Orange Touch 3G flash - Touch 3G General

Hi all,
I recently got hold of a Touch 3G for a friend, and he is having a few issues with the Unique / UMA connectivity (surprise).
My question, do any of the other Touch 3G ROMS out there (like the vanilla HTC one) have the UMA / Unique feature? or would we lose that function with a reflash?
Anyone out there done such a thing, there seems to be little info about UMA / Unique anywhere, I am surprised.
Thanks in advance,

there is little info on the unique stuff because it's fairly pointless and not very well done by orange.
I reflashed mine to a custom rom to get rid of all the orange customizations like that

Unique seemed a little pointless to me. I flashed to a normal HTC WWE ROM and was done with it. Obviously I still have wifi etc, and really, unique seemed pointless. In order to get the phone and not pay a fortune for it, you needed to get an expensive contract with lots of minutes anyway so you might as well use them.

Thanks for the responses
... but the reason for using Unique is NO cellphone signal at home, or in fact for a large region of the local area (you would not think we lived in the South East of England would you.)
So I take it that there is no UMA functionality in any of the better alternative ROMs for the Touch 3G/Jade, pity.
I know that there are a number of other threads on the subject, but any other thoughts on how to get the best out of it rather than abandon it altogether???

I would imagine that the unique part is just a few apps, I don't see a reason why one of the developers couldn't pull it out for you. and then you would just install the app on a cutom rom.
I don't know if this would work but i see no reason why it shouldn't it's just a matter of getting the right apps, in fact you could do it yourself.
if you look at the kitchen i think it tells you have to download you current rom and extract it, then find the right apps and try to install a custom rom and then install the apps.
it might work and you could alwasy go back if it doesn't.
I think i would keep the unique stuff on the phone if it wasn't for that fact that it makes the wifi so hard to use.

UMA on T-Mobile
Anyone figured out how to do UMA on T-Mobile?


Newbie needs your help in choosing a phone

first of all let me thank you for a brilliant forum. I was looking for a forum with loads of information on pocket pc phones and i guess i found you guys.
Okay I'm a total newbie and I need help with choosing between three phones and i'm extremely confused as to what i should choose.
I'm with orange and they are offering me:-
1. NOKIA N95 (Not the black edition, but does come with 8gb) - Has all the features, but i've heard these are very buggy and slow
2. TYTN II - Has all the features that i need, except the keypad is eithier virtual or i have to pull out the keyboard to make calls, which is a NO NO
3. TOUCH DUAL - Now this phone is the dream i was wishing for..i.e there is a keypad which exists, allowing me to quickly make calls, but then it has NO GPS and NO WI-FI .
My problem is that all phones have their advantages and disadvantages and therefore make it difficult for me to choose. Here is what i'm looking for:-
1. The phone must have a hard keypad (Not a keyboard or virtual keypad) to make immediate calls.
2. GPS is not immediately needed, but i hope that i can add it in the near future
3. WI-FI again is not urgently needed, but i hope that it can be added later in future
4. The phone software must be very adaptable software wise
5. Must be unlockable to all networks
6. Needs to have a decent battery life
I especially want to know about the Touch Dual..can this give me what i need?
2 & 3, u'd better assume a "no" in touch dual forever. if finally a brilliant brain solves it, it's a bonus. better not assume you can get it in "near future". meanwhile, you may have interest on this thread
4. Windows Mobile is an open platform that allows installation of the millions of programs in the market. meanwhile, pls be prepared that "soft reset" is unavoidable for the M$ product, just like reboot upon "blue screen" in win98.
5. see this
6. it's very dependent on personal habit. e.g. how many phone calls a day? how much data connection? how much online/offline content browsing? how much game playing? the word "decent" is very subjective as well. in general, if you work in office for most of time, it's not a worry at all, as you can easily recharge your WM devices from a pc using a standard usb cable.
hope this helps
many thanks pp18 your reply has been very helpful.
I use the phone 90% of the time to make outgoing battery life is fairly important
Regarding GPS...for the time being, can Touch dual work with a GPS receiver?
if you're very worried about the battery life, you can always bring a spare battery with you. can't share much on this, as it's always easy for me to find a usb cable to charge up my device even i forget to do it the night before.
re gps, yes you can use an external gps module and let it communicate with touch dual through bluetooth. you may have interest on this.
hi pp18.
I rang orange yesterday and after having a long chat with them, they backed off the n95 and tytn II as they said that the person who offered the mobiles made a mistake. I only had a choice between a nokia 6500 classic/slide or the Touch Dual II. Hope i made the right choice as i chose the Touch Dual II.
I thank you for helping me with all these questions and definately have interest in using an external gps receiver.
As a total newbie and after reading your links, can you clarify the following questions i have please? :-
1. If i use the recommended GPS receiver with the t-dual, is it as accurate and speedy & reliable as a general tomtom device would be? What i'm trying to say is that are there any known issues with GPS receivers and a phone? For example does the phone regularly lose signal and can't tell where i'm going.
2. Can i install tomtom software on it?
3. From your experience, has the guy who charges £5 to unlock this mobile, messed up anyone's phone?
4. I live in an urban area...Is it true that this phone has serious signal issues?
5. Lastly i have heard that the orange installed software is slow, drains the battery and unreliable. How difficult is it for a novice like myself to install a new rom that is faster and better than orange? Also what is the best/reliable rom going at the moment?
Many thanks for your very helpful info.
in general, bluetooth communication between an external gps module and a WM device shouldn't be a problem. for details and specific to your area, i suggest you ask in the Niki Accessories forum so that your neighbours can offer better help.
for flashing cooked rom, i personally not recommend it to newbies, as the worst case for a wrong operation is "brick" the device. and, a device with cooked rom will void the warranty as well. you'd better find a friend to help. for choice of rom, suggest you read the great articles in the Niki Upgrading forum.
i had pretty much the same options as you. and i went with the touch dual. it kind of puts a dampner on it not having gps or wifi inbuilt like the other 2, but wifi isnt really that big of a deal, internet surfing on a phone screen is pretty worthless - if need be i just use gprs, its fine for my needs (i bearly ever used wifi on my old tornado). i already had a bluetooth gps reciver so gps isnt a problem, i just leave it in my car.
the touch dual is by far the most attractive out of the 3. the only thing i dislike is the camera, its not as good as the n95s. and i'd love tv out like the n95 has. i wouldnt want a tytn ii though. they're bulky and heavy and there is no need for all the extra weight just for gps and wifi.
thanks pp18 and ducamie.
From what you guys have told me so far, it sounds like i've made the right choice. Would you kindly help me with my remaining questions:-
2. Can i install tomtom software on it?
3. From your experience, has the guy who charges £5 to unlock this mobile, messed up anyone's phone?
4. I live in an urban area...Is it true that this phone has serious signal issues?
Thanks So Much!!!
tomtom installs great.. version 6 is pretty awesome with touch screen.
if you need it unlocking, i'd deffinatley use olipro's simunlock, its £5, its very safe, and your only other option is to pay £20 at imei check. with olipro's it cid unlocks your phone too. i wish he'd brought it out sooner.
ive never had problems with signal, its always been fine, if youre living in an urban area i wouldnt worry about it.
thanks so much ducamie!!! i look forward to seeing my phone.
Btw, do you have an orange dual? If so, have you updated it with another rom or have you left it as it is?
hey. yeah, got an orange branded niki.
i flashed tom_codon's rom after flashing the hardspl to get rid of the orange stuff on the phone more than anything but its a good rom generally, i'd upgrade it if i were you (once youre familiar with what youre doing ofcourse). might aswell.

Compatibility Amongst the Different Touches?

I first off would like to start off by saying I'm in the market of getting a new cell phone, and am really interested in the touches. I'm a college student, so I really can't afford TOO much, but am just wanting some good bang for my buck, and I feel the touches are just what I'm looking for.
However, I really don't have much of a clue which I'm wanting to get. First off, my carrier is GSM (T-mobile). My concern is the number of applications or ROMs that the various touches have. For example, do roms and apps that are meant for the elf work on the Opal? I'm wanting something like the touch, but a bit faster, as I've heard many complain that the elf is a bit slow. Also, is the Opal considered the "Touch Enhanced"? There are WAY too many nicknames, and they are all very confusing for me.
Simply put, I'm trying to find a touch that can at least play youtube movies at good frame rates (from wi-fi), and run most apps or roms well. However, I don't want to buy a model of touch and realize that there are no real mods for it to "pimp" it out. I have looked around on the search, but I feel these questions are a bit too "common sense" to be easily found anywhere.
Lastly, I'm not interested in a data plan, as I'm mainly wanting to use it as a PDA (don't need push-email or internet everywhere I go). Frankly, I live in a city dominated w/ wifi, and will be covered by that everywhere I go. Without a data plan, what apps or features will I be missing out on?
I really appreciate ANY help. Thanks for everything!
TAhsifter88 said:
I first off would like to start off by saying I'm in the market of getting a new cell phone, and am really interested in the touches. I'm a college student, so I really can't afford TOO much, but am just wanting some good bang for my buck, and I feel the touches are just what I'm looking for.
However, I really don't have much of a clue which I'm wanting to get. First off, my carrier is GSM (T-mobile). My concern is the number of applications or ROMs that the various touches have. For example, do roms and apps that are meant for the elf work on the Opal? I'm wanting something like the touch, but a bit faster, as I've heard many complain that the elf is a bit slow. Also, is the Opal considered the "Touch Enhanced"? There are WAY too many nicknames, and they are all very confusing for me.
Simply put, I'm trying to find a touch that can at least play youtube movies at good frame rates (from wi-fi), and run most apps or roms well. However, I don't want to buy a model of touch and realize that there are no real mods for it to "pimp" it out. I have looked around on the search, but I feel these questions are a bit too "common sense" to be easily found anywhere.
Lastly, I'm not interested in a data plan, as I'm mainly wanting to use it as a PDA (don't need push-email or internet everywhere I go). Frankly, I live in a city dominated w/ wifi, and will be covered by that everywhere I go. Without a data plan, what apps or features will I be missing out on?
I really appreciate ANY help. Thanks for everything!
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Please read WIKI's for information on each device
Elfin -
Vogue -
JADE or Touch 3G -
To answer your other question - most apps and programs can work with any windows mobile device - Most programs will say whether they are Windows 5 only or 6 only or 6.1 only if so. Also screen resolution is a factor for some programs vga - qvga etc..
ROM upgrading is device specific - do not put a ROM intended for Opal on a ELFIN or a ROM for Elfin on a Vogue etc....... Despite there similarities, there are differences and they are different devices.
Thank for the response!
I've taken a look over those wikis, and they helped quite a bit. However, I'm a bit lost with the elfin. In concerns of updating ROMs, is it the same as the Elf? There is no board for the Elfin, and there's not much data about the Elfin. I understand the main difference is the increase in RAM, as well as the jump from wm6.0 to 6.1, but I've also heard that the elf is compatible with 6.1. Would elf roms work just fine w/ elfin? I know that's not the case /w most others, but it just seems to me that the site combined the two.
Lastly, I can imagine the best place to find a list of roms is on the boards dedicated for that specific phone. Are there any major apps or features that won't function if I am not on a data plan? I tried searching, but it seems the majority have plans, and the few that do not don't mention the downfalls. I understand there is no push-emailing or no internet everywhere, but do some apps flat out not work at all w/o a data plan? Will the apps that require internet work over wifi? I know blackberry is STRICT with what they limit you on, and I was wondering if it's the same case here?
Thanks again for the reply!
TAhsifter88 said:
Thank for the response!
I've taken a look over those wikis, and they helped quite a bit. However, I'm a bit lost with the elfin. In concerns of updating ROMs, is it the same as the Elf? There is no board for the Elfin, and there's not much data about the Elfin. I understand the main difference is the increase in RAM, as well as the jump from wm6.0 to 6.1, but I've also heard that the elf is compatible with 6.1. Would elf roms work just fine w/ elfin? I know that's not the case /w most others, but it just seems to me that the site combined the two.
Lastly, I can imagine the best place to find a list of roms is on the boards dedicated for that specific phone. Are there any major apps or features that won't function if I am not on a data plan? I tried searching, but it seems the majority have plans, and the few that do not don't mention the downfalls. I understand there is no push-emailing or no internet everywhere, but do some apps flat out not work at all w/o a data plan? Will the apps that require internet work over wifi? I know blackberry is STRICT with what they limit you on, and I was wondering if it's the same case here?
Thanks again for the reply!
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Actually, my elfin only came with Windows 6.0 not 6.1. With regard to Rom's I havn't upgraded mine ever, so I can't tell you much about it but that there are some WM 6.1 custom Roms available for the Elfin in these forums. Most are linked to the Elf forum and Elfin Rom's I have found in Elf ROM threads with Elfin ROM Links. I don't have a data plan with mine - Use only WIFI as there are tons of open WIFI networks in my area. I havn't yet found any apps that dont work over WIFI instead of using data plan but I havn't tried every single app out there yet. Most apps that require internet will work over WIFI though. I check my email, surf the web, use various weather apps, listen to internet radio and Sirius radio online and even use google maps etc... all work great over WIFI. I live in Canada so (rediculous data plans here) so do not have a data plan for that reason. Would love an unlimited data plan to be able to listen internet radio anywhere I go.
Wow.. you're a goldmine of information. I really appreciate all the help! I feel completely sold on it now. Thanks again!

No more BR roms - I sold my iPAQ

Hey people,
Yesterday I got fed up with my iPAQ 910c, put it on craigslist and sold it for not much less than what I originally paid for it.
Mainly, the lack of Cell-ID support from HP was really annoying: all kinds of times when I wanted a quick sense of where I was from Google Maps, I'd have to wait a long time for a GPS fix and make sure I held the phone out with a clear view of the sky. Not exactly convenient. And even though Rogers is selling the iPAQ 910c on contract, HP hasn't provided an rilgsm.dll with Name Display (CNAP) support. Stupid.
That, and WM6.5 brings with it (in my opinion) features that really prefer a higher-res screen. And a directional control more advanced than a scroll wheel. And a light sensor to automatically adjust brightness (as opposed to me having the 61x/91x brightness control on hotkey, lol). And more speed. I'm getting an Xperia X1.
It was fun cooking with y'all, and so I leave you in the capable hands of monte & keyx. Adios amigos!
Sorry to lose your development skills on the 910 - I always enjoyed your ROMs.
Happy trails!
many thanks to you..
i'm still running your WM6.5 on my ipaq.
but, i'm also wondering to replacing my ipaq with xperia. how does xperia compared to ipaq 912, i just want to know from your point of view.
So far it is awesome - the 800x480 screen is amazing with WM6.5, and the device seems to get both better speed and battery life than the iPAQ. That, plus the Xperia has just enough less width than the iPAQ for me to wrap my hand around when I'm carrying it, running, etc. Not only does Cell-ID provide instant estimates of my location in Google Maps (which itself looks amazing at WVGA), but GPS fix seems to take a fraction of the time it did on the iPAQ.
I can't do one-handed QWERTY typing as quickly or easily as with the iPAQ, but with two hands I don't notice much difference. The screen doesn't pick up nearly as many fingerprint smudges as my iPAQ did. And the optical trackball functions more like the little "pearl" on Blackberries, something HP should have put in the middle of that giant D-PAD.
But basically the screen is the biggest improvement: I went from seeing like 3 titanium homescreen entries on the ipaq (with WM6.5) to now seeing all of them at once. That's huge. I nearly broke even on the upgrade too - bought the iPAQ on eBay this January for like $240, sold for $200 on craigslist, and just got the Xperia from Rogers on a 3-year contract for $225.
Thankfully, there is a large ROM cooking community already in place for the Xperia, so that takes some of the pressure off. My understanding is that cooking for the HP devices is relatively easy once the tools exist; the SD-Loader isn't checking for signed ROM images so no low-level device unlocking is required. HTC phones are a different story - even the ones sold "SIM unlocked" still come with a bootloader that won't accept custom ROMs, and certain XDA gurus have to make a "HardSPL" modified bootloader before custom ROMs can be flashed. Case in point: the poor suckers with the Palm Treo Pro are still without any custom ROMs whatsoever, because the phone isn't quite popular enough to have reached somebody who can make a HardSPL (they're working on that).
Once a HardSPL exists, though, HTC ROM development tends to explode because they keep using the same underlying hardware. Thus the Xperia light sensor is the same as the one on the Touch Diamond and Touch Pro; the radio hardware is interchangeable with those phones too. Moral of the story: check out the state of ROM development before you buy.
soory 2 hear u are out of ipaq roms u had good ones
anyway good luck with your new device and try 2 keep a look 4 plastic cracks
i 4 myself like the front KB like the 6900 900 i780...
i had the ipaq 800 (data messenger) with light sensor dpad sensor very fast gps...(device generl speed slower then the 900 and have no SR )
had some htc devices with sliding hard KB but on such devices i found myself using software KB (if u sms or need somthing short u will see it 2)
the screen must be a great thing
enjoy and tnx 4 all
Good look with the new toy. dare you betray us front facing keyboard lovers!!!
It was good having your roms and of luck with the Xperia!!
I'm currently waiting for a replacement 910c from Rogers right USB connector stopped working Maybe I'll just replace my phone altogether...but...I must have WM, front facing keyboard, gps, wifi, and 7.2mbps dl speed
We'll see what comes out...Samsung looks like it might have a good rival
Again, many thanks and good luck!
Well, congrats on the "upgrade" - I thought someone on Rogers would for sure go for a quad-band phone, but maybe the tri-band will work well enough for you where you are.
By the way - the "cell ID" thing is being worked on, and I thought I had a quick solution involving "cell broadcast" settings in the registry. It's probably only weeks away from being fixed. Keep checking back to see if we get it right.
gfinockio said:
Well, congrats on the "upgrade" - I thought someone on Rogers would for sure go for a quad-band phone, but maybe the tri-band will work well enough for you where you are.
By the way - the "cell ID" thing is being worked on, and I thought I had a quick solution involving "cell broadcast" settings in the registry. It's probably only weeks away from being fixed. Keep checking back to see if we get it right.
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lol I'm in downtown Toronto, but the Xperia is actually quad-band GSM (850/900/1800/1900) and tri-band UMTS (850/1900/2100). Which is exactly the same as the iPAQ.
I wish you the best of luck getting the Cell-ID thing working. I'm mostly just pissed that after all this time Inventec hasn't made a few simple changes to their radio firmware, and HP has the nerve to blame the network carrier in their documentation!
Anyway EREZYAD is right, these past few days my text entry has been split about 50-50 between the software keyboard in portrait mode and the hardware keyboard in landscape. Neither are quite as good as the iPAQ 910c, but the combination is sufficient.
so long benjaminries, never used your rom's but always sad to lose a chef
gfinockio said:
Well, congrats on the "upgrade" - I thought someone on Rogers would for sure go for a quad-band phone, but maybe the tri-band will work well enough for you where you are.
By the way - the "cell ID" thing is being worked on, and I thought I had a quick solution involving "cell broadcast" settings in the registry. It's probably only weeks away from being fixed. Keep checking back to see if we get it right.
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Whats up with the "cell ID" issue? Did you get fixed? Can you explain whats wrong with cell ID on HP iPAQ 910c?
zmadaric said:
Whats up with the "cell ID" issue? Did you get fixed? Can you explain whats wrong with cell ID on HP iPAQ 910c?
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The fact that the 910c doesn't seem to work with Google Maps "My Location" function without using GPS.
gfinockio said:
The fact that the 910c doesn't seem to work with Google Maps "My Location" function without using GPS.
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This is corroborated by other apps like Navizon that also don't work on the HP 91x/61x.
Basically, the RIL interface specified by Microsoft has several API functions that apps are supposed to be able to call which should return an ID code that identifies the cell tower to which the phone is currently connected. As far as I can tell, the OEM (HP) is supposed to adapt firmware and corresponding WinMo driver files like rilgsm.dll from the radio manufacturer (Qualcomm) to meet Microsoft's specification; however some OEMs like HP "choose" not to implement these APIs such that requests by apps for the Cell ID return a constant error code.
There appear to be two alternative methods of retrieving the cell ID that might have given us hope for HP: (1) broadcast channels and (2) serial requests. But the first option is unhelpful in North America where GSM carriers don't use broadcast channels, and the second option (when I tested it) didn't seem to work either - basically there are a number of direct modem commands that can be sent over COM ports to ask for the cell ID. The results of my testing suggested that the problem lies, at least in part, within the radio firmware itself - perhaps provided to HP by their main manufacturer, Inventec.
To me, the fact that HP/Inventec didn't fix these problems - despite mass outcry by users - suggests that while HP is still patching up what they can on the software side (releasing ROM updates for keyboard and sound issues), whoever created the radio firmware (Inventec?) has sort of walked away, or at least has no stake in keeping existing customers happy.
What the xda-developers community knows about and is able to do with actual HTC hardware, by comparison, is huge...
You did the best bro. It is nearly 2010 and I believe that any other phone after that time should have a BIG scren.

Still struggling! HD2 on O2, no support! (edited!)

When i turn my HD2/Leo on, i get a box saying 'cannot connect modem, click here to check settings' or some rubbish
I normally press dismiss and thats that. However, now and again i'll get a screen come up from windows live saying there has been a problem and it keeps repeating, a bit like a bad curry.
I have problems connecting to mobile internet (not over wifi) so I phone O2, they say i need to switch wifi off to connect to 3G internet, i question what about when i'm out and about and no where near wifi? They say, yes or it won't connect. They aint got a clue! My understanding is that if a wifi connection is available then it'll use it, if not if reverts back to 3g, edge etc
I'm currently stuck on the 1.43 ROM, although I'm not sure if a ROM upgrade would do anything, and even if it did, i gotta piss about putting all the stuff and settings correct again (unless there is a back up program?)
How do i get the stock ROM back on if i ever send it back, and do away with the HSPL and put the phone back to standard?
If i do upgrade the ROM, it'll be to a genuine HTC one, hopefully without all the O2 rubbish they insist on messing up the phone with!
I'll be as blunt with you as you've been with your post. I could quite happily help you, but I ain't gonna do it until you edit out all the swearing on your post. I'm not a prude, but you're just plain rude to assume that that's okay.
You'll need to go into advanced mode to edit the title.
ive give up on htc hd2 now im gettin a iphone 3gs from o2 as replacement
Doing it now! I'm just so angry with this phone! Sorry!
northernneil said:
Doing it now! I'm just so angry with this phone! Sorry!
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That's cool mate - thanks for changing it. We're not all foul mouthed adults on here (I am, just to be clear, just not on the forums )
The message dialog you mention about not being able to connect is just an issue with software trying to use the connection before it's available. I'm hoping that this will be fixed by HTC, but having to close a dialog once every 4 or 5 times I reboot is no big deal so I can live with that.
The wifi problem you mentioned sounds compacted by an idiot at O2 not knowing what they're talking about. I've found that O2 CS range from very helpful and informed, all the way down to bog dwellers who prefer to hang up than listen. (I like to call them Stig.)
Basically, leave the Wifi off, unless you intend on using it. I only say that because of the amount of battery drain you'll get with it constantly searching for wireless sources. As far as the connection goes, yes, you're right. It should use Wifi over 3G, but use 3G if there's no Wifi (or 2G if there's no 3G), whether it's switched on or not.
You may need to check your settings. I'm on O2, so I can give you mine and see if they help.
As far as ROMs go, it's unclear, to be honest, as to what was fixed and whether anything was fixed for everyone or just a few. The whole ROM upgrade and hotfix thing has been very ambiguous, and HTC's descriptions don't help.
Try flashing a newer ROM, if you're up for starting from scratch again. You'll have to use Goldcard or HSPL to do this though, as you can normally only flash O2 ROMs on O2 phones. If you ever needed to send the phone back to O2 then you'd need to flash the original ROM on there first. I believe there's a thread in the ROM section that has the vendor provided stock ROMs, so that's the best thing to look for.
I hope this helps. If, you don't get anywhere with any of this advice then you may simply have a faulty phone. I assume O2 would just replace it for you (or put it in a new box and send it back).
Let us know if you want my O2 settings.
Cheers for that John.
I'm unsure about flashing ROMS to be honest, especially when there is no obvious advantage. It's not that i don't feel confident in doing it, it's if and when the phone needs to go back. I gather that once the HSPL is on there, that's it?
I'm going to see how i get on tonight with it (working nights) and if there's no improvement then I'll have a look around for a Standard Rom to flash, and a program to back the phone up.
I too can live with the modem message, although I can't believe HTC (who are coming through in the market) offer so little support!
I also, don't think O2 should have branded this phone, they didn't with the Iphone, so why these? It just makes support so much harder!
northernneil said:
I also, don't think O2 should have branded this phone, they didn't with the Iphone, so why these? It just makes support so much harder!
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Apple doesn't allow the branding of iphones. Everything has to be Apple's way. If O2 was allowed to brand it they would have.
meegulthwarp said:
Apple doesn't allow the branding of iphones. Everything has to be Apple's way. If O2 was allowed to brand it they would have.
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The oPhone?
Lol, if I don't get the hang of this phone soon, i'll be going back to an oPhone!
Seriously, i'll persevere! John, any idea how to get rid of the Sent from my HTC from the end of emails?
If you are thinking of changing roms then the stock 1.48 is what is available right now from HTC officially. There are cooked roms on here as well but I would take your time and stick with something that is "familiar", ie the stock roms from HTC, until you get up to speed, knowledge wise.
In terms of backup software try using Sprite Backup or SPB Backup to backup your mail, contacts, etc. Once you have installed a new rom you can restore these items but DO NOT restore your old rom system settings. If you download a trial copy of SPB Backup you will see what I mean.
No offence but please read the relevant threads on here on rom flashing BEFORE you jump in, then read them again so you have a thorough understanding of what you are doing. Good for you to know how to retrieve the situation if it goes wrong.
Hope this is helpful to you.
PS To get rid of the Sent message at the bottom of your emails or even modify it to your taste, do the following on your device:
Go to All Messages then select that so that you can see a list of messages. Then goto Menu>Tools>Options and click on the Signatures box.
Next, from the drop down menu, select your email account. You will see a large bos open up with Sent it.
Delete or change to something of your liking, click OK, job done.
PS You can download the manual direct from HTC as a pdf file.

htc hd2 telstra australia

I purchased this phone on Ebay and didnt realise at the time that it came pre loaded with Telstra software which prevents me form accessing the net etc. I am with "3" and would prefer to keep the phone - can anyone help solve this issue?
your quick fix would be to Flash a new Rom
Thanks for that. Next question - is how do I do that, where do I go, do I need to do via computer/net or phone/net - never done anything like it. Cheers
Oh dear
ok well you will have some fun then, most important is take your time dont rush
here is a link to get you started read this first
here is a link for a video to show the steps
It looks very complicated at first glanse but it is pretty simple
you can always ask here and many people will help you
Wow. Could probably do this.
This is all about getting a phone for my sister who has vey poor reception at her farm in the country but where my HD2 works great. None of her three children who all have different types of phones gets as good as reception has the HD2. She wants to buy a phone doesn't want to get it home and find the reception is poor and having wasted her money. I could sell her mine (as I quite like the look of the Desire) and try to tweek it - or she could get one of her own from ebay (item 300447152858) which has already been done. Question then is, will it have the same reception - what part of the phone tells me that sort of info.
ozmoran said:
Oh dear
ok well you will have some fun then, most important is take your time dont rush
here is a link to get you started read this first
here is a link for a video to show the steps
It looks very complicated at first glanse but it is pretty simple
you can always ask here and many people will help you
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the very first thing that you're gonna have to do is flash an older Telstra ROM after you HSPL it. then you can flash whatever ROM you want. i speak from experience. good luck!
no no no... The Telstra phone doesn't prevent you from connecting to the net, it simply doesn't have the settings to connect to 3...
Ring 3 and get all the settings and create a new connection on your HD2...
argentocruz said:
no no no... The Telstra phone doesn't prevent you from connecting to the net, it simply doesn't have the settings to connect to 3...
Ring 3 and get all the settings and create a new connection on your HD2...
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Actually, whilst you'll get your 3 sim working, you'll have problems getting any desent net connection
Advise, actually flashing HSPL & then custom rom. It all takes a bit of time reading & understanding how it all works but trust me its the best thing to do.
I had probs getting my 3 sim working properly but eversince I started using custom roms, on 1st boot the device picks up the 3 settings automatically & runs perfect
elinoc said:
Wow. Could probably do this.
This is all about getting a phone for my sister who has vey poor reception at her farm in the country but where my HD2 works great. None of her three children who all have different types of phones gets as good as reception has the HD2. She wants to buy a phone doesn't want to get it home and find the reception is poor and having wasted her money. I could sell her mine (as I quite like the look of the Desire) and try to tweek it - or she could get one of her own from ebay (item 300447152858) which has already been done. Question then is, will it have the same reception - what part of the phone tells me that sort of info.
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As far as reception goes, your best bet is to stick to telstra. Or 3 as a second option, which runs on the telstra network when roaming.
harry655 said:
I had probs getting my 3 sim working properly but eversince I started using custom roms, on 1st boot the device picks up the 3 settings automatically & runs perfect
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that's actually more because the cooked roms generally contain connectionsetup program that includes settings for most carriers than the rom itself. you can find it as a cab, which should work on the stock Telstra rom.

