Phone Dialer Screen Issue - Touch HD General

Hi everyone,
Just wondering if anybody else has encountered this issue, or is able to give me some advice:
Looking at the attached pic, you can see that the call history button and video call/phone call switch button is overlayed (red circle). When i press this button, i get the call history come up each time. It does not allow me to make any video calls. I do have a camera on both front and back panels and video calling is is just that the dialer doesnt allow this. I tried installing 3rd party dialer skins to replace the standard HTC one, however, i just get the same result.
Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance.

It looks like you installed an HTC 'fix' which causes this. They came out with a fix for this 'fix' just go to their site and downloads section under Blackstone.

Thankyou for your help. I could not find the fix on HTC website but after some googling with the key words hot fix and phone dialer (thank you for that) i found the solution at the following webpage:
Cheers You were a BIG HELP ! Thankyou.


Lost Phone Dialer Keypad?

I had a Blue large Keypad that was displayed with the number, Speaker On/Off, History, End and other keys. Well, stupid me, I was cleaning up some old applications, and I deleted one that I forget about. Guess what one it was? Yes, the Blue Keypad. Now I cannot find it. I have been searching this site, Howards, the Internet, and cannot find it. When I go to my Phone Screen I see only: My top Bar, T-Mobile in the body of the screen and the lower bar shows the words: Contacts and Menu.
Can anyone help me to get my phone dialer back? Thank you in advance!
I just found a Smart Dialer and installed it. I have been searching for hours. So, right after I posted this 'HELP' I found:
If interested here is the link for it:
Thanks anyway!
Do you recomend a better Smart Dialer? Always open to suggestions. Thank you!

Developer Needed

Is there anyone on here that would be willing to take on a small project with me? I created an iPhone Style Dialer Skin here a couple weeks ago, and need some help with the next step I'm trying to do with both the dialer and a weather program, if its possible. What I need help with on the dialer taking the TALK button on the KEYPAD section of the dialer and switching its place with the CALL HISTORY button is, and also a very small button replacemnet on the STATUS screen. The skin I made is for the Jimm98y dialer. I take no credit in the creation of this dialer and thank Jimm98y for his terrific work. This dialer is by far on of , if not the most stable and (working) functional dialer out theere. There are so many requests for an iPhone style diale that doesnt have any bugs right now , myself included I figured this would be a nice hold over until one of the truly magnificent iPhone style dialers , like Nargz, or Dcx's get the smal kinks worked out. On my Vogue , all current iPhone style dialers lock up when switching between call status and the keyboard, and from what I've read this is on a lot of other ppl's phones as well. If someone is willing to help with getting these buttons switched around please tell me. Ill tell you about the call status screen too. I will supply all the graphic files for it, and aslo have the smart dial and redial function working. This dialer has so far worked on GSM and CDMA phones, and there haven't been many problems reported at all. I believe it would make a perfect iPhone style dialer. So any help would be greatly appreciated by myself and hopefully many others. Anyone not able to do the changes, but is still interested in the dialer ,please show some support and share your thoughts. Again thank you for any help.
Also need the same kind of help with a weather app. I have a skin thats similar to Freestyls Weather app , but again need 1 or 2 buttons moved/swithced.
paragraphs are your friend...

Developer Needed

Is there anyone on here that would be willing to take on a small project with me? I created an iPhone Style Dialer Skin here a couple weeks ago, and need some help with the next step I'm trying to do with both the dialer and a weather program, if its possible. What I need help with on the dialer taking the TALK button on the KEYPAD section of the dialer and switching its place with the CALL HISTORY button is, and also a very small button replacemnet on the STATUS screen. The skin I made is for the Jimm98y dialer. I take no credit in the creation of this dialer and thank Jimm98y for his terrific work. This dialer is by far on of , if not the most stable and (working) functional dialer out theere. There are so many requests for an iPhone style diale that doesnt have any bugs right now , myself included I figured this would be a nice hold over until one of the truly magnificent iPhone style dialers , like Nargz, or Dcx's get the smal kinks worked out. On my Vogue , all current iPhone style dialers lock up when switching between call status and the keyboard, and from what I've read this is on a lot of other ppl's phones as well. If someone is willing to help with getting these buttons switched around please tell me. Ill tell you about the call status screen too. I will supply all the graphic files for it, and aslo have the smart dial and redial function working. This dialer has so far worked on GSM and CDMA phones, and there haven't been many problems reported at all. I believe it would make a perfect iPhone style dialer. So any help would be greatly appreciated by myself and hopefully many others. Anyone not able to do the changes, but is still interested in the dialer ,please show some support and share your thoughts. Again thank you for any help.
Also need the same kind of help with a weather app. I have a skin thats similar to Freestyls Weather app , but again need 1 or 2 buttons moved/swithced.

HTC Dialer Issue

Hi, I appear to have a small issue/bug with the Default HTC dialer on the Blackstone, when on the main dialer screen, the call history button (bottom left) appears to have an overlay of text that says "Call Hi...". This covers the whole button, and looks completely out of place, it is like a label/tag that shouldn't be there. I am unsure whether or not this is by default (as I can't remember if it was always like this) but it does not look correct nor does it fit the slick HTC style! I did install the HTC "phone slider" hotfix, but uninstalled as soon as I read that there were issues with it i uninstalled it.
Apologies if this has been posted previously, i searched but couldn't find anything remotely similar!
Thanks in advance for any help!
It's the slider fix that you installed. Uninstalling it does not remove the hotfix. There is a thread labelled something like anti-slide fix that has a cab that will remove it properly.
I have installed and this has worked a treat, thank you very much for the information...
what would i do with this site??

[Q]Help!! How can I link the Call History button on home screen to another app?

Can anyone tell me how can i change the behavior of the Call history button on HTC Sense 2.5.2021's home screen ? ( withOUT CHT or other tools)
I want it to redirect to a 3rd party application when it's pressed, so that i use it as a quick link.
I remeber that i've seen a thread on replacing the button link to a 3rd party call log application.
but believe me , i spent hours on it , without being able to find it!
plz tell me if you have any idea about this. i want to know which manila file to configure ,and how ....
THX very very much.
Anyone has any ideas?? plz......
I'll keep waiting for any suggestion or solution.
No one interested or not willing to do me a favor?

