syncronise calender with server - Touch Diamond, MDA Compact IV Themes and Apps

i cant imagen this supject hasnt been handled yet, but i am not able to find anything about it. i think its more a Windows Mobile problem then a HTC diamond problem (but thats just the phone i have atm).
i would like to be able to see and ajust my calender while on route, setting up the mail wasnt really a problem but i dont see any settings i can make for the calender.
at work we have a server with Windows Server 2003 and MDeamon running on it for the mail and prolly the calenders (but i aint very much into servers and stuff like that). the computer person at work doesnt really wanne pay attention to it, the think i should just come to work in the morning and sync with a usb cable. if that doesnt work i should call him again.......
Should i use a different calender or is there a way to change the settings?

I use Googlemail and Google Calendar syncs with the device no problem, hope this helps...

but isnt that something like a calender on the internet?
i need to keep my outlook calender at the office up to date also so other people can check and sometimes adjust it.

Try Microsoft My Phone - it may be the answer you seek.


Exchange Sync plus sync with work

Hi guys,
got a little question.
I have got a exchange 2003 running which i sync to at home, which is all well and good, but i REALLY need my works outlook/exchange Calender syncing to my device too.
Now as far as i can make out this isnt possible. is there some sort of hack/workaround/3rd party hack for me to be able to do this? I cannot use Exchange sync with work because they are only using 5.5 and wont allow me access even if it did work.
any advice much appriciated.
How about just setting activesync up using the option "sync with 2 computers" Would this do it for you or must you do it remotely?
well yes this is the only other option i could think of, but that means i have to use rubbish pop3 to collect my home emails.
any other ideas?
OK, but I guess that I am not sure why you would have to use POP at home... Why not have the work machine and the home machine both use their separate exchange profiles, and activive sync the device to each one? Unless your home and work PC is a single unit that you share. I am probably missing something in what you are trying to achieve....
Your other option may be to look at using i Anywhere's "Pylon Anywhere" product, that provides some enhanced syncing capabilities and 'push' e-mail to the PPC device.
i would activesync to each one... if... the XDA's OS supported syncing to 2 exchange activesync's.. and if exchange 5.5 had any sort of mobile integration.
Mmmm...well I guess the way I work around it is that I have my mail eyc downloaded form exchange to the PC's and stored there. That way its only a local synce with each on the PC's. Does that make sense or am I still missing something...?

Stopping Live Messenger syncing with contacts

Anyone know of a way I can use it without syncing my contacts?
I don't want it even touching my contact list as it adds all these contacts which I don't want on my device and when I remove them here it echoes the changes on my real desktop contact list. Luckily I had a contact list backed up on my desktop pc so I restored it.
So...anyone know how I can use Live Messenger Beta without letting it touch my contacts?
I guess you could disable the syncing of contacts altogether on ActiveSync?
It would stop any contacts syncing but it's the only thing that really comes to mind at the moment
It's a part of WLM, and I don't think you can disable it.
Synching Contacts
athiqueahmed said:
Anyone know of a way I can use it without syncing my contacts?
I don't want it even touching my contact list as it adds all these contacts which I don't want on my device and when I remove them here it echoes the changes on my real desktop contact list. Luckily I had a contact list backed up on my desktop pc so I restored it.
So...anyone know how I can use Live Messenger Beta without letting it touch my contacts?
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When I installed WLM it installed two programmes on start menu:
Windows Live Messenger and
Windows Live
If I select Windows Live it opens a screen which has Menu option. Within this is an Options setting that then leads to an option called "Sync Options" with this there are tick boxes to deselect synching contacts and e-mail.
Perhaps that might solve your problem?
That option is actually 'Sync Contacts and Messenger'.
All I want is the second part of that option...I want to sync messenger so it works but not my contacts.
I personally havent sync`d my contacts yet...but looking a bit deeper into this matter i found some registry keys that might help you.
Just open the registry key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Service\Windows Live\Contacts\" there are a few options you can change. Maybe if you set the value "CanDoSync" to "0" it might actually stop syncing your contacts.
aquasesh said:
I personally havent sync`d my contacts yet...but looking a bit deeper into this matter i found some registry keys that might help you.
Just open the registry key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Service\Windows Live\Contacts\" there are a few options you can change. Maybe if you set the value "CanDoSync" to "0" it might actually stop syncing your contacts.
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how do i get to there? i have total commander installed both on my device and desktop. but have no idea how to use them. any instructions would help please. yep thts right im a noob to all this
I just found this in a thread over in the Wizard forums.
Looks like maybe you don't HAVE to sync contacts anymore...
I just thought I'd come an taunt all you none beta testers! j/k
The new mobile client is now out!!! It's available on the Microsoft Connect website, and it's pretty damn good...
Feel free to ask any questions about it, i'll gladly answer.
Some of the new features include:
- Contant sync isn't compulsory any more!!! although the contact sync is more intelligent now, and it's much simpler an faster to sort out the initial sync.
- LARGE speed boost.
- New today/home screen applet (Displays search box, and MSN avatar and contact info (All is optional))
- Windows Live config screen.
- Contact avatars (you can have your own now).
- Personal Message support.
- Original MSN Messenger seems to be left un-touched.
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athiqueahmed said:
I just found this in one a thread over in the Wizard forums.
Looks like maybe you don't HAVE to sync contacts anymore...
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So any ideas when this version will be available.
I saw on that thread there are a few people experiancing the same problem. that the their msn contacts are getting added to thier device address book, which i find very annoying. and when you delete of the device it also deletes the contacts from your messenger list
if i was to get hold off msn messenger the one that worked on pocket pc 2002/2003, would it still work?
Dont suppose anyone would have it??
Where to download Live Messenger
Where can I download Live Messenger for the Hermes I have been looking and simply can not find it.
I saw on the connect website from Microsoft that there is a new version out since 16-12-2006. Has anyone been able to download this version already? If so, can someone give a review ?
I've just applied to the beta program
hopefully I'm allowed in.
same i have also just joined. see what happens.
Could you guys upload the installer to the xda-devoloper ftp when you recieve it?
Somehow I'm not allowed to sign up for the beta. Perhaps it's the firewall here at school.
What are the latest news about it ?
Is this "contact sync problem" solved in this version and is this availaibe for download ?,
The versions I've tried you're still forced to sync with no other options
Plus theres been lots of problems even getting push with hotmail...the option just won't stick to "when they arrive" but stays on manual sync
is there an answer for this yet?
i would love to use windows live messenger, but hate getting some 250 contacts added to my contacts (in my phone)
Just spent hours re-editing my contacts cos of live! eager to find a way of stopping it syncing but allowing me into messenger!
well is there a program that lets you put contacts into groups so that i could just filter all the live contacts?
a free one? or you know uhh one with a key?
falum: im the same as you, its a bastard to fix..
i wish this could be hacked at the moment, ive also found the WLM is pretty resource hungry, anyone else found this?

alternative to outlook and activesync.

i'm pretty fed up of outlook and how it screws with my contacts *i recently updated, and it removed all the titles from the names which is VERY annoying.* not to mention when i add contacts to my phone, it does NOT add them to outlook (maybe i'm just stupid but when i tried to set it to phone, it DELETED all my contacts sans a few) are there any alternative programs that are a bit easier and funner to use?
thanks in advance.
in one word: no.
Outlook is the easiest way AND the most perfected.
There are a few other possibilities to avoid outlook but in my opinion a pda without outlook is useless.
If you encountered problem it might be
-correct active sync version ?
corresponding to that : correct outlook version ?
-correct settings in active sync ?
If you fail to syncronize with ac....dont even try other solutions.
i'm using activesync 4.5 and the outlook version 2002, i copy contacts and settings from outlook just fine, with the exception of it screwing with the titles and names a bit, it's the other way around that's giving me a headache.
what do you recommend the optimal settings be so that if something is new on my computer, it transfers to my phone, and if something is new on my phone, it transfers to teh computer
(also anyway to stop it from seperating the names and removing titles?)
thanks in advance.
seems to be a settings problem
So i only have a german verison of ac i don't know the english name for the settings.
But you have to tell ac to sync in both ways and give the mobile thing the priority.
Then your problem should be solved.
did that, and once more it deleted all the contacts on my phone except for like 3-4 .... either this install is screwy or something is going wrong, or i'm just an idiot.
i refuse to sync with outlook!
i used to, and i ended up with half a dozen duplicate contact and calendar entries for each one!!! i tried settings, etc, finally said to hell with it and set the phone to not sync with outlook. i feel your pain.
Good, now i don't feel like an idiot
I had similar frustration. I eventually set up my 8125 to its own email address, and turned off the sync-ing of contacts. I have two separate contact lists now, but I'm not losing contacts from my phone all the time, either.
I do not have problems with duplicated events, but I publish my Outlook calendar to the phone, not the other way around.
I never schedule from my 8125. I always tell people to send it to my email, so I can control it from my PC. I only use the handheld on meeting-heavy days, and then I'm only checking email, and not accepting meetings.
Using: WM5, ActiveSync 4.5, Outlook 2003 on Desktop
Well, there is an alternative. I run linux so AS isn't even an option for me. I have been using FinchSync since I got the phone and it has worked great. I can even sync anywhere I have a network connection without being at home.
FinchSync uses an http connection to sync contacts with Mozilla's Thunderbird email and address client as well as your datebook with Mozilla's Sunbird calendar. So far it has worked great. One hint though, take the time to read the install and configuration instructions on their website!
Hope this helps!
I absolutely hate Activesync. I update my phone contacts and appointments via my Tilt, and then hook it up to my computer only to find that Activesync is deleting them on my phone and restoring the older files on my two PC's. I think, "oh, well I must have the sync settings set improperly," so I check them on my PC and my Tilt... it turns out that it only goes one way: from the PC to the mobile device. (Please correct me if I'm missing something.) You can just disable the sync settings, but then what's the point of having the program installed?
Personally, I have few complaints about Outlook.
I haven't tried it yet, but I'm going to be giving PDASync a try. They seem to advertise all of the features I'm looking for, although it does carry a hefty price tag of $50.
I'm still not 100% sold on PDASync. It seems to lack the ability to sync internet browser favorites/bookmarks and custom file folders. The quest continues.
On a slightly brighter note, this seems like quite a useful list of syncing software.
i must use lapsync because i don't want all 1500 outlook contacts into my phone, so i filter them by category and only sync a certain category.
i dont sync bookmarks, but i know you can use AS to sync ONLY bookmarks. to sync custom files and folders, try mobsync - its free.
I Tried Laplink today, This needs ActiveSync to function properlyu (did not see my device attached). I am lucky I had trial software instead of paying $ 50

Exchange on the Hero, first impressions

I've noticed that not has much been said on the Hero's exchange support in any of the reviews or user reports so I thought I'd let people know what it's like as, for me, this is a must have feature. I should say that I have not had an android phone before and so I have had no experience with Nitrodesk's exchange solution so I can't compare.
Well, I entered my exchange details during initial set-up and after my first attempt was unsuccessful (SSL needed and is off by default) it than worked. Asked me if I wanted to sync Mail, Calender and Contacts all of which I selected. After the rest of the setup had finished the phone told me I had a new e-mail arrive so I could tell it was working straight away.
Mail is fantastic. Downloads everything fine, has at least as many options as WM for choosing which messages to download. E-mails look great on the display and html e-mails show up fine.
Contacts are great, they all appear straight away in the people and the phone application. All the Facebook and Flikr integration works perfectly. Only niggle is that you can't group contacts by company which is something I used to do on WM.
Calender seems to work fine. Appointments showed up ok, including appointments sent by e-mail.
All in all, the exchange sync is way better than expected and in some ways better than WM. The integration seems very deep and integral to the OS rather than a bolt on feature.
I agree with you there Bud, just a shame that there is no task sync support yet - still looking
All was fine for me, but as soon as I've allowed it to connect my contacts to FB contacts, sync fails for conacts with a 'client/server conversion error' message.
I'm using exchange 2003, mail and calendar are syncing fine, and I too would love tasks to be added, along with a fix for contacts and I'm a happy hero user
Strange - I have had no issues with the Fb sync but i use Exchange 07
Just Exchange, or...
...also Outlook?
not tried to sync with outlook yet, whats the best app for that?
I would settle for an outlook connector that I could just set to sync contacts and tasks, as these two arent really changing so frequently I wouldnt mind having to 'plug in' to sync these.
I just use exchange so can't comment on outlook sync. Facebook linking worked fine for me but I also have exchange 2007 so can only assume it's a problem there. Not sure if the exchange functionality is all implemented by HTC or whether they've used part of Nitrodesk's Touchdown but I saw on the Nitrodesk website that they don't support exchange 2003 yet.
gingepaul79 said:
not tried to sync with outlook yet, whats the best app for that?
I would settle for an outlook connector that I could just set to sync contacts and tasks, as these two arent really changing so frequently I wouldnt mind having to 'plug in' to sync these.
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The only app is HTC sync which is included along with the hero's manual on the sd card supplied with your phonbe, word of warning i just installed htc sync on my vista pc and it caused windows explorer to continuously crash until i uninstalled it, not impressed
Tried to install the app ealier, drivers failed and the app wont work (win 7 32 bit)
Going to try the long way round for now - sync outlook contacts to my google account and keep the google contacts synced to my phone - would I end up with a duplicate of everyone then though?
gingepaul79 said:
Going to try the long way round for now - sync outlook contacts to my google account and keep the google contacts synced to my phone - would I end up with a duplicate of everyone then though?
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I, like you (not I like you!), have synced up this way. I too cannot get HTC sync to work. I am sure Orange have bundled the wrong version.
So, I export Outlook to a file, then import contact file to google cal, then sync gcalendar to hero. Job done.
No duplicates, google calendar seems intelligent enough to recognise the dups
I would like to share my experience
Booted up.... would you like to set up exchange?
enter the details..... (internet accessible exchange server)
What you wanna sync my boy?
oooooook here we go.......
Thinking about an Adriod as my next phone, since I think WM is really falling behind everyone else! I use it mostly for work so a couple of questions if you don't mind....
No tasks syncing so far?
How does the calander work, are the views easy to see, day and week stuff?
Meeting requests work?
Can you flag email messages? This is a must for me and I hate that WM 6.5 can't even do it!
How do you find the keyboard replying to emails?
Can you open Word, Excel, PDF files?
Any other features it has for work that WM doesn't?
I'm having probs with exchange.
It will only sync my main inbox, not any of the subfolders I have, and will only sync via mobile network - fails on wifi ? ?
Then again can't get ANY web stuff on wifi ? ?
Word and excel fully creatable and editable with Docs to Go, and Open Office I think does let you read different docs though not sure which. Best PDF Reader seems to be RepliGo Reader which is good for books as well.
I'm only just getting to grips with Google Calendar but seems to have a great deal of flexibility for appts and stuff.
Widgets really just getting going, so I'm not sure of all those available...
Daisy - Magic owner, so Hero may be slightly different xx
herman3101 said:
I've noticed that not has much been said on the Hero's exchange support in any of the reviews or user reports so I thought I'd let people know what it's like as, for me, this is a must have feature. I should say that I have not had an android phone before and so I have had no experience with Nitrodesk's exchange solution so I can't compare.
Well, I entered my exchange details during initial set-up and after my first attempt was unsuccessful (SSL needed and is off by default) it than worked. Asked me if I wanted to sync Mail, Calender and Contacts all of which I selected. After the rest of the setup had finished the phone told me I had a new e-mail arrive so I could tell it was working straight away.
Mail is fantastic. Downloads everything fine, has at least as many options as WM for choosing which messages to download. E-mails look great on the display and html e-mails show up fine.
Contacts are great, they all appear straight away in the people and the phone application. All the Facebook and Flikr integration works perfectly. Only niggle is that you can't group contacts by company which is something I used to do on WM.
Calender seems to work fine. Appointments showed up ok, including appointments sent by e-mail.
All in all, the exchange sync is way better than expected and in some ways better than WM. The integration seems very deep and integral to the OS rather than a bolt on feature.
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I have reiceved my G2 touch and havn't been able to setup exchange sync over the air. It goes past first option i.e. to show me what i want to synch mail, contacts, calendar and than when I click on finish setup it fails with message unable to create account try later! Any idea what is going wrong. How can I fix it?
Anyone have any experience with exchange sync where the server requires you to set a password/pincode for the phone?
Heard some people saying that this was not supported by the Hero. A pity if true, as I need this to work in order to be able to use the Hero as a work phone (in other words, if I am to buy a Hero).
The out of the box exchange support is really very good. It just needs the ability to authenticate via password or client certificate.
I much prefer it to WM, but only because its completely finger friendly.
Yes you can flag emails, and they show up under the flagged emails tab at the bottom.
I really really hope the update within 10 days or September will affect this thing? Need to be able to sync more than one folder at the time.
cbailey said:
I, like you (not I like you!), have synced up this way. I too cannot get HTC sync to work. I am sure Orange have bundled the wrong version.
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works for me on vista 64 with orange branded HTC Touch. I believe there is an update on the HTC website, not sure if that enables win7 support
I certainly didn't notice explorer crashing after I installed it, chances are it's another explorer extension interfering (either a media codec that is failing at showing thumbnails, or a right-click extension or similar)

[Q] microsoft my phone sync

So... I'm 100pct up and running wp7 except for the SD card and I want to eventually set up dual boot with android off the SD card... but I know that's covered on here and I have more reading to do.
BUT... I've searched and browsed and googled and can't find anyone mentioning a similar situation.
I had a hacked tytnII which I used the myphone service for (I also used the it on the hd2 when it had the stock winmo6 on it.)
now that WP7 is on there it's VERY strange... a LOT of my contacts populated... but some were missing pictures and others were not there entirely.
I've clicked around the myphone website and tried to find any kind of settings for it and can't... then I swiped around the phone looking for anything but really can't see where/if there are setting for it.
Is this normal?
PS. I have not outlook install to sync the missing contact... it's not the end of the world but I'd definately prefer not having to enter the 30-40 contacts missing.
Soory to tell you that WP7 doesn't use and cannot access MS MyPhone.
I think, it will be easier to enter 40 contacts manually.
Another way if You don't have WM device:
- Download Windows mobile device emulator (You can find it on Microsft site),
download VirtualPC 2007
- Install both.
- Set up Your virtual WM device;
- Synchronize with Myphone;
- Synchronize with Your e-mail (I used google)
//All Your contacts will be present now on Your mail account
- Synchronize You HD2WP7 with this e-mail account.
it's worth it if You have few hundred contacts in Your address book.
//You'll certainly spend more than one hour doing this
If You have another WM device things will go easier - synchronize it with myphone service and e-mail. than synchronize wp7 to that email
That's insane... what I don't get either is in the settings for the accounts Hotmail says you can sync calender contacts mail etc... but when you click into the submenu the only selectable check box is email.
Under google I can sync contacts and calender.
It turned out that the missing contacts were in fact my google contacts that were not included under "my contacts" (on android you can search for the name and it comes up even though it's not displayed in your list of contacts... I use this for contacts at work that I don't want cluttering up my people list but need to have their numbers accessable... I've just moved them to my contacts in google contacts.
It's insane to me that windows has an online backup system in place that they didn't impliment on their "new" os... what a bunch of idiots.
WP7 has been continuously shocking me with how crappy it is.... I better get reading on how to set up a SD card to boot android... or maybe even just nand it... wp7 looks like it's not going to be worthwhile for at least another year... This OS really kind of sucks. I can't believe Nokia hoped on board.
Thats a pitty youre not able to use WP7, oh well never mind hey.
Now, "My phone" has nothing to do with WP7 it is not linked in anyway, its a service built for WM6, the my phone team are working on a WP7 version
To be honest, im not sure exactly why you are getting workd up with MS on this one, Its live service works fine, it does sync calenders, conacts etc, setup a live account, install outlook or Live mail, sync all existing calender, contacts in to outlook / live, sync live to phone. Its not very hard.
the only thing its really lacking is SMS backup, and some kind of app/settings/files skydrive intigration would be good too. but thats why they are making a new cloudbased backup solution, "my phone" was very limited in its uses, id consider it a test if anything, cloud is the future and myphone was not using all of its potential
anyhow, as i said, its a shame you cant use it because it is actually very good, but thats why our HD2s are so good, we all have a choice.

