so i need a program... - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

ike i said, i need a program that i can pretty much seem to im people, but i need to do it over text messaging. anything would be useful


no one knows how to do this? do i really have to go buy a new phone for this? this is ridiculous...

How about PocketCM.
It arranges text messages in a thread like fashion.
The texts received from a number show in one colour, with your replies underneath in a different colour.
Worth trying maybe?

VERY much, thank you sooo much

i tried it on the phone but it doesnt support sim contacts... anthing else?

If you register for AIM mobile, you can setup your screen name to be online 24/7 and it'll fwd IMs to your phone. Only problem is there's no buddylist, and you can't really initiate conversations, only reply.

i really need something that i can initiate the conversation, but how do i sign up for it?



Sms Security Program?

Ive been searching and couldnt really find anything..
Right now im using a kaiser and im looking for a program that will protect my Sms messages
I want it to do.
-when i get a new message, it doesnt show up on the main screen
-To access sms's you need to enter a four digit code
-after 5-10 times, it deletes all of your messages
If anyone knows anything that can do this, please let me know.
google gave me this:.
I have this... but
It's okay, but it's a bit clunky. I guess that's teh best way to describe it. Although I have the complete "mobile suit" that has SMS, contacts, eWallet, and file protection.
It's cool, but like I said, it's clunky... cant come up with a better term.

Disabling Text Messaging

Does anyone know of a way to disable text messaging on the XV 6800? I dont use the feature and I get a ton of spam messages for some reason...Thanks in advance.
Anyone??? Even a registry setting to disable it woule be helpful...
Somebody has to have some sort of fix for me...I am tired of getting spam text messages...Not sure how they got my phone number...I didnt sign up for anything and never give my phone number out except to family and co workers...Somebody please help!!!
The only thing I can think of is to call Verizon and ask them to disable SMS messaging for sometime at least. See if they can block the numbers the spam comming from. Last resort is change your number. Providers are not very helpful when it comes to cell phone spam.
You don't want to really disable texts for good do you? That kinda defeats the purpose of the titan. How will you receive links and such from 411's and friends and links for programs? Man when I like to update things like google maps, skyfire, live search I go online and they send me the link immediately. Spam is going to happen whatever number you have. I think if you don't want texts you should sell your mobile, I have some old phones lying around that dont do texts.
Give this app a look see. It may be worth your while.

[APP][CAB]OneDialer - Google Voice Internet SMS and Dialer

*Dials numbers through your Google Voice account and has them ring back to your phone. With this app, your phone will automatically pick up the call once it comes in without your phone ringing.
*Sends and receives SMS messages through your Google Voice account with DATA.
*Integrates with your Windows Mobile contacts, so that you may dial to your contacts that already exist on your phone.
New Features from website download:
*SMS conversation threading
*Visual Voicemail with transcripts
This application works on Windows Mobile 6+ Professional with NETCF3.5 and above phones. The regular version should fit all QVGA-VGA phones, and the square version is pretty self explanatory.
The most up to date CAB will be on the website, and you can get updates on Twitter here, and help on the forum here.Thanks.
Update: Latest version is here:
Awesome app - waiting to fix my phone so I can try this latest version. Really love the sms abilities!
this is soooo coool! one question i have for safe is this really? because as u know GV links to your gmail now and whoever gets access to your gv will have access to your gmail!
m_drunk - my hero.
I will post some feedback as soon as possible.
Currently having some fun with it.
savior02 said:
this is soooo coool! one question i have for safe is this really? because as u know GV links to your gmail now and whoever gets access to your gv will have access to your gmail!
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It's as safe as anything else you do on the internet. Like I said, I'm not logging any credential just gets passed to to google with SSL.
I noticed a bug, when you manualy dial from the dial pad you can't dial the number 0, when you dial 0 it comes up as a 9
agrenwa said:
I noticed a bug, when you manualy dial from the dial pad you can't dial the number 0, when you dial 0 it comes up as a 9
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Fixed and re-posted the new cab.
Nice stuff.
My specs are:
Omnia running 6.5 - WQVGA screen. I know some of these problems might be related to that.
First, I love the fact that you now have that SMS history. It kicks serious ass - I can use my keyboard with xt9 in it no problem or shapewriter - so great work.
However, I do have a problem when it comes to loading my contacts... for some reason nothing shows up. Before I was able to. So, now if I need to send an SMS I have to go into voicemail find the contact and then sms there.
How is the notification system going?
Is there a way to integrate the phone contacts with one touch - or visa versa?
Anyhow, Kudos... great work.
Looking forward to future releases.
Relay address?
I would like to use this with my T-Mobile ToGo prepaid service. However, their data service is restricted to certain sites. There is a workaround but I need the IP address of your relay in order to make the mod on my phone. Oh, and I need to be able to change the URL of the relay to something with tmobile in the URL. Basically what I would do is create a dyndns entry of (or something) and then link that to your relay IP address.
Is there a way to change the relay URL in the application and can I get the IP address of your relay? I think it may work.
sid0101 said:
However, I do have a problem when it comes to loading my contacts... for some reason nothing shows up. Before I was able to. So, now if I need to send an SMS I have to go into voicemail find the contact and then sms there.
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You know what, I actually have a problem similar that I just noticed. It only loads mine up to the P's. Before it was a data source, and now it's enumerated. I'll work on that....don't know what it going on just yet.
sid0101 said:
How is the notification system going?
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Huh? What notification system? Do you want one? Like when a new SMS comes in, you want it to tell you?
sid0101 said:
Is there a way to integrate the phone contacts with one touch - or visa versa?
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Not really. What I had before, and what I hope to have again in a little bit is as close as I could get it. I did improve how the contacts worked, but it looks like I broke it too. Hopefully, I'll have the fix out later tonight.
mynametaken said:
Is there a way to change the relay URL in the application and can I get the IP address of your relay? I think it may work.
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No, yes, and no it won't.
m_drunk said:
You know what, I actually have a problem similar that I just noticed. It only loads mine up to the P's. Before it was a data source, and now it's enumerated. I'll work on that....don't know what it going on just yet.
Huh? What notification system? Do you want one? Like when a new SMS comes in, you want it to tell you?
Not really. What I had before, and what I hope to have again in a little bit is as close as I could get it. I did improve how the contacts worked, but it looks like I broke it too. Hopefully, I'll have the fix out later tonight.
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The notification system would make this awesome. I thought that you might have been working on one because I think you said that the other thread. Anyhow, it would be great if a notification system could be implemented somehow.
And I guess as far as features go - I know that you were not paying too much attention to aesthetics, but perhaps you could have a button on the dialpad for the SMS history, contact list, or favorites, or something... that way the dialer would just be the main dialer I always use. This all piggy backing on the hopes that you get the contact list to work.
Anyhow, heres to future builds
sid0101 said:
I thought that you might have been working on one because I think you said that the other thread. Anyhow, it would be great if a notification system could be implemented somehow.
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I was just messing with you. The notification is already there, I just commented out the messagebox that tells you there's a new message. I did that because I'm trying to figure out how to send the event to the phone instead of a message box, because the MB won't pop up if the app is running in the backround.
sid0101 said:
.. but perhaps you could have a button on the dialpad for the SMS history, contact list, or favorites, or something...
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if you don't put in any numbers and hit either the dial button or the sms button, the former takes you to your contacts(and I think I know what's wrong with it, fixing it now), and the latter takes you to SMS history.
sid0101 said:
However, I do have a problem when it comes to loading my contacts... for some reason nothing shows up. Before I was able to.
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Not a problem anymore. Fixed the contacts and a couple of other things and posted a new cab.
Great progress on this app (and in such a short time!). Finally just got the latest version installed and am playing around with it.
The buttons appear to be too big - I would guess I can see about a quarter of the icon I'm supposed to be able to see for ech of the numbers and the dial and SMS buttons down below.
When I click over to SMS history I get a "could not retrieve messages." error.
Dialing gets me a "web exception" error.
Im gonna keep playing with it though.
whoops. new build. should work now.
fixed the smsmessage history "error parsing message xml" error. new build posted. also fixed a small contacts error.
Is there a way to add an auto update function?
The screen does not fit properly in SE Xperia X1a. Can you make a version for WVGA?
waiting on qvga. would be happy to test.

?!?! Whats wrong with my SMS ?!?!

Ok so im getting this strange issue with my phone. Sometimes when i send an SMS/text i get 4 little options at the bottom of the screen offering me options to send a text, email that contact, update and events, or details. I only get this when i go to the SMS screen but not when i am responding to a text. like it i open the thread, those options at the bottom of the screen with the little MSN guy are not there, why is that?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
And any idea when they will make something for us to be able to make our photos rotate like the good ol days?
Just go back to the store

Send an SMS after a missed call and forwarding SMSs

Hi all,
My problem seems pretty simple but I can't seem to find the right answer/software.
I have 2 phones, one for work and a personal one which is a G1. When I go into the office I take my G1 with me but I leave it in my bag on silent as I can be away from my desk a lot and carrying 2 phones around is a pain. This leads to missed calls and so. I've tried searching for something that can help but there are so many programs and posts that are more to do with missed call notification light colours and things like that and it makes it difficult to find anything relevant to what I want. Also, I don't really want to use call forwarding if I can help it.
So, does anyone know of a program which can SMS details of a missed call to another phone and also forward SMSs that I receive to another phone? I'd simply like a program that I could run whenever I also put my phone on silent.
Thanks for your time in advance
k420 said:
Hi all,
My problem seems pretty simple but I can't seem to find the right answer/software.
I have 2 phones, one for work and a personal one which is a G1. When I go into the office I take my G1 with me but I leave it in my bag on silent as I can be away from my desk a lot and carrying 2 phones around is a pain. This leads to missed calls and so. I've tried searching for something that can help but there are so many programs and posts that are more to do with missed call notification light colours and things like that and it makes it difficult to find anything relevant to what I want. Also, I don't really want to use call forwarding if I can help it.
So, does anyone know of a program which can SMS details of a missed call to another phone and also forward SMSs that I receive to another phone? I'd simply like a program that I could run whenever I also put my phone on silent.
Thanks for your time in advance
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what is the other phone

