i recive the code but when i power on i show :
Too many pattern attempts!
To unlock, sign in with google account
how to enter the code?
here is photo http://images.google.co.uk/images?gb...art=18&ndsp=18
any help for me???
i type my google acount but i show invalid.
I found the solution in HTC Magic user guide. Hold HOME + BACK, then briefly touch the END CALL/POWER ON key. This will bring you to the clear data screen
MobileDB keeps on asking my registration key on the wizard,
everytime i put the key in, the application says 'thank you for registering' but after that, it will keep asking for the registration key when i restart MobileDB.
if i do the same in my Windows Mobile 5 emulator, the registration key is accepted and never asked again.
anybody the same problem?
anybody a suggestion of what may be wrong?
Does any one know how to remove the annoying Emergency Call Feature.
I explain me ...
I have made a lot of search with all words but does not find a working solution.
When simple password PIN feature is used to lock the TyTN you have to type your 4 digits PIN password and then Emergency Number appears and then you must click OK button or OK key.
In my Wizard when I type my PIN Password this auto unlock the Wizard (without emergency call)
I have tested the solution from here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=296674 saying to delete these keys HLM\SOFTWARE\OEM\RIL\ & HLM\SECURITY\ECALL\ but I always have this amazing Emergency Number which always appears.
These keys a auto regenerated by WM when you enter your SIM PIN password to activate phone on restart and even without keys this Emergency Call Number always appear.
I have search in all the registry for 112 but does not find somethings.
Is it hard coded ? Where is stored this information ? Is it possible to replace the new PIN password control with the old one (from my wizard ?)
I would like to remove the Emergency Call function and have a normal password control (I don't want to have problems with emergency call center)
Thanks to all in advance.
Found theese Regkeys in WM6:
Just add your wished numbers to the List, and softreset the device...
This phone I set the code 2000 but It will not work I try to enter it in after entering the 2nd zero it ends up coming up 3 zeros instead of my code or the x's and I know the code is right because when I sync it to my pc it works when it asks for the code.
For those of us who have to keep a password on our phone due to nosey people (spouses), is there anyway to disable the "OK" button after entering the password? That way, once the correct password is entered, the phone automatically unlocks and goes to the homescreen.
hi guys,
i got a little Problem.
My Mom lost her Phone (samsung s3 neo) and i locked it via google account manager, on the site were you can track you lost phone and let it ring. I set a message with my phonenumber and a passwort to unlock it ( it ask for a number and a special sign).
We found the phone but the password i set wont work and the screen only shows "enter password" without any message or phonenumber i entered on the website. (its my standart password so i cant be wrong...)
I try to set a new password on the google tracking site, but it wont aks for a new password again. only says locked.
Then i found some setting directly in the dashboard to lock your phone. i set a new password, it says phone lcoked, but the new password wont work neither (weired is, this form only ask for a number not for a special sign)
i tried her googleacountpassword, her pin but it all wont work.
i saw a video an yt with a bug in the lockscreen of the s3neo, but it wont work on my firmwareversion.
does anyone know how to resett the lock via the google dashboard or how to fix this issue? i cant be the first one, who got that problem.
I know i could resett it via factory menue but my mom had some stuff on the phone without backup...
maybe someone has some idea?