.
questions belong in q&a
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Thank you for giving me some new info I really am appreciative of your help. I guess you're right the processor is quite nice as it is. I was just hoping to get it up to 1.4ghz and see if that would would be stable but if it can't be done it can't be done. I wasn't quite sure which area to post this in, so I apologize for that mishap. Can I keep a backup of my stock ROM on my PC and on a USB stick and use ODIN to flash it back onto my device IF I have bootloop or soft bricking?
Also, I can't find the SD slot. I know it's not a knock off because I bought it from Shoppers Drug Mart which is a large chain of pharmacy stores that also sell limited amounts of groceries, electronics, perfume and beauty product, magazines, and various other things. lol It's not a chain of stores that would sell a knock off.
The NU is the Wifi version. Nowhere on the box does it say it has a SD card slot. On the internet when you look it up on wikipedia or look online anywhere to find the specificatins it claims they all have extra storage capabilities but this strictly WIfi verision one definitely does not and has no SIM card slot either obviously.. It has only 16gb internal memory and 1.5gb RAM. I was really upset when I got it home and found out it had no slot. lol
I was wondering if maybe inside there was an area that could take a large SD card...But I can't find schematics for it anywhere. I would also love to make it 2gb of RAM if possible. But I have a feeling it would be difficult to tinker with this in comparison to what Im used to, which is building windows PC's. Linus/Android seems quite a bit different so I'm having trouble getting a hold on the whole thing but it's exciting to learn about an entirely new world of devices and programming that I never really paid attention to until now.
So anyways, yah It's upsetting to not have the SD capacity I desire. Maybe I can find a way to modify it?
Thanks for your help "M"! It is very much appreciated. I'm very new here but I can tell you know a lot about Android devices and that there are many other people here who have a lot to offer in terms of teaching and pointing newbies in the correct direction.
BTW Moonbutt! Do you know of any good stable ROMS or even kernels thats are compatible with the SM-T530NU that will allow overclocking??? I haven't found any ROMS specifically for this device.
Thank you Moonbutt!
moonbutt74 said:
hi, just a thought, there's no need to overclock, the tab at stock is fairly well balanced. That being said, it's ALWAYS more fun
to put more bells and whistles on the bells and whistles :silly: . Keep the backup of you stock rom safe and sacred, and on all
you storages, internal, external, usb. You have a sm-t530nu your sdcard slot is by your volume buttons, if it isn't there, you have
a knock-off.
questions belong in q&a
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I'm sorry for posting in the wrong area! I apologize for that mishap. I actually DID find the SD slot after looking where you told me to check. I didn't think it had one because on the box and in the manual it said nothing about having an SD slot. Also the Survivor Case I have which is like an Otterbox and keeps the device quite safe, has little flaps for waterproofing you can lift that let you use headphone jack or plug in the power cord etc, or a flap you can lift to use the camera. But there was no flap you could lift for the SD card. And I couldn't find schematics that proved the WIFI version had an SD slot.
So yes I found the slot and I'm so happy you told me about that and that I took it out of the case to give it a good check! lol Thank you so much for that info! I likely would've gone on for months without finding that SD slot! I've had it for like a month and didn't find it until you gave me that info!
I have another question for you Moobutt! You seem to know a lot about devices and Android/Linux etc. I'm new and know nothing and my forte is using/building windows PC's. It's very different to me to learn about Android and to use a Tablet instead of my PC but I'm liking it more and more as I learn to modify my device and personalize it in ways that are really cool.
Do you know of any ROMS or KERNELS for my device (SM-T530NU) that will allow me greater control over my device and specifically allow me to overclock my processor a small amount... from 1.2ghz up to 1.4ghz or so...? Or am I out of luck with this device? I hear there are not many ROMS or Kernels for it because everyone bought the more expensive and high end tablets and made ROMS for them instead. I got this for 117$ US brand new so I can't really coomplain about it. I find it works very nicely but I'd like to boost it a small amount. How would I go about it? IS it even possible?
Thanks for your help "M"! I appreciate it very much!
hi, spend some time using the XDA search function and reading through tutorials and the like.
Learn how to navigate device forums such as this one for the Samsung Galaxy Tab 4.
Currently the two sections containing rom developement information are a mish-mash for all the versions. 10.1 8.0 7.0
Other forums will have a better breakdown for size/versions, ALL forums have general and q&a sections where all the good juicy
entry level learning goes down. Read though as many complete threads as you can stand in one sitting or until your eyes pop out
and roll away ! :silly:
Seriously though, read, read, read ! It would be a hugely good thing for you to get solid on Linux and Android knowledge
to add to your arsenal. Just like working with windows or mac , learn your terminal !! An absolute must ! Do your self a huge
favor and try to find a good deal on a laptop with Linux already on it. Find every tut you can find, fire up your terminal and get learning.
As to roms and recoveries sub77 has Philz and TWRP available for the sm-t530nu.
As to roms sub77 and Metallica both have offerings, always read through the threads, especially the OP = original post.
Welcome to XDA !
moonbutt74 said:
hi, spend some time using the XDA search function and reading through tutorials and the like.
Learn how to navigate device forums such as this one for the Samsung Galaxy Tab 4.
Currently the two sections containing rom developement information are a mish-mash for all the versions. 10.1 8.0 7.0
Other forums will have a better breakdown for size/versions, ALL forums have general and q&a sections where all the good juicy
entry level learning goes down. Read though as many complete threads as you can stand in one sitting or until your eyes pop out
and roll away ! :silly:
Seriously though, read, read, read ! It would be a hugely good thing for you to get solid on Linux and Android knowledge
to add to your arsenal. Just like working with windows or mac , learn your terminal !! An absolute must ! Do your self a huge
favor and try to find a good deal on a laptop with Linux already on it. Find every tut you can find, fire up your terminal and get learning.
As to roms and recoveries sub77 has Philz and TWRP available for the sm-t530nu.
As to roms sub77 and Metallica both have offerings, always read through the threads, especially the OP = original post.
Welcome to XDA !
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Thanks AGAIN! For your help! I'll learn to navigate the device forums and look into the tutorials that are important and I'll look for those Q&A sections you mentioned. It looks like I have a LOT of reading and learning to do! Haha! I'm also going to check out the forums and look for info about the ROM's and recoveries etc!
I only have one laptop that runs Windows 8.1 but I can dual boot with Linux if that is useful for learning? I can't afford a cheap laptop but one option would be to install a brand new hard drive in the laptop and install a Linux OS on it. Is there a reason you say I should buy a cheap machine with Linux already on it? Or can I just use my current laptop with a new drive and a Linux OS on it? Which distribution of Linux would you recommend ?
By the way. Thank you for being kind and pleasant and for offering real information that I can actually use and for not making me feel like a complete idiot for asking for help. I've had some pretty rude comments from people on another Android forum (not XDA) so your help and politeness is very much appreciated.
It looks like I have a lot of learning to do I better get started if I want to learn how to master my Android devices! I really hope you've had an awesome weekend and you have a great week!
SalvelinuxFontinalis said:
Thanks AGAIN! For your help! I'll learn to navigate the device forums and look into the tutorials that are important and I'll look for those Q&A sections you mentioned. It looks like I have a LOT of reading and learning to do! Haha! I'm also going to check out the forums and look for info about the ROM's and recoveries etc!
I only have one laptop that runs Windows 8.1 but I can dual boot with Linux if that is useful for learning? I can't afford a cheap laptop but one option would be to install a brand new hard drive in the laptop and install a Linux OS on it. Is there a reason you say I should buy a cheap machine with Linux already on it? Or can I just use my current laptop with a new drive and a Linux OS on it? Which distribution of Linux would you recommend ?
By the way. Thank you for being kind and pleasant and for offering real information that I can actually use and for not making me feel like a complete idiot for asking for help. I've had some pretty rude comments from people on another Android forum (not XDA) so your help and politeness is very much appreciated.
It looks like I have a lot of learning to do I better get started if I want to learn how to master my Android devices! I really hope you've had an awesome weekend and you have a great week!
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If your gonna build roms and stuff linux is for you I guess. But all you really need is windows, with samsung drivers installed, adb installed(useful for sending commands. Look around on youtube for a howto), Odin(great for fixing a tablet in a bootloop/flash back to stock), and there could be more! Most things for android stuffs/tools work on windows. Linux can have a few things that work but since you still have lots of learning todo windows should do for now. Once you get into installing recoveries and custom zip roms you should be good to go on customization part. Heck I was new back in august when I got my tab s(I help around on other forums such as the tab 4 forums) and I sure learned a lot. I can now make bootanimations in samsung format and I have a basic knowledge of themes, and decompiling and recompile apks. But really you just need to know how to save your tablet from bootloops and install custom roms/recoveries.
