ok the resolution is 480x680 not exactly wvga but close its a pong game rack up points see how high u can score before u die u against 5 paddles at the same time but unlike any other pong ur free to move around the whole scxreen fast and furious pong action for wvga tell me ur likes and dislikes and if u get a super high score post the photo of ur score here it pong time!!!!!!! GOOGLE LOVES KRENISIS KRENISIS FREE POCKET PC WVGA PONG!!!! the red button and left top screen click on that to restart game and yellow button to exit game..give me ur insight likes and dislikes if u want to email me iam at [email protected] also if u want to help and donate via paypal at [email protected] thank u 1 POCKET PC PONG WVGA
i reply to all emails and questions
yes krenisis here i just want everyone to know it reply to all emails and all posts by everyone so feel free to ask about my games if u have a request or if u want to make ur own games i will be happy to help u become part of krenisis free game nation thank u to all my fans that supported me i know that games are hard to find and money is tight so i make simple fun games for u to enjoy and i thank u for all the hits.... i love u guys have fun free games for all...some people told me reload button on last game didnt work so try this one
someone checked that alrdy?
ok can u be specific someone checked what already?
also if u did not enjoy game tell us why u did not like it
how can i exit this game on vga ?
any options ?
exit game
on top left of screen there should be a spinning ball that reloads the game when u die
TO EXIT GAME: there is a yellow ball on top right side of screen download the 2nd one I posted it same game and it has the correction any question feel free to ask I always respond
One thing, is it possible to implement gsensor support?
no the compiler I use I don't know if it has accelerator controls I will have to contact him but I doupt it I found a way to do onscreen keys thanks to KSD Inc. a company that recently hired me so we will see a mario for wvga soon ...ok did u play the pong wvga tell me how it ran
Has anyone figured out how to put guitar hero mobile on the G1,I have the game on my sd card that I got from the internet but it"s a jar type of file and I don't have an app to open it up on my sd card. Can anybody help please if you figured out a way to do it yet,I love this game!
I am with you man i love gaming it up and I'm searching every day for new games and such. If i hear of it coming out or hear of a way to do what your asking i will let you know. I doubt that such an app will come out anytime soon though, more likely they will release a paid version of it and you will have to purchase again.
Thanks man,I was about to say somebody gotta reply,i can't be the only one who feels this way about this,I tried the java version from the app J2me runner from the market which looks for games and installs them right on your phone but it sucked,it was laggy and I couldn't figure out the buttons plus the screen wasn't full. If anybody messed with this program and knows how to work it I would appreciate it,I would mess with it but my phone is low on memory so it will be hard for me to try all the games out.
can the following games be played on diamond...
chk out this for list
Games list...
Some of the games on the list have already been mentioned in this forum. I'm not much of a gamer myself, so I didn't take much notice. Try searching and you'll find them
I'm just curious what compelled you to change the "tt" in http to "**"? You just wanted to make it even more difficult for somebody to actually go to the link you're providing?!?
its not proper to hyperlink any website....
but nywyz........
hi gamers this thread is to redirect anyone that wanted to download a free pocket pc wvga game since many people ask for it I made 2 versions go to this link and download the version on the bottom is a pong game but this time u move ur paddle where ever u want onscreen and u go against 4 paddles that try to stop u ....its really good go ahead and download it now ..and vote on poll tell me if u like it or not or email me I have a reputation I answer all my mail everyone is important to me http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=556704
Supermariobros wvga
free SUPERMARIOBROS WVGA here is the link http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=559762
Hey everyone!
Im just wondering if anyone has any interesting games or apps.. i know theres a list with a whole bunch (not sure who posted it) but i downloaded the games and stuff but im having no success getting them to work on my htc.
If anyone has any games or anything to amuse myself whle im sitting on a bus or something lol.. that would be awsome.. or even some help with these other ones i have
why not try use torret n search for "windows mobile" or "pocket pc"..
I know good site to search for games...
go to: forum.ppcwarez.org and look for windows mobile then game releases by category and search for your game...
Most games are cracked so install them at your own risk...
Thanks for the help
i am making a game called ganondolf's adventure (named after me).
I have made a demo for u guys, its an alpha build. im hoping u could give me suggestions and tell me of any bugs.
this is a 3 level build.
Know Stuff:
Game is a bit laggy
not much sound
no animations
Save / Load does not work yet
bug: player falls through ground sometimes (i think this is caused by the lag jerks the player in the wrong place).
my x1 has been sent for repair (cracking probs) so cant test myself. i and a friend has tested a 1 level build so there should not be any probs installing (i have a x1, he has a touch pro 2).
ps. this is my first try at making a game and i have no knowledge of coding or creating games.
ps. i cant give u any screen shots as my x1 is at repair but please upload some.
I tried downloading the file, but the site says too many people are downloading at the same time.
I'm also working on a program and its in the beginning stages. what language is your game in and what did you do about the rotation "user pulls out the keyboard and switches the orientation" ?
I see there is still a lot of work to be done but its got potential