[Sol] Maybe: Sdcard Powermanagement disabled gives me more batterylife - Touch Pro2, Tilt 2 Themes and Apps

I have noticed one thing yesterday.
From the moment i had my Rhodium (2weeks ago) i installed advanced Config 3.3 on my Rhodium.
From the start i had the "SDcard power management" enabled.
Since then i had a terrible battery life, 20% loss in 3 hours so at the end of the day my battery was empty.
And did not blame the powermanagement of this.
Trying to locate the power loss i used acbPowermeter.
After two weeks i came till the conclusion that there was nothing which drains my battery.
True out the day i use my phone for just a couple off calls and sms messages.
3G is disabled because the poor reception.
Also auto weahter updates every 2 hours and my mail is also checked every 1 hour.
Bluetooth is always discoverble which does not effect battery drain more then bleutooth off.
Activesync is killed and Opera does realy close and used the nopushInternet tweak.
So after testing al these and more.
Even how much those apps uses de proc.
I had to try one more thing, disable the SDcard power management in Advanced Config 3.3.
And today that config change made me verry happy.
Normaly i start working at 5am and work till 3pm in that time the battery has lost 60% power.
And today i was supprised my Pro II had 91% power left.
So i just want to let you know that in my case the SDcard Power management f*****k up my batterylife.
HTC Touch Pro II
ROM-Vers: 1.19.404.1 (51489) NLD
ROM-Date: 06/22/09
Engergy Info Tab says at 90% battery life:
Last fully charged
23:24 Thu 18aug 2009
Standby time:
18 hours and 40 minutes
Speak time:
1 hour and 4 minutes
Device Use:
5 hours and 4 minutes
I believe these specs aren't that bad because before i disabled the power management my battery would be emty in 16 hours.
So i hope that my findings will help you all.

Bluetooth is always discoverble which does not effect battery drain more then bleutooth off.
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Are you sure about that?
in most devices bt in descovery mode drains the hell out of the battery!
I always have my BT ON only, because thats all you need once you devices have been paired.

faria said:
Are you sure about that?
in most devices bt in descovery mode drains the hell out of the battery!
I always have my BT ON only, because thats all you need once you devices have been paired.
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Hey Faria,
First off all i still love your rom on my old wiza200.
Back ontopic:
As i found on the internet and my findings with the discoverble mode that it is not on all the time.
It only opens the BT pairing when a device want to pair.
After that it closes and acts as BT on mode.
BT does not sends it signal all the time.
But correct my if i am wrong
If i may believe AcbPowerMeter the power drain with BT on and BT discoverble is nill and BT off against BT on is that it isn't a power drainer

Hey Faria,
First off all i still love your rom on my old wiza200.
Back ontopic:
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As i found on the internet and my findings with the discoverble mode that it is not on all the time.
It only opens the BT pairing when a device want to pair.
After that it closes and acts as BT on mode.
BT does not sends it signal all the time.
But correct my if i am wrong
If i may believe AcbPowerMeter the power drain with BT on and BT discoverble is nill and BT off against BT on is that it isn't a power drainer
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ha.. you mean you have it in a timed descovery mode. if that is the case then it is correct.
if i m not mistaking bt on only, drains less than 1% in 24 hours of the battery.

I get 7 hours of battery life and I'm a heavy user. I already have that option disabled. I need to improve this battery!!!

incredible!! your results are great!! any other detailed report, to clarify things a bit?? it would be interesting to have some data to elaborate some statistics and see what we come up with
in your fisrt post, you mean that you achieved the written results at the cost of only 10% battery life, or have I misunderstood it all??? if it's correct, wow!! °_° you have a nuclear battery! from 100% (and powermanagement enabled) I usually achieve 24 to 26 standby hours, 30min calls, 5 hours device usage (most of them connected on 3g). no bt nor auto connections of any kind.
thinking about it, it sounds a bit strange though: the OS is basically the same since quite a long time, and so the management of sd power (I think). so why would it do good (if enabled) on many devices, and not on TP2, having on the contrary such a bad impact on battery life?? I hope my question is clear enough!
since I'm no expert or programmer, I'd really like to have a little explanation by someone who really knows how these things work!
thanks a lot for the contribution, everything that may improve battery life even just a minute is super appreciated! best regards!

faria said:
ha.. you mean you have it in a timed descovery mode. if that is the case then it is correct.
if i m not mistaking bt on only, drains less than 1% in 24 hours of the battery.
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Nope my is discoverble the whole time.
About the 1% drain i am not sure, but after i am done with testing we will see how much it drains our battery.
HeavyComponent said:
I get 7 hours of battery life and I'm a heavy user. I already have that option disabled. I need to improve this battery!!!
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I am still testing how to improve our battery and be able to do something with it.
cyberpunk627 said:
incredible!! your results are great!! any other detailed report, to clarify things a bit?? it would be interesting to have some data to elaborate some statistics and see what we come up with
in your fisrt post, you mean that you achieved the written results at the cost of only 10% battery life, or have I misunderstood it all??? if it's correct, wow!! °_° you have a nuclear battery! from 100% (and powermanagement enabled) I usually achieve 24 to 26 standby hours, 30min calls, 5 hours device usage (most of them connected on 3g). no bt nor auto connections of any kind.
thinking about it, it sounds a bit strange though: the OS is basically the same since quite a long time, and so the management of sd power (I think). so why would it do good (if enabled) on many devices, and not on TP2, having on the contrary such a bad impact on battery life?? I hope my question is clear enough!
since I'm no expert or programmer, I'd really like to have a little explanation by someone who really knows how these things work!
thanks a lot for the contribution, everything that may improve battery life even just a minute is super appreciated! best regards!
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I expect that my testing will be done with in two or three weeks.
Because i want to exclude every possible power drain and drain the battery till its empty to besure how long it takes.
Althought my battery isn't empty jet i will post some screens of the actual battery state.
And later this weekend when the battery is empty i will also post data of my findings.
With my tests i hope to save power and still be able to use the Pro II as its ment to be.
Or else it will be useless expansive plastic brick after 7hours of use time.
At this moment my battery has 43% power left.
And the last full charge was at 4am on 20-08-2009.
So its standby for a little over 54 hours. (current time 11:30am)
In my attached screen it say standby time 49 hours.
I do not know if this standby indication is the actual standby or what is left.
I mean that my Pro still has 49 hours to go.
Think there is a bug in de energy tab, but can not find anything on the NET.
This is what i have done the last 54 hours.
Why is tell you this? althought i am not an heavy user like many people here.
It maybe can help to compare my use with all you people.
- 4am 20-08-09: woke up and disconected my phone from the charger.
- 5am got to work, at work no provider connection so phone is searching for connection for little over 8 hours.
- 3pm got home, so now and then check the weather, play arround with new appz, had to put is some new appointments and contacts.
- Tryed some new reg tweaks, and took some pictures and make a short movie (1.39min) off the awefull weather over here.
- 10pm got to bed with 73% power left in my battery.
- Same story: 4am woke up and got to work to arrive at home at 3 pm.
- Did some checking on the weahter app, added a new contact, tryed some g-sensor games.
- And made two phone call about 10 minutes (not much for the last two days)
- Also send about 12 sms and 2 emails.
- Got to bed at 11pm and woke up at 10am with 43% power left in my battery.
- My mail is checked every two hours, no pushmail by the way
- I used the alarm function as my wake up call
I will let the battery drain completly and try some other possible power savers later this week.
And will post my findings over here including some findings i made with acbpowermeter and what effects background services or programms have on the battery.
At this moment i think i have charge my battery tomorrow morning if it does not shut it self off because of an empty battery over night.
If 4 days standby time is possible with little use then i'm not happy with the power drain.
Why: my wifes Omnia i900 is not used for over 3days (Backup phone at the moment) and has a been standby for 4,5 days and has 50% power left.
Okay i know i can not compare these two devices.
Because there different and we do not use the devices the same.
Later this weekend i will post what i have done and post some data and statistics.
And i will post which changes i made for my new tests week.
What i have done so far,
Energy settings:
-screenlight in battery power is full
-screen goes off after 1 minute
-device goes off after 2 minutes
Phone settings:
-band settings are set both to auto
-is set to discoverble
-Did not use it this test
-Do not know whoe made it.
but is use the new commanger to quickly switch between 3G on or off.
Because in my area there is a poor reception of 3G
So currently 3G it is switched off
Advanced Config:
-sdcard powermanagment is disabled
-also the others mmc, nand, sim, async, pptp,l2pt
-Data connetions (gprs auto attach) disabled
-miscellaneous (auto daylight savings) disabled
Appz & tweaks
-manilla nopushinternet
-Opera wil close instead of minimize
-Activesync is killed by faking a server
-No2chem 1% battery bar
-Zuinigerijder TouchLockPro
-XDA-Developers GPRS 1 minute auto detechment
Rhodium settings tool:
-Auto rotation is off
-Power special tweak is switched off (next week testing it switched on)
So next week more data and background info

waiting to see the final results!!
btw, what is "power special trick"?? never heard of that.. sounds useful
the more minute of battery life we can obtain, the better!

how do you disable the sd card power management? i want to give this a try. also this is my first post and id like to say this site has alot of useful information!

any updates

I tried disabling and...well maybe there is some little improvement here, but I don't know if it's really because of this or if it's because of different patterns of usage during the days.. mine varies a lot.
as a raw comparison, it went from almost 60hrs standby and 5 of usage to almost 75 and 6 /6.5. both test with phone always on on 3g network, no data connections, no wifi, bt and such. just simple usage (documents reading, editing, tweaking, mostly PIM related tasks.
again, I'm not really sure it's power management related.. maybe V6Maniac did a more rigid comparison, mine's not worth it
waiting for updates

I am not a techie so dont flame me if what I say proves to be wrong.
When I installed cleanRAM and when went to the Customized Process List, I saw Palringo as one of the running processes. I remembered using Palringo on the day I installed it, but never after that, which is at least 10 days before. And it stayed there even after a day. Hence I decided to remove the installation and the process is gone now.
Now my batter is really good!!! I had a full charge by 6 pm yesterday and now it is holding at 84%. I did connect to Internet through WiFi for about 20 to 30 mins for skype call, updated weather and stock. Yet it is holding at 84%.
Let me observe it for few more days and let me come back to you if I find anything interesting.

it is known that certain programs are really nasty battery drainer. there's a recent thread somewhere reporting that a (maybe older( version of ESET mobile antivirus did the same. so we have another entry for the black list of abnormal battery drainer
thanks a lot!


My wizard battery only lasts half a day now?!

Hi, my batter has been working great since Christmas, but now for some reason won't last more than a fwe hours without saying battery low. I have my gprs check email every 5 minutes, but it has always been that way and I have been gettnig a good 2 days out of my phone before.
Now i take it off of the charger in the morning and then around lunch the batter is low already...
Is my batter just toast?
Should I get another?
Just a question, but have you been overclocking your TI OMAP processor? Maybe there's a correlation?
contaygious said:
Hi, my batter has been working great since Christmas, but now for some reason won't last more than a fwe hours without saying battery low. I have my gprs check email every 5 minutes, but it has always been that way and I have been gettnig a good 2 days out of my phone before.
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Mine is brand new (tmobile MDA) and when I enabled 802.11g I noticed a dramatic drop in battery life. I think for the sake of the battery I will only enable that as needed.
I wonder also if you are in the same proximity to the mobile towers, if you are on a border between coverage you will see a drop in battery life becuase it is transmitting more frequently to register with the mobile network.
To try to see if its your battery or something you are using, and while this may be incredibly difficult with a mobile, especially a mobile/pda that you use frequently, you may want to see about turning off features to see if that helps. Turn off wifi and see if that helps, turn off bluetooth and see about that, etc. Once you rule them out as the major culprit ...
While I highly doubt this may be the case, it is a possiblity, and worth looking into, especially if you noticed a sudden drop in battery life as opposed to a gradual diminishment. You may have some rogue software that is sending out more data via a wireless device than you desire. A worm, trojan, whatever. There are anti-virus packages available, I dont know how good any of them are, http://www.freecabs.de has some, some of the big commercial guys make some. Again I dont think its that becuase of the rules of probability, however it is possible and some have been known to exist in the wild for a few years now.
I had the same thing with my c500, now I know they are two entirely different phones but after I flashed the device it was as good as new in terms of battery life.
It may be worth a try before you go and buy a new battery.
I have the same problem.
Not overclocking, no anti-virus, just regular phone use and my battery does not last a day!!
I keep it on charger most of the day to avoid shut-down.
me too
I've the same problem and I've an other big problem, when I turn off my Vario, it's dont't start on power botton (i must extract and insert a battery turn on the telephone).
We can make a test if anyone have a HTC diagnostic software (see service manual.pdf)
Check your today screen.
I too had the same issue. Mainly, PhoneDashboard was causing the battery drop. Along with any today elements that poll your hardware to display the amount of battery, memory and storage. Those all drain your battery.
To check whether it's really a today screen issue or not. Charge your battery to it's full 100%, remove ALL today screen elements, then use your mobile normally and keep checking the battery level drain rate.
Hope this was useful.
Mine dies, 100% when leave work, some usage and then dead in the morning.
I only have Pocketbreeze and a few plug ins installed.
There is NO wireless /bluetooth in that time.
KINetics said:
Just a question, but have you been overclocking your TI OMAP processor? Maybe there's a correlation?
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I have not been using wifi at all lately either
I have spb today stuff but have had them since I first got my wizard. really, I have not changed anything....
some programs "eat up" battery life. Investigate by doing a HARD reset, then do not install ANY software for two days. I bet you will see your normal battery life ;-)
I took all today programs off
100% at 5.30
32% at 7.30
This is O2 Mini Rom without all the 02 crap.
I will investigate further. Hard reset here we come!!
Last night my battery was 100% at 5.30 after a hard reset, no o2 software installed and very light usage.
This morning at 7.35 it was 50% which is good I guess???
Suggestions as to whether it is the battery?
byronsp said:
Last night my battery was 100% at 5.30 after a hard reset, no o2 software installed and very light usage.
This morning at 7.35 it was 50% which is good I guess???
Suggestions as to whether it is the battery?
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Still not good enough, should hold for 3 days if you do not use it. Get a battery replacement.
Typically I charge every other day, little phone talks however.
PhoneDashboard was causing the battery drop
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Ah, I run this. Is it bad? I've turned off all the scrolling updates etc - did you find that helped?
Got a battery replacement but still after no real use dropped to 50% in only 13 hours.
Any other ideas?
mine works for about 5 days normal usage with this options:
- phone on
- bt off
- wifi off
- automatically receive IrDa incoming... (Connections ->beam...)
so the wifi on my batt only last for a few hours, but when you disable wifi and the irda incoming you should have more batt. life
Thanks I will give this a try and have taken out irDA.
However my figures were with Bluetooth and Wireless off as well
I have noticed that with wifi on (and particularly if I'm using it) the battery drops at a frightening rate. Whereas with wifi disabled (which it's been for most of today - first day since I've had the XDA that I've been busy working and so haven't been 'fiddling' with it at all ) the battery still seems to be sitting happily at 80% after around 8 hours.
Funny, I thought that if the phone was suspended, the wifi would be inactive, so the battery wouldn't drop. Appears that's not the case...
Do u have Spb Pocket Plus installed? this program sucked my battery flat in 1 day. I removed it and now its up 2 or 4 days depending on how long i have wifi on. Checking email every 5 min also reduces battery life allot.
No pocket plus... My today screen just has phmtray, resco today, taskplus, and the pocketmusic plugin...

Average Battery Life on T-mobile Wing

I was just wondering what is the average time of battery life on your wing..mines is currently about 10 hours idle but while im using it that goes down to about 5 or 4 i just wanted to know what is the average before i call t-mobile and ask for a new battery.
A few of us here have been having problems with the battery actually. When I first got the phone, I left it clean and stock. I would do a lot of texting, make a couple phone calls, and play a few games here and there. From 7am to 1am, I would go from 100% to about 54% (18 hours of usage). Now, if I leave my phone idle for 2 hours, my battery drops down from 100% to 80%... I can't even go a full day without needing to charge the darn thing. 200 hour idle time my arse!
But personally, I don't think it's a problem with the battery... The phone is doing something in the background which is causing a massive battery drain. Right now, I'm testing my phone to see if I still suffer the same drain while in flight mode. I'll post the results HERE in about an hour from now.
The longest the battery can last is 1 week...
On a full charge, you can talk for 5 hours...
the more features you use, the more power it'll consume.. if you do a lot of internet browsing, I believe I saw GPRS Data connections use more power then WiFi.. so use wifi when available ...
also, be sure to regularly check your phone's task manager before setting it aside for long periods of time... sometimes it can be hard to notice the camera, text/mms, calender, Internet Explorer, Windows Media Player, are all running in the background while you're at the home screen...
My wing usually lasts me from unplug at 8am until plugin at midnight... power usage always varies a lot as... as you can tell.. the data connections use a lot of power... and if wifi isn't available, it uses at least 30% more power doing a GPRS Transfer -- based on the initial information i've read about the issue.
BBM-Lee said:
The longest the battery can last is 1 week...
On a full charge, you can talk for 5 hours...
the more features you use, the more power it'll consume.. if you do a lot of internet browsing, I believe I saw GPRS Data connections use more power then WiFi.. so use wifi when available ...
also, be sure to regularly check your phone's task manager before setting it aside for long periods of time... sometimes it can be hard to notice the camera, text/mms, calender, Internet Explorer, Windows Media Player, are all running in the background while you're at the home screen...
My wing usually lasts me from unplug at 8am until plugin at midnight... power usage always varies a lot as... as you can tell.. the data connections use a lot of power... and if wifi isn't available, it uses at least 30% more power doing a GPRS Transfer -- based on the initial information i've read about the issue.
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I noticed Bluetooth and WiFi taking more battery than GPRS
As long as I plug it in while I am at work to a USB cable, I don't seem to have any battery problems. I use GPRS and SMS constantly.
I spend the whole day on the phone ... between texting and I receive all my work email directly to my phone... so I'm on it various times during the hour... and it seems the battery drain is huge.
all I have done is turn the screen brightness down whenever I'm not using it, and have the dynamic overclocking on, so the processor goes down whenever its not in use ... but I still think the battery drain on the wing is ridiculous.
Well david, overclocking doesnt help
Im clocked at 247mhz, i can make it last about 24 hours using it here and there. calls about once a hour for 5 min or less, texting through the day, and occasional wifi use. at stock clock speeds, it lasted about a day and a half, but it all depends how much you use it
At 1st i thought the battery darin was rediculous as well but when u think about it when u use it the battery goes down about 8 times as fast( depensing on what ur actually doing w/ it.
Now i charge it at night and go to school with fully loaded battery 6AM, i text all the time and when i get home its around 85% 2:30PM, use it occasionally and at the end of the day after at least 3 hours of talk time its on around 30-20% i could last w/o charging it but i charge it overnight to full, with NORMAL use and not talking for about 4 hours per day so far its lasted 4 days for me. could have made it to 6 but i wanted to showoof my new phone to my friend
so battery life is not that bad just depends how much u use it, Also if ur listening to music just turn off the screen and thats a REAL battery saver. also press the power button when on the phone and etc.
Wing Battery Drain
I have improved my Wing battery drain by doing the following...
- Turn off the automatic weather update on the Today Plug-in
- Check my emails manually (do send receive when I am ready to read)
- Suspend device when not in use - need to use device lock app.
- Update ROM to PDA Viet v 14 (thanks to easy instructions from David)
With the new ROM and the device locked - even the accidental press of any of the face buttons (when phone is in pocket) turns the device back on - even though the screen remains locked (due the Device lock app). Is there any way to suspend the device completely so can only be turned on by hitting the power button only? I would still want to receive / answer calls etc. without having to hit the power button....
Go to settings, Lock ... and there is an option to lock all buttons except the power button when device is powered down.
I am trying to fix my sisters Wing (I have a Wizard). I have tried disabling background programs, as well as setting things to be more gentle on power usage, and still she loses battery like crazy. I know the Wizard had some battery drain issues with certain WM6 cooked roms, and a cab fix helped. Does anyone have a cab fix for the Wing? Also, reading in this forum section, it seems that the Wing doesn't always disable background programs. Would you suggest a third party task manager to "pick up the slack" or does it not matter, due to the nature of the winged beast?
I appreciate any suggestions. While I am new to the Herald, I am "old hat" on the Wizard, so I do have a general understanding of how the HTC devices work.
Thank you in advance.
I have read a lot of bad stuff about battery life with every rom except the OME t-mo. I had the PDA viet and battery life was terrible, With the stock rom it is at least 4x longer.
hello ive the same problem with the last 4 wings ive and ever since ive switch from the stock Tmo OS and upgraded to the TouchFlo OS, Ive noticed a huge differnce with the battery life even overclocked
If your will to taking the risk ide say go for it, i jus started messing around with rom and i got say its a big improvment from the original wing which i was ready to throw against a wall!!
I have Touch Flo on my Wing, and if I charge it to capacity I usually only need to do so it every other day so long as I don't play any NES games on it. I keep the wifi off if I'm not using it of course. I have it dynamically stepping the CPU in a range from 100mhz to 234mhz. It really seems to help extend the battery for me, while still giving it the tiny extra kick it needs to run nes and sms games.
My wife has the official wm6 rom on hers, but is also dynamically overclocked as mine is. She needs to charge hers nightly, BUT she also plays solitaire and bubble breaker daily.
Overall it's on par for battery life with my prior motorola phone, which I never used for anything but regular phone calls. With that in mind I'm not necessarily impressed, but am definitely content with it.
I've had HORRIBLE battery life and AWESOME battery life, all within the same week. lol
There was a problem I had at one time, where filesys.exe would take over all the CPU and kill my battery.
Here's what I do, though.
Dynamic overclocking/underclocking
Turn off GPRS when not in use
Disable Push Mail
Turn off WIFI and Bluetooth
Turn the screen brightness down
Turn off the screen altogether, even when on a call, unless you need to see what's on it
There's a few tweaks out there that deal with enabling the power saving features on L2TP and stuff...
First post here-
I've had my wing about a week now and have a question concerning battery usage.
It has always been my understanding that batteries will develop a "memory" if you charge and recharge them under their full charge capacity.
i.e. if you use it down to 60% and then charge it to 100% it will remember that and not use the full original 100% charge. obviously over time not just from a single "half charge" like that.
So since every time you connect it to USB to sync it begins the charging process, won't that wear down the battery and make it develop such a memory?
Is their anyway to connect to to the PC without having it charge?
I have always preferred to have any mobile device drain it's battery to nearly empty before recharging to try and minimize the memory effect.
InfidelSerf said:
First post here-
I've had my wing about a week now and have a question concerning battery usage.
It has always been my understanding that batteries will develop a "memory" if you charge and recharge them under their full charge capacity.
i.e. if you use it down to 60% and then charge it to 100% it will remember that and not use the full original 100% charge. obviously over time not just from a single "half charge" like that.
So since every time you connect it to USB to sync it begins the charging process, won't that wear down the battery and make it develop such a memory?
Is their anyway to connect to to the PC without having it charge?
I have always preferred to have any mobile device drain it's battery to nearly empty before recharging to try and minimize the memory effect.
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Today's lithium ion batteries do not develop this like older rechargable batteries. You can plug your phone in at any time without worrying about losing battery capacity!
Thank chris30_2001, good to know.
oh and it's ALWAYS lupus
I listen to Streaming Radio with my Wing at work all day. I get approximately 4 hours of listening time before I have to swap out with another fully charged battery.
I use PBar to shut off the screen while listening.
I'm running the touch rom without the actual touch. I can't remember which one it is. I spend at least an hour a day gaming (text twist, random solitaires) on it. I usually hit up the web a few times a day for 10 minutes a shot. I use it as an ebook reader. I send txts constantly. I talk about half an hour a day. All this leaves me with about 30% - 50% of my battery by day's end. Now, if I turn on bluetooth all day it will end up around 18%. Wifi is such an evil power hog I never turn it on, EDGE is fast enough for me. I charge my every night under my pillow (it's my alarm too). Battery life has been the same since I got it about 6 months ago.
Edited to add: I also do some dynamic underclocking for things that don't need a huge amount of power, like my budget program, etc.

how battery drain in touch hd

I just order touch hd , and waiting for it. but I wonder how about battery drain on touch hd.
I got diamond one and it terrible on standard battery.
better than diamond thats for sure ما شاء الله
with extensive outdoor usage (gps running, wlan enabled but home wlan unreachable) my Blackstone is drained in less then 4 hours.
bla3603 said:
with extensive outdoor usage (gps running, wlan enabled but home wlan unreachable) my Blackstone is drained in less then 4 hours.
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I'm almost have to recharge my Touch every single day! And in mine opinion I don't use it very extremely. Didn't have that issue with my TyTn!
luckyuser said:
Didn't have that issue with my TyTn!
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With my TyTN II (Kaiser) I have the same bad experience, drained in less then 1/2 day. Same with some other devices. But I think this is typical for this device class. With some directives the battery power can be saved:
- disable WLAN when going outwards
- reduce display brightness
- disable/shutdown GPS apps if not used
- buy a car kit ;-)
In my opinion WLAN and the display are the most power consuming parts.
thanks for the advice, normally i have recharge pda-phone every single day with normal usesage. hope to not worry about battery like a normal cellphone ;/
Don't have any problems with drain, even after steady use I still had 3 bars left :O
iDaemon said:
normally i have recharge pda-phone every single day with normal usesage.
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You are welcome. I am still playing with my new Blackstone, but I think with "normal" usage the operating distance will be 2..3 days.
Had a problem trying to charge it in my car for the first time. On a 3 hour journey with about 1/4 battery level left and running pocket player and TomTom when I got home still only 1/4 (or maybe even less) battery power left. I charge it through the USB port in the car stereo. Never had that problem with Polaris under same conditions. Seems ok at home running the same programmes and charging through the mains.
Any one else having trouble charging in a car?
I hope it stands more than one day only. Xperia has better values, my friend told me, it lasts two days more...
friend of mine just got a Xperia. will catechize him...
with heavy usage but turning off WiFi outdoors battery life has been pretty good lasts a day and a half.
In 3G mode, only with two full charges and a bit of heavy usage, cause I only have my HD from last friday, it's been lasting for about 1,5 day. I'm going to test it about one more week and then I'm going to test it in normal GSM mode.
With heavy usage lasting about a day.
2 hours movie
1 hr mp3
30 min calls
10+ text messages
1 hour internet through wifi
12 hrs standby
5 minutes google maps
Maybe 1 hr playing with my new toy (screen lit)
Probably about 2-3 days when my usage goes back to "normal".
I've charged my HD @ 15 o'clock and now is on 72% of battery
opps sorry wrong section, ment to be in the dream not blackstone how do you delete posts?
I have usually a heavy use on it (i.e. too much talking over BT headphone, regular wifi email exchange, rss update etc.).
I used to see it drain easily until I used the advance configuration to fix sd management, connection management etc. For some reason everything was off on mine.
Now with (fairly) regular use it can go one and half day almost.
bla3603 said:
With my TyTN II (Kaiser) I have the same bad experience, drained in less then 1/2 day. Same with some other devices. But I think this is typical for this device class. With some directives the battery power can be saved:
- disable WLAN when going outwards
- reduce display brightness
- disable/shutdown GPS apps if not used
- buy a car kit ;-)
In my opinion WLAN and the display are the most power consuming parts.
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True, no need for WLAN to be on when on the move. It's the most power consuming antenna in your phone. You can set it to disable if it can't find an access point for 1 minute. Bluetooth is also a killer... These phones are stuffed with radio's, don't turn them on all at once.
Oh, and my phone easily lasts a day, and I tinker with it all the friggin time, and use it quite a bit. But I only activate stuff when I need it, such as wifi, bluetooth, direct push. I rarely use GPS, yes of course this drains your battery in 4 hours, just like when you would place a call or watch a video or browse the web for 4 hours. Anything that uses a lot of radio activity or a lot of screen on-time will drain your battery fast.
I optimized power saving modes with schaps advanced config and turn the thing off at night.
Push email on winmo or apple phones is a joke. The way it requires to keep a GPRS connection alive is ridiculous. Blackberry understands this a lot better.
If you don't use it, you might as well turn GRPS auto attach off using schaps advanced config tool since that too will save a lot of battery time.
Recharged 20 hours ago. Normal use. GPRS Data Connection on, e-mail push each hour (i have flatrate) and i have 85% of battery left.

Juice Defender and Battery enhancing applications

Any positive reviews with Juice Defender ? I had it on my phone and used it on the extreme settings but didn't notice any difference even though it say it has improved my battery life by 1.68 times.
How do you make it really work ? Any tweaks and suggestions are welcome.
PS: Are there are more battery boosting applications out there that enhance the battery life ?
mjehan said:
Any positive reviews with Juice Defender ? I had it on my phone and used it on the extreme settings but didn't notice any difference even though it say it has improved my battery life by 1.68 times.
How do you make it really work ? Any tweaks and suggestions are welcome.
PS: Are there are more battery boosting applications out there that enhance the battery life ?
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Is there any battery life boosting app that works?
I don't believe all the hype.. It runs in the background, so the apps itself is a battery drainer..
Sorry, but for me, lowering brightness, turning off 3g and mobile network when unused and also turning off haptic feedback helps increasing my battery's charge..
Of course these apps work. They turn off all radios when the screen is off, so, of course, they save battery.
Have you used this baby with radios enabled and the screen off? It gushes battery. With Juicedefender it looses very little battery when you're not using it (I should point out that the app will occasionally switch on the radio to get updates).
I recommend that you let JD manage your data and wi fi connections. It will intelligently use the radio that best saves battery. After some training, its like magic (it trains itself).
I've used several battery savers and I like Juicedefender best. It permits you to actually use the phone without disabling every damn facility and still get a day of use out of it.
Tried it once but use Green Power Battery Saver now, much prefer the easier UI
If rooted, along with LeeDrOiD 1.5.0 my battery life is amazing
bobbyelliott said:
Of course these apps work. They turn off all radios when the screen is off, so, of course, they save battery.
Have you used this baby with radios enabled and the screen off? It gushes battery. With Juicedefender it looses very little battery when you're not using it (I should point out that the app will occasionally switch on the radio to get updates).
I recommend that you let JD manage your data and wi fi connections. It will intelligently use the radio that best saves battery. After some training, its like magic (it trains itself).
I've used several battery savers and I like Juicedefender best. It permits you to actually use the phone without disabling every damn facility and still get a day of use out of it.
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I turn off wifi when I'm not using it, but 3g is too much hassle and I suppose I do struggle to get much more than 24 hours out of a single charge but gushing battery?
bobbyelliott said:
Of course these apps work. They turn off all radios when the screen is off, so, of course, they save battery.
Have you used this baby with radios enabled and the screen off? It gushes battery. With Juicedefender it looses very little battery when you're not using it (I should point out that the app will occasionally switch on the radio to get updates).
I recommend that you let JD manage your data and wi fi connections. It will intelligently use the radio that best saves battery. After some training, its like magic (it trains itself).
I've used several battery savers and I like Juicedefender best. It permits you to actually use the phone without disabling every damn facility and still get a day of use out of it.
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I think the phone does this without the help of additional apps. I'm losing only 1% per hour on standby with 3g enabled and auto sync. I did nothing special to the phone and I have no "battery saving" app. Does it, practically anyway, get any better?
Cheers from my DHD.
junta_mpb said:
I'm losing only 1% per hour on standby with 3g enabled and auto sync.
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You get 100 hours out of this phone with 3G enabled and auto-syncing Facebook, Twitter, etc? You must have got one out of that batch of super-phones that HTC accidentally produced.
bobbyelliott said:
You get 100 hours out of this phone with 3G enabled and auto-syncing Facebook, Twitter, etc? You must have got one out of that batch of super-phones that HTC accidentally produced.
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I'm trying green power at the mo.
What settings do you use for green power?
Mine settings:
Managing wifi and mobile network
checking traffic (0,1kB/s)
Starting at boot
Day Mode:
07:00 - 22:00
On 10min - Off 10min
On if power ON
On if screen unlocked
Night mode:
On 1min-Off 8h
On if power ON
On if screen unlocked
I don't see the need to use stuff like this. I unplugged mine this morning and I still have 85% left with some moderate use with Facebook on push, weather and e-mail on 1 hour and others on once a day or update when opened.
I should point out I am using the Cingular radio and Android Revolution HD 2.0.9 but even when I was on stock I didn't have a terrible drain unless I had HTC Sense syncing away to itself. That seems to be the key issue.
mngmng said:
What settings do you use for green power?
Mine settings:
Managing wifi and mobile network
checking traffic (0,1kB/s)
Starting at boot
Day Mode:
07:00 - 22:00
On 10min - Off 10min
On if power ON
On if screen unlocked
Night mode:
On 1min-Off 8h
On if power ON
On if screen unlocked
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Managing wifi and mobile network
checking traffic (0,1kB/s)
Starting at boot
Day Mode:
6:30 - 02:00
On 1min - Off 10min
On if power ON
On if screen unlocked
Night mode:
On 1min-Off 1h
On if power ON
On if screen unlocked
I'm using the premium one though so there is a few extra settings. It definitely works though.
bobbyelliott said:
You get 100 hours out of this phone with 3G enabled and auto-syncing Facebook, Twitter, etc? You must have got one out of that batch of super-phones that HTC accidentally produced.
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You may be missing the "on standby" part of my post that refers to the one made by another poster. The point is, I think the phone already disabled unneeded functions without the need for an app. My phone doesn't have unbelievable battery life, but it doesn't suck either.
Anyways, I think "battery saving" apps just end up using more power.
Cheers from my DHD.
I have dissconnected phone from computer on Sunday 7 pm. Started Juice defender. About three hours of reading comics, about 30 minutes phone calls, email few times a day and some internet/market (about 1/1.5 hours) and on Tuesday, 2 pm, I still have 34% battery. There was some music playing for about an hour and video clips for same time. Great result in my opinion. I think Juice defender works great. At least very good.
JD is alright, its not stellar but it does help (for me and my settings and usage). It will help a lot better if you purchase Ultimate Juice, that's when it starts to be interesting but that's the thing, you'd have to purchase it before you discover if its the best solution for you.
I don't think there's one app that will universally make our battery life better. The apps will help if you could make its functions play well with your settings and style of usage. Short of saying that if you find an app that will enhance your battery saving habits and capitalize on the opportunities that your phone can save power, then that'll be the best option for you...
JD is alright, UJ makes it a lot better...
It looks like it is better solution then buying extra bettery. Good job. I am gonna try it for some more time and if the effect will be the same I will get the UJ. Thanks.
junta_mpb said:
You may be missing the "on standby" part of my post
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No, I didn't miss that part. This phone does not drain at 1% per hour with 3G and syncing enabled - in standby or not in standby. It just doesn't. And there are newbies reading this forum who might believe your figures.
bobbyelliott said:
No, I didn't miss that part. This phone does not drain at 1% per hour with 3G and syncing enabled - in standby or not in standby. It just doesn't. And there are newbies reading this forum who might believe your figures.
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It does. I sleep for 8 hours, I lose 8%. I think its supports the argument that the phone only uses resources when needed. Since it doesnt sync the entire time and only when its scheduled to, I dont see this is as an impossible figure.
Lets try to remember the context comments are presented in this thread.
Android Assistant 2.2
Hi all, I would like just let you know, I tried a lot of apps for improving battery life, incl. Juice defender, and I must say the best one I tried is Android Assistant 2.2 build 15, after few settings I can say is really the best : full auto sync on gmail + company mail + weather, screen on 10%, screen off after 30s, gsm only, mobile data always-on, playing tank hero and few more games couple times a day, phone calls 30 - 45 minutes per day, 10 - 15 text per day, GTalk always on - and using quite a lot, wifi is on from 7.00 pm till 12.00 am, vibration always on, and result Full 2 days without any problems and overnight no any limitations, if I am using limitations overnight and not playing so much, and no wifi, battery will make easy 3 full days...
m7svk said:
Hi all, I would like just let you know, I tried a lot of apps for improving battery life, incl. Juice defender, and I must say the best one I tried is Android Assistant 2.2 build 15, after few settings I can say is really the best : full auto sync on gmail + company mail + weather, screen on 10%, screen off after 30s, gsm only, mobile data always-on, playing tank hero and few more games couple times a day, phone calls 30 - 45 minutes per day, 10 - 15 text per day, GTalk always on - and using quite a lot, wifi is on from 7.00 pm till 12.00 am, vibration always on, and result Full 2 days without any problems and overnight no any limitations, if I am using limitations overnight and not playing so much, and no wifi, battery will make easy 3 full days...
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Sorry but I can't find it on the market. Is the app's name correct?
mngmng said:
Sorry but I can't find it on the market. Is the app's name correct?
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Original name is "Android assistant(12 features)", by Aaron, he done already few apps for improving battery life, very good app incl cache cleaner and few more extras.

[Q] Focus battery life after Mango 7720

How is the battery life compared to previous state? Better, worse or about the same? Please vote
It will be the same for the first 3 days and then gets better by a whole one more day (Don't know why).
For me the counter at the 1st 3 days said it will last for 1 day and 18 hours now it says that it will last for more tan 2 days and 18 hours and some times 3 days and 5 hours.
I tested it and it lasted for 2 days and 11 hours and there was still 17% of battery life (Lite usage , some 3g usage and listening for 30 minutes for music and around 2 to 3 calls of 15 minutes total).
Hope that helps
It does, thanks! Replies are welcome and there's a poll on top so please vote
I leave WiFi and data connection switched on all te time ... I used to get about 18 hours ... Still get Te same ... Comparing 7720 RTM with official mango update ...
Sent from my SGH-i917 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App
Battery life on my focus with mango and even before mango has been better than any other smartphone ive owned. I cant complain at all.
I was going to post a message on the battery too.
Poll is a great idea.
I just finished charging it after installing Mango. I will see how much it lasts.
I wanted it to drain out and recharge it so I can see how it is with Mango. It didn't gave up easily.
My initial impression is that battery is improved.
However, when talking about battery life, it's crucial to keep in mind what services the phone is using and what apps are installed.
For example, things like sound enabled for key presses, or having WiFi on or off, whether you play games, what apps you run, etc are important.
For my test, I want to see how long the battery lasts with a very basic usage. WiFi turned off, without running too much app or play games, giving\receiving few calls(I do not talk too much on the phone).
I heard for example that Samsung app Now drains out battery pretty fast.
Also, lack of signal in some areas, also means alot for power consumption.
6 days + 7 hours
no WiFI enabled
no games played
max 2 hours of talks in total(I talked once like 1 hour)
How does it sound to you?
For me it looks fine although I am wondering how much would it last if I have Wifi enabled(for the same amount of talking duration).
6 days, What?
I only get 3 days and 15 hours if not using the mobile phone at all.
Can you please post a screen shot of the battery saver
I am in the 7th day actually now
The statistics displayed in battery saver are very wrong. I am not sure how it computes the remaining time.
When I posted yesterday, it showed 6 days since charging and only few hours remaining.
Now it says, 7 days and 1 hour since charging, remaining: "less then 1 hour", remaining battery life: 6%.
Last time I charged, I noticed that battery doesn't get to 0%, most probably it needs some energy to preserve data, so it will probably only keep me for few hours today.
I will post a photo soon, right now I don't have other device to take a photo of it.
Last time I fully charged the phone was when it was completely empty. Maybe it's important.
I can only hope the battery life won't degrade in the next year.
Ok, so now we have some votes so I can share my bits and why I started this thread.
Before 7720 I was on 7660 (Mango Beta1, not 7712)
The battery was certainly better than in NoDo. Actually, I'd say my phone had the best battery lifespan in 7660, than in all other versions.
Standby: 3+ days.
Night stand-by: 3% consumed (cca 7-8h)
On average use: 1 day and 20h
For me, average use means:
- Cellular data connection on during the day (I switch it off during the night)
- Some wi-fi to check new apps, say 20 mins daily
- About 1-2h playing.
- Minimal calling (several minutes).
Standby: almost 3 days
Night stand-by: 4%
On average use: 1 day and 10h
Stand-by means no data connections.
As an observation, stand-by time is almost similar. There is a noticeable drop in battery time once data connections come in play (cca 10-20% for me, compared to 7660). I am not going to revert to 7660 to re-test.
One more thing: after upgrading to Mango, I had AccuWeather app installed and running in background. I had to disable it because the battery life was getting under 24h (actually more like 20h). So if you have apps that run in the background, that might be one of the reasons why the battery life dropped for you. Once I disabled it from working on the background, I'm experiencing very similar times to 7660, but still the data connections consume just a bit more.
How are people getting 3+ days!? When at 100%, my Focus usually says like 12-13 hours. I have a Gmail email account set to push, and a Hotmail account set to receive email every hour. I have Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn linked on my phone. I have Messenger and Facebook Chat set to off. I always have wifi/bluetooth off, unless I need it for a few minutes.
I am thinking I should flash to 7004 again and update to Mango from the beginning.
I walshed my phone for Nodo, then did the fix, then used the windowsphonehacker method for Mango and got the "Samsung Update" when Mango was released.
Thinking maybe my install is just a little off due to the route I took to get here.
Anyone else have battery life as bad as I do? If I use my phone non-stop for like an hour (people hub, web browsing, facebook app, etc...) I can burn through a ton of battery.
EnderPsp said:
How is the battery life compared to previous state? Better, worse or about the same? Please vote
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Make sure to do a reset immediately after the update to the *official* Mango (not the tricked one).
The BL seems to be much better and is a small cost for the rewards. You will erase your phone, but it's worth it. The BL seems to be much better than NoDo.
To increase battery life when you have data connections on:
- keep the brightness to low
- keep the ringer on vibrate when you can
- disable background apps
- don't keep applications opened in the background
These save me a good % of battery on a daily basis.
Also, unless really necessary, disable data connections during the night.
@rkremers: with the above settings and no data connection I get 3-4% loss evey 8h or so. If you calculate, that's about 12% per day. Which gives about 9 days for standby, as someone else on the forum was saying, which I incline to believe. This weekend I will test this too. I won't touch the phone at all until Sunday evening. So I'll have the power consumption on standby for 2 days.
dang enderpsp... Now I'm for sure gonna flash to 7004 and start from scratch, to see if it gets better. Probably do it Sunday sometime due to busy Friday night/Saturday.
Thanks for weighing in...
rkremers said:
dang enderpsp... Now I'm for sure gonna flash to 7004 and start from scratch, to see if it gets better. Probably do it Sunday sometime due to busy Friday night/Saturday.
Thanks for weighing in...
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You're welcome. Keep in mind that a "tired" battery can also be responsible. I see lots of wrong advice given across the forum.
How to Prolong Lithium-based Batteries is a long read, but in the long run, you'll benefit from it, as a lot of devices use nowadays these types of batteries, including cars!
LE: As a refresher for me, I searched again and found this. While it's not as detailed as the one above, it contains good advice.
so, I flashed to 7004, then let Zune upgrade to Mango... I'm at 95% battery now, and it says 1 day 5 hours... 1 day 10 hours with battery saver on.
Not sure if it will actually last that long, but before I did this, it would say about 13 hours on a full charge with battery saver on... so clearly my phone did not like being walshed, unwalshed, hacked to mango, etc... Guess in the future I'll install leaked versions of WP7, but go back to zero when they officially release.
I finished the weekend standby test (2 days). This battery is 9 months old.
- Battery saver off
- No data connections/wifi
- Sound on
- Low brightness
- No alarms
- No background apps
- No touching the phone
After 24h: 91%
After 48h: 79%
Had a phone call (didn't answer) and one alert (didn't dismiss), in the second day. After 24h I just turned on to check battery status (<20s).
The end result speaks for itself, approx 10% battery per day. So, it can give 9+ days on standby.
Next weekend I'll do the same test with battery saver on and update here.
I just got a Samsung Focus and the battery seems to lose power at the rate of 2% an hour. Is this normal? data connection is not active, no games, no youtube videos just a quick e-mail check and 2-3 min call.
Is this likely to improve after a few more battery charge cycles? I have followed all instructions like disabling location services and background apps.
Tornado54 said:
I just got a Samsung Focus and the battery seems to lose power at the rate of 2% an hour. Is this normal? data connection is not active, no games, no youtube videos just a quick e-mail check and 2-3 min call.
Is this likely to improve after a few more battery charge cycles? I have followed all instructions like disabling location services and background apps.
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How is the antenna signal? What type of connection?
Antenna signal is pretty good 4-5 bars. Just regular connection not 3g. E-mail auto syncs have been set to manual.
Battery seems to be original Samsung.

