Remove meny icon and bind it to phisical key - G1 General

Please don't make multiple threads about the same issue, people will help you when they get the chance.

I think someone might need to have another look at the thread rules. This is the third thread you made about the same issue and you already got an answer in the previous two, so why a third.
I believe the mods will be bringing the hammer down swiftly on you. Stop making multiple threads, especially about an issue that has been answered!


Please Delete

my mistake. please delete.
So our dialers don't work with Verizon Touch? I would think it would be the same as Sprint Touch. Didn't hear any complaints from our threads concerning Verizon Touch.
it would be nice if you ask our permission first if you are using our graphics before starting your own thread.
superflysocal said:
So our dialers don't work with Verizon Touch? I would think it would be the same as Sprint Touch. Didn't hear any complaints from our threads concerning Verizon Touch.
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It works, think he just redid a few graphics. Definitely should have asked though.
sorry for starting a new thread. i did not want to confuse everyone. when i used your CDMA dialers i get the progress button label overlaid over your buttons. the verizon dialer uses blank buttons and dynamically places the button titles over them. i did not post this to take any credit away from you guys. i just thought a separate thread would be better since from the dialers seem to be different at least they are on my 6900 and the other that i tested this on.
feel free to have this taken down. just thought i would share this. i am not asking for praise or donations.
thanx again,
tom108 said:
sorry for starting a new thread. i did not want to confuse everyone. when i used your CDMA dialers i get the progress button label overlaid over your buttons. the verizon dialer uses blank buttons and dynamically places the button titles over them. i did not post this to take any credit away from you guys. i just thought a separate thread would be better since from the dialers seem to be different at least they are on my 6900 and the other that i tested this on.
feel free to have this taken down. just thought i would share this. i am not asking for praise or donations.
thanx again,
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the sprint touch is the same way, and so are all "touch" dialres. My cab has registry changes that removes the labels. It works for most people but there are a select few that also reports the label still present. My theory is that with registry changes, if it doesn't ask you to soft reset, it takes a while for registry changes to take place and most people don't wait long enough and do a physical soft reset, thus the registry changes did not take place. Do me a favor, i'm sure you are happy with your dialer, but can you uninstall yours and install one of my v3 dialers again and wait at least 4 minutes before you "soft reset" and tell me if the labels persists (let me know in my thread). The 6900 verizon and sprint phones should have pretty much the same core dialers.
This is one of the reason why I would want these sort of post to be on the same thread, so the similar discussion that follows is in the same thread. But it is up to you if you want this separate thread going. You are always welcome to post this dialer in our thread. I will link it from the first post.
I do hope you will repost your work in our thread. Others may like it.

***mods Please Delete****

***MODS PLEASE DELETE**** Wrong forum
Hey guys,
I've been trying really hard to get a games folder or button in my programs launcher, but the menu doesn't exist under Spb Customise Menu.
I can only Add "My Menu" and then under that a games directory, but i've read many other posts where people say they have it already in their Customise menu list and just need to tick the box to get it.
I'm currently using Greatbal's Diamond theme for SPB MS 2.1 on an HTC Touch Dual.
Any suggestions?
I'd really like to have one folder with all my games as some have installed in weird places (when I haven't been able to tell it where to install).
Any help or advise is appreciated.
as cruel as it sounds- you shouldn't post an entire new thread for something like this..instead try searching like the person who did it for you in the above post
i acknowledge that, and if it's appropriate i have no dramas with this thread being deleted.
i did happen to look at both of those links before posting. all 1 million posts. haha. and didn't see the answer i was looking for.
i probably just missed it i guess. but i really didn't post without having a look first.
what he means is that if you encountered a problem regarding a specific program, it is more promptly suitable if you post it in the same thread/s regarding the application instead of opening a new one.
i know a new thread will gather more attention but surely it will not guarantee instant or faster answers than replying onto an exsisting thread.
also, there is the Q&A thread so if you have specific (and isolated) questions, you should post it there and hope that someone answers.. that is why it is called QUESTION and ANSWER.. not ANSWERS are here thread.
sincere apologies guys.
i'll delete this one and put it in the Q&A thread

phone says can find image file for new rom whats the problem

everytime i try to install (volume down button + power button) it says "No image found". It really frustrates the living sh*t out of me! i completed everything untill the last step:
* Uncompress the .rar file to get the .image file.
* Rename the .image file to Kovsimg.nbh
* Copy the Kovsimg.nbh file to the top of the SD card.
* Remove the battery for 5 secs (guarantees the phone is turned off).
* Hold down the volume down button, then hold down the power button at the same time.
* After 2-3 secs you'll see the reg/green/blue stripes, then it will go to a light grey background saying "Loading".
after that it says No image found!
someone able to help me?
ive tried the search but i couldnt find anythink useful
Could you just keep all this waffle to one thread, its getting pretty ridiculous seeing yet another OMG I cant figure out which ROM, why ROM, how ROM, what ROM thread from your good self, why not just put all your questions in one thread... please...
I agree.
And please: go to the XPERIA ROM DEVELOPMENT subforum and read the sticky posts since this has been asked (and answered...) before !!
Ah the witty reply of the witless, thank your for your kindly worded message, those gentle words of wisdom surely touched my heart... but if you searched just a little and used some of that towering intellect so evident in your wonderful message you might have found what you seek... the reason no one replies to you or hand feeds you your answer is because with just a little bit of searching (and after being told several times to search) you would have found your answer... well done their chap... take care and good luck with your x1, when you brick it I guess that will be everyone elses fault for not doing your work for you... Watch out Gtrab, vitriol abounds...
You know, normally i wouldn't even respond to this but since you all got the urge to reply to EVERY thread or reply with the same smartass beloni, i've chosen to give my opinion.
You know how difficult it is for a first time WM or smartphone user to learn stuff about it? 90% of this forums users are experienced persons and all expect from others that they too are well experienced with WM/X1. EVEN THE BLOODY TUTORIALS HAVE TUTORIALS, and every thread is connected to 10 other threads about RUU, scripts and other stuff.
Not to mention the hundreds of abbreviations that one has to try and learn BY CHANCE (because somebody in the thread chooses to spell out the whole word instead of the abbreviation, god bless those persons).
So i've been trying to update to the new firmware aswel, but i have the same "no image file!" problem. Have you ever tried to search with the key words "no image file" or something like that? it filters out the word NO so all that remains in the search is image file, and guess what... every thread has atleast 10 matches with "image file".
So i've gone through all of the stickies and a couple of other threads and found some other users with the same problem. Now i face the next problem, 10 people ask about the same question and the answer is never clear.
I've found a couple of answers, and tried all of them but they wouldn't work, and now because of people like you (especially you Gtrab) i'm reticent to ask further questions because you people have the need to keep talking down to others. That's all i wanted to say.
So if you've read all the way up to here, i thank you for listening; you're a good person
Same thing happened with my microsd card. Have you tried a fresh format, with nothing else on the card? I ended up flashing the old fashion way, with RUU.
xda-devs is a free Encyclopedia, not a Hotline
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There's no other way... unless you post your PC brad, USB port specs, installed apps, kind of firewall and antivirus, your ROM, xperia model... oh so many vairable to list... This is TRIAL AND ERROR, there's no "easy way to the rainbow" Dorothy: This ain't no "home cooked biscuits", we're talking 'bout a expenive piece of hardware that can get bricked if you don't learn the appropriate basic knowledge first
Hence, It's IMPOSSIBLE to wite a fail-proof "UNIVERSAL TUTORIAL"
I posted a FULL scientific test about SD cards in the ROM DEVELOPMENT subforum, I had to test a dozen cards with a dozen formatting settings under Win XP and Vista until I finally found the right way to do it, and then I went and POSTED my results and SHARED with the community in the appropriate threads
Nobody told me what to do, I had to read and read and read again and still keep reading
This is mainly in response to Nyans post...
Firstly I dont often post sarcastic or admonishing posts but this chap really takes the cake by posting several threads with the same or similar issues that are very easily found through simple searching...
I do know how difficult it is for a first time user and whats more a relatively technologically illiterate user (thats me)... I have literally spent days searching for the information, trying out what I have found and then re-searching to solve problems or re do something I didnt get right or understand the first time... I am probably in the bottom 2% of the 10% that you claim is the non expert here (although IMHO I would say the percentage of experts is much lower)...
As for the search process it can be a pain, but if you use the google search and use terms like x1 or xperia on the end of what it is you look for it often leads you to the right place...
If all the answers you have found and tried do not work then try pming someone who seems like they know what they are about... I have done that on several occasions and they have all replied with useful and helpful answers usually pointing me in the right direction...
I also feel you are being harsh re your comment about "talking down to people"... too often people jump this board and ask without first reading, even on threads where the answer is a few posts above theirs... so more often than not I feel the odd "RTFM" is warranted... if like me you are technically challenged then my advice is read a bit, then read some more, then play with your phone, read some more and then read again to figure out what it is you read...
Finally re my post above that comments on the witty reply of the witless... I posted that after I had a very abusive email from the OP of this thread... so I felt that the reply was warranted there also... I hope you work out all the foibles of this phone, and good luck working out all the info, it can be daunting I know but it is worth it in the end...

Alphabetizing Icons

I've been searching for days now, and can't seem to figure out why the icons are all mixed up...
Is there anyway to alphabetize the icons in the start menu?
I have a bunch of games loaded in a games folder and it's all mixed up, any ideas?
I tried searching the site and even googled it and all I came up with was a registry edit, but I don't have the key they say to edit.
I even tried deleting the folder and putting the icons back one at a time, in alphabetical order, but they still end up mixxed. ??
rjack88 said:
I've been searching for days now, and can't seem to figure out why the icons are all mixed up...
Is there anyway to alphabetize the icons in the start menu?
I have a bunch of games loaded in a games folder and it's all mixed up, any ideas?
I tried searching the site and even googled it and all I came up with was a registry edit, but I don't have the key they say to edit.
I even tried deleting the folder and putting the icons back one at a time, in alphabetical order, but they still end up mixxed. ??
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You seem to be new to the forums. Thank you for joining XDA-Developers.
Please take a minute to go over the Rules and Regulations of the forum.
Also, it seems that you are a Blue Angel owner, in which case I will encourage you to go over the BA forum regulations here
For questions, please use the search function in the site or simply Google for an answer. More than likely, your question has probably been answered before and the answer is floating around somewhere in the site. That being said, unless you are contributing to the site with either skins, roms, ports, new applications, programs, games, etc., please [highlight]do not[/highlight] open new threads. However, if you do have questions, you can post them either in the BA Q&A section or in the General Q&A section.
I did search the forum, and I googled it... I'm new to this forum, but not computers or the internet, I know how to search, been doing it since 1988.
I posted this question in the Q&A thread, but it was ignored, so I posted in the general forum.
Sorry If I offended you, but I never received a response to my question, I figured somebody else here was experiencing the same problem, maybe not.
rjack88 said:
I did search the forum, and I googled it... I'm new to this forum, but not computers or the internet, I know how to search, been doing it since 1988.
I posted this question in the Q&A thread, but it was ignored, so I posted in the general forum.
Sorry If I offended you, but I never received a response to my question, I figured somebody else here was experiencing the same problem, maybe not.
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It isn't a matter of me being offended, I am (as well as others) trying to keep some order in the forums. I do know that sometimes questions in the Q&A don't get answered right away, but if someone from the Q&A team (or other members out there) know the answer, they will reply. Maybe the reason why your question wasn't answered is because no one really knows the answer (or has bothered looking into it). You getting annoyed at the way the forums are handled does not give you the right to say "screw it, I'm opening a thread(s) anyways". On top of that, remember that not a single member in this site is forced to give you an answer. We all do it out of trying to help each other out since we are a community.
All of us have to abide by the site's rules.
Last but not least, this is a General Question (like you stated earlier) and not a device specific question. All I am saying in my previous post is "please follow the rules". If you searched earlier and posted the right questions in the right places, then either be patient or pm someone. Most of us are happy to help.
Anyways, now to your question. The way in which WM is designed, the application icons normally get a "first come, first serve" position. In other words, they are placed in chronological order of installation (at least in "Program Files"). I do not know if there is a way to organize the WM menus so that they will show apps in alphabetical order.
What you can do is look for a launcher or a replacement for the Program Folders (look in the Dev and Hacking sections for these). These normally organize the icons alphabetically and they are shown in a list format rather than a grid. I do agree with you though, it is pretty disorganized.... but then again M$ doesn't really care about the alphabet
Hope this helps...
rjack88 said:
I've been searching for days now, and can't seem to figure out why the icons are all mixed up...
Is there anyway to alphabetize the icons in the start menu?
I have a bunch of games loaded in a games folder and it's all mixed up, any ideas?
I tried searching the site and even googled it and all I came up with was a registry edit, but I don't have the key they say to edit.
I even tried deleting the folder and putting the icons back one at a time, in alphabetical order, but they still end up mixxed. ??
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I recently had this issue with the new AT&T Fuze ROM. Check around in your PROVXML files for anything similar to the code below. Note: This example code is from an AT&T ROM, but you may find something similar. If you do, delete it, and everything will return to standard Alphabetical order.
<!--334.08_Program menu order-->
<characteristic type="Registry">
<characteristic type="HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Shell\StartMenu">
<parm name="order" datatype="multiplestring" value="MEdia Net Home.lnkAT&T MallAT&T MusicGames & AppsMessagingAT&T GPSAlbum.lnkActiveSync.lnkToolsCellular Video.lnkWindows Media.lnkPush to Talk.lnkOpera Browser.lnkInternet Sharing.lnk" />
egzthunder1 said:
Anyways, now to your question. The way in which WM is designed, the application icons normally get a "first come, first serve" position. In other words, they are placed in chronological order of installation (at least in "Program Files"). I do not know if there is a way to organize the WM menus so that they will show apps in alphabetical order.
What you can do is look for a launcher or a replacement for the Program Folders (look in the Dev and Hacking sections for these). These normally organize the icons alphabetically and they are shown in a list format rather than a grid. I do agree with you though, it is pretty disorganized.... but then again M$ doesn't really care about the alphabet
Hope this helps...
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I figured that was the case, so I deleted all the icons in the folder, then copied them back from my PC, in alphabetical order, and they still ended up scrambled, M$ blows.
egzthunder1, you are f*cking idiot :/ i hate people like you :/ look. how loong it takes you to write that kind of sh*t? If you don't know the answer, don't write anything. If you want to make some new posts, there is off-topic thread. Everyone, at the beggining, is a begginer! It's not his guilt, so help him if u can, but don't do that sh*t :/ what a stupid country :/ & what a f*cking pommy :/ i'm proud i'm from PL
In WM6.5, you have option "move to the top" in start menu, if u tap and hold on icon, so u can sort all your icons, one by one.
Also you can use other launchers, which are more configure able.
btw sorry for bad english
MOD EDIT: The profanity is not needed. First warning... next step is a 3 day vacation.
I fugured it out...
That's the folder I put all the games in, and inside that registry key was a bunch of .lnk entries corresponding to the games I had installed, each key had a rank, so I took the largest number of the key, and put that on the first icon, then in alphabetical order I changed the rank of each of the .lnk keys, decreasing by one as I went down the list, soft boot, now the folder is exactly how I wanted it.
weteran said:
egzthunder1, you are f*cking idiot :/ i hate people like you :/ look. how loong it takes you to write that kind of sh*t? If you don't know the answer, don't write anything. If you want to make some new posts, there is off-topic thread. Everyone, at the beggining, is a begginer! It's not his guilt, so help him if u can, but don't do that sh*t :/ what a stupid country :/ & what a f*cking pommy :/ i'm proud i'm from PL
In WM6.5, you have option "move to the top" in start menu, if u tap and hold on icon, so u can sort all your icons, one by one.
Also you can use other launchers, which are more configure able.
btw sorry for bad english
MOD EDIT: The profanity is not needed. First warning... next step is a 3 day vacation.
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Let's watch the personal attacks. Regardless of how you feel about egzthunder1 reply, there is no place for your post either. It serves no purpose other then to incite a fight.
While egzthunder1 could have said what he did in a couple different ways, he is not wrong in pointing members (new OR old) to the rules of XDA-Developers. He did not berate the OP in any way; he simply informed him of the policies in place here that require a member (again, new OR old) to search prior to posting in an existing thread, or creating a new one.
Q&A sections are popping up in just about every forum because of an experiment done in the Raphael section that was a complete success. In case you may have missed it, the forum rules have recently been updated. I quote:
Flar said:
1. Search before posting
Use one of our search functions before posting, whether you have a question or something new to share, it's very likely someone already asked that question or shared that news.
2. Be polite and respect your fellow xda-dev user.
There is no need for cursing, flaming, racism or personal attacks. There are a lot of different nationalities on this forum all with different cultures, this means that no matter what you're like, you'll have to adjust to people that are most definitely not like you. It will gain you a lot of respect if you help to keep the peace. It's disrespectful and therefore not permitted to create Alias Member names in an attempt to deceive others.
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So let's keep it clean going forward. If you have an issue with a member, take it to PM, or contact any of the moderators.
Thank you,
NotATreoFan, i don't think that it's wrong, what he wrote, but it's matter of moderators and admins to worry about such things. thats all from me ;]
weteran said:
NotATreoFan, i don't think that it's wrong, what he wrote, but it's matter of moderators and admins to worry about such things. thats all from me ;]
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While I don't necessarily appreciate the insults, particularly considering that I have not offended you (or even talked to you), I will say that if I have spoken badly in any manner, then point me at it and I will gladly apologize to the OP for my mistake. However, if I didn't, then why do you insult me?
I am not going to start a discussion with you (or a flame war). While it is true that I don't always know all the answers, at least I try to help or point people in the right direction to solve their problems. I do this because I love this community and its members and I have been helped countless times, so really it is my way of giving back.
Since the OP seems to have solved his issue, do you think that you could close this thread to keep it from growing needlessly? Thanks for your words
Issue resolved, closing thread.

Making a finger friendly website for hd2

Hey everybody i'm working on creating a finger friendly website for the hd2. i was wondering if anybody wouldn't mind if i used your tweaks and apps. if so just post the link to your thread that has your cab files on it please.
huh? Are you asking in a thread for people to either allow/deny you posting their apps and creations? If you want to contact people for permissions, how about sending them a private message on the forums? The chances are greater that way, instead of hoping they will all find your thread /:
yeah im asking permsion to use peoples cabs. i was hoping people would post there stuff instead of me having to search over every thread to find the stuff.
link please
If I get You right it will be sumthin like a HD2-XDA-freewarepocketpc-app-and-mod-site ?
Good idea !
Please care in any case that mods/apps are separated in sections for different ROMS (stock-ROMS at least) to avoid a mess from the beginning.
I'm still working on the site. I'm not going to publish anything that's not even halfway done
That's a great idea! We can get HD2 apps and mods on the move.
Try PMing all the people who created the mods and hacks. That way you'll reach them faster instead of waiting for them to find this thread.

