Syncing only My Contacts not All Contact - Hero, G2 Touch General

The Google sync on the hero syncs with the "All Contacts" list on google contacts. This list includes the email address of pretty much everyone you have ever emailed! I just want it to sync with "My Contacts" which does not inlude all those extra addresses, just people you actually know.
Is this possible?

yes, and is in at least two other threads.....I Know cos i answered there as well!
open people - go to the groups tab - menu - sync groups
untick all contacts


[Q] Desire HD Contacts sync

Hey everyone,
hope everyone's doing great.
I have a general question about android and the gmail contacts sync.
At the moment, I have my main gmail account, which is where I get all my emails, have my calendar, etc. And I have a separate gmail account which is especially made for my contacts and only contacts. I keep them nicely maintained in there, it's very tidy and I have no issues with it whatsoever.
My issue, though, is that I have my ~800 contacts from my main gmail account that I don't really want. I have disabled syncing of contacts on the main gmail account but they're still there.
This gets annoying (and a bit untidy) when trying to send a message, I type the first few characters of the contact and I get multiple entries of the same person, all duplicates.
Is there a away to get rid of all the contacts from my main gmail account and only keep the ones from my other (contacts only) account???
Thanks in advance,
I have not tried this, but it may work with a bit of playing around.
In your GMail account, go into 'Contacts' check the box next to all the people you want to appear on your phone.
Click on 'Groups' Tab and click on add to Android group or HTC Favorites.
If all your contacts are already in these two groups, uncheck the ones you do not want.
Try sync see if you only get this group.

[Q] Multiple Google Calendar Sync

I have 4 different google calendars... Birthdays, Class Schedule, Assignments, and my regular personal Calendar. I want to be able to sync all of the calendars with WP7 but everywhere i've looked says it can only be done by syncing the calendars to outlook, then syncing outlook to the phone.
Has anyone figured out a way to do this without syncing it to Outlook? I already have an Outlook calendar for work and merging the two and not being able to differentiate them would just be a big mess...
Setup a google mail account (for each account of course)
Go in those accounts to settings > sync settings > and tick the option "calendar" where you will also find the option for mail and contacts
All the calendar items will appear in the calendar of WP7. Or at least, this is how it works for me
Somebody might put some additional notes to this, as i have no idea if the calendar that is used is automatically the outlook calendar?
depends on if u haave a google account for home and another for school like some colleges use the google apps domain to host their email and calendar ervvices you can set this up by going to settings email and accounts then add an account hit google and enter your full email and password even though it says username that threw me off the first time too so im just telling you now

calendars (again): wrap up, clarifications and more

sorry to bring this up again, but I am trying to figure out how calendars on this device work, as I seem to have a lot more calendars than I have on my galaxy nexus phone.
Ok, let's start from the source: GOOGLE CALENDAR.
I have 5 calendars on
- 3 Personal Calendars: Personal Appointments, Personal Anniversaries, Personal ToDos
- 1 Tasks Calendar (this being the usual Google Tasks)
- 1 Other Calendar: Contacts' Birthdays and Events (this being the usual Google Birthdays)
Now on my Galaxy nexus phone, where I have the official Google Calendar app installed.
Here I can sync 4 calendars:
- 3 personal calendars: Personal Appointments, Personal Anniversaries, Personal ToDos
- 1 Other calendar: Contacts' Birthdays and Events
Of course there is no Tasks Calendar, as this cannot be synced with Google Calendar App (stupid I know) but for this I am using GTasks.
The same applies for calendars to display: all the calendars I can sync I can also display.
Good, all is fine.
Now on my Note 10.1 where I use s-planner for calendars and GTasks for Google Tasks.
Here things start getting complicated...
First of all, if I go under "Settings" then "Sync Settings" and then "Sync Events/Actvities" I get a pop up labeled "Add account" where I see a green light next to: Samsung Account, Facebook, Google (screen shot attached "add account").
What the hell is this? I understand this is where I can choose which accounts I can sync with s-note, right? So then why can I only select new one and I cannot deselct let's say Facebook? And why is Facebook there? It is not there on my phone, why is here on the tablet?
Second, still under "Settings" I see two voices: one labeled with my Gmail address ([email protected]) and one labeled with my name (Giovanni Stoto).
If I click on each one, I see some calendars I can sync, in the specific (see attached screen shots "sync gmail calendars" and "sync gs calendars"):
-a- [email protected]: Personal Appointments, Personal Anniversaries, Personal ToDos, Contacts' Birthdays and Events, Samsung Calendar and Samsung Tasks_Activities
-b- Giovanni Stoto: Facebook
Now I guess Facebook is there because it is also there at point one above. fine, I can live with this, i simply don't sync it.
What about the two extra Samsung calendars (Samsung Calendar and Samsung Tasks_Activities)? Are these created when I create a Samsung account? Is the only way to get rid of these two samsung calendars to remove the samsung account? And if I remove the samsung account, do I lose anything? Please note that the samsung calendars are showing my gmail address, but that's because I have used this address to register with samsung. I give for granted that if I select to sync these calendars, then they will be synced with samsung website, not with gmail, so sort of useless.
Third, let's go under "Settings" then "Visualization Settings" and then "Calendars".
here I get a list of calendars that I can display. Well, yes but... I get a lot more than I can sync!!!!!! (see attached screen shot "view calendars")
Besides having my google calendars (Personal Appointments, Personal Anniversaries, Personal ToDos, Contacts' Birthdays and Events), my samsung calendars (Samsung Calendar and Samsung Tasks_Activities) and my facebbok calendar (Facebook), I also have "Personal Calendar" and "Personal Activities" and "Contac's Birthdays".
So where do the 3 new personal calendars are coming from? I presume they are local calendars built-in in s-planner. And why I cannot deselect "Personal Birthdays"?
Fourth, let's add a new event in s-planner. (see attached screen shot "add event calendars")
When i choose in which calendar to add the event, guess what?! I get a list of ONLY 5 calendars: the 3 Personal google calendars (Personal Appointments, Personal Anniversaries, Personal ToDos), the Samsung Calendar and the Personal Calendar.
Ok this makes sense but... If I am chosing not to sync and not to show Samsung calendars and Personal; calendars, why are they showing here? Any way not to have them in the list?
Fifth and last, let's add an activity in s-planner. (see attached screen shot "add activity calendars")
When selecting the calendar here I expect at this point to have 2 calendars: Samsung Tasks_Activities and Personal Activities.
Indeed I do, even if the Samsung Tasks_Activities is labeled with my gmail address (maybe a bug).
I also understand (and prove me wrong if) that Samsung Tasks_Activities are synced with samsung account only and cannot be synced with Google Tasks.
I believe there is no way to ge rid of calendars from Samsung, Personal (local) and Facebook.
I managed to choose only the google calendars for sync and display, but I would also like to get rid of samsung calendar and personal (local) calendar from the list of calendars when adding a new event, but I understand thgis is either a bug or is not possible.
Well anyone that can clarify or help or just put his own 2 cent, is welcome.
wow 90+ visits and no1 has anything 2 say...

4.4 Email syncs too much! (Exchange)

In previous version of Android the email app would sync ONLY your contacts from exchange. In 4.4 it also syncs your history or "autocomplete" entries. So now I have like 1200 contacts when previoulsy I had maybe 75. Its incredibly annoying when trying to find someone in the list. I know that I can customize which contacts show but I need my exchange contacts to show and they are lumped in with the other ones so there really isnt an option.
Anyone know of a way to not sync the history entries?
EDIT: I figured out that what it is doing is syncing the "Suggested Contacts" folder. I do want and need this folder when using my actual Outlook but dont want it syncing to my phone
WoodroweBones said:
In previous version of Android the email app would sync ONLY your contacts from exchange. In 4.4 it also syncs your history or "autocomplete" entries. So now I have like 1200 contacts when previoulsy I had maybe 75. Its incredibly annoying when trying to find someone in the list. I know that I can customize which contacts show but I need my exchange contacts to show and they are lumped in with the other ones so there really isnt an option.
Anyone know of a way to not sync the history entries?
EDIT: I figured out that what it is doing is syncing the "Suggested Contacts" folder. I do want and need this folder when using my actual Outlook but dont want it syncing to my phone
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
In "Customize" uncheck "Suggested Contacts" folder and you might want to create folders (e.g., friends, family, mistresses) and classify them into each folder and then check the boxes that you want to appear.
taodan said:
In "Customize" uncheck "Suggested Contacts" folder and you might want to create folders (e.g., friends, family, mistresses) and classify them into each folder and then check the boxes that you want to appear.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
As I mentioned in the original post there is no "Suggested Contacts" under customize. The only option for my exchange account is "All Contacts" which includes the Suggested Contacts.

LG Contacts has "contacts" sync'd that aren't even contacts, just email addresses!?

LG Contacts has "contacts" sync'd that aren't even contacts, just email addresses!?
I have a nice list of contacts in Gmail but when I setup my LG and it syncs contacts..WOW I have a million stupid contacts that are nothing but an email address. Many of whom are generic or spam accounts that emailed me. How do I get it to JUST sync my contacts list??
OK, figured this out. Gmail apparently remembers email addresses from everyone. Thats fine but it also creates a contact for them! You have to go to your contacts and select "Other Contacts" (mine had like 300 in there). Open it up, select All and delete. Done.!topic/gmail/bDUPDHpx4so
OK, figured this out. Gmail apparently remembers email addresses from everyone. Thats fine but it also creates a contact for them! You have to go to your contacts and select "Other Contacts" (mine had like 300 in there). Open it up, select All and delete. Done.!topic/gmail/bDUPDHpx4so
svinyard said:
I have a nice list of contacts in Gmail but when I setup my LG and it syncs contacts..WOW I have a million stupid contacts that are nothing but an email address. Many of whom are generic or spam accounts that emailed me. How do I get it to JUST sync my contacts list??
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
so ? main thing u can make calls to those contacts they are stored on google..
once u had numbers in phone google synced them then u been messing with phone erasing by that time they been stored on google and once u login to your google at the start phone after erasing all everything will be just synced with phone
if u want them in phone u have to add manually one by one

