?!?! Whats wrong with my SMS ?!?! - Touch Pro2, Tilt 2 Themes and Apps

Ok so im getting this strange issue with my phone. Sometimes when i send an SMS/text i get 4 little options at the bottom of the screen offering me options to send a text, email that contact, update and events, or details. I only get this when i go to the SMS screen but not when i am responding to a text. like it i open the thread, those options at the bottom of the screen with the little MSN guy are not there, why is that?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
And any idea when they will make something for us to be able to make our photos rotate like the good ol days?

Just go back to the store



Don't you just hate snoopers. I mean people leaning over on the bus and peering over your shoulder at your text messages as you access your text inbox on your jasjar.
Wouldn't it be nice to just turn that auto preview off on text and email messages someway, somehow?
People, be careful in London, those snoopers may be more interested in your JJ/Exec/MDA/VPA/M5000 then your messages!
Hey, London's not that bad!
tell u what jah, I'm more worried about my messages than my jasjar, although someone would have to be very very brave to try anything with me,
anyway I'm actually always in the car with it, I would like some real super duper voice activation software, I know of all the standard ones but I found on my xda fonix was the best, by the wa any ideas how to turn the autopreview of messages off by the way
Anyone who snoops is risking a fat lip from me.
Nobody has any interest in the content of your messages.
They are only considering how many of them its going to take to hold you down while they mug you.
I usually give them full eye contact and ask solidly if they'd mind f** off.
It usually does the trick.
Also beware of the honey trap snooper gaff. ie. attractive lady snoops as a means to get into a conversation. She then starts asking questions about you, your life, where you live, what you do etc.
I've known people who've lost everything to gangs in this way.
And no, I am not exaggerating.
Where is the auto preview? Can someone post a screenshot? I've never used my universal for messages, so I've no idea how it looks. I'll see if anything can be done about it if it's possible.
Isn't it just a case of turning off "display" in the notification settings for New SMS messages? I set it up for my CAR profile on PocketZenPhone and it works a treat, so it should just show the notification icon, but NOT display the message bubble.
Isn't it just a case of turning off "display" in the notification settings for New SMS messages? I set it up for my CAR profile on PocketZenPhone and it works a treat, so it should just show the notification icon, but NOT display the message bubble.
hi guys, ok I've taken some time to catch up with the thread that I posted on snoopers and auto preview.
I think there's been a bit of confusion on the definition of auto preview. let me explain
When you access your messages be it text messages, mms or email, you will notice that when you go to inbox, the messages are displayed showing you the sender, directly underneath the sender you will see the message contents without actually entering the message.
I suppose its exactly like outlook where there is an option to show you the message directly underneath the subject line and not in a separate preview window.
I basically want to turn this option off as by default wm 05 shows you the message without opening it.
Help appreciated
Cheers guys

so i need a program...

ike i said, i need a program that i can pretty much seem to im people, but i need to do it over text messaging. anything would be useful
no one knows how to do this? do i really have to go buy a new phone for this? this is ridiculous...
How about PocketCM.
It arranges text messages in a thread like fashion.
The texts received from a number show in one colour, with your replies underneath in a different colour.
Worth trying maybe?
VERY much, thank you sooo much
i tried it on the phone but it doesnt support sim contacts... anthing else?
If you register for AIM mobile, you can setup your screen name to be online 24/7 and it'll fwd IMs to your phone. Only problem is there's no buddylist, and you can't really initiate conversations, only reply.
i really need something that i can initiate the conversation, but how do i sign up for it?

Multiple SMS problem

I've been using my HD for a while now and really like it, except for one wierd behaviour it has going on. If i click the new message icon on the "message" TF3D tab and then start writing the recipients surname (since it sorts the contacts by surname) it will give me some options from my contacts to choose from. If i pick one and click send, it will then give me a list of everyone with the same surname, so I have to click my recipient again.
It then gives me all of the possible numbers of the recipient, so I choose the right number, and then it sends the message. Except it sends it twice. Or sometimes even thrice.
It doesn't do this if I go through contacts or just reply to an SMS, only when I go through the message tab. This is a little annoying since I find it convienient to use. Anyone seen this problem before?
Also, why is it giving me more contacts with the same surname to choose from after I've picked the one it proposed? This is quite annoying, and once led to me sending a quite innapropropriate SMS to my girlfriends dad one drunken night...
any help would be greatly appreciated!
henrik2k said:
This is quite annoying, and once led to me sending a quite innapropropriate SMS to my girlfriends dad one drunken night...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
LOL - priceless!!! Did you ask him to snuggle?!

Alternate SMS feature

The SMS program (the gray/black one included on a stock Rhodium) is really buggy for me - dates/times being mixed up.
I send an SMS at 12:00 to my friend.
My friend then responds at 12:01 - but it shows up as if he had responded a few minutes earlier then the time that I sent the first message, say, 11:57
It's really wierd, and I'm not sure whats causing this.
All I do know is that I can't have this, seing how I text message _alot_.
Any suggestions on how to fix this, or how to get rid of the Rhodium SMS interface, back to the functional WM SMS interface?
EDIT: If you don't understand the problem, I'll make a video to demonstrate better.
I have the same problem, i dont really care but its strange anyway...
Are you sure that bot your phone and your friends phone are at the exact time?
Some phone don't write the time at which you receive the SMS but the time when you friend's send the SMS based on the time of his phone and sometime it takes the time of the server that relay the SMS
yup I had my GF adjust her clock so they are in sync. then no more problems!
I may be wrong here but, I think it does this when you text through the tf3d sms. When you read the message on the touch flo screen tap the all messages tab on the bottom left and text back that way. Then see if it still happens.
I'm not a huge texting fanatic but this is how I do all my texting. Through tf3d it doesn't do auto capitalization and such. At least I haven't found a way to do it.
Yes, thats what happens.
Supertrooper said:
I may be wrong here but, I think it does this when you text through the tf3d sms. When you read the message on the touch flo screen tap the all messages tab on the bottom left and text back that way. Then see if it still happens.
I'm not a huge texting fanatic but this is how I do all my texting. Through tf3d it doesn't do auto capitalization and such. At least I haven't found a way to do it.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I also prefered the 'old', standard WM SMSinterface rather than this new one, due to this bug - and the lack of auto capitalization.
What would one do to disable the new tf3d smsinterface, and just go straight to the WM one?
Tapping the "all messages" tab on the bottom left just gets annoying after some time, and I really don't prefer it.
Are we looking forward to a ROMupdate from HTC anytime soon, hms?
Sebacestmoi_666 said:
Are you sure that bot your phone and your friends phone are at the exact time?
Some phone don't write the time at which you receive the SMS but the time when you friend's send the SMS based on the time of his phone and sometime it takes the time of the server that relay the SMS
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I synchronized my phones time with my girlfriends phone, and this still occurs - but only with the TF3D SMS program, not the WM one.
It's freaking me out.
I for example had a diferent problem. Someone sends me a message for example 13:56 and I only receive the message later, after I turn on the phone from standby. Calls sometimes give me unavailable. With my older mobile phone I didn't had any problem with that. I was thinking that the radio update will sort out the problem, but no good. Still the same problem. A big lag between send messages and received. Anyone know the cause. I had also the same problem in my Asus P535 but it fixed someway. Even with the phone connected, some times I need to make a call or activate the 3G GSM connection to receive the notification of the message.

A couple of SMS grievances (maybe already answered but I couldn't find)

I've noticed a couple of SMS grievances that I was hoping there was a way to address. I'm running the stock rom 1.66.405.2 (WWE) and the HTC messages service.
The first one is that, when typing an SMS to someone I already have a conversation with, as it populates the list the screen will "jump" up a bit and highlight the latest message in the conversation. I can carry on typing, but now the keyboard is covering the text entry view so I have to stop and scroll down. Is there any way of stopping this known?
The other is that when I receive a message, if I am still on the messages tab on the home screen, the notification area icon will remain onscreen even after I have 'read' the message (the green counter on the tab disappears, but I didn't enter the messages service) or deleted it (as I would instantly with delivery receipts) until I move to another tab and come back to messages - or actually go into the service itself. It's annoying because if I lock the screen, the lock slider behaves as if I have a new message and is insistent on telling me.
If I'm not being clear enough, let me know and I'll try and clarify.
the first one is very known and has never been solved so far. there has been a mini Fix... where you add the messages tab to the quicklinks and then it won't happen. Not a fix for manila which i love and wish it wasn't enabled there.
the second one ... i have never solved myself. just got used to it.
Oh well getting a desire soon so will leave this Windows crap behind
may i know what u mean by adding the msg tab to quicklink?
I have tried adding HTC msging tab to the quicklink on the today's main page, but it didnt seem to help the jumping bit.
Really desperately need to solve the sms jumping problem thanks

