Vote on Locale integration with Scenes in HTC Sense - Hero, G2 Touch General

For those of you that use Locale, you may or may not know about the feature request forum, which can be found here.
I have just submitted a request for integration with Scenes, and while this is primarily aimed at the developers, someone else could also develop a 3rd party plugin for it (check out the recently completed Request a URL setting here).
If you think this is something you'd also like to see happen, please feel free to vote on it to push it up the list! To view the feature request, click here.
[N.B. I don't know if this will even be possible, as I don't know how the Sense UI is integrated with the rest of the OS. Figured it couldn't hurt to add as a suggestion though!]


Feature requests - give them to me!

I am parsing a list of feature requests for the next update on touch innovation
Basically post whatever you want to see on there to make your browsing experience easier!
(see sig for link)
not sure if you have this already
but how about a mobile version of the site where you can
easily download the cab files to the phone
Sorry you have already something similar
Keep up the good work
Yeah I do,
It will automatically re-direct you if your on your phone! But this feature is to be improved. I am also recoding the website's html to make it more cross-browser compatible!
Another feature soon to come will be "Add applications LIVE to the website" where you can add a program, choose the category and it will add it, with of course lots of security such as only cabs and zips allowed, and it will warn you when you download a "User-submitted" application, that it is liable for virus's. But each and everyone will be checked by our admin team.
Any more ideas?
Specific descriptions of what the programs are and do. The "copy and paste" of the author's descriptions aren't always descriptive enough to figure out what the programs really do or if they're worth a try.
The names themselves are good clues, but it's limiting.
I would also suggest taking out the narrative and simply write what the programs are. For example:
HTC Home Customizer:
"Do you have a HTC phone, that has the htc today plugin? No? Ah well doesn't matter because this programs automatically downloads and installs it for you, not only that.. but it lets you customize it to the tiniest detail.
Why not just say that it "The program customizes and if needed, installs the HTC Today plugin."
One sentence that says the same thing.
iContact - Burt Edition:
"Truburt has done it again. Yet more features, including:
- Improved scroll speed
- Improved search feature
- Lots of small improvements
- Lots of bug fixes.
This should be in the features section and a description of the program (it's differences to the others) should be there.
You get the idea. There's a lot of good stuff there, but I might just be the only one that have a hard time figuring out what the new programs do. It'll be obvious to a regular user, but to someone new, it'll be hard to figure out the difference between the three... four... five? iContact programs.
On that note, I suggest removing the old versions of Burt's iContact.
And maybe put the Main Features right under the Information section.

Event Drivin App Launcher

As some of you may know, I held a poll to decide on an application I would develop next. The winner is an Event Drivin APP Launcher. I have determined some of the events that I can catch easily, and the list is rather long. See the list here. What I want to know from you all, is what other events would you like to see? Sorry, but no GPS in this app, it is just too much overhead as I am trying to make this as small of a footprint as possible. Post here with your questions.
There already is something similar being developed by Schaps -
I'm really surprised nobody found my suggestion useful to develop network connection manager for WM -

Location Based Reminder

I was wondering if a Location Based Reminder Software would be a good idea to develop if it doesn't exist, i didn't try to search much for such software, while i always love to develop simple things my self (they will be free ).
what do you think? should i go for it?
any specific features should i include in?
Awesome idea - has commercial potential as well.
Besides that perhaps look at integrating with Notes - e.g. Shopping list and "grocery store". I sometimes put notes in as I go, so with keywords, your app could be running in the background and if set up, will pop up with the "grocery list" or something like that.
Nice, so let's get it on.
Commercial? no, at least not for the first couple of versions. let's do something good to the world
Project Location Based Reminder for Mobile
Started the project "Location Based Reminder for Mobile" on codeplex
as a start i will be using the built in tasks for storage.
LBRM V0.1:
- Uses windows built in tasks.
- Locations Based on Categories.
- Reminders assigned to a location category.
you can access the project from here
Note: This Application is still under development and it is not functional at all.
Please don't attempt to install on your device.
Note: Access Available only to members participating, if you want to participate in testing kindly let me know.
Note: This application is provided as is, no warranties or support. i take no responsibility of anything or any damage done by this software or any part of it.
What is the status of this project? I checked the link but couldn't find lbrm there.

Looking for Developers for Public Online Application Libary

Greetings all,
I'll cut right to the chase. I'm looking for a enthusiastic developer to help me develop an application for a 'iPhone' style app store.
I have some rough ideas on how to go about this, but im not completely in touch with the development of Windows Mobile Based applications.
The application will essentially connect to a hosted website of mine containing free / opensource / demo WM6 applications with the option to download and install to your phone.
I've thought of using a RSS style backbone for the application as i think it would be the easiest way to go about receiving updates from the website with links to .cab 's for download.
I'm aiming for this to be a free hosting service for aspiring developers to get their applications out there and easily accessable for others on their WM6 devices
The only thing i can really offer in return is credit on my application hosting page for the client software, and a agreed percentage of any revenue i may or may not receive in the future.
I am aware of the proposed one by MS but they are asking $99 for devs to post their applications on there, i would like for this to be a free alternative for poor devs.
Sorry for the long post, and any thoughts regarding this will be greatly appreciated! If anyone is further interested, provide your email and i can write up a more detailed explaination with diagrams.
**Edit: I've got a professional web developer who is a friend of mine on the Site side of things
I'll be keen to help out on the Web Side of things. Looks like M$ Apps is gonna be a failure.
Email me: 89jase<at>gmail<dot>com
Hope a few people get on board, sounds like a great idea!
Thanks Jase!
I thought no one here wanted to help. I'll be in touch with some further details.
Though i still need a someone to point me in the right direction with the client side of it. Any help is greatly appreciated!
Stop developing such things, that already exists...
Not that im trying to be rude when i say this, but why?
It's something i want to do, you havn't inputed contructively so why bother at all?
Futhermore, i do not know of a solution such as this currently developed. So if this is the case, perhaps you could link me to it? That would be helpful.

[REQUEST] Law Enforcement Field Database Application

I am looking for any application (Freeware/Donation/Open Source/Commercial) that has similar features to this.
I have looked all over the web for an updated version of this that would run on WM5+, but it seems that the publisher has been pretty inactive for a while and I haven't been able to contact them. I have also looked for other applications with similar features but have only found corporate software apps that are part of large client/server report and citation applications.
If anyone knows of any software that could replace this outdated version or if any devs would be willing to design a new app please post here or pmsg me for further discussion.
I know many that could benefit from such an application and that would be willing to donate to the development of an app or be willing to purchase a copy.
Thanks in advance.

