[IDEA] Control your phone by sending Vibration!!! - Touch Diamond, MDA Compact IV Themes and Apps

I was very intrigued by the development of 'Seismo' application...which can detect vibration.
This is just an IDEA for a fun application.....and maybe...just maybe useful....
I'm sure u can isolate and identify the harder vibrations. With that said, lets say i left my diamond somewhere on my table...and
1) i TAP on the table twice....and my Diamond makes a noise in response...letting me know its location.
Or maybe i have it in my pocket...
2)Tap once while the music is playing to change the track....or to silent a call...or to ignore it...
and i'm sure this could be used for alot of other things.....let me know what u guys think..
Its a simple suggestions...if this is worth any of ur time....i would love to see an application like this.

nice idea!
hope someone will create this!

That's a nice idea There could be a problem with detecting the taps, but I'm really looking forward to such an app.

Real Reason??
solidkundi said:
I was very intrigued by the development of 'Seismo' application...which can detect vibration.
This is just an IDEA for a fun application.....and maybe...just maybe useful....
I'm sure u can isolate and identify the harder vibrations. With that said, lets say i left my diamond somewhere on my table...and
1) i TAP on the table twice....and my Diamond makes a noise in response...letting me know its location.
Or maybe i have it in my pocket...
2)Tap once while the music is playing to change the track....or to silent a call...or to ignore it...
and i'm sure this could be used for alot of other things.....let me know what u guys think..
Its a simple suggestions...if this is worth any of ur time....i would love to see an application like this.
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I am ready to develop the app. I have already downloaded the code for siesmo and changing it. But I am still trying to think of a really useful reason this app will accomplish.
So if people here can contribute and come up with some real reason.. it would be nice...
i mean I will still work on this irrespective ... and then may be share some code ...

Maybe switching the screen on/off? I mean it would be good to get fast some info on missed calls/unread sms by taping the table

- answer a incoming call (and automatical switch the speakerphone on?!)
- next/prev track in s2p/music-tab/wmp
- chance profile (vibrate/mute/..)
- dismiss reminders/sms/calls and stuff
- find the phone on the desk

But probably this app should work only if Diamond is lying on a table - Gsensor in horizontal position I don't want my phone to do strange things when I walk with it in my pocket

Kemot320 said:
But probably this app should work only if Diamond is lying on a table - Gsensor in horizontal position I don't want my phone to do strange things when I walk with it in my pocket
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That could also be preventable (most of the time) by instead of using one tap (fairly common occurance by chance) to three/or more taps.
The best use would really be to mute (music/mic/ring), while in pocket. That would really be useful. Just tap...tap...tap... and its mute.

Won't this kill your batteries? I mean you would have to poll the g sensor all the time in the background for it to work.
Also there is already G Trigger which could be configured to do something similar.

uniqueboy said:
Won't this kill your batteries? I mean you would have to poll the g sensor all the time in the background for it to work.
Also there is already G Trigger which could be configured to do something similar.
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I agree +1
Honestly i am still trying to find a good reason for this idea....

I am sure that if the code was written and could be made to do stuff with say a mort script, that people would find all kinds of unimaginable things that they could do with it!

I'm loving the feedbacks....
...like the issue with the battery.....very true..
but Seismo App .. was a battery drainer...but it was fun..
.We'll make it only poll if you run the application....it can still be useful...
say for instance ur studying and you were listening to songs on ur phone hooked up to the speakers...and you want to quickly change tracks...or ignore the call so u can keep listening....
or you studying and you wanna make notes of what ur reading...u tap once/twice..it starts recording..."note to self....blah blah blah " Tap again to end...
or Tap twice to run Microsoft Voice Command...
If it's not going to take too much effort..i really think its worth a try....i wish i could develop...i know i can do graphics...so i'll be helpful in that field...

You know a new game from the wii - they had an idea with the tabs : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYiYzrSuyFs
Perhaps something like that - we hav the controler and the monitor in one device

So many uses!
Just imagine, one tap for pause, 2 for next song, 3 for prev. song.
Double tap the table and it lights up and shows notifications.
Would be wicked!

If you've got your phone in your pocket while playing music, and you want next song you tap one time against your pocket (with the phone in it).
Your phone recognizes it and plays the next song. If you tap twice, it plays the previous song. Of course you can make more combinations!
The reason why this could be very handy, is because it's very annoying to pull your phone out of your pocket if you want it to play another song.
A bit the same idea but then in your pocket...

damn right.....especially when the phone has silicone casing...
even when i get a call..and its in my pocket..it'll take me soo long sometimes i miss a call...no joke.. if i can answer it just by tapping on it...that'll be nice...so i can tell them to hold on for 5 minz. then struggle to take out the phone in my pocket.

Here's a video of samsung s8000 Jet...it can regonize taps on the phone.........maybe they're using the same method we're trying to achieve


Is there way to add a sound to the opening of the keyboard?

Well the topic says it all.
I want to add a sound to the opening and/or closing of the keyboard.
Is this possible?
Any hacks for this? I suppose that the opening of the keyboard calls some kind of an event (since sliding it open changes the screen orientation) So can this same event call be used to assign a sound as well?
I also want to kno this and was going to ask right before I came 2 see this link...so please answer!
There are some really talented people here. I would have thought someone would have done this by now. But I assume, from lack of info, that this hasn't been considered before?
Would someone, who has the skill set to do this, consider looking into it and seeing if it is possible?
Thanks a million!!
Have a good one
Try this thread.....
That thread refers to the Herald, or Tmobile Wing. I found this thread and thats all I've been able to find for the Wizard or Tmobile MDA.
There may be a registry key that needs to be modified/added after installing the HTC Sliding Sounds application to make it 'active' for the Wizard.
Any ideas?
Im trying to figure it out too.. I dunno how to get it to initiate...
Need someone with the Herald (T-Mobile Wing) to help
Under HKEY\LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\HTC\SlidingSound there are 2 keys 'ActiveSlidingSound' and 'SlidingSoundEffect', these are for setting which sound of the 3 available to use, I'm assuming.
Anyone out there know someone with a Herald or T-Mobile Wing that is willing to share what they have in this folder in their registry?? Maybe there's and EnableSound key or something to that effect that us Wizard users can add and we'll have a happy day!
chris.wilcox said:
Under HKEY\LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\HTC\SlidingSound there are 2 keys 'ActiveSlidingSound' and 'SlidingSoundEffect', these are for setting which sound of the 3 available to use, I'm assuming.
Anyone out there know someone with a Herald or T-Mobile Wing that is willing to share what they have in this folder in their registry?? Maybe there's and EnableSound key or something to that effect that us Wizard users can add and we'll have a happy day!
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I just checked mine and under SlidingSound, there are 3 folders... 0, 1, and 2. Each folder has 3 keys... Default, in, and out. "Default" is the name for the sounds (ex: Wind Chimes, Piano, and Xylophone), "in" is the location of the file used for when the keyboard slides in (ex: Slider0_in.wav), and the same applies to "out" for when the keyboard slides out (ex: Slider0_out.wav).
Also inside the SlidingSound folder are 2 more keys... ActiveSlidingSound and SlidingSoundEffect. ActiveSlidingSound refers to which sliding sound you want to use... so in this case it would be one of the 3 folders mentioned above (0,1, or 2). SlidingSoundEffect refers to whether or not you want the sliding sound on. (0 = off, 1 = on).
Hope this helps!
I installed the software that was made by JUVS....it does not work on my MDA.
Any other ideas? I had tried searching before I made this thread initially, and i had not seen the 2 that are discussed here. I apologize for having made a 3rd one.
Back on topic, I certainly hope this can be made to work. Any other ideas?
Thanks for all the info so far.
this is a really cool idea, i would also like to know how to do it...
freakingwilly said:
I just checked mine and under SlidingSound, there are 3 folders... 0, 1, and 2. Each folder has 3 keys... Default, in, and out. "Default" is the name for the sounds (ex: Wind Chimes, Piano, and Xylophone), "in" is the location of the file used for when the keyboard slides in (ex: Slider0_in.wav), and the same applies to "out" for when the keyboard slides out (ex: Slider0_out.wav).
Also inside the SlidingSound folder are 2 more keys... ActiveSlidingSound and SlidingSoundEffect. ActiveSlidingSound refers to which sliding sound you want to use... so in this case it would be one of the 3 folders mentioned above (0,1, or 2). SlidingSoundEffect refers to whether or not you want the sliding sound on. (0 = off, 1 = on).
Hope this helps!
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Thanks so much! This does help!
Unfortunately, I have the same keys on my MDA after installing the application for the SlidingSounds and it doesn't make sounds when I open the keyboard physically. I'm suspecting that the MDA is missing something, possibly a hardware switch (don't think so, though, cause it has to detect when the keyboard opens for landscape mode).
My guess is that this will not work on the MDA
Umfortunately I'm not a programmer, but I was thinking that the easiest way to get somethig like this to work would be to link the sound to play with the screen rotation instead of trying to get it to work when the keyboard is slid out which obviously isn't working anyway. It would play the sound if you rotated your screen manually, but I can't see why that would be a big deal. Maybe someone with a little programming knowledge could get this to work though.
I wanna keep this thread alive. SlidingSounds is something i wanna see work for wizards. It'll be cool if someone could craft a workaround or a new prog altogether.
Opening the keyboard is an event, shouldn't be hard to craft something to have it make a sound.
Any updates on this? I downloaded the app and it hasn't done anything, especially when messing with the registry. Thanks.
I've been working on tis as well but it seems that there is no way to adjust the registry to get it to work. I believe a app is gonna have to get the wizard to have this feature.
This would be so cool.. Alot of people have 'flip' style phones, and when they open them, they have some funny sounds. Would be great to have on the Wizard!
Anybody figured this out yet? I'm really sure it can be done.
im all about hacks for the wizard, but...
im assuming that you saw a wing and are trying to duplicate it...
WHY would you want it to do this?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!
same question for the menu pop sound?
those are the most annoying things i've seen on phone... well except for the default startup and shutdown sounds on all retail phones... when you turn off your phone, isnt because you're somewhere that you should be sure it wont be ringing/vibrating?
but on the other hand i still can't understand why people like to have the keys beep on their regular cell phones when they are txting...
sorry for the rant... i just don't get it
Bells and Whistles.
ndn715 said:
im all about hacks for the wizard, but...
im assuming that you saw a wing and are trying to duplicate it...
WHY would you want it to do this?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!
same question for the menu pop sound?
those are the most annoying things i've seen on phone... well except for the default startup and shutdown sounds on all retail phones... when you turn off your phone, isnt because you're somewhere that you should be sure it wont be ringing/vibrating?
but on the other hand i still can't understand why people like to have the keys beep on their regular cell phones when they are txting...
sorry for the rant... i just don't get it
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Maybe because we love the bells and whistles a gadget can make, it's all about your custom love that you want to have, not just everyone's universal preference. Some of us love to customize our phones to suit our personality, not just YOURS. Maybe these sounds grab attention of chicks, maybe this wallpaper makes us look cool in the sight of geeks. It's all personal prereference.
That's why I want keyboard Sliding Sounds to work. It's just one more thing that will grab the attention of people to see that, yes, I don't need a new phone every six months or so. I can make a new one using an old one by utilizing hacks.

Screen Orientation - VueFlO

Has anyone thought about linking the screen orentation to VueFLO so it automatically changes depending on the orientaiton of the device? Is this possible? I would certainly be interested
apd said:
Has anyone thought about linking the screen orentation to VueFLO so it automatically changes depending on the orientaiton of the device? Is this possible? I would certainly be interested
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Good Idea!
would LOVE to see that....
Would VueFLO be able to tell the difference between tilting the device to the left (when in landscape) and rotating it into portrait?
A really REALLY cool idea though
Less talk and more results !!!
This would be truly a great app to have on the advantage. Anyone out there willing to build this app for us, it would be appreciated to the entire forum.
is it possible....and if so..how..?? doesnt VueFlo..uses manual buttons..can any1 care to explain if its possible or not..buh if it is..then it wud be great
i would to wite a programe for VueFlo on athena but i can't find any way for connect to VueFlo
i would write the programe for a thing like anti thief
it mean for example if i take athena on the table and turn the programe on, then if someone takeit, it play a sound and ...
i hope you can underestand my post
sorry for my bad English
Arya said:
i would to wite a programe for VueFlo on athena but i can't find any way for connect to VueFlo
i would write the programe for a thing like anti thief
it mean for example if i take athena on the table and turn the programe on, then if someone takeit, it play a sound and ...
i hope you can underestand my post
sorry for my bad English
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Eybi nadare dadash.. Your english is just fine...
And that sounds like a great idea... look, i do some xcode programming for iphone and being a close plathform i feel you can do more on that then Athena. dont get me wrong i love my Athena and i wouldnt change it but i think it is capable of so much more ... i broke my x7500 and got iphone and wasnt doin it so i got another athena. i use the both and i love my athena more than i phone....
fatouraee said:
Eybi nadare dadash.. Your english is just fine...
And that sounds like a great idea... look, i do some xcode programming for iphone and being a close plathform i feel you can do more on that then Athena. dont get me wrong i love my Athena and i wouldnt change it but i think it is capable of so much more ... i broke my x7500 and got iphone and wasnt doin it so i got another athena. i use the both and i love my athena more than i phone....
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you learn persian
eyval eman jan, pas irani hasti
i think athena is very better and i love my athena and don't change it with any other
but there's some small problem on it, like phone call sound recording and some other...
tanX for your answer and sorry for my english too
So is anyone actually create this program, or are they going to bull**** about how cool it is, and easy to make ......
SupraSkylineSTI said:
So is anyone actually create this program, or are they going to bull**** about how cool it is, and easy to make ......
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well i guess you could just always do it
irus said:
well i guess you could just always do it
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Believe me, If I could, I would.
Some coding god needs to reverse engineer to vueflo apps to work out how the hardware is accessed. After that, any coder can do it just like the iphone/ipod people are all making stuff that uses the accelerometer in them.
Its not an easy task. We need somebody in HTC to leak the details really.
Arya, so you were never able to fix your phone call recording problem? The built-in recorder handles it, I forget now why you were still having a problem. Off-topic, I know, discuss on the original thread.
On-topic, the motion sensor on the hard drive is just that... a motion sensor. Not an orientation sensor (like mercury switches are). Just turning the unit on its side won't let the OS know its now on its side, however, by adding some kind of motion code it will work just fine. Like shaking it twice downward in the direction you want to be down. Shaking it once would produce too many false changes, but twice or maybe 3 times would send the right message.
This type of phone input has been in the news a lot lately, along with vibration as a feedback. The idea on the news is you would shake your phone to see if you have any messages waiting, and it would vibrate back if you do. Unfortunately since the Athena doesn't have a vibration motor the output part isn't possible, but the input part is, since it has the motion sensors already! (the lack of vibration is one of the top-5 flaws of this device, IMO, hopefully it will get added on the X7502)
So, taking the topic of this thread one step further, how about creating an application that launches apps based on motion input? Yes I know there is a program out there that lets you reprogram most of the function buttons to do this (I forget its name at the moment, I haven't bought it yet), but adding motion to this mix would be so much cooler!
shake it baby?
these ideas seam very good but sahaking it multiple times and to open programs seams like it may cause problems because our device is just tooo big, imagine to shake or rotate ur device a specific way to get pie running (maybe it could be shaken to the rythem of ur favourite song (which has to be the Smashing Pumpkins..) and it shakes out of your hand on to the concrete pavement below wooops!!! just imagine the insurance form for that
Well, the unit's motion sensitivity is quite high. Easily confirmed by changing the viewflo sensitivity to high and then gently tilting the unit when you are in a browser. You wouldn't have to create martinis or milkshakes to launch an app, just a gentle flick or two will do. A downside of all this is carrying it around would present problems (either on your belt or in your hand). Even if you ignore the g-sensors when the cover is on, the cover-on switch is so faulty you might get to work and find that you wired $150 Euros to the Red Cross and sent all your checking account information to some guy in Nigeria.
techntrek said:
Arya, so you were never able to fix your phone call recording problem? The built-in recorder handles it, I forget now why you were still having a problem. Off-topic, I know, discuss on the original thread.
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i can't record call when i talk with handsfree
only when i used load speacker it record, but on load speack can't talk good, and call quality is not good!!
I try some of software that the friends tell me, but nothing not work
this is the Thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=346126
apd said:
Has anyone thought about linking the screen orentation to VueFLO so it automatically changes depending on the orientaiton of the device? Is this possible? I would certainly be interested
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why did i just know someone would suggest this. hahaha prolly cause i thought that too! hahaha
1 reason of many i can think of is Iphone look alike
Hi, i'm interested in an iphone-like app too.
I still can't understand why HTC inserted a hardware which can handle with orientation, and then it's only possible to use scolling in PIE or Opera.
Why not Scrolling in PIE AND Opera. I love this feature, and want it always and for other apps too, like Rotate Screen automaticly, skip music file or backwards in WMP, Forward/backward in PIE/Opera when moved left/right.
I don't unterstand this. The difficult part is the integration of hardware, and HTC didn't develop a simple app which makes the hardware really do what it is supposed to do.
I even don't believe they added the G-Sensor for the Microdrive.
nothing new?
even with the new softwares incluede in devices such as Omnia or Diamond?

This is something that can benefit ALL HTC Touch Screen Devices

I have been trying to work on something that will enable some sort of Haptic feed back on my XV6800. The Haptic feed back is a feature that enables vibration to the screen when you press on the screen. Such as the Voyager.
I dont intend to try and make this just to work with the XV6800 but for ALL HTC Touch Screen Devices and if it can others too.
There is a feature on my phone and on many others that allows our phones to play a sound when the screen is taped. I thought of an idea of why not replace the sound with vibration?
There is already a CAB out there that changes the dial tone into a vibration feedback ( when you press the dial buttons ) but it doesnt do much for the rest of the applications or screen.
So far I have been working on this for a couple of days but havent had much time to put much effort into it.
I was hoping that some developers / hackers can help out the cause and help develope or create a feature that enables this on ALL HTC Touch Screen Devices.
If I do find a way to do this I'll post my findings here, but any help to make this a reality would be gladly appreciated.
I was just reading about this very thing HERE: http://www.immersion.com/vt/haptics-for-mobile.php
I was wondering if somebody was going to give it a try. Good luck with it, BOO
it has already been done, and someone posted it up on these forums a while ago, probably buried extremely deeply by now... i forgot the name but i just know it's out there and although it worked, i quickly worried about battery life/hardware issues, so i uninstalled. i'll try to find it for you
bootheresa said:
I was just reading about this very thing HERE: http://www.immersion.com/vt/haptics-for-mobile.php
I was wondering if somebody was going to give it a try. Good luck with it, BOO
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Thank you. I am hoping that we can get this done.
I mean we are constantly trying to make our touch screen devices finger friendly. We enlarge buttons, the creation of Touch FLO and the Cube, enlarging menus and so on.
My theory is why not combine all these I deas with Haptic feedback and make it even more finger friendly and try to limit the use of the stylus. If made possible this would be able to work on any HTC Touch screen device or any WM Touch screen device out there.
This would also help users that have a hard time inputing anything into their phone. For example, some one trying to make a text message through t9 or even less then that just pressing on the screen to access a short cut with out having to pound their touch screen until it inputs that they are trying to press. This would help with that because it will acknowledge the input that was made.
Just an Idea
Azimuth21 said:
it has already been done, and someone posted it up on these forums a while ago, probably buried extremely deeply by now... i forgot the name but i just know it's out there and although it worked, i quickly worried about battery life/hardware issues, so i uninstalled. i'll try to find it for you
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If this has been made possible for the entire touch screen and all applications including the standard OS please inform me of this find. I would gladly appreciate it.
yeah it was an application that ran in the background (maybe as a service, i don't remember), but every single tap created a vibrate feedback. argh i just looked around for it and i have no idea where to find it. it was in some thread, someone's reply had the app attached to it. something about how he knew someone who was working on it, and waited for that person's permission to post the app here on xda-dev. sigh.
Azimuth21 said:
yeah it was an application that ran in the background (maybe as a service, i don't remember), but every single tap created a vibrate feedback. argh i just looked around for it and i have no idea where to find it. it was in some thread, someone's reply had the app attached to it. something about how he knew someone who was working on it, and waited for that person's permission to post the app here on xda-dev. sigh.
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Interesting. If it has been done already I wonder if we can replicate it and put it on this thread. That is if you dont find the link to the page or the program it self.
Around post #15. I do not know if it works or not..
appless03 said:
Around post #15. I do not know if it works or not..
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Thanks this is a good find.
Ill see if i can make it available using another method. Because they reported that it worked on every other tap of the screen and that it runs the battery down faster too.
What I might try to do is have mine work but have the option to disable it ( like the way you do when you disable screen tap sounds) to save battery power.
[email protected]$ said:
Thanks this is a good find.
Ill see if i can make it available using another method. Because they reported that it worked on every other tap of the screen and that it runs the battery down faster.
What I might try to do is have mine work but have the option to disable it ( like the way you do when you disable screen tap sounds) to save battery power.
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Hay [email protected]$
True like u said, i've tried it 2, but it do not respond to every fingertouch, if u can figur a way for an app that will respond 2 every touch even the small ones (where u don'nt need 2 hold for a sek before it regonise and verb.).. that will be really great
Cobra2 said:
Hay [email protected]$
True like u said, i've tried it 2, but it do not respond to every fingertouch, if u can figur a way for an app that will respond 2 every touch even the small ones (where u don'nt need 2 hold for a sek before it regonise and verb.).. that will be really great
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So far I have planned some steps on ways to do it through the registry but it is not perfect. I am not an expert programmer but I can give it a shot, but it might take a while since I am not as great as the experts here in XDA.
But I'll do what I can. If I do find a solution I will post it here, but any help to make this project possible would be great.
I would be happy if my phone would just vibrate on keyboard input.
I am running this older vibro cab. Works very well however...
The vibration lasts aslong as your finger has contact on the screen. It would be better if it just gave a quick blip of vibro each touch maybe?
When you slide a cube etc it virbos the whole movement.
MaxMotus said:
I am running this older vibro cab. Works very well however...
The vibration lasts aslong as your finger has contact on the screen. It would be better if it just gave a quick blip of vibro each touch maybe?
When you slide a cube etc it virbos the whole movement.
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Do you happen to have the CAB with you? Maybe I can find a way to change the effect this program does when you press the screen and lower the vibration feed back.
If I can do that then I can maybe create some registry settings to make the same effect but just replacing the sound that is emulated when you tap the screen. That way you can disable it or enable it when you want it. ( In case you need to save battery or something )
The length of the vibration should be shorter, other than that it's a really good tool.
wow i must be stupid. i just posted a thread about this yesterday. anyway, it'd be cool if we could figure out a way to just incorporate it into the registry, probly wouldn't use as much battary and stuff then.
This has been done already on this thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=354890&page=2. On the second page, Kpyto posted a download link for it. I haven't tested it yet though so I can't tell you how well it works.
hows this coming along?
I tried the VOA program mentioned above, but i don't really like it - it's simply annoying by vibrating all the time when scrolling trough lists, or attempting to bring up a tap-and-hold context menu. Not to mention additional battery drain caused by the motor running for such long periods of time.
For me, much better screen tap confirmation is a very short vibra pulse - i often use Vibrate(50) as a confirmation in my mortscripts. That's only 50 milliseconds, but it' enough to be clearly felt, and since the motor is powered only for such short time, it causes almost no additional battery drain. I'd really love to see an application creating such confirmation instead of the screen tap sound.
I'd just like it to have customizable vibration time - since the minimal time needed to make vibration even noticeable can probably vary from device to device, and play nice with fTouchFlo - since both capture touchscreen events there are probably possible conflicts.
Good luck with the development. I hope you'll be able to realize this great idea
mr_deimos said:
I tried the VOA program mentioned above, but i don't really like it - it's simply annoying by vibrating all the time when scrolling trough lists, or attempting to bring up a tap-and-hold context menu. Not to mention additional battery drain caused by the motor running for such long periods of time.
For me, much better screen tap confirmation is a very short vibra pulse - i often use Vibrate(50) as a confirmation in my mortscripts. That's only 50 milliseconds, but it' enough to be clearly felt, and since the motor is powered only for such short time, it causes almost no additional battery drain. I'd really love to see an application creating such confirmation instead of the screen tap sound.
I'd just like it to have customizable vibration time - since the minimal time needed to make vibration even noticeable can probably vary from device to device, and play nice with fTouchFlo - since both capture touchscreen events there are probably possible conflicts.
Good luck with the development. I hope you'll be able to realize this great idea
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Lets hope some one makes this. isn't there anyone on these forums with great programing skills?

3 Diamond Apps

After spending the summer learning c# and .netcf I got my hands on a Diamond and had to make some small apps.
They're very beta and pre-release versions, but please try 'em out and give me some feedback
Senses when the phone lays idle and when it is on the move, if it has been stationary for some time and it gets picked up it vibrates if there's been any unattended activity (sms, appointments, missed calls).
Should probably add some gui components for sensitivity tweaking.
Rejects all callers enlisted in the supplied text-file. Currently the text-file contains "all" telemarketing numbers in norway (from telefonterror.no).
Really simple GPS-utility showing the current speed in different units.
Nice work!
Downloading them now.. and gonna try 'em right away...
I was thingking about another thing that the VibraNotify could do (or as a different program)
Like a theft alarm.. If the phone has been idle for some time.. and it gets piked up.. you have to enter a code.. if you dont, a high alarm sound will start
(I'm not gonna take the cred for this, someone else spoke of it in this forum some time ago)
Thanks. I'm going to try it!
Nice! I`ll have a look. Would be nice if you could set some settings, like idle time on the Vibra thingy!
Nice ... thank you.
audiophil said:
Senses when the phone lays idle and when it is on the move, if it has been stationary for some time and it gets picked up it vibrates if there's been any unattended activity (sms, appointments, missed calls).
Should probably add some gui components for sensitivity tweaking.
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How long is some time?
ok.. I tested VibraNotify...
I'm gonna use it for sure
But I noticed that if i get a sms and move it, it vibrates...
but if I don't check the sms... and move it again later, it doesn't vibrate
I think it should vibrate until I have checked the sms?
It's little bit annoying to see these programs working in task manager... is it possible to hide them? I mean they will be working in background... Especially vibranotify...
plus is it possible to add numbers to list for callblocker? I could not do that... well it saves as .txt file when i try to modify and save the list...
Theft alarm could definitively work, how about a mp3 shouting "Put the mobile down with two fingers only!"? Hehe
Regarding the idle time, I think I used 10 seconds, if you don't hide the windows you can se it changing states. The number outputted is the square of the sum of the changes in the accelerometer values.
I will add some gui components and registry settings for this when I got time, would be more dynamic that hardcoded constants.
I'm not sure if I understood what you meant NisseDILLIGAF, doesn't it vibrate if you got unread sms'es when you pick the phone up from i.e. the table?
Just add the numbers to the textfile, seperate by a newline, save and reload the application. It caches the numbers, maybe a wrong design decision? Comments?
audiophil said:
Theft alarm could definitively work, how about a mp3 shouting "Put the mobile down with two fingers only!"? Hehe
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audiophil said:
I'm not sure if I understood what you meant NisseDILLIGAF, doesn't it vibrate if you got unread sms'es when you pick the phone up from i.e. the table?
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No... What I mean is if I get a sms and I accidentally move the phone, It vibrates...
I haven't checked the sms (I don't know that I have a message)
When I pick the phone up ... there is no vibration... It only vibrates once..
It would be great if It would vibrate every time I move it untill I have read the sms...
Like the flashing center button... It continues to flash until I have cheked the sms or a missed call or whatever...
again.. Thanx for a great app .. It's gonna be a standard app for my phone
Ah, then I follow you. This could certainly be done! Maybe an option in the gui to enable/disable...
I certainly need to reinstall VS to continue developing
I'm keeping this topic in view, sounds like a nice app. But as read from the comments, it still needs a little bit of work (setting etc).
Nice work!
audiophil said:
After spending the summer learning c# and .netcf I got my hands on a Diamond and had to make some small apps.
They're very beta and pre-release versions, but please try 'em out and give me some feedback
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As you seams to know what you are doing I'll give you my two cents for a simple apps:
You know that when the Diamond is in standby with black screen you can't see if you have signal or not.
It's possible to have the DPAD flash when the phone in standby mode have no signal ?
Maybe it can stop flashing when the signal came back.
Let mi say after 15 sec. with no signal it start blink with 5 sec delaied flash and after a customizable time the blink
become more quick to allert that you are not reachable for a long period...
It will be wery usefull to know that without touching it.
Let me know and thank you for your great work!
titipsx said:
As you seams to know what you are doing I'll give you my two cents for a simple apps:
You know that when the Diamond is in standby with black screen you can't see if you have signal or not.
It's possible to have the DPAD flash when the phone in standby mode have no signal?
It will be wery usefull to know that without touching it.
Let me know and thank you for your great work!
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I'm afraid this is not possible, when the diamond is in standby (black screen) it's pretty much like if your computer is in standby mode, all running programs are paused. Checked into this when doing the vibranotifyer, since running it in standby was my original plan.
I certainly hope I'm wrong, maybe someone can correct me?
just thought I'd write a quick note to thank you for your programs. Small and simple, its a dream.
Keep them small and simple.
What I'm really looking for is an application to replace my Garmin305 EDGE, and I hope that you continue to develop your GPS stuff to include some of the training and tracking features that the Garmin had.
I found this program:
Its called TrackMe, but its clearly not developed for the Diamond, as running it clips my battery time down to 1.5 hours.
What would be nice is to run each feature as an individual streamlined application, like your speedometer.
Anyways, thanks again.
And keep up the good work.
the callblocker doesn't work with the 1.93rom
smax76 said:
the callblocker doesn't work with the 1.93rom
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More reports on this?
I got 1.93 myself, and I just tested it with success.
audiophil said:
I'm afraid this is not possible, when the diamond is in standby (black screen) it's pretty much like if your computer is in standby mode, all running programs are paused. Checked into this when doing the vibranotifyer, since running it in standby was my original plan.
I certainly hope I'm wrong, maybe someone can correct me?
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Too bad, but maybe I was not clear in my request.
I mean that the phone is only with the screeo switched off, but it is still active.
For example when it is in this state the phone can ring on a call or on sms...
If I understand well you mean that an apps like S2U2 can't do anything if the screen is offf while you press the power button ?
Thank you for further explanations, I'm really curious on that...
titipsx said:
Too bad, but maybe I was not clear in my request.
I mean that the phone is only with the screeo switched off, but it is still active.
For example when it is in this state the phone can ring on a call or on sms...
If I understand well you mean that an apps like S2U2 can't do anything if the screen is offf while you press the power button ?
Thank you for further explanations, I'm really curious on that...
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AFAIK the calling, sms'ing etc is handled on a lower layer than what is allowed for the programs, suppose the hardware raises events or something when this happens which wakes up the OS.
Can't seem to see that S2U2 does anything while the mobile is in standby mode?
I just noticed something... maybe I'm wrong..!?
But It feels like the battery is draining faster with the VibraNotify!?
Anyone else that noticed something like this?
Gonna test some more... I'll know more tomorrow...

[Idea] eyes-free dialling

This sounds like a very useful dialer ..
i.e. touch any part of screen and it will be 'five' then your gestures will decide which number to pick. With every number you 'go over' you get a feedback (vibrate/key click).
Would be awesome if someone can port it over to windows mobile.
It would be sweet to have this for WinMo.
However, if it will be a paid app I'll skip it though.
hoolahoous said:
This sounds like a very useful dialer ..
i.e. touch any part of screen and it will be 'five' then your gestures will decide which number to pick. With every number you 'go over' you get a feedback (vibrate/key click).
Would be awesome if someone can port it over to windows mobile.
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Thats brilliant if u ever find one for the HTC Wizard do post
I dunno about the vibrations and whatnot to dial. It would be like morse code lol... but a full sized canvas for you to draw numbers wouldnt be all bad. it could even use gestures and still not require you to physically look at the phone when you dial. A
brilliant idea
what for is this solution?
If someone is blaind then I uterstand but in other case i can't find enything briliant in that thing. Sometging new but useless for me ....
msvc or cyberon anyone?
Nah its just useful if you are preoccupied doing something and you'd rather not look at the phone when you're dialing.. for example.. say you're watching a movie and its getting good.. but then your girlfriend asks you to call her friend and ask her what time your gonna meet her somewhere and blah blah.. So to put it simply, it just makes life easier.
Honestly how many people these days remember numbers? Most people just stick a number in their contacts. The only numbers I could tell you off the top of my head are my own and my wife's.
ever tried to use the time when driving for 'useful' purpose like navigating complex phone tree ('press 3 for billing followed by your account number') ?
Aegishua said:
Nah its just useful if you are preoccupied doing something and you'd rather not look at the phone when you're dialing.. for example.. say you're watching a movie and its getting good.. but then your girlfriend asks you to call her friend and ask her what time your gonna meet her somewhere and blah blah.. So to put it simply, it just makes life easier.
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...hate wen that happens
cool app, excellence in its simplicity i have to say
here it goes
i worked on this today.
let's see what you think

